The Persistent Dragon Makes Her Amends

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#14 of The Persistent Dragon

This is a story where a dragon and a human do lots of sexy things with each other.

I can never write those words with a straight face.

The Persistent Dragon Makes Her Amends

"Cripes ..." Jacob whistled to himself, shaking his head as he felt his last bit of resistance slip away. Before he knew it, he found his feet shuffling forward on their own accord. "You're so damn hard to say no to."

Penelope couldn't help but giggle even as her heart leaped in her chest at the sight of Jacob giving in. "I try," the dragon coyly replied.

"No really ... for a dragon, you are getting good at this, you know that?" Jacob muttered as he approached the dragon.

"Good at what?" she asked, despite already knowing the answer.

"Good at being all ... well, you know," Jacob sheepishly admitted.

Penelope giggled even more, curling her tail in delight. "Say it."

Jacob flashed her a pout, but only for a second. "Oh, fine: you're getting really good at being ... seductive," he admitted.

"Eeeeeee!" Penelope squealed in delight, wiggling in place at Jacob's compliment.

"... not to mention persistent," he muttered.

"Oh, you like it," the dragon huskily growled.

"I put up with it," Jacob corrected her, beginning to grin.

"You put up with it because you like it," she remarked, causing Jacob to chuckle. He wasn't sure how much truth to that there really was.

As Jacob passed her, she turned and gave him a playful nip on the rear, causing him to jump and cry out in surprise.

"Hey!" Jacob laughed.

"Mmm ... lie back on my bed and you'll see what comes next," Penelope churred, worming her way between his legs once he did so. She stared at her keeper with a lustful, almost hungry gaze as she rested her scaly chest against the front of his pants. Jacob felt his heart begin to thump.

The dragon's eyes narrowed to slits. "I said I wanted to make it up to you for mating with Jasper. And here we are." Penelope delightfully crooned. "So we're gonna do this your way. Tell me what you want, what gets you all hot and needy, and I'll do it as best as a dragon can."

"Uh, heh ..." Jacob swallowed thickly. He had no idea what to say.

"Well?" the dragon softly purred. Her purplish scaled hips began to wiggle, her tail tip slowly swaying in the air. She kneaded the mattress with her forepaws.

"Well ..." Jacob bit his lip and thought hard. "Well, okay," he closed his eyes in resignation. "The one time you were so impatient you started undressing me ... that was ..." Jacob puffed out his cheeks, too reluctant to say it in the context of a dragon. "But don't rip 'em off or anything: this isn't a race. Let's try slow ... for once."

Penelope cocked her head. "Slow?"

Jacob nodded, grinning. "Slow and sultry ..." he gestured around himself at the flickering flames that bathed the stable in an orange glow. "Something fit for an intimate candlelit evening put together by a very special dragon."

The words stirred Penelope's heart. "I see ..." she delightfully sang, dipping her nose down to his belt.

She took a bite of his shirt and pulled out the end that was tucked in his pants. Finding the lowermost button, the dragon went to work on it with her teeth. But, the unfamiliarity with the mechanism proved frustrating, and, not wanting to ruin the mood, Penelope improvised. The dragon nosed her way under the fabric, finding bare skin to lick. Jacob gasped as the warmth of the dragon's tongue took him by surprise. Penelope explored further, letting more of the shirt slip over her snout and eventually her head as her tongue traveled up, lapping between Jacob's chest muscles.

"The buttons, Jake," Penelope called out from under his shirt as she continued to lick, knowing those contraptions were designed for human hands alone.

Jacob bit his lips. His fingers began to fly, starting down low and working his way up, watching more and more of his shirt unravel until the last button was undone, his chest was bare, and Jacob found himself eye-to-eye with his dragon once more.

"Mmm ..." Penelope hummed, scooting forward to lap at the base of her keeper's neck. "Hot?"

"Cripes, Nel," Jacob whispered as he removed his arms from the sleeves and cast the clothing off, causing the dragon to delightfully giggle.

Her tongue began working her way back down, tasting his skin and tracing the curvature of his pectoral muscles. Jacob flinched and gasped as she took one of his nipples between her front teeth and gave them a playful nip.

"Do you like that, Jake?" the dragon huskily growled, keeping her eyes on him as she lashed her tongue over the unusual mammalian feature. Penelope didn't understand why male humans had nipples, but had learned enough about human sexuality from Lucile's novels to know that the area was a sensitive spot.

Jacob stared, nonplussed. "I ... it feels weird. I dunno."

"A good weird or a bad weird?" Penelope asked, dragging her long tongue across his chest to dote on his other nipple. "They're made for sucking, right?" She closed her lips around the tiny nub and began to suckle.

Jacob furrowed his brow as he watched his dragon tease and entice, cerulean blue eyes locked on his own. The attention he was receiving did feel pleasant, in a way. "A good weird, I suppose," he answered. "It's just that ... I've never heard of girls doing this to guys. It's always the other way around."

Penelope let out a low hum as she flicked the tip of her tongue over his now-perky patch of skin. "But I don't have nipples, Jake ... you do. And I like them. They're something to play with."

Jacob gave her a smile.

The dragon began snaking her head down, licking and nibbling the skin on his stomach, pausing to lap around his navel. "Mmm, but there's something I like playing with even more," she growled, with tongue moving ever lower.

Her nose came to his belt, and she descended upon it with her mouth, grabbing hold of the free end with her teeth and pulling until it slipped free. The dragon then began working on the metal fasteners, pulling them loose with delicate precision. Much easier than buttons! Once she had that finished, Penelope stood up. She bent down and took the cuff of his pants in between her jaws, and pulled up, urging the pants to slip off. Jacob raised his rear, giving them clearance. Growling playfully, the lavender dragon backed up, carrying the pants with her until Jacob's foot slipped inside. She worked on the pants slowly, alternating between legs, until at last both of Jacob's feet slipped out. Penelope then tossed the trousers to the side and kicked them away with a brush of her hind leg, taking care not to kick too far and topple a candle.

"Ah!" Penelope delightfully gasped, noticing that Jacob was already beginning to tent his underwear. But the socks had to come next. Off came each one by a delicate pull of her teeth. A flick of her head sent the clothing dashing to the floor. The dragon then laid back down between his legs.

"Jay-cob!" Penelope playfully sang, slowly drawing a paw up the front of his underwear. She watched his face, giggling deviously as her toes traced around the growing bulge within. Jacob looked transfixed. A claw hooked under the cotton and began to pull down, but Jacob held a hand up.


Penelope cocked her head. "Why?"

"Because ..." he grinned. "There's a certain excitement in going slow, in dragging the process out. Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination."

