Episode #1, How Legends Are Born

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#1 of Hope for the Lost

Here's the first installment of my Side Project stories, "Hope for the Lost" I mentioned last year. Hopefully the first chapter was worth the wait and time spent creating it. So please enjoy.

Two thousand nine hundred and ninety nine years ago in the village of Quao Xuan. A family of warriors lived and was charged by the magistrate to protect the mountain roads. Fortunately they've rarely had to defend this province because of its location. Though they train vigorously in the event the emperor ever needs their service. One spring day a messenger arrived at the village carrying a scroll from the capital.

It stated that the province sorcerer would be coming to check on matters. He would also be coming to live there if only to be of more use to the emperor. The villagers are to prepare all documents and scrolls so that he may read them. With that said the villagers did as they were asked and got everything ready. Meanwhile just up the road from the center of town Goau and his five daughters live.

Va'lure the first born, Sakoura is next, followed by the middle child, Roselle. Neesha the self appointed trickster of the family and lastly Tellara the youngest. Each one a formidable warrior and master of the five ancient elemental martial arts. During one of their nightly sparing sessions one of the village elders came to visit. He came by to inform them of the letter they had received earlier this very morning.

"Goau, as captain of the guard I don't have to tell you what needs to be done. There's is another matter I'd like to discuss with you and your wife in private." He said. Asking Va'lure to oversee training until he returned, the human left with the elder. Once inside the main house Varie, brought out some tea and sat beside her husband. Curious to find out what the elder desired to discuss with them in private.

"Goau, Varie the other elders and I normally don't pry but, we must know. Why none of your daughters have found a good husband and formed families yet?" He asked. Varie warned him that this day might come and he'd better have a good explanation. Scratching the back of his head nervously then looked for the right words. "I can't lie to you elder I left such a decision for my daughters to make." Goau started.

"For some reason I couldn't bring myself to marry them against their will. So I told when each of them turned eighteen that they could choose to marry or not. It was something my father envisioned for me, my siblings and his grandchildren." He informed. This strange smile appeared on the older gentleman's face then took sip of tea. Placing the cup back down and took a long breath before looking back at them.

"I can respect such a decision but, you can't over look how lovely they are. It wouldn't hurt discussing the idea of introducing them to the imperial mage. You don't have to force them into it just ask them to dress in their finest dresses. Than let their beauty do the work and he'll be begging to marry one of your daughters." He stated. Granted the elder's plan did have merit but, could he ask that of his own children.

"Elder I'll admit it's a good idea but, their futures should be for them to decide." Goau replied. The elder understood where the proud and loving parent stood on the matter. All he said next was to take a couple days to think it over and talk to his children. Taking one last sip of his tea then placed his cup back on the tray and stood up. Bowing as he bid the married couple goodnight then politely walked back home.

"I think it is best that you talk this over with our daughters' tomorrow morning. Now go tell our children to go get cleaned up and ready for bed my loving husband." Varie smiled. Kissing his lips, Goau got up and went out to the dojo to retrieve his five daughters. "Alright, girls that's enough now go get bathed and turn in for the night, okay." He said. As they went to the bathhouse, Goau returned to the main house lost in thought.

Being unable to sleep due to what the village elder had revealed to him earlier. It was bad enough that Va'lure has an intense temper and this will only fuel it. Despite all his best efforts to channel his eldest child's rage sadly more remained. When her sisters were born her excess rage was buried to set a good example. Now that they've matured into young adults, Va'lure buried anger slowly returned.

Both his wife and him pray for the day a man can unlock her sealed heart. Until such a day comes along they do everything possible to keep her in check. Luckily Sakoura developed a tough skin letting her handle older sister's bad temper. As the morning sun rose above the peaks to the east Goau had fallen asleep. Sadly a gentle shake of his shoulder roused the tired human from his short slumber.

When he looked up to see who woke him and it was his youngest, Tellara. Pulling the loving young teenager into a warm hug first before rising onto his feet. Next they cooked breakfast for the family together and some daddy, daughter bonding. Once the rest of the house awoke then washed up they join them in the dining room. "Children there's something important I wish to discuss with all of you." He began.

The tone of his voice alone told all five young women that this was important. Wisely they paid close attention to what their father was about to share with them. "The emperor has ordered the province sorcerer to take resident in our village. To help strengthen our village's defense from any enemy mystics and demons. I'd like for all of you to dress in your best attire and be on you're best behavior." He replied.

"Before you get ahead of me I merely want our family to make a good impression. I'm not asking any of you to out right and marry him when he arrives in four days. Though it wouldn't hurt if he takes a shine to any of you so please honor my request." He added. With that said his gaze was fixed solely on his eldest child making her flinch. Minding their father all five children bowed agreeing to the request he asked.

The next four days went by quick and the village was livelier than normal. When the imperial mage arrived he received a royal welcome upon exiting his carriage. "Thank you for such a warm greeting could someone please escort me to my new home. I'd like to get settled in and cleaned up before I get started with anything else." The mage said. Goau stepped forward and escorted the mage to his new residence.

