Forest Keep 27

Story by Shimrod on SoFurry

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#29 of Forest Keep

well, is partly up after a weekend of messing about,have a peep and let me know if you like it . I still have to move the stories across to there as well. they will still continue to be posted here of course 8)


Tommy blinked as the cold of teleportation enveloped him briefly and left him standing in a large cave, looking round his jaw dropped in wonder at the sight. The walls were all studded with brightly glowing jewels and ropes of flowing limestone that cascaded in elegant trails towards the smooth floor.

Shalla looked around nervously in case her parents were home. They should still be at the ceremony she thought to herself and took comfort from the fact she had succeeded in luring a human into her home.

The flowstone was warm under Tommy's palm as he stroked it in wonder. Light from several fireglobes lit the cavern and the gems sparkled in the walls encouraging him to prod them to see if they were loose. Shalla gave a snort of amusement and the three females gently guided him towards her room.

"Do you all live here?" Tommy asked as he walked along the smooth passageway, they were obviously made for a far larger dragon.

"Oh no" came the reply from Shalla "Just my family" she pushed past a hanging curtain of dense vines and into her room where she slowly stretched out on her bed.

Gergid and Eriga shared a private giggle over the mental airwaves as Tommy swallowed at the sight. He was a little more experienced than James and the sights and scents were having an effect on him. He didn't want to give the wrong impression and perhaps insult these graceful creatures though.

Shalla patted the bed beside her "Now, come and tell us all about humans. We don't know a lot and as Cill is getting mated to one we thought we should find out a little more"

Tommy blinked rapidly as he sat on the bed, feeling it shift a little under him "Mated? You mean... like married?" he felt his face flush as he looked at the sleek dragoness beside him.

Shalla nodded "If that is what humans do when they join with a partner for life yes" She smiled toothily at him "We are very curious as to why Cill would choose a human male"

Tommy felt his ears burning as he thought of the strange noises coming from the storehouse. 'Tummy ache my ass' he thought to himself. "You mean he has been..." his voice dropped off from the sheer enormity of it.

Shalla nodded enthusiastically "Oh yes. Many times too it seems" she ran a slow talon over the humans shoulder as she looked him over "She seems to be enjoying it. But I know my parents don't agree with it nor do many others of the clan. I don't know if he will succeed at the clan testing"

Tommy blinked "Testing?" he felt a chill run through him as the callous tone of the dragoness made him shiver. The two other dragons shared a look as he frowned.

"I know James loves her very much, that was obvious to me from his voice and manner. If he is in any danger..."

Shalla looked taken aback at his tone, a human talking like that to a dragon?

"It is already too late for James if he has failed. What do you mean he loves her? How presumptuous of a human"

Tommy stood up slowly from the bed "From what I saw it's a mutual love. And not one to be scorned" He felt a growing anger as he saw confusion on the dragonesses muzzles.

"It takes the choice of them both to be mated and if James was willing to go through some sort of dangerous test for her. I think he deserves to win her"

Shalla snorted derisively "We think she couldn't find a proper drake to mate with and had to settle for what she could find"

Tommy boggled at her "But she's a lovely dragoness. How could you think that? Do any of you have mates?"

Tommy's questions caught the dragonesses by surprise and they retreated from him a little before remembering themselves "No" Shalla replied quietly "We don't as our parents are going to choose proper mates for us at the right time" Both Gergid and Eriga nodded at this.

Tommy leaned forward until he was nose to muzzle with Shalla "I think you're jealous of Cill. As she could choose her own mate" Taking a chance he reached up to stroke her chin, scratching the hide there "But you are beautiful too, why do you not go out and find a mate of your own?"

Shalla's ruffs flushed pinkly much to the amusement of the other two dragonesses. "W-why should I? Papa wouldn't choose a bad mate for me" she sounded doubtful even as she said this.

The gentle touch along her jaw had sent a pleasing shiver through her also though she would have sooner had all her teeth pulled out before admitting it to the others.

"You don't know that. And from what I saw with James and Cill they seem very happy together and will make a good team"

Shalla's head spun as she tried to sort out the confusing thoughts and emotions. She had liked James and she could sense that Tommy had a good heart and was a lot smarter than she had thought humans would be.

She was shaping her next comment when a familiar sensation passed through her.

