Pokemon: Further Evolutions CH 7

Story by That Box in the Basement on SoFurry

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#12 of Pokemon: Further Evolutions


Yeah, anyways, as promised, CH 7 is now up. Do note that this set of chapters will be rather short (well, shorter than my previous chapters anyways) so all of them will be uploaded in full. The other uploads a bit sooner as well since they are so short. So yeah, please remember to leave your feedback. Till the next chapter then. ^^

Pokemon: Further Evolutions

CH 7

Time to Train

"I...I am not quite sure...what to make of this..." Teddy said uneasily, scratching the back of his head in genuine surprise. He wasn't quite sure of what to do as Kyo stood before him, bowing his head low and facing the ground. "Why...why is it only now that you have decided that you wish to train with me? After all, you seemed very firm in your decision to not join the tournament."

Kyo straightened up and faced the Ursaring-morph properly. "There's...been a change in plans. There's a friend of mine that needs help, and I need to win the tournament to do that."

Teddy let out a laugh that ended up sounding more forced than he had intended. "So you have finally found another friend. I was worried about your ability to make new acquaintances." He laughed again, but quickly ceased as he noticed that Kyo's serious demeanor had not shifted in the least. "...Ahem, well, I am assuming you realize how difficult your training will be, especially under the circumstances you are in. Am I wrong in my assumption?"

Kyo shook his head. "I understand that it'll be hard. I've got years worth of catching up to do with everyone else after all." Teddy nodded in understanding, closing his eyes as he put himself into deep thought. After a moment of silence, the ursine let out a grunt, nodding a second time, and clapped his paws together.

"Hai, then let us begin. Stand over there and get into position." Kyo blinked in confusion at his suddenness.

"A...already?" he asked him curiously, "J-just like that? I mean, isn't there a training area or something? You know, like a place with more stable ground?" Teddy shook his head.

"The terrain is just fine. Do you not remember that pokemon are well adapted at fighting in any given area?"

"I guess I can't argue with you there..." Kyo replied, cocking his head to one side, "Alright. Straight to it then." At that, the Feraligatr-morph walked over to where Teddy had indicated. Once there, he got into a less-than-graceful fighting stance in front of the Ursaring-morph. Deciding to hold off on commenting for now, Teddy backed himself up and took his own starting position. "Hey Teddy," Kyo called out, pointing at him, "don't hold back just because we're friends." He flicked his arm back, pointing his thumb towards himself. "I certainly won't!"

Nodding, Teddy raised his leg before slamming his food down on the ground, taking a sumo stance. "Then come forth!" Hesitating only slightly, Kyo took the initiative and charged forward. He drew his arm back and delivered a firm punch to Teddy's stomach. However, he was stunned once he realized that the blow had produced little affect, as Teddy's stance remained firm.

"Ha!" Kyo cried out as he delivered another punch with his opposite hand. Again, nothing. "Wha--...Rrah!" He punched again. Still nothing. "Ora!" And still nothing. "Ha!" Nothing again. Kyo was beginning to grow irritated at this point. "Why! Won't! You! Take! Damage!" Quickly realizing that this was going nowhere, Kyo ceased his punches, switching up his tactics as he resorted to trying to push the large male over. But he would not budge. Kyo leaned against him as he pushed at him again, his feet slipping up in the sand. Teddy let out a sigh, deciding to actually respond to Kyo's "attack." He quickly turned towards him, drawing back his arms before thrusting his arms forward and impacting Kyo in his gut. Kyo let out a grunt as he lurched back, clutching his midsection with his hands.

Taking advantage of this opening, Teddy charged forward, grappling Kyo in a hold. Unable to break free, the water type was tackled into a tree, causing it to crack loudly. Kyo went limp as his vision began to blacken around the edges. As Teddy backed up, Kyo collapsed onto the ground in a limp, blue, groaning mess. Teddy bit his lip, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Well," he began, "I didn't hold back, just like you asked me to."

"It's...it's fine," Kyo replied, rolling to his side with a bit of effort, "it's just a...a catch phrase I used to use as a trainer..." Teddy sat down next to the reptile, crossing his legs.

"Kyo...why is it that you are doing this?"

Kyo let out a sigh, rolling over onto his back. "Well...I guess there's no real harm in sharing with you..." He allowed his tail to waft to the side as he took a moment to rest. Placing his hands on his stomach, he closed his eyes and began his explanation. "Thing is...there's a...friend of mine that...wants to have her memories erased."

Teddy raised a brow. "You mean...certain memories?"

