Chapter 61: Bang Bang! He shot me down...

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#61 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these Pokémon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 61: Bang, bang! He shot me down...

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 61

"I wonder if they heard us?" pondered Suicune, before shooting a startled eye at Storm when the typhlosion snorted derisively.

"No, Suicune. They failed to hear the ruckus you and your brothers made, by burying their heads up their collective arses!"

Suicune primly pretended to ignore the jibe, but muttered to himself snidely "Wouldn't surprise me, being human and all. They clearly have a penchant for that." But he kept the comment from the ears of the pokémon Ranger, as Storm returned to examining the room around them.

Chris grinned, his eyes fixed on Scott as he and Skyy waited for the Ranger to take the lead. He'd originally assumed the police special forces would head the operation, but with the three huge legendary Pokémon overwhelming the party, it appeared they'd had a change of heart, relegating themselves to the rear rather than risk consequences in contradicting the huge monsters.

Cameron clearly wasn't of the same mind, as he stepped over to have a hurried discussion with the two Rangers, leaving Chris and Skyy time to scope out the room they'd emerged into.

Not that there was much to examine. It was big, empty and dark; three things Chris had long since associated with "bad, m'kay!" A low hum echoed through the chamber, distant machinery sending a thrumming vibration through the concrete, which the human could feel even through the thick rubber soles of his steel capped boots.

When Skyy stepped closer, furred arm brushing his own, Chris gave the Pokémon a warm look, not missing the nervous shaking underlying his friend's demeanor. Resting a palm on his shoulder, Chris muttered quietly "S'okay?"

The lucario shot him a toothy smirk, replying in a false Mexican accent "S'alright!" which quirked Chris's lip, amused despite himself at the Pokémon's quick grasp of his worlds culture, until Scott let out a low cough from behind them, drawing their attention.

As the group conference, the human Ranger turned to Cameron and Storm, receiving a nod from each in turn, and said in a low voice "OK, the plan is to split into two groups. Storm and I will be accompanied by Cameron, Chris, Skyy, and Raikou, as well as you three officers. Jimmy and Azil will be coming with us. We'll try and make it upstairs to the executive floors and find out who is ultimately in charge of this fiasco. The rest of you will be led by Bill and Shadow, and need to determine where that damned portal is located. Secure the area, and ensure the thing is stable. Last we need is to have that blow sky high and take us out with it. Radio contact is to be kept to a minimum, but all essential information is to be relayed through either myself or Storm. Any questions?"

Suicune turned his head quickly, giving his brothers a startled glance, but received no satisfaction from either as they studiously ignored him. As Scott made to continue, he cleared his throat loudly, the sound harsh in the large area as he demanded "I want to go with Chris."

Scott, unsurprised at the request, stepped before the blue legendary and said quietly "I know, Suicune. I understand that. But I need you to deal with the portal. It's you, or Entei, and who can I trust to do the job properly?"

Entei, who had overheard the Ranger's reply, gave the pair a dry look, but his slightly manic grin did little to contradict the Ranger's blunt assessment.

Somewhat taken aback, but still pleased with the perceived compliment, Suicune replied "Well, you are right, of course. But still... Raikou could...." He petered off as Scott shook his head, before lowering his own and sighing. "I guess you are right, Ranger. I will go with the others."

Smiling, Scott patted the blue furred neck and was about to continue again, when a hard tugging on his trouser leg had him drop his eyes in surprise. Sparky, a determined look on her face, gazed up at him and said "Chu?" pointing to herself with a clawed digit.

Scott pursed his lip, wondering what to do with the exhausted raichu, but finally relented, squatting down as he asked "I can't tell you what to do, Sparky. But I assume you're here to search for Jasper?"

At her definite nod, he sighed and gave her a sympathetic look. "I'd think you'd be most likely finding about him downstairs here, but it's up to you. If you'd prefer to accompany us upstairs, you're free to..."

Sparky shook her head, pointing towards Bill and Shadow, where the pair stood with Rodney and the bulk of the police. Straightening her shoulders, she strode over to join the luxray, who gave her a long glance, followed by a short conversation in pokéspeak. When Shadow then gave him a quizzical stare, Scott shrugged in return, and she turned back to Bill, eyes intent on her trainer as he watched on quietly.