Another two days passed before the mage decided to leave his large house. Next on the mage's list was to speak with the council of elders then the troops. The meeting with the council took several days to get him up to speed with matters. When it came time to catch up with the troops the mage was in for a big shock. Upon being introduced to Captain Goau's five daughters love hit the mage hard.

"I'm deeply honored to meet all you but, I'd like know the name of her, Goau." He said. The captain hesitated a little and when the mage pointed at Va'lure he trembled. Giving the younger man her name then he walked over to where she was standing. As he stood before Va'lure she look down at him then gave him a questioning look. Luckily Goau threatened her earlier that morning to keep her sharp tongue silent.

When he offered his hand Va'lure politely placed her hand in his then smiled. Sakoura noticed something off with her sister then notified her father about it. A stern glare from him kept Va'lure from doing anything stupid in their presence. Sadly Va'lure and her sisters had other things to do so they politely excused them selves. Once out of sight and earshot nothing stopped Va'lure from venting her frustration.

"Va'lure why are you making such a fuss it's obvious that he likes you dear. Please give him a chance if you don't like him after the third evening out than dismiss him. Be gentle hun or your temper will cause our family more trouble than we need. Look I know you're not exactly fond of him but, at least give him a chance." Varie stated. With an exasperated sigh she promised her mother that she'd try to behave herself.

Sadly Va'lure's patience can only last for so long before her temper erupts. For the next two weeks the mage had shown a true interest in courting her. Va'lure would prefer to be left alone but, she tried to be tolerant of his advances. Until one partly cloudy morning when he came to call on her but, she had enough. She agreed to go only under the condition that he allows her to speak her mind.

"Sano listen you're a wonderful man and you'd make any woman very happy. It wouldn't be fair to string you along any further but, I prefer to have my freedom. I'm sorry if this hurts you're feelings I simply can't spare my own any longer." She said. The mage was a little taken back by her honesty and it left him speechless. "I understand Va'lure but, I'd still like a chance to prove myself worthy of you." He replied.

Figuring he deserved it she agreed to give him one chance to prove himself. Though she warned him if he fails that he must leave her and her family alone. Accepting her terms happily he excused himself and left to make some arrangements. What neither person knew was Neesha and Roselle had overheard everything. Knowing their sister nothing that mage does would ever meet Va'lure's expectations.

They felt sorry for the guy and even more so when he finds out the truth. Doing the smart thing Neesha chased after the mage and Roselle went after Va'lure. Granted their hearts were in the right place but, it ended up falling on deaf ears. Especially when Roselle talked to her older sister about toying with the mage's heart. Saying that it would cause everyone more problem than they're willing to handle.

At least the mage was wise enough to listen to what Neesha had to share. When she finished telling him he thanked her and still wanted to earn her heart. Respecting his choice Neesha excused herself then left without saying anything else. Meeting up with Roselle they filled the other in on what they were told by them. Next they thought it was best to let their parents know on what might happen.

Goau thanked them for informing him on what their older sibling was planning. Instead of confronting her about it the father decided to wait patiently first. Knowing she'd deny everything so he would wait for the right moment to strike. For now he's gonna let this situation play out until the ideal time presents itself. Even though he would prefer to nip this problem in the bud before it takes root.

Naturally anything he tried may blow up in his face and he'd lose her trust. So this was the best course of action the mature father can take for the time being. Several days have passed since that day and things have been strangely peaceful. This was a blessing if the family ever saw one but, it wasn't going to last. The mage finally pieced together a plan that would prove his worthiness to Va'lure.

He spent the next three days making arrangements with all the shop keepers. Once everything was in order he waited until later that evening to pick her up. When he arrived Varie told him she was at the dojo with her father and sisters. Thanking Varie, Sano politely excused himself then made his way over to the dojo. Sliding the door to the left and couldn't believe what his eyes were looking at.

Va'lure was sparring against all of her sisters and handled herself with ease. Goau stood nearby studying his children's every move like a true teacher would. Occasionally he'd shout advice or instruction depending on what was happening. It wasn't long before Goau noticed that they had gained an audience and spoke up. "Girls, that's enough for this evening all of you get clean up we have company." He said.

Of course upon stopping they looked to see who their father had mentioned. Doing as told they went in the back to get cleaned up while Sano entered. "I have to admit the rumors about your daughters being skilled fighters was true. Though to witness just how skilled each of them are is quite a thing to behold." Sano replied. Goau didn't say anything right away upon hearing the surprise in the mage's voice.

"I hear one of my other daughters talked to you about what Va'lure is planning. Forgive me for saying perhaps my second oldest daughter would be a better match. She's far more down to earth than my oldest and wouldn't do anything ill to you." Goau stated. The mage had to admire the older man's concern for him and for his family. Sadly Sano wouldn't be deterred from what he intends to do this very evening.

