A Taste of Brandy

Story by Sparrow Wolfess on SoFurry

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"Oh!" Whiskers smiles, looking down at his large, rabbit feet. "Hehehe! Looks like I need to give 'em another scr-r-r-r-rubbin' this week!"

The white rabbit picks up his wide, flat, long feet and sniffs them deeply. The strong musk slammed into his large, pink nose, traveling down his throat, making him drool a bit.

"Well... maybe another week wouldn't hurt!" Whiskers laughs, hearing a set of footsteps behind him.

Brandy Harrington (of the Florida Harringtons), a beautiful mixed-breed spaniel and retriever mix. Crossing her arms over her chest, her pink belly-shirt wrinkles slightly, raising a little. Her low-rider red jeans hung just below her bellybutton, revealing a hint of a purple pair of panties.

Other than her clothing, Whiskers immediately notices the scowling look on her face.

"Hey, Brandy!" Whiskers smiles, his crooked bunny teeth over-biting his bottom lip as he tugs on his ears, looking at her platformed purple sandals.

Whiskers' eyes scan up Brandy's body, watching her stand angrily. He's about to be scolded - he just knows it. He can tell in the way Brandy's ears, looking like blonde pigtails, raise and twitch with anger.

"Whiskers!" Brandy yells, sounding - as usual - like an angry teenage girl, "How many times have I told you to stop leaving food in my personal space!? I mean, how disgusting do you have to be!? I thought you were a rabbit, not some... pig!"

"Ahaha!" Whiskers laughs, hopping to his feet and dusting off his orange jumpsuit, "Sorry Brandy!" he laughs, "I just ran out of room in my area, see?"

Whiskers points off to a small area with a hammock, surrounded by junk, food, old clothing, and just all-around hoarded items.

"Whiskers! Yuck!" Brandy squeals, looking at the horror that was Whiskers' own living space. "Clean that up! I refuse to look at that from my spot! Whiskers, you're just a dirty pig! I wish I never got stuck here with you!"

Whiskers can only hold a silly grin on his face as he slowly tunes out Brandy's scolding and shrieking. The same grin on his lips that he held when he first met her.

_ _ Even the day they met, Brandy was a stuck up little brat - but even so, she was from a high-class family. Though the two have bonded over the years trapped in the jungles together, Whiskers comes to recall each and every time Brandy has insulted or otherwise pushed him around.

"Shut up, Brandy," Whiskers says quietly, a smile on his face - as clueless as ever, as goofy as usual.

"What? What did you just say to me?" Brandy scolds, crossing her arms again, "Did you just..."

"I said shut up, Brandy." Whiskers smiles clueless, walking casually past the yapping, high-class canine.

Brandy stands dumbfounded, offended, and overall displeased. She uncrosses her arms and places her hands on her hips.

"G-get back here! You can't say that to me!"

"Brandy, look..." Whiskers stops, turning around to look Brandy straight into her blue eyes, "You're... a bitch."

Brandy's stomach stirs with anger as she examined the rabbit's goofy smile, his clueless eyes and his oblivious facial expression. Truly the face of blissful ignorance.

"How dare you say that to me!?"

"Yeah? Well... shut it."

"Whiskers! You... you're a moron! A useless little science experiment who was sold to a zoo for a dime. You can't possibly think that I'd for once let you..."

"I said. Shut. Up!" Whiskers interrupts, his smile widening as he pulls a large stick from behind his back, hopping into the air and slamming the stick down hard on the back of Brandy's head, making her fall.

Everything for her turns to blackness.

Brandy opens her eyes, but not much light strikes her vision. When her eyesight manages to clear up a little, she notices that she's in a much darker part of the jungles; as far as she can tell, she's never been here before.

"Wha... huh? Uugh, my head..." Brandy moans, the heaviness in her head weighing in, blurring her vision a bit more.

"About time!" Whiskers giggles, popping up in front of Brandy.

She moves to rub her heavy head, only to notice that her arms are tied with thin, very strong jungle vines.

"You were hour for hours! Talk about beauty rest, look atcha!" Whiskers' grin is as wide as ever, and yet, something was definitely off about his grin.

"What's going on? What... happened? Whiskers! Let me..."

