AbortUS strikes back 6

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#7 of AbortUS strikes back

So yeah, the next chapter. Please dont mind it took so long, I PROMISE the next one will be sooner. Besides that I dont have much to say besides: read, enjoy, fap and of course REMOVE KEBAB!!!!

"Where is she!", Arthur said as he raged all over the palace in search of a teleportation rune. "She stayed there, but I'll bet she followed me here", he yelled as he tossed another sofa. "YOU ARE LISTENING TO THIS, AREN'T YOU!?!?!", he called out. Luckily for him, there wasn't a servant in sight or they would think that he had gone mad.

"You know... you will never find a rune like that... heck, you won't find a rune at all and let alone configure it", he heard a voice.

"COME OUT!", he barked and suddenly he heard a drop behind him. He turned around, only to face an empty spot. "Wha-", he said.

"Calm down.", he heard a voice, again coming from behind him.

"Show yourself!", he turned around yet again, only to see a rolling ball of mass in the air. As Liura stepped on his shoulder. She felt so light that even a feather would be heavy compared to her. As soon as she stepped on him, she jumped off and landed behind him, her face looking at him.

"I said. Calm. Down", She crossed her arms as she saw his were shaking with rage. "Ahhhh", she sighed, "go on, if you wish to hit me, do it. I won't move", she said as she leaned against the wall, knowing fully well, that he won't hit her, at least not now that he had calmed down.

BAM! Her hair flew as Arthur's massive fist slammed the wall next to her head. She didn't flinch, she didn't even blink as it left quite a hole in its wooden structure, in fact, he hit it so hard that his fist was bleeding.

"Told ya", she grinned. "Now tell me everything", she calmly stated.

"NO! YOU tell ME everything. You start annoying me for the last month, then you start telling me things you SHOULDN'T have known and now father has been telling me your kind was involved with my mother coming here. Explain!", he demanded. His bloodied fist still shaking with anger.

Liura closed her eyes and resisted a sigh. She lifted her arm and whipped a droplet of Arthurs spit from her cheek. "As I said, Calm da fucking ishna da jebe down!", she said with annoyance in her tone. "First, let me ask you few things", she got in his face and moved closer to him. "Why have YOU been an overly protective big brother to me in the last month. You know it is ME who saves you all the time, don't you. Second, WHY on this keh'keret earth are you soo grumpy all the time. And thirdly, why are you being an over sensitive child about this? I thought you put your past behind you and that you had no problem with people bringing up your mother. Keh'keret... for an adult, you behave like a child...", she got out of his face and crossed her arms once again. "...and they at least can be reasoned with..."

He looked down and made a long sigh, exhaling all the anger out of him. "You are right... I guess I should have been more... civilized", now he crossed his arms defensively. "Fine then... we will do this your way. PLEASE tell me everything you know about... well, you know", he said coldly as he put his bleeding fist beneath his armpit.

She knew perfectly why he was behaving the way he was. The effects of the potion made him highly suggestible and it also triggered ancestral memories in him to awaken. If she used a stronger dose, who knows what would have happened. It was in this moment of silence that both of them took their time to compose themselves. The wooden structure beneath them cracking with the half giants weight. The shear burden of time placed on the palace was continuing to push itself on it as rulers build and destroyed parts of it, never being in a steady and stable age.

"Sit, down", the elf crossed her arms, but looked him in the eyes. There was something hypnotic in her voice, which seemed to soothe him and the giant exhaled and rubbed his forehead, clearly wanting to fight, but not being able to bring himself to it. He sat down on the green sofa, which was placed in the room. It was one rare example of truly fine craftsmanship and the only place where it could be found was logically either in the kings palace, or in the house of some rich noble.

Fate seemed to hold Arthur down, as if it pushed on his shoulders and he in turn took his face in his hands, trying to sober himself. His attempts at focusing were shattered as the potion began to work into its fullest potential. "I just noticed, your eyes were black, were they?", he asked nonchalantly.

'Why do I have to do this', Liura thought as she kept focusing her mind on the prize. "I am now going to present to you, the shortest version of events that took place before your birth, Arthur", there was no emotion in her voice, yet there was no spite, there was only an eerie sense of calmness. "You see this isn't the first time I have encountered the lord of slina", She kept herself calm as she recollected on the events that happened nearly three decades ago.

