The Lucky Ones Chapter 11: New Grasps

Story by liltenhead on SoFurry

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#11 of The Lucky Ones

I'm really lazy...

And nothing ever likes to save.


My eyes slowly opened up, awakened into the real world once more. Immediately, I was reminded of my rather comfortable position with a warm breath of air running down my neck. Each breath made the grin on my face grow ever so slightly encased in the warm cocoon of Ri's arm wrapped around me. My back was pressed up against him, with his body fully aligned up mine leaving very little room where we weren't touching. It was simply blissful. The love of my life holding me while we slept was just a sign of pure trust and loyalty. It was simply irreplaceable.

As I evaluated my situation fully, my more primal needs kicked in, making me realize I was quite parched. But of course I was in quite the predicament.

Ahh man... I don't wanna wake him up! And with the way we were positioned with his muzzle on my neck and arm wrapped around my stomach there's no way I won't wake him up!

But I just couldn't help but feel a little upset, just knowing that I can easily wake him up and he could go get me a drink eight times faster than I ever could manage to.

No, Ri deserves to sleep in... I cause him enough trouble as is.

With my independent idea now set into action, I carefully grabbed his paw and held it up into the air leaving room for me to slide out. As slowly as possible, I threw my legs over the side of the bed and climbed out of bed, feeling his head fall gently onto the pillow below. Just as gently as before, I carefully laid his arm back down along the bed and quietly stepped away from the bed just looking my boyfriend over.

Well he still seems happily asleep! The small victory made my heart warm knowing I didn't have to ask him to do something so simple. But for me it was actually quite a painful task at times.

But even with all the issues I have, there was no denying the fact he loves me just as much as I love him. Just looking at him sleeping peacefully on our side of the bed only proved it further.

I ran my eyes up and down his rather attractive body, and slowly started to make my way to the door. Each step felt like an eternity, but yet again all my steps felt that way no matter the circumstance. After what felt like minutes, I finally put my hand on the door knob and ever so carefully turned the knob releasing the door from its bolt. A new ray of light pierced into the dimly lit room stopping my heart cold. The last thing I wanted to do at this point was to awaken Ri from his slumber after being so careful in my movements. I waited a few more moments before finally stepping out into the hall realizing I didn't cause any damage.

Slowly but surely I made my way down the hall walking past Sarah and Lu's room taking notice of the closed door. I doubt they are even awake at this hour, don't hear the shower going either. My slow movements made me naturally stealthy so making a racket was something I couldn't really do unless I could manage to fall down the stairs which has happened in the past.

My thoughts carried me down the stairs landing me out into the kitchen area leaving me a large disposal of possible morning drinks. I opened the fridge and was instantly smacked in the face with a good idea. Alrighty I'll pour myself some orange juice and bring up some berry juice for Ri whenever he decides to wake up.

I carefully rummaged through the cabinet next to the fridge and grabbed to drinking glasses. After a few more motions I soon found myself with one glass of sweet OJ and some kind of berry drink that I wasn't quite sure what was in it, Pokemon seem to really like berries for whatever reason.

Storing everything away carefully I started my trek back upstairs with both of my hands occupied. The cool air running over my half naked body made me long to crawl back into Ri's warm, furry embrace. I could spend my entire day just cuddled up with him talking about whatever came to mind... or doing whatever we wanted to.

Dammit Nick, gotta stop thinking about that! I mean yeah he's my boyfriend and all but I don't wanna do anything he isn't exactly into. Not even sure if he is even sexually into me, but oh man he can turn me on quite well by just being him.

I managed to make it back to our bedroom door with a wide grin on my face and a slight blush from the naughty thoughts. After living with an awesome, sexy Lucario for like five years, it's kinda impossible not to think dirty sometimes. Every single relationship hits that point some time. Obviously Sarah and Lu have had some fun together, and they still probably do.

I looked at the closed door, and carefully cradled one glass against my chin off of my forearm, leaving one arm free to be able to open the door. With a satisfying click, the door clicked open once again sending a beam of light into the room. I dropped my eyes to the floor making my way into the room carefully kicking the door close reclaiming the drink with my hand making things less awkward for myself.

But when I looked up I was greeted with a sight I didn't want to see, but yet again, also did.