Good girl, Scott thought, as he stepped back to Storm's side. She'll look after the raichu and get her through this, if anyone can. Assuming we all get through this, he thought dryly to himself, but shook the thought aside as he resumed his speech, eyes locked on the police officers whom he thought a little too relaxed for his liking.

"Now that's settled, I want toemphasisehow much danger we're likely in. Complacency will get you killed, as Storm and some of the others can vouch. They're fanatics. These bastards have already dropped two buildings on us, will readily take out their own people just to kill our own, and they won't likely hesitate to do it again. I don't think I need to point out what will happen if they blow the portal prematurely, as we've discussed this in depth. Let me make clear, this is a "take no prisoners" mission. If you see someone acting suspiciously, shoot first, question later."

A few of the officers shot Cameron nervous looks, but when the chief didn't acknowledge their query, they soon realisedhe wasn't going contradict the Ranger. Eyes grim, they didn't question further.

Scott, having noted their stance, smiled tightly to himself. Professionals, he thought in satisfaction. Thank Arceus I can hopefully rely on them to do what's needed!

"Our goal is eliminate this risk from both worlds once and for all. Take them down, take them out, and for Arceus sake, if it doesn't look human, be careful around it! Make sure who or what it is BEFORE taking a pot shot at it. We don't need to bring down our own with friendly fire!"

As the groups separated, Bill gave Scott and Storm a loaded smile over his shoulder as he cautiously made his way from the room, their quiet footsteps receding down the concrete corridor towards the apparent source of the vibration. Consulting the building plans, Scott had narrowed down their likely path, and guided his group in the opposite direction towards the emergency stairwells the plans stated were located at each building corner. The others followed quietly, caution over speed as they slipped through the darkened hallways towards their target staircase.

Of all things, it was Skyy who spotted the oddity; several stray pieces of wire insulation left carelessly near the stairwell's fire escape entrance. Out of place in the otherwise spotlessly clean service hallway, he spoke up abruptly, startling the officers who had all but ignored the lucario as he walked silently beside Chris, paws making no noise on the polished concrete beneath them.

"Don't!" he hissed, and Storm froze in the act of reaching for the emergency staircase entry handle, clawed fingers closing on air as he drew back from the metal bar.

"What is it?" he questioned gruffly, as Cameron and Scott moved closer to examine the finding.

Picking up a piece, he handed it to the human Ranger, whose brow narrowed alarmingly. "I wonder..." he started, before his eyes widened, and he gestured for the group to make a hurried withdrawal back down the corridor.

As they regrouped around a corner from the stairway entrance, at the police chief's puzzled look Storm swore loudly and said "Same old tricks, it seems. These bastards need to learn some new tactics, I think. We'd better warn the others to be on the watch out for this sort of shit!"

As Cameron nodded, indicating for one of his men to pass on the information to the others, one of the human's approached to examine the wiring.

"Are you sure it's booby trapped?" he asked, shifting his shoulders beneath the weight of his combat gear. Even under his helmet, his blanching face as Storm leant down to glare at him, fangs bared in a snarl as he hissed "Wanna go try it and see? Me, I'm gonna wait here till we find out, cause I have all the scars I need already. Perhaps it's your turn to go boom?"

The officer gulped, shaking his head hurriedly, as Storm turned away, not missing the concerned look Scott shot him as the human Ranger said quietly "Keep it cool, big guy. They don't know these shitheads like we do."

Sighing, Storm offered the policeman a terse apology, which relieved the man's agitation somewhat, but Raikou pushed past them all, ignoring the danger to approach the door and set his nose close to the gap, breathing deeply at thealuminiumvented panel near the bottom.

"There is something there. A faint chemical smell, not at all pleasant. Harsh, like ammonia. It should not be present!" he concluded, as another of the troops stepped forward, squatting down beside the huge Pokémon to check.

While his nose had no hope of besting that of the legendary, he still swore as he climbed to his feet. "Agreed. We occasionally catch the same concentrated aroma of C4 in storage, back in the bomb squad demolitions room. The thing is probably rigged."

"Can you disarm it?" Scott questioned, unsurprised when the officer shook his head.

"Without the right equipment, and in the limited time we have, I have Buckley's chance. I'd need to see what we're dealing with, and for that, I need my gear from back at base. I'm sorry." He finished apologetically, eye darting to Cameron, who fobbed off the regret without reprimand.

