Brother's Princess

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Devon's a good big brother... even if he's been a very, very bad boy.

_ Brother's little Princess _

A story

((WARNING: Contains BB/CBT, Cub stuff, Incest, Snowballing, Bondage, Other BDSM themes, and LOTS of Oral.))

Devon had been having a bad day. The 3rd year college student was walking home from the bus stop, thinking about how his professors were assholes, his lab had run late, and he still had homework before he could sleep tonight. Devon was a big guy, the husky stood a broad shouldered 6'9 at age 21, and weighed in at just under 300 pounds on a good day. He was so big, they even had to have special boots custom made for him for the colder months, like this bitter early March they were having.

The Husky's thoughts turned toward that night, and he shivered a bit in anticipation, vowing to work straight through dinner to get a little rest in before midnight.

The hours passed slowly for poor Devon, but his kindly stepmother and father appreciated his hard work and dedication to education, and brought his dinner to his room, leaving him to work in peace. Even his adorable half-sister didn't bother him, which was appreciated. He worked hard, and fought his way through his lessons, until finally he finished the work at about 10:30. He thought about jerking off, but was too tired to really consider it, so he set his alarm, and went to sleep.

Ten minutes to midnight, the quiet beeping of his first alarm woke him. Devon groaned, and sat up. He stripped to his boxers, grabbed his gym towel from the foot of the bed, and quietly walked upstairs, stopping outside the furthest door down the hall. The door opened to a little girl in a pink nightgown... and nothing else. Without warning, her hand flew up, and her fist made contact with Devon's nuts, hard, sending him to his knees, whimpering.

"Bout time you showed up, Boy." The girl said quietly, smirking as she turned and walked back into her room. She picked up, of all things, a Kendo sword from the foot of her bed, by her minifridge, and walked back over. Devon was up on his knees again, hands clutching his gym towel on his shoulders for dear life, trying not to whine as she approached. "You are two minutes late, so that's four to start, crawl in here and shut the door."

The room Devon crawled into was very pink, and pretty big, with a queen-sized four-poster covered in more pink. The sword poked Devon in the back and he went down to his hands. It tapped the back of his thighs, and he spread his legs as far as they would go. He dug his fingers into the carpet as his half-sister tapped his aching nuts with the end of the sword... and grunted quietly as she swung it into them hard.


He quickly bit into his towel, then 'MMMF'ed as the second stroke fell.


Two more fell, each as hard as the first, leaving Devon's aching balls throbbing, but still he did not move or flinch. He huffed and panted, tears welling in his eyes, then his gaze was drawn upward by her dainty hand, until his nose was resting against something puffy and soft, slightly wet and very fragrant. He blushed, despite himself, and looked up through her pale, thin nightie at his little sister.

"Now boy, how many times have you pleasured yourself since last time?" She quipped.

"N...none, Princess." Came Devon's soft reply. "I've been busy, and simply too tired since your last session... I... couldn't even make myself cum with the egg...even though I tried." He admitted, ashamedly thinking of the three mornings he had seen since last time, and the vibrating egg in his tailhole making him hard and leaky... but never getting to orgasm. His balls were full after 4 days of not cumming, which made his punishment all the more painful. Even now, he could feel his testicles swelling from the rough treatment... as well as his knot.

"Really? Well I'm impressed boy... I suppose I will have to reward you for not cumming..." She said trailing off for a moment, then grinning and going on. "After punishing you for masturbating anyway."

Devon groaned, but simply nodded, getting to his feet, and stripping off his boxer-briefs, revealing a sizeable seven inch, knotted husky pecker, and two balls roughly a bit bigger than lemons below. Surprising him again, as he stood back up, Princess swung that sword like a bat... and hit him in the balls from the front for a home run. Curling up and falling back over, Devon panted and whined, his tortured gonads throbbing like they were dying... and he knew there was SO much more pain coming.

"Open up, boy." Devon complied without opening his eyes, knowing that she would put her panties in his mouth to effectively gag him, which she did. "The Humbler is going on the front tonight boy... you will hold it in place so I don't have to bother locking it. If you can avoid cumming and take your punishment... you'll get your reward." She smirked, even her voice smirked, and she waltzed toward her bed. Devon, hands sure not to grab or cover his balls, crawled there instead. "We will give you three full days' punishing. Seems fitting for trying to empty your worthless balls and failing, doesn't it boy?" She giggled, speaking to her actual age, and Devon simply nodded as he lay down on her bed, legs straight, cock pointing up toward his face and throbbing angrily.

Princess handed him the Humbler, a smooth, black, wooden affair, and he affixed it in place at the base of his nutsac, groaning a little.

Then princess dropped her crotch on his nose, quite out of nowhere. Devon knew what he was to do; he was to please her... while she tortured his genitals. As if on cue, that kendo sword swung down and rapidly delivered not one, but five hard strokes to his helpless Cock, the impacts falling across his knot mostly, making him nearly swallow her panties, and his long tongue shoot out and immediately start lapping at her small labia. She made what could only be called a pleased churr, and then laid a stroke across his balls, sending lightning and pain ratcheting through Devon's whole body.

