Episode #2, A Legend's Re-discovery

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#2 of Hope for the Lost

Here's installment number two of "Hope for the Lost." Enjoy

December 1, 1999

A sunny winter morning Anton Rubik got ready for the next part of his journey. On a worldwide trip in search of his true calling in life and has had very little luck. Currently staying at a hotel near the mountains that divides China and Russia. Seeing as the weather has been clear today it seemed safe to travel into the mountains. Once everything was packed neatly into his backpack he exited the room he rented.

Carefully navigating down the narrow staircase then walked over to the front desk. Where he paid his bill then asked about the mountain trails before stepping outside. Before leaving the village entirely he made sure to top off on any essential supplies. Next he took the eastern trail that would eventually take him to the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile in a forgotten village that resides along the very trail Anton is traveling.

Five semi-ancient beings wake from their slumber to greet the morning. They yawned briefly then walked towards the bath house to get ready for the day. Not much was said between them as they washed up and put some clothes on. While the group did their exercises that've been passed down through family for generations. One by one they finished stretching and moved onto some light sparring matches.

After a few hours of training they stopped, cleaned up then went to the kitchen. "Tellara, we're just about out of firewood mind heading out and fetching us some?" Roselle asked. Looking at the older female jaguar anthro she bowed and headed into the forest. As the young female snow leopard entered the forest it started to snow gently. Not bothered by the cold nor the weather she began looking for a few dead trees.

Unfortunately she couldn't find any so she ventured deeper into the forest. Hoping that her luck would change and she'd find enough wood to last them awhile. The deeper she went the larger and thicker the trees got so she picked a suitable one. Tellara took a moment to survey the tree making sure that it wasn't presently occupied. Next she took a fighting stance then with all her might slammed her fist into the trunk.

It shook violently from the sudden impact then the silence was shattered. From the impact point a crack began to form and encompassed the tree's entire base. When Tellara saw the tree beginning to teeter she wisely moved out of harm's way. As the tittering increased it was a matter of time before it came crashing down. Instead of keeping an eye on the tree's trajectory as she turned away it fell on her.

Luckily the main portion of the tree missed her but, two large branches didn't. Tellara was able to avoid being flattened though she did suffer some major injuries. Sadly the snow fell harder at the same time the young snow leopard passed out. Meanwhile back at her home village her older siblings wouldn't know what happened. For several hours when Anton wandered into that particular portion of the forest.

Va'lure the eldest of the five siblings hasn't left the temple since she woke up. Reading scroll after scroll filled with all sorts of medicinal remedies and ancient spells. Searching tirelessly to find answers that would cure them of this unbearable curse. Back in the kitchen Roselle was putting some tea on for when Tellara came home. While Neesha and Sakoura stood guard at the village gate keeping an eye out for her.

Seeing as the snow fall had picked up it made navigating through the woods. A bit of a problem for Anton luckily his travels had prepared him for such problems. Pulling out a pair of goggles from his pack then covering his face before continuing. Upon entering what looked and felt like an ancient forest he kept his senses alert. Hoping to avoid bumping into any local wildlife or natives that lived in this place.

Traversing deeper and not a single sign of any life human or even animal. "Strange usually by now something or someone should've crossed my path." He mumbled. When that comment left his mouth he tripped over something covered by snow. Anton cursed as he got up, brushed himself off then turned to see what tripped him. Only to see a forearm sticking out from underneath some snow covered tree branches.

Switching into rescue mode Anton rushed over there to free the trapped person. First he grabbed their wrist checking to see if he could find a pulse and he did. Strange whoever this was their pulse was strong unlike somebody pinned under a tree. Second he tried to determine how bad their situation was before doing anything. Once that was established he removed his pack then fished out his collapsible hatchet.

It cleared away the thinner branches and that's when he noticed something. The person that he's presently trying to rescue was female and not entirely human. Shaking himself silly he continued clearing away branches until she was free. Next he grabbed her by the wrist and forearm then struggled to get her out. Once she was out in the open he rolled her over then began treating her wounds.

