Chapter 10: Brotherhood

Story by Keith Redfield on SoFurry

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#10 of Road Rover's Degeneration

"Mmmmmm....." Keith groaned as he woke up from his deep sleep.

Keith opened his eyes and looked around him, he was still between his two new found brothers....who were still snoring softly and clinging to Keith. Keith smiled and kissed them both on the muzzle, and then ruffled their head fur softly. He untangled himself from the two without waking them, and made his way to the window. He peeked out of the blinds and saw pure ocean, there were still a ways from Australia.

Might as well do some research in the meantime....I hope this plane has internet.....I need to access the BSAA data base....Progenitor virus huh?

Keith made his way out of the room slowly without waking the two, and shut the door behind him. He didn't even bother putting on clothes, the two had seem him naked countless times anyway. He sat down in front of the counsel and opened Internet explorer, it connected right away.

All right! Now let's get to the database.....password....I'm in!

Keith got in and went to the search engine, typed in the term, and it popped up.

Wow....there's a lot of stuff.....there were a lot of people working on this....but it seems Shepherd was the brains of the operation. Apparently he discovered the...."parasite?!" in Africa back in the original infection was caused by a Parasite?! That's a new one on me.....So the virus really isn't a virus? Wait.... This doesn't make much sense...anyway all I need to know is it's dangerous. From what I can gather...what Wesker was saying was true, this thing has amazing transformation capabilities, plus it allows the carrier to keep it's original form, making the perfect weapon in disguise, and apparently can be controlled with some sort of......sound waves? Interesting....a dangerous weapon that CAN be controlled....shit. According to this though.....the experiment was abandoned back in 1992 when an accident one would say exactly what happened....but Shepherd disappeared soon afterward, taking a majority of the research data with him. However....there was just enough data to construct the T-Virus, and apparently that was a huge success......mostly. The rest here is about the outbreak...stuff I don't already know. Wait...what's this? Keith saw toward the bottom of the page, he saw something entitled "The Kennedy Report" Keith clicked on it and began to read. Hmmm...Leon S. Kennedy.....wasn't he a survivor from Raccoon? Yeah....that's him, he was the sole survivor of the RPD police department, his first day too, bummer. Apparently now he's working as a top secret agent for the President, doing who knows what. Apparently the president's daughter was kidnapped and taken to a remote part of Europe, and Kennedy was sent in to investigate. Upon reaching the area.....he encountered another nightmare. Crazed villagers began attacking him like the zombies in Raccoon.....but they were human, fast, and intelligent. Kennedy found out later they were infected with some sort of Parasite called "Las Plagas"......controlled by a crazed cult leader named Osmond Sattler. Apparently, Sattler used sound waves to control the various monstroscities. Keith looked at some of the pictures Kennedy gathered while on his mission, they were literally things not meant to see the light of day. Man......this is bad....really bad.....I can't believe this thing exists! What else is there? Just various information about the parasite.....wait....the President's daughter was infected?! Why?! Hmmm.....apparently it was going to be some sort of bioterrorism against America......but Kennedy removed the parasite somehow....with some sort of medical laser. Unfortunately it was destroyed in the explosion in the aftermath.....oh well. Kennedy reported that he managed to get a sample, but it was stolen by an enemy spy working for Wesker. Damn! Wesker has a sample, this is bad, he's already recreated the protaginator virus from the parasite. Albert Wesker.....let's see..... Keith continued to dig for more information.....but he didn't have the required clearance....he needed Chris's codes. Dammit! Oh well, I can talk to Chris in Australia and ask him personally. I can't how much in the dark I was about all this....I really don't know anything. Why would Chris lie to me about all this?

"Morning Comrade! Whatcha doin?" Exile's happy Russian voice rang out.

Keith quickly closed out of the window, and turned to Exile, he was still in the buff, Keith's favorite form.

"Just a little research on our new virus....there's actually more on this thing than I thought....." Keith replied blushing.

"Oh? Like what?" Exile said. " would probably be better if Hunter was here'd be better if I didn't have to explain it twice." Keith replied. "Where is he anyway?"

"Still sawing logs....I take it you made him feel better..." Exile said smiling.

"Yeah...are you sure your okay with this?" Keith questioned.

"Of course! I trust you completely, that's what being a partner is all about!" Exile laughed.

Keith smiled back, Exile you're so awesome.....

"And as a reward......I give you this......." Exile said seductively.

Exile picked Keith up and gave him the deepest, and most passionate kiss ever. Exile you dog!

Keith was shocked, but managed a "Wow...."

Exile just smiled, and said "I'm famished.....haven't eaten in bout some breakfast?" Keith's stomach rumbled, and Exile responded "I'll take that as yes! I'll get started, go wake up Hunter, he'll be in bed all day at this rate!" he laughed.