"We can't plan for every eventuality, son. But it begs the question; where do we go from here?"

"We could always take the main lift?" spoke up Chris, surprised when the party turn to him in astonishment. "I mean, come on! They still need to get upstairs somehow. Not every route can be booby trapped, and the execs here would need some way to get in and out. Why not use the most obvious?"

"Kid has a point, Scott" rumbled Storm, reaching out to give Chris's hair a ruffle. Grinning back, Chris shrugged, and said "Worth a look?"

"Indeed!" Said Scott, motioning for the party to follow, as they left the hallway back towards the building interior.

As Shadow turned to see their friend's party depart into the darkness opposite, she sighed and pressed gently against Bill's leg for comfort. Almost unconsciously, his hand found her head, stroking her ears as he followed behind Suicune and Entei. He'd sent the two big Pokémon ahead of the humans, their keen senses much more adept at picking up anyone thinking of ambushing them than his own, or those of his human entourage.

Even so, Bill continued having trepidations that the Ranger's decision to put him in charge of the second party was the correct choice. He was well aware that there were others in the group more experienced, and certainly better trained, and while he was no novice officer, he couldn't help but think the decision could prove costly.

"Don't let it worry you" a voice spoke from just behind, and Bill started, spinning his head to regard the aboriginal man pacing beside them, as Rodney gave him an inscribable look.

"I don't..." he began, ready to refute his concerns, but petered off as Rodney shook his head, resettling the heavy shotgun on his shoulder more comfortably as he stepped closer.

"You're wondering why he put you in charge, right? Wondering whether they made the right decision, or even if you're up for it?"

Startled, Shadow looked into her partners face, worried at the concern she saw flicker in his eyes he'd attempted to conceal, as Bill gave an imperceptible nod, not meeting her gaze.

Rodney shrugged, and looked at the other officers before them. "They don't get it, kid. You, or her. They don't understand" he spoke quietly, gesturing towards the luxray between them. "They don't have the mentality to look past all that fur, to the people lurking beneath. You, on the other hand, you know all 'bout that, right?"

Confused a moment, Bill blushed suddenly, exchanging a quick glance at Shadow, who dryly turned to regard the dark skinned human beside her.

Chuckling suddenly, white teeth gleaming in the torch light, Rodney flashed them a broad grin, and said "Don't let it worry you none. I don't make no judgementsthere, and I know Scott made the right decision. You might be a little green, but you know who the real people are, and who aren't, and it's got nothing to do with them being human. Been a bit of an eye opener meeting up with her and her kin" he said, nodding towards Shadow, "but the universe is turning out to be a much bigger place than anyone originally thought. Some won't like it, but sucks to be them. Gonna happen regardless. Let's face it; it's only people like you and her that's got a chance of making it work for everyone."

"That's if we all get through this in one piece" Bill muttered wryly, giving Shadow a look as she snorted in dry amusement. Still, Rodney wasn't wrong, he thought, and didn't reply further as Suicune and Entei abruptly halted before a large set of steel, reinforced doors, through which a muted humming could be indistinctly heard, heavy vibrations clearly felt through the floor beneath.

Stepping past the police, Bill rested a hand on Suicune's shoulder and asked quietly "Is this it? This the place?"

Suicune nodded absently, nose pressed to the crack of the door as he inhaled deeply, breath whiffing as he scented the air seeping from within.

"Yes, the portal is within. We can feel it!" he muttered, before turning abruptly and hissing "Yet it is not alone in there. I smell humans; lots of them."

"I hear them, too" interjected Shadow in Pokéspeak, drawing Suicune's eyes as he gave the luxray a curt nod. "Lots of humans."

As the police officers accompanying them leant closer to overhear, Bill sighed, rubbing his face as he considered their options. "So, it's a trap, unsurprisingly. We knew it couldn't be as easy as this the entire operation. So, how do we handle it?"

"I could blow them all up?" said Entei brightly, eyeing the door with childlike enthusiasm.

Sparky snorted, shaking her head wryly as Bill calmed the big excitable Pokémon. "The portal is in there, remember? The entire "boom is bad" talk we had earlier?"