"All of her memories," Kyo explained, opening his eyes and staring up at the sky. Teddy let out a grunt of surprise from this revelation, but Kyo's eyes remained on the sky. "Apparently...there were a lot of bad moments in her past that she wants to forget, and removing them alone will only result in her remembering them again... That's why she just wants to wipe her mind clean and start fresh..."

Teddy put a paw to his chin thoughtfully, thinking for a moment. "That...is sensible... But...this motive confuses me." He looked to the Feraligatr-morph. "So...you wish to win the tournament so as to have your wish be what grants her wish? Can she not fight herself?"

Kyo shook his head. "It's not...like that... She can fight. She's entering in the tournament herself..." Again, a grunt of surprise sounded out from the ursine.

"So...why then?" he asked in confusion, "Is it a strategy to help increase her chances of achieving her goal?" Again, Kyo shook his head.

"I'm...not entering to do that," he said to him, closing his eyes, "I'm...entering to stop her from achieving it..." For a moment, Kyo didn't hear anything from the Ursaring-morph. Reluctantly, Kyo opened his eyes and raised his head up, facing him fully.

"But...why?" Teddy finally asked him, "Why would you want to prevent her from forgetting those memories?" Kyo sighed through his nostrils before laying his head back down.

"I'm...I don't know..." He stared back up at the sky vacantly. "I don't know..." He flicked his tail lazily, letting out a deep, long breath. "I just...really don't like the idea of a complete mind wipe... I guess I just want her to find...I dunno...some other solution. Like...find some way to help her cope with those memories, ya know?" Another moment of silence passed, and Kyo looked back up at Teddy, seeing him with his eyes closed as he took the time to think again.

"Hmmmm... Most interesting..." the Ursaring-morph said aloud, holding his silence for another moment. "...Well...I have decided where I stand on this matter..." He opened his eyes, meeting the gaze of Kyo's. "Kyo...no matter how I look at it...I simply cannot support your decision..."

"...Oh..." Kyo replied, eyes drifting downwards.

"...However," Kyo's head popped back up, looking to Teddy once more, "you desire training, so I shall give that to you." The ursine looked Kyo directly in the eyes. "Regardless of if I train you or not, you will go to that tournament. I simply cannot stop you from doing so. But your friend will be participating too, and you two will no doubt come across each other there at one point or another. If you are truly going through with this, then I shall prepare you."

Kyo laid there, stunned for a moment. "...Well...thank you," he finally managed to say, "but...if...you're against the idea, than why help me?"

"Because you still have not found the reason to fight," Teddy replied, "I have no doubt that by the time you two meet again, fighting on equal terms, you will have found your answer, and you will have found your resolution." He placed a paw on the reptile's shoulder. "It is then that you will know whether or not the choice you made was the right one."

"Thank you Teddy," Kyo replied, nodding to him in thanks, "You won't regret this." He nodded back in response.

"I would hope not." At that Kyo sat up with a grunt, crossing his legs and turning to him.

"So," he continued, moving on from the subject, "what exactly should I be improving on? Like, was there anything I did wrong?"

Teddy nodded, "Your stance is rather awkward, and you are telegraphing your attacks, making them easy to predict, and that much easier to counter." He folded his arms across his chest. "Of course, that is not something I did. For larger opponents such as myself, you should focus on using their momentum against them. Set them off balance when they charge at you." Kyo nodded thoughtfully, taking the information in. Clearing his throat, Teddy stood up from where he sat. "First and foremost, I believe we should work on your form. You should naturally learn to stop telegraphing your attacks on your own, but we can work on that if it becomes necessary to do so."


Kyo let out a long sigh as he settled into his seat in the pond. After a long day of training, he had decided to take the time to unwind and relax. His shorts were off, but he made sure to curl his tail around his waist to protect himself from any...unexpected...surprises... He rested his head against the ground, staring blankly up at the sky.

Honestly though...why am I doing this? He watched the clouds overhead roll by as he thought things over. Is it even right? I mean...all I'm doing is getting in Grovyle's way. I am literally trying to prevent her from getting something that would probably be better for her in the first place... He let out a frustrated breath, clenching his eyes closed and placing a hand over his forehead. Gah! What am I even doing?!

"'Kyo?'" a familiar voice called out from afar. Kyo's head shot up, quickly turning towards the source of the voice. Slowly approaching was Rina, the island leader he had met not too long ago. She smiled warmly as their eyes met. "'I thought I smelled a familiar stud around here.'" Kyo blushed as she got closer, her hips swaying slightly with every step. Reaching the edge of the water, Rina knelt down closer to his level. "'Is there room for one more down there?'"

