The Education of Crisp: The Teacher

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#1 of The Education of Crisp

The start of a new series, commissioned by FA: FriskeCrisps involving his character learning magic from mine, and all the little humiliations (on both sides) that will occur.

Chapter 1: The Teacher for FriskeCrisps by Draconicon

The wolf sat on his couch, looking through his living room window towards the street. The long grounds of his front yard were well trimmed, and he had a clear view of the street. He reached for the can of soda at his arm, taking a few sips before putting it down and going back to looking towards the street.

"Almost time...I really hope he isn't late."

Crisp knew how strange it looked, staring out the window and waiting for someone to come to the door. It wasn't something that he usually did, and if he had neighbors that actually looked in on him, he supposed they probably would have been worried for him. Maybe even thought he was waiting for a date.

The wolf chuckled at that thought. Perhaps that was closer than they thought.

He glanced at the clock. It was only a few minutes before noon, and his guest still showed no signs of arrival. His phone was silent, and the few texts that he'd tried sending had no response.

Then again, that should be expected. A magic teacher wouldn't really do much with answering their phone.

He shook his head, looking down at his red and white high-tops. Between them, he could see their reflection on his coffee table, and he shook his head in annoyance. Though the word 'Loser' had been scrubbed free of the soles, the dark marks the marker had left behind had almost permanently scarred the underside. Any chance of them looking pristine again was gone, unless his guest knew a spell to fix them.

He hoped he did. He liked these sneakers.

The wolf was in the middle of another sip of soda when the doorbell rang. Sputtering slightly, Crisp leaped to his feet and jogged out of the room. Going from carpet to wood paneling immediately made his footsteps louder, though it only echoed for a bit in the large house before he reached the front door.

"Yes, yes? Who's there?"

"Who do you think? It's noon, isn't it?"

He opened the door quickly. On the other side, to his surprise, was a black scaled dragon. Despite the reptile standing right on his front step, Crisp almost didn't believe he was there. There were no footsteps on the lawn, nor any sign of a car nearby. There was no chance the dragon had walked up to the door in the time it took him to take a drink, either, considering how big the yard was.

It all added up. This was his teacher.

"Sorry. I just...I guess I didn't expect...someone like you, really."

Definitely not dressed as traditionally as you, he thought. He looked the dragon up and down, the wolf shaking his head a few times. A black robe atop black scales made it difficult for him to tell where the clothing ended and the scales began, particularly considering how tight the robe was to the dragon's body. White eyes were one of the few features to break up the whole black silhouette, though they were hard to look at. Every time Crisp tried, something about them made him want to look away.

The dragon held out his hand.

"I am Draconicon. I presume that you are Crisp?"

"Uh, yes, yes, that's me. I hope that it wasn't an inconvenience to come all the way out here."

"Not really. I didn't have much planned anyway. May I come in?"

"Oh, yes, of course."

Crisp stood to the side, letting his teacher walk in. The door shut before he could touch it again, and the wolf wondered if it had been the springs acting up or if his teacher was already exerting himself. He followed behind the dragon as his guest started taking a tour of the house.

Sandals? He couldn't help but notice the dragon's footwear as he walked behind him. Seems a bit strange to wear in the winter...

"So, what are your terms, for a teacher?"

The wolf blinked, shaking his head.

"Excuse me?"

"I assume that you already have terms for what you want, and what you have to offer to get it?"

"Oh, you mean a contract. Yes, I have one in the living room."

"Bring it to the kitchen. I'm thirsty, and I need something to drink."

"I have some soda -"

"Water is better. Bring the contract to the kitchen."

Though he felt slightly ill-used to be ordered around already, the wolf nodded, heading back to the living room. The footsteps of the dragon seemed to disappear as he walked away. Either the dragon knew how to walk lightly, or there was some magic at play to keep his footsteps quiet.

