More Changes.

Story by Shadow152 on SoFurry

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#3 of Forres Transformation Chronicles

Forres Transformation Chronicles

More Changes.

Never before had Shadow and Callie fucked until they literally could no longer stay awake, laying on the floor of the bathroom in their flat, Callie newly changed into her Wolven form and Shadow still erect inside her, both slumbered and gradually Shadow starts to wake, realising his position and unbelievably, still horny from the goings on the night before starts to hump his partner as she continues to slumber atop his body.

Thinking the nights events a mere dream and lightly feeling her crotch being impaled, partly from the dream where she has been fucking Shadow until dawn, enjoying and relishing the feelings of being turned into an anthro wolf bitch. After all it couldn't possibly be real and the feelings in her crotch were far too strong to ignore.

Feeling her climax approaching and feeling Shadow's member tightening inside her she knew that neither of them had long to go until they came and by the time she was finished that very thought both came at the same time, the loud roar from Shadow and the growling she herself was making was just enough to wake her from her slumber. Looking down past her heaving breasts, being so out of breath from her climax she saw that it had not been a dream, Shadow really was now an anthro tiger and she was an anthro wolf.

Shocked to realise that her dream was in fact reality she stood off Shadow's prick unsteadily, his small spines tickling her tunnel , with an audible pop they were separated as if her cunt was forced to let go of its source of pleasure, turning and walking away Shadow looks after her almost in disbelief.

After wiping himself off, his sheath once more almost totally enveloping his member again he followed her through to the lounge to find her sobbing on the couch, sitting beside her and careful not to sit on his tail he wraps his arms around her and asks why she is crying. Her response "I knew you were into furs but why do this to me, turn me into a monster that everyone will fear?" A small laugh escapes his maw as Callie looks at him with an evil stare.

"Sorry sweetheart I should explain before you put those claws I gave you to good use, nobody can see us as we are now unless we are in sexual contact with them or change them like I changed you." A look of questioning on her face told Shadow he had a few more questions to answer. "How did you do this?" she asked and as she did Shadow held up the amulet round his neck "with this, it came in the post not really explaining what it would actually do. I was wearing it before I went for my shower earlier on and decided to let off some steam before I got cleaned off and I had imagined you transforming from a tiger into a wolf *Shadow's facial fur began to fluff up as he blushed* and while I still had the image of myself as a tiger anthro in my mind while I was in the shower the amulet started to change me into that vision."

"Afterwards I did the same to you but with the memory of your wolven form you are now in my head." Looking down over her body the first thing to come to mind to say to him was: "2 tits not enough for ya??"

Again Shadow Burst out laughing as he looked at her body "well most wolf bitches actually have 4 rows of 2 teats all the same but I took a guess and though you might be uncomfortable with that many on your chest and stomach so I stuck with adding 3 rows of 2 and your original pair but getting smaller so not to be intrusive" *rolling her eyes at Shadow's casual tone* "well more tits I can deal with but are you sure nobody will see us like this and freak out??" "I went to get shopping earlier and nobody freaked out or ran away, the amulet or markings stores our original form and shows it to others somehow"

"We can go for a walk to prove it if you really want?" Callie looks quizzically at him for a moment, "ok but if anyone starts to act weirded out then we come straight back and try to change back" a smile spreading across his muzzle shadow replies "ok, but I think we better get dressed first, I don't think the amulet's power works with clothing" with that both walk to the bedroom to find clothes to suit Callie's appearance and body shape.

Callie, opting to take the country path round the outside of town first for her demonstration that they were indeed appearing as normal to other people the pair were now almost in town when the first person they meet since her change walks on by without a second thought "I told you it worked, I tested I out at the shop last night" continuing to walk on not saying anything about their passing of the man for a few hundred yards.

Callie was starting to get uncomfortable as she subconsciously looked over at Shadow every now and then and on an unconscious level getting very aroused by his constantly erect cock, turning her head away quickly as he Stared forward again after looking over the fields she hoped Shadow had not caught her looking, pretending he had not seen her was horny just from being with his partner.

As time went on and they were literally just outside town, Shadow had noticed that every now and again Callie had been rubbing her paws down her chest and over her tits as if to sort a discomfort, "are you ok?" he asked. Her facial fur fluffing up a bit in embarrassment "look shadow I'm still not convinced about being like this but for a while now I've been getting more and more aroused as we've walked and my shirt rubbing against all these damn nipples isn't helping me any" "well if you're horny we could stop for a bit of fun before we go into town" Shadow said as he made a move to rub his claws down the middle of her shirt gently between her 3 rows of cleavage, sending a shiver down her spine from he neck to the tip of her tail.

"What if someone finds us at it?" slowly taking her hand and leading her off the path and into the trees "we'll go fairly far into the woods so nobody will see us. After a mile or so into the middle of the trees Shadow's paw pad suddenly feels cool as he realises Callie has let go and before he can even get turned round to see why she stopped he was jumped on and pushed to the ground "this is far enough" Callie says to him as she finishes pulling her shirt over her head, exposing her firm sets of breasts.

Still a bit dazed from her tackle "my, my you must be..." his sentence cut short by Callie violently thrusting her canine tongue into his muzzle, forcing him into a kiss while her paws went to work. In short order Shadow's cock was standing firm through the open zipper of his jeans, as soon as she had an opening she practically dove down his body to suck his cock. Looking down Shadow was amazed at the new effort being put into his pleasure, Callie had never been fond of giving oral sex but now she was determinedly deep throating his cock.