Kyo hesitated for a moment, "Uhh...sure. I-I don't mind." The Zoroark-morph giggled in glee before easing herself into the water next to him, prompting another blush from him as she began to sidle up against him.

"'So, what's been on your mind?'" she asked him, putting her arm around him, "'From the way you looked, it seemed like you were pretty concerned with something.'"

"Th...that obvious, huh?" he replied nervously, his cheeks flaring red, "Well, truth is...I'm kind of conflicted with myself right now..."

"'Oh?'" Rina's ears perked slightly, "'and why would that be, hun?'" Kyo's blush deepened as she gently rubbed her paw on his shoulder, petting him in a way that didn't cause his scales to stab back into himself. Added to the feeling of her soft furred body, and the almost hypnotic look of her bright yellow eyes, the dark type was making it hard not become somewhat distracted.

"W...well," he tried to continue, tearing his gaze away from her eyes, "there's a...friend of mine that wants to do something terrible to herself, but the thing is, I feel like I'm the one doing the terrible thing by trying to stop her."

"'Awwww,'" Rina cooed, "'I see how it is.'" Before the Feraligatr-morph could react, she placed her paw on the side of his head before guiding him down onto her shoulder, petting him softly and comforting him like a child. "'There, there...everything will turn out just fine...'"

Kyo blinked in confusion, unsure of how to react. "Umm...thank you..." Rina continued to pet him, humming a tune in a soothing manner.

"'I'm sure whatever you're trying to do is the right thing,'" she said to him softly, "'You just need to trust yourself to make the right decisions...'"

"Th...thank you...Rina..." Kyo replied. Inside, he felt that she wasn't really thinking too much about what he had said, and that maybe the heat (or her heat for that matter) was making her mind too foggy to think anyways, but he refrained from saying anything about it.

"'Good.........boy...'" she continued in an almost dazed state, continuing to run her paws down his arms and sides gently. As they continued to drift lower and lower, Kyo found his blush continue to deepen (almost painfully so), and he was thankful that he had wrapped his tail around himself. Even more so as he felt his cock begin to harden and strain against it. "'So...'" Rina continued, gently nuzzling against his cheek, "'...are you...in the mood...this time?'" Kyo bit his lip; she was making this difficult.

"I......uh.........." he tried to reply, tripping over his own tongue, "n...n-no....no actually...I-I mean no."

"'Dawwwww,'" the dark type pouted, raising her head from his and giving him a sad look, "'are you sure?'" Having difficulty figuring out where his voice went, Kyo simply nodded in response. "'Awwwwww, dohkay then.....'" Kyo let out a silent sigh of relief, his blush finally letting up on him. However, it quickly returned as Rina turned herself slightly, squishing her plush breasts against his arm. "'Say......'" she continued, leaning into him and laying her head on his shoulder, "'do you mind if I.......use you as.......a...a pillow?'" Her eyes soon drifted closed, and she fell asleep on top of him. Kyo blinked, a bit caught off guard from this. He didn't have the heart to wake her up, so he simply allowed her to sleep on him. He couldn't lie to himself; she did look rather cute. She almost reminded him of a cat, a cute, cuddly cat...though she was more of a canine in truth...though the way she nuzzled against him did seem more feline than anything...but at the same time he knew there were dogs that liked to cud--

"Kyo?" a deep voice startled him, making him jump which in turn startled Rina from her nap. The two turned to see Teddy standing behind them, looking down upon them. "Oh, so it is you," he continued, kneeling down in front of them, "So...is this the friend you informed me about?"

"Uhhh..." Kyo stammered, "n-no...actually. Th-this is--"

"'Hi there big fella,'" Rina spoke up, waving a paw at him cheerily, "'The name's Rina. Island leader, as well as Kyo's new mate.'" Kyo choked on his own tongue and Teddy nearly fell over at hearing this. The Zoroark-morph flicked her ears in amusement, smiling at them. "'I'm _kidding_of course. At least for now. You never know how things can go on this island after all.'"

Kyo's cheeks flushed red again. "I...I'm not really sure that will happen though." Rina gasped suddenly, covering her mouth with a paw. Kyo suddenly realized what he had said, and quickly tried to recover. "I-I mean...s-sorry... I didn't mean it like that. That was really thoughtless of me. I-I really hope I didn't hurt your feelings too much." Rina smiled, lowering her paw from her muzzle.