"Let you go?" Whiskers laughs, "Nah... I have the whole day planned! If I let you go now... how will we act out my play? I worked pretty hard on this!"

"Your play?" Brandy says quite annoyed, "You tied me up in a weird part of the jungle for a stupid play?!"

"Stupid?" Whiskers says a bit upset, "You know what, Prissy Miss? I've just about had it with you!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you always push me around! Belittling me and... and humiliating me!" Whiskers says, looking rather angry, "I've had it, Brandy! I don't care how rich you were or how pretty or snooty you are! You're a bitch!"

"How_dare_ you!" Brandy says in offense.

"How dare me..." Whiskers reassures, "Yeah, how dare me." "Whiskers?" Brandy says, "It's... 'how dare I', not..."

Whiskers interrupts, "Shut up! One more word outa you and you're getting the silent part of the play!"

"I don't want to be in your stupid play!" Brandy says, tugging hard against the vines, enraged at Whisker's obliviousness.

"That's it. I warned you." Whiskers raises the same stick from behind his back, swinging hard and knocking Brandy out a second time.

"Mess with me, doggy... I dare ya. When this play goes on, everyone will finally show me some damn respect! And you..." Whiskers says, petting Brandy's unconscious head, "You'll come to love every... inch... of me."

The white rabbit stands back and looks at his setup for his new play.

A shower curtain and some hockey sticks made for his theatre curtain, and an old playing card table made for a pretty decent stage floor.

Dusting his hands together, he places his hands on his hips and smiles at his hard work.

"Now to see how the main attraction is holding up!"

Backstage, Brandy is stripped naked and tied at the wrists with a leather strap. Bound by a leash tied around a tree and attached to her collar, Brandy is unable to stand.

"Whiskers, please... don't do this..." Brandy says, tears springing to her eyes.

"Oh,now we're saying please? Brandy, Brandy! This is a play! Enjoy yourself! You're partaking in the finer arts! Maybe that will refine you, hmmm?" Whiskers giggles, untying the leash from the tree and dragging Brandy to the stage.

Brandy tugs and pulls to get away, but her collar seems to have been tightened. Paired with Whiskers' harsh tugging, Brandy has no choice but to follow him, nude and sobbing on her knees.

Whiskers hops up onto the stage, dragging Brandy alongside him, opening the curtains.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Whiskers says to an empty audience - nobody arrived. "Well... the show must go on. Let's just begin with the first act!"

"Whiskers..." Brandy whispers through her tears, "I... I never got any lines! I need time to ah..." Brandy stammers, hoping to buy time, "I need to p-practice!" "Oh no!" Whiskers giggles, "Remember? I said one more word and you'd get the silent part!" Whisker's goofy smile fades away and a sinister grin takes its place, "So stay silent."

"W-what? Whiskers...I..."

Whiskers tugs the leash down onto the table's surface where he stands and forces Brandy to bend over while on her knees, "I said... silent."

Shivering, Brandy squeezes her eyes shut, hoping, _praying_that this was all just a bad nightmare.

The wind picked up a bit, her heart fell when Brandy could feel the cool wind brush past her open, human-like vulva. Her nipples pressed firmly against the table's surface, but for the most part, she hid her naked body from Whiskers' view with her fear alone.

Why... why did I have to be so mean to him? I think he finally snapped! He took my clothes and... and now... is he going to rape me?! Is he... Brandy opens her eyes and sees that Whiskers has unzipped his orange jumpsuit, letting it hang around his waist.

Not too far down, Brandy's heart slammed against her chest when she saw the massive, freakishly thick human-like cock dangling in front of her.

"Act One, Scene One," Whiskers says in a demanding voice, "A foot rub from the bitch."

Brandy's tears blur her vision, "M-my hands are...t-tied... I... I can't..."

"You have a tongue, dontcha?" Whiskers smiles, picking up his right foot and softly shoving it close to Brandy's cheek, trying to poke a toe into her mouth.

Brandy flinches, "Ew! Get that away from me!"

"Excuse me? This is my play! Lick 'em!"

Brandy stares at Whiskers' foot, shivering and looking at his toes. His footpads are pink, looking plush and soft, seemingly harmless.