Crisp shook his head as he bent over the table, picking up the pile of papers he'd had the family lawyers put together. The group had been very quick, as usual, though he swore their prices were triple what they charged his mother and father. Perhaps they were trying to get more out of him, considering he was the last one and barely an heir to the fortune, instead of someone that earned it.

Hopefully he'll have a trick for dealing with them, too, or I'll be billed out of the family home.

Not something he wanted to happen, most definitely. Crisp pulled the papers together, tapping the edges against the table to make them all even, before leaving the room once more.

When he arrived, the dragon already had a cup filled with water and was drinking it down. In the time it took the wolf to cross the kitchen and sit at the table, the dragon had downed one glass, filled it up again, and was halfway through the second.

"You really are thirsty."

"Magic. It tends to have that effect on you."

Crisp shook his head. He had noticed that it left him more tired, but he'd never been all that thirsty afterwards. Then again...

He blushed, shaking his head to get rid of all the memories of the times his magic had gone all wrong. With everything that happened after the spells went wrong, it was a miracle that he wasn't starving, let alone just thirsty. He had enough embarrassment to deal with before he could really notice anything else that he needed.

But that was all in the past. From now on, he would be able to control his magic. From now on, he'd be the one in charge.

The dragon joined him at the table, looking at the contract. Crisp smiled, nodding towards it.

"I'm sure you'll find everything in order."

The dragon said nothing. As he flipped from page to page, the wolf shifted in his seat. He tried to keep quiet, but his interest in the subject drove him to speak.

"So...magic, huh?"

"Uh huh."

"You, uh, you've been doing it a long time."

"I have."

"I, um, looked for you specifically, you know."

The dragon shrugged.

"Draconicon, the genius. I heard of all your classes, you know. All those people you taught back at the Academia Arcanum before they closed it down. You were, like, always in demand. I always wondered why none of the other magic schools hired you after you left."

"You'll keep wondering. And you need a better contract."


Draconicon pushed the papers back at him. Crisp started to pick it up, but the dragon stabbed through it with a claw instead.

"You're offering a pittance, compared to what you have. I think I will have to start your education before we even sign your contract, at this rate."

"What do you mean?"

"I am to be your tutor. That means, by old laws, that I have to be around to teach you and guide you at all times."

"You mean, whenever I'm using magic."

"No, I mean all times. So I will be living here as well."

"Now, that isn't really -"

"I will need a room. And a bed, preferably. I can make my own, but they are never as comfortable."

"But - hang on -"

The dragon had gotten up from his seat already, and Crisp nearly fell off of his chair as he followed Draconicon out of the kitchen. His teacher was moving faster than he expected, and Crisp could barely keep up.

"Hang on, Draconicon. I never agreed to that!"

"You didn't need to. You implied you were offering it when you asked for a tutor."

Draconicon stopped at the bottom of the stairs, next to the front door. He nodded upwards.

"The bedrooms are up there, right?"

"Well, yes, but I wasn't offering you one!"

"Ah. Shall I leave, then?"

As the dragon nodded his head towards the door, Crisp had a sudden vision of the teacher leaving and never coming back. Despite the earlier exchanged phone calls before scheduling this meeting, the wolf had no illusions of his power over the dragon. What little he had came from the things he could offer. If he withdrew them, this famous mage had no reason to stick around. And with all of his problems, he needed the best teacher he could get.

Crisp slowly shook his head.

"No. I'm sorry. Please, let me show you where the rooms are."

The wolf wasn't sure how he was going to handle having someone else living in the house. It was weird, living alone, but he'd gotten comfortable with it. He'd even enjoyed having his privacy, particularly when he was feeling stressed and needed to relieve some...tension. Having someone else around again would take some getting used to, and it meant that he'd need to stop walking around the hallways in his underwear at night.

Blushing at the thought of the dragon catching him like that, Crisp shook his head and led the way upstairs. Ignoring the bathroom on the right, he gestured to the two bedrooms, one at the end of the hall, and one right by the stairwell.

