Thawing Season

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[I wrote this back in 2012, forgot about it, then just finished it. It's not exactly "summer-appropriate," but I still like it.]

WARNING: Explicit cub/adult story. Read at your own discretion.

Matthias, like most middle-schoolers, was not a smoker. Matthias, like most middle-schoolers, always pretended to smoke when the temperature dropped. He could hold up a pencil or a twig to his lips and inhale the imaginary tar, then push it out and fill his face with a cloud of condensation. Snapping the object in half, a child would then throw it to the ground and leave the object embedded in the snow along with the guilt of pantomiming such an act.

But Matthias had other reasons for his burden of guilt - and despite all smooth talks, all the emotional conversations, it was guilt and it was, to an extent, deeply wrong. Matthias breathed out through his nose once more, a deep sigh that froze the edges of his nostrils and forced him to wipe his face on the back of his jacket sleeve.

It was winter in the town, but the rains came during a warm front and left the woods and the area in an icy bind. Driving was a death sentence, and walking was a hazard. But the boy could sneak out on the many trails that snaked through the woods behind his home, silently locking the porch door behind him as he trudged across patches of slush and open grass, dead and decomposing, waiting for the spring to revive their roots and create a lawn again. For now, they were simply sleeping.

Matthias was a stunning example of a young lion, and he tried to keep that in mind whenever he looked at his reflection. The tawny beginnings of his mane were snaking down around his ears, but he kept his hair short for sports and general hygienic reasons. He always thought he was either too slender or too angular in shape, but others admired his athletic build, the toned calves, the outline of his biceps under short golden fur. All of this was kept hidden for now under layers of synthetic fabric and stuffing, jeans tucked over his winter boots.

It was going to be a quiet winter vacation for him, as far as he could tell. His father, over in the city, was going to be working too hard once more, with no time to see his son this weekend. His mother and stepfather couldn't agree on a place to travel and were giving each other the silent treatment once more. It was laughable, really; despite their differences, his biological parents always remained stubborn and distant during periods of stress, until they found their way out again.

As Matthias approached the trailhead, he raised his eyebrows in surprise as he recalled that it had been more than half a decade since the divorce. For a thirteen-year-old, that was more than half of his conscious existence. For a brief moment, he furrowed his eyes in jealousy of normal parental timelines. People didn't get divorced when their children were so young. No, they waited for several decades before splitting apart, when there are no sides to be chosen, when the lawsuits are ridiculous and a battle of wits is fought between attorneys trying to make a name among the wayward couples in this godforsaken state.

At least there were some constants. In the city or in the lowland, the lion knew exactly how to get what he wanted, where he wanted. His parents, they were easy to manipulate, but he didn't get pleasure from driving them to their wit's end like some of his peers. Matthias sat on the bench at the trailhead and took a deep breath, picking with gloved paws at the chipped paint. He was getting nervous again. He cleared his throat and broke off a chip of wood from the bench's railing, biting the tip as he breathed smoke around it.

Both of his parents had been kind enough to give their child's introversion its own universe in the form of laptops and books, one computer and several novels per unit. His father's computer was more of a gaming platform, and was much larger than the school-oriented notebook his mother provided. One was for reading, one was for playing, and both had alternate accounts where the lion roamed free. It was here that he made appointments.

The cash he pocketed was more than professionals made, as far as he could tell online, but perhaps he was a professional now. It was hard to tell; after all, there were no classes, and no certification which he could hang over the mantle. All Matthias had to do was possess a certain set of skills, and show pictures to the world, and pretend that he was somewhat confident in his ability.

It was noon now. Matthias slipped his phone into his pocket once more, shivering as he watched for signs of life. The woods were tall, foreboding areas of dense pine and maple, even with the maple leaves all dead and gone as winter passed through. As far as he knew, the boy was one of the few people that regularly walked the trails. The access from his house made it easier for him to get into the woods and away from the crowded hiking trails of the great mountains and ski resorts. He never liked skiing.

The crunch of leaves and twigs made the child glance up, swiftly removing the wood from his mouth with a puff of breath. The man walking down the path matched the description of clothing that Matthias had demanded: Black jeans, red hunting vest and a maroon sweatshirt. The lion never asked for species, although many men provided it, and he was surprised to see an older badger decked out in his specifics. Specks of gray lined his broad muzzle, his imposing stature hunched as he paced methodically down the trail.