The musk from his fur between his footpads is strong. Brandy's sensitive nose smells the musk and immediately, it makes her feel rather odd.

"Enough playing around, Brandy! You're ruining my play!"

"I... I can't do this! It's so... s-so...gaagh!"

Brandy is tugged forward, hard, by the leash in Whiskers' hand. Her face comes in contact with Whiskers' warm, soft feet, cushioning her cheek like little pillows.

"Lick 'em, or I'll make sure nobody ever finds you to be in their plays!" Whiskers says, a bit manic.

Scared for her life at this point, Brandy slowly opens her mouth, dragging her tongue across Whiskers' foot. The saltiness and warmth of the footpads leaves a rather memorable taste in her mouth. Her tongue glides firmly across Whiskers' foot, between his toes and around each of his pink, plush footpads.

"Aah, see? That's not so hard!" Whiskers says while stroking his long, thick cock, his tone back to the usual goofiness, "Now the other one, Brandy!"

Brandy says nothing, but does as she is told. Dragging her tongue across Whiskers' footpads left her stomach feeling streange. Excited, but unwillingly so. Her tongue began to feel rough and dry, all of the moisture having run into Whiskers' fur around his footpads.

The musky taste on Brandy's tongue was only stronger each time she'd swallow to gain moisture. It wasn't a usual sweaty taste, it was almost sweet and smelled like copper. He's a lab rodent... experimented on countless times! W-what... did I just swallow? What's coming out of him? Please... let this nightmare end! I...

_ _ Brandy's legs begin to feel a bit weak. The feeling in her knees becomes more comfortable and immediately, she can feel a pulsating sensation in her labia.

Lifting her leg and looking beneath her tail, Brandy can see that her labia had swollen and even began to redden with arousal.

"W-Whiskers... I... I feel so..."

Stroking his massive cock, Whiskers smiles, "Relaxed? Horny? Playful? Hungry?"

"I feel... y-yeah! Horny! Why?" Brandy blushes, feeling her juices slowly drip out of her swelling pussy.

Sniffing at the air, Whiskers' big pink nose bounces as he grins, "Oooh! You smell ready to rumble, Brandy! Turn around, lemme take a look at it."

"Wha? N-no! No way!" Brandy fusses.

"Let me see your pussy," Whiskers says, tugging hard on the leash making Brandy fall to her face, "Brandy!"

Groaning, Brandy gets back onto her hands and knees, turning around and shivering, showing Whiskers her puffy, leaking pussy.

"Ooh, yes," Whiskers says, swiping a finger up her slit and tasting her falling juices, making her jump and blush, "Yep! I would say you're about ready, Brandy!"

"I... I don't... want to..." I do... I do so bad. It aches... I want to go paw so bad but... ugh! Whiskers' cock... that would feel so nice... ugh! Stop it! No! This is bad... this is bad!"

_ _ "First... you'll need to lick me out real good!" Whisker's giggles, leap-frogging over Brandy and mooning her, "Go ahead... get a nice, long taste."

"What?! No! Get that away fro-ugghck!" Brandy is pulled at again, forcing her lips to touch Whiskers' anus. Her tongue slides deeply into his anus, licking his tight hole and tasting his anal walls.

"Mmgh," Whiskers moans, "That feels so nice... damn Brandy! We should have done this ages ago!" Whisker's giggles as he enjoys the sensation of Brandy's tongue slipping in and out of his ass.

Licking over his anus, Brandy can't help herself. She licks faster and harder, trying to rim him much deeper, licking as far as she can.

Whiskers looks down at his cock, hanging to his wide, flat feet. His tip becomes a bit leaky, spewing gobs of precum onto the ground.

He feels his balls twitch each time Brandy licks his ass, feeling her chin rub against them, causing his cock to throb even more.

"Alright, turn around, bitch!" Whiskers says almost proudly, "Do as I say and I won't need to pull as hard, huh?"

Brandy whines a bit, but does as she is told. Turning around on her knees, she lowers her chest a bit more to the ground, raising her pussy to the insane rabbit.

Her pussy spreads open a little, a string of her juices falling gracefully to the table's surface below.

Whiskers blushes and strokes his cock quickly, soon aiming it at Brandy's pussy. Without a second thought, a single word, or even a hesitation, Whiskers slams his cock deeply inside the dog's wet pussy.

