Of Penance and Shower Rendevouses

Story by Lucrowse on SoFurry

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#3 of Fate's Minion

Of Penance and Shower Rendevouses

Sorry for the delay, I've had some personal conundrums to override. Namely a few of the people who I parodied didn't approve nearly as much. They're thoughts came to mind, but I'm not planning to change my story for them.

Anyway hope you guys enjoy reading this, your comments and ratings would be greatly appreciated.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Screamed Tyr, the unamused husky's face clearly demonstrating his mix of surprise and disbelief.

"I'm sorry... it kinda just happened, he was... yeah... and, I can't help myself sometimes, things happen and well... I don't know what else to do... I've seen the niceties before... He doesn't want to be near me even... I know it." I replied, my ears burning from the scolding that I knew I was about to receive.

"I thought the gang made it clear after your incident with Johan. If the guy isn't gay, move on. Well ok... maybe that's not the best example since the fag's a closet case... But, seriously you're just asking to get hurt again."

"I thought he'd be different. I thought he would look beyond the fact that I was a guy and still at least return some of the friendship I offered..."

"He did. You're the one who offered more than that. He doesn't have any feelings towards you. Why can't you see that?

"Because... I want to hope, I want..."

"Dream on then, the real world isn't for people like you. You're just boarding the fail boat and setting sail for fail again." Tyr took a moment away from his rants. I could hear the deep sigh as he circled the room. "Fen; Druiy, myself and all of our other friends just want the best for you. You're extremely emotional at times; it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just that we can usually tell if things won't work. I'd love to be wrong, especially if you're happy in the end. But... Just watch yourself..."

When I looked up Tyr had wrapped his wrapped his warm fluffy arms around me. For a split second I felt better, but then I realized... I had class with Lyro this week.

The following day, a Thursday wasn't that great for me. It was going to rain soon, in Florida that means humidity levels sky rocket with the escalating heat storms.

It was on that sweaty afternoon that I had to make an errand towards the student cinema. My only hopes of actually surviving the summer here, as opposed to being stuck 24/7 with the parents would be getting a job. That as of now wasn't particularly likely. The recession was still taking its toll and college towns were going against hiring anyone.

Lyro was at the cinema, hanging with some friends. I didn't really know them, though I think I might have recognized one or two of them from a random photo album. And as I waited in line for the receptionist person to locate a job application, I waved at him.

He mustn't have recognized me at first, I wouldn't blame him really, for all my eccentricities, I don't normally wear collared shirts. A casual glance in my direction saw the waving paw.

Our eyes locked for a moment...

And then he sharply jerked his head to the left. Muzzle slightly ruffled and a negativity that was almost palpable.

I lowered my paw, a nervous shaking rippling though my body. I felt hurt. But I wanted this didn't I? Of course I had seen that face before; one other person had given it to me: Zanji...

I began avoiding people the next morning. Oh the anti-social complex never works, there's no point in lying to myself and saying it does. But if nothing else with deafening hip-hop blasting into my ears I could silence the critiques of everyone who knew better or had felt the same's opinion.

I actually thought it was going to work for the rest of the day. Of course that wasn't factoring in the rain. The 10% chance of precipitation that the weather channel had promised delivered. Oh and how it did. A wet wolf of course is not a comfortable wolf. My body was completely drenched over before I made it half way to my class that afternoon. Oh how I wished the rain to stop as I hid within the Student Union.

"Hey Fen, want to share an umbrella?" asked a voice that drifted from behind me. I didn't acknowledge it at first, being surrounded by music, one has a tendency either to phase out into obscure distortions of other people's conversations or to thoughts that never really were there to begin with, however when it came again, this time with a sharp jab to my left shoulder blade, I turned around to stare at the only feline on campus I wasn't sure what to say to. "Are you awake this time?"

"Huh? Uh... yeah. Hi..."

"Well? Do you want to share an umbrella? There's no point in being soaked any more than you have to."

"Thanks, you sure?"

"Don't worry about it."

The walk to class was less than eventful; the tears of the sky above me still seemed to compound all of the thoughts that swirled through my head. ‘He's only being polite, realistically this means nothing.' The rational half of me said. ‘Make the most of what's happening, you already live in a world of regretting to have never done enough in the past, make up for it now.' The emotional time-bomb half responded. Fuck you both' I retorted. I just want this day to be over so I can get some sleep... alone.

We arrived at class 5 minutes early and as I walked in, Tyr gave me a very disapproving glare that made me look away. I knew that every second of that class would hold the possibility of him chastising me for even allowing myself to be near him still.

Xue the raven the professor made the class as it always was, extremely boring. Well not really she tried to throw in a few jokes here or there, entertained us with video clips from YouTube and on the occasion would just allow the class to dissolve into our own conversations, but I wasn't thinking of class. Rather I was once again trying not to stare at the snow leopard that was sitting an L-shaped Tetris block away.

