Chapter 5 (Des-Berfo High): The Good Old Days

Story by Manneth on SoFurry

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It had been three days. The school was calling frantically, wondering if he had the plague or something wildly contagious like it. They said if he didn't show up tomorrow, they'd send a truancy officer to drag him in. But, Devon was doing things far more important than regular schooling. Since that call, that one little message on his answering machine, he'd been useless. He barely had the energy to feed and wash himself, much less go to school. All of his loyal mates had called and left messages, each one feeling that they may have said or done something wrong to cause him to ignore and avoid them.

His cheeks were raw, chapped truly, and some of the fur was missing. All of his eye-rubbing had left them sore and dry, and in some fits of rage he had torn apart his bedding. He lay now in a pile of tissues, torn sheets and pillow stuffing. He had pulled his phone from the wall earlier the same day, sitting with his long-dead cell in his lap. But most shocking of all was that in the past three days he hadn't once had a sexual thought.

His mind was consumed with painful memories. Specifically, one.


The room was dark and damp. He couldn't quite remember how he had gotten there, but his muscles were pretty sore. He tried to stretch, realizing only then that he couldn't move his arms. He tried moving his legs, but to no avail. He was tethered to something, though he had no idea what it was. He shook his body the best he could, trying to free himself. But the bonds were far too tight.

(Where am I...?) He thought. He tried to speak, but all he made were strange sounds.

Feeling around with his tongue, he felt there was some sort of gag in his mouth, not a full one though, it had a hole in the middle for some reason.

(Not a very effective gag...) He thought, the direness of his situation not fulling dawning on him yet. He heard a door open, and a breeze rushed in, chilling him to the bone. That's when he realized he was completely naked.

"So I see you've finally woken up." A hearty voice called from directly in front of him. Devon swung his head wildly about, trying to see who it was, but quickly realized the room wasn't dark, but he was blindfolded.

"That isn't going to do you much good. I tied the ropes myself, and the blindfold, you aren't getting loose anytime soon." The same voice called. Other voices in the room nervously chuckled. "I suppose I should start the festivities off."

Devon immediately felt a single finger trailing down his back. Another finger twirled about in his head fur.

"Though you boys are welcome to join anytime. No? Too shy? Fine suit yourselves, sloppy seconds all around, except for lucky old me." A paw slapped down hard on his ass, squeezing it tightly.

Shortly after, the other paw grabbed the other cheek, and pulled them apart.

"Damn, looks tight, this one must still be a virgin. Hot damn!" The voice called out yet again. It nearly sounded like a horse. Though Devon was still a virgin, the porn he watched on the internet told him that this wouldn't be all too enjoyable on his part. Unless he used lots of lube.

There was some whispering behind him, then: "No I don't need any lube, we're not keeping the thing anyway." Then, a sharp pain in his ass, his tight entrance pushing back against the invader. "Damn you are tight. I might need some lube after all." Hearing that, Devon relaxed a little.

That cost him, the tip of the horse's dick slid right in. Pain coursed through Devon's body, it felt like something was ripping him in two. His hole was sore and hot, the horse's dick felt as if it had come straight from a furnace.

"Ah, there we go, now that should make this all a bit easier." The horse replied, pushing roughly into the panther's ass.

Devon's ass seared with pain and heat from the horse's dick. Three more inches later, tears streamed down his face. With six inches already in him, Devon didn't think there could be much more. Four more inches, and he was sobbing. Finally, he felt the horse's balls tap softly against his. Then the horse pulled out slowly each inch causing its own unique pain throughout his body. But slowly the pain dulled, and as the horse pushed back in, the pain lessened further.

Just when the pain was receding entirely, a canine shoved his cock in Devon's muzzle, through the hole in the gag. Unaware of what was happening, Devon's tongue leaped up, examining the new object. The taste was something new, almost enjoyable if not for the situation. He heard a dobie moan. Then a paw wrapped around his cock, and someone else was rubbing up against his side, then another. Before he knew it, his body was covered in pre, with all the furs in the room rubbing their cocks up against his body, somewhere.

Now the horse was going full speed, pumping in and out like his life depended on it. The horse was groaning and moaning in elation, while the dobie in Devon's muzzle continued to muzzlefuck him. Devon felt dirty, and sticky, but he couldn't help enjoying it, to an extent. Before long, the horse in back of him pulled out, moaning and panting hard. Wondering what was going on, Devon squirmed a bit, eliciting moans from some of the furs rubbing against him. Suddenly, Devon felt something hot and sticky on his back, then more and more of it until he felt as if it would start dripping.

Before he could figure out what it was, the dobie in his mouth came, moaning desperately. The other furs rubbing up against him moaned too, each cumming in turn. Then some fur began to nurse at Devon's cock, stroking it all the while. Eventually, Devon's back arched and his breathing grew heavier and heavier. Finally, he came hard and fast in someone's muzzle. When he finished cumming, the furs all moved away. Devon was absolutely exhausted.

"It's time for a break boys. We'll be back later though, don't you worry little slave." The horse called out as the door on the other side of the room closed shut.

Devon lay there in silence, sobbing.

It was nearly a full week before they finally let him go, a full of week of getting fucked and pleasured non-stop. The last day, they removed his blindfold and he saw them all. All of them were his future seniors from band, it was his early initiation. From that day forward, his libido was insatiable, hooking up with strangers, and eventually starting a little fun break during his sectionals.

That horse, Marv, was his mate until Devon's junior year, when he died in a car crash, no one knew about the rape except for them. Devon had put it out of his mind for so long, but now it was back, and back to stay.

Chapter 6 (Des-Berfo High): A Day Off

Donnie sat up with a jolt, knocking his bedside table over in an attempt to turn off the alarm. He rushed into the bathroom, pulling on a pair of shorts as he went. He pulled on his shirt and threw on some deodorant, all the while brushing his teeth...

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Chapter 4 (Des-Berfo High): In His Eyes

Devon scrambled out the door while the other furs were still dressing. He hurried down the hallway into the boys' bathroom and took a second to compose himself. He pressed two fingers tight to his jugular, steadying his paw to check his pulse....

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Chapter 3: Sectionals

Donnie sat staring out the window, the trees flicking by. "So, you nervous?" Called out Stephen's melodic voice from across the car. Donnie turned to face him. "Why? Should I be?" Donnie asked, slightly worried. "No not really I suppose....

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