Chapter 6 (Des-Berfo High): A Day Off

Story by Manneth on SoFurry

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Donnie sat up with a jolt, knocking his bedside table over in an attempt to turn off the alarm. He rushed into the bathroom, pulling on a pair of shorts as he went. He pulled on his shirt and threw on some deodorant, all the while brushing his teeth and trimming his nails. He was halfway through combing his head fur when he realized that not only was he not late for school, a rare occurrence indeed, but he didn't have school at all. Chuckling at his absent-mindedness, he flopped down on the sofa in the living room, flipping slowly through channels.

(How great,) He thought, (How great that we get a Friday off. A three day weekend! I have to do something with it!).

Fishing about in his shorts pocket for his hastily crammed away cell phone, the young sheppie came across a soft, fabric-like material. Pulling it out for further investigation, he found it to be a heavily worn and faded piece of paper. His first instinct was to throw it away, doubting whatever was written on it was important or else he wouldn't have let it get washed with his shorts, but something made him unfold it. Upon unfolding it he saw simply a phone number, 726-0235, after a few moments, enlightenment struck him.

"Frisk!" Donnie shouted, dropping the slip of paper.

Suddenly he was caught between the excitement of finding his cell and calling this new friend, and the nervousness behind their unique situation, his body, not getting word of the second part until later, began standing up before abruptly deciding to sit back down. The result was Donnie landing, tail in the air, in a heap on the floor, the paper landing gently on his nose. After a considerable amount of scrambling, Donnie stood back up and ran to his room to fetch his cell phone.

He found his phone lying by his pillow, still awaiting some unheard late night call or unread late night text. Flipping it open, he hastily dialed the number in and went to press send. As his finger neared the button, however, he found himself unable to press it, his finger hovering inches above it.

(Come on, you can do it. There's nothing to be afraid of, he enjoyed it as much as you.) But no amount of mental pep talk would bring his finger any closer to the elusive button. (Well I'm not going to do THIS all day.) Finding some tiny fragment of courage tucked away deep inside of him somewhere, he finally pressed send.


A phone rang in the darkness. A paw moved gingerly through the darkness, feeling around for the phone. Upon success, it raised the phone to the owner's muzzle.

"Hello?" A tired, rudely awoken, voice murmured.

"Oh! Sorry, did I wake you? You don't need beauty sleep anyway, who looks at you? No one that's who." An excited voice chattered away on the phone.

"What do you want Kenny?" The tired voice replied, a hint of annoyance in it now.

"Come on man, it's our day off, you can't sleep it all away! You're coming over to my place in an hour, so shower and get dressed. And bring your money, because we're going to Hemway to watch a movie later. Oh and some music for the ride there." Kenny blathered quickly.

"What, so you have my whole day planned for me, do you Ken?" The tired voice asked, good-spirited humor in it now.

"Oh you know without me you would've done nothing all day, and then regretted it all weekend. Come on Derrick, you've only got to spend one day with me. You can spend the rest of the weekend sleeping, I promise."

"Fine, fine. I'll be at your place in about an hour. Happy? I'll see you then." Derrick replied, finally sitting up and flicking on his light switch.

"Wait a second. I've got my dad's car today, so do you want to hang out with anyone else? I don't have to pay for gas today." Kenny replied hastily.

"Yeah, sure. What about that sheppie...uh...Frisk! Yeah that's it. I haven't hung out with him for a long time, we used to be so close too..." Derrick sort of trailed off.

"Sure, I'll give him a call while you're getting ready. I doubt he already has plans, I just hope he's not sleeping. Okay, I'll see you later." The line went dead.

Derrick stood up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Grabbing his cell, wallet and clean clothes, he headed downstairs to the shower. He was halfway downstairs before he realized he was completely naked. Dropping his things with a thud, he rushed back into his room to throw on some pajamas. Shortly after his door closed, he heard his brother's door open and him yell something about early morning racket. After Derrick was dressed, and pretty certain that his brother had gone back to bed, he gathered his things from the stairs and headed to the bathroom.

He turned the knob for the shower as far as it would go, as hot as it would get, and idly cleaned his nails as the water slowly heated up. Once a healthy cloud of steam was emanating from the shower, he climbed in, already stripped down to nothing. The water rolled right off of him, but the steam clung to his fur like a second coat. Derrick was often glad that he didn't have longer fur, or his love of hot steamy showers would make him frizzy everyday. Although his head fur did come down about to his brow in the front, he generally just spiked it, so frizziness wasn't much of a problem.

