The Fate of Kex

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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This is the story of the fate of Kex, a proud warrior of the L'Zori people.

This is the story of the fate of Kex, a proud warrior of the L'Zori people.

Kex K'Modo was a fine specimen of a reptile. Standing some six feet tall, smooth-bodied and broadly muscled, his light green scales with paler green along his chest, belly and the underside of his tail shone in the dim yellow light of his homeworld as he crept silently through the forest. Light purple hair adorned the crown of his fearsome, blunt-snouted head, and he was naked except for a loosefitting loincloth that left very little to the imagination where his maleness was concerned. Like all L'Zori males, Kex was what humans would call "well hung." When flaccid, his cock dangled to about mid thigh level. When erect, it could, and did, stand proudly up past his belly button, almost touching his chest.

A member of the L'Zori tribe from Coil Village, he was well armed for life on this world. His primary weapon as a spear made of thick wood, tipped in a spike made from carved stone. All L'Zori males, in their eighteenth year, carved their own spear tips from stone as part of a rite of passage into adulthood. Then they went on their first hunt. Fail or succeed, they were welcomed back by the elders as adults, and a great celebration was held. If the L'Zori male had succeeded in the hunt, then he was allowed to take a mate. Kex had not only succeeded, but had outperformed all of his friends, bringing him the biggest kill, felled with the very spear he now carried. His reward had been to bed a female of his choosing, and he had taken a particularly lovely she-lizard named Zarora that very night. That'd been a year ago, and now, at only nineteen, Kex was already the father of three hatchlings.

It wasn't a hunt he was on now, though. Kex had been instructed by the elders to go and investigate a group of humans who'd arrived by shuttle a day prior. L'Zori had encountered humans before during trade agreements, but never these strangely-garmented ones wearing varying shades of gray and black. Kex crouched low in the bushes at the edge of the forest, his forked tongue snaking out to taste the air and scent the intruders as he observed the gray-suited ones went helmetless while the ones in black wore wide, flaring helmets indicating they were warriors of guards.

The apparent leader, judging from the fact he seemed to be giving the orders, was a petite, pale human male with blue eyes and short red hair cropped short and hanging in gentle waves over his slightly high forehead. His eyes were narrow, giving him a look of eternal suspicion and hyper-awareness. His ears made him stand apart from the other humans; they were oddly pointed and elfin. He directed the actions of some of the black-helmeted humans and others in cream-colored jumpsuits to set up some kind of encampment.

What Kex and his elders didn't know was that these humans were Imperials - a landing party from the Star Destroyer Temptress. The redhead was Zeckthur Malmess, the ship's captain. Lean of body and fierce of temperment, the officer commanding the Star Destroyer currently in orbit around the planet high above them had a reputation Kex couldn't have been aware of, but that if he had, he would've left well enough alone and not bothered with these humans.

He'd served as the Temptress' first officer until his predecessor made a fatal mistake and was removed from command. He ruled his Star Destroyer with an iron fist and his crew lived in fear of him. Aboard the Temptress he punishesd and humiliated his men for displeasing him in the least way, for the simple reason that it aroused him, and his treatment of captive Rebels was no less brutal. So, for that matter, was his treatment of anyone unfortunate to cross his path, as the hapless L'Zori warrior was about to find out.

He hailed from a core world, and despite what the appearance of his pointed ears would suggest, he was entirely human. Pointy ears were simply an odd genetic quirk of the Malmess family. There were of course rumors to the contrary. Ordinarily, Zeckthur didn't really care what people thought of him, and the ears by themselves didn't bother him, but, like many of his colleagues who believed in human supremacy over the galaxy, he took the suggestion that he wasn't fully human as a personal insult, and was quick to mete out cruel punishment to any who dared suggest his pointy ears meant he had a little bit of alien blood inside of him. He didn't mind some alien cum in him now and again, though. Kex would find this out soon, too.