"'Dawww, I can't stay mad at a cute thing like you.'" Before he could react, her head moved in and she pecked him on the lip. As he began to stammer in an attempt to say something, the dark type disentangled him from her and lifter herself out of the water. "'Well I'd love to stay and chat, but I remembered that there're some duties that I need to attend to.'" She shook some of the water off of her fur, making a bit of a show out of it as she shook her rear slightly. "'I'll catch you boys later then.'" With a wave of her paw, she departed for the other direction, leaving the two of them to their business.

"She seems nice," Teddy commented, watching her leave. Kyo sunk lower in the pond, groaning slightly,

"I...suppose that's one way to put it," he replied, closing his eyes with furrowed eye ridges, "but she really is just a friend. Just...rather touchy I suppose." Teddy smiled.

"You can tell me about her on the way back," he told him, "Now, I believe we should head back to the training grounds. There's someone I would like you to meet after all." With a nod, Kyo got out of the water, picked up his shorts and followed Teddy back.


"So about that person I was referring to earlier," said Teddy as they neared their training area, "I decided that it would be necessary to bring in an additional training partner for you, seeing as I do not seem to be the ideal morph for you to be training with at the moment. After all, your form is what we should be improving on first, not strategic thinking."

Kyo nodded in understanding. "Makes sense, but who exactly did you bring in?" In the back of his mind, he wondered if he had decided to bring one of the Lopunny-morphs the ursine had consistently been whisked away by.

"She has experience in training others, it would seem," Teddy explained, "She seems to have been on the island for longer than us. We actually met rather recently, being as we both live in about the same area." As the pair stepped through the thick foliage and returned to their area, Kyo was surprised to see a female Lucario-morph waiting for them near one of the trees.

"'Hm?'" she said, perking one of her ears as she heard movement. The jackal turned towards them, spotting them as they approached. "'Ah, you're back.'" She bowed to them briefly as they neared. Stopping in front of her, he turned to Kyo and began introductions.

"Lucario, this is Kyo. And Kyo, this is Lucario, your new 'trainer,' so to speak."

"'Nice to meet you, Kyo,'" Lucario greeted the Feraligatr-morph, offering a paw to him, "'I look forward to working with you.'"

"Nice to meet you too," Kyo returned the greeting, taking her paw in his hand and shaking it, "I hope to learn a lot from you."

"'Unfortunately, I can't stay for too long,'" the jackal continued as Kyo released her paw, "'My mate is currently pregnant at the moment, so I will need to head back home eventually.'"

"P...........pregnant?" Kyo stammered, glancing down at Lucario's...feminine features, "but you're...and she's...and..." She smiled at him, folding her arms underneath her generously sized chest.

"'I know,'" she replied, "'it's because of a dear friend of ours. My mate has always wanted a child, and because of our friend, her dream became a reality. We're a bit more open about mate ships around here, so it wasn't a problem at all. And...by the looks of your confused expression, I'll just tell you that she is bisexual. And to slay any more curiosity of yours, so am I.'" She winked at him, causing a blush to quickly rise to his cheeks. "'But more to the point, I'll help you out as best I can. I may not look the part, but I've had some experience in training up rookies such as yourself.'"

"Um...r-right," Kyo replied, straightening, "I'll do my best to keep up."

Lucario nodded. "'Good, then get into position. I would like to evaluate you personally.'" Following her instructions, the water type made his way over to the farther side of the area as she walked over to her own position. Once they were through stretching and warming up, Lucario took a battle stance. "'Now then...show me what you're capable of!'"

Taking his own awkward stance, Kyo shuffled uneasily on his feet, hesitant in advancing. I've...never fought a girl before... How do I even go about this? Pushing aside his hesitation, Kyo charged forward, drawing his arm back in preparation for a forward punch. Once he was close enough to reach, Lucario leaned away from his attack before sticking her right foot forward. Unable to stop his momentum, Kyo's foot caught up against hers. As he began to stumble, Lucario reached out with her right paw and shoved him forward, causing him to fall to the sandy ground. Sand flew around as his body hit the ground, some of it getting into Lucario's fur and much of it on Kyo. The jackal chuckled, placing a foot on his shoulder and leaning in slightly.

"'Don't tell me you're going easy on me just because I'm a girl,'" she taunted, taking a step away from him. Growling, Kyo got back up to his feet and charged at her, throwing another punch. Lucario evaded, jumping back and taking another stance, a proud smirk spread across her muzzle. "'That's what I'm talking about! Keep it up tough guy!'" Charging again, Kyo reeled his left arm back before throwing a left jab. However, seeing through his actions, the fighting type caught his fist in her paw, catching him off guard. She blinked once.