"Mama and Papa!" she exclaimed "Why are they home early?" .She looked round frantically. It was too late to get Tommy back to the portal now her parents were porting in.

Tommy felt alarm as the young dragoness looked around like a naughty child expecting a scolding. "They mustn't find you here" she said to him urgently and ignoring his protestations quickly pushed him into an alcove that held mounds of dusty bedding.

"Please be quiet...I promise we will get you home as soon as we can" she told him as she lowered the covering of the alcove dropping him into darkness where he could only listen.

There was a loud stamping from down the hall and an angry roar that reverberated off the walls. "Shalla!"

Shalla quailed at the tone of her father's voice. Something wasn't going well. "Coming papa" she replied and making shushing motions to the others she left the room.

Divitchka growled as he settled himself into his favourite lounger as Shalla walked in "The clanship ceremony went ahead without a single challenge against the human's accession. Now we have a monkey in the clan" he told her before sighing at his mate Nakkour.

"Even your mother threatened me if I spoke up against this abomination"

Shalla's mother gazed impassively back at him "Did you not see how he stood bravely when the blood was let and feel the power her had when he healed his mate?" She leaned over and licked her mate slowly

"We should all be proud of this new clan-mate"

Shalla blinked. The human had passed the test and was now a family member? It was unheard of! Her thoughts returned belatedly to the human hiding in her closet. How was she going to return him now her parents were home?

Divitchka sniffed the air slowly and blinked. "What's that smell?" he asked turning to his daughter.

Osedax was in conference with Nokala and Marre as they discussed the likely future of their newest adopted son and his mate. It was a lively discussion and Moona watched from the sidelines. He had seen plenty of arguments when dragons disagreed and this was one of the best he had to admit to himself.

Nokala had his fangs bared as he snarled at the clanmaster while Marre was busily hunting through scrolls he had brought along. Osedax was growling and hissing back at Nokala and Moona could only guess at what was being said as it was all on a private band. He didn't like the fact that Nokala was being aggressive towards the ancient one and knew it could only lead to trouble.

Osedax grumbled "So young and foolish one... instead of ending this at the lakeside you decided to let a human bond and mate with your daughter? Did you even consider the ramifications?"

Nokala snorted and nodded "Had I not intervened the human would have been killed and Cill endangered when the humans came searching" He waved his paws in the air dramatically aware he was being watched by some of the clan that were still conscious.

"And were you aware of the danger of his possession of Mana?" hissed Osedax "He seems nice but we have been deceived before. Can you guarantee he will not turn to evil?"

Nokala frowned "No-one can guarantee that. Interfering with him and Cill now would not help though. The bond they have is very strong and goes beyond species" He leaned forward "His life will not be that long know how these humans age rapidly" He felt bad talking about James this way but felt the elder was testing him.

Osedax hissed derisively "Did you not see the healing power he has? His lifespan will undoubtedly be far greater than that of a normal human"

Nokala was taken aback "Is that possible?" He looked to Marre for confirmation. The old Blue merely shrugged "The clanmaster may be correct. I do not think James will turn to evil though."

Osedax glowered at Marre "And what if gets her with egg?" Marre swallowed and looked for a particular scroll in his pack.

"Then we rejoice at a new hatchling for the clan." Nokala replied quietly. Osedax snapped his talons and a scroll appeared "looking for this?" he said and handed it to Marre "Mella passed it onto me. It was very interesting reading"

He turned back to Nokala "A hatchling hybrid of human and dragon? Will it be human or dragon? What will its allegiances be? You have overturned a heavy stone and found a seething mass of worms beneath it. Nokala, I am making you personally responsible for this human now"

Nokala nodded "I have already chosen that responsibility ancient one" he grinned "And already I have learnt much."

Osedax rolled his eyes "I am too old to be interested in mating practices. However, I was impressed at how he handled himself and I hope he will bring no shame to the clan. You are aware that other clan-members will test him in various ways though?"

Nokala nodded "I am ready for this. He is safe at his Keep with Cill and among friends"

"And if that safety should be compromised?" Asked Osedax quietly, taking a drink from a flagon.

"None know of the location save us" said Nokala, unaware of the nervous Moona watching from the wings.