Zeckthur sat himself down on a boulder and looked out over the rocky wastes that extended seemingly endlessly for miles around them. What a lifeless rock, he thought. He bent, picking up a stone in one of his black-gloved hands to idly examine it. He was dressed in the standard naval officer's attire of greenish gray tunic, flared pants, black gloves and tall, shining black boots, but over his chest he wore protective battle armor. Although his head with its dark red hair was currently exposed, a helmet sat beside him. A pair of dark-lensed goggles perched atop them. His uniform collar was unbuttoned, giving him a more casual air. In addition to a scoped SE-14 blaster, his belt contained his little "toys." Both were inert at the moment.

Kex watched this human, his orange eyes watching him closely, the spear gripped tightly in his hand, and decided he'd seen enough. The L'Zori were not blaster users, but Kex knew weapons when he saw them. The other humans who'd come to their planet had also carried weapons, but hadn't been armored or uniformed like these. His thick tail twitched in worry. These were invaders, most likely. Here for war and conquest. And even if they weren't, and were only here to stretch their legs, it would be wise, he realized, to keep the elders abreast of the situation. However as Kex turned to go, he suddenly heard a loud snapping sound and felt something tighten around his left ankle. Despite himself he gave a cry of surprise and felt himself turned upside-down and lifted high into the air to hang, the spear dropping from his grip. The bow slid off of his shoulder, down his arm, and landed beside it. All of his arrows felt from the quiver on his back to lie in a jumble among the ferns.

He hung there, his loincloth flaps upside-down, leaving him fully exposed, his thick, flaccid cock lying across his belly. Looking up at his feet, Kex realixed a snare was 'round his ankle, and he was swinging from the branch of a large tree. A trap! A perimeter defense of the humans' camp he'd somehow missed! He felt humiliated. Hearing movement, he turned and watched as some of the humans, the redhead at their front, came over. The majority of the humans were cautious, but the red-haired one seemed unafraid. Indeed, he was smiling in delight! Motioning and giving commands in English, some of which Kex understood, the commanding officer ordered his men to advance around behind the L'Zori, whereupon they seized his arms. Kex struggled, trying to fight them off, but although he was strong, hanging helplessly like this, he was no match for opponents who could brace themselves against the ground while he could only dangle. In no time at all, his arms were held tightly behind his back by a pair of metal binders.

Zeckthur grinned as he eyed their catch. He'd heard about the L'Zori from people who'd been here, but had never seen one, and until this captive, he had begun to assume they weren't going to see any while they were here. He eyed that large, flaccid cock hanging there and ordered Kex cut down. The black-helmeted Imperial naval troopers obeyed. Lowering him down had the unfortunate effect of causing the loincloth to flap back down over the lizard-cock, concealing it from view, but Zeckthur could still make out the outline of it through the thin fabric the L'Zori used for their primitive clothing. And besides, he'd see it full and proud soon enough, he thought, as he gripped the handle of the first "toy" hanging off of his belt.

They hauled the struggling lizardman into the Imperial camp, where he was forced to his knees. Zeckthur followed last of all, idly removing the first "toy" from his belt. It was a smooth-ended silver baton with a black handle. The handle had two buttons, a purple one and a green one. Drawing it from its holster, Zeckthur gripped the currently inert, dildo-like silver main portion as if it were a steely cock. The troopers stood back as their captain played with the device, walking around the forcibly kneeling Kex in a circle.

He asked the lizard if he understood English. Kex didn't respond, so Zeckthur jabbed the blunt end of the baton into that thickly-muscled neck and pressed purple "pain" button on the handle. Purple-colored electricity coursed through Kex's body and his nearly nude form writhed in agony as he howled. Zeckthur withdrew, then stuck him again, with the same results. Zap. Scream. Sweet pain. The lizard would talk. And if not, he'd suffer.

Somehow, Zeckthur hoped he didn't talk.