About the time class was over, a small piece of paper randomly circulated to my desk. I really didn't care or really notice; I just wanted to get back to the privacy of my dorm, a warm shower and maybe a hot cup of tea before vanishing under my covers. "Read it," a whisper alerted me.

We need to talk, come back with me to my dorm plz

  • Lyro

I looked at him and sensed the sincerity that was in his eyes.

I nodded my reply and turned away, sure that the flutter in my chest was real... What did he want to talk about? Why now?

When class let out. Tyr appeared next to me, a serious expression on his face. "Well what was on the note from Lyro?"

"He wants to talk.

"About? Fen... I know you well enough to know you're practically on a leash right now. There's no point in me telling you not to go, because you aren't going to listen to me. But heed my words: don't do anything rash, you'll end up regretting it just as much as if you hadn't done anything at all."

"Thanks." I said as I hugged him.

By the time Tyr and I had finished our chat everyone had already departed the classroom. I shuffled out wondering what I'd end up doing walking towards DaGriff Hall soaked. I wasn't even sure my card key would work on the newer security locks. But then, I had totally forgotten why I was walking there at all. Lyro was waiting for me in the rain, his white umbrella standing out in the sea of black tents walking by.

"Let's get going and get out of this storm."

I wasn't really sure what I wanted to say. Did I even have anything to say? He wanted to talk to me after all. I guess as his friend I'll at least hear him out. If nothing else talking to him will make me feel better, well hopefully that's what'll happen. Hopefully.

I followed him under that white umbrella, eyes fixated on the swishing of the spotted tail in front of me.

I almost didn't notice as we entered the dorm complex. The sounds of the rain suddenly vanishing and the humming of florescent lights replacing them. Lyro unlocked his door and wrote a small note on the dry erase: Cory, I need to room for a little while, message me if you absolutely have to be back. I stared at the note for a moment before following Lyro in.

"Go on have a seat; I'm not going to bite."

I looked around the room, first at the bright contrasts of rock posters to the fluorescent bean bag on the ground and then to the giant stash of dirty laundry piled in the corner. Typical guy stuff...

"Fen, I'm sorry if I've been a bit cold towards you. I didn't mean..."

Before he could finish his statement, I interjected with the cheesy apology I had thought over. "No, don't blame yourself, it's all my fault; I took advantage of you when you were less than emotionally sound. I craved something from you that I didn't have any right to take. I'm sorry!" Tears had begun to stream down face by this time. And though I wasn't sure I had wanted them, they fit my mood. I didn't want to hear what he had to say and bolted towards the door, in hopes that I could escape.

The snow leopard had caught on to my intentions, and as his paw grasped the one I had placed on the door knob, I could feel his other arm wrapping around my waist pulling me back. "If you have to be like this, at least hear me out. I don't hate you."

My paw slipped from the bulb and I could feel myself tumbling back. A loud poof declares the arrival of our two bodies onto the bean bag. Ouch... I seem to have hit my elbow against something on the way down, and though it is comforting to know that at least he didn't hate me, I still didn't know what to do next. I turn to look at the soft mat of white fur that I've landed on. He's slightly damp and smells of the rain, yet lying there I feel extremely comfortable.

After a few moments it dawns on me that this might not be the most comfortable position for Lyro and so grudgingly I sit up to look back at him. He's chuckling to himself. But at least his face is at ease. "Ya know your hair is a matted mess right?" He says as his paw brushes through it.

"I don't bother trying to fix it anymore... Ya know, I really thought you were straight too. At least that's what this confrontation originally made me think. But you're an anomaly, you know that?" I say as I look into his caramel eyes

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I am straight, I love girls and one of these days plan to get around to marrying one. Everything that's happening, it's just with you."

"Uh huh, Lyro, you know my clique would label you a closet case."

"But I'm not; you'll have to believe me on that part. I could care less about any other guy's feelings; well not that any other guy has openly hit on me.... But yeah... Just you."

All of this seems like a dream that wasn't really happening. I couldn't really be here next to the same cat I've had a crush on since the 3rd week of the semester. And so I rub my eyes a few times yet again he's sitting there looking back at me. The shivers are wrapping inside of me again, the flood gates of my emotions have been let loose and I find it hard not to let a few tears fall. In that moment I couldn't do anything more than collapse into him with a hug, it felt so right just then.

I finally had someone who maybe not necessarily loved me back, but at the very least felt something towards me. I didn't want to leave that warm position cuddled against a friend, at least not for now.

Lyro shuffled slowly beneath me, and then whispered in my ear: "I don't really like being smothered by a wet wolf ya know." As he says so, I look up at him with my most pathetic sad puppy-eyed look. "And I'm not falling for that one this time." He chuckles and then gently pushes me off.

