Half-Blood Chapter XXXVIII

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#39 of Half-Blood

Hey folks! Here it is! The 38th Chapter of HB! Today marks 3 years since I first posted this story and what a 3 years it's been! This chapter is dedicated too all of you and especially Perrin Wolfbrother (for being an excellent friend and confidant), plainwalk for inspiring me too start the story in the first place and being helpful as well) Ravens Fire (for also being a good friend), RuthofPern (for editing of course) and Crusade24 as well as Fang_Wolf and AtriusBloom

As always comments are ALWAYS appreciated as are votes and faves!

Also Ciel Kliendel also deserves a mention a big one because if not for him Xander wouldn't have never included which would have made HB a very different story than what we have!

Chapter XXXVIII- Bad Meetings and Old Faces

"Get out!" Lucas snarled out viciously.

Xander was legitimately unnerved at just how ENRAGED the other fox sounded a far cry from his normally more meek tone. In all honesty he looked like he was just about to throw that woman straight into hell. He could probably do it too, if he really wanted too. It honestly wouldn't surprise Xander much at all...And lord did she deserve hell, her pushing down little Vanessa was a bit too much of a trigger for his own comfort. He noticed Mr. McKeller was only being barely held back by his son, though the younger pit looked ready to curse her himself judging by his glare.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are you worthless bastard? What gives you the right too force us out?" The vixen taunted, as if she was completely ignorant of the murderous rage that seemed to be ever so suddenly boiling to the surface. Xander was honestly surprised he hadn't gone purple eyes on her...

"This is my house! Of course I have the right to dictate who stays and who goes! You have been nothing but rude and insulting since Dad pulled you in! You insulted not only me but the entire family! You also just assaulted a little girl!" He spat out viciously. "Now get out before I fucking force you out!" Xander just shivered, especially when that dreaded suffocating aura emanating from him. "You have been selfish rude the entire time! You are self-righteous assholes who have broken every rule of hospitality! I refuse to give you shelter if you are going to act like this!"

"And where would we stay brat?" The woman stated just as coldly. "We have nowhere to go!"

Lucas just gave her a cold look and an indifferent yawn. He honestly seemed almost indifferent too that fact, it reminded Xander of just how he had treated him when they first met, that coldness. Only this time it was more out of absolute hatred than mere distrustfulness.

"Don't know and really don't care!" He stated. "Can stay in the streets for all I care! Would serve you right... guests should treat their hosts respectfully after all, you are in their house but you have shown absolutely no respect so I will not show you any either!"

The vixen seemed almost livid at his nonchalant answer. "How dare you!" She snarled out! "You need to be taught a lesson." She said and she looked like she was just about to go up and slap him, however she was swiftly stopped in her tracks by the alarmingly hostile death-glare Lucas was giving her. He seriously looked like he was mere nanoseconds from going berserk on her. Thankfully her husband seemed to notice this as he gently pulled his wife away where she couldn't get physically close to the young fox.

"We aren't wanted here dear, that much is obvious. Let us find somewhere with less... unclean company!" He stated snidely before walking them out. Once they were out of the house Lucas deflated almost immediately and sat down on the chair looking exhausted. Xander was immediately at his side as was Erin and Curtis. Mr. McKeller himself just continued glaring out of the door, still seemingly furious before rushing towards his daughter's side.

"Hush baby, the mean fox lady is gone! You don't have to cry! Your cousin took care of it!" He whispered gently in her ear. Little Vanessa just grabbed onto her daddy and cried harder while he patted and comforted her as best he could. While he comforted her his eyes settled on Lucas, "I thank you, you handled that far better than I could." Lucas just nodded, still somewhat in his own little world. He looked mildly distressed and Xander was quick to bring up Ian.

"Hey, do you want me to get Ian?" Lucas just nodded once again. He must've felt awful, having his own grandparents blame him for his mother's death, especially since he still probably blamed himself as well. Absolutely the last thing he needed right now was his bastard grandparents.

"I can't believe that lady said those things!" Mariah the vixen exclaimed in a disgusted tone. "Blaming you for that tragedy...She should be ashamed!"

