Chapter 1 - Fear of Murder

Story by Lionhart on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Worlds One Heart

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. FURRIES are to appear later in the series. This is done on purpose. Kitty is human not furry.

"Liek" is pronounced as "leek"

Chapter 1 â€" Fear of Murder

Location - ????

"Are you who they call ‘Grim the Doc'?"

"So what if I am?"

"I need you to help me. I don't have much time left!"

"Time? For what? Living?"

"Yes! I want you to help me with this!"

"Ah, a parasite level A. I could help you but what will you do in return?"

"Anything! Anything you ask for! No questions asked or said!"

"If that's the case, then give me your hand and we'll start right away."


"Yes, my new creature. We."


Location - Liek's House: Liek's Room

"Wake up, sweetie. It's almost time for school," said a mother voice.

"Leave me alone mom," said a teenage boy.

"Liek, you told me to wake you up today. Besides, I made you some waffles so don't make me feel guilty about my actions," said Liek's mother.

"I'm the one who's supposed to feel guilty," said Liek as he sat up in his bed.

"That's right!" exclaimed Liek's mother.

"Seriously, where'd your commonsense go?" questioned Liek quietly.

"Hurry up and get dressed," said Liek's mother as she left the room.

As you can guess, I'm Liek. If not, then I just told you who I am. Ya, the teenager who doesn't want to wake up. My mom is lovable but I sometimes wonder what will happen if she loses her head when I'm not around.

" jeans, matching white socks, ‘Hate Me Cause I'm Poor' shirt, and grey bandanna," said Liek rummaging through his drawers.

Back on topic, I'm Liek. Sixteen years old, ivory colored eyes, blue hair, and a pretty tan complexion. Smart, hyper, and your overall typical teenage person. Ya know, play sports, lazy, mingle-crazy, games, anything a teenager does in a sense. I have more fun sleeping to tell you the truth.

"Fuck! I lost my friends Kingdom Hearts II! She's gonna kill me!" said Liek in a panic as he rummaged under piles of papers.

"It's in your backpack! You told me that before you went to sleep in case you think you lost the game!" shouted Liek's mother from the kitchen.

"Thanks mom!" shouted Liek back.

I'm forgetful as well. But that's a whole different story that can be told on the day of my death which will not come anytime soon.

Location: Liek's House: Kitchen

"There you are. I thought you would be skipping breakfast and giving me your mother's wonderful food," said a deep voice as Liek sat down on the kitchen table.

"These look great!" exclaimed Liek as he devoured his food.

"Where are your manners? You forgot to hit your father on the head for me again," said Liek's mother washing the dishes.

Liek's father dropped the morning paper and covered his head before running around the corner. Liek looked up and started to shake with laughter at how strange his father is acting at the table.

"Why did you have to say that!? Don't I get enough when I get home?" whined Liek's father.

"No. You need to have more discipline," smiled Liek's mother.

Every time my mom smiles at my dad, he always shivers in fear and I can't understand why. I tried asking my dad once but he evaded the whole subject entirely though I can't say for sure if that's what really happened. According to mom though, when they were in their youth, she had to constantly strike my dad just to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. Just a few months ago I got assigned to do that in the morning for God knows what reasons. Sometimes I "forget" to do that just to spare him but no hit escapes my mom's eye.

"I thought I had enough after we got married! It's enough to be chained down to you but to also get hit by my own son!? This is going way too far!" complained Liek's father.

"It's for your own good," said Liek's mother smiling some more with a knife in her hand.

"Stop smiling!" shouted Liek's father before dashing out of view and out of the house for work.

"I love doing this," said Liek's mother returning to her work.

"Thanks for the breakfast mom. I'm gonna go and meet up with my friend now," said Liek as he got out of his seat and placed the dishes next to his mother.

"Anytime sweetie. Don't forget you have an appointment today after school," said Liek's mother as he rounded the corner and left the house.

My dad is an awesome person though I sometimes question his motive. For a smart guy with his glasses and everything, he doesn't seem to think things through very well. One time, my dad and I decided to make fruit punch. I kept emphasizing that we need a juicer to make it but he actually took the name literally and punched the fruit quite a lot without even considering the consequences. Mom wasn't very happy when she found out about the stains on the cabinet doors and walls. Yet, he's a great guy since he's always there for me. I mean ALWAYS there for me.

Location: Aoma Park

"Where is she?" said Liek impatiently. "If she doesn't show up in the next -"

"Next what!?" shouted a voice from behind Liek.

"WAAHH!" exclaimed Liek as he stumbled forward.

"Jeez, you're way too easy to scare at times," said the voice.

"I told you to stop doing that! My doctor says I'm going to get a heart attack if this keeps up! A HEART ATTACK!! What don't you get about the words ‘heart' and ‘attack'!?" shouted Liek.

"Um...they don't exist in my vocabulary. Now where's my Kingdom Hearts II?" asked the voice.

This is Kitty, my sneaky friend that will give me a heart attack when I least suspect it. She's a great person and everything but I don't think she really cares about my health unless I was to suddenly die on the spot. I wish someone would do that to her one day. Her half vicious personality is okay but it terrifies everyone who meets her for the first time.

"It's in my -" began Liek.

"You lost it didn't you! I bet you lost it. Since you lost my game, I'm going to rip your head off and give your body to hungry dogs that will tear you apart limb by limb!" shouted Kitty.