The original message had said that he was late 50's, but the boy could have sworn the man was no older than forty, had it not been for the silver patterns and the lines around his chocolate-brown eyes. When he finally looked up, Matthias made no motion, and this made the badger slow down as he approached the bench. His massive paws were in the front pocket of the sweatshirt, the massive knuckles pressed against the outer fabric. Everything about this man was huge, from his head to his combat boots.

His hair was military, a clean-cut white stripe that wan down to his bob of a tail. In this weather, the lion could tell that his glasses were going to fog up once more. The badger's spectacles were black, heavy frames that had those tell-tale smudge marks on them that came from being rubbed in circles over and over again. The crunching stopped as the adult's footfalls slowed, before he turned his body and sat on the bench next to the young lion. Matthias stared at him, waiting for him to make a move. They sat in silence for a minute or so, recognizing each other's presence.

The badger cleared his throat. "My wife, uh," he began, his voice the deepest baritone, "she thinks I'm just going through a kinky phase. But all who like men, they're all older, all of them arthritic and boring - or worse, they're leather daddies." He chuckled, bringing his hands up to his chin, resting the weight of his head in his palms. "Not that she knows about this. She'd go ballistic if she found - well, I mean, anyone would, because - you're the - you know." He sniffed, turning to make eye contact with the cub. "Young."

Matthias couldn't help but grin, shrugging his jacket higher around his shoulders. The badger smiled with him, nodding slowly. "Thanks for meeting up with me. I was hoping you were for real, and not some kind of predator trap. Lord knows I've been watching those for days to prep myself," the badger continued. "I almost brought a gun. I don't know if I would actually use it, but the thought passed my mind. Weird, ain't it? I'm mostly fine with doing this, but fifteen years out of the service and I still have a hard time firing a weapon."

"Do you have the cash?" Matthias said. His voice sounded so young after the badger's rumble, so high-pitched and faggoty. He cleared his throat and tried to shake it off, getting back into his masculine state of mind. That was what he had loved online, after all - the fact that the lion was so boyish, less girly than the other children who displayed themselves online for men's use. He had to make sure the badger's time was well-spent somehow.

The adult nodded, fumbling through the pocket of his jeans, which were obviously too big even for a man like him. The bagginess forced the cub to imagine what lurked below as the badger pulled an envelope out of his pocket, opening the side to show Matthias as he thumbed through the bills. "That's two, four, six, eight hundred...and an even thousand there," he said, handing the fold of hundreds and twenties to the boy.

The lion pocketed the cash quickly, stuffing the envelope into a zippered pouch inside his jacket. He smiled up at the adult who grinned back broader now, but with no less anxiety than when they first started. The silence of the woods was broken only by distant birdsong and the sound of the highway. Matthias leaned back as he watched the adult's anxious movements, the tension with which he held his body. That was bad news for the cub, as he always refunded the men who chickened out.

But the burly badger turned to the boy once more and stuck out a shaking paw, his barrel chest visibly rising and falling even through the layers. "My name is Garrison, by the way. Gary," he said, nodding at the child. Matthias took Gary's hand graciously and shook it as much as he could with his fingers so dwarfed by the man's own digits. Gary's mouth hung open in awe as the lion held his paw and stood up, urging him to follow.

When the adult got up once more, the lion realized just how tall he was compared to his own height. It was mesmerizing, and terrifying, and really kind of hot. Gary was obviously a military man, but carried himself without the confidence or pride that Matthias was used to from those in the service. If he had to guess, it was probably because he was going to fuck a 13-year-old boy in the woods and was woefully unprepared. Then again, most of his clients weren't predators or miscreants - he was sure to check on them prior to accepting a meeting. Gary had checked out well, and was consistently honest on every site that the boy found him, from the business page to the dating sites. His sexuality varied, but doesn't it always?

The boy paced around to the badger's left side, holding onto his arm as they started down the path. He barely came up to Gary's chest, and had to keep a quick pace to match the man's stride. For the first time in a while, the boy actually felt good about this session. The badger was more paternal than most of his clients and seemed responsible for whatever actions he wanted to take with the child. They walked in silence, but with ease and trust in each other. The farther they went, the more Matthias felt the man beside him calm down.