"Goau I appreciate such an offer but, I'm sorry to say my mind is made up. Tonight I intend to prove my worth to Va'lure and ask for her hand in marriage." He replied. Little did either man know is that she was listening in on their private conversation. When she heard the mage mention marriage that was it she had endured enough. Bursting into the dojo causing not only her father to jump but, the mage as well.

Va'lure's voice could be heard for some distance as she chewed them out. By the time her loud tirade finished both men were left in an uneasy state of mind. "Sano, I don't know what to say her temper has always been hard to keep tempered. You have my family's apologies for what was said and I know that won't be enough." Goau said. The younger man didn't speak right away as he tried to figure out where he went wrong.

"No apologies are necessary Goau it was my fault for annoying your daughter. Perhaps this was fated to happen and my true love is somewhere in this village." Sano replied. With that the mage left the dojo without saying another word to the warrior. After he left Goau collapsed to his knees and for the first time started crying. Tellara the youngest child had seen and heard everything then rushed to Goau's side.

Wrapping her arms around warmly her father's neck and said she was sorry. Sakoura had also overheard what went on between her sister, father and Sano. Storming off towards Va'lure's bedroom itching to knock her right on her backside. After pulling such a stunt with someone that could strip their family of everything. Besides it's been far overdue that Va'lure and her ego got knocked down a few pegs.

Tellara, Neesha, Rosella weren't far behind Sakoura as she yelled for Va'lure. Upon hearing her angry call she exited her room then hit the floor with a bang. Cracking her knuckles then waited for her to get up so she could hit her again. Wisely Va'lure sat up from where she lay then rubbed the spot her sister's fist struck. While their attention was focused on Va'lure they failed to see the mage approaching.

Goau was right nothing he said made things right in regards to his honor. Sadly the mage was out to get even with the source of his dishonor Va'lure herself. Nobody not even her sisters would get in the way of him restoring his pride. Hands glowing and sparking with raw magical energy Va'lure was going to pay. Sakoura didn't like the look in Sano's eyes and ordered the others to ready themselves.

"Sakoura I have nothing against you, Tellara, Neesha, Roselle or your parents. If you get in my way of restoring the honor I lost to her than you'll share her fate." He warned. Naturally Sakoura asked him what it would take for him to resolve this peacefully. "Nothing that arrogant woman can say, will fix things I demand something else." He replied. Suddenly Va'lure stood up and deliberately told the mage to get over himself.

This only made Sano's rage boil over and reacted according with his magic. Sakoura and the others reacted at the very same time and ended up becoming cursed. All five sisters experienced a radical yet, painful change to their bodies and minds. First to happen was their overall height and muscle mass tripled their normal size. Next their bust, waist and hips conformed and grew to match there increase in mass.

Suddenly strange markings and what looked like fur began to appear next. Finally the appearance of tails, claws and fangs forced each woman to pass out. Unfortunately Sano wasn't finished with them as he walked over and grabbed Va'lure. Clutching her throat hard then finished his spell thus turning her white fur black. Upon letting go he left Va'lure with a parting piece of information before walking away.

While their screams of agony woke the village the mage had returned home. As he sat down Sano didn't feel any better after doing that instead he felt hollow. Perhaps he went to far in getting even with Va'lure sadly it was too late to fix it. There was a way for them to break the curse but, none of them would want to listen. Sadly with Va'lure's pride and temper she'd never willingly accept his or anyone's help now.

When their mother and father saw their new forms Goau blamed himself. For not doing something about his eldest child's temper when she was younger. Doing what he could he had a few soldier he trusted to move them someplace safe. Figuring the other villagers wouldn't understand upon seeing his children in this state. He transported them to his family's private shrine in the woods just behind the property.

Knowing that nobody would discover their sleeping forms for some time. It would be several months before any of them awoke from their strange slumber. Though as they did the sounds of a vicious battle filled their highly acute ears. Quickly all five warriors sprang into action and as they reached the village center. There was chaos everywhere not wasting anytime they rushed to defend their home.

By nightfall the invading army or possible advance team was driven back. Unfortunately the cost was great the entire platoon of stationed troops were killed. The invaders had attacked from all sides and without warning leaving little too chance. With the battle won Va'lure and the others began putting out fires then made repairs. That battle was only the beginning for not only the sisters and their mountain village.

The next morning an army of 300 troops approached only to be sent packing. Leaving them no chance to rest or see if their parents were among the deceased. Or even notice the fact that they were no longer human and had become anthros. When the armies gave up a plague struck those that survived all those battles. Ten years later a cure was made and the awakening of the sisters' very unique powers.

As the years turned into decades then into centuries and finally into millennia. They faced and overcame many hardships until Va'lure and her sisters remained. Sadly during the first few waves of invading armies the mage Sano was killed. While countless tales of their heroism spread throughout the world like fire. Thus Va'lure and her sisters had become legends then faded into history or did they?

To be continued.