As the hot water coursed down his body, his arms and legs cried in agony and comfort, being still sore from the past week's constant running and lifting. Derrick's sore muscles reminded him that he had been trying to get buffer recently, and examined himself to see if he could tell if there was any pay-off yet. Flexing, his arms were tight and hard, and his legs rippled with muscles, but his true pride were his chest and abs. His pecs looked almost menacing, appearing strong enough to crush a can, though he knew he was far from that strong. Not to mention he had a six-pack, each abdominal muscle perfectly defined, appearing as though they had been sculpted in marble.

But there was one muscle on his body that he was more attached to than any of the others. Not his pecs or gluts or hamstrings, no, none of them were important enough to him. Jutting out proudly in the hot humid steam like an ancient pillar sticking out of the curling mist of a rain forest, was his own doghood. He wasn't necessarily proud of it, it wasn't any better than anyone else's, that who knew of, not longer or wider, but it was his. And it, unlike anyone else, never failed to entertain him.

And now in this morning, it stood out perfectly, redder and hotter than it had been in a long time, as if he had had the hottest dream of his life, and though it was hard to tell in the shower, he was pretty certain it was dripping pre like a faucet. Wrapping his left paw around his knot while at the same time fondling his balls with the tips of his fingers, he slowly stroked his shaft with his right paw.

He lost himself in the feeling of it, the slow aching pleasure, the promise of release, the hot hot heat of the steam swirling about him, and in various fantasies. After a bit, his left paw left it's job to slowly trace the outline of his muscles, following the dips and turns of each one, especially his abs, eventually working its way back down to squeeze intimately on his knot. Having not pawed off for weeks, he began to moan softly so no one but himself could hear, lost in the pleasure of it all. His right paw pumped hard and dutifully away at his shaft, rubbing gently and slowly up against his head, giving the most sensitive part all the attention it needed.

After a few minutes, his soft moaning turned into huffing and puffing as the slick water allowed him to fuck his paw, moving quickly in and out of it, his fingers in a tight circle, his left paw still clamped down on his knot. Soon as he thrust in and out of his paw, his paw began pumping back and forth at the same time, and Derrick lost himself and louder and louder moans, coming closer and closer to his climax.

Soon, his knees were starting to buckle as his arm muscles got tighter and tenser, and his mind focused only on the aching in his balls and the heat of his cock, the whole world lost to him, his mind drowning in his own testosterone and powerful male scent. Finally he came, hard. His doggy seed spraying out into the steam-hidden world beyond him, splattering onto the shower wall, washed away moments later, only to be replaced by the next stream of cum. His knees finally buckled and his body gave into complete ecstasy as he fell to the floor, the last few streams of cum landing across his abs and chest, giving new outlines to his muscles. As he lay there, warm and satisfied, in the afterglow of the release of weeks of stress, he heard a pound at the door.

"You okay?" His brother's voice boomed through the solid wooden door. Derrick stood bolt upright, grabbing the shampoo with one paw and pretending to lather with the other.

"Y-yeah! I uh...s-slipped and fell d-down." He replied, his voice quaking with pleasure still.

He quickly resumed cleaning himself, washing the cum out of his fur and washing his head fur. He jumped out of the shower, drying himself and pulling on clothes, then flew out the door, afraid of being confronted by his brother about him falling in the shower. He grabbed his keys from a bowl next to the door, figuring it wouldn't hurt to be early to Kenny's, Kenny was ready when he called anyway.


Busy signal. Donnie tenderly shut his phone with a sigh.

"He must have plans already. Oh well, it was a long shot after all. I'll just call Derrick then." Donnie grabbed his phone and redialed, slightly less eager now that he couldn't make plans with Frisk.


A knock at the door.

"Come in!" Kenny yelled. The front door opened, revealing a thin, tall sheppie wearing Bermuda shorts, a t-shirt and sandals, much like what everyone would be wearing on such a warm day. "Oh, hi Frisk! Please make yourself at home. You're a little early, but that's okay, I'm sure we can find something to do."

Kenny was sitting on the couch with his sandals in his lap. He wasn't expecting anyone for at least thirty more minutes, but he remembered Frisk from the old days, and they had a lot of catching up to do.

"So Frisk what have you been up to?" Kenny asked, hunched over on the couch, pulling on his sandals. Frisk headed over to a recliner in the corner of the room and sat down.