"How, uh, exactly do we do this?" the adult said after a few minutes. They had reached a point in the trail far from the opening, where no cars could be heard and the trees were the densest.

"It really depends," Matthias said. "But usually we go off into the woods and find a secure tree, or a boulder, to use as a kind of wall. As far as I can tell, there aren't any mattresses out here."

Gary snorted, and the little lion let out a laugh of his own. "What's your name, son?" he asked. The child paused and raised his brow in surprise. For some reason, he had never thought to include his name on any material when seeking partners.

"My name is Matthias, but you can call me Matt." His parents called him Matt, Matty, and every nickname in between. But he actually preferred -

"Matthias!" the badger said, nodding knowingly. "He was the thirteenth apostle, the one to replace Judas Iscariot. You know your Bible, son?" Matthias shook his head. "That's fine, that's all fine. If you don't mind, I tend to prefer my biblical nomenclature. I love the proper names for people, the full name - except my own, of course."

The boy didn't respond. By this time, the trail was starting to loop around, and the hill upon which the trail was situated began to scale up and down, narrowing so that only one person could go at a time. Garrison pushed ahead of the lion protectively, much to his surprise. The muscular badger tested each rock with a swift stomp of his boots, slowly making his way down to the bottom of the hill.

When the pair reached the end of the slope, the adult heaved a deep breath and stretched, putting his hands behind his head. Matthias eyed him curiously, standing in front of the badger as he contemplated his next move. Garrison took another breath and knelt on the ground, beckoning the boy forwards with a single finger. Slowly, the little lion bent down, shivering as his knees touched the slushy loam.

Garrison pulled him into and embrace, holding the child's face into his neck. Matthias couldn't see anything but black and silver fur and the brambles out of the corner of his eye. The badger's heartbeat was racing double-time, his sheer size making each thump resonate in the boy's ears. He could smell hot sweat underneath his winter clothing, the telltale nervous symptoms of a man in need.

A massive paw lifted his face up, and the cub obediently opened his mouth as the hot breath hit his face. The smell of potato and herb from the badger's breakfast tickled his whiskers right before his tongue invaded the cub's mouth. Their lips trembled over each other as Garrison pulled the middle-schooler against his body, crushing his body with the strength of his arms. The boy wondered if those arms were once used to break bones.

Matthias shivered as those fingers snaked up the back of his jacket, untucking his shirt and digging into the fur and muscle. The heavy digging claws made grooves on his skin, as gently as a historian thumbing through a rare tome. The search led the badger to his waist and the rim of his ass, the cusp of his golden cheeks. "How did a sweet thing like you get mixed up in this business, son?" Garrison said, whispering into the child's ear.

Nobody had ever asked him that, either. Sensing his hesitance, the badger pulled away, but still held Matthias close, probing his expression with his eyes. The cub bit his lip and glanced up at the man, and he was shocked to see how scared he looked in the glasses' reflection.

"I..." It was unsettling to actually tell the incident, the origin to his infamous deeds. "The gas station downtown, the old one, used to have a hole in the wall of a stall. And a guy...he stuck himself through there, and he wanted me him. I wouldn't do it, but he put twenty bucks through-"

"Your first time, huh?"

Matthias cringed. "Yeah, I know, pretty lame. But I told a friend about it, and he mentioned that it sounded like prostitution. I looked it up, and, well, one thing led to another." The cub shrugged and unclenched his hands, which had apparently been gripping the badger's coat rather tightly.

Garrison, however, didn't look convinced. "Matthias, you told me online that you've had several experiences with men. I find it hard to believe that a boy your age went from bathroom handjobs to this kind of professionalism within, what, one year? For Pete's sake, you're barely a teenager."

There was a moment of silence as the cub bit his lip. "The guy who paid me came back for more," he said. "He wanted to be my boss and send me around to other people, y'know? Like a pimp."

The badger nodded. "So, where is he now?"

Once again, the lion found himself cringing. "I, uh, turned him in. Anonymously, of course - he'd totally kill me if he knew. But I still have to tell some of the men that I meet that he's still protecting me - it keeps them from stalking me or trying to take me away. He taught me how to get started and how not to get caught in the act, and also how to find these kinds of people online. You know, people like you. Sort of."

