1 Scarlett Waters Intro

Story by minatek616 on SoFurry

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This is the Intro scene for when you first meet Scarlett, from my adult furry game, Taboo: The Wild Wonderland.

Due to some problems, the game's development is on hold so I decided to at least upload the new stories here.

You may find the game here:https://sites.google.com/site/taboothewildwonderland/

To help Taboo get back up and running, please visit my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=612101

You discover a narrow cave along the craggy shores of the Cove. Being the adventurous sort, you decide to explore it and see what there is to see. The cave seems to have been naturally carved out of the thick gray stone surrounding you on all sides. Uneven footing has you scanning the rocky ground as you slowly make your way into the dim cavern. A few paces in and you see what looks like a strange dark rock a few yards ahead. As you approach it, you notice it is actually a stain on a rock. The unique deep crimson color stands out among all the grays.

You pick up the discolored rock to examine it. Bringing it to your nose, you can identify the unmistakable coppery scent of blood. You brush a finger over it to find that it's nearly dry. Whoever left it is probably long gone. You scan the passage, now knowing what to look for you notice many small blotches all in a fairly neat trail leading deeper. The cave is too dark to see clearly up ahead but it seems to end a short distance ahead.

Seeing no immediate threat, you slowly follow the trail to the end. Examining the back of the cave, you find that it keeps going, turning sharply to the right down a narrower corridor. If the sun where any lower or higher the turn would be completely concealed in shadow. You can see nothing but darkness down it, even squinting. Your ears pick up dripping water somewhere in the blackness but that isn't all. The faintest noise of something else can also be heard. You hold your breath and focus solely on listening. And there it is again, something echoing from deep in the void, the sound far too distorted to distinguish as anything.

You take one look back at the sun lite cavern behind you before deciding to investigate further. Tentatively you take a step forward, feeling around you with your hands. You use one to hold onto the smooth cool surface of the wall, the other is left searching the darkness before you. You feel around with your feet before making each step, uninterested in falling into some unseen grotto. Only a few feet in and you can't see your hands even placed an inch before your eyes, the blackness is so complete here. You look back frequently simply to assure yourself that the way out is still there.

After several long minutes, you nearly scream when your hand is hit by something moist and cold but just barely manage to hold on to your masculinity be means of swallowing hard. It's only the drip of water from somewhere in the black above. You bring your damp hand to your lips and find the water is fresh, not salt water like in the cove. Every dozen slow steps, you hear the sound again and become more and more certain that it's a voice. You continue onward, rounding another turn as drops of cool water fall on your head and arms. Though subtle, you get the feeling that you've been going down, not only that, but the voice is getting louder.

The echoing effect of the cave distorts it too much to make out words, but the sounds are harsh, possibly pained, and more interesting, female. As you manage to feel your way around another turn you can see the end of this tunnel is dimly lit. You eagerly move toward the first sign of light you've seen in what feels like hours but freeze as you're finally able to make out some of the words carried by the voice, "Fuck me hard with a rusty knife... fuck!" You wait, still concealed by shadows. "Aghh! Stick damn it, you spread open easier than a one legged whore, STICK!" This is followed by a long and pained hiss and then labored breathing. It's a strange conversation to say the least, but it sounds like someone is in trouble.

You creep just a bit further along the wall to an outcropping of rock. Just beyond, the tunnel widens considerably into a crescent shaped chamber. A few feet ahead is a pool of water that runs along the inner curve of the crescent. At the chambers widest point, a small ray of light from some crack in the ceiling illuminates a shelf of rock, on which has been laid a bloody corpse. You peer around cautiously for the speaker, but see no other. On the ground is a blotchy trail of blood leading to the badly mangled body. It's covered in blood and tattered clothes. You can't even make out what it was, when it moves.

Your skeleton feels like it just tried to jump from your very skin and you quickly duck behind the rocky outcropping. Doing so frees a few loose pebbles that bounce to the floor, the sound echoing through the chamber. "Show yourself you piss yellow fuck wit of a cowardly shit!" the female voice booms. You tentatively peer around the stone wall of the corridor to see the bloody body has repositioned and seems to be looking directly at you. You only have a split second to see before the glint of metal before your eyes makes you flinch back, only just avoiding a dagger thrown so hard the blade shatters on the wall behind you, the shards landing at your feet.

"Don't go thinkin' you can sneak up on the deadliest catch in all the seas you berry eatin' seed shittin', log fuckin', dirt farmin'... " she goes on and on to reveal an impressive repertoire of insults before her voice begins to shake and weaken, and then with a slumping noise, goes out completely. You cautiously peer around the rocks with one eye. What you thought was a corpse now dangles limply half way off the stone shelf. One bloody arm laying awkwardly on the stone floor so what must be the creatures head points earthward. You watch for a minute for any signs of movement, but nothing happens. You pick up a pebble and toss it over hand, hitting the stone just to the right of the head. Nothing still.

Curiosity mounting, you decide to creep closer. You dash to a bit of stone jutting from the floor and take cover behind it before peering at the still form. At this angle you can tell the creature is vaguely humanoid in form, and despite the blood and ruined bits of clothing, it seems to have gray skin not too dissimilar from the rocks around it. After watching for several minutes searching for even a twitch of movement and observing none, you cautiously walk up to the ruined creature.

