Still staying over.

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#2 of Staying over

It's been a while, I'm sorry! Richard (human) is bunking at his friend Tavy's(raccoon) house. Tavy lives with his Mom(Ruth) and sister(Zoey). Previous story had Richard being naughty with his best friends sister (because who wouldn't). Today? Read the story!

"Thirty five, thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight, thhhhhirty nine, ffffffffffffffffourty!" Richard dropped to the floor, sweat soaking into the carpet underneath him.

"Is that all you can count to?" Tavy asked, most of his attention focused on the screen as his Zonda zipped around the track, weaving between his digital opponents.

"Ass!" Richard accused, face pressed into the floor. "Let's see you do forty press-ups!"

"Pffff," was his distracted reply.

Richard picked himself up and sat on the edge of the bed, one more set and he would be done. Another text had come through and he opened it. It was Zoey, his heart raced. Zoey had been a little more quiet than usual, barely looking at him. He wasn't sure what was going through her head and his usual teasing was a little more forced this morning.

"Hi." Was all it said.

He replied, "Hello, watcha doin?"

"Nothing much. Why did you lick my bum yesterday?"

Richard blushed furiously and looked up at Tavy to see if he had noticed, relieved that his friend was well distracted. He hoped that was all that was bothering her. "I thought you would like it. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Tavy swivelled in his chair in between rounds of racing. "Who you texting?"

"Your Mom, I think she's a little lonely!"

Tavy flipped Richard the bird and prepared for the next race.

Waiting nervously for Zoey's reply Richard was relieved when it came.

"No, it felt nice. Isn't it dirty down there? It must taste gross!"

It had been rather amazing his opinion. He texted, "Well, we had been swimming for quite a while and you were very clean. I enjoyed myself."

The next reply took even longer and Richard was almost finished on his last set when Ruth, Tavy's Mom called for lunch.

The three youngsters filed out of the bedrooms, Richard managed to slip behind Zoey and tugged on her thick stripy tail while she tried to avoid his attack. Zoey turned her head, a little smile on her face and pulled a tongue setting Richard's heart thudding in relief. They were each handed a plate of hot dogs, three of them in the big humans and they sat at the kitchen table eating and talking comfortably.

"Please don't tell me the three of you are going to stay inside all day today." Ruth asked us between mouthfuls.

"It's hot outside Mrs grey, think I will go for a swim after lunch." Richard replied.

"The two of you are going to drown, swimming with full stomachs..." she looked at Richard sideways, but he could tell she was playing from her lightly twitching ears.

"And you Zoey?"

Zoey shrugged, "Umm? Dunno? Liz and Jenna aren't home today and it's too hot to do much. Maybe get started on my Geography project. Got some research to do and printing.

"I brought some movies on my external, we can watch one after our swim." Rich suggested. No one really wanted to leave the air-conditioned lounge for very long today.

Ruth looked at Tavy, "I'm going for a sleep now, keep it down in the pool you two."

Tavy nodded and Richard replied with a, "Yes Maam!" skipping a sarcastic salute in case she clipped him.

Ruth stood, pushing her chair out with the back of her knees, wiping her muzzle and whiskers with a serviette. "Please excuse me, I'm going to go hit the hay. Oh, I think the washing machine is almost finished its cycle, I took your trunks from the shower and washed them."

"Okay Mom. Thanks"

Zoey stood, also finished, "Laters!" she called, dropping her plate in the washer.

Finally starting to feel full, Richard leant back into his chair and waited for Tavy to finish wiping the ketchup from his plate with the end of his bun, stuffing it hurriedly into his muzzle. Richard pulled the plate from under Tavy, standing to pack them along with the girls' in the washer. Tavy headed over to the laundry and peered at the controls.

"Dammit! Still half an hour! Hasn't even finished the wash cycle!"

Richard considered searching through the soapy slush to find two pairs of soaked swimming trunks amongst the jumble of clothes. Perhaps he had a pair of shorts he wouldn't mind using. "Skinny dip?" The question almost caught himself off guard.

Tavy's ears lay flat and his eyebrows rose. "Eh? What!? My Mother's room looks over the pool!"