The other siblings just nodded their affirmative. "Yes she should! Hey I'll go call Ian, you guys try and snap Lucas out of this trance," he said before getting up and walking towards the door, if Xander knew one thing he knew for a fact Ian was not going to be happy about this... not at all. He just hoped the wolf didn't completely lose his shit... especially since he had a feeling only Ian could probably snap him out of this weird trance thing. It was honestly getting creepy how Lucas just continued to stare blankly at the ground.


Ian sighed once again as he sat in the basement commons. He was really missing his love right about now, wondering how the meeting with his grandparents went. Hopefully it went well enough, Lucas had enough stress to handle without that going badly. He looked over towards Richard who had his earphones in and seemed to be jamming to some music. Greg was upstairs fixing lunch and his parents were doing their own work related things so he was pretty much by himself. Agent Wilson wasn't near as chatty as Agent Wallace, and he really didn't feel like listening to Jonah's barbs, so he was basically stuck bored out of his mind.

He was just about to call Lucas himself before he got a call from Curtis...Frowning he immediately answered the phone.

"Ian here, something wrong Curtis?" That was enough to catch Richard's attention it seemed since his baby brother had turned off his music so he could snoop.

"Yeah... the meeting didn't go well...at all... apparently blaming him for her death just because he was born. His grandmother even pushed down Vanessa and made her cry. Lucas got pissed and forced them out to leave, but he has been in this weird trance like state since.

"Trance? What are you talking about?" Ian asked confused. He really didn't like where this was going... he also reminded himself to put Lucas's grandparents on his shit list also. How could you blame someone for just being born? It wasn't fair, Lucas did nothing wrong and they still blamed him of all people!

"He's been staring at the same patch of floor since they left. It's getting creepy honestly. I think he's reeling from everything, poor guy had it rough he seriously didn't need this so close to the funeral. Think you can try and snap him out of it? If anyone can I know for a fact you could. You are his boyfriend after all and he trusts you."

"I'll be there immediately!" Ian shouted out, he was barely suppressing his desire to explode with rage and hunt those assholes down and make them apologize, but he had to worry about Lucas first.

"What happened with Lucas?" Richard asked concerned while Ian was busy scrambling to get everything together so he could rush too Lucas's side. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to see Lucas! His bastard grandparents blamed him for his mother's death because they said if he hadn't been born, she would probably be alive! I need to see him and talk to him! Curt said he's been in a weird trance thing since he ran them out!" Ian stated as he slipped his coat on but before he could run upstairs Richard grabbed him in an attempt to stop him. "What are you doing!? Let go!" He snarled out but his brother held firm with his grip.

"How are you going to get there? Run through the woods? You know you can't go anywhere without our parent's permission, we are GROUNDED in case you forgot! Also do you seriously think Greg would let you out of the house without him? He'd flip! No, we need to work things out. Talk to our parents and see if they will take you there!"

"What's going on? What are you two talking about?" Their mother's voice rang from the top of the stairs. Richard was the one to explain because Ian himself was still fuming about being kept away from Lucas's side, especially when he needed him!

"Lucas didn't have a good meeting with his grandparents. Apparently they blamed him for his mum's death, just because he was born. Lucas got angry and threw them out, but has been in a trance like state. Curtis called Ian and asked him if could try and snap him out of it." Their mother just nodded, Ian could tell she was incredibly close too blowing her top.

"His grandmother also pushed down Vanessa when she tried to say hi, that's what set him off." Ian finished, just as he predicted that was all she needed to blow her top in a fit of rage.

"SHE DID WHAT!? HOW COULD SOMEONE JUST PUSH A CHILD FOR BEING NICE! OR BLAME A CHILD FOR BEING BORN!?" She snarled enraged. "Get your coats! I'll fetch Greg...we are going to see the boy!" She ordered before walking out.

Both brothers just looked towards each other before shrugging...it seemed her maternal protectiveness had already transferred over to Lucas. Something Ian was grateful for. "You heard her! Let's get our things!" He ordered, several minutes later they were in their car zooming towards Lucas's own home. Their mother was driving and her attention was completely focused on the road. Greg had gotten shotgun naturally and Ian and Richard were both seated in the backseat. Nobody said anything the entire time, though Mom still looked absolutely furious and Ian was slightly worried that she would go after those assholes. While his mother was far from a violent person, usually she was damn protective of him and his brother and Greg also. He knew how vicious she could be when one of her children was hurt. Not that they wouldn't deserve being charbroiled, but he didn't think them worth it.