"People like me. Sure." The adult held onto the lion as the quiet of the woods sunk in. "I can't understand how you work, Matthias," he said at last, "but I want you to know that I am concerned for you. I wanted to talk to you as well, because you seem troubled -"

The lion gave Garrison a look that shut him up in an instant. The cub wasn't exactly apathetic, but he did his best to appear nonchalant, dignified, yet still innocent. "Sorry," the badger murmured, releasing the boy. He stood upright, and Matthias stood with him. "I-I don't mean to preach, son, but - you know. If you need anything in the future."

"Gary - please don't, know we can't keep in contact," Matthias said, glancing sideways off into the woods. "Not after this, anyway - unless you don't want to do it?" He reached inside for the envelope, preparing for the disappointment of a refund.

But the badger shook his head, adjusting his glasses as he shifted from foot to foot. "No, I still want you," he said quickly. The lion boy nodded and put the money away, watching to see what his customer's next move would be. Garrison paused before undoing his fly, fumbling with the zipper. "The first man, the one who paid you - what was he like?"

The cub did a double-check around the area before nodding to the denser part of the forest. The adult followed him as he made a winding trail, winter boots and combat boots alike making crunching noises in the snow. "He was a coon, big guy, early twenties. High school dropout. Heavy, and not in a good way," he said. "I don't remember much else."

Garrison's eyes were on the lion as he walked ahead; he could feel them boring into his ass. But whenever the child eyed back, the badger always seemed to be making eye contact with him. The boy got the sense that if it were up to the badger, he would have sucked him off right in the middle of the trail. One man tried that, but a stranger was coming down the path and they had to run into the bushes to evade them. Matthias wasn't about to risk that again.

"How about here?" He turned around to see the badger knocking on a solid oak, a giant specimen that the lion hadn't seen before. It made a shadow over the pines around it, with a wide enough berth from cutting the sunlight to the lower plants. A ring of deep snow surrounded it and came up to the roots, lapping at their curves like waves on a wooden beach. Garrison leaned against it and stuck his thumbs into his waist, smiling awkwardly.

Matthias nodded and stomped towards the tree, shivering as snow ate into his footwear, its breath climbing up his knees as he prepared himself. The badger had to slide down the tree with his legs spread apart, splayed as Matthias reached up, nuzzling the adult's package. It was a heavy, healthy bulge that pressed out of his open fly and made an indent in the man's jeans. He had obviously showered before he came. When his muzzle touched the denim close to his groin, he could feel the man above him shiver.

He felt a motion above him, and saw Garrison reach down to undo the button at the top of his pants, releasing the triangles of fabric which contained his groin. The cub nearly giggled at the camouflage boxers, the perfect gift for any military man. The badger held up his shirt and jacket, clearing the boy's space and revealing a smooth belly that once was covered in bulging muscles, a young man's pride and joy.

Matthias placed a paw on the tented underwear, expecting a growl or a grunt. The gasp that came out made him look up to check on the badger. But it appeared that Garrison was enjoying himself, his eyes closed and his teeth gnawing at his lower lip.

With both hands, the boy undid the button in the front of the boxers and opened the hole to his fur. The badger's cock was almost as formidable as his body, a heavy, black shaft that was impressive to the child, but perhaps not to the average gay hookup. It was veined and throbbing, achingly hard in a manner that most men only had close to orgasm. The thickness was going to be hard to work with, but at least it wasn't monstrous. The largest men were the roughest, and usually the stingiest.

Garrison's paw came down and guided the child's jaw to the head of his cock, forcing the young lion's mouth open to suckle on the tip. Even though Matthias couldn't see anything more than fur and fabric, he knew that the older man was looking down at him as he stroked his face. Fingers ran through his golden fur, tracing along it to emphasize its smaller size, emphasize his immaturity. They always liked to know that a child was sucking them off. The thrill was practically tangible.

Black thumbs came down and massaged the boy's cheeks, trying to coax them open. The plum-sized glans was slick and smooth against the child's tongue, and he made no effort to go any farther or back out. Customers always decided when to go ahead. Sure enough, Gary reached back and gripped the child's face, urging him down. Matthias nearly choked, but he had practiced many times before, and the guidance certainly helped. Gary's paws were strong and commanding, holding on to the clipped mane as he forced the cub down on his penis.