Keith yawned, nodded and got up to wake up Hunter. He walked in and took in the beautiful sight before him. Hunter was sprawled out on the bed with a little drool on his muzzle, snoring lightly, and fully erect.

He's so beautiful.....I don't want to wake him up.....

Keith went over and lay down next to Hunter. He kissed his forehead lightly, and rubbed his head fur. He rubbed all around Hunter's torso, feeling the well toned muscles, enjoying Hunter's slight laughter.

Someone's ticklish.....

Keith began to tickle Hunter all over, making Hunter giggle

"Stop it Keith.....that tickles...."

"Wake up and I'll stop then" Keith laughed.

"HAhhahaaaa......okay...okay!" Hunter giggled.

Hunter stirred and sat up, stretching and cracking his back.

"YAWNNNN!" Hunter said opening his maul widely.

"Hahahhahaa" Keith laughed.

"What's so funny?" Hunter laughed.

Keith pointed to Hunter's.........excitement. Hunter looked down and blushed a deep red, he attempted to cover himself up.

"Sssssorrry! Morning wood!" Hunter said with extreme embarrassment. "

Ha.....what are you so shy about.....I've seen you and had the pleasure of you twice now!" Keith laughed.

Hunter smiled and loosened up a bit, uncovering himself.

Keith said seductively "I've got the perfect cure for your "wood." K

eith didn't hesitate, he leaned forward and bit softly on Hunter's neck, taking his rod in his hand. Keith began to pump slowly and steadily making Hunter moan and whimper.

"You're so cute when you do that....." Keith whispered.

Hunter smiled slightly with his eye's shut, and laughed slightly.

Redfield you're such a horn ball.....oh well....

Eventually Hunter came all over himself.

"What a wake up call...I wasn't predicting this!" Hunter said.

He's starting to say his corny lines again....he's starting to feel better....I'm so glad.

Keith smiled and replied "You're welcome, now go get cleaned up, Exile's making breakfast.

Hunter nodded and made his way to the shower, mooning Keith along the way. He winked and shut the door behind him.

What a tease......Man that food smells good! I can't believe Exile can cook too! Man Redfield you've done good! Two of the greatest guys in the world all to yourself!

Keith smiled happily to himself and made his way to the Kitchen.

"Hey there brother!" Exile happily shouted.

Keith blushed, Exile was wearing nothing but a white apron covering his front end, his massive behind protruding out the back.

Keith laughed and said "You know I can't take you seriously wearing that."

"Well I think we've been through enough serious shit to finally loosen up a little. Relax comrade! Enjoy the view while you're at it. Besides you're no better.....wearing nothing at all!" Exile pointed out.

Keith laughed and sat down at the table, waiting for Hunter to finish cleaning, and Exile cooking breakfast. There was already quite a spread pancakes, eggs, sausage, hashbrowns, bacon, toast and lots more.

"Wow Exile.....I didn't know you could cook! You're full of surprises!"

"Life is full of surprises comrade.....and you're the best out of them all, I would have never expected to find someone like you to love....especially after......" Exile fell silent, his face fell.


"Exile? Are you.....?" Keith questioned.

"Comrade....I want to tell you something about my's about my family." Exile sadly said. "Before I was Road Rover....I had a family in Russia.....a beautiful wife and two pups....we were happy together. Her name was Mira, my first and only love...until I met you. I actually knew about Umbrella before I met you...they attacked the village where we were living. We were a remote village in middle of they decided to use the village as testing ground. They unleashed several of their creations on the village so they could My family and I tried to escape....but we were cornered in a house by one of those...I believe it's called...hunter. I lunged at the creature and fought hard with it, but it was so incredibly fast. It knocked me through a window, and I rolled along the ground. "EXILE! NOOOOOO!" Mira screamed. I tried to move quickly, but my back leg was sprained...I tried my hardest to get back to them. I managed to get to the window....what I saw I will never forget." Exile's voice waivered, tears filling his eyes.

"The creature shrieked loudly and cut through my family like ribbons, their screams so horrific... I saw as the last light faded from their eyes......I was in such in shock I couldn't move. I didn't know what to felt like my entire soul just died. I did the only thing I could think of.....I ran. Ran far away from that terrible scene.....I managed to escape the town....and was later found by a kind human who treated me leg. I became his work dog, and lived with him before I became Road Rover. I never loved anyone ever again......I was afraid I was too weak to protect them if something were to happen again...." Exile's voice broke and he began to softly sob.

Damn you Umbrella....Wesker....I hate you all! What you did to Exile.......I will never forgive will go down, even if I go down with you! You think you can trample all over innocent lives just to get ahead?! You.......I......will never........