"Does she sleep with her curtains open?"

"No, but still!" He sounded sceptical.

The thought of Ruth watching was kind of tenting Richards pants and he quickly shied away from it. "What she hasn't seen before she won't recognise. Come on, we're going to be in the water anyway." Richard headed for the bathroom to retrieve bath towels, his heart beating a little erratically.

Ruth shut her door, moving over to her curtains, pulling them together. About to lean over her bed, she changed her mind and straightened moving instead to the bathroom, she wasn't quite desperate yet, but rather now than when she was uncomfortable later.

Sitting down with her usual care, tail high over her head, Ruth pulled her cheeks wide apart, always careful not to get any fur in the way of her business. She leaned forward and tensed her abdomen slightly, her lip curling a little from the effort as she waited for activity, feeling the relief when a small delivery slipped past and splashed water up at her. Ruth grimaced in annoyance. A small yellow stream soon followed with satisfying pressure that tinkled merrily into the water.

Judging her task complete, Ruth began folding toilet paper neatly, placing squares onto her furry leg. Wiping was equally an exercise in meticulousness. Concentrating on each area separately, Ruth first finished the front, pressing the paper gently in so not to drag the rough paper across her sensitive folds. The back was a little more of a chore and she wiped from out to in from each direction, limiting the amount of potential smear. It probably wouldn't be detectable if she was honest, but she would know, cringing at the thought of her silky furr stained brown from a rushed effort.

Standing, Ruth flushed, considered, and didn't bother to pull up her pants, kicking them up into her hand instead, she would be cooler naked and it was sufficiently hot today. She washed and dried her hands under the blower, careful to dry the short furr between soft paw pads.

Walking out into the bedroom room once again, Ruth pulled the en-suite bathroom door behind her, hearing a short bark of muffled laughter coming from the pool. As long as that was as loud as the two were going to get she would manage to fall asleep, she stepped up to the crack in the curtain and peered carefully out, eyes widening as she realised the two boys were hurriedly stripping naked on the grass. Ruth smiled, amused at the risky boys, realising that the washing machine was obviously not finished. A view of Richard's smooth human rear pointing directly in her direction as he shed his shorts, the lewd sight catching her off her guard as his fuzzy sack bulged slightly out before he stood and tore into the water. Tavy lagged slightly behind as he fought against his fur to get his shirt off. The boys splashed quietly into the pool, trying to hold back laughter and glancing nervously in her direction from time to time.

Ruth stepped back from the curtain and sat onto her bed, replaying the brief moment guiltily in her mind. Obviously she had seen pictures of naked humans and she realised that the looming boy was rather well hung. Humans tended to be rather on the large side compared to most anthro's because of their larger species size and she found herself pinching her mound to dull the throbbing that was building between her legs. She contemplated how large he would be when erect and blushed further, feeling the heat radiate out from her face at the thought of the naked pair. Pressing her head back into her pillow she allowed a finger to glide into her wanton entrance and she let out a small squeak of pleasure, ignoring the accompanying guilt.

Richard felt an exhilarated rush as the cool water flowed past his sensitive erection. It seemed he could become erect in all sorts of embarrassing situations and the exhilarating activity was more than enough to set him off. Fortunately for him, Tavy was also sporting a stiffy so he didn't feel too embarrassed. Tavy's rod looked different to anything Richard had seen, it stuck out of his fuzzy sheath, bulging in the middle and tapered to a point like a dogs at the end, as red as a dog's though much smoother.

The two whispered loudly at each other, spending most of their time worrying about their noise or hugging the wall closest to the house, only venturing out when they were completely submerged.

Richard realised after a longer pause that the raccoon was positioned suspiciously close to the pool jet and decided to interrupt his friends amusement. He submerged, swimming first away from the wall and then toward Tavy reached around the Raccoon and gripped his friend's wang, flinching in case the Raccoon retaliated.

Tavy gasped scrambling out of reach and Richard burst out of the water laughing, muffling his voice midway as he realised he was being loud. To be honest, he was rather proud of himself, he had wanted to feel what a male Anthro's dick felt like for a while and was glad to have taken the opportunity. A wave of water splashed into his face as Tavy retaliated and Richard coughed, turning his face away from the onslaught. Tavy was splashing him relentlessly and he submerged again, picking the small Raccoon up easily and placing him sideways on the side of the pool. Tavy gasped and hurriedly rolled back into the water.