Proud warrior though he was, Kex was only mortal, and so the electricity did its work. He cried aloud in agony as the purple electrical bolts coursed through him, then, his scream abruptly cut off as he spasmed, he threw back his head and opened his mouth to continue screaming silently, maw opening and closing, body jerking up and down. After the pain stopped, he tried to rise. Once again he felt the stabbing agony in his neck and his body was afire with purple light and arcing electrcity. This time he pitched forward to lie writhing upon the ground.

After a moment, the question was repeated, and the reptile finally nodded desperately. Yes, he understood. Zeckthur smiled. These were the results he liked. Whereas his colleagues wanted things to move more quickly, caring only about what information their prisoners could give them, the captain of the Temptress loved the interrogation part best of all. As his subordinates and enemies alike well knew, Zeckthur loved nothing more than to dominate other beings, especially males, and control them utterly with body-wracking pain, and the primitive savage lying convulsing at his feet was no different. Still, he felt he ought to at least ask him some questions. But what to ask? He tapped his foot in thought while Kex lay panting. Zeckthur really didn't want to know anything. He just wanted to amuse himself.

But, he supposed he should ask the standard questions one asks of a captive like this, and so the inquiries followed concerning where the L'Zori village was and how many were living there. Kex shook his head, his dazed mind thinking only of protecting his dear Zarora and their babies. This evil human wouldn't get anything from him, and he managed to tell him as much by growling out to Zeckthur in something that resembled English. Zeckthur got the message, but pointedly told his prisoner he was wrong. Oh yes he would get something out of him. Everything. And if he couldn't, then he'd amuse himself in other ways.

To ensure privacy he turned and addressed his men. He instructed them to head off in the direction Kex had probably come from and find the village. When they did, they were told, they were to radio the Temptress to send a landing craft of Stormtroopers to capture anyone living there and kill all who resisted. The L'Zori, he decided, looked like they'd make excellent slaves. Obeying, the troopers and technicians left the camp, leaving Zeckthur alone with the captive. Ritualistically, as was his habit, he uncoiled the second "toy" he kept on him at all times, a thin whip. Pressing a button on its handle caused electricity to course through its length, and he promptly used it to beat and torture Kex, enjoying seeing the masculine reptilian form writhing in pain upon the ground. He was quite good at using both toys at once, one-handed each. A flick of his left wrist and the whipped lashed across Kex's green skin. A jab of his right arm and the baton blasted him. He bounced, writhed and undulated as the human worked on him with a torturer's special, patient skill. And still Kex refused to talk. Not that it mattered. Zeckthur's crew would eventually find the village, and in a matter of hours, Kex's people would be in chains for the glory of the Empire, but for Zeckthur, it was the principle of the thing. He wanted the lizard to tell him!

Zeckthur was hard as a rock in his Imperial-issue pants, his cock tenting the fabric. He smiled, looking down at his handiwork. He knew just what to do with this stubborn little savage. Feeling himself getting sweaty, he took a break, but only to remove his chest armor, his tunic and his undershirt. He kept his pants and boots on, as well as the gloves on his hands. Then he returned to his worthy task. Deactivating and setting his tools aside, he went and got a length of very thick, heavy duty rope, and, stooping to one knee beside the panting reptilian form, began slowly fashioning a noose.

Kex's mind swam. He felt dizzy and sick to his stomach. He lurched, struggling to roll over and rise to his knees again, and thence to leap up and take off running. Escaping with his hands bound behind his back would be clumsy and difficult, but possible, and he needed to get away so he could warn Coil Village. His one thought now was saving his mate and their children. He hadn't understood everything he'd heard Zeckthur telling his subordinates, but once or twice other tribes of L'Zori had come to Coil Village looking to take everyone living there as slaves before, and he imagined humans to be no different, unable to think of any reason why Zeckthur would want to know the village's location so much. The thought of Zarora and the babies chained in servitutde to anyone filled him with rage and despair.

