long Ago

Story by Torsalis on SoFurry

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Pointing out spelling and grammar errors, would be greatly appreciated, please PM me if you spot any.

Enlarged version of the cover art, can be found here:https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=816572

Long ago, back when I was more than a mere possessed mask, I was the essence of an entire forest. I would echo within my woodlands vivid depictions illustrating tales, for all animals and even some human druids to savour. Their admiration and favour en-powered me, granting me the power to compose greater creations. For which I shared with everyone and everything.

There were many years of peace. We all shared a connection, the animals, druids and myself. It simply was blissful balance...

One day a new race of humans came, the druids offered them peace and wisdom, but something was off, these humans seemed "afflicted".

Strife with greed and envy for this new magical land they had discovered, they came with their weapons to claim me as their own, most of the smaller animals fled to safety. However, the larger beasts chose to stay and fight by the druid's side in defence of their beloved forest.

A great battle was held. The valiant animals and druids held them back at great cost to their own lives. However it was all in vain as in the end, as the afflicted humans took this contemptible stance, and I remember vividly what their leader said... "Well if we can't have this land ... then no one can!" he ordered his men to burn down everything. There was nothing the inhabitants of my forest could do, other than watch both their homes, friends and myself ... burn. The inferno raped me of everything bar my ethereal body... witch was shifted by Eroedon, one of the surviving druids, to a mask carved from the centre tree before it was destroyed.

After that, Eroedon took what remained of me with him, and left with the surviving members of his people, in search of a new dwelling. There was a lot of unrest, to aid, at times Eroedon would wear me to gain wisdom and through Eroedon I was once again able to manifest vivid tales, and by doing that we could lift the spirits of his people, during this time we became friends.

We maintained a sort of equity for a while, however the druids soon found that they too could be "afflicted". Even Eroedon my saviour and new found friend also turned. He became arrogant, greedy and started to show signs of malice, and who could blame him, he too, like myself, had lost everything. He requested my aid in seeking vengeance, "Violence breeds further violence" I replied, as a being of nature I refused to take sides.

Eroedon looked at me almost expecting my reply, and before I could do anything, two witches surrounded me and started an incantation. They bound my will to the wearer of my mask.

Eroedon held countless dark rituals involving virgin sacrifices, with the desire of charging me with dark energy, so that he could use me as a weapon, he elevated destructive powers even I was unaware I possessed, to the point of turning my mask half black, representing the darkness that will forever be a part of my being. Revenge is a dark concept, but I have to admit the madness was invigorating, each sacrifice was like a drug.

Obliterating the humans that tore me apart was fulfilling, but that was not enough for Eroedon, mad with an unfulfillable thirst for revenge for what they took from him, he turned his attention to the Innocent, the mothers and children of the people that burned his friends, loved ones and my body to ashes. I could not allow him to take Innocent life. I pleaded with him, but he chose selfishness, he no longer wished to use me to comfort his people, revenge was his world now.

Mad at the thought of being used to kill innocent life, I tried with all my will to break the curse, no matter what I did I could not unbind it, however using my new dark powers, I found that I could revers the curse. No longer caring about myself, Whilst he was still wearing me, I reversed the curse and took over his body, I forced him to walk into the sea...

As Eroedon's lungs filled with water, his body twitched and struggled. I felt great sorrow for he was my friend, but become something twisted and cruel... eventually his body stopped moving, and Eroedon was no more..

Years I spent drifting at sea... she is tranquillity, the mother of all life on earth, she caressed me with thoughts that would drift like the ripples around me, never settling on a single event, rather the events would come to me as a wave of sounds and changing lights. After so much death, I had found peace again. During this time she gradually healed me, restoring a sort of life to my mask granting me the ability to manifest an ethereal body from my mask.

It felt like I was at sea for an eternity, However eventually I became curious about what might have changed to the world that I had left behind. So I ventured back to my native land.

At this point countless of years have passed. Barely any living thing knows of my presence, and as a result, my power to produce vivid depictions is stunted. My task is to gain followers to once again restore my creative powers!

So, I beseech you here and now, for I have tales of new and old, if dark tales ye seeks, follow me.

  • Torsalis