Looking down at my watch, I note that it's nearly time for my next class, "Thanks, talking to you made me feel better. I'm going to be late if I don't head out though..."

"Oh... That's really too bad I guess, I wasn't sure exactly what would happen, but yeah if ya need to go, feel free. Well I need a shower... I wouldn't mind some company though..."

The words leaving his mouth seem to hover for a moment. I'm not even sure I heard them at first. "Is that a request or an order?"

"Which would you prefer it to be?"

"Touché, matters not really, I accept." Class of course can wait; I don't normally get a chance like this eh?

The bathroom that Lyro and his three other suitemates share is modest in size, and as I stand there undressing, I feel kind of awkward. Well admittingly I've already seen most if not everything Lyro's willing to share... But I've always had a moment of hesitation when being next to someone else who was stripping

"I take it, you'd like to undress me," he chuckles as he looks at me.

"Oh I've been there and done that more than once... well at least not in person... Then again, never had a chance to do this in real life... Maybe I would," I whisper as I help pull his shirt off. I can't help but running my paws over the muscles of his chest as I undo his belt buckle.

Well at least I did feel awkward getting naked... He's already hard when I slip his boxers off. And though I'm nervous as fuck still, the suddenly red blush on his cheeks faded any hesitation in the moment. I wasn't in the mood to wear underwear today and so when my camos and shirt were off; my own member was just as erect.

I fiddle with the dial for a moment, and then a second later, a blast of freezing cold water slams against the both of us. The sudden chill makes me instinctively clench my paw. Hilariously enough they ended up grabbing Lyro's handle. The sudden clenching of my paw and the cold make him gasp loudly, and for a moment, I'm not sure if he's alright.

"I think this is what I was looking for." Lyro said as I caressed him.

"You were hoping for someone to grab you? Oh I'm sure you could get a girl friend if you tried."

"Not sure she'd love me the same way thou... oh..." Lyro gasped loudly as I squeezed against the riveting muscle in my paws.

"You might want to quiet down a notch, lest your neighbors get suspicious."

"Oh I already mentioned it..."

"You what?"

"I'm sorry... you were the first guy who ever hit on me. I kinda told my suitemates about it."

"Well what'd they think?"

"They're just as open-minded as I am... If anything they thought it's cute... Did I do something wrong?"

"Not really, I've never um... really hit on a guy like this before... Oh I ended up mentioning I had a crush... but yeah nothing like this, at least not until now."

"First time for everything hmm?" He said just before my muzzle locked with his. He must have expected what was to happen, because as my tongue slipped into his mouth, there wasn't any resistance.

As the torrents washed over us, I wrap my other arm around him as I nuzzle into his neck. He smells like... like something comforting, something I wanted.

My paw is tracing circles around the head of his cock. By the purrs that are emanating I must have touched something that he likes. With a single digit, I stroke the tip. He whimpers so slightly.

"Well obviously my naughty kitty wants a release." I whisper into his ear. His eyes cross mine and I can tell by his expression that he wants it badly.

I gently juggle his balls, rolling each testicle gently within their furry sack. With my other paw I began stroking up his length. Every once in awhile I squeeze the shaft to see how close he is, the sensation within him builds as I pump him faster and faster.

I continue for another minute or two, each moment rubbing my kitten trying to get him to greater heights of pleasure. "Fen... Fen..." he gasps at me. It was time.

With the force of a small rifle, he blasts a creamy white load against the walls of the shower; my paws keep milking him for his cum, and it flows for while longer. The shower washes away the evidence but not the heat and excitement of the moment.

"Thanks Fen."

"For what?"

"Fun? Or should I say being with me?"

"We'll see where it leads... ya never know."

As I turn off the shower, I realize that we really haven't been doing much "cleaning" by any sense of the word. The scent of the rain has washed away, but ah, what the fuck, it was fun and that's all that matters.

I grab his spare towel and as I'm wiping off my muzzle, I take a moment to breath in his scent.

"What now?" He asks me as we get back into his room.

I notice the rain that has just begun to pound against the window again. It's not nearly as depressing now. "I'm feeling a little tired, so I should probably get back before nightfall."

"Oh, well if you want, you can sleep over..."

Thanks again for reading. I'll get around to doing more as soon as my exams are over.

Of Rejection and Mid-day Service

Of Rejection and Mid-day Service Sorry everyone for the delay, I'm still relatively new at writing for the furry community, so I'm not totally sure how/what to write. Hope ya guys like this installment. I promise it'll get better as I get more...

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Hoping for Something, A prologue

When I first looked over this page, I thought to myself... damn I really am pathetic aren't I? But then the fact remains... it's the real story of me, and though it seems to prove that not all tales end well, I wanted the beginning to be what I've...

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