Ian himself was worried about Lucas though, the poor kit just couldn't catch a break it seemed. He was actually getting twitchy, while he knew his mother was going as fast as she could, he still was anxious about the fox. The poor guy was probably in the midst of a nervous breakdown, at least he hadn't gone psycho on his grandparents. That would've been bad for everyone. Finally though, they pulled into Lucas's gated driveway. Ian was already out, even before their mother had even properly parked the car. He was quick to run into the house nearly knocking over Mr. Mason in the process.

He gave the fox a quick apology before he ran into the sitting room and saw Lucas sitting on one of the couches. His body was completely still, the only movements Ian could pick up on was the rise and fall of the fox's chest. His eyes appeared almost blank and it was if he hadn't even notice the wolf. Erin was by his side obviously, and when the girl noticed him she relaxed and waved him over.

"You came, he's been in this state for nearly an hour by now. I honestly don't know what to do, he won't react to me at all." Ian just nodded before stepping up in front of the fox and looked the boy straight in the eye.

"Lucas? Hey, you gotta snap out of it!" He said but the fox still wouldn't fully respond, though Ian did notice that Lucas's tense body seemed to have relaxed, if only a tiny bit. "They are wrong you know, it wasn't your fault! Nobody should be blamed for just being born, that was bullshit what they said and they had absolutely no tight to say those things too you!"

The fox just looked up at him in a blank fashion, which bothered him immensely, whatever that bitch said must have hit him hard.

"You okay?" He asked Lucas worriedly. He didn't like this at all, it reminded him way to much of how Lucas was when they first met. He really didn't want him to regress back to that point, especially after having come so far since they started dating. "Lucas?" He asked again when he didn't respond. "Are you okay? Answer me!" This time Lucas did respond, by shaking his head no which broke Ian's heart. "What happened? I was told she blamed you for everything and pushed down Vanessa, is that true?" That was answered with a sad nod which made Ian growl in anger.

"Yes.... yes she did... She said if my mother had just aborted me, she would still be living in Toronto and possibly married to a Christian man..." He stated his voice barely audible. "In a sense she's right, her and Dad would have never married without her getting pregnant with me. She would have probably settled and would possibly be alive still. It really is all my fault..."

"No! It! Is! Not!" Ian snarled as he grabbed the fox's shoulders and shaking them. "That bitch is wrong! You hear me!? Her death was NOT your fault! You did your best and no one blames you okay? No one that matters at any rate, fuck that cunt honestly, you shouldn't take anything she says to heart okay?" Lucas just gave a half-hearted nod before throwing himself onto Ian's chest before letting out heart wrenching sobs. Ian just held his love close and let him cry. It was obvious the fox was stressed, and having his grandparents being so awful definitely didn't help matters.

"I just... I miss her so much..." he cried out into Ian's chest. "I could've saved her... if I had been stronger she would possibly be alive! I failed her Ian... I'll have to live with that knowledge..." Ian didn't say anything in response, just continuing to hold and hug Lucas close. He had sensed the others had been watching them the entire time, but he paid them no attention, instead putting all of it on the weeping vulpine in his arms.

"Shh, it's okay Lucas, let it all out okay? You need to let it out, holding it in will just make it toxic okay?" Lucas continued to sob but he gave a tiny nod which made Ian smile. "Good, so please just let it out, you'll thank me for it later probably."

Lucas continued crying for nearly five minutes before he finally started to calm down. Once he had fully stopped crying he awkwardly moved away from Ian much to his disappointment, and was so embarrassed he couldn't even look Ian in the eye properly. "Thanks..." He stated in a shy voice, "You helped me again..."

Ian just sighed and drew him in closer once again. "I'll always be there to help you, I promise you that." Ian said while he continued to hold his beloved close.


