Troubled Together - Pt III

Story by Trahl on SoFurry

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Brolin looked at the trees above him. The leaves were new and green, and let in light as they swayed out of the sun's path. The picture was one of beauty, but Brolin couldn't help but worry. The rustling of the leaves was calming, but the wolf could feel no breeze, nor smell the spring air- and though the sun shined brilliantly, there was still no warmth.

He rolled over, trying to cover himself with his arms around his knees, nevertheless it was of no help. He sat shivering for what seemed an eternity until someone quietly walked up. But Brolin did nothing to attempt to see the intruder; he wanted to be alone.

"Its me," Tirko announced himself. The tiger sat down in the grass next to Brolin. Brolin tried to squeeze himself smaller.

"Its nice outside- come take a look," Tirko continued.

Brolin unrolled himself slowly and silently, intentionally looking away. Tirko just kept talking. "I didn't mean to get so angry then," he tried to explain, "But my mother..." He stopped and took deep breaths, "my mother killed herself that way. It was horrible... But if you want me to, I'll tell you about it," Tirko paused again, "Just ask." Brolin remained silent.

A sigh emitted from the tiger, "I just couldn't let it happen again. And definitely not to you." Tirko hugged the wolf and Brolin finally felt warmth.

"I love you," Tirko whispered.

Brolin tried to raise his own arms around the tiger. He tried to reply, "I love you too," but his paws did not move and no sound came from his maw.

Tirko began crying as he held Brolin, "I love you so much." The tiger's sobs shook them both. "Just tell me you love me too." Silence. "Please, Brolin. Just speak to me!" Silence. "I need you."

Brolin could feel the tiger lift himself away. The cold soon returned. The wolf rolled himself up again, wishing that he could speak. Wishing he could console his tiger, his love. Tirko walked away, but his sobs continued as if he were merely an arms distance away.

* * *

Tirko looked up at his father. The fat lion barred his teeth and snarled. "No son of mine is going to be a fucking queer," he growled.

Tirko tried to look apologetic, "I'm sorry," he said without meaning it at all. It wasn't his father's choice, nor was it really his own.

"No you're not," his father accused. "You just ove being a dissapointment."

"I don't," Tirko defended, "But I'm not a fucking god!"

The larger tiger sneered, "Fighting back now? Your mother did that and look what happened to her."

Tirko cried. His father laughed. "And it looks like your damn mate is going to do the same thing! Maybe if you weren't such a queer, this would stop happening."

Tirko felt himself shrinking almost. Maybe his father was right. 'No,' he assured himself, 'That bastard doesn't know anything.'

"You'd better believe I do!" roared the elder tiger.

Tirko leapt up from his place on the ground and tried to claw his father, but his knees showed no damage. He just laughed at his son's feeble attack, "You can't do anything right, can you?" Tirko was lifted into the air, held in his father's immense paw.

"This is what Queers get," he reminded his son. A single claw projected from his index finger and he cut Tirko's clothes off in one swipe. The giant tiger kept repeating himself as the long, sharp claw was shoved up Tirko's tail hole.

The small tiger couldn't control his breathing, unable to ignore the claw tearing through his bowels. He merely screamed. He could feel it scraping inside him, cutting through everything.

The claw ripped upward, leaving Tirko cleaved almost in half. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't gather his organs together and slowly died, surrounded in darkness.

Tirko sprung up straight, cold with sweat. He threw off his blanket, making sure he was still intact. Everything was fine except for a throbbing erection. "That is sick," he told himself.

The bed springs moaned as Tirko let himself drop back. He was in a hospital bed and it was very late. There was another fur, asleep in the next bed. Tirko laid back down and tried to calm himself. He drifted off to sleep once more.

Morning meandered along after some time, and Tirko sat up groggily. As a whole, the room was uncomfortable, and Tirko had no other wish than to leave it immediately. He stood up, detesting the paper gown as it caressed his fur, and made his way to the door, but paused in front of the other fur. It was Brolin.

Tirko took a step back, starring. Then another. And another until he was back in his bed. He would wait for Brolin to wake up and try to redeem himself.

On his side, Tirko stared at Brolin, just waiting for him to wake up.

It was long past noon and the wolf still did not stir. Tirko got up on occasion to shake Brolin to life, but there was no response. Still, he held onto the hope that his wolf was just asleep.