Sighing, Entei nodded. "Oh, alright then. Spoil my fun. Well then, how about I heat up that door, and Suicune then hits the superheated metal with an ice blast, blowing through it? It'd steam up straight away too, provide us with both an opening into the room, and concealing cover?"

Suicune opened his mouth to retort, then paused, considering the option. "Actually, that's rather an inspired idea, brother. However did you come up with it?"

Entei rolled his eyes, giving Bill a piercing look as he muttered to himself "Play the fool, and everyone thinks you're an idiot. I know you're ultra intelligent, but the rest of us are not all imbeciles, "Princess"!"

Suicune shot him a furious stare, the insult cutting deep, but Rodney coughed, interrupting their bickering. "Priorities, people. This is not the time or place for bickering amongst ourselves. We open the doors, make cover, then what?"

"Not get shot?" grumbled Suicune, silenced when the aboriginal man glared at him. "Oh, alright. I'll try and freeze the place. Is that satisfactory?"

Bill glanced at Shadow, then his fellow officers, who nodded. "Fine! But first, can you build a thick wall of ice in front of us here, about five foot high, to give us some temporary protection while you're going at it."

Still smarting, Suicune turned away and went to his task, his ministrations forming a large ridge of ice before the group over two meters thick, which curled around the corridor giving them a means of retreat, should they need it. In the meantime, Entei moved to the forefront, blasting the door with superheated plasma, as trickling trails of molten steel began pooling at its base.

Crouching down before Shadow, Bill met her eyes and asked "Once the doors are gone, do you think you can take out anyone in there? I'd rather not kill them, but..."

Uncertainty flickered across her brow as she glanced at the door, before determination kicked in. Nodding sharply, she nuzzled Bill's cheek, receiving a warm caress in return. The young officer stood, letting the luxray past as she took up position beside Suicune, as the remainder of the group huddled behind the makeshift protective ice wall.

Radiant heat sent trickles of water running down the barrier to pool at their feet, even as the roar ceased and Entei stepped back into view, muttering "It's done. Blow the bastard and let's get this started!"

Suicune needed no further encouragement, maw parting wide to send a beam of intense blue energy from his throat, meeting the bright red glow of the superheated metal doors with a sharp, cracking detonation.

The steel shattered, exploding backwards into the portal room in a shower of sharp projectiles. Angry cries from within suggested at least some found targets, although the sudden dense mist enveloping the room prevented the group seeing anyone within.

Still, they made their presence felt, as a hail of fire hammered the barrier wall before them, showering them with shards of ice. Hunching down further into protection, Bill gave Shadow a tight hug, her paw hooked around his neck as she drew him close, and he whispered into her ear "Go do your thing, Kitten. Just be careful!"

Pulling back, she nuzzled his cheek affectionately, and said dryly "I will try not to get shot."

Nodding, he released her after a final hug, mindless of the looks he received from his fellow officers, and she sped away into the mist in a black and blue blur, coat already sparking with pent up energy as she sought her targets.

Miraculously, none of the bullets struck her, and she began throwing bolts of energy towards the sources of fire, sharp cries of pain confirming for her she was hitting her targets. But as the new source of attack became apparent, and with the fog starting to lift, she found it increasingly difficult to avoid the tracers now aimed in her direction. The enemy soldiers, hunkered down behind their own concrete barriers, finally spotted her racing form, forcing the luxray to throw herself behind a massive concrete pylon, which splintered in shards across her as bullets peppered into it behind her.

Relief came in the form of a massive fireball from Entei, who ignored Bill's sharp reprimand and launched an attack which exploded within the enemy ranks, throwing several many yards away to lay motionless in a crumpled heap. Others screamed, rolling desperately to put out the clinging fire enveloping them. Still, enough remained active to keep the friendly forces out of the action, and a stalemate seemed inevitable, as neither party could gain any ground.

The status quo dragged on, even as Suicune added his own talents to the mix, but the legendary pair couldn't get a clear enough shot at the enemy to make their attacks count, wary of being struck themselves as they lined up their targets.

A sudden clamour in the enemy's ranks caused a lull in the shooting, soon followed by a sharp detonation as a grenade, thrown from behind the enemy, took out one group, their sharp screams echoing in the sudden quiet. Another followed, then automatic weapons fire took over, this time aimed to their rear, as the enemy turned to confront their new threat.

