Half-Blood Chapter XXXVII

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#38 of Half-Blood

Here we go folks! Another chapter in the HB Series! We we are actually close too the 3rd year anniversary of the story! (Horray!) As always thanks RuthofPern for editing and be sure too Comment, Fave and Vote as well!

Chapter XXXVII: Meeting the Family

"Why I wouldn't be? This is my Uncle's house! But that's not important... are you really dating my cousin?" The big pit bull asked. Lucas just looked at the other boy in confusion, cousin? Was he one of the cousins his dad had mentioned during the text? Ian himself just looked awkward. It was clear he knew the dog, since not only did they know each other's names, they seemed familiar to each other also. "Well are you? I would hope you were because I wouldn't want my cousin getting used, that wouldn't be cool."

"Ye-yes... we are dating..." Ian stated a bit shakily, his nerves were obviously affecting him it seemed. "We've been dating for a week or two actually. I had no idea you two were even related! I only found that out a day or two ago."

The dog just laughed and walked up and hugged the wolf tight knocking the breath out of him. "It's good seeing you! I missed you guys! How's everything?" He asked before turning towards Lucas before doing the same thing. Lucas let out a grunt as the big doggie held him close. "It's good to finally meet you Cuz! I was wondering if I would ever get the chance! But sorry about your mum..." he told him softly before letting him go before giving Erin a big hug as well. "And you as well," he said before turning towards Xander. "And you are?" He asked the fox, holding his paw out to shake.

"Xander..." He answered while shaking the offered paw. "It's um... Nice to meet you?"

"Same with you Xander! Is that short for Alexander if I may ask?"

"No... just Xander..." The dog just smiled before giving Xander a big pat on the back accidentally knocking the breath out of him which he swiftly apologized for. The dog really did seem friendly as he cheerfully spoke with the fox leaving Xander confused, it was clear he wasn't fully used to people talking to him like Curtis was.

"You a relative of Lucas?" He asked before shaking his head. "No, that's doubtful now that I think of it... I never met a Changeling before but I doubt you are related to his mum's side given she was a Mundane and Fey only sleep with Mages... anyway where are you from Xan? I can call you Xan right? By the sound of it you sound American... New York perhaps?"

"Yeah... Brooklyn... How... did you know I was a Changeling? Everybody seems to figure it out just by looking at me?" Curtis just laughed and slapped Xander's back once again, this time minding his strength. The guy certainly seemed quite jolly, and seemed utterly unfazed about Ian kissing him. It was nice though at least he had at least one of his cousins on his side.

"Changelings have a certain... feel to them. You feel like the Fey almost, but not quite... it's complicated... but awesome! I've always wanted to see Brooklyn! How did you get to Canada? Are you staying with Lucas?" Xander just flinched at his questions and Ian thankfully grabbed the dog's attention away from Xander so the fox could quietly shuffle away.

"Being a bit nosy Curt! He hasn't really told anyone about his past... but I'm glad to see you also! I can't believe you and Lucas are related! I never would have thought! It really is a small world!" Curtis just smiled apologetically at Xander before turning his attention back towards wolf in front of him.

"I never thought I'd ever meet him. Mum always said her brother wanted nothing to do with the Hidden World, so I thought he was just a Mundane..." Curtis said before standing back towards Lucas. "But obviously not! Wow! A Dark Mage! That makes you perfect for this idiot!" He said jokingly which made Ian let out a loud barking laugh, obviously enjoying himself.

"You are just as thick!" Ian growled playfully. "But yes! He really is quite amazing! Wait until you taste his cooking! It's the stuff of the gods!" Ian hummed out. "Isn't that right Greg?" Lucas swiftly turned his focus towards the tiger, who had kept himself silent the entire time, though he seemed mildly caught off guard when Ian addressed him.

"Yes! His food is very nice! He fixed French yesterday and it was quite good! But maybe we should head inside, everyone else has already done so!"