Keith was never filled with such anger, sorrow, contempt, and pity all at one time...Umbrella had hurt his brother so deeply. Exile was softly sobbing while leaning on the counter, he looked so pitiful. Keith went up behind him and hugged him from behind, trying to soothe the poor dog. Keith licked the back of Exile's neck, and Exile slowly calmed down.

"Exile.....I swear...we'll make them pay....I didn't know....." Keith whispered.

"It's all right comrade.....I have you.....and Hunter as are my family now....." Exile replied.

Nothing more was said, the two just held each other for awhile, enjoying each other's company, until they head Hunter coming their way. The two separated and Keith sat down.

"Morning guys! How bout that view out there? Just pure blue!" Hunter happily shouted. G

lad to see you're back to your old self fanboy......

"Wow Exile....nice outfit!" Hunter laughed.

Exile smiled and responded "Would you rather see what's underneath?"

Hunter blushed a little and said "Nah I'm good! Wow! What a spread! Thanks Exile! I had no idea you could cook!"

"Thanks comrade, let's dig in!" Exile shouted.

The three canines literally dug in to the food, they were still dogs after all, and they were famished beyond understanding.

"BELCHHHH!!!!" all three let out.

"Man Exile....that was awesome..." Keith said patting his stomach.

"Yeah.....I'm stuffed!" Hunter said.

"Thanks comrades, now let's clean this up and get ready for meeting with your master Keith...I'm sure he'd be shocked to see you in well....." Exile giggled.

"Yeah you're right.....okay." Keith replied.

"Man I'm all sticky!" Hunter said. "I just had a bath! Oh well! That's a dog for you!"

Keith looked at himself, he was a mess too, along with Exile.

"We'll shower in a bit Comrade, let's clean up Kitchen first." Exile said.

The three gathered up the dishes, washed them, and put them away. They made there way back to their bedrooms so they could get ready for their meeting.

"Hey Exile, I'm gonna hop in first, okay?" Keith said.

"Okay comrade" Exile said with a mischievous grin.

What is he planning?

Keith smiled to himself and went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. He adjusted the temperature to his liking, and stepped in. He began to wash the stickiness out of his fur, and various areas, enjoying the soothing water. Keith thought he heard footsteps, but he ignored the sound. Then all of the sudden he was grabbed from behind, Keith tried to fight it, but he was taken so off guard he was restrained perfectly.

"Calm down's only me!" Exile heartily laughed.

"You scared the shit outta me!" Keith breathed.

"Sorry! But to make it up to you I have a surprise......" Exile whispered.

Then Hunter stepped in front of him, in all his glory.

"What are you guys doing....?" Keith questioned.

"We just wanted to thank you for all you've done for a special way." Hunter sweetly said.

Keith froze, he was between the two males he loved so much, and what's more they weren't fighting over him....they loved him so much they were willing to share him.


"Don't say anything comrade...just let us work.....we love you so much......" Exile whispered softly.

Keith was so happy he could cry.....but he didn't, he just closed his eyes. Hunter closed the remaining gap between Keith, and started kissing him. Keith opened his mouth willingly, and wrestled with Hunter's tongue. Exile began biting down on Keith's neck gently, nibbling slightly. He began to rub Keith's back slowly, then began rubbing his ass.

Oh man......I'm in heaven.......I can't believe this is happening.....

Keith moaned in sheer Ecstasy and began fondling his two brother's sheaths with separate hands, massaging the balls gently.

"Brother........" Exile and Hunter moaned.

"Hey Hunter.....let's give our bro here a little show...." Exile said.

Hunter took his attention from Keith, and began kissing Exile over Keith's shoulder, the two males surrounding Keith then began grinding and humping into him, making Keith writhe with pleasure.

"Oh guys......." Keith moaned.

The two Rover's smiled through the kiss, looking at Keith lovingly. The three were growing more excited by the second, all three extending to their maximum length. Hunter began rapidly grinding his crotch into Keith's while Exile was riding his along Keith's lower back.

My god.......MY GOD!

Keith was still feeling up his brother's crotches, making the other two whine in pleasure.

Keith finally said "Guys......I'm getting close!"

"Us too...." Both replied. "Hang on......we'll go together."

"ARRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOO!" all three howled, spreading their love all over each other.

The three howled for awhile, letting the entire world know they were brothers to the end, whole, happy, and in love. The three panted, and were engulfed in a glorious afterglow.

"I love brothers............" Keith whispered.

"Same here......." They replied.

The three just stood under the warm water, holding, kissing, and caressing each other lightly, until an alrm sounded.

"Destination to be reached in 30 minutes." "Well comrades, let's finish up and get ready, we can do this later" Exile said.

They all finished up and hopped out of the shower, dried themselves, and went to get dressed. Luckily the place was stocked with extra clothing for when the Rovers had to travel.