"The palace was burning as the short lived civilization of frost giants came crashing down into a bloody puddle of slina. Only one visit from the Lord of Slina was needed. Kole came and in a single night corrupted a garrison in a remote fort, at the edge of the frost giant kingdom, its name now long lost to time. The troops of the other garrisons didn't react at first, why would they? Their comrades were behaving a bit strange yes, but there didn't seem to be a reason to kill them or in any way fight them. Like a plague from a prophecy, slina spread from one trooper to the next and then to their families. In but a few days, a significant portion of the country was infected. The third king of the frost giants Asentius, was a noble and a wise man who cared for his people, but he was ignorant to the existence of slina... and to its meaning.

Everyone mistook it for a disease, an illness that would soon fade away... they weren't too far off, but it cost them dear. In but a single night, what seemed like a half of the country rose to arms, each blinded or as we can say infected person shouting something not understandable by any sane man. Men women, rich and poor, strong or weak, all took up arms in an effort to infect or kill their fellow countrymen. The war raged only a few days, but that was enough for a country to fall as buildings fell and burned to dust. No one knew the fate of the survivors, but what is known is that all of the kings courts and its nobles were massacred".

"And how does my mother fit in all of this?", Arthur interrupted impatiently as he held his chin in his hands, he was excited by her recollection but didn't want her to get off of the subject.

"Patience", she hissed. "I'm just getting to that", she said as she continued her recollection.

"The king had tried to mount a defense, but it was to no avail. His soldiers, brave as they were, couldn't bare themselves to hit and let alone kill the women and children who were infected, they on the other hand had little trouble infecting and killing the people they once knew as friends. In his desperation, the king looked for a way out as the final hour came near. Luckily for him, a band of mercenaries had docked in his town somewhere around that time and he begged them to take his daughter with them. He despised mercenaries for some reason, but offered them a chest full of gold for their "services". The daughter was taken by them and they took of with their ship AND an additional ship which was given to them by Asentius. The biggest ship the frost giants had in their armada the "Crna Hladnoca", "Black cold" or the "Black cool" as you would translate it."

Liura took a break, trying to figure out how to continue telling her story this unnerved Arthur GREATLY, so much that he started rhythmically knocking on the wood with his finger. He clenched his teeth trying to suppress a growl. It wasn't an anger caused by her not getting to the point, but rather the type of anger caused by the fact that he had gotten into the story and was annoyed by the pause. She looked sideways, trying to find a way to tell her story, in the end she found none and gave him a short version.

On their rout to their destination, they were ambushed by a bunch of dark elves, the mercenaries didn't stand a chance, despite being of various species, origins and skills, they didn't stand a chance against the elves of the death cult. In the end, only the daughter of the king survived and after a lot of days adrift on the sea, she and the ship were found by fishermen of Detomia, I'm sure you know the rest.

She finished the story with a smile, her legs crossed and her fingertips touching each other playfully. Arthur on the other hand wasn't happy at all and anger consumed him once more. "What!?!? That's it!?!?", he protested as veins and arteries started showing on his head.

"You have been told what you need to know", Liura told him, not taking the smirk off of her face which just got bigger as she realized she had just become her mother, who often used the phrase and not only that, but she also said it in the same deep and cool voice as she did. "No-"

"Oh no, you don't!", Arthur cut her short and pointed his giant finger at her. "Liura, please... once... just once since I know you, stop with this secrecy and this teasing crap!", he begged her through his anger as the potion burned inside of him.

She sighed and closed her eyes in calmness and serenity. "Arhtur... stoic... cool... calm... uninterested... and melancholic", she said as she opened her eyes and faced him. "Why the sudden interest in the part of your life that you buried. One half you buried, the other annoys you and you ignore it... in the end you just... exist", she told him as she contemplated her own thoughts.

"She is my mother and I have a right to know... but...", he started, but struggled to find the words, "thank you... for telling me this much, I know you value secrecy and that telling me this much is already something that I wouldn't even hope to get from you", the sadness in his voice was ever present. "I valued... and still value... our friendship, I just... don't want to be the bottom of the well that you occasionally come to", he tried his best to explain his confusion anger and sadness.

She in turn smiled kindly at him and placed a hand on his shoulder, close to his neck. "And here I was thinking you appreciated me for the selfish arrogant bitch that I am! Tell me Arthur, what do you plan to do?", she asked him.

"Black cool... I take it, that is actually eerie darkness that has sat in our docks all these years?", he asked her.

"Glad you had the brains to figure that out", she responded nonchalantly.

"I will take it, fill it with a crew and supplies and go to my mother's kingdom to see whatever happened of it, it is after all... my duty", he explained in a fairly simple manner as a veil of sadness engulfed him. His head wasn't clear, but he knew what he must do.

"It's because... that's expected of you...", she teased him, knowing him all too well.

"The worst part is that I KNOW you are hiding somethi-NO! A LOT from me and I don't know what it is!!!", he told her as sadness and rage boiled within him.