"Morning Nick!" There he was, my Lucario boyfriend sitting up in bed, clutching a pillow to his chest with both arms around it looking cuter than ever. With his muzzle tucked in behind the pillow and those beautiful crimson eyes peeking over at me I just couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

I left the light off, and returned to the bed with a grin on my face and drinks in hand. "Morning Ri, sorry for waking you up."

I motioned the berry drink towards him, and he dropped his pillow shield to claim it. Watching him have to craddle the glass with two paws was something that I've always found absolutely adorable. "You were gone by the time I woke up. But baby I told you that you could wake me up for whatever reason!"

He took a sip of his drink and kept his eyes locked onto me. I swung one leg over onto the bed sitting on it while peering into his large eyes while taking a casual sip of my own drink. "Well I figured I'd be nice and let you sleep in for once and stop being so helpless."

Ri reached over and put his glass carefully down on the night stand before pulling me along the bed with me now sitting on top of him, both of his arms wrapped around me, muzzle pressed into my back. "Well I do appreciate it, and you even went out of your way to bring me a drink of my own!"

He planted a kiss deeply into my neck and moaned out softly, "I love you."

I placed my empty hand over his paw and leaned back into his body, "mhm, and I love you too."

He started to rub his paws up and down my bare belly giving a little spark in my stomach, muzzle now back into my neck. "You're not helpless either Nicky, don't call yourself that. Just cause you were born with some crappy disease doesn't mean anything. Hell, you walk around all the time despite the struggle. I just like knowing that I can help ease your burden."

Those words put butterflies into my stomach, "you're the best you know that?"

He let out a little excited squeak sound over the compliment, "no you're the best Nick!"

I couldn't help but just chuckle over his reaction which was absolutely amazing. "Alright, alright, but unfortunately I don't have a sexy coat of fur so I've gotta go change into some new clothes real quick.

He coo'd over my provocative statement and reluctantly retracted his paws from me letting me drop off the side of the bed once more. I placed my drink down next to his and looked back at him, noticing that across his blue furry cheeks he was blushing quite heavily. Heh, guess you liked my sexy fur comment huh?

I started to make my way towards the dresser, dropping my shorts to the ground grinding them off my feet, leaving me naked besides my boxers. The sound of the springs on the bed being rotated on caused me to look back at Ri who was now laying on his stomach for what ever reason.

"Hey babe, you okay?"

His voice came out muffled, "yeah I'm just stretching!"

I waited in place for about thirty seconds finally realizing he wasn't stretching. Did... did I do something wrong?

I inched my way back to the bed, staring at Ri's back and tail which were completely motionless. Hmm... you do have a rather nice fluffy butt now that I think about it.

Ack! Stop it you dirty mind!

The thought floated off as I planted my hand onto his shoulder blade making him tense up in the bed out of what seemed like fright. "What's... what's wrong?"

He remained completely motionless face down into the bed. "My uhh... my head hurts... that's all... nothing to worry about!"

I slowly moved my hand down his back, and onto his side attempting to rotate him on his side. "Turn over so I can feel your head, you might be getting sick dear."

He seemed fine to me though?

The whole thing was oddly suspicious to me but I still wanted to check. He frantically yelled out, "no, no! I'm okay Nick... Really I'm okay!"

I moved both of my hands to his side and with all my might attempted to roll him over, "you don't sound okay!"

Suddenly from the struggle, my legs gave out, and I accidentally fell forward actually rolling him over fully onto his back with me falling onto him. Very oddly though he threw his arms down his body shielding something.

And even more oddly, he started to whimper out, "I... uhh... dangit!"

I got back up on my knees feeling like I just hurt him or something and immediately looked at his face. He had the brightest blush I've ever seen, and his eyes were shut closed. Down his body, he had both of his paws placed on top of his groin.

The butterfly feeling rushed into my chest cavity filling me up with hundreds of different emotions all at once.

A blush ran across my cheeks, my body already deciding my course of action. "Heh... sorry for what?"

I placed my hand on his paw, and gently started to pull it away. He didn't even attempt to resist, instead he just lightly whimpered out once more, "I didn't mean to..."