After a few minutes of her bearing down on his cock Callie decided to turn and offer her lover the chance to return the favour and as soon as she stopped moving she felt that her offer had been taken, feeling Shadow's rough feline tongue enter her dripping pussy, inside her furred crotch she could feel Shadow licking her excess juices from the little bare skin between her legs before sharply thrusting his tongue into her.

While busy working on his goal ahead of him Shadow could feel his own orgasm working closer and closer as Callie plunged the head of his cock into her throat repeatedly, speeding up as he thought this she must have been able to tell he was close, trying to bring her to orgasm at the same time he decided to change his licking pattern to ensure that with every stroke he ran his tongue over her clit and then up and through her lips.

Obviously doing the trick as the she-wolf on top of him started to buck and rock on top of him.

Within seconds both of them were propelling seed into the other with astounding pace, Shadow's cock blasting cum through her muzzle and throat like a fire hose and Callie drenching him in cum quicker than he could catch, covering Shadow's muzzle in her juices.

Tired out and panting for breath Callie rolled off Shadow and feeling her weight shift moved around to cuddle her, "So how are you liking these new bodies?" Shadow asks Callie as they begin to recover from their foreplay "They definitely make sex more interesting, ready for round 2?" "I thought you'd never ask" and with that Callie moved round onto her hands and knees and experimented shakily with moving her tail of her own will, after a few seconds of going from side to side it decided to co-operate and move upwards to expose her dripping hole.

Needing no further invitation Shadow decided to move round behind her and get into a suitable position to tease her entrance, feeling her shudder in anticipation and thoroughly enjoying just rubbing his head over her moistened folds Shadow decided to keep this up for a little bit but Callie had other ideas, having had enough foreplay and without warning she roughly pushed back against him, forcing him to bury his cock deep within her, almost to the point of brushing her cervix.

Almost shocked by this sudden increase of pleasure Shadow started pounding into his partner roughly, Callie, her face out of view of Shadow do to their positioning was loving every minute of it and had her tongue lolling out of her muzzle, her lover's strong pheromones having a dramatic effect on her libido now, craving nothing but cock, nothing else mattered to her at this moment as long as she kept getting filled.

Enjoying the feeling of the spines on his cock grinding against Callie's inner walls, Shadow could feel something strange but dismissed it as another side effect of his current form that he had not discovered yet, but known to neither him or Callie her amulet fur pattern on her chest had started to glow lightly in the dusky light of the forest.

Being wrapped up in the feelings wracking her body from Shadow's efforts and her tits rubbing the rough floor of the woods she never noticed a slight tickling around her tail hole, feeling the same tickle of Callie's fur in a place he didn't recognise, Shadow looked down to see a second penis sprouting from his groin, and it was heading straight for Callie's ass, seeing that his amulet wasn't glowing to make this change possible he assumed it was Callie's doing and so kept quite about her imminent second penetration.

Feeling more than just a slight brushing against her bum now Callie assumed that Shadow was making a very bad attempt to finger her ass to stimulate her further, but was in too much bliss to care. It was only when her rear was starting to feel full all the time and felt as if the thrusts in her ass matched that of her pussy that she turned her head to Shadow "how are you doing that to my ass if you're still in my pussy?"

Deciding that showing her would be easier than explaining, Shadow pulls out of Callie's pussy and ass with a double pop and stands slightly, feeling the emptiness in her holes Callie looks round behind her questioningly and sees the answer to her question, instead of the single cock he had since she had known him Shadow now sported 2 identical erections "oh my god" did I do that?" was the only thing Callie could say at this point while glaring at the twin shafts. "Well I didn't so you must have used your power without realising it".

While saying this Shadow was thinking to himself how hard it had been to hide his erection from Callie when it popped up before this but now he had 2 to hide he had no chance when they were erect, "wish she could know how awkward it feels sometimes".

With that very thought Callie started to squirm around on the ground moaning a little, bringing Shadow back to reality and as he looked down he could see the beginnings of a cock forming just above his partner's clit. Now virtually writhing in ecstasy as her new appendage stopped it's growth at just under 7 inches long Callie started to stand, a hungry look in her eyes "you gave me this thing, so you can give me somewhere to put it".

Thinking he knew what was coming "you're not putting that thing in my ass" Shadow managed to get out before being tackled to the ground and held by his wrists, pinned to the ground. Her emblem glowing already all she had to say in reply was "I never mentioned your ass!" and before he knew it Shadow could feel the head of Callie's member sinking below the surface of his skin, just behind his balls but definitely not in his ass.

As Callie thrust into the pussy shi was embedding in her partner, with 1 thrust set the depth, by the time shi pulled out and desperately thrust back in shi had already made and now taken Shadow's newfound female virginity in the same time Shi gave Shadow her male virginity, with a slight cringe as the sting passed Shadow started to thrust against his... hir? Partner's cock, pushing it as deep as it could possibly go and within only a few thrusts both were moaning and growling as they came in unison.

Both partners roared loudly as they experienced their normal orgasms but were both overpowered by their first orgasm from their previously opposite sexes as Shadow's twin cocks sprayed his load over Callie's Breasts while hir new pussy milked the wolf's cock for all it was worth as her pussy leaked it's juices down the inside of their thighs.

After a few minutes of rest from their ordeal Shadow and Callie further explored each other's new additions as they cleaned each other up to continue their journey into town, sure to clean off each other's Cock(s), pussies and in Callie's case her lower sets of breasts. When they were finished and Shadow's newer cock had retracted into what he could only guess was an internal sheath that hid his member completely from view under his fur, they dressed and made their way back to the path and headed towards town, Callie still wanting to be sure about Shadow's claims that they looked normal to the general public.

They walked off down the path, passing only a few more people before the hit the main high street...

To Be Continued.