Devon's tongue stroked hard and furious, knowing that he had to make her cum eventually, and she might show him mercy if he made her cum hard and fast. However, with his hands clamped hard around the wooden slats holding his testicles helpless and exposed, he couldn't stop her from occasionally pulling away from him before popping him one. Tears were streaming down his cheeks already, and she'd only gotten to 5 strokes out of the 30 to his nuts he was due. Then she started swatting his knot, and GOD how he hated her swatting his knot. His balls were one thing, he could ignore those easily enough, but if his dick had bruises (and by swat 3 he could tell it would), then he'd have trouble holding it to take a piss, and jerking himself to hardness in the mornings would be near impossible. Another strike to his knot made him quietly whine, and a 5th made him yelp into her panties... a noise thankfully muffled by her young pussy finding his tongue again.

So it went, back and forth, 5 swats to his balls, making him want to vomit and pass out, then 5 more to his poor dick and especially his knot that just made him want to cry more. All the while, Devon lay there, toiling and licking as best he could, trying to bring the tiny tyrant to orgasm, even getting close a few times... then having freedom snatched away from him by her moving away again. This perverse dance continued until she had finished the 25th strike to his aching balls, which were swollen and angry red by then, looking like bright red baseballs for their size. This time, she did not move away, instead grinding against his tongue, and Devon went for broke.

Licking, suckling as best he could through her panties... which she then moved for a moment to reclaim and free his mouth. Once her delicious, tiny snatch was back in reach, he wrapped his muzzle around her as best he could, his tongue licking and stroking all the way up into her juicy little slit, and his lips playing at her diamond-hard little clit.

Then she hit him in the balls again. The sword came down just once, and she began to climax. Twice, and she was quietly moaning his name, rather than 'Boy'. Three, four and five all came rapidly as her orgasm peaked, and Devon nearly wet himself from the rapid-fire pain. She didn't move until her tiny cunt stopped spasming around his tongue, and even then she seemed to only let him go under protest.

"Okay boy... I mean... Devon... You can take it off. I'll get the ice... and you'll get your reward." She smirked a little.

Devon dutifully did as he was told, taking off the humbler and whimpering a little at the horrendous throbbing in both his cock and his testicles... a pain lit up anew by a baggie of Ice being dropped onto them unceremoniously. He let out a 'Fffffffff-!" but nothing more, knowing he was forbidden to speak unless spoken to.

Princess kneeled around his legs, her drippy young slit rubbing on one of Devon's fuzzy gray thighs a little, and she held the ice in place... and then leaned over, softly starting to lick Devon's angry, bruised and red erection. He let out a quiet moan, but said nothing, which made her smile, and she rewarded him for his obedience by letting one of her small hands reach up and start softly rubbing at his inflamed knot. She licked around the tip of his cock, before suckling as much of the sizable member as she could into her small muzzle, not minding her teeth scraping him a little.

Truth be told, he didn't mind at all.

Slowly she suckled that relative titan of a member, her hand with the ice on his balls softly using the ice to milk those ponderous orbs, and her other rubbing and squeezing his knot fondly. He was leaking in very short order, precum dribbling into his half-sister's mouth giving her a little salty reward of her own. After a bit more of that, she pulled up, still rubbing at him with her hands.

"Are you gonna cum, Devon?"

"Y-yes princess... soon..."

"Good boy... give it to me, I want to drink you down again... it's been too long."

Between hearing her essentially telling him how much she loved drinking his cum, and her tiny maw engulfing him again, Devon couldn't hold back at all. His hips twitched, and he stuffed his hand into his muzzle to keep himself from bellowing as orgasm finally took him. Spurt after spurt of his jizz... and all of it being swallowed greedily by his 13 year old half-sister. The thought only made him cum even harder.

Finally spent though, Devon moved to take the icepack from Princess, who surprised him by crawling up his body... and even though she had swallowed the vast majority of his orgasm, she forced him into a sticky, warm, very passion-filled french kiss, forcing him to accept her little snowballing fetish as usual, and then curling up next to him and rubbing her hands along his muscled arm and sides.

For several minutes, the two unusual lovers lay there, on her pink four-post bed, enjoying each other's company, and the silence of the night. Princess cleared her throat at some point.

"Hey uhm... Dev?" She hadn't called him Dev since before that fateful night that started all this. Devon had been jerking off to a picture of her young body in a too-tight swimsuit, and she'd walked in on him, but rather than freaking out, she'd wanted to watch... and things had grown steadily more kinky in the 2 years between then and now. Now, she obviously wanted something.

"Yes, princess?" Devon quietly replied.

"You know I love you, right brother dear?"

"Of course, princess."

"Would you be maybe willing to... meet some friends of mine?"

" many?"

~The end... for now.~

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