My heart started to race, head filled with a huge sense of adventure. For the first time in our entire relationship, that I've noticed at least, he had a hardon. His arms now idle on the bed, eyes still closed with a little tear running down his face, hell I kinda felt bad.

I mean he looks at me crotch all the time but... Oh man this is awesome!

It was quite the eyesight, my Lucario's boyfriend nicely sized red cock just out in the open for me to see.

Well Nick, turns out he was having the same thoughts you were! Ahh this so exciting!

I didn't have to think about it anymore, my body had already decided with the bulge building in my boxers.

We were both blushing heavily, and his eyes were still closed, body frozen in place.

Carefully I laid down next to him, trying to be as calm as possible. I placed my head onto his shoulder, and very, very gently grabbed his member with my hand while whipsering out, "it's okay baby."

His eyes shot open, and he let out a very cute squeak over the new exploration.

I couldn't help but giggle, my soul was in a state of pure bliss over this newly found sexual contact.

And to my surprise, he rolled over onto his side now facing me, my hand still firmly gripping his red canine cock.

His eyes locked onto mine, and I could see the raw sense of passion in his eyes. He slyly placed his paw on my stomach and slid it right down onto my bulge basically making my dick jump from the sudden contact.

His tail started to beat off the bed completely out of excitement. He very sexually whispered out, "oh man I love you Nick."

"I love..." He didn't let me finish the sentence. His lips were locked onto mine in the most lusty kiss we've ever shared. All these years spent together... and we finally found a chance to take things a little further.

We both moaned out from the new passion and sensations. Oh how I've longed for this moment! Everything just feels so right! The love of my life literally just grabbing my dick while I'm grabbing his. There can't be a better feeling in the world than this!

I couldn't hold back anymore, my eyes rolled into the back of my head as I slipped my tongue into his mouth wanting more of him. He gasped out from the new invasion, but ferociously returned the tongue action, wrapping his around my own.

The heavy breathing continued with our bodies grinding up together, our faces connected by the tongue. I couldn't help but slowly start to jerk him off, simply out of instinct, and by the fact his tantalizing heat drew me forward. There was some gratification in just sensing his member twitch and throb in my hand.

He couldn't wait either. He gripped the brim of my boxers with his paw and gently tugged them down my legs right past my rock solid erection, eventually leaving me completely naked pressed up against him, our most private parts nearly touching.

After a few more seconds of our intense make out session, the kiss did eventually break but our mouths were still only a few inches away, connected by a string of saliva.

Our eyes were locked onto each others, seeing a perfect reflection. There wasn't any other thought possible but what was happening at that exact moment.

He panted out, tongue partially poking past his open mouth, still cute as ever. "Ni-Nick this is just... It's a dream! It has to be!"

I couldn't help but giggle, pressing my nose into his muzzle. I slid my hand down his length and gently started to massage his knot, not even put off by his anatomy in the slightest. Coyfully I replied, "is this a dream baby?"

Our red faces were as real as reality could get.

"I've only ever fantasized about you... I... I never thought we would get here!"

I dropped my hand down to the small space between us as he simply held my hip with his paw. "Heh... and I was thinking you weren't at all attracted to me."

My words sparked something long locked in his eyes, and I could practically feel his aura pulsing around me from those words.

"Heh, I guess I can finally make one of my favorite dreams come true right here!"

My heart picked up in its already fast and excited pace. He leaned his head up and gave me a kiss right onto my nose before parting my side on the bed. He crawled backwards onto the bed instantly letting me know what he was going to do. Oh my god... he... he actually wants to blow me?

I propped myself up on my elbows and watched his every move. By the time I even glanced down, he was already positioned between my legs, eyes looking up at me. My voice came out completely shaky out of the excitement, "you're... you're gonna?"

He let out a little squeaky giggle, the deep voice mixed with the girlish reaction was a minor thing I absolutely loved about him. However, he didn't need words, he used actions.

He placed his paws on either side of my cock keeping it straight. I could basically feel my heart inside my dick, it was the definition of a raging hard-on.

There was no time to brace myself, and he wasn't going to stop his dreams from becoming real. He pressed his tongue up against the tip of my member sending goosebumps up my entire body out the new sensation coming from the greatest guy in the world.