Lucas looked around. Greg was right, everyone else had already gone inside. Shrugging he quickly directed everyone through the door and eventually found himself in the main sitting room which was filled with other furs. On one side sat Jordan and Rebecca, on the other sat Aunt Rita and Aydin. On the other was his father looking quite annoyed and on the other was another beautiful vixen and an older pit bull...her husband he assumed. Her fur was a soft red and cream and her clothes were nicely tailored. Her eyes were the shame shade as his Father's.

"I'm sorry for showing up so suddenly Evan but I just had to see you, I got tickets the second I heard about her death! How are you holding up?" She seemed kindly.

His Father still looked annoyed, he really didn't seem happy at that current moment. But he still responded, his voice surprisingly gentle considering the situation. "I'm fine really, it's still a bit odd... I was married to her for nearly seventeen years after all, but I think the kids are taking it harder..." he replied before he noticed Lucas. "Come here Lucas!" He ordered and Lucas quickly obeyed and stood right in front of his Father. "This is your Aunt Daphne, I see you met her eldest," he said while motioning towards Curtis, "The others are in the attic so if you wanted to join them..." He offered.

Lucas gave a slight shiver...he would rather meet them later. "I'm good. Can I sit here with you for a while?" He asked softly.

"If you wish," Dad said while motioning towards the seat next to him. Nodding Lucas walked up and sat down next to his father who gave him a quick hug as he did so which caught the younger fox off guard. He still wasn't fully used to his dad being more affectionate after being so distant for much of his life, but he guessed losing his wife put things in perspective for him, and Lucas secretly hoped his dad would keep this up and not revert to his old ways. He noticed Ian had taken a place with his own parents while Curtis and Xander had gone up to the attic.

"So you must be Lucas." The vixen stated kindly. "It's good to finally meet you, how have you been holding up?"

"I've been good ma'am," he stated shyly. "I've been better of course but things have been survivable... Ian's helped me through a lot of things." His Aunt just nodded, though Lucas could have sworn he saw a small knowing smile on her face, but it was gone very quickly.

"I'm glad, how has the press been treating you? We got the news all the way in Scotland after all. Your mother was a pretty notable model after all." She stated sadly.

Dad answered that one in a gruff manner as obviously he himself had interactions with the press himself. "The Press has been kept away from the kids, Mansfield has done a fantastic job keeping them away. I of course had to deal with them several times unfortunately being her husband, but I'd be damned before I'd let my children become media fodder!" He snarled out. "They should be allowed to grieve in peace I think. Stupid Paparazzi tried to sneak into the house to take photos, but the wards informed me of the trespasser and I swiftly kicked him out." Lucas winced at that, having some nosy paparazzi just sneak into the house terrified him.

"That's awful!" His Aunt Rita stated with a gasp, "I hope you sent a complaint to whatever rag that bastard writes for. I would have cursed him if I'd caught him!" She stated firmly and Lucas noticed his Aunt Daphne give a silent nod herself. "That is unacceptable behaviour!"

"I contacted his rag alright, one of those trashy tabloids and I threatened a lawsuit if they didn't send the guy packing, needless to say he is currently unemployed!" Dad stated smugly, "Also set a restraining order on him as well."

"Good on you!" The pit bull said in a deep booming voice. "I hope that serves as a warning the rest of those parasites!" He stated harshly. "I'm a Doctor myself and I've had a few of them try and dig up dirt on me and my family. Needless to say I shut them up very quickly."

"Indeed... Cody wasn't it? I never knew you were a Doctor, what do you practice?" Lucas's father asked with mild interest. "I had a good friend from college who is a well-respected Neurologist. He still sends me journals on Neurology from time to time." He said with a laugh.

"I'm a paediatrician working with children at the Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary actually, so we cover a large area. I love my job though even its demanding." The man said with a smile, "How I met your sister actually," he said before grabbing his wife's paw. "You work as an investment banker am I right?"

"I do indeed, I was in Thailand helping with a merger, but I had to leave before I could get everything finalized..." He stated calmly. "My boss wasn't happy since we possibly lost a massive case, but he understood I was needed at home."

"So are you away from home often? How long were you in Thailand for?" Mr. McKeller asked in a curious manner. "Do you often work overseas?"