The noose was slid around his neck and pulled tight. No! his mind cried. He was about to be executed! Zeckthur tossed the rope over the branch of a tree that extended over the camp, and, proving deceptively strong for such a skinny man, he hauled the bigger male's more muscular form up, but stopped just short of actually lifting him into the air. Kex stood on his tip-toes, teetering awkwardly, fearful of slipping lest he fall and put too much weight on the noose and strangle himself. He stood upright, trembling, uncharacteristically afraid and trying hard to show it. But he wasn't doing a very good job. Zeckthur came 'round and hmmed, stroking his pointy chin, and then with a grin, he grabbed Kex's loincloth and tore it away, leaving the muscular lizardman completely naked. Never in his entire life had Kex felt this vulnerable before an enemy.

The impressively-sized member and balls were the same pale green as the L'Zori's belly, but the flared head was a dark green, much darker than anywhere else on the reptile's body. Zeckthur thought it looked delicious and couldn't wait to have it in his mouth.

Picking up the stun baton again, Zeckthur pushed the green button this time. The silver tip glowed with a sickly green electrical light, and then he dragged the tip along the L'Zori's cock. Kex grunted as he felt the greenish-colored electricity surging through him, causing him a new kind of pain. The kind that hurt so good. He bit at his lower lip and swallowed, flexing his strongly-muscled neck in the noose as Zeckthur shocked his cock to full attention. It stood up, engorged with blood, and swelled to its full potential and then some! Kex gasped, looking down and watching in confusion and amazement as under the human's expert guidance, he baton electrically stimulated his lizard-cock so skillfully, with such sweet, aching pain, that it grew to twice its ordinary size, standing a full twenty inches in the humid air. Not for nothing did he jokingly refer to the green setting on the baton as "green for 'grow.'"

Zeckthur stood in awe at its beauty. No human cock had ever looked this good! He played with the thick reptilian member, kissing it, licking it, but also squeezing and pinching it cruelly, alternating pleasure and pain so his prisoner couldn't tell the difference. Standing back, he snatched up the whip again and activated it. Electricity coursed along its length and he struck Kex's fully-engorged cock with it, turning the already aroused lizardman on even more. The athletic form danced and jerked as his body was wracked with conflicting sensations of agony and ecstasy. His eyes rolled back into their sockets as he tried to concentrate. This was torture. A different kind of torture, but torture nonetheless, and he was determined to resist it just as he'd tried to resist the pain, but it wasn't easy. Zeckthur's men wouldn't be back for some time, and motion sensors and traps like the one that had originally caught Kex at the camp's perimeter would alert the human to any danger, so he could take his time. He meant to break Kex, make him his and his alone, to make him plead for his punishments and eventually, that final thrill.

Yes, Zeckthur thought. He'd know precisely what he wanted to do to Kex the minute he'd laid eyes upon that impressive cock back when the L'Zori had been dangling in the Imperial snare. He meant to make the reptile dance a final, private dance just for him. And whether he knew it or not, that was Kex's fate and nothing could change it. Not even the fact Zeckthur really did find him extremely sexy and wanted a L'Zori slave now. He could find others. He would, too, since it wouldn't be long until his men radioed him with their success in locating and taking Coil Village. He'd pick a new male from among the captives they took. His deadly lust had sealed this one's fate and wouldn't allow him to spare Kex's life.

Kex groaned as his cock was whipped, precum beading at the tip of the swollen, tortured cock. Try as he might he couldn't resist the agonizing pleasure the human sent coursing through his body with each taste of that expertly-wielded electrical lash. He could already feel Zarora and the hatchlings slipping away from his mind. He slowly forgot about his loyalty to his tribe. His friends. His family. His honor and traditions. All there was now in his world was this evil red-haired human with the pointy ears and his desire to hurt him so good. And the longer it went on, minutes stretching into hours as evening approached, the more an orgasm began to build deep in those heavy reptilian balls, and the more and more Kex ejoyed it, until eventually, he answered Zeckthur's earlier questions, begging in thickly-accented English to tell his new master what he wanted to know, if only he'd let him cum!

