Dirty Dancer

Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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I'm drunk so have some drunken porn in a club setting.

Dirty DancerBy: RottenThe firm throb of the music's bass lines had suddenly vanished and loled the crowd's movements into slow undulations. Partners switched as the slow build of the synthesizer teased the ears of something greater. Progressively the music grew louder, lights joined in with the energy as it built and built toward its climax. Hips pressed tighter, hands gripped firmer, and the crowd's chant  grew in intensity. The Dj never teased as the simple loop of synths gives way to the melody powered forward by the steady thrum of drum machines. Tails swayed as the previous energy of the crowd returns in vigor, bodies moved against each other in a sensual dance, slaves to the music, slaves to the dj. The bass was the pulse, the pulse that drove each dancer to move and continue to lose themselves. Release, freedom from the world outside the club walls free of worry and free of judgement. Charles had come to the club for the same reason.The tiger stood dressed in tight jeans and a black, trim, tank top. Origami cranes decorated the front in various, bright colors, that changed depending on what light shined on its surface. A rather casual dress as far as the club goes, sure there were candy folk who let up like neon signs but their dress was more suited to the wall. No Chuck came for one thing, to get drunk, and dance. As the last of the flouresing liquid

slipped past his black lips he set the cup down and quickly proceeded back to the dance floor. "Give it up for Dj SoHo," an Mc's voice rolled through the sound system. The music had been lowered some, an outro of a song looped in the background. "Now time for your favorite mix master, the master of scratch, DJ Ruff."Chuck's rounded ears perked as he listened to the words and then cheered along with the rest of the folks at the announcement. The Mc's voice lowered along with the crowd as the SoHo's last song played out. Chuck looked around at the crowd and found it consisted mostly of men, just the way he liked it. Green eyes looked around and noticed a brawny hyena had locked eyes with his own. A confident grin formed across his snout and was returned by the stranger, but their attention was soon drawn back to the stage. "Hey party people," a smooth voice cut through the soft melody, "I know how you like it. But papa bear likes to hear it from your mouths. How do we like it?""Hard!" Chuck shouted and raised a fist, "Fast!""Mmm you maken me excited, sing along if you know this one," Dj Ruff said right before a small sample of a song played. Chuck as well as the other regulars knew exactly what song it was and cheered. The house lights lowered and left the dancers in the dim glow of stage lights as the intro began to play. Chuck looked back down to where he had seen the hyena and frowned when he was nowhere in sight. But the frown didn't last when he heard the music's chorus begin."Hardcore vibes, that I run tings, ayeeeyaa," Chuck chanted with the rest of them.Couples began to pair off, some in triples as the bass line approached and began to set the expectations for the entire set. Chuck had paired off with a thin leopard for the moment as the last line reared its head. "This one is dedicated to all the ravers in the nation," and the rest was a blurr. Chuck's eyes closed as he began to roll in the rollercoaster of music. His strong form danced with the leopard, bumped, ground and mutually grew both of their heat and energy. But the leopard seemed to gravitate to his front, lithe form ground against his crotch and only grew more insistent when he began to grow firm in his jeans. However, as the mix progressed the two gravitated away from each other as each read the unconscious signals of desires. Chuck danced solo as he continued to look through the crowd, body never missed a beat in the music as he did. The forms that danced around him were in silhouette, their colors only flashed as the lights swiftly scanned through them. A gentle haze in the air made the bright light beams glow as if solid as they moved. Ruff did as he always does and tore up the club with his smooth, hardcore, tunes laced with heavy, boxy, bass that they all knew and loved. Eyes closed as a short break in the music rolled over the crowd like a wave, the night was late and Chuck knew the final songs were about to approach. They always were the most intense songs of the night, the closers that rattled around in the head till the next night. Tail lashed in slight disappointment he couldn't share the moment. "Been watching ya for a while," a deep, rich, voice said into one of his ears. A warmth rolled around his body as arms wrapped around his chest in a soft hug. Chuck turned his head some and caught the glint of a toothy grin as the lights flashed past the Hyena's face. No music could match his pulse as he felt the hyena press tight against his body. Strong hands lowered down to his hips and hooked tight pulling his own back against the stronger male. He could feel the hyena's package firm and square on one of his cheeks. Chuck knew what his body wanted in that moment as his arms reached behind and met at the nape of the hyena's neck. He felt the man's chest rumble in approval just as the bass returned. Chuck's eyes closed as the hyena's hands led him in the final dance of the night. The music seemed to have more bass and the lights had grown more frantic and intense as the club goers matched the enthusiasm in the room. He felt each hot breath from the other hyena roll down the side of his neck. Tawny fur ruffled under the humid air and only added to the sensations; sight, sound, touch overwhelmed. Strong hands pulled his hips back as the hyena set a steady and hard pulse in time with the music. Chuck let the hyena's paw explore anywhere they wanted to so long as it didn't disrupt the rhythm. Briefly mouths met as tongues pushed against each other. Chuck loved it and the hyena must have as well and when their lips met again nothing was held back. Fang pushed against each other while tongues danced with each other. Chuck's ears folded and flicked lost in the moment and made him numb to the sensation of the tail button being undone. Closer and closer did their bodies grow as the happy hardcore music flowed from the speakers in a cascade. Mouths parted and Chuck winced as a slicked hyena shaft was shoved deep into his ass. The pain only made the experience all that more exhilarating as the hyena began to fuck him in the middle of the crowd. Others seemed to notice, but like good slaves to the music, paid no mind as they enjoyed their own highs. In that moment nothing mattered more to Chuck than the music and the thick cock pistoning into his ass fucking him hard to the beat. The crotch of his jeans grew damp with precum milked out by the music that drove both bodies toward their mutual goals. Tail and a leg wrapped around the hyena's waist supported by the stronger man's body desiring the closeness and deep thrusts. The ebony

