Facility One, Day two, part one

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Day 2, part one.

His dreams that night where... strange. He slept threw the night and well into the morning, dreaming of many things, and awoke with a start. A wet tongue was sliding along his member, and when he looked down, he saw a pair of long white ears sticking out of a head of brown hair. Hathway giggled when he started to move, smiling up at the startled human male.

"A pair of sore little girls came and told me they couldn't wake you up... its almost noon, those two must have really worn you out!" he grins and licks his lips, "Anyway, I thought you could use a more talented wake up call."

"Uh... oh, thanks..." He manages in reply, blinking the sleep from his eyes and sitting up, feeling like a sticky mess from the night before, "I'm sorry I slept in, I hope I wasn't needed anywhere..."

"Oh, don't worry, your new, you wont be expected to teach for a week or more yet, until we are sure your used to it here enough to teach well. In the mean time, I'm to be your host for the day."

Aaron could only nod, still dazed, as his eyes travel over the body of the male at the foot of his bed. Pure white fur, with brown hair that seemed rather out of place, deep blue eyes, and a playful smile. He wasn't the most in shape male on the planet, a little heavy, but he was undeniably attractive, and the striking contrast between his white fur and his bright pink member drew Aaron's eye, and the sight make his own, slightly larger, member twitch.

Finding words at last, Aaron asked, "So, whats on the books for today?" as he yawned and stretched. The male rabbit laughed and stood up, Walking toward the door, "Well, I'm going to go find a classroom to sit in on, its friday, so I'm not teaching, but there are some interesting lessons being run... Would you rather see a class on lesbians, or gays?" He asks with a grin and a wink.

Blushing deeply, Aaron managed to find his feet at last, standing and cracking his back, his member bobbing in front of him, "Gay males, I suppose... I think I had all the under age female I can handle for now last night..."

Turning around and wiggling his rump, the bunny nods, "I know how that is... maybe you would like to start your day before we get to the classroom? I saw your eyes on my rump..."

Aaron was torn, on one hand, the male did have a lovely, plump ass, but on the other, he rather wanted to get to the class and learn what this place was like, rather than just mounting a fellow teacher. So he shook his head, "How about this, get me to a class, I don't care what its about, and you and I can play there... I just don't want to seem like all I'm here for is fucking in my bedroom..."

And so he was lead, not as rapidly as the day before, to a classroom. As they travelled the bunny showed off one of his less apparent qualities. He was a tease. A paw wrapped around Aaron's member and a thumb pad slid over his glands as he tried to walk, his knees almost giving out as he gasped and blushed. Then a few minutes later, as they were in outside the door, a single fingertip wiggled into his rump, and a gob of pre marked the classroom door. The bunny acted like nothing happened, but paused to wipe the door clean with a paw, and then lick the paw clean.

When the door opened, he was surprised by what he saw. Desks, and at each desk was a student, with a book out, working. At the front of the room, the same skunk from the night before was writing out math problems, it looked to be high school level, and the students seemed to confirm that, most much older than those from the day before. The teacher paused her lesson and waves to them, "You just keep finding your way into my classes, don't you? Well, your about fifteen minutes early for the lesson I'm sure you came for, so take a seat at the back, we will be done shortly."

Still standing rather dumbfounded, his hand was tugged by the bunny, and soon he was sitting at a table at the back of the room, looking at the class as they worked. Hathway whispered into his ear, "Sorry, forgot they had real classes first." And giggles, reaching down to stroke at Aaron's hard member again.

Aaron watched the class, and started to notice something, most were not just working. For every pen on paper, one was deep inside of a female, and for every paw tapping numbers into a calculator, two were busy under desks. He watched, shuddering now and then from the bunnies absent minded stroking, as most of the class brought themselves to climax at least once. One girl screamed out as she came, and nobody seemed to notice, her breathy moans dieing down as she tried to catch up with the work, paw dripping thick fluids to her paper. A male tiger came, roaring out as the underside of his desk was painted white. And then finally, the bell went.

As if by magic the whole classroom changed. In no time at all it went from a math class, with student pleasuring themselves more or less quietly, to something much, much messier. The skunk walked over to them, stepping over a female with her muzzle between the legs of a mare, and had to turn down several young women pleading her to join in. The males were less of a problem, every second male was bent over a desk, tail raised, the other half of them thrusting rapidly.

"You would bring the new guy here, wouldn't you Hath? Well, welcome to my friday class Aaron, its math eleven, followed by what I beleave is our schools most popular class, self directed education."

"Which is code for sex, lots and lots of sex." Added Hathway, grinning.

"Yes... I can... well, see, smell, and hear that..." Mumbled Aaron, his eyes on the mating students. He reached over and cupped Hathway's balls in one hand, and laughed, "Looks like fun."

"Well, we are lucky." the female skunk says with a grin, "We are teachers, so we can break the rules... they aren't allowed to play with anyone of the same sex..."

Hathway reached over and slipped two fingers into Jessica's sex, grinning and smiling, "Now... how about some of that bunny rump you had your eyes on earlier?"