Luckily she wasn't in bad shape a few cuts here and there but, nothing serious. Granted there were a couple that might need to be stitched so he cleaned them first. Covering them for the moment while he got his tent setup and got a campfire started. Next he moved the muscled and curvy feline into his tent where she'd be warm. From there he exited to retrieve his sewing kit so he can begin stitching her injuries.

He did the best he could to stitch her up wounds then put his sewing kit aside. Not sure if and when his guest would come around he decided to fix her tattered clothes. After he bandaging her injuries he recently stitched then as he went to undress her. The second he grabbed the zipper on the back of her dress their lips touched. When the sensation coursed through her body the snow leopard's eyes snapped open.

Tellara quickly scanned her surroundings and when her eyes locked onto Anton's. Snarling savagely Tellara went from lying on her back to pinning him to the ground. Grunting from the initial impact then cowering in fear as she tore into him verbally. Whether it was by luck or not Anton couldn't understand a single word she said. According to what she recalled the tree didn't fall the way it should've and he's why.

Until she saw something out of the corner of her left eye which was the bandages. Removing her right hand from his chest then sat back onto her very muscled thighs. Taking a moment to re-assess things she learned he saved and treated her wounds. She felt rotten for reacting like that and tried to make things right with her rescuer. Sadly the language barrier proved hard to crack so she tried something slightly different.

Using what appeared to be a primitive form of sign language to speak with him. Even that didn't help she motioned him to pack up all of his stuff and follow her. Doing as the powerful feline anthro suggested Anton took his tent down and stored it. Next he snuffed out the campfire with plenty of dirt while she retrieved the massive tree. Upon seeing such a display of raw power Anton realized he actually got off rather easy.

That proved to be a very sobering thought and reminder not to anger her ever. He stayed a few paces behind Tellara as they walked to what was left of her village. From the condition of the buildings and walls this village was millennia or more old. As he continued looking around he failed to notice Tellara had stopped moving. Of course the poor human walked right into her tight, soft and oddly curvy backside.

Upon feeling something bump into her Tellara looked over her shoulder. Only to see him on the ground and was curious to know what happened to him. Sadly she didn't have time when her sisters Roselle and Neesha exited the house. When they saw her all bandaged up they rushed to her side asking tons of questions. To answer them she merely stepped to the left then pointed a finger directly at Anton.

As the two of the five older siblings/warriors saw him they froze instantly. It's been millennia since anyone has come to their village so it was quite the shock. Though Roselle and Neesha weren't the only ones currently paralyzed with surprise. Anton couldn't believe what he was looking at three muscled and curvy female anthros. Unfortunately this was only a sign of things to come when Sakoura joined everyone.

"Alright, what's with all the commotion some of us are trying to meditate." The lioness said. Unlike Tellara and the others Sakoura spoke a language that he actually understood. The poor human felt like midget as he compared himself to the African Lioness. Especially when she walked right over to where he stood then inspected their guest. "I can't begin to thank you sir for attending to our baby sister, Tellara." She smiled.

"You're welcome I'm glad I came around when I did if you'll excuse me, farewell." He replied. With that he made his way back towards the archway where they entered from. The poor human couldn't finish turning around when Tellara scooped him up. For some reason or another he was reminded of his oddly endowed professor. When she hugged him at the graduation ceremony he thought his ears would pop.

This was a totally different situation except the feeling was much stronger. "Good Lord! Woman you're children must be very well fed with these beauties." He stated. All of a sudden a burst of laughter got not only his attention but, Tellara's as well. Asking her baby sister to place the human back down as Sakoura joined them. The snow leopard did as she was told as the lioness stood before them and knelt down.