"This one is the guest bedroom, and that one - hey, what are you doing?"

"I will take the larger bedroom. It is more suitable."

"But that one's mine!"

"Then it is even more suitable."

How does that make any sense? Crisp wanted to ask that, but the dragon's determined stride and the power balance made it almost impossible for him to ask the teacher anything. All he could do was follow along, feeling a rather strong sinking feeling about what was happening to his life.

The dragon took one look around the room before snorting.

"You have a ridiculous collection of shoes."

"Hey! Don't knock the shoes."

"I don't understand why you have so many."

His cheeks burning, Crisp looked around the walls of his room. He didn't know what the dragon was getting at. So what if he had six pairs of shoes...per style...per brand...all over the walls of his room? They were his, and they were clean, and best of all, they all looked good. Except the green ones, but he'd gotten rid of those days ago, and he didn't want to have to think about them again.

Before he could protest again, though, the dragon waved his hand and said a word that he didn't understand. Before his eyes, the shoes all leaped off of their shelves, falling to the ground in pairs. They glowed with a strange black fire around their edges, and when the wolf looked back at Draconicon, he saw the teacher had a similar glow around his hand.

The first pair of shoes flying through the doors almost kicked him in the chin. After that, he knew to stand by the doorframe, and he stared with jaw dropped as one pair after another went flying out. They all landed perfectly, admittedly, but they kept leaving his room and walking into the guest room.

"Um, Draconicon, sir?"

"Yes, Crisp?"

"Um...Those, um, those are mine."

"Yes, they are, and they're not staying in my room."

"Your -"

"The other room shall be yours during my tutoring. I require a larger amount of space than you do."

The last pair of shoes did clip him in the chin as he leaned around the doorframe, and the wolf's retort got shoved down his throat as he clutched his chin. Groaning at the pain, he took a few steps away.

"I will be shaping this room properly. In the meantime, prepare some tea for us, and I will be down to discuss your first lesson shortly."

He wanted to argue. He wanted to kick Draconicon out of his room and put it back to normal. He even wanted his teacher to take back everything that was said about his shoes and give him some real respect. After all, he was the employer here, damn it; he should have been calling the shots, not this - admittedly famous - stranger.

But he couldn't do it. Crisp had called the big-shot mage to his house, and now he had to pay the consequences. In all fairness, he didn't know how things were done in tutoring relationships. What little he knew about magic had been from the public school system, and even then it was mostly just about how to not blow himself up. All his teachers had decided that he didn't have enough magical potential to bother teaching more.

Admittedly, he'd proved them wrong to a degree. The fact that he'd gotten a little out of a magical course by mail had proven (to himself, if no one else) that he had the power. He just had no idea how to use it. He'd known he needed a real teacher, but until that...event, back at the school, he'd not wanted to put out the money and space for one.

Then again, if he'd known that this was how it was going to go, he might have just given up. Crisp shook his head as he started walking down the stairs, grumbling under his breath about pompous dragons and their bossy nature.

"Tea, tea."

He knew that his parents used to drink the stuff, and he was pretty sure that it was still good. Considering that they locked the leaves in air-tight containers, he imagined it would have to be. The wolf pulled one of them down, undoing the three layer lock that kept external air out, and waved his hand in front of his nose as the smell of the leaves hit him.

"Whew, how does anyone drink this stuff? I'd stick with soda any day."

Old habits quickly came back as he got out a kettle, pouring some water in it and getting it headed towards a boil. Crisp pulled down a mug, putting a couple of teaspoons of the leaves in the cup. Unless he missed his guess, the dragon would want his tea good and strong, and that was how he planned to make it.

The high quality kettle quickly had the water bubbling, and he poured it. The smell was hardly better as it started to steep, but the wolf kept any further comments to himself.

Glancing over his shoulder, the wolf made sure that the dragon wasn't down the stairs yet. Thankfully, he wasn't. He turned -

"Holy crap!"