The two boys froze, heads swivelled to the kitchen door as it banged shut. Zoey was strolling absently toward them, dressed in a stripy bikini that pressed cutely into her fluffy outline.

The two boys looked at each other, Tavy worried and Richard trying to supress a grin. Tavy hissed and she looked up at them as she drew closer. "Go away Zoey! The two of us are swimming!"

She gave him a slightly hurt look, followed by a darker one. "It's not your pool dummy! I can swim too if I want!"

Richard pressed himself close to the wall, his giggling coming out in a hysterical wheeze.

Zoey looked down; the realisation of what was happening dawned as she noticed the clothes strewn on the grass, her eyes widened. "Are you two naked?"

Tavy sank further into the water, only the tip of his nose held above the surface to continue breathing. Richard snorted, hiding his grin behind the wall and nodded, peering over the pool's lip to see her reaction. Zoey considered for a moment and then slipped out of her bikini bottom, leaving them in her trail as she continued to the pool trying to look cool but having to supress her own grin.

Richard felt his heart thump in his chest as her spade caught his eye, the darker mound standing proud of her soft fur. He looked over to Tavy who was now completely submerged and back to the approaching Zoey. She dropped her towel to the bricks and stepped out into the deep end. Only her top remained on but it hardly hid much anyway. Richard realised he was shaking nervously with excitement.

Zoey sank to the bottom, pushing diagonally off the floor, staying under water on a course that would take her to the shallow end past the two of them. A quick adjustment and Richard pushed off to intercept the lithe young raccoon, tackling her around the waist and lifting her out the water like a sack of potatoes, she struck his back as she was lifted unceremoniously by the large human protesting her treatment. Rich faced her tail end to Tavy, a mock serious expression on his face, wishing he was getting the view her brother was. "Should I take her out?"

Tavy stared, looking very much like a deer in the headlights; well at least like a raccoon in the headlights. Tavy blushed deeply enough to tint his dark black nose a deep burgundy, he only managed to muffle out a squeak and Richard grinned, letting the thrashing girl drop back into the water. Spluttering to the surface Zoey splashed him in an attempt to rescue her dignity. Richard only extended an arm and pushed her under, holding her there until she pushed away from him.

Zoey surfaced again and continued her attack, this time Richard pursued. He heard her shriek above the water as she turned, trying to escape. He caught her effortlessly and maneuvered so that the two came up with her sitting on his shoulders, cool water dripping off her furr and running down his face, she was giggling uncontrollably and Richard worried that their game was getting a little loud, trying to shush her. He realised quickly that he could feel her warm little vulva pressing against his neck, different from the cool furr pressing everywhere else.

Zoey's giggling abruptly stopped and Richard felt a small stream of warmth start to trickle down his back. Shock registered briefly on his face! The little minx was peeing on him! Thinking fast, he pulled her up over his head, mid-stream and gripping her knees, pointed her business end at her shocked brother, the light yellow arc easily spanning the small gap to splatter over his chest and face. Reflexively Tavy lifted his arm, stepped in and plugged his sister with his finger over her soft vulva, flattening it against her fur.

"The hell?" Tavy asked, "Why on earth are you peeing on everyone?" his own grin making the lie of his mock anger.

Shock at having her flow interrupted coupled with pleasure of being handled by her brother made the little raccoon growl, she bore down on her abdomen, forcing the rest to dribble past his obstructing finger and flow over her spread butt and on down her striped tail. "The two of you didn't even give me 5 seconds to do it in the pool! That's why!"

"What are you peeing in the pool for? You could have gone in the toilet you know." His eyes were fastened on his sister's young crotch, a glazed look in his expression. A small shift of his hand causing her to tense and shudder in Richards arms.

Richard worked to inflate the situation. "Lick her Tavy, I dare you!" Shit, was that going to work?

Tavy's unbelieving eyes darted up to Richards face and then to the drawn curtains of his mother's room. "What? She's my sister Richard, put her down! We are going to get caught!"