"Almost all my business is outside the country, they typically let the newer guys handle the domestic work. So I'm often outside the country for most of the year. I was in Thailand for nearly a month however and the rate that the merger was going I would probably have been stuck there until nearly Christmas," he said with a sigh, "But I was set up at a very nice hotel in Bangkok. The food was fantastic and the people friendly though, so it wasn't so bad," his dad answered with a laugh, "But I did miss home a lot. I haven't been the best father." He admitted sadly, "I couldn't even face my son while he was in the hospital."

"Lucas was in the hospital!?" His Aunt Rita asked in a horrified manner. "When!?"

"I was in the hospital around the 18th... I fell down the stairs and got hurt... but one of my classmates Allison helped me heal, you know Allison right Uncle Aydin?"

"I do indeed. I don't teach her personally since Margret teaches Grades 9 and 10, but I hear she is quite brilliant in her studies."

"Right, but that wasn't what he meant... you see when I was in Grade 9 my friend Thomas Harvey stabbed me in the back when I told him I was gay..." He stated gauging the reaction to that comment but the most he got was a raised eyebrow from Mr. McKeller. "He outed me and led a bunch of bullies to torment me... eventually I got sick of being abused and I swallowed a bunch of my dad's sleeping pills. I overdosed on them and if it wasn't for Erin I would have died... I was in the hospital for nearly two weeks for observation." He was surprised when he saw Mr. McKeller let out an angry roar.

"How dare that piece of shit do that to you! If someone did that to any of my children I would have PERSONALLY disembowelled them!" He snarled viciously before turning his anger on Evan? "And you didn't even check up on him once!? If it was my pup they would have had to pry me away from their bedside!"

"I couldn't face him because I was ashamed, I failed my son. When he needed me most I ignored him and told him to man up..." Dad stated in a broken sounding voice. "Marie was furious for months, but I just couldn't face him. What could I possibly say? What could I have done to fix things? I was a coward..." He admitted before he sat up and spoke more firmly. "But I'm trying to step up! I'm tired of failing my children! With Marie gone I'm a single parent, and they need me now more than ever and this time I can't fail him." Mr. McKeller gave a firm nod, obviously satisfied with the fox's answer as he calmly sat down next to his wife who quickly held his paw.

"So where is that asshole now?" The man asked gruffly. "Because if I find him I'm snapping his spine...No one messes with my family and nephews are no exception." He stated as he looked Lucas right in the eye. "Even if I just met them, too turn your back on a friend and for such a trivial reason he deserves worse than Tartarus if you ask me."

"He lives in Victoria last I heard, so I doubt you'd ever meet him..." Lucas stated before he heard someone knock on the door. Twitching his ears Lucas swivelled his head towards the hallway before he swiftly got himself up. "I'll get it!" He told them before he exited the room and rushed towards the door. Once he reached the door he unlocked it and swung it open and was surprised to see a familiar cheetah standing in on the porch. The spotted feline was holding what looked like a plate covered in tinfoil. "Jaidev!?" he asked surprised. "What brings you here?"

"My mother baked a cake for you!" He stated gently. "Our Mothers were good friends and she wanted to know when the funeral is. I went to Mansfield's house and was told you had returned home... may I come in? It's kinda chilly out here," he stated. Lucas immediately let him in while apologizing for keeping him outside but the cheetah just shrugged him off. "It's nothing, how are you? I've been wanting to talk to you, but I haven't been able to get the chance." The cheetah stated awkwardly, "You're always with Mansfield and Moore."

"You've been wanting to talk to me?" Lucas asked confused. He and the cheetah had rarely exchanged many words despite knowing each other since middle school, so it was odd for him to suddenly try and reach out. They ran in completely different circles after all, Jaidev was on both the student council and occasionally worked for the school paper as an editor, whereas Lucas mostly kept to himself.

"Yes, the paper wants to start an art column. They have been debating it for months and they finally agreed to start a section dedicated to student made arts. Things like drawings sketches and the like. As the assistant editor I wanted to ask if you were willing to participate? You were always rather good at drawing things if I remembered correctly." Jaidev stated. "You don't have too, but I think you could do a good job."