Penelope pondered the words for a moment, trying to decipher their meaning. If the dragon had had things her way, Jacob would have been naked and inside of her long ago. She was already antsy; her vent was growing wet and ready for attention. But, if Jacob wanted slow ...

"All right," Penelope acquiesced, leaving the fabric on for now. She leaned in close, making herself comfortable in the spot between Jacob's legs as he bent them in the air, pushing his ankles to his thighs and allowing the dragon more room. Penelope then began to plant tiny little licks along his knee, tongue traveling down to where her prize was. Jacob was silent all the while, but Penelope could definitely tell her actions were having an effect by the amount his bulge was growing.

Her tongue started traveling along his inner thigh, finally crossing the threshold to fabric. She could smell him strongly here, and the dragon could not help but take in a deep breath, letting out a growl of approval as the sharp, musky scent of male human passed over her sensitive smell receptors, causing a rush of excitement and lust to flood her system.

She teased him for the moment, touching lightly, letting her toes and tongue grace across the curvature of his glans and shaft. The warm ply of her tongue could be felt through the thin cotton material, and Jacob stifled a groan. She planted dragon kisses down his cotton bulge, ducking deeper to gently poke at his sac with her snout nose and lips.

"Rrf," Penelope grumbled, trying to ignore her own arousal. All this going slow was torturous for the dragon ... why did these silly clothes have to stay on!?

Eager to take things further, Penelope again snuck a claw underneath the top of the fabric and pulled down, delighted to find that this time Jacob did not stop her. She stood up as more of his member was revealed, finally bending down to pull the last bit of clothing by her teeth and tug until they came loose. Another flick of her snout and the cotton underpants were tossed to the floor without a second thought.

Penelope was delighted to find him erect. "You're hard for me already," the dragon growled approvingly. She eyed her prize with a lustful gaze, licking her lips in anticipation.

"Getting undressed by a sultry lady is, ah ..." Jacob shrugged, feeling his cheeks grow ever warmer. "I think it's hot."

Penelope let out an amused little chuckle. "I'll be sure to remember that, then."

The lavender dragon eyed her keeper-now in the nude-with a lustful gaze. Dim orange candlelight flickered across his nude body, accentuating the natural curves of his masculine frame, causing Penelope's heart to thump madly in her chest. Letting out a heated growl, the dragon descended on her prize with an awaiting tongue, having already forgotten to wait for Jacob's signal. He shot a hand out to her forehead.

"Hey! I didn't say ... oh man." Jacob closed his eyes and hummed in pleasure. "Mmm, nevermind ... keep going."

Penelope let out a devious giggle as her hot dragon tongue began to flick along Jacob's shaft. She laid back down between his legs, eager to taste and smell. There her wing claws grasped hold of his ankles and held on securely as her tongue traversed all of her keeper's intimate areas, even moving lower to lap at his sac and carefully roll the precious cargo around inside, exploring their shape and heft.

Penelope felt Jacob tense up as the dragon's tongue explored. "Careful down there."

"Jake ..." the dragon raised her head, giving him a provocative glare. "Have I ever hurt these before?"

His brow began to furrow. "Well, no, it's just that those things are really sensitive for guys, and--Ahh!" Jacob jumped in place as Penelope dove in and closed her mouth around his two orbs, cradling them delicately between her carnivorous teeth.

"P-penelope!" he stammered with eyes bugged and chest tight, causing the dragon to giggle. The dragon looked up at him, grinning almost innocently as she held him by the balls. Her warm mouth coated his sack in thick, hot saliva as she slowly let the organs slip from her maw. Jacob's sac quickly shrunk back close to his body, as if fearing for its safety.

"You're funny," the dragon giggled, planting a kiss on his timid sac before moving up to resume her doting.

Penelope placed her forepaws around the base of her keeper's shaft, steadying it as she began to nibble at the foreskin, delighting herself in being able to play with and fondle the stretchy skin. She dipped her tongue inside of it, exploring the folds and the tip within. She was by now familiar with how the design worked, and after a brief moment she latched on gently with her teeth and pulled it down, exposing the entirety of the sensitive, mushroom-shaped glans. For a while Jacob simply laid back and observed, watching in silence as the dragon gleefully doted on the object of her affection, amused at just how much she seemed to be enjoying herself.

It hadn't taken long before the all the licking, sniffing, and nuzzling had the amorous dragon in a mood to take her oral pleasuring a step further before she was mated.

"Mmm, you want me to use my mouth on you and give you a blowie," Penelope murmured between licks.

"Nel ..." he gave the dragon a look. "Is that a question, or an attempt to convince?" he laughed.

"You know you love it," she churred, giving him a devious glare from between his legs.

"As if you don't," Jacob fired back.

"Maybe," Penelope chirped, pausing to drag her tongue slowly up his shaft. "Maybe not."

"Well ..." Jacob made himself comfy, leaning back on his elbows and resting his head against the wall. "I'll let you decide. But I will say," he began to grin. "It's been awhile since we've done anything ... I'm sure I have a lot pent up that needs releasing."

Penelope opened her eyes wide, her oval pupils constricting in excitement. "Then yessssss!" she delightfully hissed, wiggling her hips in place. Jacob laughed.

The dragon wasted no time. Bending her head down, she deftly picked the head of Jacob's shaft in between her lips. Churring in pleasure as the hot organ slid past her lips, the dragon began to caress the underside with her thick tongue. Locking her eyes with Jacob's, Penelope began to suckle, her mouth focusing solely on the sensitive head for now as she grasped the human's shaft between her paws to squeeze and touch. She watched his brow furrow and a groan of pleasure escape his lips as she came off a particularly extra-hard suck with an audible pop!, and let out a warm churr from her throat.

"Do you like that?" Penelope eagerly asked as she squeezed his shaft again between her toes. She moved in to nibble at his foreskin as she waited for a response.

"Cripes, Nel ..." Jacob gawked, putting a hand to his chest, his response causing the dragon to giggle and squirm with delight.

Removing her scaly toes from his shaft, the dragon descended back down, letting the entirety of Jacob's length slip inside her muzzle, causing the human to gasp as hot dragon maw enveloped his sensitive organ. The dragon pushed further until her snout was buried in Jacob's crotch. There, Penelope could not help but engorge herself on the sharp, masculine scent, inhaling slowly to savor once more the smell of a man's most intimate of places ... scents largely lost and unappreciated on humans due to their comparatively dull sense of smell. Locking her cerulean eyes with his gray ones, Penelope let out her breath slowly, in the form of a low, lust-filled growl that caused Jacob to open his eyes wide.