You stand over it, observing the body of the still being. It's a shark woman. The dorsal fin and thick multi-finned tail is a dead giveaway. You see cuts, some rather deep, all over her gray back. Blood leaks from the larger ones, though not readily. Her tail seems to be missing a fin, a ragged red line destroying the symmetry of her long elegant tail. She wears loose trousers, the legging torn all over, and with the sheer volume of blood they've absorbed, it's difficult to tell what color they once were, maybe tan or brown. She also wears an under shirt, equally torn to rags and heavy with crimson. Horrible wounds peek beneath the torn cloth. You think that last bit of activity might have finally done her in.

Feeling sorry you decide she should at least be put in a more comfortable pose. Lifting her dangling torso you turn her over and place her as best you can, back on the stone slab to lie on her back, her dorsal fin folding easily under her. If you still had any doubts, her full firm breasts make is very clear that the shark is very much a she. You adjust the body and place the arms at her sides so she merely seems to be sleeping. Having done that, you consider what to do next.


You look around the body noting a few things. On the floor is a ruined jacket of some kind, red though if because of the blood or fabric, you're not sure. There are gold accents and embroidery all over making you think the shark woman may have been someone of some renown. A long dagger lay naked next to the woman. It looks old and well used. There is also a small skin bag with some viscous goo slowly spreading onto the rock from its opening. And then there is the shark woman herself of course.


You pick up the jacket, it's heavier than you'd expect. Dried dark patches of blood stain it, and parts have been slashed through but it is still serviceable. The jacket is much too small for you, but it may have once looked rather daring on the woman. A closer inspection reveals some word over the right breast. In fine gold stitching you make out, "Scarlett." You may have a name to go with the body now.


Gingerly you pick up the dagger by the handle. It's a vicious looking thing, double edged and well worn, tapering smoothly from a wide base to a thin point. The blade seems to be steel nearing a foot long. Blood smears the blade along with bits of rust though the edge is freshly honed and shines bright in the dim light despite the drying red. There is no cross guard, so maybe it's more of a dirk. The handle is white, perhaps bone or ivory and is capped with gold. You decide to hold onto it.


Dabbing a finger into the bit of white goo that has puddled out of the skin bag, you find the stuff to be very thick and sticky. You bring it to your nose. It has a strong strange smell, like medicine. You wipe it on the rock before setting the bag up right so as not to let any more leak out. Looking over the shark woman's body you see that some of the goo has been liberally smeared over several of the many long slash marks marring her torso and legs. Maybe it would have helped if she had finished applying it.


You've avoided looking closely at the body till now. She is a mess. Someone or something had made a wide range of deep and shallow slashes all over her body, legs, and arms. Her torso had been done in the worst, at least one of the deep cuts across her abdomen shows a bit of intestine drooping out. Though you can see where in her last moments she had managed to apply some of the thick white goop over some of it and several other wounds. Where it was applied, there is little blood and the cuts seemed to have been healing. Considering what you had gone through to reach this place and seeing that she did the same but in such a condition has you thinking she must have been a woman of tremendous of spirit.

You see her feet are bare, gray, and tipped with three toes, each tapering to points but not clawed. You can see enough of her legs through her torn bloody trousers to know that they are long and feminine, yet firm with muscle. Her hips are slim and angled, one raised above the other to make room for her large gray tail, the underside of which is white. The appendage seems unharmed save for a red line where a small fin may have been hacked or bitten off. Her stomach is also firm and appealing, white as the underside of her tail but dropping into gray around her sides and around her back. Pink and red are also prominently showing, particularly around the many wounds. Her torn shirt leaves little to the imagination. One breast, not large but a decent hand full, is almost completely bared, topped with a pale pink nipple. It looks unharmed, the other too, only lightly smeared with blood. Both are white as her belly and look firm and lovely still.

Her arms did not fair very well. They not only have slash marks but also look to have been bitten in places, small sections of missing flesh reveal the angry red carnage beneath, but for the most part, they seem intact. Then you spot a rather large chunk of flesh missing on her left forearm just above her wrist, white and pink bone peeking through mangled red muscle. You look away and take some deep breathes before examining her face. What you thought had been a grotesque bouquet of torn flesh and blood is actually revealed to be deep thick red hair. It's heavily matted, dirty, and covers her entire face and much of her neck. You gingerly move tangled strands off to the side slowly revealing strips of her neck and face.

Her slender neck, like her torso, has a white front that drops off into dark gray around the sides and to her back. The shark's face is pointing off to the side revealing her in profile. She has an angular muzzle that extends from her cheeks for four of five inches. The tip of her nose comes to a rounded point before sloping down and back at an angle before rounding her jaw and heading back to her neck. She has large jaws, slightly parted and filled with pointed teeth. You imagine if she opened her mouth all the way, she could take a lethal bite. Removing more of her hair from her face, you find her eyes, lightly shut, thin eyebrows the color of her hair relaxed over them. As you remove the last bits of tangled hair from her rather attractive face, you brush against her cheek and find it strangely warm. You have a split second to consider corpses shouldn't be warm, before a pale pink cave filled with razor sharp teeth comes up at your face.