Lucas just shook his head, he rarely paid attention to the bimonthly paper. "I haven't picked up a drawing pencil since 9th Grade Jaidev..." He started in an awkward fashion. "After Thomas I kinda lost interest... Hell, I'd wager I'm probably quite rusty."

Jaidev just shook his head, he seemed determined to get his way it seemed. "I understand, I remember that year, it was horrible what happened." He stated sympathetically. "I was shocked at Thomas's actions, he always seemed so nice. I would have never have thought him a bully." He just shook his head. Being one of the very few Muslim students he had occasionally been harassed himself by the more conservative students. Emmett Douglas in particular seemed to make it his mission to try and make Jaidev and the others students outcast, though his outright racism and speciesism led him to have very few supporters.

"But you were very good! It would be a shame to let your talent go to waste." He stated.

Lucas just let out a sigh, it was obvious Jaidev was determined to get him on his project. "I'll think about it Jaidev," Lucas replied in a noncommittal tone, "But come-on, let's put that in the kitchen, are you needed elsewhere? You are welcome to stay for a bit, Ian and Greg are here."

"I've got no pressing matters to attend to, so I'll take you up on that offer, so thank you for inviting me." He said as he placed the cake on the counter. Together the two returned to the sitting from and Jaidev seemed surprised to see Aydin sitting in one of the chairs. "Doctor Közen! What are you doing here!?" He asked before he acknowledged his classmates. "Oh, and hello Mansfield, Moore..." Both returned his greeting from where they were sitting and Jaidev turned his attention back towards their teacher. "Are you related to Lucas Doctor?"

"He's my nephew by marriage," the shepherd explained in his usual kindly fashion, "My wife is his Aunt," he continued while motioning towards his wife, "But please, call me Aydin when outside school, I find being called Doctor Közen can be tiresome."

Jaidev just nodded quietly letting that slip into his memory. "Very well sir, you may call me Jai then, it is what my parents and siblings call me. That goes for all of you as well."

"You have siblings Jai? Do they go to the school?"

"No they do not Sir I'm the middle of three. My elder sister is in college and my younger brother is currently in Grade 8. He'll be attending the school next year however." Jaidev explained in a helpful manner.

"Interesting, I assume I'll be teaching here for quite a while unless Alphonse Carter desires to return, but having spoken to him I find it unlikely."

"What exactly made him return to Alberta though? It must have been important if he was willing to leave Greenhart on such a short notice." Jai asked in a curious manner.

Lucas himself had been wondering that as well in all honesty... Mr. Carter was always popular among the students and was genuinely great at teaching his subject he would have never imagined that he would just up and leave a very well-paying job without warning. Aydin just frowned at that, while he obviously knew he looked unwilling to answer, but gently his wife placed her paw in his and looked him in the eyes before giving him a small nod.

"His Sister her husband and their three children were found murdered. The house was burned down so many are calling it arson, but the bodies were burnt beyond recognition. His parents were in shock to say the least, so he decided it was best for him to return home so he could take care of them. His sister was their main caretaker, but with her death it fell to him." Aydin said in a depressed tone. "I've talked to him over the phone a few times actually, mostly so I can make sure I'm using his syllabus correctly and such. I've met his wife Ellen though...she stayed behind so they could get their affairs in order." He explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

"That's awful... someone set fire to a house with young children inside it..." Jai stated as he rubbed his chin. He seemed particularly unsettled about the news for whatever reasons and Lucas noticed a few of the adults had exchanged looks, as if they had an idea just what went down. "I hope they find the arsonist then!" He stated with deep conviction his brown eyes flashing with his paw curled into a fist over his chest.

"I'm sure they will!" Ian spoke up loudly. It might take a while, but I'm positive they'll get the culprit!"

Jai just nodded before he finally checked his watch. "But it's getting late... And I never did get told when the funeral will be, that's why my mom sent me here really."

"It'll be on Wednesday the 30th at 13:30... You'll probably need to miss school if you are coming." Evan answered. "It's at Riverbrook Church on Hazel Street."