Just as this occurred, Zeckthur's comlink beeped. The whipping halted, and, retrieving the communicator and bringing it to his lips, he conversed quietly with the lead trooper from among the men he'd sent off. As he'd hoped, they'd found what they assumed was the L'Zori's village without his help. Zeckthur smirked. He calmly instructed the trooper to summon reinforcements in the form of the Temptress' compliment of Stormtroopers and to capture every last L'Zori from the village and enslave them. They were then to burn the village down and salt the earth, removing all traces of Kex's tribe, leaving only smouldering ruins.

Without giving the trooper a chance to reply, as he knew the man would protest and didn't want to listen to his whining, Zeckthur deactivated the comlink and pocketed it, secure in his knowledge that despite their stomachs turning at the order, his men would carry the command out. Or else they'd find themselves in exactly the same position as Kex. Zeckthur did not tolerate disobedience in any form and punished it far more severely than failure. And considering he punished failure with horrifying tortures but allowed the victim to live, this meant disobedience, disloyalty, was met with death.

Kex, in his sex-adled state, hadn't heard this conversation. So the whipping resumed, and Zeckthur commanded the lizard to give up the information he'd demanded earlier, as per the now submissive and desperate male's offer. He didn't need what Kex had to give him, but he wanted it anyway; betraying his tribe would be Zeckthur's final victory over Kex. Thwack! The electrical whip lashed across the broad pectorals, and Kex eagerly and pointlessly babbled out the exact location of Coil Village in the very best English he could muster. Good boy. Thwip! Electricity arced across the tortured cock as the lash bit into it and the names of the elders spilled forth from submissive reptilian lips. Schwack! A spurt of precum spewed from the tip of the cock and the full strength of the L'Zori warriors present in the village was given up as taut green buttocks and broad back were given a good flogging by the human. Kex gave Zeckthur the number of females and young, their names, everything, including the names of his own mate and all three of his beloved children, now to be taken away as slaves and forgotten, just to please this human, after which a sweaty Zeckthur, panting, halted the torture and revealed what his trooper had told him, and explained in great detail all that Kex's fellow L'Zori would endure at the hands of their new masters. Kex writhed and squirmed, horny, feeling his strength ebbing, his leg muscles weakening, the great weight of his large body beginning to weigh him down. He started sagging at the knees, feeling the rope pulling taut into his throat as he listened to Zeckthur explain his tribe's fate and by the gods it only made him hornier. He'd betrayed his people and it hadn't even mattered! Ugh, he thought as he felt the noose slowly cutting his breath off a bit, how wonderful it was! A traitor, he thought, I'm a traitor, a horny, worthless traitor. I deserve whatever this sadistic human does to me, and not only that, but I want it! But first I want to cum!

And so his pleas for release came again. Zeckthur revealed after a moment that Kex could cum, but only as he died, because he'd decided that since they already had so many slaves, Kex was expendable, and he wanted to see a L'Zori hang. He'd decided he wanted to see a L'Zori hang as soon as he set eyes on Kex. The reptile groaned. Yes! Death! He wanted to hang, he did! He was so devoted to his new master that he didn't just accept the death sentence, he was excited!

After making sure to stimulate Kex's cock a final time so that it was nice and big, Zeckthur grabbed hold of the rope that he'd thrown over the tree branch, gripping it tightly, digging his boot heels into the ground, and pulled with all his might, hauling the L'Zori's much bigger, more muscular form into the air! Securing the opposite end of the rope so he didn't need to exert himself holding him up, he gave Kex one final command: die for him. Dangle, strangle and then swing limply in the breeze, please. It'd make his evening perfect. And Kex did, just as he'd do anything for this man, his captor, enslaver, torturer and master. Zeckthur knew, and so he went and had a seat on the boulder he'd parked his behind on earlier, and sat back to watch Kex suffer and die.