"You are correct! But what I hide is for me to know and for you to... well... all in good time", she responded as she moved her hand with great speed and agility, pinching him very gently between his shoulder, throat and the back of his neck, causing him to make a slight jerk and fall unconscious, his eyes rolling back into his head and his mouth opening. "Sweet dreams", she said as she closed his mouth and placed him on the sofa. She left Arthur's sleeping form, jumped and gripped the large wooden pole on the ceiling with her hands. She then gripped it with her legs and slowly crept away. ________________________________________ "Pssst", Lillian heard as she tossed in her sleep, "psst, princess", she opened her eyes. How long has she been sleeping? It felt like an eternity, she was dry and next to Malion, but as she looked up she saw Elisions head hovering over her.

"Good morning", he said with a sly smile.

"Good morning", she responded with a smile of her own, last night was much fun to her, thank the gods her father will never find out. She moved and sat, stretching out. She then saw Elisions erect cock pointing towards her. She blushed, "Am I that hot? Or are you just horny all the time?", she asked him.

"Both!", he eagerly answered as his face and erection betrayed his lust. "I should warn you though, dragons tend to emit hormones when they are horny. These hormones tend to make our partners as horny as we are", he explained to her, "as you can guess, we dragons rarely part ways with our mates", he eyed her lustfully.

'So that was it!', Lillian thought. That explained quite a lot. In fact, she now understood why she was lightheaded and horny when she was around Malion. It must be easy for dragon couples, since hornyness of one would make sure the hornyness of the other. If that was the case, then Elision's words are probably true, dragons do stay with their partners far more often than humans do.

"I do hope you like my horn!", he said as he playfully touched his penis.

She sighed and chuckled, deciding to play his game, "Yes I do, as a matter of fact. It is nice, hard and big", she said touching his tip and causing him to moan, "much bigger than Malion's, I wonder how long your full length is?", she said, subtly sniffing it. "And I take it, this is how you behave around all princesses", she teased him still, while still holding his penis.

He didn't mind her touch at all, in fact, he enjoyed it, "Oh no no no! Don't get me wrong, I treat royalty with the upmost respect they deserve", his words were sweet as if they were made of honey, but she could sense the false innocence in them as if he knew he could get away with anything he said. "I just noticed what was in your mind last night and what was in the minds of everyone else", he casually said, boosting his ego, "as for my cock, well... I haven't yet met my mate, but I can imagine it's too big for a human woman to handle", he explained.

She gripped his cock a bit firmer, "so you were spying on our minds, that's not very nice of you", she said as she squeezed his cock, attempting to hurt it, but it only seemed to invoke pleasure in him after all what is a grip of a human to a dragon.

"Well, I don't see anyone complaining about the results here", he huffed as if he was offended. "I must admit it was fun watching Malion's little dick explode like a volcano", he barely restrained himself from laughing out loud and waking Malion.

She giggled herself, brushing her hair with her hand out of the way before she reached into Malion's sheath and took his small penis in her hand, while still having a hold on Elision's cock. "Well, it does bother me that you dragons can just read my mind whenever you please", she said as Malion moaned in his sleep.

"Well, there ARE ways to overcome that and not all dragons have such abilities. For instance, Malion has much less potent mind reading abilities than I have and he is much less trained in them, but he is still able to read the minds of humans and to a lesser extend immortal creatures", Elision explained as he rubbed his chin, loosing himself in his thoughts, "Mind if I ask what you intend to do now, that you've found out that you are his mate? You are in no way bound to him, unless you choose to be so? I ask because I don't want to be "rude" and read your mind", he asked her playfully, waving his head and rolling his eyes as he made hand gestures. He was much interested in this, because he always knew Malion, unlike him, had little to no sex life and now suddenly he found himself a mate! Luckily for him, that his parents were more open, some other dragons would kill him for having sex with a human, much less wanting to be mated to one.

"Well... I don't know...", she said letting go of both their dicks, "He is nice to me and I do care for him and love him in a certain sense, but as humans we tend to take relationships a bit slower. I mean, it's not that we just have sex and suddenly we are mated for all eternity!", she explained.

Elision put his hand on his mouth, preventing him from laughing. "Well, dragons don't do it that way either. It's just that our Malion here is... how do I say... special. He didn't have any sex prior to encountering you and the fact that he had... well, not sex but sexual activities with you, doesn't mean that all dragons are like that! A lot of dragons, like me for example, have sex and even casual relationships before finding their mates. Some even don't realize they have found their mates until later on, when their penis extends", Elision explained. It seemed he loved giving lectures on dragons.

