Distant Earth CYOA part 18

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#21 of Distant Earth text adventure

OK sorry this was so late in coming, I have added a bit of length to try and make up for it. Also I am planning on getting a Distant Earth picture commissioned as sort of a thank you for you guys sticking with me, see this journal where you can vote on what the picture will be.

Same deal as always vote for what you want to happen next by clicking thumbs up on the options below

Minor warning, as per the results of the voting, this story contains scenes of incest, the sex isn't really important to the plot so if that is not your cup of tea you can just skip down to the end and the three options for what Zack will do next.

Option B take the german Sheppard brothers up on their offer

I note that although this option won a lot of people wanted Kelo and Reese, I have therefore decided that I will write it so that Kelo and Reese are not upset or offended by the choice for the sheppards.

Zack blushed as his team mates offered him an evening of their company. He knew that he had promised the pony and raccoon that he would spend an evening with them. "I... reign check?" He mumbled with embarrassment, Shep and Kaz chuckled and nodded.

Kaz stepped forward and ran a paw down the rabbit's chest, "ok, you know where we are if you change your mind. Don't wait too long though, big bro has the lust bleed-through bad and he is always pent up after a raid. It's the adrenalin you know, bet you can feel it too, you blood rushing through your body," as he spoke the dog's paw wandered slowly down the rabbit's chest and then cupped his swelling crotch. "It makes sex far more sensual, every sensation is heighten, every moment every motion just seem to double or treble in intensity."

The rabbit whimpered, his cock throbbing against the warm canine paw, that squeezed and cradled it as the other dog pressed in behind him, two more warm paws running over his body as Shep nuzzled into his neck and inhaled, "mmm you smell good, you sure you don't want to join us?"

"I... I... promised Kelo and Reese..." he stammered, stuck between the two warm bodies thrusting against the paw on his crotch, his cock leaking pre into his pants.

Suddenly the warmth disappeared and the canines backed away, "ok, well if you made a promise, we won't ask you to break it. See you around though, and we will hold you to that reign check."

Panting the rabbit rushed through the ship, his cock was straining in his pants desperate to find a willing partner to bury itself in. He reached the cabin he shared with Kelo and Reese at a dead run. He opened the door and rushed inside tossing the device he had taken from the cargo ship onto his bed. he looked around and whimpered in frustration as he found himself alone. He rushed over to the ships internal comm device and ht a button to speak to engineering, "Kelo, Reese?"

"Hey, Zack, how did it go?" The pony's voice came back a few seconds later.

"Err good, hey I thought me you and Reese were going to celebrate when I get back?" The rabbit didn't have the time or patience for the niceties of social convention, his lust was burning away in the back of his mind. His jumpsuit had a visible wet patch from the pre he was leaking.

"Oh blast, sorry we had a bit of an accident down here me and Reese are up to our eyeballs. Look, I know what it's like after a raid, if you can't wait I'd suggest you find someone else to help you out." The pony's voice held a strong hint of regret. "We'll definitely have some fun with you later though, we're both looking forward to it."

"Ok, bye," Zack replied ending the conversation as abruptly as he had started it. The lust was in control of him and he knew he had a firm offer he desperately wanted to take up.

Less than five minutes after he left them the rabbit knocked on the two canine brother's door. It was Kaz who opened it, he was naked already and Zack gasped as his eyes wandered over the perfectly formed body. "Hey, I thought you were on a promise."

"It, kinda got broken, so I was hoping I could take that reign check now." Zack replied hopefully his eyes diving lower. He didn't wait for an answer he stepped forward, pressing up close to the naked dog and kissed him. His paws caressed down the dog's flanks as his tongue pressed desperately into his muzzle. It was met with an equally energetic canine tongue as Kaz's paws gripped the rabbit pulling him back a step and closing the door.

The canine broke the kiss panting heavily, the rabbit could smell his growing arousal and a quick glance downward showed him that the dog was more than ready. "Hey...slow down, let's enjoy this... I know you have a lust bleed-through, so does my brother. Me... well I was a horny fucker before, as Shep will tell you, but I didn't get any bleed-troughs. Which leaves me still as jsut a horny bugger. Now why don't you get out of those clothes and join me on the bed. My brother is in the shower, I was gong to go next, afraid you are stuck with the sweaty dog."

Zack's nose wrinkled as he sniffed the dog and got a lungful of musk, that made his cock throb again," you smell gooood." He whined, pulling his jumpsuit off exposing hi naked body and his erect cock.