Kex squirmed and spasmed, gagging and choking slowly. Drool dribbled from his mouth, down his throat and then his chest. It took a while. Zeckthur was so excited he didn't even need to touch himself he was so close to exploding in his pants, watching with keen interest as the musclebound reptilian form swung to and fro, making the branch creak, the rope biting pitilessly into his throat, collapsing his windpipe, cutting his air, cutting off the flow of blood to that sex-crazed brain, his great big thick cock bobbing and throbbing in the darkening, chilly air of the evening as he he slipped closer to orgasm... and death. He throbbed and twitched.

Rising, sensing the end was near, Zeckthur came over and slid his mouth over just the tip of Kex's cock. Just as Kex started expiring, his final physical sensation, besides that thin, nearly lipless mouth of Zeckthur's enveloping his doomed dick, was the single best orgasm he'd ever had! He came ferociously and the human sucked it all down greedily, cupping and teasing the big lizard balls. It blew Kex away. Literally. His mind was wracked by pure pleasure and then... nothing. His thoughts were gods, yes, master, gods it feels so goo--

He didn't even complete the thought as with a cracking, gurgling gasp and a soft crunching sound of neck vertebrae dislocating, he died, his body twitching once, then going limp and silent. Zeckthur slipped his mouth off of the now dead, dripping cock and sighed, touching himself. He was still hard. He licked the reptile cum from his lips and sat back down, unzipped, and pleasured himself to the sight of the L'Zori prisoner hanging there, his gaze focusing initially on Kex's face - the bulging, glazed-over eyes, the nostrils frozen mid-flare and slowly relaxing, snot dribbling from them, the mouth hanging open, tongue limp, drooling. Mmm, you look so wonderful for me this way, lizard, he thought, realizing only now he'd never learned his prisoner's name. Then his cold blue eyes travelled down the well-muscled male form to stare at the dead, still erect cock, and when he himself came, shooting his load so far from how pent-up he was to splatter Kex's big sexy dead lizard feet, it was from looking at Kex's dead erect cock.

After he finished, he sat there panting, and then slowly tucked himself away into his pants again and went and lay down, tired. As he drifted off to sleep, yawning, he told the dangling, unmoving form that he'd done a good job and could take a well-earned "rest."

Awakening a little while later when his crew returned, accompanied by some of the Stormtroopers they'd summoned down from the Temptress, he relished the looks of horror on the men whose faces he could see at the sight of the swinging body. He put his shirt and tunic back on and listened to the lead naval trooper's report. Throughout it, he noticed, the poor man kept glancing past his captain to stare at the dead, naked L'Zori swinging from the tree branch. After listening to the full report of how almost all of the villagers were taken alive, Zeckthur questioned whether his order had been followed to the letter, and the trooper said they had; Kex's village didn't exist anymore except as a burned out husk, and the attackers had impregnated the ground with salt brought from the ship to ensure nothing would ever grow there. The entire area was now dead, the trooper reporter, and the villagers were aboard the Temptress awaiting his inspection. Nodding, Zeckthur took a moment to go over to the dangling form. Heedless of the presence of his men, he knelt down, and licked the still stiff cock clean, earning a few groans of horror and disgust from the assembled troopers and technicians. They knew full well their commanding officer's horrifying predilections but it seemed they'd never get used to it. Grinning, Zeckthur also licked his own cum off of the hanging reptilian feet.

Smacking his thin lips, he got up and finished dressing, putting his armor back on and plunking the goggled battle helmet onto his red-haired head. As he turned to go, one of the technicians, apparently thinking something had slipped his captain's mind spoke up timidly, asking what, if anything, ought to be done with the body. Or "him," as the poor young man could only bring himself to call Kex. Zeckthur, pausing, glanced back at his work, and smiled. He told them to forget him and leave him the way he was. Then he snapped at them to break camp and start packing up. In a few short minutes, Imperial efficiency saw to it that the Temptress' landing party, assisted by the Stormtroopers, had everything neatly packed away, and then they began the long walk back to where they'd left the shuttlecraft.

But they obeyed their captain and left Kex as he was, to hang and rot above where their camp had been. He swung gently in the breeze.

And that was the fate of Kex K'Modo.

The End.