"Yes, dragons are highly individualistic creatures indeed. I was fascinated to learn that one dragon is very much different from another one and that the difference can be so great that if a human met but just two dragons in his lifetime, he couldn't believe that they are the same species", Lillian said as she began dressing herself. "Im going to need another bath", she said under her breath.

"Oh? Has Malion been lecturing you on dragons?", Elision cocked a scaly eyebrow as his erection began to shrivel.

"No, he just gave me a book which had a lot of info on dragons, that's all", Lillian explained as she was putting her dress on.

The two had a somewhat long conversation about dragons, the dragon society, the dragon anatomy and anything dragon related. It was only now that Lillian began to realize what charm Elision had and coupled with his mental powers, she concluded that had dragons decided to be more active in the affairs of mortals, that could prove disastrous. She cooled her nerves and asked: "Elision, I take it you dragons have the ability to conquer nations all by yourself, then may I ask... why don't you?", she chose her words carefully.

In turn, Elision rose both his scaly eyebrows in surprise, then he lowered them and looked into a spot at the wall. He looked like a statue, deep in his thought. Eventually he sighed and spoke: "Well, you see. Not ALL members of our... nation, society call it what you like are dragons...", he began, trying to find the words.

"Oh?", she calmly said, not wanting to interrupt.

"Dragons tend to see any lizard or scaly sentient being as a part of their family... in a broader nation sense, which is true because they arrived here with us. We are just the mightiest of our kin and even we have our own divisions based on power each person has, not in the manner of influence, but in a manner of strength, wisdom and might", he explained, "We may be highly individualistic, but when it comes to the things that matter, then we are a collective, one as strong as the earth itself", he took a break in his explaining, "As for the actual answer to your question, it is rather simple WHY we shouldn't. We are strong yes, we are numerous yes, we breed like rabbits, but... when you are immortal, things lose sense after some time. WHY rule a kingdom of mortals, who will forget you if you decide to take a 100 year vacation, why rule them when you can get anything you want yourself, why conquer them when they will die anyway?", Elision concluded his monologue and then added one sentence, "Besides, even if we conquer immortal races, that wouldn't change much", this last sentence wasn't entirely clear to Lillian but she decided not to pry.

"I see", Lillian responded, lacking any better words, which was an oddity for her.

"AAANYWAY", Elision began once more, his erection completely gone and his belly lazily on the floor, "we were talking about Malion. As you have found out, he is a runt in the family", He stated.

"HEY! That's not a very nice thing to say about your brother", Lillian defended Malion, partly out of emotion. She would normally ignore such a comment, but during the months she had spent with the small dragon, she had grown incredibly fond of him. Besides, it was nice to silence Elision, a dragon who clearly loved the sound of his voice.

"Well, you aren't an angel yourself, princess. That half-brother of yours is a... blank slate, because of his upbringing", Elision fought back, more out of playfulness and desire to attain superiority, than out of spite.

"How did you...", Lillian angrily hid her surprise.

"Relax, I didn't read your mind, I read his and besides, since the very moment I met him, I figured out that something is odd about him", Elision smiled and closed his eyes, savoring his moment of victory, "As for Malion, he IS my brother and I love him sooo...", Elision purred and rubbed Malions muzzle with his own, affectionately, "but he decided that the fact that he is small has to rule his life. He had an option to exercise like all young dragons do and increase his strength, he had a chance to study and expand his mental powers, but he chose not to. He chose this life as much as it chose him", Elision explained, "in fact, I am not surprised why he fell for you", Elisions tail was waving around, showing the eagerness of the dragon to talk, something which the princess mistook as a sign that the dragon loved gossiping. That wasn't the case, Elision lived a large part of his life with the fox people from across the sea and they were gossiping and teasing all the time, so it rubbed off a bit on him. The fox people were secretive and manipulative, but in a lady like manner, unlike the dark elves who were also secretive but in a very different manner.

The princess sighed, clearly seeing that Elision hid something that he wanted to tell her, "Just tell me, I know you want to", she said and crossed her arms, while giving him a cold smile.

"Such a clever girl!", he praised her, "But how can you not see it then. You, a strong human woman, a lot of power, a lot of influence. Him, a runty dragon, small, pathetic compared to other members of his kin. I think you get me at this point", he teased, like a viper who enjoyed dipping its venom in its victim.

"In a sense yes, we do make a good pair", Lillian responded coldly and short, but she was telling the truth. She understood his words only partially.