"Lick it Tavy!" Zoey moaned hoarsely.

Tavy's eyes darted back toward them, the enlarged whites of his eyes revealing his nervousness.

"Your Mom is fast asleep by now Tavy." Richard stepped to the side, placing his large profile between the two young racoons' and their Mom's room. "She won't even be able to see anything anyway."

Tavy shook his head, disbelieving of both his friend and his sister. "No way, we can't do that! That's not right!"

Richard on the other hand thought it was an excellent idea, "Why not? What's the worst that can happen? She asked so nicely Tavy, you can't leave your little sister hanging! Who makes the rules that you can't have fun with your sister anyway?"

Clearly torn but succumbing to the pressure, Tavy leaned hesitantly forward, extending his tongue slightly out the front of his muzzle, bringing it to the warm mound of flesh for the briefest of moments before straightening sharply.

"What was that? Lick it properly Tavy!" Richard's grin felt like it was splitting his face, his painfully stiff erection bobbed in rhythm to his thumping heartbeat below the wet Raccoon to the naughty scene before him.

Zoey reached around her butt to open herself for her brother, eyes closing in anticipation, head lolling back from the flood of emotion bombarding her young brain.

Tavy leaned apprehensively back to his sisters crotch, slower this time, running his tongue over her juvenile slit, tasting her sweet innocent flavour.

Zoey arched her back, pressing forward into her brothers muzzle, his long dexterous tongue sliding smoothly into her entrance making her shudder as it caressed her tight young walls. He drew her feminine excitement back into his muzzle, savouring the heady flavour before darting back in for a second sample, encouraged by her throaty moan; her walls gripped his tongue ecstatically.

Richard watched her face as an orgasm approached, surprise and pleasure evident as she first widened her eyes and then shut them tight, her mouth dropping open while her little body flexed and bucked in his strong grip. He saw Zoey beginning to look a little desperate from her growing sensitivity and pulled her away from her brothers slippery tongue. "Tavy's turn Zoey! You have to return the favour. Sit on the edge of the pool Tavy, by the steps." He instructed.

Tavy blushed again as he straightened up, moving uncertainly to the indicated spot, reeling slightly with lust and disbelief. He turned, placing his wet butt on the warm pavers before wincing and standing up sharply. "Shit, it's hot!" He splashed water hurriedly onto the bricks and sat back down more cautiously, relaxing a little when he adjusted to the warmth.

Richard lowered Zoey carefully onto one of the steps, careful not to submerge her slippery crotch.

Zoey eagerly lined her muzzle over her brothers twitching red poker, lowering herself to lick the drop of fluid building on the pointy tip. She couldn't believe she was going to suck her brother's amazing cock, let alone while Richard watched! The incestuous thought only served to arouse her again. She licked her lips, leaning forward and pressing her muzzle onto his rod, moaning wantonly as she savoured his exotic flavour. Small sucking sounds escaped Zoey's muzzle as she tried to get comfortable over her big brother's erection, coughing a little as she felt him touch the back of her throat.

Richard stood behind the cute girl raccoon, spreading her butt cheeks and marvelling at the lewd site of her two holes blossoming open under his manipulation. Richard looked up to the rapt expression on his friends face as his sister began a steady bobbing motion on his twitching rod.

Looking back, Richard moved his hand, pressing a finger slowly into her pink flower, slipping easily into her wet cave. He smiled as Zoey shuddered from her still sensitive hole being occupied so soon. Pulling back out to give her a break, Richard used his thumb and pointer on his left hand to spread the darker little bud hovering just above her pink flower, his eyes widening almost as much as he was stretching her brown one, her hole enlarging to reveal the twitching entrance further. Richard used her slippery moisture to lube her pucker, watching closely as his finger pressed into the soft yielding flesh. He lifted his finger back to his mouth to scoop a pool of saliva he had created, briefly catching a heady whiff of her musty tail scent before eagerly pressing back into her tight rectum. The combination of her juice and his spit eased his finger into her sensitive hole, he wished it was his cock invading Zoey rather than his finger and imagined thrusting himself into the small Raccoon's tail ring, his pelvis slamming into her narrow young hips. Probably the young Raccoon wouldn't even be able to accommodate him, the combination of smaller species and large age gap coupled with his girth probably meant there was no chance of fitting anywhere into the pretty young Raccoon.