"NO! Here's your game back! Now don't feed me to vicious dogs that will tear me apart limb by limb!" shouted Liek giving Kitty her game back.

"Thank you," said Kitty kindly.

"Sometimes I wonder how your family loves you so much," said Liek as he began to walk away from her.

"Don't leave a poor defenseless girl alone. I'm weak and scrawny and I need somebody to protect me from the harsh cruel world," said Kitty innocently.

Usually Aoma Park would be deserted of many people and the idea of the poor defenseless girl wouldn't really work. Today was completely different, the moment I saw a large crowd of muscular guys walking in our direction. From the guess of their looks, they're self-conscious and cocky. Not to mention show offs. I'm guessing they heard and the next thing I knew, I'm pushed aside as they surrounded Kitty.

"Don't worry you cute babe. I'll protect you," said muscular guy one.

"No! I'll protect you. Look at my guns of steel," said muscular guy two flexing his two arms.

They all are basically saying similar things as they try to win Kitty's affection and interest but that soon will come to an end since she was never fond of guys like them.

"Um...who are you people?" asked Kitty.

"We're you're knight in shining in armor," said one of the muscular men.

"If you're my knight in shining arming, then where's your armor you stupid muscle heads!?" shouted Kitty.

And so the emotional killing begins...sort of.

"If I needed some help, then I would have called for it would I have not!? You and your muscles should go and fuck off! Better yet, go fuck each other cause I know you guys can't land a perfect date with the best sex you've ever had!" continued Kitty.

"But..." began one of the muscular men.

"But nothing you steroid loving shit heads! Get out of my face or I'll make you disappear myself!" shouted Kitty even louder.

Wow, rage beyond the imagination. Didn't think that was even possible for Kitty. Not to mention that this is scaring the crap out of me no matter how I look at it.

"What are you waiting for!? My approval!? Get lost you faggots!" snapped Kitty as she started to send out random punches.

The muscular men ran off and Kitty was next to me again. What torture do I have to go through now as my day continues with this crazy person I call friend.

Location â€" Valley High School: Entrance

"And so I pounded his head in and he didn't even know what hit him," said Kitty throwing her arms around.

"Such a violent story...again," said Liek.

I'll never walk to school with her again. She's way too crazy with violence when it comes down to it. At least I'm at the school entrance though because we don't get to see each other for the rest of the day thankfully. A completely normal day of school here I come.

"Well, I gotta get to class so I'll see you later," said Liek as he dashed onto the campus.

"Hey!" shouted Kitty but Liek pretended not to hear it and continued to run.

Location â€" Valley High School: Center of Campus (Noon)

"The school is bustling with noise. Why's that?" asked some guy next to Liek.

"Dunno. Let's ask around," said Liek.

"No need to. The answers on the stage," said the guy pointing to a ring of people around a cement stage.

This guy is one of my friends, Jared. Though I don't know much about him things haven't gone sour between us its cool. To think I'd get a normal school day. I was way off the moment I looked at what was on the stage.

"Coming through! Make way! Observers from the outside looking in!" shouted Jared as Jared and Liek made their way into the ring.

What was on that stage was something I wished I never saw in my whole entire life.

"Common, let us through already!" exclaimed Jared.

Little did I know that this was going to change my life forever or so I believe. I watch way too many action movies.

"Okay people, clear out so the officials can get through!" shouted a teacher.

Everyone backed away so that the officials, the police, could see what was going on but the moment they got a glimpse, half of them looked like they were going to throw up on the spot. Things couldn't have looked worse but it did.

"Holy fucking shit!" exclaimed Jared as he fell onto his butt.

Daring to look or not to look is what occurred to me and I took the chance but waited a little longer.

"Oh my god," muttered the teacher.

That's when I decided to look. Upon the stage was a body. Mangled, torn every where, bloody in most areas. I even saw the guts hanging out. This even though the hand was pretty beaten up and broken, you can still make out the fact that it used to be a fist or that it held something.

"W-w-w-who i-i-is th-th-that p-p-p-p-p-person?" asked Jared shaking.

"You tell me," said Jared.

At that moment, I felt like I was being watched by somebody from afar but very far away, some place I can't see or reach easily.

"Get that thing off the stage!" commanded the teacher.

It took a while for the officials to respond but they quickly cleaned up the body and the blood on the ground before leaving. I was so dazed that I didn't know where I was going and ended up following them. It only took me a few steps before I snapped out of the daze due to a loud explosion. The group of officials' screams was mixed in with the explosion as I starred into the flames and flying body parts.

"Th-th-that body w-w-was r-r-r-r-rigged!" stuttered Jared.

"Wants going on?" muttered some of the observers as more and more people gathered around the incident.

I am the closest person to the explosion but no matter what I try, my legs refused to move. I am paralyzed by complete fear. Fear from what though.

Chapter 2 - AIM

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. FURRIES are to appear later in the series. This is done on purpose. Kitty is human. "Liek" is pronounced like the word "leek" * * * Chapter 2 â€" AIM ...


Chapter 9 - Trust

Chapter 9 - Trust * * * "Isn't this just dandy?! Flying over the great fields and the pretty grass," said Gilbert looking ahead of him. "This would be much better of the land behind us didn't have pockets of fire and things shooting lasers...

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Chapter 4 - Heartless or Not

DISCLAIMER: All characters cannot be used without my permission since this is a reflection of a certain life. Some events are fiction but the thoughts are true. * * * Chapter 4 â€" Heartless or Not * * * Leo returned to the two gates...

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