"It has been several days since the tragic murder of local model Marie Mason nee Love. The model was tragically killed during a home invasion gone horribly wrong." A sad looking bobcat said to the camera. "There are currently no known suspects in the murder. Her husband Investment Banker Evan Mason has spoken on the news several times regarding his wife's passing. The couple have two children, a son Lucas who is currently sixteen and a daughter Erin who is fifteen." From there another announcer decided to continue where he left off.

"Mr. Mason while cooperative has adamantly refused to allow his children to be exposed to the press, citing that the two should be allowed to grieve in peace." A polecat stated calmly.

With a sigh the Doberman turned off the TV and lay there in silence. The news of the fact Lucas's mother had been murdered came to him as a shock, but such a high profile deaths made sure that it would be a major topic and would remain in the news. Hell, CTV had been running it, nonstop! He sighed as he once again had his thoughts go on Lucas. How could he have thrown the fox away? The past year had been very rough, especially after his parents had caught him balls deep in Rick...

That hadn't gone over well, and he had been swiftly disowned, but he was truly grateful that Rick had offered him a place to stay. The two had gotten very close since he had moved too Victoria. They weren't necessarily dating really, though they had been sleeping together for a few months prior. A little after, the kangaroo had forced him to tell him about what he had done to Lucas.

"Sad isn't it?" The voice bedside him said sadly. "She was Lucas's mother right?" Thomas just sighed as he rubbed his chest, they had just gotten done having sex when they decided to see the news. He was actually still tied to the kangaroo at that current moment.

"Yeah, that was definitely his mother." He stated sadly, he remembered that Mrs. Mason was always a good person, when she wasn't busy with her job she had been involved with a lot of different charities. Hearing of her death broke his heart.

"You should attend the funeral I think!" Rick stated in blunt manner. "You know, it could hopefully give both yourself and Lucas closure." Thomas just laughed at that as he rubbed the Roo's swollen tummy. That had to be the funniest thing he had ever heard, yeah go to the funeral if the guy you back-stab bed's mother!

"I would definitely not be welcome. Lucas had always had an impressive grudge streak in him. There is no way he would allow me there." He explained in the off chance that Rick was actually serious, but surely he wasn't?

"I still think you should at least try, you might be surprised." Wow, it seemed like he really was serious... but even then it was foolish, there was absolutely no way Lucas would want him there. He was pretty damn sure the fox hated his damn guts, though he certainly had every reason to... no matter how much he wanted to reconcile with Lucas, he knew for a fact that the fox would never forgive him. He had burned that bridge and he would just have to learn to live with that.

"Trust me it wouldn't end well, especially with Lucas! He'd blow a gasket if he saw me, so it's best to stay well away from him." The Doberman explained for the Roo's support. "Lucas can hold grudges more than anyone, and he is very slow to forgive. So I know for a fact he hasn't forgiven me." He stated in an almost bored fashion. "I've thought about it a lot and I'm pretty sure I fucked things up massively."

"You're making excuses I think!" Rick stated before he rolled them around until he was on top of the Doberman. "You are so afraid of how Lucas would react that you absolutely refuse to make things better." He said as he started to move his hips, fucking himself on the knotted cock. "You have the chance to hopefully reconcile with Lucas. You miss him, you two were best friends for ages after all, plus you still have that photo in your wallet."

"I use it as a reminder of what I lost. I betrayed my best friend and tormented him, hell, he attempted suicide because of what I did. I broke him to the point he just didn't want to live anymore... how could I face him knowing that?" Thomas said looking away from the kangaroo who'd thankfully stopped riding his cock. "I ruined my friendship because I couldn't accept I was gay. You know how my parents were when he told me he loved me...it both made me the happiest man on the earth and scared the shit out of me, because I knew my parents would throw me out without hesitation."

"I know your parents yes, I still can't believe they just kicked you out without hesitation, you would think ones only child would be more important than dogma." Thomas just rolled his eyes at that. He'd thought that as well, but apparently their 'unconditional love' had a whole lot of conditions. But he was far better off now, Rick's family had understood his plight and helped him when he needed it, giving him shelter and a comforting hug when he needed it. He would never be able to repay them for their kindness.