At one point, a nurse walked in with a group of interns while making her regular rounds. "These two have suffered concusions," she explained. Tirko didn't dare open an eye or move. "The tiger fainted and cracked his skull. The wolf has had his concussion aggravated by infection. Who can give me an estimate of their recovery times?"

One intern ventured a guess, "The tiger should be fine almost immediately and the wolf- how bad was his infection?"

A clip board was picked up. "Minor infection, now cured, likely caused by airborne ecoli. His immune system was already severely weakened due to emotional duress," the nurse explained, "Any guesses?"

There were none.

"You're right," she told the silence. "The wolf is comatose and we do not know when he will wake up. Meanwhile, this tiger," she came closer to Tirko, "Is asleep. Does anyone know why he isn't awake yet?"

"Remnants of the anethstesia or morphine from the surgery?" said one.

"Extreme exhaustion," came another.

"Acute narcolepsy," a third claimed.

"Secondary irritation. You're not telling us something or there's something we don't know."

"That's possibly," the nurse responded to the last answer. "But then what could it be?" No response. "According to his last check up and neural scan, the tiger is clinically asleep. Brain function is completely normal- there is nothing effecting this male except for a natural hormonal imbalance. And you'll see that all the time," she finished, leading the interns away.

'Could it be true?' Tirko lept from his bed to look closer at Brolin, trying to remember the words of some documentary he heard. Something along the lines of coma patients can hear some of the outside world; it helps to prevent memory damage and there are theories that it can aid in reemergence. It was enough hope for Tirko to try.

He walked over to the silent wolf. "Its me," he started awkwardly, unsure of how to talk to what was essentially a dead body.

"It's nice outside," the tiger tempted, "Come take a look."

Still no response. He should have known it wouldn't be so simple. "I didn't mean to get so angry," he continued, "but my mother..."

It was hard to speak of.

"My mother killed herself that way. It was horrible." Tirko explained, "But if you want me to- I could tell you... Just ask."

Provoking Brolin's curiosity wasn't working. "I just couldn't let it happen again," Tirko tried to pull the wolf out by his heart strings, "And definetly not to you." He leaned down a bit and half picked up the wolf just so he could get his arms around.

"I love you." he whispered. Tirko shocked himself with that one, but it felt natural. "I love you so much."

Tears filled the tiger's eyes and he was slowly losing the ability to speak. "Just say you love me too." Tirko's sobs escalated, shaking the wolf somewhat. "Please, Brolin. Just speak to me."

"I need you."

The tiger gave up, at least for now. He left Brolin's still form and returned to his bed incase anyone walked inside. 'I'm not leaving until I'm sure he's ok.'

The next day was spent in the following fashion: Tirko woke up and looked for hours at Brolin, closing his eyes every time something entered the room- which happened regularly every four hours. He dare not say anything unless it was to Brolin directly nor turn on the room's television, but he still talked to Brolin all the time. Tirko's father entered once- said nothing- and left. Brolin's parents entered twice, enticed him with food, talked to him, pet him, and discussed his depression for at least two hours at a time. They seemed to care. The days carried on like that. Two, three, six. Each day exactly the same, not counting Tirko's father, who never returned again.

Tirko wasn't sure if he should be proud at his dedication or draw a line at the bed pan, but he had to go and the toilet was a dead give away. Even so, he wasn't quite as discreet as he had hoped.

In the middle of the seventh day, there was an unscheduled interruption into Tirko and Brolin's room. Tirko instinctively closed his eyes and lay still- it wasn't the first time. It wasn't completely as regular though.

"Get up," ordered the doctor. "We need to talk."

Tirko remained still. "Now's not the time Tirko. If you don't sit up now, I'll tell your father about you and Brolin."

The tiger snapped up, almost hitting the labrador dog in the face. "How do you know about that?" questioned a shocked Tirko.

"There are more of us than you think," explained the dog. "Word gets around fast in small communities."

"You know Coach Berat?"

"Intimately." The dog shook his head violently, "That's beside the point! The point is its starting to get hard covering for you. You're going to have to stop eating the food trays they send up here- people in comas don't eat like that. They also don't roll around so much."

"And I thought I was doing so well," Tirko sighed, recalling his many security breeches.

"That's also beside the point!" The dog seemed to get distracted easily. "Brolin's condition is deteriorating rapidly. He's no longer digesting food properly, his legs are atrophying much faster than they are supposed to, and he seems to be in a constant state of minor hypothermia."