Jai just nodded, as if trying to absorb that knowledge into his head. "Very well! Thank you Mr. Mason, I'll be sure to tell my mother! Oh! And Mother baked a cake it should be on the kitchen counter!" Jai said as he started to leave. "I'll see you guys in school Monday right?" He asked, mostly addressing Lucas as his eyes hadn't left his, which was definitely noticed by Lucas's himself. "Plus I hope you have an answer for me regarding participation on the art column Lucas." He said before he gave them all a wave before he exited the room.

"Art column?" Ian asked Lucas in a confused tone. "You mean for the school newspaper? Why did he want your participation? Can you draw?" Lucas blushed lightly before he nodded which made Ian give him a bright smile. "That's awesome! I never knew that! You have to show me sometime!"

"I might..." Lucas stated in a timid fashion. Ian's interest reminded him a bit too much of Thomas's, though he was nothing like the Doberman and Lucas knew it wasn't fair to compare the two. Ian had stood by him while Thomas dropped him like a hot potato... but right at that moment it was if Thomas's ghost was shining through Ian, which hurt considering how much he had tried to forget Thomas completely, he still couldn't manage it properly which only frustrated him even more. However Ian seemed to catch his mood as he gave a tiny frown and walked over towards him.

"You okay?" He asked, he looked worried which made Lucas feel even guiltier at subconsciously comparing him to Thomas, it just wasn't fair of him, especially since Ian had been nothing short of amazing too him.

"I'm fine Ian," he stated while giving the wolf a shaky smile. "No worries..." Ian's frown only deepened, but before he could pry even deeper Lucas saw Rebecca walk up and gently place a paw on his shoulder.

"It's getting late dear, we should start heading home." She said softly.

Lucas could tell Ian wanted to protest, but the words died when his father spoke up as well. "Your mother is right, it is late and I say the others are missing us."

Ian just pouted and sighed, obviously about leaving but glumly he stood up before he looked down at Lucas. "Alright, but can I say goodbye to Lucas first?" He asked, his parents just looked at each other for several seconds as if debating it out amongst themselves in silence before Rebecca just nodded make Jordan let out a sigh of defeat.

"Yes you can, but don't take too long!" Jordan said before giving Lucas a quick hug before walking out. Rebecca gave him a gentle pat on the cheek before following her husband. Lucas walked towards the foyer with Ian and before he left the house he grabbed Lucas and gave him a kiss. Lucas moaned and kissed him back, the kiss lasted for several moments before the two went up for air. Ian just panted in Lucas's face before giving him a much quicker, gentler kiss before breaking away.

"I love you, and I'll miss you, so please be careful and call me if you need anything, I'll be over in an instant!" He said firmly. "I'll see you at school if I don't see you tomorrow, but have fun, enjoy time with your family, Curt will have your back so if you need something or someone to talk to you can speak with him okay." He finished before he heard a car horn. "But I better go! See you Lucas!" He said before he went out there door Greg in tow. Lucas just watched from the door as he heard Ian get into the car before they pulled out leaving him without Ian for the first time in weeks.

"Well, now what?" He asked himself as he stood around the door. He didn't really feel like sitting around the adults anymore, but at the same time he still felt wary of meeting his other cousins... It was a bit overwhelming to in all honesty... meeting actual family members first Aunt Rita and Aydin and suddenly out of nowhere his other aunt and her husband and children showed up. Sure Aunt Daphne and her husband were very nice, but he never thought he'd meet them.

Sighing he decided it was probably time to meet his cousins...he was going to meet them anyway so no point of delaying it. With that Lucas headed up the stairs. Eventually he found himself at the attic stairs. He looked up at the stairs and gulped a bit before sighing. Better now than later he figured before he grabbed onto the railing before walking himself up.

The first thing he saw was that everybody was sitting around the television. He counted about eight people...amongst them were Erin, Xander, Curtis and Agent Wallace the other four he didn't recognize. He stood there in silence, not sure exactly how he should introduce himself? Did he go right up and say hello? Wait for them to invite him over or what? Thankfully though before he froze himself in indecision, Curtis looked over and noticed him before breaking out in a big cheerful smile.