Even kneeling Sakoura was still very imposing granted she wasn't trying to be. For some reason Anton felt a kinship with her that he couldn't explain right away. Though it wasn't just with her but, Tellara and the other two felines standing nearby. "You know you're an interesting for a human please stick around for breakfast." She smiled. Granted Anton didn't want to be rude and decline but, he had other places to be.

"Thanks you for the offer miss but, you're thanks is more than enough really. Unfortunately I need to be going I've got a lot of ground to cover before nightfall." He informed. Sakoura placed her hands onto her powerful thighs upon hearing that and sighed. Of course she didn't want him to leave but, understood he had prior commitments. "Alright but, please allow me to give you something for your trouble." She replied.

Re-enforcing that their thanks was payment enough he resumed his journey. Until a door several yards away slammed open causing him to jump with surprise. When he looked in the direction of the noise and saw the massive black tigress. She was unlike anything he's seen and interacted with already standing around him. Va'lure had overheard everything going on and decided that it was time to investigate.

When she saw the human surrounded by her sisters and enjoying his company. Something had to be done though she knew better than to try with Sakoura there. Seeing as the lioness is the only one of the group strong enough to take her. Considering she spends 90% percent of her time training her mind, body and spirit. Granted Va'lure is the oldest and strongest of all five siblings but, she lacks combat experience.

While Sakoura has been on the battlefield before the curse thus giving her an edge. Therefore Va'lure won't do anything rash knowing she can and will knock her out. Instead she calmly approached the group and watched as Anton's head tilted up. As he looked upon all sixteen feet, nine hundred and twenty pounds of black tigress. Let's just say that his earlier feeling when Sakoura greeted him just got bitch slapped.

Roselle was nice enough to tell the oldest sibling what he did for Tellara. Turning to look at the bandages on the snow leopard's forearms then back at him. Her golden eyes narrowed briefly as she studied the human for a few brief moments. "Thank you but, if you don't mind please leave this place and never return." She ordered. With that she turned back around then started towards the building she had exited from.

Nobody knew what got into Tellara but, she didn't like Va'lure's behavior. Before the tigress got too far she snatched her sister's wrist then struck her hard. The blow actually knocked the tigress to her knees and left her completely stunned. "HE STAYS FOR BREAKFAST OR ELSE, VA'LURE." Tellara growled flatly. Not once in centuries has Tellara acted this bold let alone made such a threat before.

So naturally Va'lure and the others didn't know how to handle this situation. "Fine, do what you want but, he's not permitted to remain here a minute longer." Va'lure stated. Anton decided to abide by her earlier request and take his leave and began to leave. Sadly he didn't get far seeing as Sakoura grabbed him gently by the shoulder. "Don't let her scare you hun she's a sweetheart somewhere under that temper." She replied.

"Besides Tellara is adamant that you stick around and join us for breakfast. Considering she stood up to our older sister for you so I'd stick around human." Roselle added. Since he didn't want to insult her he agreed then introduced himself to the group. "Hold on how is it you can speak English now and couldn't minutes ago?" He asked. Sakoura guessed when they're exposed to something new they learn it rather quick.

It certainly possible given their overall appearance so he didn't argue with her. Not knowing the true nature of their predicament and decided to leave it at that. Figuring that it was none of his business to begin with as Roselle went inside. She checked on breakfast while Sakoura grabbed the tree Tellara brought home. Leaving Anton alone with Tellara and Neesha a lovely silver chocolate colored mountain lion.

"You don't have to be afraid of us Anton we're only dangerous when provoked. Though as for our eldest sister it's best that you avoid her while you're here, okay." Neesha said. He was well aware that Va'lure didn't like him and didn't want him to stick around. "Look I don't want to cause any friction or problems with your sister, Va'lure. Family is more important than rewarding someone for their good deed." He replied.

"That's very humble of you Anton though I wouldn't disappoint Tellara. She's grown rather fond of you in the short time that you've spent with all of us. You let me handle Va'lure she'll behave knowing I'll break her neck if she doesn't." Sakoura stated. With that said Roselle summoned everyone inside, Sakoura went to fetch Va'lure. While everyone else joined the jaguar in the dining room and sat down at the table.