Crisp jumped back a pace as the dragon was suddenly between him and the counter. He almost fell over a chair, and just barely caught himself on the edge of the table.

"Geez louise, how'd you do that?"


"No kidding..."

"Is the tea ready?"

"I just poured it. Can you teach me?"

"To make tea?"

"No, to teleport!"

"Maybe later, if you're strong enough. You might be, from what I've heard."

Almost against his will, Crisp smiled. As much as the dragon was driving him nuts with all the orders, there was a part of the wolf that enjoyed being acknowledged. It wasn't much, but the word of someone like Draconicon towards his power was something.

The dragon's tea seemed to meet his liking, and he took a seat across the table. Crisp sat down as well, leaning forward.

"So, uh, can we talk magic?"

"Yes, I suppose we should, now that the terms seem to be on more even footing."

More even footing? You kicked me out of my room.

"No, I claimed my proper room. Please, be respectful."

"Wait, did you...did you just-"

"Yes. I like to keep a few precautions up, just in case. You weren't particularly charitable in your thoughts, you may want to know."

So the dragon could read his thoughts. That would make things a great deal more awkward. He just hoped that the dragon hadn't -

No, don't think about that!

"Yes, magic. What can you teach me?"

"What are you willing to learn, would be the better question." The dragon chuckled. "I know most sorts, and I can teach you the basics of any kind of magic, and the mastery of more than half."

Considering that most professors he spoke to had mastery of maybe one type of magic, it was saying something. Crisp swallowed some of his adoration, clearing his throat.

"I'd like to start with some body control."

"Your own, or others?"

"Well...kind of both."

The dragon arched an eyebrow.

"I, um, tried casting something, and it didn't go right."

"Is this the one you mentioned on the phone?"

"No, a-a different one."

"Ah. Let me guess. A prank that went wrong?"

Crisp nodded. Very, very wrong, and it was only a very large donation to the principal that had allowed him back into the classrooms again. If he had better control of himself and the way that he used his magic, the whole thing wouldn't have happened.

Taking another sip of his tea, the dragon stood up and gestured for him to do the same. Crisp did as he was told as his teacher held up one hand.

"Show me the spell."


"Show me the spell. I need to see how you cast it to know where to start the lesson."

"But what if I hit you with it?"

"If you can hit me, you definitely don't need my teaching, and I will be out of your hair. Fur. Tail. Whatever."

Despite Draconicon's assurances, the wolf was a little concerned. Even if he did it right, he would be losing a teacher that he really needed. If he got it wrong, then there was nothing ahead for him but more humiliation, and he'd had his fill of that.

But with the way Draconicon was looking at him, he didn't seem to have much of a choice.

Taking a deep breath, Crisp lifted his hands. Gathering the magic energy he had - which he always visualized as a fire in his stomach - he held his hands down over his belly. The light of the spell formed between his palms, leaving a tingling, almost static feeling between them, tickling a bit. He spoke the word that gave it form, and the light turned green just as he flung it out.

His hands had barely started moving before the dragon reacted, twitching a finger and speaking another word that Crisp didn't know. A shimmering wall sprung around the dragon, and in the second or two it took for the wolf's spell to touch it, Crisp already knew it wasn't going to do a thing.

However, he didn't expect it to rebound off of Draconicon's shield so strongly. Rather than coming back at the same speed or less, it seemed to suddenly speed up as it bounced off. His eyes went wide just before his own spell hit him in the chest, knocking him to the ground again. Just like in the locker room, he'd managed to hit himself with the spell rather than his opponent.


Not again! This was just like what had happened before. Every time he thought he was getting better, he got worse. Crisp lowered his head, waiting for the first humiliating order.

If it was an order, though, it was in a language that he didn't know. He looked up at his teacher, and blinked as he realized that Draconicon was casting another spell. A blue light spread across his body, and the wolf leaped up without needing to be ordered. He lifted and lowered his hands in wonder.