You jerk back as the shark's jaws snap shut, immediately a burning pain registers at the end of your muzzle. You instinctively reach for it, shocked to near complete immobility. Out of the corner of your eye you can see one of the shark woman's hands reaching blindly for where you found her knife. Not finding it, the grasping hand becomes a fist, just before rocketing into your cheek. You stumble away, tripping over a large stone and falling hard to the cold unyielding floor. You've taken harder hits, but the daze leaves you unable to recall where or when exactly. You hear a pained cry, but think it strange that it didn't come from you. "Aghh! You dickless, nut sucking, cum guzzling, sack of, of..." You don't know what, because the shark woman passes back out, lying still once more on the large stone slab.

You reach for your nose and find in bleeding. Luckily it only seems to be a scratch. Your cheek will have a bruise, but you've had plenty of those. You stand back up cautiously, eyes never leaving the woman. She is on her back, though her right arm hangs over the side again. You approach tentatively. She doesn't stir. You let the back of one hand hover over her nose, ready to pull it away at the slightest motion. You can feel her breathing, but only very lightly. She is getting weaker by the moment.


Without your help, the battered shark woman will surely die, but who are you to alter fate.

You leave the cavern and head back to camp.


She isn't long for this world, you figure she could use one last hurrah. That and your horny is making you very curious about what's under those trousers. You stroke yourself, becoming fully erect in seconds and make your way to her large bare feet. The stone slab she is laid out on is lower here, about level with your knees. You consider the best approach for a moment before leaning far over her long legs, and tucking a few fingers in the waist band of her pants. The moment you begin to pull them down, a leg shifts under you and kicks you right in the nuts, her heel planting firmly against your poor grapefruit sized pudding factories hard enough to push them into your thigh.

You drop, only just avoiding landing on her and slide off the slab to the cold stone floor. The pain lancing through your entire body is thrumming and terrible. You curl in onto yourself gasping and desperately wishing the pain away while not daring to move for fear of agitating your furiously throbbing gonads. You lay there for some time until the pain becomes a dull ache and you can think again, your erection long forgotten. You pull yourself back up and find the shark girl has not otherwise moved.


You know she only acted out of fear, she is alone and near death after all and you can't let yourself leave knowing there might be a chance to save her. Plus, the lovely shark may be very grateful for your efforts. Mind made, you grab up the small animal skin of salve and loop its strap over your shoulder. Not entirely sure how it works you decide to test it on some of her smaller wounds first. Reaching into the bag and dabbing your index and middle fingers in the goop, you then smear it as gently as you can over one of the smaller slashes on her exposed thigh.

The goo seems to work immediately. The irritated red flesh around the cut begins to lighten becoming a more natural tone. The cut might take a while longer to heal, but with the salve, she may live long enough to manage it. You coat several others similarly and even a few of the deeper gashes before even considering the massive gut dripping wound across her belly. Knowing if this stays as is, she will surely die. You rub some of the salve over both hands before very gently poking the inflamed flesh around the curling rope of intestine. As gently as you can manage to tuck the slick warm coil back into her stomach, the shark grimaces in obvious discomfort but doesn't wake.

The wound is still gaping open, but you coat it with the sticky salve seeing that is seems to have the added effect of holding wounds closed. You think it will require a few more treatments, but at least her guts are no longer showing. You coat the other wounds on her body, liberally gooping up the grotesque area of missing flesh just above her left wrist. You put some on her tail wound as well. After so much focused work you find yourself exhausted and sit down, back against the stone slab. Only moments pass before you fall into a light doze.

You awake sometime later and find the shark girl still unconscious. You examine her body and find she looks much better. Most of the smaller wounds have healed considerably and even the larger wounds look much improved. You begin to smear more salve on the larger lacerations when she stirs. She grimaces in pain before her eyes open intense, green, and glaring at you. Immediately her large jaws open as she rushes toward your head, but you manage to get a forearm on her neck and just barely keep her from tearing into your face. You do the same to her one good arm the moment you feel it shifting and shout, "Stop! Stop! I'm trying to help you!" Out of the corner of your eye you see her knee blur just before it smashes into the side of your skull sending you sprawling to the floor. You only distantly feel the impact of the fall just before everything fades to blackness.

You awaken again in the cave with a splitting headache. Groaning you hold a hand to the side of your head finding a nice lump of extremely tender flesh. "Hairless pussy." You look toward the sound of the muttering to the red haired shark woman still lying on the table, green eyes looking down at you contemptuously. She lets a breath out through her nostrils and turns away from you staring intently at the cave ceiling. You notice the dagger and salve skin are gone. You rise, but before you can even take a step toward her she sternly states, "You need to leave." "Your inju..." She doesn't let you finish before snarling, "You may have saved mah life, but I've saved yours by not slittin' your throat. We're even. Now leave!" You consider arguing the matter but you're tired and clearly unwelcome. You decide to head back to camp.

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2 Scarlett Waters Second Visit

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