Elision rolled his eyes and sighed once more, "don't you think that maybe that is what he desires, hmm?", he licked his scaly lips as he looked into her onyx black eyes, "a strong DOMINANT woman to talk to him, teach him, DOMINATE him, TAME HIM EVEN", he emphasized the words eagerly and with the best sugar he had, in fact just talking to her like this was turning him on.

This time the princess was surprised and she blushed, understanding his words, but refusing to believe them. She dropped her guard and said: "I-I think I do understand what you are saying. But can you tell it in the most simple way you can, so I can have no doubt, please?", she said, not understanding why she felt this way. It wasn't fear, it was excitement, excitement which caused her to drop her guard, giving up the fight and losing it in the end.

Elision simply smiled in the bliss of his victory in the hidden war they had just had before saying: "What I am saying is. That HE", he pointed with his tail to Malion, "wants YOU", he pointed at Lillian, "to be his owner!!!", he exclaimed like a child before noticing that his penis was erect again, throbbing even. "He wants you to rule him, tame him, to become your pet, your slave, your draggy!!! He LOVES that nickname, trust me!!!", Elision was up and practically jumping around in excitement and singing the words.

It took a few moments before Lillian calmed herself. She knew that Malion was insecure and submissive, but she didn't knew it was to that extend. Even worse, the excitement she felt partially turned to lust, which was more than a clear indication to her that she craved the same thing he did, but in the opposite direction. While he craved for her to dominate him, she herself craved to dominate him. Elisions words, no matter how sugared and playful they sound, are true. He wasn't the viper she thought him to be, but a child, much like Malion. Elision may be smarter, stronger and MUCH older than her, but she was CEIRTAINLY more mature then he was and probably ever will be she thought to herself. Never the less, the thought amused her and scared her at the same time. She suddenly snapped herself back into reality and saw Elision hopping about.

"Oh, you crave it too!", Elision nearly yelled in his excitement, "I can see it in your eyes! Not only has Malion found himself a mate, but also a owner! A mistress! A goddess!", Elision laughed.

"Judging from that horn of yours, it seems like you like it as well. Maybe I will have two dragon slaves or maybe I can give one to Marian", Lillian teased him back and resumed the fight, determined to get back, it was 1:0 for Elision so far.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. EVERYTHING turns ME on, but when it comes to such kinky stuff, I tend to be dominant, but I also like to be submissive on rare occasion", Elision either didn't spot the battle invitation she was sending him, or he simply didn't care, "Still the bare thought! A dragon, a creature which is supposed to be dominant and the strongest predator! A being that is supposed to be at the peak of nature's hierarchy, falling so low to be a human's slave! That such a weaker being is able to dominate such a superior one! Surely this stuff is worth of great books that will sing and sound all across the planet and which will last through the ages!", Elision waved about theatrically, making as much drama as he could. If he was a human, he would clearly be an artist or an actor. He calmed down a bit. "Sorry about the superiority thing", he suddenly realized.

"No problem", she said and looked down, deciding not to continue the fight, "I just... can't believe... this is such a big revelation to me... and yet it was so obvious all the time... I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to confirm this... not that I don't trust you...", she struggled to cope with the flow of thoughts and emotions through her head.

"It's alright", Elision took her hands and calmed her, "Just because he likes to be a slave in bed, doesn't mean he can't be normal outside of it. He can and hopefully will have a normal life with you", he calmed her with genuine care, like one would calm a member of his own family, "and if he does demand to be your slave all the time, just make him cum and that desire will pass", he hugged her, taking great care not to crush her with his massive body.

"Oh Elision", she said as she realized just how much her opinion of him had changed in the last couple of minutes. She hugged him back and closed her eyes, loosing herself.

"Well, you want to test this right now?", he asked her as he brushed her hair with his hand.

"W-what do you mean?", she asked him, not letting him go.

"I mean test his submissiveness, silly", he told her, rolling his eyes. He made that tick so often that it nearly became his trademark.

"What do you have in mind?", she said and then for some reason said, "What's the plan?", as she broke off the hug.

"Well, first you awake him and ask him about what I just said. He trusts you and will let you read his mind... or to be more precise, show you what is in it", he told her as his erection throbbed harder.

"I don't want to pry...", she said.

"Oh come on!!!", he protested, "You know each other and after all, you will know if he is the one for you", Elision pressed on, dropping his playfulness.

Lillian looked in his eyes and after a few moments of silence, she looked down as she said: "Alright", he barely contained himself from the excitement.

Lillian gently approached the sleeping dragon, kneeling beside his head and gently caressed his chin, 'wow, Malion is a heavy sleeper... not even Elision could awake him', she thought as she gently whispered: "Malion... wake up".

To her great surprise. Malion opened his eyes.