"God, yeah," the adult huffed, grinding his hips back and forth. "Suck it, Matty, you suck me like a good boy." Many clients were not vocal, perhaps for fear of getting caught. Obviously, the badger wanted this to be a real experience, and the poor lion was simply dragged along for the ride. It wasn't long before he got into a rhythm, pumping his body against the child's mouth as he choked and coughed, trying to get himself steady. His nose pressed into the bramble of fur each time the adult pushed forwards, sliding the shaft down to the back of his throat. Neither of them appeared to feel the cold any more.

Suddenly, the adult pulled back and held onto the little lion's head, and Matthias felt the entire shaft slide out over his tongue. Matthias spluttered as he tried to keep his footing, coughing against the badger's groin. Gary paused as he ran his fingers over the child's mane, his breathing heavy. His glasses were fogged up, but he didn't seem to care. The boy's eyes were closed as he recovered, holding onto the man's massive thighs for comfort. He turned around in front of the young lion, or at least the boy thought he did, and his suspicions were confirmed as the tufted tail brushed in front of his muzzle. Not many clients asked for this, but as long as they met the specifications, everyone has a price. The cub leaned forwards and pressed his muzzle in between the badger's cheeks, feeling the moan spread down the adult's entire body. His tongue came out and lapped at the puckered hole, and he nearly jumped as the badger growled in pleasure. Matthias could feel him jacking off with one hand while the other leaned against the tree, keeping them upright.

Matthias pushed his boots against the snow as he licked and snarled against the man's anus, sticking his tongue against and working his way inside the tip. Gary's body was starting to react in all the ways he had seen before; muscles twitched, the entrance puckered, and the breathing got more ragged. The man's taste was sweaty and salty, but pleasantly skin-like. The erogenous quality got the lion tented somewhat, and he almost found himself enjoying the experience. Rimming wasn't his specialty, but he dug his tongue in and made out with the badger's hole ferociously as the man grunted in delight.

The hole eventually slid away from the child's face, and he panted for air as Gary turned, his cock dripping onto his jeans. When his fingers gripped and slid forwards, a slight bit of skin covered the achingly large head before immediately retreating back. Matthias wiped his mouth as he looked up at the badger, who had put his glasses away, tucked into his vest pocket.

"Pants down. Arms up." The commands came suddenly, but it made things easier for him at the very least. The lion undid his own pants and slipped them to his boots, showing off his plain athletic jock, easy entry and easy cover. But Gary hesitated. "Put your arms back down," he said slowly, and the cub did exactly as he was told, his ears sliding back as the giant began to kneel.

"Garrison?" the boy said uncertainly. However, the same nerves that told him to pull away were the ones that rooted his feet to the earth as the badger pulled the front of his jockstrap down, revealing his aching little member. Just like the lion himself, it was slender, eager, and the pale skin started to slide back, revealing the pink tip of his glans inside. The badger's tongue went straight there, with his hands on the child's hips. A bolt of pleasure made the child bite his lips to keep from squealing aloud, as Garrison's mouth enveloped his entire little prick, the tongue pulling back his skin and suckling the head gently. This was the first time the cub had been the recipient, and for once, he understood why clients came to him instead of pawing off alone.

The badger's lips worked the base and tightened around the child's penis as he sucked him off, moaning from deep in his chest as Matthias's penis started to twitch inside of his mouth. The poor boy had never had anything so stimulating before, not from another man. The quickened climax was building in his body, and he had to tug on the adult's head to pull him back and off. Garrison glanced up, squinting as he tried to focus on the child. "Did you not like that?" he asked, his voice heavy with disappointment.

"No, no, I...I liked it."

"Then why did you stop me?"

"It's not your job," the cub said. "It's mine."

Garrison still held on to the boy's hips. "I'm paying you to do what I want, not what you want. If I want to pleasure you, then I will."

"But I don't..." The lion trailed off, his voice dropping as he stared into the grown up's eyes. It was a tense silence, but the adult eventually rose to his feet again, his cock still hard and dark at an angle from his groin. He stroked it in front of the child, putting a hand on his shoulder as he did so, moving his sack back and forth, his heavy balls swinging despite the cold. Both of them had already warmed up, and their breathing made a fine mist that rose above into the dense canopy.