"Something the matter, wolf?"

"I...I can move."

"Yes, fairly obviously and fairly well."

"No, no, I didn't make me do things. The last time that happened -"

"Ah, yes, you fell victim to it then, didn't you?"

Crisp nodded.

"Well, we'll work on your response to it, then. One of the best defenses - aside from not hitting yourself with the spell in the first place - is to speak up as quickly as possible. If you are the first to speak, you won't be the one under another's control. However, there are many other body control spells that don't work that way, and no matter who speaks, the caster of the spell is the one to have control.

"Allow me to show you one. Raise the best shield you can. You'll need it."

Oh...crap. Even as the dragon lifted his hands, Crisp tried to think through all the spells he knew. Fire summoning, fireballs, telekinesis, even the controlling another spell were ones that he'd managed to learn to some extent, but shields? They'd never been part of the curriculum.

"No, wait -"

Even as he threw his hand up, there was no way he could stop the green light flying towards him. If anything, the gesture only affected him faster, leaving him gripping the ball of light as it slammed into him. Crisp hit the floor again, crumbling up like a rag-doll as he was covered with the spell. It sunk into him, feeling like a second suit of skin over his fur, and it seemed to squeeze him tighter with each passing second. He swore that there were some sort of strings connecting his body to the dragon, as well.

"Hmm, you don't seem to have much knowledge of shields, considering your first thought was to simply use your hand."

He tried to open his mouth and respond, but his body wouldn't listen to him. It was like his body just couldn't move, like he was a puppet, almost.

"Well, that will be simple enough to teach. And it is about time to show you the other part of our relationship, as well. I might as well let you find out now rather than later."


"You didn't think that it was merely room and board that paid my services, did you?"

The dragon twitched his fingers, and Crisp's body rose to standing in less than a second. The movements were unnatural and strange, and he felt a little chill run down his spine. He wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but it still left him feeling strange.

"You are now under my control, until I release you from it, or until you can break free. You may try as much as you like, but I don't think you have the power to break out of my spell. Please try, though; I'd like to be surprised."

Oh, he was trying. He was trying very hard, struggling with his body as it continued to move in ways that he didn't want. As his hands reached down, Crisp tried to pull his arms back. He tried to take a step, tried to say something. Hell, he just tried to blink an eye and it didn't work. Nothing on his body was listening to his commands, and when he was trying to move something that his teacher wasn't directly controlling, it was like trying to move a limb that had completely fallen asleep. Floppy at best, nothing at worst.

He was in the middle of trying to look somewhere else when he realized that his jacket was on the floor and his shirt was rising over his head. The sudden barrier of the cotton in front of his face woke him up from his struggles, and he felt much more worried.

What is he doing?!

"I'm seeing what I have to work with, Crisp. You have a nicely toned chest, I must say. Nothing large, but you aren't scrawny or fat. It's a nice change from most of the students I have to deal with."

Please, please don't be hitting on me. I didn't ask you here for that.

"Hitting on you? Hardly. I'm merely arranging a little show for myself tonight. Not that I see you complaining that much."

That's because I can't talk!

"I wasn't meaning vocally, Crisp."

Then what-

His head was bent down as his shirt came off, and he saw just what the dragon was talking about. Crisp's face started burning as he saw the erection developing in his jeans, already starting to swell upwards and press towards the waistband of his pants.

"You are not badly endowed. You might be a stripper at a men's club and done well for yourself, if this goes badly for you."

The wolf had nothing to say to that as the dragon's magic forced his hands downwards. At least it wasn't happening the way it had with the shoes, he supposed.

"Ah, so your proclivity for shoes is not entirely for their aesthetics, is it?"

...No, no no, don't you dare!

"I believe, Crisp, you need to learn a great deal more lessons. The first of which is, you cannot say no to your master."