"Cripes ..." he breathed, his cock reflectively twitching and engorging, letting loose the first burst of pre cum into the dragon's hungry maw. Penelope giggled with delight as the warm, savory flavor splashed across her tongue. She eagerly swallowed the fluid down.

"I love it when you growl like that," Jacob huffed. His reddening cheeks and open-mouthed panting were sending a clear message to Penelope. The dragon took it as a sincere compliment.

She came off of him slowly, coating his cock in a thick layer of saliva before speaking. "And I love it when you throb like that," Penelope simply replied. She flashed him a mischievous grin, only to sink her open mouth down between his legs once more.

Even the ticklish hair down here was excitingly exotic for Penelope, being accustomed to a body of sleek scales. She buried her nose in it--where his smell was the strongest--and began to fellate. Penelope used her mouth to work him: strong jaws squeezing and kneading, tongue pulsing and tasting. Techniques the dragon could innately perform quite well due to her long snout, and had further honed through experience ... along with asking Jacob for occasional advice!

"Did ..." Jacob paused to swallow his growing arousal down as he watched his dragon work. "Did you go down on Jasper, too? When you had sex with him?"

Penelope paused her duties to raise her head and cheerfully answer, but the dragon caught herself and gave Jacob a keen eye. "You're not allowed to talk about Jasper when we mate. That's a rule now."

Jacob gave her a disappointed look. "I was just curious, Nel ..."

The dragon shook her head. "Nope! No Jas right now, only Jake," Penelope simply replied, before lowering her snout and resuming her work.

Jacob watched as Penelope lashed out her tongue, wrapped it around his cock, and drew the organ back into her mouth. Try as he might, he couldn't admit to himself that the dragon had shrewdly picked a response that was better than the one he was thinking of. But the longer he sat there on Penelope's bed, the more inclined he felt to give in to the heat of her mouth, lose himself in the gentle and rhythmic motions of her jaws and tongue, and toss the thought of Jasper out the window.

"Aw, heck ..." Jacob replied, shifting in place to get more cozy. "Who am I to argue? Gosh, you're so good with that tongue of yours!" Groaning in sublime pleasure, Jacob rested a hand on her scaled forehead and stroked her affectionately with his thumb. He began whispering sweet nothings that had the dragon churring in deep affection.

A few minutes had passed, and already he could feel a tightness forming in his groin, the signs of his body preparing for orgasm as the dragon delighted indulged herself in her favorite way to pleasure.

"Aw, cripes, Nel ... I'm pretty sensitive from not having sex in a while ... I dunno how much longer I can last."

With cheeks puffed and jaws moving, the dragon looked up between Jacob's legs to meet his gaze. Then, much to his surprise, she began to fellate more aggressively, planting a forepaw on the insides of his legs and pumping her head up and down, causing the already pleasured Jacob to kick his legs out and groan.

"Nel!" Jacob gasped, swearing. "I said that to get you to slow down ... not speed up! Oh, cripes!" Jacob let out another groan as he felt Penelope's other forepaw wrap around his sac, gently tugging on and massaging the skin, even carefully rolling the orbs around between her toes.

Penelope watched as he began to squirm and moan her name, actions that thoroughly delighted the dragon. Jacob couldn't keep his hips stationary. He began to rock gently, his mind solely focused on the feeling of her hot tongue and steamy mouth tightly wrapped around his cock ... the steady sucking and pulling ... his sensitive tip rubbing against the grooves and folds of the roof of the dragon's mouth.

Jacob grunted as he let loose another burst of pre-cum onto the dragon's tongue, earning a growl of approval as Penelope swallowed down the savory fluids. Warm dragon saliva was leaking down Jacob's shaft and sack, coating his privates in a thorough mess of frothy spittle and drool.

Penelope's ears were turned directly towards Jacob, listening to his sounds carefully. She could sense him approaching orgasm: the frequency of his groans and the motion in his hips were a clear indication. Feeling anxious, Penelope stood up, keeping her head lowered to his crotch as she urged him along, rocking her snout back and forth as she aggressively fellated him. She could feel her favorite part: that moment just before climax when his cock began to grow hard and stiffen on her tongue. Her tail began to sway and twitch in the air as the dragon awaited her prize. Penelope felt a pair of hands grasp her dark gray horns, holding on tight in preparation. Her jaws worked him steadily, tongue wiggling along the underside of his cock. She decided to give him one last growl, causing deep vibrations to well up in her throat and tickle his shaft as the sound escaped her lips.

Penelope watched, enthused as Jacob's face locked into a wanton moan, and suddenly, she felt the first splash of his seed coat the roof of her mouth. Humming in pleasure, she closed her eyes and buried her snout deep in his crotch as his cock began to throb and twitch, letting loose squirt after squirt of hot, thick cum. She felt his grip on her horns holding her tight, and the dragon, unwilling to move, held on for the ride as her maw was mated to fulfillment. She tasted him, delighting in the flavor as she let the slippery, sticky fluid coat her tongue and teeth. She flexed her tongue, pooling it together as the masculine organ continued to throb, eager to coax more and more out of her keeper. Penelope held on for what seemed like forever, even starting to feel the hot liquids began to drip from her open mouth as more only took its place.

And then, only after she was sure he had delivered his last spurt, did the dragon lift her head, letting the softening organ slip from her jaws and fall against his thigh with a wet smack. Penelope laid back down in between his legs, churring to herself in satisfaction as she saw Jacob collapse back on his elbows, thoroughly dazed from the powerful orgasm she had produced in him.

"Mm. Mmmmm mm mhm!" the dragon attempted talking, having not swallowed yet. Jacob looked up to meet her gaze.

Penelope opened her mouth wide, eager to show to Jacob just how much of a mess he had made. A copious amount of white fluids had pooled on her thick dragon tongue, connecting to her teeth and roof of her mouth in thick, gooey strands. There was certainly a lot ... far more than Penelope usually got out of him! The dragon waggled the stuff around with her tongue out of both amusement and erotic pleasure. Her set of tastebuds and smell receptors--far more complex than a human's--had the dragon wholly in love with the complicated flavor. She took a moment to enjoy herself before closing her mouth and swallowing. She then smacked her lips a few times and spoke.

"Mmm, you were right ... there was a lot this time!" she delightfully hummed. "That was really hot."

Completely flummoxed for now, Jacob stayed silent, panting hard as the dragon looked to him for a response: a bit of praise ... a modicum of appreciation ... or perhaps a smidge of affection. But, having come off a week-long abstinence, Jacob was too dazed to speak, muttering only a quiet whisper of a "Cripes!" before falling back on Penelope's mattress to stare at the ceiling. He heard a long, enthused hum coming from the dragon between his legs as she took his reaction as a sure sign of satisfaction.