"Hey should we dress up? I mean we are meeting with military....." Hunter said.

"Haha don't worry Hunter. There is nothing formal about my master or his team. Dress how you like, but just make sure you WEAR something." Keith laughed.

They all laughed, and proceeded to get ready Keith dug through the closets and found a pair of loose blue jeans and a white tank top along with some black combat boots. Exile chose a pair of camo shorts, a white t-shirt and a pair of combat boots as well, while Hunter chose a pair of loose khaki green shorts, along with a black tank top, and a pair of combat boots.

"Do I look alright?" Exile asked flexing his muscles.

"Awesome, you look like something out of the military, you too Hunter!" Keith said.

Hunter blushed and replied "Thanks...."

Heh who know fanboy could be so shy......

"Well guys let's get some equipment together, you never know we might be walking into a warzone, besides it's not like the military aren't used to weapons anyway." Keith said with a bit of seriousness. Hunter and Exile nodded, and showed Keith to the armory. It was pretty much the same as Keith's sub, weapons and equipment galore, although a majority of it wasn't as nice or nearly as mil-spec. Their weapons from their previous encounter were in a gunsafe on the right hand side of the room.

Hunter spoke up "I don't think I'm going to change my equipment, I'm just going to stock up on ammo."

"Me too, Keith's equipment is far more superior to ours, I'm just going to clean mine and stock up." Exile said winking at Keith.

Keith smiled and went over to the gun safe to grab his stuff. He took out his 45's and his AR and went over to the work table where Exile and Hunter were cleaning their weapons. They all stripped down their guns, oiling, polishing, and scrubbing all the various parts. Keith finished his AR and then went on to his 45's, he looked at them.

You guys have served me well all these years.....make sure you take care of these two......

"Exile....Hunter...." Keith said.

"Yes Comrade?"

"Yeah buddy?"

"I want you two to have this......" Keith said, giving a pistol to each of his teammates.

"Comrade.....but this is......"

"Keith...but this...."

"I know these are my signature pistols, and I've had them forever....but I want you both to have them. I love you both my brothers....and I just want you two to have a small piece to remind you of what we have.......eternal trust in war, love, and brotherhood. I know it sounds cheesy....but that's how I feel."


"Keith........" the two Canines said, tears slightly filling their eyes. "Thank you......"

"Here's not a gun....but it's something very precious to me I want you to have......"

Exile pulled out a silver ring with icicles engraved into it, along with what seemed to be Siberian Huskies running as if they were in a team.

"This was given to me by Mira when we finally married, she attached to my collar, and I always wore it with pride. It gives me strength everyday to go on.....but now that I've found you...and Hunter. You guys are my strength....please take it....."

Keith took it in his palm and squeezed it tightly.

"Thank you......" Keith said hugging Exile.

" want you to have this...." Hunter said, reaching under his shirt.

Hunter pulled out a gold chain with a tennis ball pendant, his signature symbol.

"Colleen gave this me soon after we first met......when we started to fall in love....but now she's gone.....she would have wanted me to move on....please take it. I love you man." Hunter unhooked the chain, and placed it into Keith's palm, closing it gently.

"Hunter......thank you....." Keith replied.

These two......the best guys ever......literally gave them a piece of themselves to me......

"You guys.......I don't know what to say....." Keith replied.

"But Exile you're without a ring....and Hunter without a necklace! We can't have that!" Keith chuckled.

Keith took off his necklace with his police pendant and handed it to Hunter. He took off his Lion Heart ring and handed it to Exile.

"These were given to my by my master and his partner Jill only family who ever gave me any love.....any compassion. Now that I have you two.....I have even more. Take them, I love you both." Keith finished.

"" was all they could manage.

All three embraced each other in a gentle hug, when they were interrupted by an announcement.

"5 minutes till destination arrival, prepare for landing.

"Let's finish up" Keith said. The trio finished attaching their equipment, repaired their weapons ,and grabbed tons of ammo.

"Wait comrade, you need another sidearm!" Exile pointed out.

"I've got it." Keith replied. He pulled out his Samurai Edge, his master's former pistol.

"What' that?" Hunter asked.

"What's gonna kill Wesker..." Keith replied in all seriousness. He snagged a M92F off of one of the racks in the armory to go with it, and holstered them.

"All right team....let's go." The trio walked out of the armory towards the cargo bay, waiting for the plane to land.

There is nothing more beautiful than the deep bond of brotherhood......nothing more powerful........always the wining factor in any war. It has stood the test of time these thousands of years we have been on this earth, and even today it still prevails. We.....share something that will never be destroyed, not by Umbrella, Wesker, or any of their creations. Let's go, it's time to end this.