The bunny did not wait for a reply, instead he stood, and took Jessica in his arms, pressing her against the wall playfully, and quickly pressing his member into her. The skunk murred and presses against the male bunny. Aaron couldn't help himself, and a few moments later, was pressing slowly into the cute bunny rump that had been presented to him.

He was tight, not as vice like as the young girls from the night before, but tight, and the way he pressed back, his delighted chirring and the females moan as Aaron thrust forward for the first time, forcing Hathway deep into her, the scent of sex so thick in the air, it was enough to drive any male crazy.

Soon, they were all moaning, words failed them as they enjoyed one another. Jessica lifted one leg, then the other, pinned against the wall by Hathway, who's rump took every inch of Aaron's member, and who's lusty moans filled the air each time that member rubbed against his prostate. Aaron was in heaven, as he nibbled at Jessica's neck, grunting now and then as he took that tight, sexy ass, the skunk's feet pressed into his back, urging him on.

They remained like this for a long while, when finaly, Hathway set them all off. He reached down and slipped two fingers into Jessica's rump, knowing she loved nothing more than anal, and curled them slightly, tugging ever so gently at her anus from the inside, just as the wolf's knot had the night before.

This was too much for the wet, lusty female, and she moaned out, cumming hard around the bunnies member. She pressed against him, tugging at his fingers, and clamped around his shaft, twitching around him. She shuddered in bliss, begging for more with one breath, and for them to stop with the next, she was lost, drowning in wave after wave of bliss.

Those waves of bliss set Hathway off, and soon Jessica's climax grew more powerful, as she was filled with thick, hot bunny seed. His member twitched and squirted jet after jet of his essence into her. His rump clenched, and he pressed back against Aaron, pulling free of Jessica and painting her thighs with his last few spurts of seed.

As Hathway pulled out of Jessica, and pressed against his hips, Aaron lost it. Thrusting one last time, he too emptied himself, filling the bunnies rump with thick strings of seed, panting and gasping for air as he did so. He slumped back, and slowly Hathway let Jessica slide down the wall.

They all lay still for a few long minutes, dripping onto the floor, trying to catch their breath. Hathway was the first to catch his, and desided to go join in with the fun in the class, slidding his still hard member into the unsuspecting rump of a bull as he was pounding into the rump of a small fox. Jessica crawled over to Aaron and smiled, waving to one of her pupils.

Over came a female bunny, this one brown with black markings and hair, she was a cute young girl, maybe seventeen, with large breasts and a slight bit of tummy. Jessica pulled the girl down overtop of Aaron, and sat down, pressing her sex against Aaron's member, "Come lick me clean, Teri."

A moment later, before Aaron had caught his breath after filling a male bunny's rump with seed, he was staring up at the pink, dripping sex of a female bunny, the fur between her thighs matted with her juices, and gasped as he felt a tongue slide over his head. Jessica had both paws on the girls head, holding her down gently as the bunny did her best to lick them both.

Soon however, she gave up any pretence of licking Jessica, and took the member into her mouth, sucking slowly. Aaron gasped as he felt every inch of his shaft slip between her lips, and then felt the cute bunny swollowing, her mouth and tongue, as well as the back of her throat, moving and milking his member. She kept this up, as Jessica ground her sex against her muzzle, smearing her face with cum.

At the same time, Aaron was doing his best to please her. His tongue was deep inside of that sweet, young cunny, and his paws cupped and kneaded her breasts. He licked over her clit, sucked at her outter lips, and did everything he could to pleasure her.

It didn't take much of this, no more than a minute, before Teri got what she was after. He grunted, and fought it, but Aaron lost control again, and filled her mouth with thick, sweet cum. He was rewarded in turn, as his face was showered with sweet, sticky fluids, as she ground against him forhead, lost in the throws of her own orgasm.

It was several minutes before Aaron opened his eyes again, he knew Jessica was still there, could feel her resting beside him. He was content to lay in the strongest afterglow of his life, but he was out of luck there. His eyes flew open as a tongue pressed into his anus, and suddenly, he knew where Jessica was. The tongue slid free again soon after, but it left him panting, and once again rock hard.

He noticed that the class was dieing own, most were now just cuddling their partner or partners, Hathway looked to be happily asleep pinned between two males, Teri was cuddling up against Jessica from behind, "Did you enjoy yourself?" A nod was all he could manage, "Good, dinner is in a few minutes."

Facility One, Day one.

Please, don't read if your under 18. Contains plenty of underage sex, messy matings, and a confused human, enjoy :) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to facility one, please take a...

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Meeting on the mountains

Please, if your under 18, piss off. All characters in this story are mine, thanks :) First in the story, not really very 'yiffy'. The next part is already more than half done, a day or two at most before it is posted. Anyway, here it is!...

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A Morning Together

======================= Please, if you are under 18, or whatever the legal age is wherever you are, please, don't read this, and if you do, know that you have been warned. It has been a long time since I wrote, I think i have improved, please,...

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