"'Why such a light punch?'" she asked curiously before pushing him back and taking a stance once more, "'Come on, no need to hold back. Give it your all! I'm a tough girl; I can take any punch you send my way!'"

Once he regained his balance, Kyo took a stance, hesitating on what to do. He glanced towards Teddy, and he simply gave him a nod. He turned his attention back to the jackal. That's right, he thought to himself, there's no reason to treat her differently just because she's a girl. They're just as capable in any fight as anyone else... We're pokemon after all. It didn't matter when I was a trainer, so it shouldn't matter now.

"Sorry," he apologized, keeping his awkward stance, "it wasn't fair of me to treat you differently. So..." He whipped his arm forward, pointing at his opponent. "You better not hold back," he snapped his arm back, pointing his thumb towards himself, "cuz now I certainly won't!"

A long, awkward moment of silence passed.

"......Ahem," Kyo cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head. It always sounds so much better in my head... Shaking his head, he charged forward. "Here I go!" Getting back to business, he reeled his right arm back in preparation for another strike. However, Lucario easily saw through his attack and ducked out of the way when it was finally launched. Quickly straightening herself, she countered with a high kick to his chin, blowing him back and stunning him momentarily.

While the Feraligatr-morph was caught off guard from the blow, he was surprised at how tolerable the blow had actually been, though still experiencing the pain of course. But the water type wasn't left with any time to think about it for long, as Lucario followed up with a strong palm thrust to his chest, sending him flying back and landing hard on the beach floor on his back. With a grunt, he recovered and got back up to his feet before charging again.

But once again, he was out-predicted, and the jackal side stepped him before elbowing him in the back. As he stumbled and sought out his balance, she took a defensive stance, waiting for his next move.

Catching his balance, Kyo turned and charged forward once more. "HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"


"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Kyo groaned, his face to the ground and his body twisted up and aching in dull pain. Lucario giggled from her seat atop him, patting him on the shoulder. With a swish of her tail, she got up and stood before him.

"'Alright big guy,'" she said to him, "'I think I've seen enough.'" Kyo only managed a groan in response. Chuckling, she knelt down and helped him back up, motioning for everyone to take a seat. Once everyone was comfortable and seated, she turned her attention to the water type. "'So, you're not doing too bad for your first time Kyo,'" she began, "'but you're focused too much on attacking. Added to that, you're moves are too slow and predictable. It doesn't take much experience to know what it looks like for someone to throw a punch or two.'" Kyo nodded, listening intently. "'I think you need to go on the defensive a bit more, and don't telegraph your moves so much. Trust me, it will help you out in the long run.'"

"Alright," Kyo nodded, "I think I get what you're saying. I'll try to do that more." Lucario nodded in satisfaction, flicking her long ears once.

"'Do you know any non-physical moves by any chance,'" she asked him curiously, "'I think they would help you out a lot if you did.'" Kyo opened his mouth to respond, only to stop. Looking back, he realized that he had never so much as attempted to try so far. The thought had never occurred to him, being that he was so used to his original body. And being that his new body was so similar to his old one, he had forgotten the detail that he was now capable of such things.

He shook his head, "I actually haven't tried before. I guess it just never crossed my mind..." Hearing this, Lucario tilted her head.

"'Really? Not even once? But you're at your final stage of evolution.'"

"Uhhh..." Kyo tried to think of a response, finding that he couldn't. Seeing his distress, Teddy finally spoke up.

"Kyo is actually not used to fighting in that style Mrs. Lucario," he informed her, "If anything, he is not used to fighting in general." Lucario nodded in understanding.

"'I see. Sorry for questioning then,'" she bowed slightly, "'I suppose it's not in my position to be asking any personal questions so soon.'" Kyo let out a slight sigh of relief, nodding to Teddy in thanks. "'At any rate, we might as well work on your form and technique first. We can get to the other stuff some other time. I think what we'll do first is fix up that stance of yours and get it--'"

"'LUCARIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!'" a loud shriek echoed throughout the island, startling the group and causing Lucario's fur to stand. Stammering, the fighting type scrambled to her feet.

"'Oh Arceus!'" she exclaimed, her ears flattening against her head, "'That was my mate. I-I should really get going now; the mood swings of her pregnancy will only get worse if I don't get back there in--'"


Lucario shuddered, jogging in place frantically. "'I-I-I'm coming!'" At that, she dashed away at a nearly impossible speed towards the source of the noise, leaving a cloud of smoke behind her as she shouted back to her mate. Staring after her, Kyo wasn't exactly sure of what to make of the situation. After an awkward moment of silence, Teddy cleared his throat.