The tiger understood the symptoms, but not his reason. "Why are you telling me this?"

"You're here to try to cure him." He saw Tirko's confused look. "You didn't think you got this room by luck? No! I owed Berat a favor and for once he didn't want it returned sexually... I didn't just say that. Anyway, its only theoretical, but our only hope at this time is that you can save him. We can't find any reason for his decline in health so it must be emotional in some way and psychologists can't work on sleeping patients."

"Just tell me what to do," Tirko was on the verge of begging.

"Good. Seven days ago, almost a day after you arrived, Brolin's neural activity sky rocketed. A nurse told me of the surge, but I told him I'd check on you in his stead. I only heard the end through the door, but when you stopped, his activity stopped again. It bumps up once every few hours, though, presumably when you start talking again but never as high. I just need to know what you did the first time and anything different you did from the other times."

Tirko tried to recall the events. "I apologized; I do that every time, and I told him I..." he stumbled, "told him how I feel; I do that every time too. And then I held him for a while." The realization hit him hard, "I never did that again- I didn't want to move him too much. I thought it might hurt him."

"You were right to do that," the dog said, "That explains why we had to readjust his IVs and probes. Okay then. Here's the deal- do it again. I'll give you two some privacy and do exactly what you did the first time."

The dog got up and began walking away. "Wait!" Tirko exclaimed, "Who are you?"

"Doctor Izupar," Doctor Izupar said, "Good luck." He was gone.

* * *

It was tearing Brolin up. Tirko would visit him on his soft grass area often. Tirko repeated his apologies and spoke about the day and his feelings, but no matter how much he tried, Brolin could not respond. He wasn't angry anymore, or sad, really, but words would not project no matter how well he moved his maw.

To make matters worse, the cold continued to encroach as then sun set. If only the tiger would hold him again to share his warmth. If only Brolin could speak to share his love.

Brolin looked up at the leaves he had been watching or ages. Another floated down onto him. Sometimes the dream state would wear off and Brolin would realize that he is dying but it quickly faded, leaving the wolf to just accept his green, but darkening, world.

Tirko could be heard walking up. Brolin felt shameful of himself for not being able to tell his tiger about his feelings, but still wanted to look him in the eyes. Their luster, like the rest of this world's, was fading.

"I spoke with Dr. Izupar today," he started.

'Where'd he find a doctor?' Brolin thought, 'There's no one here but us trees.'

Tirko reached over to rub Brolin's shoulder- it was so warm. "You're dying."

Brolin looked over at the setting sun. The sky seemed aflame as it passed under the horizon.

"But I don't want you to," he continued. "Please, just wake up.

"I may never be able to make up for the way I treated you, but you're hurting me," Tirko admitted. Brolin felt bad about it, but he had no choice. The sun continued to wane. "I can't keep going on like this without you..."

"I'm right here!" Brolin wanted to scream, forgetting his voicelessness. Silence.

"But if you die-" there was a large gulping noise as Tirko tried to continue. "If you die, I'm coming with you. Just please don't make me. I don't want to gamble on an afterlife. I don't want to take a chance on this. I don't want to risk us." He moved himself to lay on top of the smaller fur.

Brolin looked up at the tiger. His eyes seemed dead.

"But if you do go, I just want to make sure that we kissed again, before you do. So in the void, if we aren't together, at least I can remember you." Tirko's voice was calm, but it was obvious he was holding back tears.

The wolf screamed without sound. "Please, just kiss me. I don't want to be alone anymore."

The tiger did not move. He just kept hanging over Brolin mere inches away, biting his lower lip awkwardly. Brolin wanted to bridge the distance, but it was unfathomable.

They just continued to stare, Tirko moving his paws from Brolin's shoulders to his back, and even lower. Their chests were pressed together and Brolin could feel himself get harder. He hadn't felt anything in so long.

His eyes snapped open and there was a new tiger on top of him. It looked exactly the same, but his eyes were deeper. Brolin had almost forgotten how they looked.

Tirko's lips finally met Brolins. Memories of the first time flooded forth, blocking out the soft hum of hospital equipment. Only three things existed- Tirko, Brolin, and their occasional giggle.

It was a soft kiss. There was no battle for superiority between tongues; they just met in the middle and coexisted pleasantly, peacefully, pleasureable. They could have stayed like that forever, and both sorely wanted to, but Brolin started thrashing violently. He lost consciousness.