Seconds later Jacob felt her warm tongue licking diligently, swiping every square inch of messy skin it could find as she bent her head down to gleefully clean his shaft and sac of saliva and cum. He then felt the mattress shift and bounce as she crawled forward, lying next to him. Her snout popped into view first, followed by the rest of her face, bearing an adorable, caring expression.

Penelope bent down, churring affectionately, and planted a wet dragon kiss on Jacob's cheek. "Mmhm ... how was that, Jake?" she eagerly asked, wrapping a wing around his shoulder. "Was that a good one?"

Gawking, Jacob reached up a weak hand and draped it around the back of Penelope's head. "Holy mother of ... that felt good," he breathed, causing the dragon to giggle. "That was just what I needed ... a good release after being pent up the past week or so. Thank you so much. Whew!" He looked at the dragon, rubbing her snout in affection, and began to chuckle. "You're too much, you know that? I don't think I've even heard of a girl that likes blowjobs as much as you do."

"Well, so? I just ... giving blowies is fun ... and hot!" the dragon defensively professed. "Plus, I like making you feel good."

Jacob laughed, bringing his other hand up to give her scaly snout an affectionate rub. "That wasn't a complaint, Nel. It's anything but."

"Oh!" Penelope flinched. "Well, good!" She wiggled closer to her keeper, pressing her flank against his, and bent down to nuzzle his face. "So what else do you want tonight?" the dragon hummed. "Name it."

Jacob let out a whistle. "You're still not done?"

"Nope! I told you ... I'm making it up to you for mating with Jasper." Penelope affectionately nudged him under the chin with her snout. "Tonight you get a dragon that'll do anything you want her to do."

Try as he might Jacob couldn't help but feel a swell of arousal at her words. He looked up at the lavender-scaled dragon at his side, seeing half of her face illuminated by the warm candles in her stable. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words were suddenly caught in his throat.

"... What?" Penelope asked, noticing his sudden intake of breath.

Jacob blinked and shrugged the reaction off. "Nothing, it's just ..." he blew a puff of air through tightly-pursed lips. "If you were to say those exact words to me months ago I probably would have just said no. They would have had no effect on me. But now ... even though you said a dragon that'll do anything for me, and not a girl ..." he frowned. "It still sounded hot."

Penelope let out a gasp of joy. "You're getting used to thinking about me as a mate!" she effusively giggled, gripping and holding onto his chest with her right wing. She bent down to nuzzle his face and purr.

"No, don't you see?" he said, laughing. He lifted her snout to look at her in the eye, being only half serious. "You're corrupting me! I'm turning into a perv-"

"It's for your own good," Penelope nodded assumingly.

"But no, this means--"

"Ah, shhhh!" Frowning, Penelope clamped a paw over Jacob's mouth, silencing him. "You're doing it again. Thinking too much. Letting your thoughts make you feel all conflicted and reluctant. Stop it. You're ruining the mood!" Slowly she removed her paw, resting it on his chest to reveal a whimsically grinning Jacob.

"Penelope ..." he wrapped a hand around her wrist and gave her a kind smile.

The dragon bent down to plant a few warm licks under Jacob's chin. She bent close to his ear and whispered to him. "Right now you have a dragon eager to give you a good night, so don't waste it."

"All right, all right ..." he caved, grunting as he propped himself onto one elbow. "In that case ..." his eyes narrowed in a look of mischievousness. "On your back, dragoness."

Penelope's eyes grew wide, and the dragon let out a gasp of excitement. Eagerly she flopped to her side and wiggled onto her back, tucking her wings against her flank for comfort. Humming to herself, the dragon brought her forelegs to her chest and splayed her hind legs wide for him, showing off a scaly dragon slit that was quite swollen from arousal already. A wet, glistening sheen where the belly scutes parted that told him she was more than ready for some attention.

"What next?" Penelope eagerly asked. She wriggled her hips to and fro in anticipation.

"What next? Um ..." Jacob bit his lip in uncertainty. He traced a finger down Penelope's reclining form, running a fingertip over her coat of scales, over the curves of her chest and belly, finally coming to the insides of her thigh. His touch had the dragon shivering. It was here that Jacob first noticed the musky scent of an aroused dragon had filled the room.

"I think ..." he began, starting to move his hand inward. "I think that after a blowjob like that, I still need a few minutes before I'm ready for a second go," he looked back at her, not surprised to see the dragon curl the corners of her mouth down in a pout.

"I don't understand why you need to take so many breaks ..." the dragon complained. "You finish once and you're done! But I can keep going and going and--"

"Penelope," Jacob gave her a kind smile. "Men and wo--males and females aren't built the same way." Jacob corrected himself. "Our insides are different, and they work in different ways. That's just how things are for everyone. However ... there's something we can do in the mean time." He began to smile, teasing moving his hand around her awaiting slit for now and down to her tail base. Leaning forward with a grunt, he traced his fingernails down the dragon's muscular tail until it became narrow enough to put his fingers around.

"There was something you said earlier that gave me an idea," he said, pulling the tail back towards him, feeling its weight and heft as he brought the long appendage closer to him until it was bent in a crescent shape over the dragon's hips. Silent for now, Penelope watched his movements curiously, feeling unsure of what was to come. Jacob hiked up on the tail until he was holding onto the last few scaly inches, and began to move it down towards Penelope's hind legs.

"You said you've used your tail before, to relieve yourself when you've been in heat ..." he looked back at her, seeing a wide-eyed Penelope. He took the tip of her tail and began to tease across her entrance, wetting it.

"Ooh, yes!" Penelope enthusiastically growled, wiggling her hips. "Use my tail and mate me with it. I mean--!" the dragon caught herself, looking away in a brief flash of culpability. "Do it ... if that's what you want to do. 'Cause it's supposed to be your night."

Jacob laughed, rising up on his knees and sitting back on his feet. "I do want to do it." He grabbed the dragon's left hind leg and raised it, holding it to his chest. "Do you like using your tail, Nel?" he asked.

The dragon happily nodded. "Yep! I like my tongue, too, but my tail reaches farther. And it's bigger. And ... I would think about you while I do it, Jake," she added, catching onto his interest in the subject. She let out a little giggle when Jacob seemed to stir in place from her words, no doubt feeling antsy and hot-cheeked from the mention.

Penelope gave Jacob a discerning glare. "You think that's hot, don't you? You naughty boy!" She began to giddily hum to herself.

Jacob played her off, shrugging. "I, uh ... I just thought it would be something fun to do ... something we haven't tried before."

"Yesssss," Penelope hissed, curling her toes again as the tip of her tail teased the sensitive entrance to her vent. "You think it's hot that I would think about you when I used my tail and tongue on myself."

