Different Strokes - Team Players #7

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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#8 of Team Players

When Lucas teases his lover Kelsey with pictures of him playing with their friend Corey, the husky gets an idea that she acts on the next time she and her bunny have some quiet time together...

A couple of new themes in this one that I thought would be fun. I think it turned out fairly well. Hope you guys enjoy!

"Nnf... hold still, willya?"

"I am holding still!"

"You're ... squeezing... nngh..."

"Come on, Corey, this is a great shot!"

"I-it... it looks good, but you... Aaaah!"

Lucas giggled breathlessly, watching Corey's eyes roll back with pleasure. The little mouse convulsed rhythmically where he lay under the Dutch lop, and Lucas felt his friend's cock twitch repeatedly against the muscles of his rump, pumping his load into the condom that Corey always insisted on wearing.

There was a sticky spread of cum on the mouse's belly, the results of Lucas' own orgasm a few moments before. He'd ridden the other male a little longer before having the bright idea of getting some photos of him impaled on Corey's long, tapered cock. Apparently him leaning back to show off the mouse shaft sunk into him had been the final straw.

Corey moaned and gasped for breath as his orgasm trailed off. He lifted his head, smiled dopily in the afterglow, brought Lucas's phone up and hit the button. The flash fired, and Corey slumped back with the phone in his grasp.

Lucas slowly slid off the softening shaft and sprawled next to his friend, giving the mouse an affectionate nuzzle on the cheek as they relaxed. "Mmm... how'd it turn out?" he asked, admiring the bulge of cum caught in the condom.

"Dunno... still catching my breath..." Corey managed, handing the phone over. Lucas took it and peered at the screen.

"Oooh. That's a good angle - I can see everything!"

"It's a nice view." Corey chuckled, rubbing one of Lucas' long ears. The lop chirred and shifted against his friend. "So what're you gonna do with that?"

Lucas tried his best to look innocent. "Oh, I wasn't going to do... okay, I was thinking of sending it to Kelsey. She was teasing me about visiting you today... said she wanted a full report of anything we did."

"She's okay with it, right?" The mouse lifted his head to look at Lucas. "I mean, us doing stuff... she's not jealous?"

"Nope. She knows I like guys too, and she knows you, so she's cool with it." Lucas shrugged. "If I started doing things with other guys we'd have to talk about it."

"Yeah. She's pretty amazing."

Lucas smiled and rubbed Corey's chest. "She is. So... would you be okay with me sending that picture?"

"Well, I dunno... I guess it's okay." Corey blushed through his gray face fur. "I mean... if she wants to see me naked, anyhow."

"I'm sure she doesn't mind a bit."

Lucas grinned and typed a quick message.

hey sexy, here's the report you asked for

He attached the picture and tapped the send button, then smirked at Lucas. "This should be good."

"...and the blue goes incredibly well with your coat, so I think we should get one of those, and maybe one of OH LOOK AT THIS IT'S SO LOVELY I..."

Trust her mother to decide that a tear in one shirt - she'd caught it on a branch hiking with Lucas - would be a good reason to go downtown for a shopping session, Kelsey thought with no small bit of annoyance.

The older husky had homed straight in on the new collection of high-end shops on the Granville strip, and they had been wandering through for at least two hours. Kelsey had seen more cuts of clothing than she had ever believe existed, had tried on at least a half-dozen entire outfits under the gaze of fawning salespeople who could smell her mother's credit card from a mile away... and all she really wanted was a new T-shirt and maybe a nice blouse just in case she needed it.

Okay, she admitted, some of the outfits looked good, and she was pretty sure that at least one of them would drive Lucas crazy... but Kelsey would never be a clothes horse like her mom.

Who was currently rifling through a rack of pink dresses, for some reason, mumbling something about her "girl moments." The young husky watched in horror for a moment, until her phone buzzed and presented a welcome distraction.

She opened the text message automatically, looked at the screen, and immediately blanked it again at high speed. The husky peeked over her shoulders to make sure nobody was nearby, feeling heat rise into her cheeks and ears. She growled slightly and tried to force the blush down before her mother noticed it.

"...just the wrong shade of - oh, is something wrong, hon?"


Kelsey shook her head, stuffing the phone back into her pocket. "No, Mom, nothing."

"You look a little flushed," the older husky said, putting a paw on her daughter's head. "You sure you're okay? There's a flu going around, you know."