Zoey gave a little squeak as she realised what the human behind her was about to do, his finger pressing into her tight butt, stretching her open and feeling very much like she was going to the toilet, but in reverse. The feeling was strange and she felt a brief stab of discomfort often associated with voiding herself on the loo too quickly. Zoey quickly adapted, feeling pleasantly full and she tried to turn her attention back to the task in her muzzle, the feeling of Richards squirming in her back end making her rhythm erratic. Tavy moaned, frustrated, and gripped her ears, guiding her back to a steady motion.

Zoey could feel her brother wanting to thrust into her mouth and was glad he was holding back, she was already on the edge of taking in more of him than she could manage. Tavy's excitement sloshed and dripped out her mouth, his pole slippery and pleasant to her tongue, this was really amazing!

Richard realised Tavy was getting close, he was squeaking a staccato series of grunts as his little sister worked him eagerly. He knew Tavy would be weak now and he would probably have only one chance, Zoey was probably recovered from her previous orgasm by now, judging from how she was thrusting her little hips cutely back onto his finger. He stood, extracting his finger slowly, watching her tight pucker bowing slightly out as she tried in vain to grip onto him, she let out a disappointed moan through her full mouth but he had plans for the sibling pair.

Zoey squeaked as Richard lifted her up effortlessly, her annoyance abating as she understood what he was doing. She spread her legs to either side of her brother as she was lowered onto Tavy. Richard helped line up her eager entrance, spreading her open from behind and guided her brother up into her now thoroughly soaked tunnel.

Tavy's pointy tip slid in easily to begin, though soon slowed its progress as he tapered wider, too big to slip easily inside her. She adjusted herself, lining up better and gasped when Richard pressed gently down on her hips, rushing the process and causing her entrance to burn with pain. The problem wasn't that she wasn't slippery enough, just how quickly she had to stretch to accept Tavy. She let out a small whimper and clung to Tavy's chest fur, burying her face in his neck. The sensation only intensified as she reached the widest part of her brother, the swollen bulge in the middle of his shaft. Zoey realised she was biting Tavy's shoulder, tears were welling in her eyes. Then, as fast as it had begun, the pain disappeared! Relief flooded her as she slid gratefully the rest of the way, Tavy was less wide toward his base and her body sucked her down onto him, wedging her gently on her brother. She marvelled at the full sensation, nothing that could have prepared her for this feeling. The pain was ebbing and she had all of her brother stuffed in her little opening. Experimentally, Zoey flexed her thighs, lifting a small way off, her hole stretching wider again, the sensation less painful now, more discomfort mixed with growing desire.

Tavy was amazed; his lovely innocent sister was looking into his eyes as she was lowered onto his now achingly hard cock. What was Richard thinking? Tavy couldn't do this to his baby sister! It seemed a moot point now though. He found himself surprisingly unwilling to protest. He wasn't even the one having to make the decision! His face grew concerned when her expression changed to surprise and then pain. Zoey was tight enough to make him squint from the pressure; he was suddenly concerned that his shaft would buckle if she didn't slow down. Zoey's pain stabbed at his conscience and he pulled her into his shoulder when he saw a tear welling up. Tavy was about to object when the pressure was abruptly released from his aching cock, the widest part of him now deep inside his little sister. She lay motionless for a while, her expression relaxing and returning to the look of lust she wore earlier. Carefully Zoey began to move, adjusting gradually to him.

Zoey's body unconsciously flooded her with endorphins as she worked her way carefully back up her brother's shaft. She was starting to enjoy the feeling of her tight entrance stretched over Tavy. Zoey's tongue lolled in a surprisingly canine grin and she passed back over the bulge, pausing momentarily with only his pointed tip inside her before relaxing and dropped back down onto Tavy.