"There's the man of the hour!" He cried out before swiftly getting up and rushing towards him. Before he knew it he had beefy arm wrapped around his shoulders and leading him towards the others, getting close he saw two other pit bulls and two foxes. "I was just about to come down and fetch you, I take it Ian left?" Lucas nodded, still not fully sure what to say in all honesty... hell, he felt like he was about too hyperventilate if anything before they reached the others and swiftly began introductions.

"Guys this is Lucas! Lucas these are my siblings! In order Mariah, Matthias, Nolan and Vanessa." He said introducing them.

The youngest Vanessa was a pit bull who looked around thirteen? She was the first to say hello. "Good to meet you!" She said cheerfully, she was a cute thing, not near as big as her brother, her sister Mariah a vixen also gave a smile and wave. The other boys Matthias (a pit bull) and Nolan (a fox) both just shrugged at him. Seemingly satisfied, Curtis sat Lucas on the couch next to him before he spoke towards Agent Wallace.

"So what is it like being an Agent? Do you get to do a lot of cool things? How long will you be staying with Lucas?" He asked in a curious fashion.

The burly Agent just let out an amicable chuckle, seemingly amused by the dog's continuous stream of questions. "Being an Agent is nice I suppose, mostly all we do is make sure the Clans abide by the laws. Of course we do fight the Hunter's and Cabal as well, but neither have been particularly active around BC at least until recently. It was startlingly bold of them top abduct someone, let alone someone as high profile as Lucas's mother. But they haven't pulled any more moves since her abduction, the Cabal that is. As for the Hunter's they have been very low-key as well."

"That is about it other than the occasional demon or angel incursion. As for me staying here? It will be until Lord Mansfield deems it appropriate to dismiss us." Curtis just nodded his acknowledgment before Agent Wallace let out a great big yawn. "But it's getting late, you all should probably get some sleep eh?" The big bear stated as he stood up and stretched. "I will see all of you tomorrow." He said before he walked down the stairs.

Gradually the others started drifting away as well. Vanessa was the first, letting out a sleepy yawn before Curtis ordered her to bed. Surprisingly she didn't argue and did as he told. The brothers were next, leaving at the same time. Mariah left shortly after just leaving Lucas, his sister, his cousin and Xander. The feeling of the room remained largely light and Lucas actually was starting to enjoy Curtis's company, he was a really friendly guy and it helped that he was a fellow big brother and understood what it meant.

"So you are in the same situation as Ian? Being the Clan Heir?" Lucas asked, he still didn't know much about the Clan System he knew each Clan had a Family head and that the Clans typically followed primogeniture titles passing from father to son. He also knew that the Clans were in charge of keeping the Clans running, and that the formal head sat on the Council which was the main governmental body of the Hidden World.

"Pretty much, whenever my great grandfather leaves the Council my grandfather and father both will take those places. However the Mansfield's work differently, unlike most Clans where the heir gains headship around forty-five, the Mansfield's rule until death." Curtis said in a helpful manner, the poor dog could barely keep his eyes open he was so tired.

"That's interesting! But I think it's about time to get some rest, you look exhausted right now." He told the dog, taking the hint Curtis just smiled and let out as tired laugh.

"Your right, we can continue this tomorrow! Well then, I'm going to bed, see you three tomorrow," Curtis said before he stood up and stretched, "But if you need me Lucas, my room is the one next to the library, so feel free to stop bye if something disturbs you here!" He said before hugging all of them goodnight before stepping down steps himself.

"You heard him! Get some sleep, it is pretty late and we still have to meet the grandparents and I would rather be fully rested for that, especially if they are as awful as Dad says they are..." Lucas mumbled while he shooed Erin into her room before turning towards Xander.

"You can have the spare room!" Lucas told him before walking Xander towards the said unoccupied room. Opening the door he let Xander in. The room was small, a bit smaller than his own, but it was also completely barren except for a bare bed and a desk facing the window. "The linen closet is downstairs, I'll show you it if you want?" Xander just shrugged at him however and waved him off.

"I'll be fine, I'll find it on my own, but get some rest, you'll probably need it!" Xander said before he walked out, though he did stop briefly right at the door. "But thank you Lucas, this means a lot, you've been such good friend this past week!" Xander said softly.