Anton noticed that Roselle wasn't as muscular or imposing as the others. Trying to keep stares to himself on the off chance he got on Va'lure's bad side. Considering she hadn't stopped glaring at him the moment she entered the room. It didn't help that she was sitting directly across from him making things even worse. "Anton mind telling us why you're traveling around the world?" Neesha wondered.

Va'lure's gaze moved away from Anton and focused on her younger sister. "Actually, it's more of a finding my true calling and I haven't had much success. What stinks is when I do reach the coast I'll have traveled three quarters of the world. Thus no closer to finding where I belong than when I first set out on this mission." He replied. As he took a bite of what Roselle made his taste buds exploded by the flavor.

Now he's had some pretty amazing food but, this was simply mouth watering. "Roselle, this food is to die for were you always this talented in the kitchen." He asked. Upon hearing that she froze it's been a while since anyone has complimented her. Thanking Anton for his kind words but, for some reason it seemed to annoy Va'lure. Before anything could even happen Sakoura grabbed her thigh then squeezed it firmly.

She also extended her sharp claws merely to add emphasis to keep quiet. Meanwhile Tellara had this big smile that wouldn't quit as she sat next to Anton. Even her long fluffy tail wagged to match her rather bubbly and infectious mood. Until it hooked around his waist and pulled him up against her muscled body. To Anton's shock despite her physical appearance she's incredibly soft to the touch.

Suddenly this angry snarl echoed throughout the dining room making him jump. Though it wasn't hard to figure out who it was when everyone looked at Va'lure. She was furious that Tellara did such a thing and she wasn't tolerating it anymore. What happened next was a blur Va'lure went for him then went flying backwards. Next he felt the room's overall cozy temperature plummet to far below freezing.

When Anton opened his eyes and saw what happened to Va'lure he was shocked. She had been blind sided by Tellara and had been frozen inside a block of ice. At that moment he was reminded of something he accidently overheard at the hotel. Granted they were talking about some kind of myth when the truth was before him. Not only were they real as life but, they also possessed unique mystical powers also.

<Apparently I've stepped out of 1999 and have travel back to ancient times. Especially after seeing that tigress frozen to the floor after she tried attacking me. I'm grateful that Tellara defended me but, I think it's time that I leave this place. Before my health and life really get put in jeopardy by sticking around these titans.> He thought. Now that they're distracted with their eldest sibling he took the chance to disappear.

Granted it was unbelievable that he was in the presense of ancient heroines. Sadly he would've enjoyed it more if the tigress wasn't being so rude to him. A beautiful feline just like the rest of her sisters but, her personality needs work. Grabbing his pack off the stairs then he made a beeline for the village gates. Anton managed to get a few yards pasts the gates when Neesha caught up to him.

"Hold up, Anton don't take off just yet, perhaps a history lesson is in order." She said. Naturally he was hesitant not that the human could be blame after what happened. When Tellara joined them a few minutes later wondering where he disappeared to. The look on both their faces convinced him to stay and listen to their story. "Okay, I'll stick around to hear your tale than I must resume my journey." He pointed out.

Bowing as a sign of thanks and relief that he was willing to stick around. Va'lure had already broken out of her frosty prison and retreated to her sanctuary. Sakoura stood guard in front of the door until she saw that Anton had returned. She didn't think they could've talked him into coming back but, they managed. Remaining where she was and watched the group rejoined Roselle in the banquet hall.

Where she had cleaned the table and was already brewing a fresh pot of tea. "Oh, good I'm glad you decided to come back, Anton please have a seat by me." Roselle smiled. While she poured him then her sisters some tea Sakoura finally joined everybody. The lioness sat directly across from him and Neesha asked her to tell their story. "Anton may I ask you a question, what do you know about curses." Sakoura asked.

To be continued.