"Well, it's getting rather late, so I suppose we should return to our cabins." Looking up, Kyo noticed that the sun had indeed begun to set, causing an orange glow to envelop the sky. Stretching slightly, Teddy stood up, offering a paw to him to help him up as well. "Good effort today Kyo, you've made much progress."

"I did terrible."

Teddy smirked. "Well, that only means that it can only get better from this point on." He tapped Kyo lightly on the chest with a clenched paw. "And you have made many steps forward, and all in a single day. I do not think you realize this, but you are quite the fast learner, young Kyo." The reptile smiled, scratching the back of his head.

"Thank you Teddy. I'm glad that you've been so supportive of me so far." With a nod, the two of them parted ways and started for their cabins. As he reached the path that would lead him back, he began to think about what progress he actually did make.

Well, I guess realizing what I need to improve on can count as progress. But I still don't see what other steps he thinks I've made. I dunno, maybe it's just other stuff that I'm...not...thinking...of... His thoughts began to blur as he suddenly caught wind of a strong, almost overwhelming scent. It took a moment for him to realize that it was the scent of a female in heat. His heart skipped a beat at this realization. Oh...Arceus... Maybe I should...get...away... Unfortunately, that wasn't what his body had in mind. Without even realizing what he was doing, he followed the scent further. By the time he realized what he was doing, it was already too late to turn back. He realized though that he was already heading in the direction of his cabin, which seemed to be where the scent was coming from.

While this didn't concern him as much as it should have been, Kyo did have enough mental stability to sneak around at the very least. Hiding amongst the plants and trees, the water type made his way to the source of the scent. Once he was close enough, Kyo made out the outlines of Grovyle.

Oh no..._he thought to himself, _her heat's...spiking up again. His mind briefly flashed back to that night on the ship. He shivered at the thought, remembering how helplessly aroused he had become at the time, enough to the point that he couldn't stop himself from continuing. But that arousal seemed to linger on, as he suddenly realized that he was inching even closer to the grass type. Thankfully, he had enough self restraint to keep himself hidden amongst the foliage. Already he could hear the wet slurps and heavy panting of the female, as well as a few escaping moans and mewls. Kyo's cock immediately began to throb, having hardened along the way. Sneaking ever closer, Kyo slowly poked his snout out of a bush, and the sight he was greeted with nearly made him cum then and there.

Grovyle was lying on her back, her legs spread widely apart and her fingers jerking in and out of her sopping wet pussy. The scales on her hand glistened from the juices that covered her fingers. Her head was laid back on the ground, her eyes clenched tightly closed and her lips pursed in an intense and erotic way. Her leafy twin tails flicked in time with the sporadic, random jerks of her hips. As she furiously worked her nether-lips with one hand, she kneaded and groped her breast with the other, playing with her swollen nipple and pinching the nub of flesh for extra thrills of pleasure.

"'MMMmmmmmm,'" she moaned out, shifting her head this way and that, "'mmmmmMMmmmm.... Mmm.....aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...'" Her hand sped up, causing more lewd, wet squelches to sound out with every thrust. Kyo covered his muzzle with a hand, partially to try and block the scent of her heat, but mainly to prevent himself from letting out any unwanted moans of arousal. He struggled to maintain the self restraint to remain where he was, but struggled even harder to resist the strong temptation to masturbate. The fact that he couldn't tear his eyes away from the scene wasn't helping in the least.

"'Aaaahhhh...AAAaaaahhh...'" She began to moan even louder, her hand speeding up even more and her hips thrusting back into her hand. Her legs began to kick out randomly, and her eyes clenched tighter. Her breast jiggled with every thrust; the sheer sight of it making Kyo's cock throb hard. He once again found himself having difficulty remaining where he was. He tore his eyes away from the scene, glancing around the area to try and find an easy way around without getting caught.

M...maybe she won't notice me. I-if I just remain quiet then I can--

"'Kyoooooooooo...'" He froze, the mention of his name catching him off guard. "'KyOOOooooooo...'" His mouth fell agape, and he returned his gaze to the scene before him. Grovyle sighed out, releasing her hand from her breast to play with her clit. "'AAHhhh...K...KyoOOOooooaaaaaaa....'" Kyo couldn't believe his ears; she was actually moaning his name. Not some random pokemon name or unintelligible exclamation, his name, and as far as he knew, no one else's on the entire island.