* * *

Tirko returned himself to Brolin's bed. "I spoke with Dr. Izupar today," he started. By now, he had become used to talking to the wolf's still form as if it were alive. Tirko massaged Brolin's shoulders in what he hoped was a pleasurable fashion. The wolf was so cold.

"You're dying," he said, regretting it immediately. "But I don't want you to! Please just wake up.

"I may never be able to make up for the way I treated you, but you're hurting me. I can't keep going on like this without you..."

"But if you die-" Tirko shuddered at the idea, "If you do die, I'm coming with you."

"Just please don't make me. I don't want to gamble on an afterlife. I don't want to take a chance on this. I don't want to risk us." He was still having trouble with the idea, "But if you do go, I just want to make sure that we kissed again, before you do. So in the void, if we aren't together, at least I can remember you." Tirko moved himself on top of the slender wolf, making sure not to press in any needles or anything, but he wasn't sure where to go from there. Still, Tirko quiet enjoyed the site of the sleeping wolf.

There he stayed. He had never yet kissed the wolf under his own power- however, he wanted to. The silence persisted until something poked Tirko in his leg. He thought, at first, that a needle had come loose and was trying to change hosts, but it didn't take long to realize that there was an erection under those blankets. Finally, a sign of life.

Tirko looked closer at his wolf's face again and was met by a pair of golden eyes. Their lips met. Tirko felt the same life giving force flow between them. Brolin was again filled with warmth.

The wolf pulled away, "I..." he stumbled. "I lo-" He started shaking.

"Brolin?" Tirko asked, surprised, "Brolin, what is it?"

Brolin couldn't answer, he just kept thrashing about as his convulsions worsened. It was all Tirko could do to try to hold the wolf still, no longer on the bed.

A group of nurses rushed into the room, obviously detecting the sensor spikes. "Tiger, get back in your bed," one ordered, "You're asleep. Remember?"

They circled around Brolin. "I need twenty cc's of epinephrine. Pietra, depress his tongue. Get more blankets in here people!" Tirko ripped his own blankets from his bed and tossed them to a nurse.

For almost three hours, they continued working, until finally Brolin stopped moving. Near the end, Dr. Izupar came in and watched as the nurses began cleaning up and administering the last provisions, staying until after the nurses left.

"It worked," he said after everyone else had finally left. "You threw his body into shock, but he's awake at least." The labrador looked over, "More or less."

Tirko responded weakly, "Is he going to be okay?"

"Right now he's asleep, but perfectly fine. God help you if you touch him though," he warned. "When he wakes up, though, he's yours. My work here is done and you two will be out in no time."

Dr. Izupar stood up. "What should I do now?" Tirko looked up at the dog.

"Wait," he instructed. "I have you both marked as recovering coma patients, so don't be afraid to walk around a bit. There's soup in the food court today." He licked his chops and walked out.

Tirko didn't want to leave. He lay down as he had for days prior and watched the wolf, now with a sense of hope.

* * *

When Brolin finally awoke it was very late, but he felt as if he were ready to take on the world. The constant adrenalin tap fed him with so much energy, he was afraid that he might shoot lasers from his eyes if he didn't stay under control.

He stripped off his paper gown and threw himself onto the ground nude. He was going to do crunches and pushups and the like until the sun rose. 'Then I can do jumping jacks and do laps around the building and perhaps fly.' Needless to say, Brolin wasn't in a proper state of mind. He just had so much energy- god help Tirko if they met like this. He didn't notice the tiger in the next bed.

Brolin couldn't resist the occasional masculine grunt as he pulled himself up and down, feeling a constant light burn in his abs. He had never really exercised but was starting to enjoy the testosterone flowing through his body.

'That's quite enough of that,' he decided and flipped himself over to try some pushups. He finally noticed the tiger looking down on him from the next bed.

"Hey," Tirko said.

A bit of blush formed on Brolin's cheeks. It took him a while to realize, but he was sweating and panting hard. He was also completely nude and half hard. "I... its-" Brolin couldn't speak.

"Its fine," Tirko finished. He sat up and threw his legs off the side of the bed, revealing his own cock just unsheathing itself. "Its nice to see you're feeling better."

Brolin regained his composure. "Has anyone ever told you you're really cute?" asked the wolf seductively, the hormones messing with his mind. Brolin stood up and got closer to Tirko.

