A Riders Deal and A Dragons Feelings

Story by Eclipse_Lunablade on SoFurry

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#2 of Dark times (An Eragon FanFic)

I have taken into account the feedback of the previous chapter and I hope that this one makes up for all the fuck ups. I will one day try to make a better version on the previous chapter but not until the full story is done so that I can get it finished before my ideas run out.

Eragon panted as he ran through the dense foliage surrounding him, his hair clung to his forehead as sweat covered his brow.

"Damn it, why did I leave like that, I should have scanned the area first but no I had to leave Saphira to get some damn firewood." Eragon said to himself as he fell to his knees in exhaustion "How can I save Alegasia without her? How can I do anything useful without her?" Eragon said as his eyes teared up. What was worse is that it was currently dusk and that meant that if he wanted Shruikan could relocate himself and Saphira without Eragon knowing.

"So the Rider has fallen." A voice said from the shaodws

Eragon quickly got up as he was surprised by the voice "W-who's there?" Eragon said gripping Brisingr as he searched the shadows

"Simply a man looking to make a deal." The voice said "You see Shruikan has something I want. And you want to save your dear dragon."

"Show yourself and then I'll hear you out." Eragon demanded

"'sigh' Very well then." The voice said as a dark mist formed until it shifted into the shape of a man. The man had blood red hair and pale skin, his clothes consisted of a black robe and a pair of leather pants and boots, however the most notable feature where his wine red eyes.

Eragon gasped as he realised what he was dealing with, the being that stood before him was nothing other than something he had come to despise... A Shade.

"Y-you're a Shade aren't you." Eragon said as he drew Brisingr from its sheath

"Yes I am, but I still ask you to hear me out." The Shade replied

"Why should I?" Eragon asked getting ready to fight

"Because if you don't you may never see Saphira again, and Shruikan will keep her as his personal breeding whore." The Shade argued

At these words Eragon faulted. As much as he hated to admit it the Shade was right, even if Eragon found them he would stand no chance on his own against Shruikan. As much as he despised the idea he had to listen to the Shades offer.

"Fine then." Eragon said in defeat

"Good, good. You see even before I became a Shade I'd spent years in the pursuit of a further knowledge of dragons, and with Saphira most likely with a clutch on the way it would be the perfect opportunity to gain possession of a dragon egg. And so my offer is this: I'll help you save Saphira but in return I get one of her eggs when she lays them." The Shade offered

Eragon weighed the options in his head, he knew he couldn't trust a Shade no matter what, he needed a fallback incase the Shade tried to double cross him.

"Promise me that you will keep your end of the bargain and that afterwards neither I nor Saphira have to see you again." Eragon said "In the ancient language." He quickly added

"Smart move I must say." The Shade replied calmly before continuing in the ancient language "I promise to help you rescue Saphira from Shruikan, and that I will leave your compony permanently after our deal is finished."

Eragon nodded as the Shade finished "We have a deal then... But first I wish to know your name." Eragon requested

"You may call me Nevre. No need to tell me yours Eragon Shadeslayer." Nevre answered "I shall go hunt, I'll return by nightfall."

After uttering those words Nevre dissapeared back into the shadows leaving Eragon to continue on still weary of the Shade.

Saphira woke to the feeling of a warm body against hers, her first instinct was to snuggle closer to the dragon warming her but then the events of the last few hours flashed back leaving her angrier than she had ever felt.

"How dare you scum." Saphira bellowed as she reached to bite at Shruikans neck only to feel her head stop only inches from landing the desired fatal attack.

"Finally awake I see." Shruikan said calmly as he got up "I suggest you not make any more such futile attempts, otherwise I'll need to punish you." And with that Shruikan let out a small chuckle

"Damn you." Saphira replied tugging at the collar around her neck hoping to find a way to open it only to find that the entire thing was sealed.

"I wouldn't bother trying, I fused the ends shut and your fire won't reach at the right angle to melt it off." Shruikan warned

"I won't just give up and let you have your way with me." Saphira replied as she continued to try and break the chain that connected to her collar off the wall. Shruikan however simply sighed and bringing his paw up swiped Saphira across the face, effortlessly knocking her down.

"I warned you what would happen." Shruikan scolded only to chuckle once more "But I do find amusement in your futile attempts. Tell you what, let's make a deal. I'll remove the chain from that collar and if you can escape the cave I'll let you go free and I won't pursue, however if I catch you... Well, our eggs will have some more compony." Shruikan said

At those words Saphiras hope rose as the cave entrance wasn't too far way, if she could get away she would be free.

"So do we have a deal?" Shruikan asked

"Y-yes." Saphira replied

"Good." Shruikan said as used his claw to slice through the chain closest to the collar, and as he expected Saphira shot off as fast as she could.

Saphira ran to the entrance of the cave, using her wings to give her quick boosts of speed. "Almost there." Saphira said to herself as she could almost taste her freedom only to have her hopes come crashing down as she felt a pair of jaws around her tail.