"Not much, band consuming my life you know how that is. Haven't had much time to spend with friends honestly, that's sort of why I lost touch with you guys." Frisk replied.

"Oh yeah yeah, band will do that to a guy. You just need to have better time-management skills, like me. So, you meet the new kid, Donnie, yet?" Kenny asked. Frisk's eyes went wide with momentary fear, wondering if Kenny had heard about sectionals somehow, but he caught himself, and luckily for him, Kenny was still hunched over.

"Y-yeah. I met him the other day in band, when you guys were on the field trip." Frisk replied nervously. Kenny sat up finally.

"Yeah, he's a pretty good friend of ours, Derrick and me that is. He's pretty nice." Kenny bent back over to fix one of his sandals. While bent over he added, "And not half bad looking either." Frisk just sat there, his eyes wide, and his body frozen with fear. There was no doubt in his mind that Kenny had heard of sectionals now. Kenny sat back up and looked at Frisk.

"What? You forget I'm a tail-raiser or something? I know we lost touch for a while, but surely you remember that, after all you're the only person I've told." Kenny added, an amount of hurt sinking into his voice.

"No, no! It was only a momentary thing I swear! I remember, I really do." Frisk replied, thankful that Kenny mistook Frisk's reaction as homophobia.

"So what was that look for then?" Kenny asked, not ready to give this subject up. Frisk tensed up and gripped the chair on which he now sat.

"I uh, it was, you know uh..." Frisk rambled nervously, hoping, praying someone else would show up early and save him from this conversation. Kenny just sat and studied him.

"So, you still in Devon's sectionals?" Kenny asked, changing the subject something even more touchy. Frisk's stomach turned into knots. "I see. So I imagine you 'met' my good friend Donnie in sectionals the day we were on field trip. After all with so many people gone, sectionals would be screwed up." Kenny replied to his own question.

Frisk's demeanor was all the answer Kenny needed. He was sweating, which matted his fur, and he was tenser than he'd ever been before in his life, gripping the arms of the chair as if his life depended on it. Kenny's gaze cut through Frisk. Suddenly a change came over Kenny.

"So...what does he look know, his body?" Kenny asked, obviously interested in this subject. Frisk's grip loosened a bit on the chair.

"Uh, well I, uh... I thought that he..." Frisk trailed off, blushing through his fur. Kenny laughed.

"That good huh? Damn. I knew he looked good the minute I set eyes on him. And you, I never figured you to be a tail-raiser! I must say this has been one informative conversation. I've got a question though, and I do hope you answer it, what's he got know, between his legs?" Kenny asked, literally on the edge of his seat. Frisk's grip loosened further, and his mind drifted back to the memory of sectionals.

"It's bigger than mine, that's for sure. And he knows how to use ever last inch of it. He was the best I've ever had. I'd say he's at least six inches, and his knot..." Frisk trailed off, realizing that he'd formed a bit of an erection just talking about it. Looking over at Kenny, Frisk saw Kenny had too.

In moments, Frisk's left paw was down his shorts, overwhelmed by his hormones, and Kenny's. Shortly after, he noticed Kenny too, was rubbing himself.

*The conversation was now lost in the testosterone of both the boys, nothing need be said at this point, they both had all they needed in their heads. As Frisk felt himself grow harder and harder, he could think of only one thing, that he and another tail-raiser were both turned on and in the same room, and no where near each other. So he pulled his paw out of his shorts, and slowly inched closer and closer to Kenny, his tail swishing through the air silently behind him.

Kenny's eyes were closed when Frisk came upon him, and his shorts had fallen away to his ankles, unveiling the dark fur of his legs, and exposing a dark wet spot on his dark blue boxer briefs. Frisk hooked his fingers under the waistband of Kenny's underpants and deftly pulled them down. Before Kenny could protest, Frisk had wrapped his lips around the cock, slowly lowering his muzzle around it, eliciting a slight moan from Kenny.

As Kenny's cock filled up the dark, wet, warmth known as Frisk's muzzle, Kenny's mind filled with thoughts of his true tail-raising days, the days in which he romped about in the groups of tail-raisers who were part of Devon's "unique" sectionals. As Frisk bobbed up and down, causing his cock to momentarily disappear then reappear suddenly as he came back up, Kenny felt at ease with himself. He was happy again to realize his reality of a tail-raiser.