"It's nothing, I'm glad Erin found you and that you are free from that bastard, but yeah I hope you enjoy yourself here. You certainly deserve some enjoyment in your life after what you've been through." He said before turning towards Xander. "But are you ever going to tell everyone else though? About Derrick? You told Tyler and I about him, and Erin snooped, but how long will you keep everything secret?"

"As long as I have too, I was a prostitute! I had sex with grown men for money! How do I tell people that!? What if everyone leaves me alone out of disgust?" Xander stated sadly. "How could I even begin to bring it up anyway?"

"You weren't a prostitute by choice though, Derrick forced you to be one, you were a sex slave. You had no choice because he would have murdered you. You could at least tell Jordan? He could help you, he's a good man and would be appalled by what you've been through, Rebecca is also really kind. She'd probably devote her life to making him pay. Allison would probably just go and kick his ass so would Ian and Greg, we've all got your back."

"Thanks Lucas, but I prefer to keep things quiet for now... but I'll go get those linens! Goodnight Lucas! And sleep well!" He said before walking away.

Lucas just sighed and let himself out of the room before he headed towards his own to grab some sleeping clothes before heading towards the bathroom. He was honestly putting off going to sleep as much as possible. He had gotten so used to sleeping with Ian that he didn't really want to sleep by himself, especially since it reminded him of how it felt before he met the wolf. Stripping off his clothing started the shower. It was still hot thankfully and the feel of the warm water relaxed both his mind and body.

Once he was fully clean he shut off the shower and got dressed, but before he could leave he felt a presence in the room. "Looks like you are back where I died? Have you no shame after you failed me?" A voice said.

Letting out a sad sigh he turned around and saw his mother. Her eyes regarded him coldly and she had a vicious sneer on her face. Figured she'd torment him... the fox thought before he cast a silencing charm on the room. "I live here," he stated calmly, "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, I failed you. I know I did and that will never change, but I'm trying to move on, I want to get stronger so what happened to you will never happen to anyone else." He said looking the phantom dead in the eye. "I'll get stronger and I will make the Cabal pay for killing you, but I can't let myself drown in my failure. I've done that before and I refuse to go back too that! So if you are here to torment me, be gone!" He shouted. "Or I will make you leave!"

"You would harm your own mother again?" The phantom sneered.

"You are a phantom. You aren't my mother as I know her, just a pale imitation." He stated coldly, causing the phantom to let out a horrible screeching laugh.

"Guess you truly are a monster! Very well then I'll leave you now but I will torment you until the day you die boy! That wolf will eventually tire of you! It isn't like you have anything to offer!" She spat out before fading away.

Lucas just held himself as if to keep himself from falling apart. "You're wrong... Ian loves me and I love him! I finally found my chance at happiness I will not let anyone ruin that for me by trying to plant seeds of doubt!" He said softly.

He just stood there for several more minutes until he got his emotions fully under control, it still hurt, seeing his mother despising him, but he knew he couldn't let it consume him like the despair he felt at Thomas's betrayal did. He would be strong, and he had Ian which furthered his determination. "I'll prove you wrong, you'll see!" He stated before he left the room.

Showered and clean he re-entered his room and basked in the darkness of the room. It felt great to fully understand why he felt stronger in the dark. Gently he moved the covers and slipped under him. It actually felt wrong, wearing clothing to bed, especially after getting so used to sleeping nude, so he swiftly undressed under the covers until he was finally completely naked. Feeling more comfortable Lucas sighed and rolled up into a ball before slowly letting the feeling of sleep overtake his wired body, thinking of his beloved all the while.


Morning came far too quickly for the fox. Groaning he swiftly covered his face so the light wouldn't bother him, seeing as it was Sunday he was more than happy to sleep in as he usually did, but unfortunately a loud banging on his door made it clear he wasn't getting what he wanted.

"Hey! Time to wake up man! Your dad just whizzed off to the airport to pick up your Grandparents!" He heard Curtis's voice ring out causing him to let out an annoyed groan. "I know it sucks but your Dad said everyone had to be ready before he got back, especially you and Erin!" Lucas just sighed in defeat as he slipped on his sleep-clothes before searching for something more dressy. After about five minutes he found a pair of simple black slacks and a white dress shirt. Finding some underwear he walked out and found Curtis still standing outside the door.