The dog sat down on the near bed, next to a small flat box, he admired the rabbit as he stripped, "Oh, you had a tattoo when you got sliced?" The dog asked noticing the black lightening mark on the rabbit's ass. "Me too, look." As he spoke the dog turned around and on his lower back in the dark brown fur was a light brown outline of a wolf face.

"Looks good," Zack observed as he sat down next to the dog and reached out for him.

The dog grasped his paws as the reached out, "easy bunny, I ain't going anywhere and I promise neither are you until your balls are very empty. however, let's not rush this, besides we should reap some of the spoils of our raid." The dog picked up the box, "there's always a bunch of stuff we leave behind, little luxuries that would fill our hold but not feed the masses, so I tend to help myself to a few, like these chocolates, real chocolates."

The dog removed the lid off the box to reveal a tray of thirty or forty chocolate squares, different colours and patters. Kaz picked one up and looked at the rabbit, "have you ever had chocolate before?" The rabbit shook his head and the dog nodded, "me either until I became a pirate. Me and Shep we grew up on Delto, not a nice place, our parents died in a food riot when we were young. We only had each other and well, there wasn't much work we could get. Fortunately the twin thing is a turn on for many people, so we learned to use our bodies to our advantage. Then when we got sliced, well piracy is better than prostitution." The dog popped the small brown square into his mouth and moaned softly. "Fuck me that's good. Want one?"

The rabbit could feel the drool building in his mouth as he nodded in reply. The dog selected a white square and picked it up. He lifted it to the rabbit's lips and as Zack opened his mouth the dog pushed it in fingers and all. As the white chocolate touched his tongue he felt it begin to melt. Sweet and creamy, with some sort of fruit it was beyond anything he had ever tasted. He sucked firmly on the fingers and the chocolate and the canine moaned softly. "There you go, see no need to rush we can just take it slow and enjoy each other. Now try this." The fingers were pulled from his maw and he swallowed the remains of the chocolate and watched as the dog picked up another.

This time the canine placed the chocolate between his own lips and then leaned over pressing his lips to the rabbit's. Zack returned the kiss passionately, sharing the sweet flavours as they shared the sweets. The rabbit jumped as he felt a paw around his cock and moaned happily as the sheppard started to stroke him off. The kiss was growing more passionate by the second, the chocolate fading as their tongues danced. The rabbit's paws stroked down to the sheppard's cock finding it erect and throbbing with need he beg to stroke quickly.

Kaz broke the kiss with a moan, "ok, time for the next step." The dog grabbed another chocolate and slipped off the bed. he placed it on the tip of the rabbit's cock and suddenly Zack cried out as a warm muzzle slide down his hard length. He couldn't help but grab an extra chocolate for himself and pop it into his mouth. His hips began to thrust as the sheppard sucked firmly on his shaft, his muzzle bobbing quickly on the rabbit's throbbing meat.

"Hey... you started without me, on both the chocolates and the bunny?" A voice from across the room asked, with a good natured chuckle, it was Shep returning from his shower. He was also naked and Zack noted that he had his own tattoo a bull on his perfectly formed right pectoral. His cock was slipping out of its sheath as he watched his brother going down on the rabbit. He moved across the room quickly and as he did so Zack got an idea. Picking up one of the chocolates he waited until Shep was close enough, he reached out with one paw grabbing the erect canine cock as he placed the chocolate on his tongue, then he guided the un-resisting cock to his mouth.

The sweetness of the chocolate mixed wonderfully with the muskiness of the canine member. The heat of it and his mouth combined to melt the delicious squared quickly. His eager tongue lapped over the shaft, running over the glans and teasing the frenulum. His paws played with the two warm orbs dangling just below his head, he slide his head back slowly, teasing the meat with his tonguetip.

Zack gasped as he felt the sheppard thrust his hips, those furry orbs smacking off his chin as he felt the cock press right to the back of his throat. At the same time he felt the mouth around his cock speed up it's bobbing. His cock throbbed heavily as he coated Kaz's tongue with bitter pre, a perfect counterbalance for the sweetness of the chocolates.

The rabbit gasped and moaned as he bobbed his head eagerly, he could feel his own need to orgasm growing sharply inside him. He had not thought of fighting it, he just needed to cum, to flood the willing canine maw. The muzzle around his cock suckled firmly, Kaz had mentioned the two sheppard brothers had spent some time working as hookers; as that canine tongue worked around his shaft, bringing him wave after wave of bliss, the rabbit could imagine many people would pay for this kind of service.