"I've heard it a couple times."

Brolin pushed Tirko's legs open somewhat, stepping in between them. "You know, I am so horny right now," he said with his eyes half closed and nose almost touching Tirko's. "Do you think you can help me with that?"

"Are you feeling alright?" probed the tiger, backing away slightly.

Brolin easily made up the distance. "Never better." The wolf lowered himself leisurely, rubbing Tirko's cock with his chest on the way down.

* * *

It was dark and someone was making noise- grunting in the night. It didn't take Tirko long to see Brolin on the floor exercising. Even though it was late, Tirko didn't mind to see the wolf nude and flexing, and he quietly watched, touching himself discreetly.

In a short time, the room began to fill with the irresistible musk of a working male. Tirko found it hard to resist. "Hey," said the tiger.

"I- its..." Brolin stammered in obvious surprise.

"It's okay," Tirko finished, coolly turning himself towards the edge of the bed, deliberately putting his cock on display. "Its nice to see you feeling better."

There was a little bit of silent staring, then, but Brolin eventually caught on to the signs. "Has anyone ever told you you're really cute?"

"I've heard it a couple times," he answered, trying to sound as if the compliment just rolled away.

"You know," Brolin pushed himself up closer to Tirko, "I'm really horny right now. Do you think you could help me with that?"

A few second thoughts popped up within Tirko. A few anxieties about having sex in the middle of a hospital room with sleeping sick furs being kept on the other side of thin walls. "Are you feeling alright?" Tirko asked, trying to get out of the act that he had been begging for until then.

Brolin recovered the distance in less than a second. "Never better." The wolf lowered himself slowly, rubbing his hot chest on the underside of Tirko's semi erect cock. The sensation was unignorable. He laid back and let it happen.

* * *

Tirko let himself fall down, his head dropping off the other side of the narrow bed. Brolin had finished his decent and was now slowly licking at the underside of the tiger's meat, coaxing the organ out of its sheath as well as several moans from Tirko. Neither was entirely sure of what they were doing. For the sake of eroticism, though, the wolf was under the complete control of his hormones. There was no logic, no thought, only pleasure; as if he were once again a four legged animals, roaming the world in search of feral comfort.

Tirko was a different case. There was no way he could deny his euphoria, but neither could he deny the constant complaints of his inhibitions. 'This is wrong,' he complained to himself in between moans, 'We're in a hospital room and there's a wolf between my knees. This is wrong!' But of course he did love the wolf... and they were alone... and he hadn't pawed off in over a week. His entire body shook as Brolin covered his partners cock with his mouth. Tirko was sure he was going to vomit from the intensity.

Brolin's tongue slid instinctively across Tirko's organ. He started at the base, moving lazily up to the head, spending only a little time there before covering the tiger's meat and moving back down. His head began to bob, slowly moving up and quickly back down. Tirko's precum spurted out almost constantly, further exciting the savage wolf but of course the feeling was not lost on Tirko, whom was beginning to have extreme trouble quieting his moans. At about the time the tiger was having to bite his paw to keep from screaming, Brolin stopped.

Tirko sat up quickly, suddenly aware of how close to cumming he was, and blushed a little bit.

The wolf merely snickered. "Not yet," he jested with a finger held to Tirko's lips. Brolin crawled onto the bed, hanging just above Tirko. He moved himself more forward, tugging playfully on the tiger's ear with his teeth. Tirko growled happily before reserving himself to lick the slender chest above him, knowing enough to use some tooth and tug on the nipple.

"Lets do this," Brolin whispered into the chewed ear.

Tirko was silent for a moment; he was quite enjoying this part. "Are you sure?" he said, worried, "Its going to- its going to hurt."

"I want it," Brolin whispered back. He jumped off the tiger, onto the other bed, his chest on the white sheets, his tail flicking in the air off the edge.

Tirko did to. He crawled off his bed and positioned himself behind Brolin. With his tigermeat in one hand and Brolin's tail in the other, he placed the tip on Brolin's untouched tailhole. It slid off. Tirko replaced it and pushed it in just a little, admiring the little yelp that Brolin offered for it.

He began slowly, pushing himself in slightly. There was no lubrication used, the saliva and precum long since dried, and he could feel the constant resistance of Brolin's bowels. It was a turn on to feel the soft tissue fight and then yield, however begrudgingly.