"I wasn't honestly. I had always known what they thought about things, so I expected it to happen sooner or later. But I guess I'm happier, like before I screwed over Lucas."

"I still say you should try and fix things. Even if it doesn't work you could at least say you tried!" Rick stated softly as he restarted his movement. Instinctively Thomas gripped on his hips and began to guide the thrusts. "It's always better than nothing!" Thomas didn't reply, he was far too engrossed in the movement of the kangaroo's hips.

Relaxing he decided to let the kangaroo choose the pace. Being that they were still tied there wasn't much available room to move, but Rick worked wonders with those few cementers. Thomas was just reduced to a happily panting puppy, completely engrossed in the feeling of Rick's ass squeezing on his cock and knot. One thing he had always liked about Rick that he was incredibly greedy about his cum. He always made sure to get two or three shots out of him before his knot went down.

Their pace eventually became frenzied and Rick started to move his hips faster and faster until he sent Thomas into a howling orgasm and filling the kangaroo with his hot doggie cum. Rick came soon after that splashing a bit of cum on his face in the process. The two just laid there enjoying the glorious afterglow of their sex.

"I still think you are crazy Rick," he panted out once he came down from his orgasmic high. "Besides, I don't even know where it's even being held! So that's another problem!"

"You could just check her obituary? I'm sure they would include the place and time in case people wished to pay respects to her."

Thomas glowered at that, yes, it probably would be there but it still didn't feel right to him. "True, but the fact remains that I would almost certainly not be welcome there, and trying to reconcile with Lucas at his moms funeral just seems in real bad taste."

"I'd go with you, you know that right? I would make sure nothing bad would happen. You've changed...you are no longer the person you were then. I'm sure even he would see that!"

"You are way too optimistic. Even if I've changed, it doesn't excuse me from my actions. I destroyed Lucas both emotionally and mentally that cannot be understated, what I did was despicable and I have to live with that knowledge."

"If I'm optimistic, you are cynical. This is your one chance to make things up too him, don't let that moment pass you by. No it doesn't fully absolve you of what you did, but the thought always counts, and as I said, I would have your back the entire time and would do my best to help you out."

Thomas sighed once again, he was honestly torn. Part of him wanted too honestly try and fix things, but the realist in him noted that even if he went there was no guarantee that he would not just be thrown out immediately. "Us Furs are a complex lot you can never fully predict how someone would react..." Thomas just let out a mighty sigh, it was obvious the roo wasn't let going to let this go of this, and he could even be right, which would be great even if it was completely unlikely.

"I'll think about it, I won't give you an answer right yet, but I'll consider it, that enough for you?" He gently teased which made them both laugh. It felt nice laughing, far better than crying. Once they settled down they hugged him close and kissed each other's cheeks. "But really, thank you, you've been good to me, far better than I deserve I wager. I owe you so much!"

Rick just held onto him close holding his head before kissing him gently. "I love you," Rick said while staring him in the eyes. Those words were sincere and those eyes reminded him of Lucas, when he said the same thing, which broke his heart even more. Rick truly did love him, he would have been a fool not too know, but even though he returned those feelings... he just couldn't say those words back...he couldn't return them until he'd faced Lucas, no matter how hard he tried to repent, none of it would matter until he made peace with his past and too do that he would need to make peace with Lucas which was something he honestly didn't think would be possible.

But even if he couldn't fully say those words, he tenderly brushed his paw against the kangaroo's face and said. "I know you do."


It still felt weird... Ian was still holding him close, even if he had stopped crying a few moments ago, but he wasn't complaining, not at all, it made him feel safe... made him feel loved.

"You feeling better?" Ian whispered too him gently. He just nodded, he truly did. Ian always made him feel better, and that made him love the wolf even more if was hard to remain truly sad for long in the wolf's presence. "I'm glad," he said before kissing Lucas, "Now let's get more comfortable." He continued before he picked Lucas up and sat them both on the couch. "I can't believe that bitch said those things to you! What kind of person would say those things to their own grandchildren?" He snarled.

"It doesn't matter, I threw them out and told them they weren't welcome here anymore. After the funeral I doubt we'll ever cross paths again," he stated nonchalantly but that didn't satisfy Ian at all.