The dragon's finger pointed down to his shoes. The wolf felt them suddenly heat up, growing far hotter around his feet, to the point where he swore he was starting to burst out in a sweat. He groaned, impotently squirming as the shoes were surrounded by a black, then a green light as the dragon worked his magic over them.

Then, just as suddenly, they stopped. They were still, quiet, and looked completely normal again. Crisp sighed in relief.

Then the buttons of his jeans were grabbed, by shoelaces.

Crisp howled in surprise and some fear in his mind, watching as his jeans were unbuttoned by his own shoelaces. They were impossibly long and strong, and very dexterous, pulling his buttons apart and undoing his zipper in seconds. They pulled at the edges of his pants, yanking his jeans down further and further until they were pooled around his ankles, just above his shoes.

Worst of all, they were very interested in his bulge. The wolf whimpered as he felt the ends of the laces stroking along the bulge in his red briefs, rubbing over it and encouraging it to continue growing. He shuddered, his eyes closing -

Wait...I can move?

"Oh, you can move, but not well. The shoes have you now, and they'll make quite the show with your body."

Crisp had no idea what the dragon was talking about. But now that he had his hands free, he could protect himself. He reached down for his pants, intent on covering himself again. No sooner had he reached for his pants, though, than the shoelaces grabbed him, one set wrapping around his wrists and pulling them behind him, tied together and held just above the base of his tail.

The other laces held his bulge still, rubbing it and encouraging it. Crisp whimpered as it stroked him, the tip of his tent starting to get a little bit wet as the lace teased him higher and higher.

Draconicon laughed, sipping at his tea.

"My, my, but you are a regular pervert, aren't you?"

"What are - mmmph - you talking about? You're making it happen!"

"Ah, perhaps, but with your reactions? There is little doubt that you like it. Look at that, your erection is nearly splitting that underwear open."

It's not my fault I have a boner. You're making it stroke me, he thought as the laces pulled his underwear tighter, squeezing it down on his cock. It didn't help that the hands pressed against his back shoved his hips forward, and he swore that the laces were deliberately shoving him forward and back, making him thrust against his underwear front.

"Boner, hmm? That is such a childish word for that. I mean, truly, erection almost implies something grand. But boner? It's as silly as your little reaction is. And I do mean, little."

Crisp blushed worse and worse, groaning as his wet spot got bigger from the continued teasing. The shoes marched him forward without warning, carrying him towards the dragon. They were clunky steps, like the green shoes from before, and he almost fell over twice. By the time he reached the dragon, he would have been grateful for the hand his teacher reached out to support him, were it not rubbing his crotch.

"Yes, quite visible, but quite a little boner, here. You are more of a pup than a wolf, aren't you?"

"I'm not...I'm not a pervert..."

"I'd say you are. I mean, look at you. So hard, so throbbing, even leaking just from having your clothes taken off. I'd say you almost like being controlled, shown off. Heh, it's twitching even more now, isn't it?"

He shook his head, even though he felt his cock throbbing hard than ever. It was almost big enough to push past the waistband, too; how could the dragon think that was small?

"Little closet pervert. Just my luck to get a student that wants to show off all the time. Well, if that's the case, your shoes and I will help you do it. Go, get me some sugar."

The shoes turned him around, the heels clicking together sharply as Crisp was forced to face the other way. He yelped as he was stomped along through the kitchen, all the way back to the cupboards. As he moved, he could feel his underwear getting tighter and tighter, squeezing on his rump, and he knew that Draconicon was watching it as he got up on tiptoes to get at the sugar.

"Yes, that's it. Little pervert, getting all hard from showing off his body. Turn around."

The shoes actually made him jump this time. Crisp yelped as he was spun around, his hands pulled back behind his back now that he had the sugar, his heels clicking together in mid-air before they hit ground again. His boner, too, was bouncing, nearly falling out of his underwear through the y-front.

"Dance him back to me, shoes. See if the little pervert will let his boner out. I want to give him every chance."