shaft throbbed harder and harder, moans and groans drowned out as bodies sweat and released their musks into the air. The scents only seemed to drive dancers around them to go much harder as the climax of the final song quickly approached. Hips drove forward and paused tight against each other as the last slow buildup began to grow. Chuck could feel the cock throb with the heightened pulse and in that moment it seemed to sync with his own. Ass clamped around the shaft as the final climax to the music rolled over the crowd. Hips resumed just as Chuck's cock flexed and began to unload a thick wad into his jeans. He rode the wave of ecstasy as the hyena continued to drive home the pulse of the music. The warmth that spread through his body grew tenfold as the hyena filled his ass with long ropes of cum. Together they slowed and enjoyed the falling action of the music, the smooth outro loling their afterglow. Both men began to zip themselves up. He could make out the hyena's hand as it moved to his soaked jean's pocket and slipped a paper into it. The hyena lenaed over a shoulder, "nice dancing."  Chuck gasped when he felt a hand scrape along the crotch of his jeans. "Feels like you loved it, better get a drink and spill it on ya."Much like most things, the hyena vanished back into the crowd and left Chuck alone but satisfied. He took the hyena's word of advice and bought another drink as the club began to close down and dribbled some of it into his lap. The bouncers soon began to shoo customers out the door and called cabs for those too drunk or had one too many drops to safely drive. Chuck continued to ride the wave of afterglow as he walked into the cold, morning air. He breathed a deep breath and sighed before he began to walk toward his car. "Oi," someone called. Chuck turned his head and looked around for the source of the call. "You read that note yet?"Chuck finally focused in on a figure leaned against a motorcycle, the tall form was instantly recognizable to him. "No, its just your number right?" Chuck said as he reached into the pocket and pulled out the slip. He struggled to find a good source of light and was briefly shocked when the flick of a lighter sounded in front of him. The warm, orange, flame was brought toward the paper's surface and allowed him to read."Can't wait for round two," Chuck read out loud, "oh you're naughty.""you have no idea," the hyena said with a chuckle and brought the flame to his snout and lit a cigarette. It took Chuck a moment to understand the joke but when he did he chuckled brightly. He stepped up to the hyena's side and pulled in close. His paw reached up to take the cigarette from the hyena's lips and take a drag himself. "How about it?" The hyena said.Chuck grinned, a hand found its way to the hyena's ass. "Night is still young dirty dancer."

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