And this turned him on intensely.

No longer able to tear his eyes away from the scene for any longer, the water type rested on his knees as he watched Grovyle's fingers plunge in and out of her. As his cock throbbed harder and harder, he desperately fought the urge to pull down his shorts to furiously masturbate to her.

"'KYOOOO!!!'" she moaned out even louder, her shoulders quickly rising and falling as she panted heavily. Suddenly, he realized that he had begun to stand. He quickly stopped himself, planting his rear back down on the ground. He clenched his jaws together as he fought against the intoxicating scent of her heat. It kept assaulting the instincts of his primal pokemon side, compelling him to go up to her and sate her desires. It even began to attack his reasoning. Why not try to act more "normal" around here? Why deny yourself? She wants it too. You've already done it with her before after all... On and on it went, messing with him and making it harder to resist.

He quickly realized that he wouldn't be leaving his hiding spot any time soon, so in an attempt to find middle ground, he settled with simply sitting there like a creep and watching like a bigger creep. He curled his tail tightly around his midsection and he clenched his hands over his knees. His entire body was tense as he continued to fight against the urge to go out there, his hips humping randomly from the built up anticipation.

"'OOOoooooohhhh oooohhh, oh, Oh, OH, AH, ah-Ah-AH-AH!'" Her hands became a blur as she thrust into herself at full speed, clenching her eyes even tighter and kicking her legs out wildly and randomly. She was getting close. Very close. Kyo breathed heavily, tightening his grip around his muzzle. Her scent was nearly overwhelming him, and he had to fight harder to maintain his self-control. The end of his tail whipped around as he resisted his urges and watched her fingers disappear and reappear from sight. Grovyle's movements suddenly became more desperate and her entire body began to thrash around. She thrust wildly into herself as her hips bucked in time with her frantic thrusts. "'MHm-mhh-Mhh-MH-Ah-AH-AH...AHHHH...Kahhhh-Ky...........Kyoooooooooooo!!!!'" Her eyes shot open as she moaned his name out, her legs clamping around her hands as she brought herself to a climax. Her chest heaved up and down and her hips continued to hump against her hands. Her pussy-lips contracted around her fingers, trying to milk the non-existent cock that was buried between her legs.

"Mrph..." The sounds, the smell, everything was just too much for Kyo to handle. His entire body was tensed up, his eyes were scrunched closed, his tail curled around him completely, his muzzle was clamped shut, his arms were occupied in keeping himself contained, and his legs were slid up against his body, squishing his balls and painfully hard cock against his abdomen. All of his oxygen came through his now flared nostrils. But even with his muzzle clamped shut, and his hand holding it even more shut, it did little to contain the small desperate grunts and mewls he was letting out. His cock pulsed repeatedly between his legs and abdomen, begging him for relief. He curled his neck to shove his muzzle between his knees, putting himself in his own little cocoon. He began to shiver as his fight escalated, bringing him to the point of almost breaking.

"'...K......Kyo?'" He froze. That wasn't another moan. That wasn't a dazed sigh either. That was a call to him. Hearing a bit of rustling, he opened his eyes and saw that she was standing up now, looking in his general direction. Kyo gulped as she began to walk forward, kneeling down slightly and looking a bit closer to where he was hiding. "'Kyo? ...Are...are you there?'" Realizing that there was no real point to hiding for any longer, Kyo uncurled himself from his cocoon and reluctantly stood up from the bush. Grovyle gasped as he stood, slapping a hand over her muzzle and crossing her legs slightly to hide her drenched pussy lips.

"H......hey..." he greeted her awkwardly, giving her a small wave as he blushed hard. Her eyes locked with his for a long moment, her eyes occasionally flicking over to the unmistakable bulge in his shorts. Her cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of red as she came to a full realization as to what had happened.

"'How long...have you been...'" she paused to swallow a bit of saliva that had gathered in her mouth. Her eyes flicked towards his erection again before flicking back up to his eyes. "'...How long have you been...watching?'"

"N...not for...long..." he replied with effort, unable to tear his eyes away from Grovyle's gaze, "but...long enough..." A long moment of silence passed the two.

"'...And you...saw me...'" she swallowed again, "'...finish?'" Another moment passed before Kyo slowly nodded. Grovyle blushed harder, using her free hand to rub her thigh. The two of them turned to the side, unable to maintain eye contact for any longer than that. Grovyle shuffled on her feet and Kyo curled his tail around his leg tightly, adjusting his shorts in a vain attempt to conceal his erection. The two of them stood there in awkward silence, none of them daring to turn and look to each other.