"Such behaviour is considered shameful in our society! If she was a Mage I'd bet you that Zeus would set her straight. Xenia applies to both guest AND host after all, and Zeus embodies that aspect." He explained.

Lucas just nodded. He remembered that Jordan had invoked that to get his Dad to host his Aunt and Uncle. "Either way it's over, but thank you, you always do so much for me and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay you for your kindness."

Ian just laughed loudly at that and held him even closer. "You don't have to repay me anything, your love means far more to me than anything else, even if it sounds cheesy. I will always help, that is after all what you do for their ones you love."

"That is quite right Ian, you truly have grown up since you left." Mr. McKellar's voice rang out softly behind them. Lucas turned around and saw the pit had a very soft smile on his face. "You truly are seeing my nephew? I always had a feeling on you but never thought it mattered, but I assume I don't have too give you a lecture about hurting him I hope?"

Ian just nodded swiftly and returned his smile. "I would never hurt him!" He stated in a firm manner. "I would do anything to protect him, so no worries on that Mr. McKellar!"

The pit just let out a hearty chuckle before he spoke his voice light with mirth. "Ah, the innocence of young love. I'm proud that you are stepping up for something, you truly might become a good leader when you are older." Lucas noticed that Ian's cheeks brightly considerably under his dark fur and he seemed almost humbled by the praise.

"Thank you Mr. McKellar!" He exclaimed happily. The man just gave one last chuckle before he returned to his wife's side and held her close much like Ian was holding Lucas. It was sweet, the two most definitely seemed very much in love. A stark contrast to how his own parents were. Ian however turned his focus on Curtis who had been comforting his little sister the entire time. "Hey Curt! How are things going with Eve?" He teased which made the dog flush underneath his brown and white fur.

"It's um... doing well... we are still dating at any rate! We also visit as much as possible, she is actually talking about spending the summer with me before I head too Uni!" He stated. By his voice and the cute smile it was obvious he was fond of this Eve.

"That's great! Can't believe you snagged a Tierney... though a member of the lesser branch."

"Lesser Branch?" Lucas asked confused. "What do you mean by that?"

"Clans have several branches too them," Curtis started explaining, "As you know the Eldest son is the one who inherits the position except for special circumstances. Women typically marry out into other Clans while younger brothers stay within the Clan. The Second Eldest typically serves as an advisor while the others often have no real role. As more generations come the lines of the younger siblings become less powerful in Clan Affairs. For example Eve's line split from the Ruling line about five or so generations ago, so she has absolutely no power in the Clan herself and doesn't share many close blood-ties with the current ruling line. It's... A complicated thing a Clan hierarchy's they can be pretty rigid, especially when we live so damn long, change often comes slower to our world."

"Oh, okay, I take it you are part of your Clan's ruling line?"

"Yup! I'm in the same position as Ian remember? I'm the eldest so my line will be the next ruling line. My brother's lines will gradually lose power unless my own line dies out. If then it would pass onto Mathias."

"What about your sister? Why is she passed on?" Lucas asked.

"Mariah will probably marry out of the Clan, her children would be considered heirs to her husband's Clan not ours. Since our system is based on primogeniture. However she will still have influence in the Clan being my sister, plus the influence in her husbands. Pretty much the woman decides who she marries. Arranged marriage was something Mundanes did. In the old days girls were given several suitors presented to her by her father. If none of them met her satisfaction she would reject them and send them packing. Plus the wives of the heads themselves also have a seat in the Council, so every Clan has two votes."

"I guess that makes sense, so women cannot inherit Headship? That sounds vaguely sexist if her Authority comes from her husband..."

"Generally no, as I said most girls marry into other Clans. But in extreme situations like the absence of male heirs in the Ruling line the eldest Daughter is allowed headship and her husband takes her name instead, but such cases are incredibly rare. Ian's great grandmother would have been in that situation if she hadn't passed the title to her son Isaac."

"Really?" He asked looking towards Ian in surprise. "You never told me that? Why did she not accept the title?" Ian just shrugged, seemingly he didn't have much of a clue either it seemed.