And Frisk sure knew what he was doing. While his tongue swirled in illogical circles in his muzzle, his left paw played with Kenny's balls and his right squeezed rhythmically on the knot forming at the base of Kenny's cock. This would be a blowjob to make a story out of, that was for sure.

Kenny moaned all the while, slowly growing louder and more frequent, freeing little yelps and yips whenever Frisk's tongue did something unexpected. Kenny felt tension growing in his balls, and knew he was close to climax, when the front door opened suddenly.


Derrick couldn't believe what he saw. When he opened the door to Kenny's house, he had first off expected to be the only one there, besides Kenny, and was shocked to see Frisk there already. He had a further shock to see Frisk's head bobbing up and down near Kenny's crotch, and to see Kenny's shorts and underwear around his ankles. As Derrick dropped his things in disbelief, Frisk pulled off of Kenny, then turned around. Seeing someone in the doorway, Frisk was frozen with fear, just sitting in front of Kenny on the floor. Kenny, after Frisk turned around, frantically pulled at his clothes, trying desperately to pull them back on.

Derrick turned around, closed the door and sat outside on the steps in disbelief still. A few minutes later, Kenny emerged from the house, reeking of both a male's musk and guilt. Kenny just sat next to Derrick on the steps, and Derrick could smell Frisk's saliva emanating from his crotch. For several long minutes, they just sat there, not talking. Finally, Kenny spoke up.

"I'm sorry. shouldn't have had to walk in on that." Kenny offered glumly.

"Walk in on what? A lie? A promise broken? I thought you said you weren't a tail-raiser, that you were done with all that. That Devon had scared you and turned you off of it." Derrick turned facing Kenny, Kenny was unable to return the gaze.

"Yeah I did. And I was. Just like when you break up with a girl and say 'I'm done with women, they're all the same!' and a week or month later you're dating another one." Kenny replied, his vision occupied by an unspinning pinwheel in the lawn.

"That's different." Derrick argued weakly.

"No, no it's not. That's who you are." Kenny turned, facing Derrick this time, with tears starting to well up in his eyes. "And this is who I am. I'm a tail-raiser Derrick. And if you're not okay with that..." Kenny was too choked up to continue, and looked quickly away, afraid he might start crying. Derrick sighed.

"No need to cry over it. You might be a tail-raiser, but you're not a girl. I know that for sure, from what I saw in there." Derrick joked a bit, the thought of his best friend crying too much to bear. Kenny laughed a little, then blushed.

"I'm sorry, I really am, but does this mean you're okay with me being a tail-raiser?" Kenny asked, hopefully, still facing away from Derrick.

"No. But I'm okay with you. I still don't like the whole idea of it though. I wish things were different, I wish you were straight just like every other fur at school." Derrick trailed off.

"Me too. Me too..." They just sat there for a little while, Kenny calming down and Derrick trying to adjust his mind to the idea of his best friend being gay. Finally Derrick clapped his paw on Kenny's knee.

"Well, we better go inside, we've still got a big day ahead of us." Derrick said cheerfully, standing up. He offered his paw to his sitting friend, helping him up.

"You mean, you're still going to hang out with us, after that?" Kenny asked, standing up with the aid of Derrick.

"Yeah, I mean you're still my friend and, Frisk is an old friend. Besides I'm already used to you planning my life, I couldn't possibly leave behind a completely planned-out day now." They both chuckled and headed for the door, as Kenny opened it, Derrick's cell rang. "I'll be in in a second, I've got to answer this." Kenny just nodded and went inside to explain the situation to Frisk.

Derrick picked up the phone.


"Hey Derrick, it's Donnie. You doing anything today, because I need plans."

"Yeah, can you be ready to go to the movies in say...fifteen minutes?"

"Yeah! That would be great, do I need to walk to your house or something?"

"No, no, we're at Kenny's, we'll come pick you up then head out. We're going to Hemway anyway, you haven't been there yet have you?"

"No I haven't. Sounds fun though. Okay, well I have to go get ready, because I haven't showered yet. See you later."

"See you." Derrick hung up, and opened the door. Frisk was sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room as Kenny, his eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were wet. "Sorry guys, that was Donnie, he wanted to see if we had plans. I told him we'd pick him up in fifteen minutes. Oh, hey Frisk have you met Donnie yet?" Lumps formed in both Kenny and Frisk's throats.

"Y-yeah, in band one day." Frisk's voice quavered a bit, but luckily, Derrick thought it was because he had been crying.