Osedax sighed "very well...All we can do is watch and wait. Marre, I want you to test him frequently and see how much power he has. If he can make the walls shake here he will be extremely potent. I want him battle trained also. There have been rumours of renegade dragons speaking of taking back ancestral lands from encroaching humans"

Nokala nodded, not giving away the feeling of shock he felt at this revelation. He took a large draught from the flagon and tried to relax.

James and Cill were blissfully ignorant of the vibrant discussions involving them as they lay together naked on their bed, the firelight flickering over Cill's iridescent scales as James smoothed oil over them. He marveled once more at the smooth pebbled hide under his palms, feeling the heat and strength in his mates form. She purred loudly at his attentions, long tongue lolling from the side of her muzzle as she enjoyed the play of fingertips over her smooth belly and breasts. The mental coupling of their minds let them share their emotions without restraint.

She felt she had never been happier with the added enjoyment of feeling the same emotions coming from her partner as he bent his efforts to pleasing her.

Rumbling her desire she rolled her mate beneath her and carefully straddled him, her muzzle open as she licked slowly and sensuously along his body until she felt him harden against her thighs. No words were necessary as he met her gaze and kissed along her muzzle until he was sucking her tongue gently into his mouth while his hands moved to her breasts and plucked teasingly at the nubs on them.

Cill's breathing quickened as her nipples stiffened rapidly. They seemed more tender and larger than usual to her. James's gentle tweaking was sending delicious sparks shooting through her body and she felt her vent wink wetly in need, the swollen lips brushing over the head of his shaft as her hips rocked slowly back and forth. She couldn't halt the moan of desire that escaped her as she settled on his rock hard penis and began to ride it tenderly.

James groaned as hot, wet dragon flesh tightened around him and he moved slowly with her in the ancient dance of mating. Her breath was hot and steamy on his neck as she savored the act, occasionally looking down between their joined bodies to where his glistening shaft entered her. She could not hold in her desires any longer and the deep need for her to bear young slowly trickled into her conscious mind and from there into James. His eyes widened in both surprise and arousal as she flushed, pushing her hips down and burying his shaft within her as deeply as she could manage.

"Do you think we could?" he whispered to her, feeling strange warmth in his belly as he imagined her pregnant with his young "I-I want to try...and I hope we can..." she whispered back and quivered as a powerful orgasm rippled through her womb making her squeal loudly and dig her talons into the bedding.

James felt his emotions overflow and wrapped his arms around her neck tightly as she jerked through her climax "Me too" he whispered and surrendered to the demands of his own body, feeling a fiery wave of thick semen jet strongly from his penis into her making him moan her name and press his oil-slick body against hers until they shared the vibrant flood of sensations between their minds and shuddering loins.

Cill slowly rolled onto her side so she wouldn't crush her smaller lover and wrapped her arms around him as she panted from the effort of mating, her wings carefully folded against her back

"My love" murmured James as he stroked her belly slowly seeing the look of satisfaction in her half-slitted eyes. "How will we know when or if you are gravid?"

Cill's tongue lazily licked along his cheek "If I show eggsign then we will know. It may not show until my egg is a quarter grown though. But I should be able to feel it by then"

She giggled at his caress "We are breaking all the rules and if you get me with egg it will be the biggest rule ever and we may get in more trouble"

James blew warm air over her muzzle teasingly "I will be here for you my love, nothing will come between us. That I promise"

Far off in London, Lady Caroline Hampton was bored. The city was supposedly a vibrant growing society with opportunity for her to enjoy herself and gain new experiences but all she seemed to be doing lately was fending off the amorous advances of a succession of suitors her parents insisted on introducing. She found herself sighing at the memory of the one young man she had felt genuine interest in during her stay here. He had been so charming and clumsily persistent, so persistent she had given him a handkerchief as a favor that he could tie to his sword. Then he had left for training as a novice and since then she had heard not one word from him. This irked her as she wasn't used to being ignored.

She pondered writing a letter to him and having it delivered via courier to the keep where he was in training. Idly playing with a fan and tapping the goose-quill pen against the parchment she felt a sudden desire to get out of London and away from the hustle and bustle for a time. An outing to the country would be a welcome distraction and perhaps young James would perhaps be pleasantly surprised and willing to continue his courtship of her in more intimate surroundings.