Jacob said nothing and tried not to smile. He began to rub the end of her tail up and down the dragon's scaly slit, teasing lightly ... caressing with a gentle touch of her tail tip.

"Before we became mates I would put my tongue and tail in me and imagine it was your cock." Penelope began fishing for a reaction. "But when I saw your cock for real it looked so much different than what I imagined. And after that I would think about it when you were away at University and--"

"Penelope!" Jacob blurted out, feeling exasperated.

"What?" Penelope cocked her head, dropping her coy grin and suddenly looking like the most innocent dragon in the world. "I'm just trying to get you all hot and bothered."

Jacob sucked on his cheek for a moment, noticing they were becoming warm. He shook his head and smiled. "There's nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to switch gears for a while, and be the one to get you aroused ... for a change."

The lavender scaled dragon let out a low, humming growl. She bore a sultry, almost hungry look as she lashed out her tongue and slowly licked her scaly lips. "But I'm already aroused, Jake. So put it in me and make me feel good."

"Don't worry, we'll get to that soon enough." He flashed her a grin.

A glance at the dragon revealed her expectant expression, with her gaze focused on the tail tip in Jacob's hand. Her face was aglow with candlelight; her glossy blue eyes reflecting numerous tiny points of flame. She was breathing heavily through her nose. Wide and dilated nostrils were puffing out bursts of hot air. Her chest was rising and falling steadily, with purple scaly nostrils flaring on every exhale.

Jacob kept a firm grip on the end of her purple tail. And slowly, he began to press in, parting her daffodil labial scales just slightly around the tip, dragging up and down the length of her swollen slit, spreading the clear fluid there around the soft skin and the scales that protected it. But ... before he went more than an inch, he suddenly backed out, and returned back to teasing her slit.

"Mrf," Penelope huffed. "Jake ... why are you waiting?" she asked. A hint of grumpiness could be heard in her voice.

"I'm going slow," Jacob replied simply.

"Humph, I don't want slow!" The dragon pouted. She kicked her right hind leg in the air in anxiousness.

He began to laugh. "Nel, didn't you just say that tonight I get a dragon eager to do anything I want to do?"

"B-but my vent is all wet and warm and buzzy from the blowie! And I want to feel something in me! And ... and ... and I'm impatient!" Penelope finally admitted.

Jacob laughed even more. "Alright, well ... you know, I'm kind of curious now ..." he began, snaking his free hand down the dragon's inner thigh. Touching lightly, he took two fingers and spread the dragon's slit wide open, revealing the wet, pink flesh within. The scaly skin was quite warm to the touch already, being flushed with arousal. He gave her a discerning glare.

" ... just how much of your tail can you fit, Penelope?"

Penelope licked her lips, letting out a deep, provocative growl. "Mm, why don't you find out?" she dared. "See for yours--Haa-aaah!" her mouth abruptly dropped open as she felt Jacob plunge in, sliding several inches of the dragon's tail into her own vent.

Her hind toes reflexively curled in on themselves as Jacob began to work her slowly, sliding the end of her tail in and out. All the time Penelope had spent expectantly waiting since she had first gotten Jacob to bed had left her quite wet, allowing the scaled appendage to slip inside of her quite easily. Jacob watched carefully as each pump of the tail had the dragon churring to herself in bliss from the satisfaction of penetration finally achieved.

"You like that, Nel?" he asked, starting to feed just a little bit more of the tail within her on every plunge.

"Mrf, yesssssss!" the dragon giddily hissed, finding an odd excitement in watching Jacob use her own tail as a toy. "More!"

Jacob began to press in deeper, prodding around and exploring the depths of her vent. He felt the dragon's tail muscles under her firm scales flexing and stiffening in his hand, as Penelope began to wiggle and flex her tail tip on every plunge, hitting all sorts of delectable spots within. The dragon's hips began moving, arching up into Jacob's hand as he worked.

"Rrrrr ..." Penelope growled. She began to feel her muscles relax as her body acclimated itself to the penetration. Her gaze was fixated on the human using her own tail to penetrate her vent. She glanced down to his legs, but unfortunately his cock was blocked from view by her own thigh. She wondered if he was growing firm again, and how long it would be before she could touch it once more.

"Keep going. Deeper!" she said, flexing her tail to plunge the appendage deep into her vent.

"Hey!" Jacob laughed, feeling his grip of the now-slippery tail slide from him. He pulled several inches out of her and admonished the dragon. "Not yet. We're going at my pace."

Penelope pouted. "But whyyyyyy?"

Jacob laughed. "I already told you why. Because sometimes dragging things out makes the experience more exciting." Penelope let out a disappointed whine.

Jacob continued feeding the dragon more of her tail, inch by inch. He always stopped short of pulling it out completely, leaving only the very tip inside of the dragon's slit, before going back in once more. Jacob could hear Penelope's breaths begin to quicken and become louder as heated puffs were forced through her nostrils. After a moment, he slowly retrieved the entirety of her tail, watching as a good hand's-length of the appendage was slowly slipped from her vent. The end was now thoroughly covered in a silky wet sheen. Jacob raised an eyebrow.

Penelope let out a huff. "Why'd you stop?" she said, pouting.

"I was just curious how much was inside of you," Jacob answered, eyeing the now wet and glistening tail tip in the soft candlelight of the stable.

"Put in more!" the dragon giddily requested, kicking a foot in the air once more. "Take my tail and fu-"

"Language, Penelope," he gently chided, chuckling. "You're getting too excited."

Unfazed, the horny dragon let out a low hum, narrowing her eyes to slits as she stared at her keeper. "Fine. Take my tail and mate me with it. Put it in me and go deep and don't stop until I squeal!"

"That's the plan," Jacob grinned as he once more wiggled the tip of the dragon's tail back within her own vent.

Minutes past, with Jacob still content to take things slow ... a move that was driving the dragon crazy. She tried flexing her tail to push it in faster and deeper, but to her disappointment, Jacob's firm grip kept him in control of the appendage. Every push a little deeper, stretching her vent a little wider ... with strong human hands teasing at how hard they could thrust, yet backing off at just the right times ... it was a delightful torture. Penelope could feel herself growing wetter by the minute.

Steadily, Jacob fed the dragon more of her own tail. He watched as her vent began to bulge around the ever-increasing girth that slipped within her, and listened to the heated groans and growls escaping the dragon's lips as every plunge stretched her vent wider and peeked father back in her vent. Suddenly, he felt Penelope tense her hind legs up, and her forelegs shot up in the air as if to grasp at something invisible.