10:08 PM, the same night..........



The music was pounding, the lights were flashing nearly fast enough to cause seizures, and the furs were packed wall to wall. But most importantly was why it was all happening. For the first time in two months, Stephen got to DJ. When he was added to the Club Hype DJ line-up, there were so many posters and fliers that it seemed his face and name were plastered just about everywhere: "Stephen Axim: The newest, youngest and hottest addition to the Club Hype Crew. He shows no mercy to you or the music. If you can't handle the heat, stay out of this mouse's way or you'll get burned. Club Hype, corner of Fourth and Bristly, Hemway." He spent the next four weeks DJing non-stop, it almost seemed like they were trying to kill him, until one day, they cut him for a while. They told him to practice more, get better, and that they'd be able to announce his come back as a huge event and that both they and him would rake in the dough. He agreed, of course, seeing green, but after two months he demanded he DJ again, arguing that there was no point in him staying on with Club Hype if they wouldn't let him DJ, he, of course, won the argument. And he should have, he was the newest hottest thing in all of Hemway, heck the entire state admired him for his DJing skills, although he was thinking of leaving Hype anyway, and making up a stage name.

Every time he DJed now though, the club was so packed that it looked like a sea of furs from the DJ's stage to the parking lot, how anyone moved around in it he had no clue. His fame, it appeared to him at least, knew no bounds, he was a big fish in a small pond. He usually DJed from nine until five in the morning, taking Red Bull and bathroom breaks. Tonight was different though, he started at eight and was only on until 10:10, in fact his last song was drawing to a close. The reason why he was stopping so early, was that he was a warm-up act to draw people to amateur night, the night that Hype used to find fresh talent. Stephen agreed only because he owed his entire career so far to amateur night, without it he'd probably still be scratching old Beatles records on his mom's record player.

As he finished, he threw himself into the fray of furs, hoping to find his way to the backroom where all the amateurs were waiting, he wanted to give them a short pep talk. Picking his way slowly through the other furs was a real chore, most were oblivious to his presence, still dancing to the song which ended minutes before, while others were hounding him for his number or his autograph, or offering sexual favors. He ignored them, unlike most nights, because he had something important to do, he had a goal. Finally breaking through the crush of bodies, he reached the door leading to the sound-proof backroom. Nearly half a dozen nervous furs stood around a table of food, or sat on a leather couch. When he walked in, they all stood up, wide-eyed and worshiping him. He just chuckled nervously, and tried to smile casually.

"Uhh, hey." His deep musical voice flowed from him as if part of his music, and a female in the back of the crowd nearly swooned. He ignored their breathless reaction. "I just wanted to wish you all good night tonight. And no matter how you do, just have fun."

"Yeah, but we'll never really be successful, not like you." A beaver put in. Stephen shook his head.

"Hey, I was an amateur once too. In fact, the first amateur night of last year was the first time I ever publicly DJed. And that's how I ended up part of Club Hype. I'm here tonight warming up the crowd for you guys, voluntarily, that's right I'm not getting paid tonight. But if you guys do well tonight, that'll be payment enough." His pep talk which he threw together at the last minute was really corny, but it did the job. The first DJ of the night was the pessimistic beaver, stepping out into the still dancing crowd.

As Stephen watched the nervous beaver ascend to the stage, he was reminded of the first time he stepped foot in a club, one quite unlike Club Hype.


Two years ago, on Stephen's 17th birthday.....


The club was dark still, he was one of the first ones there. Stephen looked around in awe, wondering what it would be like to DJ in a club like this one, when Devon's paw came down on his shoulder.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Devon asked, looking around. Stephen just nodded. "People would give their right leg to DJ in a place like this. Some people, that is. Not me, but maybe..." Devon turned to face Stephen, who was beaming into the darkness, nearly oblivious to Devon's words. "Maybe...someone like, say you?"

"Me? No I'd never have the courage to DJ in public, least of all a big place like this. No, I don't have a future in DJing ahead of me. That's why I've got to run track as hard as I can." Stephen replied, the mesmerization of the empty club wearing off.

"I'm not so sure." Devon replied, there were foot steps echoing through the empty club. "Ah, here he comes, the fur you've got to meet." From the darkness, into the dim light from the open street door, walked a big muscled black wolf. He turned to Devon.

"This him?" The wolf asked plainly.


"He's a bit scrawny."