The cock in his mouth was being thrust right to the back of his throat, two powerful canine paws grabbed his head, holding him in place. Zack thrilled a little as the dog fucked his face, two damp, musky balls smacking off his chin with each thrust. A thick knot bumping on his lips with each thrust. It was clear that Shep was as desperate as he was and very dominant. The three moaned in unison as they worked together towards a common goal.

Zack could feel his orgasm building, the pressure inside his balls growing with each stroke of the dog's tongue. The taste of the chocolate in his mouth had all but disappeared, his tongue caressing the tip lapping up the flood of pre, swallowing it greedily. The he heard Shep cry out and felt his body shudder, the cock in his maw throbbed powerfully and he felt a jet of warm fluid spraying out over the back of his throat. His mouth filled with the musky and slightly meaty taste of canine spunk. Zack swallowed hungrily, drinking down every last drop as he felt his own balls rising.

It took only a few seconds more for his own orgasm to take hold of him. His body shuddered and his mind was lost in waves of pure bliss. His balls twitched and danced as they emptied into a hungry canine muzzle. As the cock in his mouth stopped shooting cum it was pulled from his lips. As he tried to steady himself, his orgasm fading, Zack found a canine muzzle pressed to his and a hungry tongue invading his mouth, lapping up the traces of cum that remained. It was Shep, getting a taste of what he gave the rabbit.

After a few seconds the kiss was broken and the warmth was pulled off his cock. As he sat on the bed panting he watched as the two brothers gave each other a smile and then began to kiss, the rabbit watched, in slack jawed amazement, as the two canine's kissed passionately, sharing the mixture of rabbit and canine cum. There was nothing else for the bunny to do but watch, enjoy and steal an extra chocolate or two.

Eventually the sloppy kiss ended and two grinning canine faces turned to look at the rabbit. "Hey, my poor brother here didn't get to cum yet. You want to maybe do him together?" Shep asked as he pulled his brother to his feet and reached down to grab an erect and drooling canine cock.

Blushing a little flustered by the incestuous nature of the two canines, or maybe just how easy he found it to accept. Just a few days with a lust bleedthrough and every moral and ethic was being examined; and a whole lot of them were going out the window. He nodded his ascent and looked at the dripping cock n front of him with hungry eyes.

"Great, well I get the front, you get the back...afraid he hasn't showered so you might want to skip the oral and get right down to fucking him like the bitch he...OW!" Shep howled out as his brother elbowed him hard in the ribs. "Come on Bro, it was a joke." The sheppard laughed as he sat down on the bed, not letting go of his brother's cock. He gave the rabbit a wink, "the bitch bit was a joke, not the fucking, bro here was secretly lubing up his ass while he was sucking you off, he is such a slutty bottom OW!"

Kaz smacked his brother on the muzzle and grabbed his ears, thrusting hard with his hips he silenced his mouthy brother with a thick, drooling, slab of dog meat. Zack watched the canine as he fucked his brother's mouth roughly. Watching that red rocket sliding in and out of those black lips and hearing the moans and cries of lust of the two canines was all it took to get his cock rock hard and drooling pre again.

He slipped off the bed and grabbed a couple more chocolates, he popped one in his own mouth and another in Kaz's. The canine sucked warmly on his fingers as he slipped around behind the strong male. Both the brothers bodies were highly toned, their muscular torsos leading to thin waists, with lump hips and pert buttocks. A fluffy tail wagged uncontrollably and as the bunny stepped around behind Kaz he found that tail stroking over his cock with each involuntary motion. The fine hair sticking to his cock and dragging over it teasingly, the sensations sending little thrills of pleasure up his cock and to him brain.

The scent of sweaty canine filled his nose as he placed his paws on Kaz's hips and leaned up against him, pressing his cock against a sweaty taint. The dog moaned deeply, and pushed back wantonly, as his brother continued to suck on his maleness, drinking down the copious amounts of pre Kaz was producing. Shep moaned happily at the familiar taste of his brother's engorged and throbbing member.

Zack gasped as he slid his cocktip right up to the canine's pucker. Shep was right, his brother had indeed prepared himself for the rabbit. Thrusting forward the rabbit sank in easily, the rabbit wasn't too surprised. Living with a brother with a heat bleed through, along with a huge knot and being a very willing partner, Kaz clearly was used to taking a pounding.

The rabbit's suspicions were confirmed when the canine moaned deeply and pushed back firmly into the thrust. Zack's slick cock sliding right in to the hilt in one smooth motion. The rabbit growled softly into the canine's ear, nuzzling and nipping on his neck as he began to rock his hips. With each thrust the canine rocked back and the rabbit's confidence grew, nuzzling and biting on the canine's neck rough, the taste of sweaty male somehow even more enticing that that of chocolate.