She smiled at this idea and turned to make preparations for her trip. Daddy would be able to provide her with a nice carriage and servants so she would be comfortable. 'Goodness knows what life is like in that place' she thought and made a mental note to pack plenty of treats for the journey.

Tommy could hear little in the alcove but was too nervous to risk pulling the curtain aside to look out and see what was going on. There had been a lot of roaring and then it had all gone quiet. He wiped the sweat from his brow and waited. The two other females remained in Shalla's room occasionally casting furtive glances towards the alcove until they heard her calling them back to the main room and ran out with a clatter of scales.

There was silence as Tommy peeked through a corner of the curtain. Empty.

Should he risk a dash for it? He thought then realised just how foolish that was, he'd been brought here by magic and couldn't get home except by the same way. Damn that silly female dragon. Tommy leaned against the bedding and sweated some more. What was going on and why hadn't she come back? How long was he going to have to stay here?

He tensed as he heard a light clicking noise approaching the room. The sound of talons tapping the floor as a dragon obviously approached. There was a light rumbling and scratching as the dragon entered the room and began shifting a few things. It obviously wasn't Shalla as she would have come over to see him. Tommy tried to keep his heart from thumping its way out of his chest. There were a few puzzled sniffling noises and Tommy tensed, it was outside the curtain...

Suddenly there was a heart stopping moment when the curtain was pulled aside and he found himself gazing at a strange young male dragon who was obviously just as surprised to find a human in his sister's bedroom. Both goggled at one another in astonishment, the dragon rocking back on its hindquarters before grinning and lifting a talon to its lips in an unmistakable gesture of silence.

"Are you one of James's friends?" it whispered quietly to him. Tommy blinked rapidly, just how many dragons did the novice know? He nodded frantically and thought back "I was brought here by a dragon called Shalla. Do you know her?"

The male looked as if he was about to choke in amusement, panting with quiet laughter "She's my sister" he said "I've just come from the ceremony "He waved a pair of large sticks that he had placed on the bed.

"I was one of the Drummers there; James was very good and is one of our clan now"

Tommy grinned "Shalla said she didn't think he'd pass"

The male snorted "Shalla has her snout too high in the air to know much more than the latest talon painting fashion"

He cocked his head and looked at Tommy "I am called Tomakolioa or Tomako for short".

Tommy grinned "I am called Thomas or Tommy by my friends...we seem to share a similar name" The young male seemed delighted at this and took Tommy's hand in a careful grip when he offered it.

"So why are you hiding in my sisters store-room?" he asked curiously "I was talking with Shalla when your parents came home. Shalla didn't think they'd like to find me here" Tommy admitted quietly.

Tomako nodded "that is right; they were dead against having a human in the clan. Shalla should've known better than to bring you here"

"I think she had something on her mind" replied Tommy as he felt himself relax a little "She said she'd heard some stories about them and wanted to learn more about us"

Tomako could barely keep the laughter he felt from bubbling over. "Oh that's rich. She and Cill haven't really gotten along and now Cill has a mate she can't handle it"

Tommy and Tomako whispered quietly for a few minutes together "You can come to my room and stay there until its safe to transport you back to where you came from. It's a lot more comfortable than a store-room"

Tommy nodded and swiftly followed Tomako back to his own lair. It was quite a bit larger than Shalla's and he was able to lie down on a separate bed "So have you heard much about James and Cill?" Tomako asked as he made himself comfortable on his own bed.

Tommy shook his head and took a drink of water from a nearby jug that was almost as large as he was. "No, we only met Cill a couple of days ago, they had been very secretive" he flushed a little "Now we know why..."

Tomako nodded slowly "He is very lucky. I know several males who very much wanted to mate with Cill but were afraid of her parents. They will not be happy either" He shook his head. "I hope they don't catch James alone"

Tommy sighed "I hope he knows what he's getting into"

Shalla was feeling relieved, she had managed to explain the odd human scent away as something the others were wearing. Nervously walking down towards her room she wondered how she was going to get that damn human home without getting into trouble.

She walked into her room and saw the curtain pulled aside. Gone! She spun round and rocked back and forth in a tense posture. There was a human roaming the lair and she had no idea where it was. She wrung her paws and tried not to panic. Should she tell her father? Out of the question. One thing was for sure. The humans back at the keep would start wondering where he was soon.