Shouting from where he had been sending shotgun blasts into the room, Rodney yelled "What's happening?" But before he finished, a lanky form staggered through the mist towards them, rifle dragging behind on its lanyard as the unknown human, clearly injured as it clutched its chest, headed their way.

One of the human police officers drew a bead on the form, but missed as Bill struck his arm, sending the shot wide. "No!" Bill shouted, as the man looked up towards him, pale, blood streaked face hinting at a grin as he stepped forward again.

"Jasper!" roared out Entei, ready to spring forward and assist the man, but from within the fog, several shots pierced the mist, striking the tall form who staggered under the impact.

Disbelief on his face, the disgraced gym leader froze a moment, blood blossoming across the tattered remains of his white shirt, before his eyes rolled and he collapsed in a heap mere meters before them.

A shriek, piercing the room, erupted from behind Bill, as Sparky sped past the barrier, mindless of the fire again directed towards them, to cower above her trainer, grasping his shirt frantically even as she cried out in panic.

Cursing, Bill made to stand, but was pushed down by Rodney, who sped towards the pair, ignoring the bullets. One shot grazed his shoulder, sending him staggering, but he made it to Jasper's side, grabbing the man's shirt collar and dragging him towards their lines. Mercifully, he made it back to safety without further incident, a frantic raichu clenching her fist at her sides as Rodney propped him up against the wall behind, wiping blood on his trousers absently as he knelt beside the stricken man, shaking his head at the gaping wounds leeching his life.

Bill called over one of the officers acting as paramedic, but one look told the officer it was hopeless, the pumping blood slowing as Jasper bled out before him. Still, he tore the sodden shirt open, large dressing pressed against the bloody mess in a vain attempt to slow the process.

Jasper's eyes fluttered open, bloodshot in his pale face, and he looked up at his rescuers with a wry, pain filled grin. "Fuck, that hurts!" he muttered, before his eyes caught Sparky's, opening in disbelief.

"You were dead! They told me you were dead!" he gasped, then coughed harshly, spasms racking his frame as he reached for the raichu, who threw herself against him, ignoring the mess matting her fur.

Caressing her with shaking arms, he said softly "I missed you so much, love." She nodded, face pressed tightly into his neck, before his eyes hardened, and he looked up at Bill, breath rattling as he coughed out "They're waiting for you upstairs, and in the entrance. When they knew you were here, they left me for dead, and I didn't do anything to make them think otherwise. So, I made it down here, and took a few out for you. Guess they got me, too."

Suicune's long face stretched down, taking in the dying man's form with lips tightly pressed. "You are forgiven, Jasper" he said finally, blinking as the gym leader reached up towards him, but failing as his arm dropped limply beside him.

Another cough, this one accompanied by a bright red splash of life blood, left his mouth, and Jasper gasped, clutching Sparky to him. "I hope your father will be as forgiving, Suicune. I just wish..."

But what he wished was never worded, as with a final gasp, he drew a last rattling breath and died before them...

The world froze for a moment, but only until Sparky let out a piercing shriek, shaking the dead human's shoulders in a frantic attempt to wake him. When it failed, she stood on short legs, eyes wide as a bloody paw went to her mouth in shock. But the eyes narrowed, the cries cut off, and she stood, gasping, looking down at her dead partner...her love...

Entei was the one to break the silence.

"Umm, folks? I think we should step back a bit."

All eyes rose from the dead Gym Leader to the legendary, who continued watching the raichu intently. "I'd suggest right now would be a good time..." he began, as a snarl left Sparky, fists clenching impotently as she arched up, tail raised as her form began glowing with power.

Staggering back, they retreated behind the corner of the corridor as a deep thrumming filled the air, static prickling their skin as the air came alive with energy. Bill dared a look, spying the raichu enveloped in a nimbus of power, sparks shooting from her form to scorch the walls and ceiling around her. When one missed him by inches, burning a deep hole into the concrete near his ear, he ducked back, meeting Suicune's shocked stare, as well as Entei's resigned one.

"Shit's going to happen now, human..." the legendary muttered as Bill, lost for words, shook his head. But what he'd planned to say froze in his mouth at yet another shriek sounded, this one of pure rage.

Sparky rose, ignoring the shots still volleying towards her. Those that met her glowing form simply evaporated, the projectiles no match for the energy coursing around her fur. Eyes ablaze, she took a step, then another, and then tore across the room towards the enemy, who sounded cries of alarm at her approach.