His paws gripped the dog's hips tighter and tighter as he thrust with growing abandon. His balls mashing onto the sweaty taint as the other canine moaned out around his brother's shaft, Shep pulled off the cock for a moment, "mmm don't worry about him he likes it hard and fast, don't you Bro?"

"Ah...fuck you!" Snarled Kaz, as he pushed back into the rabbit's thrusting.

"Nah, you know I don't bottom. I might have your ass after Zack here has flooded it, you'd like that though wouldn't you?" Shep chuckled his paw starting to stroke his brother's glistening shaft, his thumb teasing the spear-shaped glans hitting every sensitive spot on the maleness. Shep knew every inch of his brother very well and he found it easy to tease him and keep him on the edge. He also knew his brother loved, not only to be fucked roughly, but that teasing and insulting him at the same time was a way to get him to go wild. The strong canine would usually punish him for that kind of teasing, but, right in the heat of the moment he could get away with it, and often did.

"Bastard," whimpered the bottom as the rabbit found his prostate, the canine clenching around the cock inside him as spikes of pleasure rush throughout his body. Zack feeling the reaction picked up the pace, desperate to cum and it make the bitch under him cum.

"We're both bastards, but you're the dirty, sweaty, stinky dog that just loves to be used, like the bitch you are," As he spoke Shep stood up kissing his brother's chest and neck as he did so, he leaned close and whispered loud enough for them both to hear. "Dirty, sweaty, cum slut brother of mine, you don't even have a bleed through to blame on what you do, you're just a natural born slut." Shep smirked and as his brother's face twisted in outrage the sheppard kissed him, thrusting his tongue deep into his brother's mouth. His paw jerking wildly on the hot pulsing cock, milking it quickly.

Zack cried out as he felt the ass around him clenching down tightly, the ass massaging and squeezing his cock like the most pleasurable vice. It as all the rabbit needed to send him over the edge, he cried out his cock throbbing as he coated the horny canine's insides in stream after stream of rabbit spunk. The room filled with the musky scent of canine cum as Kaz's cock was milked dry streams of his cum landing over the open box of chocolates.

"Dirty little bitch just ruined our chocolates, didn't he?" Sniggered Shep as he gave the rabbit a smile. "My turn on his ass, don't worry Brother, I know just how you like it, hard fast and brutal... just like a dirty bitch deserves."

The rabbit's cock was barely out of the canine's ass before his brother gently pushed Zack out of the way. The canine's cock sliding into the cum filled hole quickly, Shep placed one paw on his brother's shoulder and suddenly forced him to bend over. Pushing him down, face first, into the cum covered box of chocolates, "there's you go, clean up your mess, while I make a mess of my own, brother."

Zack watched as the sheppards bucked and writhed together. Shep was as good as his word, his hips moved like a blur. The room filled with the sloppy sounds of a cock reaming a well used ass, Kaz whimpered and moaned, his cock already fully hard. Zack reached under the canine and grabbed the throbbing member as Shep chuckled, "oh how nice, the pretty bunny is going to give the dirty, dirty fuck slut a helping paw."

Kaz cried out, his face covered in chocolate and cum as his brother drove his cock roughly into his abused ass. Zack could feel the dog's cock throbbing in his paw as he was brutally bred by his horny brother. The rabbit could feel the strength of Shep's fucking as each thrust made Kaz's body shudder. "Fuck...mmm, gonna knot you bro..."

"No!" Whimpered Kaz, yet his hips pushed back into the violent fucking.

"Yes...yes...YES!" with each cry Shep drove his hips home with brutal strength, ramming his knot against his brother's abused hole. As he cried out his final yes his knot was forced through his brother's defences and he locked deep in his ass, pumping him full of a hot load.

The rabbit found his paw was jerking a throbbing cock as Kaz came for a second time, he stroked the throbbing meat quickly, milking it of every drop he could get. The sight of the two brother's locked together was a strange one and yet as he watched Shep lick and kiss his brother's shoulders he could see there was tenderness and love there.

It was a few hours later, on shaky legs the rabbit emerged and returned to his room. He could see the device he had looted on his bed where he left it. Kelo and Reese were still nowhere n sight and the rabbit wondered if he should go and offer his help. Of course the two dogs had taken a lot out of him and a good nights sleep, followed by breakfast with his panda might be a good thing.

I hope you guys enjoyed, vote as usual by clicking thumbs up on our comments below.

A) Investigate the device now

B) Go help Kelo

c) Get some sleep