Brolin shared a great deal of the pleasure. It burned like hell to have a foreign object of that mass, length, and width inside of him- as it was much wider and deeper than any finer he had previously experimented with, but there was no resisting the feel of the warmth touching places that Brolin never knew he had. The wolf had no idea how deep Tirko was, but a quick thrust solved that. All the way. Brolin yelped in shock as the tigermeat finally came to rest inside him.

The pained yelp made Tirko a bit ashamed of his bravosity. He didn't want to hurt the wolf, but it was taking forever to get in there and he wanted it too much to wait. Surprised by his own actions, Tirko pulled out completely and immediately causing another, much worse, yelp from Brolin.

They were both breathing heavily and sweating profusely. The room was beginning to fill with the smell of sex. "Are you okay?" Tirko asked, worried.

"No," Brolin wanted to say, "You can't just rip your dick out like that!" but he bit his tongue. He didn't want to scare Tirko away- not after all this time, but his tail hole still burned from the feeling.

He didn't say anything. Brolin only stood up and kissed the tiger, pushing him back onto the other bed. His tailhole was already quite spread, starving for the feeling of being full once again. The wolf placed his foot paws in between Tirko's arms and torso, using the tiger's ample pectorals to hold himself up.

Brolin maneuvered his tail to again rest with Tirko's cock on the brink. He began pushing himself back on the now throbbing organ, feeling sure it had gotten bigger, yet enjoying it much more than before.

He occasionally paused, trying to level out his breathing one more in an attempt to get used to the feeling. Tirko was unsure as to his purpose at this point. He was feeling such extreme pleasure; Brolin offering everything he had, no doubt, but Tirko isn't the kind of fur to take a break during sex. He tried little thrusts to encourage his cock forward, inciting pleasured yelps, but also cries of pain. Soon he retired himself to holding Brolin's thin lower torso, trying to comfort the wolf.

Finally, Brolin's grunting stopped. He was sitting on the tiger's lap, unaware of how far he had gotten. Brolin and Tirko looked at each other, Brolin painting heavily and Tirko with his mouth partially agape. The two began giggling and tried to kiss, succeeding for but a moment. Both enjoyed the feeling of Brolin's diaphragm as it shook his insides. This was intensified as the giggles became laughs, however muffled ones. Neither was entirely sure what was funny, but that didn't matter now.

Brolin raised himself again, swaying his hips along the way, enjoying the new form of pain. He knew as long as he had Tirko, he would never need that evil piece of metal again. He didn't need pain, however it pleasured him. He had love.

Brolin stopped moving near the end of Tirko's length and they stared into each other's eyes. "Go for it," Brolin's eyes requested.

No more hint was needed for Tirko. He began thrusting upward, slowly at first but increasing his speed as Brolin's internal resistance subsided. Brolin gripped onto Tirko's soft chest fur, pulling it with each thrust, barely able to stop himself from toppling over in delight.

Tirko began growling, but in now way was it angry. He sat, propped up partially on his arms, thrusting himself as deep as he could into Brolin. He couldn't deny how lose he was to cumming, but neither could Tirko even begin to slow himself down. If anything, he got faster, trying to glean any feeling he could before everything went numb. Brolin's claws imbedded themselves into Tirko's chest constantly. It was almost too much for him, but he still wanted more. On a hunch, Brolin started stroking himself with one hand, keeping time with Tirko's movements. The sensation went form magnificent to completely indescribable.

The world went dark as Tirko climaxed, or perhaps he was just squinting his eyes too hard at the feeling. He stopped mid thrust in an attempt to let the wave of pleasure pass uninterrupted. Brolin saw it coming- or felt it. Tirko's cock throbbed in a way it hadn't before, and just as the tiger froze, Brolin felt the warmth of Tirko's seed flood his bowels.

The tiger fell limp on the bed, breathing heavily. As Brolin let himself sink lower on Tirko's deflating cock, he continued to stroke himself until Tirko offered his own paw to help. The feeling of another paw masturbating Brolin was yet another new sensation. 'Today was so educative,' he mused to himself as his climax rushed up. Brolin came in his partner's paw, somewhat disappointed at the fact that it was not even comparable to the feeling in his tailhole.

Tirko licked some of the seed off his paw, offering the rest to Brolin who eagerly leaned each individual finger. They kissed one last time, softly and only for a short time before they collapsed asleep, still nude, embracing each other, one still inside the other, bonded forever.