"No, Mom, I'm fine, really! I'm just a little bit warm." Kelsey pulled out from under her mother's touch. "I'm going to go walk in the mall a little bit, okay? Maybe you can find me another semi-formal outfit to try on?"

Anna blinked and smiled. "Oh, I saw this beautiful blouse back over there, I'm sure that..."

She was gone again. Kelsey watched her walk off, then made her way to the mall. It was cooler out there, and there were walls she could put her back to. Her curled tail twitched as she pulled the phone out and opened the text again.

Yep. She hadn't been mistaken. That was in fact her boyfriend with their mutual friend's dick stuffed deep inside him. There was even a dribble of semen dripping down the bunny's erection.

Kelsey growled softly and tapped out a reply.

omg guys im in the mall with my mom!!

"See, this is why I do the condom thing, it's so much less messy."

"Yeah, but it's not as much fun. I like the feel of..." Lucas stopped mopping the pool of semen out of Corey's belly fur at the beep of the text notification. He grabbed the phone, and rolled to lie next to the mouse again so they could both see the screen.

They cracked up at the shocked reply. "Oh man, perfect timing!" Lucas laughed.

"Could have been worse, she could have been in class..." Corey replied, giggling as he watched Lucas reply.

Sorry babe, hope she didn't get a good look or she might decide to add me to her harem haha!

Kelsey rolled her eyes at the response. "Boys..." she muttered, thumbs flying on the phone.

ill get you for that, bunny boy! talk later when im not surrounded by furs

"Uh-oh, I may get it," Lucas mused at the reply.

"Nah, she's cool, I'm sure you'll be fine. It's..."

Corey was cut off by another beep.

btw tell corey i said 'cute!'

Pink rose in the mouse's cheeks again and he giggled as Lucas nudged him in the ribs. "See? Toldja."

"Well, I don't exactly wave it at people on the street... showing off like that is a little weird." The mouse sat up and stretched. "We should..."

"Oh boooooys, I smell lube and sexytimes!"

The door burst open and a calico cat leaned in with a big Cheshire grin. Corey's foster sister Regan was topless, her breasts swinging as she stepped into the room. "I hope you left some for me!"

Corey and Lucas exchanged a look and rolled their eyes. "I'm glad my cardio is good," the rabbit noted as the chubby feline slid onto the bed with a playfully predatory smirk...

"There," Kelsey said to herself as she got the last of her new clothes neatly put away. She'd wound up with three new outfits and a couple of extra shirts, and her mother was coming down from her retail high.

The young husky sprawled on her bed and pulled out her phone. She opened the picture from Lucas again and looked it over with a slight chuckle. "Took balls to send this," she thought to herself, with a giggle.

It was quite a nice view, she had to admit. Lucas, stretched nicely around Corey's cock, his own dribbling and perhaps softening after orgasm. She felt a familiar tingle, and her tail wagged. She closed her eyes and envisioned the scene leading up to that, seeing Lucas ride the little mouse, spray a load across Corey's belly... it was a very pleasant scene.

Kelsey smiled, stretching. She would have to think more on that later. It was fun thinking of Lucas taking it from another male... he seemed to love it.

She paused, scratching her chin. Maybe she could help out with that.

With a grin, the husky started some Internet searches.

"So I'm confused. Was that a comedy or action drama? I couldn't tell."

"Well," Lucas said as he turned onto Kelsey's street, "it had that one guy who always acts in comedies, but there were a lot of guns and explosions and stuff, so I think they were trying to make it a drama."

Kelsey thought about that for a moment. "I think they failed miserably."

"Hey, explosions always get at least one star from me." Lucas snickered. "And any explosion that blows a guy through a window into a swimming pool, only to have him climb out and shout 'Cannonball!' at the other swimmers?"

Kelsey swatted the buck on his shoulder. "You have terrible taste in movies."

"But great taste in other things." He grinned at the husky, who giggled and leaned over to kiss his nose. "So, beautiful, I don't see your mom's car?"

Nope. She's in town on a date with Levi tonight."

"How's that going, anyhow?" Lucas inquired, leaning on a railing to watch Kelsey rummage for her keys. "They seem to be pretty happy with each other, even with the third party involved."

Kelsey smiled, opening the door. "She's the happiest I've seen her in years. And he's pretty awesome. We've spent a few dinners together." She giggled. "And I may or may not have heard some pretty interesting stuff from Mom's room once or twice."