The adult reached into another vest pocket and pulled out a bottle of lubrication, clear and store-bought, a container unlabeled. Matthias began to turn, but the adult shook his head and spun him back. "Arms up," he said, "for real this time." The cub obeyed, and Garrison grunted as he lifted the boy into the air, forcing him to hold on as he leaned back against the tree once more. Matthias had to bend his legs, his jeans stretching between his ankles as he lifted them up. He held on as the older man popped the top, pouring it onto his shaft and stroking it to cover himself.

A finger found its way to the lion's hole, and he squirmed in the badger's arms as the tip rubbed around the inside. Both of them knew that he was going to be tight, tighter than any partner the badger could ever find, even with the experience that the boy had under his belt. Even the finger seemed large as it poked inside of him, almost as large as the average man when he started to penetrate.

"Steady," the badger said, holding the boy with one hand and positioning his cock with the other. The child held onto Garrison as he felt the plump glans poke at his pucker, starting to spread him open. It never got any easier, and a member like this male's was more than a challenge. "Fuck, Matthias, you need to relax," the voice said from above, chuckling hot breath into the boy's face. He could only hold on as his client finally started to push down, and the pressure on his sphincter became unbearable.

Matthias cried out in pain as he was finally penetrated, the glistening shaft sliding inside of him. All of his limbs were aching, but he stretched and bent and held on as the badger groaned with satisfaction. The jockstrap dug into his flesh as his cheeks were stretched, sliding the rim of his sensitive little pucker straight down to the grown-up's lap. Both males panted beneath the tree as Matthias leaned against the army man's chest. Gary hoisted him, making him yowl as the formidable girth sent searing pain through his groin.

None of that dissuaded the badger, who treated the whole physical positioning as if it was a kind of exercise, although his face said otherwise. The conquest written into his brow and the desire in his spittle seared against the winter cold as he forced the child's body up and down. Even with the strongest and most virile clients, Matthias had never been fucked this roughly. Most of the time, almost all of the clothing came off, but now, both were sweating in their layers and panting as Goliath fucked David, conquering his prize bareback, his hefty balls ready to breed the cub. Almost four decades separated their age, but nothing separated their bodies as one held on and gasped and the other gripped and fucked like a beast.

Safety didn't matter anymore. A married man needed no condom to complete his conquest, and the badger's strained face became more focused as he neared completion. The lion held on for all it was worth, but he didn't need to as long as Garrison was grasping and rocking his hips, his legs planted firmly on the earth below.

A deep growl rumbled from the badger's gut as he pressed Matthias down, stretching out that poor hole on the base of his cock. The tension clenched and milked the thick cum that started to pump into the boy, potent semen squeezing out from the older male into the child in his arms. His thrusts stopped as he bred the lion's ass, simply holding him against his hips as he ground himself into Matthias and finished his conquest. Matthias's sore legs stretched tight, practically numb as he closed his eyes and tried to relax to the sensation of being fucked raw. The thickness trained him, making him learn what it was to be bred by a real man, filled with real cum, held by the strength of generations.

A few moments of silence passed between them. The cub was pressed painfully against the man beneath him, and the badger was standing steadily, boots planted firmly on the ground, eyes closed. Most of them kept their eyes closed, Matthias noticed. He stared at the badger as his pleasure turned to satisfaction, his satisfaction to guilt, and his guilt to regret. Garrison's face thawed back from the frozen truth, and everything was still once again.

The little lion clenched and grunted as he was pulled off of the shaft and planted back on the ground with his pants around his ankles. Both of them pulled their underwear and jeans back up to their hips, clasping and buttoning. The money was pocketed, and the exchange was had. Everything was settled. Garrison stared down at the cub, who couldn't look up in return. There was, surprisingly, shame.

"No contact?"

Matthias didn't have to say anything.

"You're going to hurt yourself."

"I know," Matthias said.

The warmth trailing into his jeans was nothing to combat the cold around him. Garrison offered his hand, outstretched and sweaty. The cub took it as they trundled back onto the path. The sun on his eyes was shining, and he had to cover his face with one tiny paw as he was lead into the woods, back to the bench. He sat down and rubbed his eyes. When he looked up, the badger was gone. A piece of paper, folded in half, fluttered in the breeze next to him.


©2015 TheOrigamist

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