He lowered his head further along, lapping around my length growling softly. Those growls were by far the sexiest sounds he could make, it was driving my wildly. I honestly had to force myself not to just hump into his mouth urging for more. Instead though I just moaned out, "god you're amazing!"

He brought his head back up again, trailing his tongue slowly behind completely teasing me. The best part was, he never took his eyes off of mine, adding a whole other level of love and intimacy.

"Hmm... Nick! You taste great!"

That reaction instantly caused me to giggle, my cock seized by my boyfriend for the first time, and he just brings out something like that. How could you not giggle over that?

I placed my hand onto his cheek and slowly caressed the fur on his cheek. He lowered his head down again and quietly spoke out, tail swaying, "I'm not done yet baby."

Taking me by surprise once again, he lowered his mouth onto the tip of my cock, submerging it into a warm, addicting cave. We both moaned out in unison this time, both overtaken by the exploration.

His head naturally fell lower and his eyes closed with another sexy growl. Inch by inch he took my unexplored member into his mouth, tongue sliding along the base of my length, tasting every part of it.

Suddenly he pulled his head off, and lunged forward onto me, fully tackling me back into the mattress and pillows. He had so much raw emotion it was simply unreal, "I love you so much Nick!"

A small tear formed in my eye, quickly falling down the side of my face. "And I love you too Ri... so freaking much"

He locked his lips onto mine, both of our eyes closed fully accepting everything. What was to happen next was something we both just naturally fell into. With our heights being similar, and him being directly on top of me, our cocks rubbed together creating a whole different kind of spark.

I dug both of my hands into his back, and he put his paws on either side of me, keeping me still in order to help with the grinding process.

The heat was intoxicating, addicting, I didn't want it to ever end. Never before in my life had everything felt perfect, so perfect to the point I had completely forgot how hard it was for me to even move. Ri managed to make my life so perfect to the point I could forget the one thing that made it so freaking difficult.

We weren't moving too terribly fast on each other due to the lack of experience out of what was even going on, but it felt so damn good.

Gradually our breathing turned into groans, falling in and out of our kissing session in order to catch more air. Hmm... I wonder if he'll mind me grabbing his butt!

I'm not sure what gave me the urge, either the grinding of our privates, or the intense kissing. But I couldn't help but slide one of my hands down his back and onto the base of his tail. With a slow but careful movement, I moved my hand slightly to the right and grabbed his rather fluffy butt.

He let out a little squeak and slowly broke the kiss. Panting out he said,"you like my butt huh?"

I let out a exasperated giggle, "I've taken a few peeks here and there."

"Glad I'm not the only one," he lowered his head and started giving me sensual kisses to my neck.

I could feel my orgasm approaching rapidly, my warm furry lover providing an overabundance of pleasure. Panting out I said, "you know i've always found you really, really sexy."

He chuckled, "I got hard watching you change, think that speaks for itself!"

I kissed the top of his head, our bodies grinding together out of natural instinct. "We shower together everyday!"

"I don't know, guess I just got so used to it."

"You planning on getting used to this?"

He kissed my neck once more, "I would love to marry you..."

Heh... really? He just said it!


"Of course! You're the greatest guy on this planet!"

Well I guess we'll just have to get a little bit older... and I just found myself a husband, and well... my mate. The term mate was one I actually quite liked. Considering Sarah was techincally Lu's mate, and Lucarios mate for life.

"For now baby, the greatest Lucario is about to make me cum."

Our pace remained the same throughout the entire process. He lifted his head up, placing his muzzle onto my nose, staring directly into my eyes. "I'm right behind you."

I pushed my face into his, clenched his fur on his back and butt and let myself go. My eyes shut out of response to my body as the pressure in my groin relieved into a warm stream of my own seed coating my lower stomach and partially into his fur. I groaned out rather loudly overtaken by the sensation.

And only a few or so seconds afterwards, Ri's muzzle slipped past my face planting into the pillow. He let out a rather deep growl and he too let it go. His warm stream coated over my own on my stomach making things even more messy, but that didn't matter. Feeling his body twitch and turn on top of me was simply irreplaceable.

We held each other for a good minute or so in silence, letting it all sink in.

I never even thought about Lu! Ahh shit... please don't tell me they were awake!