Without warning, he was tap-dancing. His feet hit the floor rather hard, bouncing along as he was gradually taken across the kitchen. His legs were moving violently fast, and each jostling motion was swinging his cock around more and more inside of his briefs, making it grind against the increasingly wet cloth on the inside. Crisp whimpered, trying to make his legs stop, but he couldn't even make them slow down.

Gradually he danced across the floor, his shoes carrying him closer and closer to the dragon, but in the slowest possible fashion. Side to side he tapped, his shoes clacking out a rhythm on the floor that was so fast, so hard to follow. His muscles burned, but there was no stopping it, no slowing it down.

The wolf panted hard as he reached the halfway point, his boner almost completely exposed through his red briefs. It was leaking so much that they clung to him like a shirt in a wet t-shirt contest, and he knew everything was on display. He blushed, trying not to think about it, and looked up at his master to beg for mercy.

There was none to be had. Draconicon's robes were open, and between the reptile's legs was a hard cock over a foot long, extending well past even the mage's large hand. Crisp's eyes widened as he was slowly danced closer and closer to it, leaning back even as his body took him closer.

"Little pervert, staring at me. I thought you wanted to show off, not ogle someone else."

"You're the one showing off to me."

"And you're the one that's about to blow a load in your underwear, little boner pup."

He finally tap-danced his way to the table. The laces let him put the sugar next to the dragon's tea, but then grabbed his hands and pulled them forward, pulling them down to the wolf's crotch. The laces squeezed his hands hard, making sure that they covered his bulge in the perfect spot to grind against.

And then they made him hump. Crisp gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head as he was forced to grind himself against his hands like a literal horny pup, whimpering and looking away.

"Come on, boner pup. Cum for your master. You may as well. You are mine, now, and you are going to be a fun little student to play with. Cum for me, pup. Cum in your underwear, and show me where you belong."

The shoes forced him down on his knees, his nose barely a few inches away from the dragon's large cock as he continued to hump and grind. He could feel his own pre running through his underwear, covering his hands as his cheeks burned.

"I...I don't...I'm not..."

"You're a perverted boner boy, and that's all you are." The dragon smiled. "Anything else, you have to earn. Cum for your master, boner boy. Cum, like the pervert you are."

There was no way he could resist. He was driven too far, and his mind was too weak to hold back. Just as he came, the laces yanked his hands out of the way, leaving him to hump against empty air as he came, his crotch suddenly soaked with his own cum, and his load oozing out of his underwear to drip down to the ground. He panted, gasping and whimpering in humiliation as he was made to cum all over himself that way.

He didn't have time to think about it for long, however. As soon as he finished shooting, the dragon's cock was right back in front of him, waving back and forth in front of him like a hypnotic pendulum.

"A perverted little boner pup like you is a difficult student to teach. Starting tomorrow, I will have to make a number of adjustments to your daily routine, and to your wardrobe, to make sure you can handle yourself. For tonight, however, I will ensure that you learn your place, and that you will never forget it."

"What...what do you mean?"

"A student is never to be considered an equal to his master. The master has knowledge, power, and wisdom that he can share. He offers protection, both from the use of other masters, and the abuse of other students. The master is someone that has the power to lift you beyond the realm of mere man of study, and onto a level like his own.

"As such, a master is someone that must be given everything. Food, board...and obedience."

The dragon's swollen cock seemed to drip with a musky scent the way that Crisp's still dripped with cum. His master pushed it forward, the shaft rubbing against Crisp's lips.

"I believe you know what your next order is, boner pup."

This can't be happening. I just wanted to learn magic. I just wanted to be able to be safe, he thought, even as he panted for breath, still recovering from his own massive, if humiliating orgasm.


And, not knowing if it was of his own will or not, Crisp pulled the dragon's cock into his mouth. He had the feeling that he would be doing more than this for the first night, much, much more.

He just hoped that it was worth it.

The End