"Wait!" she gasped. Jacob immediately backed off, looking to the dragon in concern as a seemingly impossible amount of her tail was snugly stuck inside her vent.

Slowly, the dragon began to relax, and rested her head back against the wall once more. She swallowed her extra saliva down and began to pant as she slowly relaxed her body. "No more. Any farther and it'll start to hurt."

Jacob felt the tail muscles his hand was wrapped around spring to life as Penelope gently pulled out just a little bit of her tail out from her stretched and swollen vent. "There!" she proclaimed. "Feels just right."

Jacob nodded. "Got it." He wrapped his fingers around the lowermost exposed part, marking with a thumb the maximum length she was comfortable with. Warm, slippery fluids coated his hand.

He gave Penelope a quick once-over, eyeing the foot or so of dragon tail buried deep within her own vent. Her scale-lined slit was bulging tightly, causing the scaly skin surrounding her vent entrance to bend and wrinkle around her tail's girth. How this didn't feel uncomfortable to the dragon, Jacob couldn't fathom ... and perhaps it was impossible to know without being a female dragon himself!

"Cripes, Nel ..."Jacob gawked. "That's almost the length of my forearm. And thicker than my wrist!"

"I knoooow," Penelope giddily caroled, making herself comfy as she wiggled her hips and nestled herself in the warmth of her bed. "Urf ... so deep," she groaned. "I don't think I've ever gotten it this deep before."

Jacob could feel Penelope flexing and relaxing the tail tendons and muscles that his hand was wrapped around, causing the tip that was imbedded within her to wriggle around and press up against the inner walls of her vent, touching all sorts of delightful spots. Slowly, Jacob began to retrieve her tail, watching her stretched slit slowly relax until all but the very tip was still parting her folds. Then--with a hard thrust that had the dragon squealing in delightful surprise--he began to steadily work the deepest parts of her vent.

"And how does it feel?" Jacob asked out of pure amusement.

"Mrf ... so good! Mm hmm!" the dragon affirmed, closing her eyes and letting the tip of her tongue stick out from her lips as a wide-lipped grin stretched across her face. "I ... I like that you're doing it, instead of me, Jake," the dragon cooed. "It's fun to watch you put my tail in me."

"I, uh ..." Jacob let out a perplexed little laugh, feeling a bit warm in the cheeks. "I don't know what to say to that."

"You don't have to say anything," Penelope affectionately churred. "Just keep working my tail."

"That ... I can do," he chuckled, gently tugging on the long, scaly appendage until only the last inch was still held inside of her. Each and every scale south of his fingers were coated in a slick sheen of fluids that reflected the golden glow of the candles around him. He then felt her tail become stiff in his hand for easier penetration, and took that as his silent cue to slip it back inside of her. Having done this before, it seemed to Jacob that Penelope knew exactly when to stiffen her tail and when to relax it, alternating in tandem with Jacob's rhythmic push and pull of his hand.

Together, the two began working out a steady rhythm that had the dragon squirming in delight, growling and murmuring to herself in the soft, flickering candlelight of her stable as her keeper diligently tended to her needs, each thrust going a little bit faster, using more force and stretching her slit a little bit wider as more of her scaly tail was pressed inside.

"So," Jacob began, still holding the dragon's right hind leg to his chest. "How do you work your tail when you're by yourself?"

Penelope had begun panting again. Her eyes were locked on Jacob's hands. She appeared to have trouble focusing. "Hahhh ... ahhh ... I--I use both forepaws to hold onto it, and ..." Penelope paused to let out another heated growl as her tail was once again plunged into her depths. "And then I ... I ... urf, that's so much tail!" the dragon crooned.

"Too much?" Jacob asked, pausing in concern.

"No! Don't you dare stop!" Penelope nudged him in the face with her hind foot, causing Jacob to laugh.

"Well, he said, continuing his work. "Now I know one thing ... there's something you haven't done before, if your forepaws were busy ..."

Penelope flopped back onto her bed, letting her tongue hang listlessly from the side of her panting mouth as her tail continued to work her vent. She did not reply to him. It seemed to Jacob that she was not really paying attention, being too distracted from the wonderful stretching pressure between her legs. No longer flinching or twitching on the occasional thrust, it seemed that the dragon had by now acclimated her body to the size of her tail and the depth of its penetration. She relaxed for now, basking in the moment of her keeper diligently (and eagerly!) pleasuring her the way she had done herself for many months in the past.

Though she wasn't watching, Jacob flashed a mischievous grin knowing what would get her attention. "Well, Penelope ... I was thinking of something like this!"

The dragon sucked in a major gasp, bolting upright as her wings and forelegs tensed up as she felt an intense pleasure bloom within her. She looked down between her legs to see Jacob steadily working her vent with her tail in one hand ... while the other began aggressively rubbing at the internal clitoris tucked away just inside the top of her slit!

"Ahh, Jake ... ahh!" Penelope cried out, shutting her eyes tight as the firm little nub was delightfully assaulted. Her wings shot out from underneath her, pushing against her bed. Her forepaws gripped the edges of her mattress tightly and refused to let go.

Jacob watched carefully, pumping her tail in and out of her steadily. Her tail was becoming so soaked in slippery fluids that it was getting hard to hold onto ... the smooth scales seemed to almost completely lose their grip. Using his other hand, he thumbed across the dragon's sensitive little nub nestled within her slit, then switched to two fingers for more coverage, spreading her feminine fluids everywhere and stirring up a loud schlick-schlick-schlick! which was drowned out only by the draconic growls and groans filling the candlelit room.

Penelope's breathing sounded quick and raspy on Jacob's ears as her vent was steadily worked by the pair of human hands. The hind leg that Jacob had been previously holding to his chest was now tensed up, ankle hooked over his shoulder.

"Jake! I ... I ..." The dragon could not finish her sentence, instead letting out a long, low growl as her own tail was thrust deeply within her vent once more, setting off a minor orgasm. Combining with the steady clitoral massage, Jacob's hands were sending the dragon's mind reeling with pleasure. Her forepaws began to grasp and knead the sides of the mattress she was clinging to. The skinny, elongated dactyls that formed her wings were pushing steadfast against the stony walls and floor. She tucked her hind legs in, causing the ankle that was wrapped around the back of Jacob's neck to pull him in, almost making him tip over.

"Nel! Cripes!" Jacob laughed, ducking his head out from under the dragon's leg. "Mind your legs!"

Penelope planted her foot against Jacob's shoulder--toe claws digging into his skin--as he continued to work the dragon with both hand and tail. She did not respond with words, having devolved into more bestial growls, grunts, and hums as her vent was worked. The sheer size of her tail held the dragon enraptured: the combination of the wonderful stretching provided by her tail's girth, and the steady rubbing against her firm clit proved to be too much for Penelope to keep still for--or even keep silent for that matter!