"...I'm..." Kyo began, biting his bottom lip, "...I'm sorry for...ahem...w-watching..." And again, a moment of long, awkward silence passed between them.

"'......It's...it's fine...'" she excused him awkwardly, rubbing her toes against the soft dirt ground. They didn't say anything to each other for a long time after that, the only sound filling the area being the sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore in the distance, and the sounds of crickets having an early start in their nightly symphonies. "'...I should...I should go...'" She made for her hut before stepped in front of her and began to stammer.

"H-hey so uh..." he began, holding his hands up for no real reason, "I-I know this is...out of the blue...like...really out of the blue...b-but uh..." Grovyle stared at him, her blush still very present and very prominent even with her red scaled cheeks. "Ahem...I-I sorta...decided to uh...j-join the...th-the tournament..." He twiddled his thumbs. "Just thought I'd...y-ya know...l-let you know..." He laughed nervously, flicking the end of his tail randomly. Grovyle took in a deep breath before responding.

"'That's...good, I guess...'" Her gaze wandered off to the side again. "'So...did you...come up with a request?'" Kyo bit his lip, looking off to the side again as well. Not hearing a response, Grovyle's eyes flicked back to him. Seeing that he didn't seem to want to respond, she frowned slightly. "'Oh...I see...you don't...wish to share then...'" She sighed. "'That...that's fine... It's not like you have to tell me anyways...'" At that, she started for her hut once again.

"No-no wait," he stopped her, making her turn back to him, "I'm just..." He let out his own sigh. "I'm not sure...how well you'll think of mine..."

The grass type tilted her head slightly. "'What do you mean? What's your request?'" Kyo bit his lip again, taking a long, deep breath before finally answering.

"If...if I were to win......I'd..." his tail tightened around his leg, and his gaze wavered away from her eyes once again. He clenched his fist and abruptly turned back to her, looking her in the eyes. "I'd stop you from completely erasing your mind." Hearing this, Grovyle stepped back in shock, slapping a hand over her muzzle and her eyes widening. A lump formed in her throat and tears suddenly threatened to spill from her eyes. Kyo shuffled around on his feet as he realized just how much this had hurt her. "It...it's not like I want you to suffer," he continued, "but...I just want you to really think it over before going through with something like that." He looked off to the side, scratching the back of his neck nervously before returning his gaze to her. "Look, I'm...I'm not gonna force you to endure those memories for the rest of your life if I was to win, but...I want you to at least give a day_to think it over. And...if you _still decide that it would be better to wipe your mind completely...then..." he sighed, "then I'll have the leaders do what you want..."

After hearing his explanation, Grovyle's eyes drifted down to her feet. A deafening silence unlike any silence the two had experienced prior filled the area around them. It was Grovyle who finally broke the silence. "'But...why?'" she asked him in frustration, looking back up at him, "'Why would you want to do this to me? What did I ever do to you?!'"

Kyo drew back slightly, his heart aching from the grass type becoming understandably defensive. "It's not something you did... It's just...I can't agree with your plan. I want you to have the chance to turn things around, to try and look past those memories, ya know?" Grovyle growled, turning away from him and huffing.

"'You know what? Fine. Do whatever the hell you want.'" At that, she started for her hut again, her tails flicking in agitation. Kyo tried to get her to stop as she stepped up to her door.

"H-hey wait a minu--" He stopped mid sentence as she whipped her arm out and pointed at him, staring him straight in the eyes.

"'Kyo, from this point on, you and I are rivals. Nothing more. Remember that...'" She glared down at him before turning back to her door and opening it. She stepped in, seeming to hesitate for a moment, walked through and slammed the door behind her. Another moment passed, and Kyo made for her door, only to stop himself. He quickly realized that he couldn't find anything to say to her. He immediately began to regret what he had said. Why didn't he just lie like he had been doing already? What good was there in telling her everything? Why did he ever think it was a good idea to join in the first place? As he continued to stand there, more and more of these questions filled his head, questions he simply didn't have the answers to.


He may not have had the answers for those exact questions, but he did have his resolve. He knew why he was fighting. He knew why he wanted to stop her. He knew why he wanted her to have at least a chance at continuing on without a cloud of lies haunting her. Clenching his fists and standing tall once again, he took a deep breath and found his voice.

"Grovyle?" he began, knowing that she was definitely still listening despite the closed door, "I just have one request." He turned away, walking towards his own cabin. "Just don't hold back, because I certainly won't..."