"You're mine." Shruikan said as he began to pull Saphira back into the cave as she struggled to free herself from his grasp only to feel herself be overpowered by the larger dragon. "Face it Saphira, you've lost." Shruikan said as he pulled her further back until he had her in a position where he could mount her "I hope you remember your end of the wager." Shruikan said as Saphira hesitantly lifted her tail keeping her end of the bet.

"I should have known he was toying with me." Saphira said to herself as she felt her vagina be speared by Shruikans dragonhood once more. However there was something different with this mating, instead of Shruikan rutting her like a wild beast he instead took her like a lover would using slow and gentle thrusts. As much as she hated the dragon mating her Saphira couldn't deny that being spread like this and having his ridges rubbing her insides felt amazing.

Saphira tried retreating into her mind to destruct herself from the fact that it was Shruikan who was mating with her, at first she tried imagining that it was Glaedr who had mounted her but found that to also be unappealing so she tried imagining another younger dragon around her age but once again found herself finding the idea unappealing. Deciding to try and just let her mind wander she soon found herself in a mental scenario she enjoyed, except it was something that even she didn't expect. In her minds eye she looked behind herself and instead of the front paws of a dragon around her hips she saw a pair of hands but looking up further she found who those hands belongs to. First came the alabaster skin then the intense yet loving brown eyes, the slightly long brown hair, and the kind and loving smile. Saphira knew immediately who she had imagined: Eragon.

Meanwhile Shruikan was slowly increasing the speed of his thrusts, focusing in bringing Saphira pleasure as well as it gave his ego a boost to see that even an unwilling female could be brought to orgasm by him. "How does it feel Saphira." Shruikan asked

"It feels good." Saphira replied "please more."

"I would be happy to." Shruikan replied unknowing that Saphira had mentally replaced him with Eragon.

As Shruikan thrusted away he felt his knot swell and soon had it slapping against Saphira's pussy. "Gods, here it comes." Shruikan moaned as his cock began to throb as he released his load into the you sapphire dragoness.

"Ohhh yes, mate me Eragon." Saphira roars out as he vaginal walls clenched on the large dragonhood inside her as she climaxed. Shruikan however was not amused by this, in fact to say that he was pissed would be an understatement.

"You whore." Shruikan roared out as he turned Saphira onto her back and forced her to look at him in the eyes. "I am your mate, it is my young that you carry, and it is my name you are to call out in pleasure." Shruikan yelled at her "Be glad I'm done for today, but tomorrow I will break you, and you will be mine." And with that Shruikan yanked his knot out along with the rest of his penis and dragged Saphira back to the end of the cave before using his fire breath to reattach the chain to her collar.

"Mate me Eragon." Where the words that woke Eragon up, night had fallen and as such he was forced to set up camp. Eragon had neglected to start a fire as he was too worn out to search for wood, however he did see a fire cracking away with a familia figure sitting by it.

"Pretty bad idea to rest without a fire nearby." Nevre said biting into a piece of roast deer "And by the sounds of things, your dragon had you in mind during Shruikan's last round with her, gods he must be angry now."

Eragon got up with a blush in his face at those words.

"Y-you heard that?" Eragon asked

"Ha I bet everyone is Alegasia heard that. Well at least the ones that can mind speak." Nevre said chuckling

"Why did I hear that but not her cry for help when we landed?" Eragon asked himself more that Nevre

"Well from what I learned, dragons can extendtheir mental range to very long distances when trapped. My guess is that Saphira didn't know how to do this when she consciously tried but now that she is being held against her will she is subconsciously doing it without even knowing she is." Nevre explained

"How do you know so much?" Eragon asked

"I'll answer that tomorrow, but for now, care for a piece?" Nevre asked handing Eragon a piece of deer meat

"Riders are strictly vegetarian." Eragon replied

"Figures, all work and no fun those elven laws." Nevre said before finishing of his food "I'll scout ahead, see you tomorrow." And with that Nevre once again slid into the shadows.

As Eragon sat back down to rest he had three things on his mind. The first was how Saphira was holding up, the second was why she had requested him to mate her, and finally was why Nevre was so interested in dragons to the point where he would make a deal with someone who had killed a Shade. With those questions plaguing his mind Eragon fell into an uneasy sleep.

A Dragons Capture

Saphira flew over the trees of Alegasia as her rider Eragon held tight onto one the spikes that ran down her neck, the two had been sent to investigate some strange activity that had been effecting the wild life. Eragon noticed that his dragon was...

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The Legend of Eclipse: The Night Princess

18 years later Eclipse woke from his slumber slowly his sapphire eyes adjusting to the light coming though the window of his room as he removed his blankets to get up. As Eclipse walked over to a closet he couldn't help but look over to a photo...

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The legend of Eclipse: Prolouge

Celestia flew over the vast area that was the everfree forest the moon casting an eerie glow across Equestia. Celestia did a quick barrel roll her rainbow mane always keeping the same flowing motion as she flew over the lush yet untamed land below,...

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