"Wow, your mom has sex? Shocking!"

"Lucas, you are such a goof. C'mere."

"Yow!" The rabbit yelped, dragged by the collar into the taller husky's arms. "Easy, this is a new... mmmmph."

Kelsey's muzzle cut him off neatly, meeting his with a firm kiss. He leaned in against her and churred happily, their tongues meeting eagerly. "So bad action films get you wound up, huh?" Lucas giggled, nuzzling into the husky's thick neck fur.

"No, you get me wound up, bunny." She smirked, drawing his shirt up and running fingers through his fur. "Want to go to my room and play?"

"You have to ask?"

He watched Kelsey's tail wag happily and followed her up the stairs, his own short teardrop tail twitching in time with the movement of her firm rump. Her shirt draped over his head outside her door, and by the time he was through the door she was naked.

It was a hell of a view, he thought, admiring the smirking canine. "You're getting fast at that... ever considered stripping?"

"They take off their stuff too slow, bunny boy. Strip down yourself." Her panties thwapped against his face. He laughed and shed his clothes just as quickly, then stepped into her arms for another kiss. His paws slid up to find her small breasts, and she moaned softly at the caress of his fingers over her nipples.

"Mmm... you are so good at pushing all the right buttons," Kelsey murmured into her buck's short head fur, tilting her head to allow him access down along her neck. He accepted the invitation, brushing light kisses along the husky's white throat and burying his muzzle against her collarbone to nibble softly. She moaned in appreciation, raking blunt claws through the mottled fur of his back, drawing him close.

Lucas placed a kiss on each perked nipple, and she pushed her chest against his face to demand more. He grinned up at her, his tongue caressing first one firm nub then the other, paws moving up to cup her breasts and knead in time with his flicking tongue tip. Kelsey growled gently and lifted a leg to brush her thigh against the bunny's quickly growing erection. He could smell her becoming more and more eager and redoubled his efforts, suckling on her nipples until she gently lifted his head away.

"Lie on your back," Kelsey purred in response to his questioning gaze. He complied quickly, and watched as the husky ran her paw along his body down to the bulging sheath and jutting shaft. He moaned and lifted his hips at her touch. Kelsey's fingers roamed over Lucas' length. "I want to try something," the husky said, climbing onto the bed with him.

"I'm always up to trying something," Lucas breathed.

She giggled. "Mmm, good," the husky said with anticipation, before moving to straddle his head, swinging a knee over his face. "How's the view, honey?"

Lucas looked up at his lover's hindquarters, admiring the curled tail wagging happily above him, the curve of her rump, and the glistening folds of her labia peeking through white fur. "Tasty," he murmured, settling his paws on her hips and pulling them down.

"Oh!" Kelsey gasped, pushing down as the bunny's tongue snaked out to lap across her lips, spreading the slickness of her fluids and curling against the sensitive skin there. "Ohhh that's good."

She rested her paws on his chest and rocked her hips slowly over Lucas' short muzzle, savoring the feel of heat and wet and touch as his tongue swirled and explored, finding the sensitive spots and focusing on them. "Mmm, right there," she urged, leaning over slowly to settle lengthwise on his body. Her breath tickled over the bunny's stiff cock. Lucas groaned at the first touch of her tongue on his length, then shuddered and bucked up into her mouth as Kelsey took him fully within.

"Ohhh fuck, Kels..." he moaned, fingers grasping at the husky's rump firmly. "So deep, thmmmf!" Kelsey's hips dropped down and cut him off, grinding herself against his muzzle. Lucas obliged, redoubling his efforts with his tongue, exploring her sex, slipping a finger into her and caressing from inside and out.

He jumped in surprise at the touch of a finger on his rump. Kelsey giggled, muffled by the slim rabbit cock in her mouth, and pushed the tip of her finger carefully against the bunny's bud until it slipped in, earning a soft growl and a squeeze of muscles around it. The husky's tail wagged above Lucas' face, her hips wriggling in time with his rocking movements that pushed up into her wet mouth and back into the probing finger.

The bunny growled when her mouth slipped slowly off him with a lingering touch of her tongue on his tip. "Hang on," Kelsey murmured, sitting up on her haunches and almost immediately giving a bark of pleasure when Lucas took advantage of the position to bury his tongue in her deeply and waggle it around. He continued to lavish attention on her dripping sex, paying no attention to what his lover was up to until she settled back down onto all fours over him.