They had no chance against her quick attack, and before they had any opportunity to retaliate, she was within their midst, the energy surrounding her turning critical as with a final blood curdling cry, the power exploded from her, incinerating those enemy soldiers near her, and immolating the rest.

The blast shattered the ice barrier around the police and the Pokémon, sending several crashing into the walls with sharp retorts. The concussion was huge, and the humans in particular were dropped to their knees, hands clapped to their ears in pain as the concussion staggered them. Thankfully, the ice wall, while sustaining further damage, managed to fend off the bulk of the explosive attack, and they were spared more serious injury.

Once the air settled, static still making the hair on his neck rise, a shaking Bill climbed cautiously to his feet, chunks of the ice peppering his combat gear dropping to the floor as he stood looking into the chamber aghast at the destruction.

"Shadow..." he began, but staggered again as a black and blue blur launched itself at him from the smoking chaos, as the luxray, her arms and legs wrapped around him, hugged herself against him fiercely.

After a moment, she drew her face away, tears streaming down her cheeks as Entei approached with Suicune and Rodney, grim eyes fixed on the remains of the enemy position becoming visible through the murk, now just a smouldering crater surrounded by charred, and occasionally still twitching, corpses.

Of the raichu, nothing remained.

Shocked at the carnage, it took a moment for the implications to sink in until, finally, Bill gasped and said "Shit, the portal! Is it...?"

Entei nodded abruptly, forestalling him.

"It is intact, thankfully. The event horizon is stable, although I do not know for how long. The raichu didn't hold back in her final revenge."

Struggling to lift the heavy feline who refused to release him, Bill coughed at the acrid smoke filling the air and gasped "And the enemy?"

Suicune, an unusually grim look on his face, said with some satisfaction "Dead. All of them. She cleared them away for us."

Turning to stare down at Jasper's body, Bill sighed, bending to slide Shadow back onto the floor, where she stood shakily to press against his leg.

"Perhaps Jasper and Sparky are at peace now. At least we can hope that. But she bought for us our goal; the portal is ours, although the cost was so high. I just hope the others don't meet the same level of resistance."

Rubbing soot from his blackened face with a shaking hand, he beckoned for the rest of the group to approach, and it was only Rodney who heard him mutter "I just hope it was worth it..."

Outside the building, the remainder of the police force manned the barricades, keeping the increasingly aggressive media from entering the area. Several scuffles had already broken out, and the officer in charge, Inspector Colin Smith, had been forced to place several reporters under arrest for resisting police, which did nothing to alleviate the attitude of the rest.

Ignoring their demands for answers, Smith concentrated on the attempts to contact the force within. Since entering the building, no radio contact had been received from the group, and he was becoming increasingly concerned at the silence.

It was the distant rumble that broke his concentration from the communications team; a deep rumbling that shook the ground and was increasingly evident even over the raucous noise from the media rabble. Confused, Colin left the makeshift tent and froze as cries from the reporters, accompanied by their frantic retreat, turned the barrier area into a panicked sea of chaos.

From around the corner of the nearest building, the cause of the commotion became evident. Several tanks, along with a squad of heavily armed army personnel and APV's, approached their lines with obvious intent.

Shocked, he swore fluently, hurriedly retreating back into the tent to urge the technicians to double their efforts in reaching the group inside the building.

Cameron had to be warned. Jobes had arrived as promised... and he'd brought his friends with him.


Authors note:

**Arceus sake, this has been hard. What? Six months? Never had expected that, but then again, hadn't ever expected all the fucked up curves life's thrown me lately.


Life's been a thorough bitch, lately. Totally and completely.

Anyways, not saying things have improved, as they haven't, nor has the writer's block gone away, which hasn't either.

Sad thing is, I know exactly where I'm going with the rest of the story, but I'm struggling with it, for some fucked up reason.

Shit. I dunno. Need a new life.

So, back to the story. Long chapter, hard to write, likely fucked up a few things, but it's done. Which leaves the rest of it to go.

And for those who remember, I did promise some characters would die. I never said this would be all of them. Da da da DUM!

The end is nigh. I hope it exceeds expectations. Otherwise, I might not get enough O'W'L's to continue next year at Hogwarts.