"I'm not sure really, she never bothered giving a reason so I just didn't bother asking her. I guess she thought Grandpa would do as better job I guess. Which was pretty true, or at least I think so." He stated before returning to face Richard who seemed to be in a conversation with Marian about music.

"You looking forward to the next Eurovision?" She asked. Ian just chuckled at that, Richard was obsessed with that show...he always made sure to keep up with it. Though Ian also enjoyed it himself, Richard had always been the big music lover of the family. It was rare that Ian saw him without his music.

"Of course! Surprised Azerbaijan won though honestly, was rooting for the UK of course. Shame we only got 5th, but there's always next year eh?"

"Indeed, I didn't really care for their song much honestly, but I guess they deserved to win. You should have seen Daddy's face when it showed we lost, it was pretty funny." The pretty vixen giggled to herself. "He's always supports Britain in the competition, so he wasn't very happy."

"I'd buy it, your dad can get pretty passionate about stuff. He can't seem to stand the First Minister can he? Dad doesn't care much for him either I wager." Ian eventually decided that it was best to tune out of that conversation, it was true though as far as he knew their Father couldn't STAND Alex Salmond, though Ian had no interest in politics really.

The group spent the rest of the time chatting and enjoying each other's company until Rebecca looked at her watch and discovered that it was getting pretty late. Lucas watched her as she stepped up and laid a gentle paw on both her son's shoulders.

"Getting late you two, we should be heading home. You've got school tomorrow if I remember correctly. Ian just pouted briefly, Lucas could see that he wasn't very happy about having to leave but he sighed and moved Lucas off his lap before giving him a gentle kiss.

"Guess we best be off, we'll pick you guys up tomorrow okay?" Lucas just nodded, it had already been discussed that Agent Wilson would still be the one who drove them all to school. It did make sense, it would be easier than having two different drivers plus he would still get to ride with Ian everyday which made him happy.

"Yeah, I know, usual time right? I'll get my alarm set for tomorrow." He stated happily. He still wasn't fully used too this feeling really, but it still felt really nice. Ian made him happy and that mattered so much to him, he just wished their relationship didn't put Ian's standing in his Clan in jeopardy. He'd never forgive himself if Ian got banished because of him. Ian was Scottish through and through it would probably devastate him being exiled from his own home.

"You okay Lucas?" He heard Richard's voice ask, catching him off guard. The younger wolf had been standing next to his brother the entire time and once again it amazed him just how alike the two looked, despite being a year apart and having very different body types. He just gave him a short nod, confirming he was indeed okay. Richard was a good guy himself, he almost envied just how chill the wolf was, it was very rare to see him outwardly stressed.

Though Lucas still found his crush on Allison both funny and endearing...He was such a smitten puppy around her that it just made him smile how sweet it was. Though he did wonder if Allison returned those feelings, she was very hard to get a specific lock on, and was very good at hiding her emotions. He honestly hoped she did.

"If you say so!" He stated before turning towards his brother. "Let's get home, I promised Jonah that I'd help him spar a bit, especially since he'll be starting school tomorrow."

"I still don't understand you little brother, first you develop a crush on Monet and then you become friends with Jonah, even after we fought him and he kicked our ass."

"He really isn't so bad, once you get to know him, he's had a hard life after all."

Ian just shrugged but did come up and give Lucas's another kiss before stepping away for good this time. "I'll see you tomorrow, so sleep well love okay?" Lucas just gave an awkward nod before Ian turned towards his mother. "Guess we should head on?" Rebecca just nodded and gave Lucas, Xander and Erin all both hugs and a kiss on the cheek before she led her sons out of the room and eventually out of the house. Lucas was so busy staring at the door he hadn't even noticed that Curtis had taken a seat beside him until the big pit bull spoke.

"He really loves you, you know that right?" He said in a soft voice which caught the fox off guard. "I don't think I've ever seen him be so tender with someone like he is with you, it's sweet really."

Lucas just blushed at that, it still felt weird, being around someone who had grown up with Ian. Let alone have that person be his cousin. But in any case it felt nice, Curtis seemed so honest and supportive that it just made him smile a bit.