Her finger returned to its position, probing at his ring, this time with a slick wetness that allowed it to slide much more easily into him. He grunted and squeezed again around that probing finger, which was joined by Kelsey's muzzle taking him deep once again.

Lucas dripped precum that was quickly lapped away by the husky's talented tongue, his pleasure quickly peaking thanks to the probing finger. When she added another one, he groaned and tapped her rump, lifting his face. "E...easy, love, I'm close..."

"So am I," Kelsey growled, pressing two fingers into him, slowly pumping them in and out, stretching his ring neatly. "I want to taste you..."

"Not gonna say no..." The buck buried his face between her thighs again, lapping and fondling at the husky's slick sex. She groaned in return, sucking and lapping at the bunny's cock with greater urgency, adding the thrusts of her fingers in turn with her bobbing until Lucas bucked his hips up, gasped, and came hard into her mouth.

Kelsey rumbled with pleasure, lapping away the bursts of thick seed that splashed across her tongue, swallowing what she could and letting the rest dribble out of her muzzle onto the bunny's belly. Lucas panted against her mound, hot breath brushing over her folds, then dove back into pleasuring her, tongue focused on her clit. It took only a moment or two more before the rabbit felt her tense, grind against his face, and release with a low howl of pleasure that bathed his face in her juices.

They lay entwined for a few moments, both partners catching their breath, then Kelsey slowly slid her fingers out of her bunny's rear and turned around to nuzzle against his neck. "That," she murmured, "was fun."

"Heh... yes it was, lover." Lucas kissed the dog's forehead with a breathless smile. "Fun to do something new, isn't it?"

"Mmm." Kelsey licked his neck gently, her paw roaming down to stroke the rabbit's softening erection affectionately. It twitched, and she smiled as it started to harden again. "Bunny's not done, is he?"

"When am I ever, doggie?" he giggled, reaching up to stroke her cheek. "Got anything in mind?"

"Well... yes, but..." She kissed his fingers, batting her eyelashes at him playfully. "It's a surprise. Close your eyes, lover buck?"

Lucas chuckled. "Well, I'm curious. Okay." He followed directions. Her weight left the bed, and he could hear rustling nearby for a few moments.

"Okay. You can open them now."

The bunny opened his eyes and looked towards Kelsey's voice - and stopped, mouth open. The husky blushed at his look, and peered down her body where a dark blue semi-realistic dildo bobbed slightly in the harness she had pulled on.

It wasn't a big toy, but it was so unexpected that Lucas found himself speechless.

"Um... I know you have a lot of fun with other boys like Corey, and I thought... maybe we could have some fun that way too?"

Lucas looked up from the gently bobbing dildo to the husky's anxious face. He grinned. "Really? You bought this all for me?"

She nodded, still blushing. "Is it too big? I don't know what..."

"Kelsey, it's fine. And you're amazing." He reached up and drew her down by one paw onto the bed, leaning up for a passionate kiss.

The husky pushed him back after a moment and settled on her knees. "I'm glad you like my new toy," she giggled. "Now... turn around and let me give that cute bunny butt a good humping."

"Oh man... that is fucking hot."

Lucas turned, presenting his rump to the husky. "You lubed me up pretty good before, but use lots on that thing, okay? And take it slowly."

"Yeah, I saw online that the rule is 'if you think that's enough lube, use more,'" Kelsey giggled breathlessly, spreading lube along the length of the toy. "Tell me if I do anything wrong... I haven't actually done this before."

"Oh, I'll let you know," Lucas breathed, a shiver running up his spine at the feel of her fingers lifting his fluffy tail and cool pressure of the toy's tip nudging against his rear.

"Good... okay, here we go..."

Kelsey pushed her hips forward and watched as the tight ring of the bunny's rump spread slowly. Lucas moaned, pushing back gently until the toy slid into him. He gasped with pleasure. "Ohhh damn... wait a sec, lemme get used to it..."

"Okay, lover, tell me when." The husky stroked her claws through the fur of his rump and lower back, watching his muscles clench and relax around the toy.

Finally, he nodded. "All right, push a little more... slow, this thing's thicker than it looked..."

Kelsey followed directions as the bunny urged her to push or stop as he adjusted, until she abruptly found the base of the toy nudged up against his hips. "It's all the way in!" she said, surprised. "Is it... is it okay?"

"Mmmm yes it is very okay, doggie... now, let's see how you use it." He giggled breathlessly. "Just do what I do when I'm taking you from behind and it should be just fine."