"Yeah but he's spry." Devon replied. It was easy for Stephen to figure out whom they were talking about.

"I'm not so sure." The wolf replied, his gaze steadying over Stephen's arms.

"Fine, fine. You're not so sure, he's a bit scrawny, yes. But I think he'd be fine for the job." Devon replied, then, while watching the wolf from the corner of his eye added, "and so does Marv." The wolf audibly gulped.

"He can start tonight." He stated plainly, then walked off in the darkness. Stephen turned to Devon, befuddled.

"What's going on, what am I starting? And why is it important whether I'm spry or scrawny or whatever?" Stephen demanded, irritated.

"Is that anyway to talk to someone who landed you a job as a bouncer at this club?" Devon asked, slyly.

"No way! Really?" Stephen asked incredulously.

"Yeah. I knew you were looking for a job, and I figured a job as a bouncer would earn you a good name among the club owners. The guy who owns this club also owns Roarin' Twenties, Club Hype and Tetrum. Do a good job, and you might just get on his good side." As soon as Devon finished, Stephen hugged him, unable to contain his happiness. "Don't get too happy, you know this means you owe me one."

"Owe you what?"

"A favor, don't worry I don't have anything in mind quite yet. I won't call it in until I need to, okay?"

"Okay. But still it's great you got me this job, thanks a ton!" Stephen exclaimed.

"It's nothing, the head bouncer owed me a favor anyway. Besides, you start in a couple of minutes, so you might want to get ready. I'll see you tomorrow." Devon replied, walking away.

After Stephen got ready, he returned to the door to start bouncing. The job was pretty simple, the fur at the front of the line told Stephen their name, then Stephen checked if it was on a list, if it was he let them in, if it wasn't he didn't, if there was trouble he used his muscles to scare them off. After about an hour of bouncing, he noticed something he should have noticed long ago.

Every fur he had admitted all night was male. This was a gay club.

Back then, Stephen was furious at Devon for getting him a job at a gay club, now though, he looked back on it and laughed. Since then, Stephen's mind had opened up a little, or rather someone else had opened it for him.


On the way home from the movie, in Kenny's dad's car, everyone was talking and laughing about the movie. They had gotten a double-feature old black and white sci-fi movie. At first it was awkward, with what had happened between Donnie and Frisk, and Frisk and Kenny, and the revelation to Derrick, but they all got used to it after a while and had a good time. Whenever Derrick and Kenny weren't looking, Donnie sneaked his paw over to Frisk's, clasping it tightly, and looking deeply into his eyes. They both smiled.

Kenny had to drop them all off at his own house, but that was okay by them because they all lived within walking distance of Kenny's house. Derrick set off down one end of the street, and Frisk down the other. Donnie stayed behind a little to talk to Kenny.

"Tonight was great, thanks for letting me come." Donnie exclaimed. "It's really fun hanging out with you guys. Especially Frisk, he's a cool guy." Kenny blushed a bit, but hid it with his paw.

"Yeah, it was fun. And no problem bringing you buddy, you are our friend after all. I'm surprised we hadn't thought to invite you in the first place. But hey, I've got to get to bed, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, we've got a whole weekend ahead of us."

"Yeah." Donnie replied, waving Kenny goodbye. Donnie hurried to catch up with Frisk.

"Hey!" Donnie yelled, Frisk turned around just in time for Donnie to throw his arms around him and push his muzzle into Frisk's, bringing him into a quick spontaneous kiss. After the kiss broke Donnie said, "I didn't want you to leave without me saying a proper good night."

"Well you haven't yet." Frisk replied blankly.

"I let my muzzle do the talking." They both chuckled shyly, and then continued on their own ways home.

Chapter 5 (Des-Berfo High): The Good Old Days

It had been three days. The school was calling frantically, wondering if he had the plague or something wildly contagious like it. They said if he didn't show up tomorrow, they'd send a truancy officer to drag him in. But, Devon was doing things far...

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Chapter 4 (Des-Berfo High): In His Eyes

Devon scrambled out the door while the other furs were still dressing. He hurried down the hallway into the boys' bathroom and took a second to compose himself. He pressed two fingers tight to his jugular, steadying his paw to check his pulse....

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Chapter 3: Sectionals

Donnie sat staring out the window, the trees flicking by. "So, you nervous?" Called out Stephen's melodic voice from across the car. Donnie turned to face him. "Why? Should I be?" Donnie asked, slightly worried. "No not really I suppose....

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