Silent for now, Jacob worked the dragon diligently. Sweat was beading on his forehead. He had lost track of time; the aching in his forearms were the only tell to how long he had been at it. Every thrust of her tail had the dragon crooning and growling in sweet bliss. Her scaly hips were wiggling and rocking, causing the springs in her mattress to bounce and squeak.

Penelope could feel her vent begin to slacken as that strange tingly sensation began to bloom within her body. The sheer girth of her tail stretching and pressing against her vent walls was igniting a fire in her lower belly, and Jacob's steady and intense rubbing of her clitoris was sending the dragon into hysteria. She could feel her internal muscles relax, causing even more of her tail to press within her. She let out a gutteral, draconic whine, attempting to stave the orgasm off for just a little bit, eager to make the moment last a short while longer. And just when the dragon could take no more, the massive buildup seemed to all come crashing down on her at once, causing Penelope to squeal and buck her hips as her vent began to quiver and clench on its own accord, as if someone other than herself had suddenly taken control of her body. The dragon could not stop it, nor did she want to.

Mindless in her desire and snarling wildly, Penelope kicked her feet out, instinctively wishing for firm ground to push against. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she heard Jacob sputter. One of her toes felt warm for some reason. The dragon paid it little attention, as the overpowering sensations of her orgasm dominated all conscious thought. Her eyes were shut tight as the massive orgasm rocked her body. Her wings lashed out and stretched around her. Acrid puffs of smoke began to vent from her dilated nostrils and waft from her open mouth that was locked in a loud snarl. An agitated whine escaped her lips as the pressure in her vent grew to be more than she could handle, and with a stiffening of her tail muscles she pulled the entirety of her tail out in one quick movement, causing a splatter of clear dragon fluids to fling in the air. More fluids squirted out from her pulsing slit as her vent continued to clench around nothing at all. And Jacob, eager to draw the experience out, continued to aggressively work her clitoris with his well-lubricated fingers as he held onto the bucking and quivering dragon.

The moment continued for what seemed like an eternity to Jacob. It was only once he began to feel the muscles in her leg relax that he backed off, gradually slowing the intense pressure and rubbing of her internal clitoris to a gentle massage. He watched Penelope's tail--the end of which was now thoroughly coated in her own fluids--quiet its noisy thumping against the bed and become still. Her partially extended wings began to close and fold up listlessly against her body. He felt the hindfoot mashed against his face finally unclench and relinquish its grasp-full of cheek back to its owner. He spat out the scaly toe that was lodged partially in his mouth and sputtered, wiping his lips and tongue on the back of his forearm. The hind leg that he had been holding to his chest fell from his grip, and Jacob--now feeling achy in the knees for sitting on them for so long--shifted around and laid back on one elbow alongside the dragon as she recovered.

Penelope?" he asked, placing a gentle hand on the sharply-rising and falling chest of the dragon. "How was that?" he asked, half-amused and half-shocked from the intensity of her climax.

Penelope said nothing. She laid back on her bed with forelegs drawn to her scaled chest and panted wildly, tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she recuperated. A bubbly giggle began to work its way through her body. She reached over her chest with a wing and half-pulled, half-guided Jacob onto her belly to straddle her. He leaned forward and looked at her eye-to-eye as he brought a hand to her snout and gave her an affectionate rub.

The dragon could not stop giggling. She arched her neck up and began licking Jacob's cheek in giddy affection.

"Penelope!" he laughed as the dragon effusively licked and nibbled. "Are you okay?"

"Mmhmm ..." She finally managed, cooing to her keeper out of sheer slaphappy euphoria. "My tail was good. Your fingers were good. All of it was good!"

Jacob looked down at the dragon underneath him and grinned. "You were certainly a handful that time! I could barely hold onto you. You kicked me in the face. And then you smacked me in the chest with your tail when you pulled out."

The dragon was far too blithesome to let such details concern her. "I'm so sorry, Jake," she cooed. "I just lost control after you started rubbing my favorite spot and your fingers were moving so fast and I felt like my lower tummy was about to burst and ... and ..." the dragon began to giggle even more, as if there was something incredibly hilarious about what she had just said. Squirming in place, she tightened her grip around her keeper with wings and forelegs, hugging him tight.

"Rrrrrf! So good!" she crooned. She brought a wing claw up to Jacob's face and ran it through his now messy hair, clearing the view of his face. "Thank you."

Jacob returned to her a genuine smile. "It was my pleasure. I haven't seen you this slap-happy since your breeding season."

Penelope wriggled her hips. "Mf, I thought I only got like this when I was really needy and in heat, but this time ..." she began to laugh once more.

Jacob let himself put on a smug smile for a brief moment. "Told ya that if you drag things out and take your time, it can be more fun than a quickie."

"Or maybe ..." Penelope gave Jacob a sly grin. "Or maybe my tail and your hands are just too good."

Jacob rolled his eyes in amusement.

Penelope's eyes narrowed to slits for a brief moment, and she let out a licentious growl. "So what next, Jake? I hope you're hard for me by now ..."

Jacob's eyes opened wide. "Cripes, you're still--"

"Ready for more," Penelope churred in acknowledgement. She blew a puff of moist air from her dilated nostrils into Jacob's face. He could smell the remnants of her smoky, acrid fire breath. The dragon arched her hips up to press against him. "Well?"

"Aren't you really stretched out from your tail, though? I'm nowhere near well-endowed ... that's a tough act to follow."

"My tail is bigger ..." the dragon nodded once in acknowledgement. "But my tail doesn't have a Jake attached to it, does it?" she answered.

Jacob grinned at her words. "Penelope, you're adorable."

To his surprise, the dragon put on a pout. "But I'm not trying to be adorable right now! I want to be ..." the dragon narrowed her eyes and let out a throaty hum. "Seductive. Like you said earlier. Call me seductive again, Jake." The dragon raised a scaly brow when he initially said nothing. "Well?"

Jacob pursed his lips tight. "You're ... seductive, Penelope."

The dragon churred approvingly, wriggling her hips against him. "Yessssss. Now call me hot."

Jacob winced as if he was suddenly pinched in the cheek. "Ack, you know I have a hard time saying this about a dragon, Nel ..."

"Say it, say it, say it!" Penelope pleaded, pawing at his chest.

Jacob sighed, dropping his shoulders in resignation. "Fine: you're hot, Penelope. You're hot. Sexy. Sultry. Seductive. Lusty ..." Jacob furrowed his brow. "Provocative."