Kelsey laughed. "Let's see if that works," she murmured, pulling back and settling her paws on the bunny's hips. She thrust experimentally, the dildo pushing back into her boyfriend's backside. "Ooh, that's a nice view, isn't it?" she said as the rabbit arched his back and wriggled against the toy.

"Nngh... that it is... angle a little bit lower, love," Lucas replied, panting. "Feels good though..."

The husky changed her approach slightly, lifting her hips and thrusting again, slowly, but quickly finding a rhythm that worked for her. From the looks of the rabbit, his head thrown back, moaning softly with each stroke of the toy inside him, she was learning quickly - and well.

"Oh god... a little harder," Lucas moaned, bucking back onto the dildo eagerly. Kelsey giggled and thrust more firmly into the bunny's rump, listening to his panting, the pleased sounds helping her own arousal along.

A thought crossed the husky's mind, and she slid her arms around the bunny's body. He looked back at her curiously, and she grinned. "I saw this in a video once, let's try this..."

Lucas yipped as Kelsey urged him to raise up, drawing herself upright and pulling him along. Her breasts pushed against his back, and she slid a paw down to circle the rabbit's dripping erection. "Ooh, someone's enjoying himself, huh?" she purred against his neck, nibbling there softly as her thrusts sped up. "Like this?"

"Nngh oh fuck yeah, fuck me Kelsey!" Lucas groaned, tilting his head to give her more room. The husky took advantage, nipping and biting as her hips slapped against his rump steadily. More precum dribbled over her stroking fingers, and she ground hard against him with each thrust.

"This is really, really hot," the husky murmured against the bunny's neck. "I think we might have to do this more, huh?"

His nod flopped his ears back and forth comically. "Oh yeah... Kels, I'm close to coming..."

"Oh, not just yet, bunny..." She slowed down and stopped. "Hold on a sec."

"What have you got planned?" Lucas looked back and watched as she undid the straps of the harness and slipped out of it, leaving the dildo buried in him. "Uh..."

She giggled and crawled around in front of the rabbit, her tail arched up, then turned around and settled on the pillows, settling with her legs spread wide. The husky's fingers slid down, caressing the folds of her sex, opening it to his gaze. "If you're going to come, do it here, lover buck."

Lucas paused a moment, then grinned. "Can't turn that down..." He leaned over her, their muzzles meeting in a lustful kiss, tongues twining eagerly, and with a quick shift of his hips buried his cock deep in Kelsey's wanting sex.

"Ohhh!" she moaned, arching her back to take him to the hilt. "I like taking you, but you feel so good inside me..."

"Feels good being in you and with you in me..." The bunny grinned down and kissed at her neck, pumping firmly into her, his paws cupping and squeezing her breasts, earning gasps and moans of pleasure from the husky beneath him. "Not gonna last too long though..."

"Mm, that's okay, love... pretty close too... just take me, fill me..."

Lucas grinned at that and ground hard into the husky, his hips slapping hard and fast against hers as he felt the building pressure of his nearing peak. "Too bad you can't fill me... it feels amazing when it... aaaah!"

Kelsey wrapped her arms around her lover and held him, feeling the pulsing of his shaft against her inner walls, the heat of his orgasm gushing deep inside her. She nuzzled his ears as he shuddered in her arms, slowly running down. "Lift up a bit, lover," Kelsey murmured.

"Hmm?" Lucas hoisted himself on his arms and watched as she snaked a paw down between them. "Oooh," he murmured, watching with interest.

She grinned as her fingers settled on her clit. "Just gonna... ah! Finish the job..."

It didn't take much. Lucas watched with a grin as the husky circled her clit and around his still-buried shaft, moaning softly and tensing until she arched and clenched around him in orgasm. "Ohhh Lucas, I love you," she gasped, leaning up to kiss him as she rode out her peak.

The two sagged into her pillows together, catching their breath, caressing each other's ears softly. Lucas reached back and carefully slid the dildo out of himself, setting it aside. "So, what did you think, doggie? You like being on top?"

Kelsey giggled softly and nuzzled his neck. "I do, very much. Did I do okay?"

"You did just fine, love." Lucas stroked her cheek. "Thanks for doing that for me. You make a great boy."

"I'm not sure how I should take that..."

Different Strokes: Team Players 6

© 2015, Tony Greyfox

Do not distribute without permission of the author