"The water should be warm, I think Evan got the water-heater enchanted so no worries on running out okay? But hurry up! We've probably got an hour or so. Lucas noticed that Curtis himself was dressed nicely as well a black button down shirt and Grey slacks.

"Thanks, so how long have you known Ian? What was he like before he left Scotland?" Lucas's decided to inquire, this the first time he had gotten to talk to someone who knew Ian and wasn't related to him.

"Known each other for ages, we grew up together after all. I used to always hang out at his place at weekends. You see pretty much all Mage houses have gates now, so people can safely travel between homes and escape in case of an emergency, especially after Greg's family was murdered. So we got too see each other a lot." Curtis stated with a smile before suddenly becoming stern. "I'll tell you more later...After you're ready! But he wasn't really that different but he has changed a bit. But go on get ready!" The dog said before pushing Lucas into the bathroom.

He took a very quick shower, making sure to get every inch of himself clean. Once he was fully satisfied Lucas turned the water off and towelled himself dry before getting dressed. After looking in the mirror he fussed over himself a bit before he finally declared himself passable. Once he left the bathroom he found the attic empty, everyone must have already settled downstairs. With that knowledge in mind Lucas helped himself down into the belly of the household and kept on descending until he reached the bottom floor where he found everyone was already up and dressed well.

"You look nice!" Vanessa cried out while running up to hug him. The little pit bull knocked the breath out him. The girl was wearing a pretty yellow dress with a matching yellow bow on her head. Her bright eyes shined up at him smiling making his heart melt a bit.

"You look nice as well," he said as he bended down level too her. "That dress is really pretty!" He complemented her making her giggle.

"You do look nice brother!" Erin said from her perch near Curtis. Her dress was simple and dark coloured and well fitted, if he remembered correctly it was the dress their mom had bought her on her Birthday. She offset it with a nice pair of earrings and a pendant on her neck. "You ready for this?" She asked him in a kind fashion.

"I believe I am..." Lucas said softly, "We'll see though." He said as he sat himself down. Everyone waited in silence until finally Lucas heard his Dad's car pull in. Even from inside he could hear the shouting and sniping.

"What do you mean we have to share a house with your family? Kick them out now! I refuse to stay with a bunch of heathens!" A harsh female voice rang out.

Lucas heard his father growl and when he spoke his voice was harsh and spiteful. "Can it Yvonne! They were here first! I am not breaking hospitality to please you! Either suck it up or stay somewhere else!"

"How dare you threaten me!? Why should I tolerate them? They are just as filthy as you! I cannot believe my daughter married you, and you got her knocked up with that bastard of yours!"

"Would you have rather I just have dumped her? Yes, I got her pregnant, but I married her and took responsibility! Unlike your son Ralph! How many illegitimate kids does he have now? Also, don't you dare insult Lucas in front of me! He is your grandchild! Show him respect!"

"I'm sorry, but it's that worthless bastard's fault she died! If she would have listened to me and aborted him, she would still be in Toronto! She would be married to a good Christian man and she would still be alive!"

Lucas was surprised when he heard his father let out an enraged roar. "Don't you dare blame her death on him you foul bitch! Blame the thugs who murdered her! Lucas has been having a hard enough time coping! You will not make him feel even worse!" They reached the door and entered the house. Slowly the pawsteps rang until they finally reached the sitting room. Dad was the first too enter, his fur greatly fluffed up and his eyes livid. Second was a plain looking male fox whom looked completely unremarkable and forgettable, and last was a tackily dressed vixen with pale blue eyes and wore a look of complete disdain for everyone here. Vanessa was the first too greet them.

"It's nice to meet you!" She said while walking up towards the woman, but before she could even get close the vixen physically pushed the girl hard enough to make her fall and start crying.

"How dare you try and touch me you little godless whore!" She snarled out.

Immediately however her father got up literally shaking with rage. He seriously looked like he was about to hex her face off before Lucas intervened, his own body was shaking in anger and disgust as he gave one simple order.

"Get out...!"