Richard couldn't take his eyes off the two as his friend was mounted by his sister, her speed quickly increasing to a frantic pace and Richard placed his hands on her hips to slow her down, wanting to savour the sight, his cock spurting copious pre-semen that dripped onto the surface of the water. Zoey growled cutely in annoyance at Richards interfering, but there was little she could do now and he grinned at the back of her head. He knelt to watch the siblings carnal act. The flesh of Zoey's dark vulva glowed with a reddish tinge, swollen with both her arousal and from the abuse to the sensitive organ. Her little cave was producing a ring of white fluid near the base of Tavy's cock. Richard reached in, spreading the slippery cream up his friends shaft, feeling Tavy's smooth flesh and enjoying the slippery warmth. Richard lifted his fingers to his nose, inhaling Zoey's scent deeply, touching the tip of his finger to his tongue to sample her excitement. He had tasted Zoey the previous day and found her flavour even more intoxicating now! Richard reeled with lust. Sucking greedily on his finger, he coated it again in saliva and pressed it back into her musty ring, having to time her rhythmic motion to get it in.

Zoey squeaked, Richard was pressing his finger back into her butt. She didn't know it was possible to feel this full, both holes deliciously occupied, each bringing a flood of sensations to her adolescent brain. A blush tinged her cheeks when she realised his attention was making her entrance distort and suck air each time she pulled off her brother, the slurping sound wet and lewd and exciting.

A second orgasm was growing inside her, rippling its way downward through her torso; she looked into her brother's pretty eyes, an expression of lust and lingering disbelief still on his face. Zoey knew she loved her brother, the fact that he loved her as much making her glow with emotion. It wasn't even that difficult to comprehend, the two had always been close, always considerate of each other, often playful, and now she got to share herself with him like she had wanted. She considered the future possibilities and doubted there was anything Tavy could do to stop her after today. He was hers now!

Richard couldn't contain himself any longer. His hand shot to his aching shaft, jerking himself clumsily with his left hand, his right still occupied in the moaning little raccoon tail. He could feel his friend through the soft membranes separating them, the hard phallus almost out of place in the soft, moist, feminine environment.

Zoey gritted her teeth as her second orgasm thundered through her, breath shuddering and then halting, cutting off the breathy scream welling up. Her tail flared even higher and Richard felt her grip down on him like a vice as she shuddered and rocked in ecstasy.

Tavy matched his sisters orgasm perfectly, his grey, furry hips bucking and thrusting out of sync with hers, sticky seed spilling out of her young entrance to drip down her soaked body, pooling on top of him.

Head reeling with overstimulation, Zoey collapsed onto her brothers chest. She heard her brothers head follow, hitting the pavers with a soft thud as he succumbed, smiling when she heard his swear under his breath. The pair lay, breathing heavily, exhausted from the new experience and taking a moment to recover in each other's embrace.

Zoey shook off her daze and propped herself on an elbow, hardly able collect herself to speak. The two of them had all but left Richard out, she could hear his frantic pawing and felt sorry for him, he was kind of the one that brought the two of them together after all. Zoey realised she liked him too, the thought confusing her briefly, couldn't she just keep the both of them? Why not? Zoey compressed her upper body, drawing her brother out of her sensitive hole and looked dazedly back. "Your turn Rich!"

Richard halted his erratic effort moments before his release and considering the little coon's offer. Obviously he was aroused sufficiently to try it, but he doubted he would get near to entering her little love hole. He contemplated, but not that hard. Standing eagerly, Richard noticed that Zoey had cutely lifted her tight butt into the air, her deliciously dripping hole gaping slightly. He had to smile at the delightfully slutty view.

Richard lined himself up with the panting raccoon's tunnel and pressed his swollen tip to her tiny entrance. He could just feel the opening and readjusted several times despite having a good view of where he was aiming. Going with a different tactic, he pressed in, wiggling his shaft with his hand, forcing his tip gradually into her to cave. The pressure was getting intense but it was probably way worse for her, Zoey's tunnel was slick and hot with her brother's deposit sloshing and mixing with her excitement. Richard could hear Zoey stifling a whimper, trying to be brave in front of the two boys, his heart breaking a little at the sound and her pain. He was gaining ground though, his thick head slowly forcing her tight ring wider around him as she clutched to her brothers chest.