"Gaagh!" Brandy gasps, feeling her body stretch suddenly from the inside. Her clit throbs as her pussy is stuffed with the rabbit's seemingly deformed cock.

Whiskers hangs his tongue out of his mouth as his eyes roll back a bit, thrusting away at poor Miss Brandy.

Brandy can only claw at the tabletop, panting harder the more the Whiskers thrusts inside her. Pulling at her tail and at the leash, Whiskers becomes a bit rougher, grunting, groaning, and even almost jumping to bury his cock deeper in Brandy's hot, wet, swollen slit.

"Mgh! Whiskers... I... agh!" Brandy moans, her pussy swallowing the freakishly large cock, feeling its pressure in her stomach as Whiskers taps violently against her cervix, grinding furiously against her G-Spot.

"Whiskers! Agh! Mmghh-agh!" Brandy is at a loss for words. Her pussy holds tightly onto Whiskers' cock, gratefully accepting each and every thrust.

Together, their juices flow out onto the table; Whiskers' precum is thick and runny while Brandy's juices are silky and warm, flowing out over her labia, providing a lubricant, helping her loosen up.

Whiskers pants harder, his tongue flopping out of the other side of his mouth. He rips his cock out of Brandy's pussy and aims upward, shoving it deeply into her ass.

"Aagh, G-gaagh! Aah!" Brandy screams in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

Whiskers pulls on Brandy's leash, tight enough to be able to hop upward with both feet on her asscheeks, spreading her ass open as he thrusts deeply inside her.

Brandy's juices spray from her pussy onto the table in small increments with each thrust inside her ass.

"God, Brandy! No wonder... ungh! You're so... up...tight!" Whiskers faintly giggles as he slams his cock harder into Brandy's ass.

Brandy can only lay and take it, feeling Whiskers' massive cock fill her up with each thrust. The more Whiskers precums inside her, though, the odder she feels.

There's something inside him... he's... he's a lab... experiment... after all... ugh, God... this... feels so good, but so... horrible at the same time!

Brandy's arms seemingly act on their own. One hand drifts beneath herself, cupping over her swollen handful-sized labia. She caresses her pussy and eventually uses two fingers to massage her slippery, wet clitoris.

Whiskers throbs deeply inside Brandy's ass, thrusting harder, pulling tighter on the leash and lifting Brandy's head. She can see him upside down.

Brandy, almost drunkenly looks into the rabbit's insane gaze, rubbing herself and taking his cock in her ass.

"You like being fucked, don't you, puppy bitch?" Whiskers laughs, thrusting harder, pressing his thighs against her ass cheeks to thrust deeper.

No... No! I hate it! "Y-yes... mmgh, yes!" she moans, rubbing herself harder. She can feel Whiskers' cock throbbing harder than usual as her ass slowly begins to feel hot.

Whiskers is cumming inside her.

"Aaugh, wow!" Whiskers says, loosening his grip on the leash.

"I'm cumming... I'm... I'm cum-aagh!" Brandy shrieks, her cum spraying hard over Whiskers' tiny body, leaving him soaked from chest to toe.

"Jeeze, Brandy! I had no idea you liked this kind of art as much as me!" Whiskers says, his tone back to his usual goofiness, "Welp, I'mma go find something to eat. See ya!" He pulls up his jumpsuit, walking away.

Brandy exhaustedly lays in her own cum on the table, panting while Whiskers' cum leaking from her ass. Why... did I... like that so much?

_ _ In the distance, she can see Whiskers skipping along near berry bushes, picking and nibbling at random fruits and gagging when he eats the poison ones.

That... little moron. He's... gifted... down there... I... that felt so good. At the same time... it's Whiskers!

Brandy sits up, feeling the cum fall from her ass over the table while her own juices flow from her. She pants and groggily tries to stand. Hopping off the table, she uses a sharp branch to rip through the thin leather straps, freeing her arms.

Looking down at her pussy, she could see herself still dripping wet.

So... if I make him angry enough... we'll... do this all again? There's... something in him. I just know it.

The Family Jewels [8]

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The Family Jewels [7]

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The Family Jewels [6]

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