"Heeeeeeee!" Penelope squirmed in place. "That's a good word. I like that word. I'm gonna start using it! Watch:" Penelope adopted an overly formal tone of voice. "Jacob, you're so ... provocative!" The dragon let out a husky growl.

Jacob laughs. "That's not a Penelope word!"

Penelope gawked. "Yes it is! It totally is! Provocative. Pro ... voc ... ative. My word!"

Jacob chuckled, sinking his head into Penelope's scaly shoulder. "Aaand 'seductive' just got tossed right out the window. Now we're back at 'adorable'."

"Wait wait wait wait!" Penelope protested, not feeling keen on losing the mood. "Let me go back to 'seductive'!" The dragon began to wrack her brain for something appropriate to say.

But before she could answer, a sudden, unfortunate epiphany came to the forefront of Jacob's mind. "Oh, cripes!"

He shot up in an instant, shrugging off the pair of leathery wings wrapped around him and jumping to his feet. He rushed to one of the stable's windows and shoved open the window shutter just as Penelope rolled to her side.

"Jake? What's wrong?" she asked, looking concerned.

Jacob ducked his head in resignation, showing a tight-lipped frown. "We've been fooling around for too long. It's gotten dark, Nel." He pushed open the shutter all the way for the dragon to see. A dark, purplish grey sky was all that could be seen from Penelope's perspective, but it was obvious enough that dusk had fallen a while ago.

"Well, so? Come back to bed, Jake," she cooed, "we have the candlelight to keep the place lit."

"No no no!" Jacob hastily began throwing on clothes. "My parents ... they'll be back from that dinner party any minute now, if they aren't back already! Can't risk it."

"But we've done it in our stable plenty of times before!" the dragon protested.

"Penelope," Jacob sighed as fingers fumbled for his shirt buttons. "That was before my family knew what was going on. I'm putting my foot down, here."

"But ... but ..." Penelope's mind raced to find some proper response.

"Nel," Jacob began, shaking his head. He motioned to his waist. "It's done. My pants are already back on ... and you're not getting back inside of them until it's safe to do so again!"

The dragon gave Jacob her best pout and a loud whine of disapproval, but she did not try and push the matter. A part of her knew that it was important to keep things secret, even if she still didn't fully understand why.

"Well ... fine!" Penelope spat out. "But we never got to mate, so if you're backing out now, you still owe me one dragon humping in the future!"

Jacob let out a laugh as he began to thread his belt through his pant loops. "Penelope! I thought this night started out as something you wanted to do for me! How the heck do I end up owing you for this?"

The revelation caught Penelope off-guard. The dragon's blue eyes scanned Jacob's face as she did her best to formulate a response. "I ... well, okay! I owe you one dragon humping, then! And I won't let you forget it. Hmph!" Penelope turned away from Jacob and raised her snout in the air in a show of indignance.

"Alright, alright," Jacob yielded. "Fine, but I should get back to the house. Actually--I have studying I need to finish, now that I think of it." He leaped over the various candles on the flagstone floor in a hurry and put his hand on the stable door, pressing down the dragon-proof safety latch and yanking it open.

"Wait!" Penelope called out. Jacob froze in place, looking back.


Penelope rose to all fours. "Your cake," she motioned with a nod of her snout. "Aren't you going to finish it?"

Jacob smiled. "Eat what you want and wrap up the rest for later. Just don't eat too much or you'll get sick, okay?" He turned for the door and took a step outside.

"Wait again!"

Jacob froze in place. Sighing, he stepped back into the stable. "Yes, Penelope?"

The dragon rose to all fours and traversed the room, taking careful steps to avoid knocking over the candles she had placed. She took his side and leaned against him, burying the side of her face in his clothes and looking up to him mournfully.

"You're not still upset, right? About me mating with Jasper? I ... I just want to make sure."

"Nel ..." Jacob smiled, taking her head in his hands. He looked into her watery eyes all glimmering with hope and expectation of his forgiveness. "I still don't have everything worked out between us. This has all grown very complicated. But ... how can I be upset at a face like that? Yes, I forgive you." He planted a kiss on her nose that had the dragon bubbly with glee.

"Goodnight, Penelope. I'll see you tomorrow."

Jacob turned and closed the bottom of the dutch door behind him, leaving the dragon to look out the top half as her keeper snuck back inside of his family's estate. The windows were alight with gas-powered lamps, washing out the otherwise dark and starry sky. Penelope rested her chin against the door and let out a whimsical sigh, reassuring herself that at least for now, everything was the way she wanted it to be.


Post-story notes:

~So after writing so many stories in the past, I've found it really hard to stir up interest in writing out a porn scene nowadays. Every time I do it, it feels the same to me. I get so bored. So I tried to switch things up a bit, and try something I've never done before: tail sex. The premise doesn't interest me in the slightest, but I figured it might be different enough to spurn some creativity. It ... sorta worked. I still really struggled to write the sex scene for a long time, but eventually I got it done!

~I decided upon tail sex over alternatives because I know a friend of mine enjoys it quite a bit. I hope you like it, avatar?user=204374&character=0&clevel=2 Syrinoth!

~Blowjobs, on the other hand, do interest me, so, uh ... yeah, I still kinda like writing those. >_> Especially if the girl finds it fun too. My kinks are so positively generic and tame compared to the furry fandom, haha. And I consider that a good thing!

~I added the nipple foreplay scene at the last minute. I didn't include it initially because of how nipple foreplay is such a traditionally feminine act, so I figured some guys might find it strange or uncomfortable to read about another guy's nipples being played with. But, it's something Penelope would do ... she likes the quirks of a human body, after all! Its the same reason I included the little scene of her playing with Jacob's balls ... personally, I don't like it, but it fits the charac_ter._ Actually, you may be surprised at how much I add in that I don't personally enjoy but fits the characters anyway.

The Persistent Dragon Slips Up Again

The Persistent Dragon Slips Up Again Jacob let out a sigh of relief and stretched out on the grass of the garden. For once, everything seemed to be going his way. His plan had worked: Penelope's act of falling for a city drake had made it seem...

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A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies

A Dragon in Suburbia, part 5: Accepted Apologies "Alright, Nix ..." Kyle barely forced out between his mashed lips (he found it rather hard to talk with a jaguar-sized dragon sitting on his cheek!) "Maybe we can turn this into something we'll both...

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A Dragon in Suburbia, Part 4: Dragons at Dinnertime.

A Dragon in Suburbia, Part 4: Dragons at Dinnertime. "Shit shit, _shit_!" Kyle squirmed out from underneath the yellowtail dragon, who squawked in surprise and fussed at the sudden movement. He jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain in his shoulder....

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