Zoey yelled a muffled scream behind her tightly shut mouth as his oversized head popped past her abused entrance, at least the worst was over for the pretty young furr. Richard held his position, waiting for her to relax a little, he could tell how tense her body was. Zoey gradually relaxed her posture and he began to explore, pressing further in, amazed that he hadn't horn her. Minute thrusts of his hips slowly drove Richard into the little raccoon's budding flower. Her swollen spade looked almost non-existent as it stretched to accommodate him. She reached underneath herself, massaging her flesh and tugging on the conical point of her pussy to ease the burning, her breathe shallow and ragged. Richard halted his progress, he already had his shaft in her and he wouldn't need more than the 5 inches inside her to get himself off, he wondered guiltily if Zoey was going to be in pain the entire time.

Richard kept his torso as upright as possible to maintain his view. Slowly he pulled himself back out, sliding easier this time, his tip reaching the entrance quickly with the copious lubrication inside her. His bulging tip pulled her lewdly outward but resisted exiting her vice tight opening. Thrusting forward again he heard Zoey moan pitifully, not yet comfortable though not with the same amount of anxiety as before. This was probably as good as it was going to get for her in any case. He began a steady rhythm with his hips, careful not to lose control and ram into her little cervix.

Richard was suddenly distracted and he realised with a smile that he could feel his sack gently bump against his friends fuzzy orbs with each thrust. He wondered about that, amused at what Tavy might think of it.

Zoey still had her hand beneath herself, Richard could feel her massaging her distorted flesh, presumably to ease a little of her pain. The thought worried him a little but he continued thrusting, feeling himself gently bump against the back of her tunnel, slipping silkily against her walls as he worked up his speed. He wondered briefly if her walls had to thin out to accommodate his large girth. He marvelled at the little girl, realising that she was actually taking a little more of him now, he had gained another inch as Zoey slowly adjusted to him, marvelling at each bump and corrugation inside her as his head pressed relentlessly outward against them.

Richard didn't have very long, her tight little tunnel was quickly coaxing his orgasm forward. Muscles tensed in preparation as he began to empty himself inside her, his big frame shaking with the release, his breath gasping. Richard grit his teeth, his eyes trying to roll back in his head as he hosed his seed into Zoey.

Surprisingly, Zoey's massaging had driven her to peak for a third almost painful time! She squealed alarmingly and tensed her shoulders for the third time, her lithe young body thrashing on top of Tavy in a mixture of pain and release. Richard could feel fluid building up inside Zoey as he flooded her with his seed, his shaft driving his sticky cum deeper, pressure building alarmingly before finally dissipating with a sudden release. He wondered if her body had vented the boys combined semen behind her into the pool or if her cervix had relented and allowed the excess into her young womb, the thought driving him to thrust one last time. His muscles relaxed unexpectedly and he squashed the pair of racoons beneath his weight.

Tavy let out a squeak and Richard rallied weakly, holding most of his weight off the two of them with shaky arms as the three lay in a naked, happy pile. Zoey fought to keep her eyes open, letting them close for only a moment to rest her lids.

A sound interrupted their happy state, frighteningly close to Richards left side. His eyes snapped open in panic, the pair of grey legs in his vision barely making sense to his fuzzy mind until he worked out it was Ruth.

"Are you two quite finished fucking my little girl?" Ruth asked in a stern voice.

Richard recoiled, his still stiff erection popping out of Zoey audibly, spraying white seed in an arc as he bailed backward into the water. Tavy fought to escape, panic setting in as he realised his sister was passed out on his chest.

"Don't move!" Ruth ordered.

Tavy shook violently as his Mom stepped into the water, bending over her little girls form, spreading her fluffy cheeks wide and peering into the messy opening.

Richard gaped at them as he recovered from the shock, realisation dawning on him. Ruth was naked! She was kneeling in front of him with her tail held high and he could see far more of Tavy's Mom than he should. His mind fought to find logic in the situation. Why would she have walked naked out of the house? Surely she wouldn't have gone for an afternoon sleep completely naked either! What was he missing?

Should he say something?

(MUHAHAHA! Don't you hate cliff-hangers?)

Am I getting worse at writing these? It feels like it. I need some new material!