"Thanks, so was it true he had other lovers? How did he treat them?" He asked, he had tried several times to get Ian to talk about his previous lovers but the wolf was so tight lipped about it, and Richard and Greg were both obvious dead ends in that regard. Curtis himself looked vaguely uncomfortable at the request but relented when Lucas started giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, fine, he had several, I think it was mostly mutual wanking and blow jobs with him really. He did treat them alright, but he just eventually lost interest in them and broke it off. But you? You are very different, he literally doesn't leave your side and it seems to be the best way to get his attention is to bring you up, and then you get it!"

"He really seems that way..." Lucas said with a blush. "I think it's endearing really, him being so very distractible. It makes him seem so sweet I think!" Curtis just chucked at that which made him blush even more. "I'm serious! I just feel safe around him. I feel liked no matter what he will keep me safe. It's nice..." Curtis just let out a light chuckle before messing with his head furs.

"He will, I know Ian, he will do damn near everything it takes to keep his loved ones safe. He's a good guy with a good heart, you will never have to worry about him betraying you and stabbing you in the back, I can guarantee that! You couldn't find a better mate than him Lucas, I swear on that. He'll do anything for you and will always be there for you... but enough shilling, you should get too sleep, you got school tomorrow after all!" Lucas just let out a yawn. Curtis was right, he did have school so with a wave he left Curtis and headed up to be so he could get ready for tomorrow.


Ian just lay on his bed, he hadn't been able to stop thinking of what Lucas had said earlier, about him attempting suicide. Ian had suspected that Lucas might have done a bit of self-harm. He was no idiot, he had noticed those scars around his wrists, no matter how faint they were, but he had never wanted to pry. He didn't want to push the fox too fast too soon, but the fact that he hadn't told Ian about the suicide attempt had actually hurt the wolf. Did Lucas still not fully trust him?

'Stupid thought, it doesn't matter, he had his reasons I guess.' He thought to himself as he once again rolled over in an attempt to get to sleep. He guessed he understood why he didn't tell, it was a very personal thing after all, and everybody had their secrets. 'Still wished he would have told me though...' Letting out another frustrated sigh he got up and went to use the toilet. Maybe a quick piss would help him sleep?

He did exactly that, but when he was on his way back to his bedroom he noticed that Jonah was sitting on the couch staring at a photo. He looked like he had been crying a bit, which actually surprised Ian. He hadn't thought the dingo the crying sort. Curious, Ian swiftly and stealthily crept up behind the dingo and was surprised to see a young fox, one who looked virtually identical to Xander!

"Who is that?" He asked catching Jonah off guard. He had barely had time to deflect a fireball before Jonah growled at him.

"None of your damned business!" He snarled out before he quickly deflated and sighed. "It's Chase... My first love... he died two years ago, brain cancer... He was a seer, and a damn good one! That's why I know so much about them. He's the one who sent me here, he said I'd find someone who could help me find peace."

Ian just nodded, no wonder he had been so hostile against Xander. If Lucas had died and he found someone who looked just like him...Ian swiftly shook his head, trying to get those horrible thoughts out of it.

"I'm sorry, that must have been hard, my great-great-grandfather died of cancer, but that was in the 80's, before I was born. I couldn't even begin to imagine the loss you felt." Jonah just growled and waved him off.

"I don't want your pity! But yes, it was hard, he was so full of life, so full of potential but he died at the prime of his youth... He never got to finish school, or grow up... he died because cancer... It took that beautiful vibrant fox and turned him into a delirious sack of bones who couldn't even control his own bowels. He hated that, having to wear adult diapers because he just couldn't help but shit himself. That was probably the only time I heard him breakdown... Thankfully the Hospice Nurse kept his pain managed..." he stated, his voice quivering a bit.

"He spent most of the day drugged, but on his last day he refused his medicine, saying he wanted to die with a clear mind...The last thing he said to me was that he loved me... he spent his last breath kissing me, he asked me to cremate him with my own fire... just... Take care of that fox, you will never know if Fate might decide to take him from you... but goodnight 'Lord' Mansfield, will see you in the morning!" He said before he left Ian alone in the room and with his own thoughts.