Why We're so different... Part 3 The Walls Start To Wear...

Story by Love_Ink on SoFurry

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Alright, here is part three of "Why We're So Different..." I know its been a bit since I posted but you know... life stuffs. But don't worry, I have half of the next chapter complete so I haven't been just sitting on my tail doing noting. Now the funny warning thing I have to give so I can sleep at night... X3

There is male on male attraction in this story, If you are uncomfortable with ideas of homosexuality then please click the back button and have a wonderful time else where here on Yiffstar! And as always one love everyone...

Chapter Three... "The Wall Starts To Wear..."

"Jeez... Old man you scared me half out of my fur..." Alex rasped as he rubbed his wrist just below his eyes to hide his tears.

"Its been a while since you spent the night Alex, Is everything alright?" Jon asked with a concerned smile.

"Y-yeah... Its just been a long night..." Alex said regaining his composure.

"I bet..." Jon said with a nod. "How about a nice cup of tea before you sleep?" Jon said as he motioned the Cheetah along down the hall toward the stairs.

"How did you know I haven't slept..." He asked while taking the rail down the stairs.

"I raised you Alex, I know you sleep till four in the evening normally..." Jon smiled. "Plus you only had that short nap where you and Julian smelt like beer, then you left and came back thinking you were sneaky. I know the sound of that V8 anywhere dear Alex..." He chuckled.

"You caught me dad..." Alex smirked as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Thank you Alex..." Jon said as he put the kettle on.

"For what?" Alex asked with a cocked brow.

"For being honest... And calling me dad. Its the second time in the same week. Lord knows you were one of the good ones..." He chuckled.

"Sure pops... One Of The Good Ones..." Alex mumbled as he rested his chin on his knuckle at the kitchen table.

"I mean it Alex, really. You are self reliant and supportive with a good job and a family that loves you!" Jon Stevens smiled with a sigh. "How is construction going for you anyway?" Jon added as he went about the tea bags in the pantry.

"Ummm... Its hard... Work?" The Cheetah giggled seeing as how he must have at one point taken a big withdraw from the bank of lies on that one...

"Hard work builds the heart dear son..." Jon said.

Sage Had been dreaming of many things as he always did, and as always once his eyes opened he couldn't recall any of them. But one thing that was different... was the fact that he was cold... He slid his paw along the sheets behind himself and felt nothing there. His eyes opened and he leaned up confused and slightly frightened that Julian was not there. But it was then that the door started to creek open. Sage took it as Julian had just gotten up to go to the bathroom or something. So he smiled mischievously as he quickly put himself back right where he had been. He felt the need to surprise Julian playfully once he got into bed again. He couldn't wait to make the Wolf smile, but that moment never came... Instead he heard a sniffle and the door started to close. Sage shot up thinking that maybe Julian was sad or that something was a miss. But then he heard a gasp and Alex's voice...

"Jeez Old man... You scared me half out of my fur!" he heard him rasp. Sage pressed the blankets to his chest and his ears flattened. He had no right to be looking into Julian and his own room like that. He felt like he was being watched or something, making the small Wolf feel rather intruded. His hackles raised before he heard Jon's voice speaking with him. Sage nodded to himself knowing that the Otter would deal with him. He had no right... Sage shook his head and bopped himself between the ears.

"Thats not the way you should think Sage! Let it go..." he mumbled to himself. He took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He convinced himself that he was just taken back and surprised by Alex's presence when he was expecting the Wolf that sheltered him with his strong arms... Sage got up and wrapped the blanket around himself much like a robe, even nuzzling a small hood and all. His light pads made almost no noise at all as he landed on the floor and out the door. He went to the bathroom and saw that some one had used the shower. He could taste it in his nose that it was Alex, but there was a faint smell of Julian too... and some one else he didn't recognize. Sage just couldn't part his ears from his skull. It was just too strange. He padded over to Jake's room where Julian some times slept after drinking, though the smaller Wolf never understood why he did this he only could accept the answer given to him by Julian himself.

"I can do some pretty dumb things when I'm hammered..." was what he had said. Sage didn't mind it though, he would fetch him as he always did in the morning. He peeked into the Fox's room and saw instantly that there was a huddle of younger kids in there as always and the static from a VHS that had played its course through the night. As most mornings like this Julian was passed out on the window sill and the Fox was right next to him with his head tilted back snoring. His arm was always resting on Julian's shoulder. Sage giggled, Jake was the manliest fox he knew but he had a soft spot for Julian in a very brotherly way. In some ways they were a lot like that too. As Alex was his longest standing friend and... What ever the hell Sage was or felt toward Julian, Jake had always been his man bro like friend that he could go to and talk, and some times they never even had to speak. Sage liked Jake a lot, even through his ADHD moments.

Sage padded up to Jake and shook his arm gently. The Fox's head split forward and he choked on his dry throat quietly.

"No more checks man..." He mumbled causing Sage to giggle covering his mouth with his makeshift sleeve. Jake almost always dreamed about money or settling some sort of business. It was kind of cute...

"I'm going to need your help..." Sage whispered gently into his ear. The Fox nodded not fully opening his eyes, but he got up and picked up one of the kids on the bed as Sage did the same. He raised his brow to the site of Zack and looked to Jake.

"Leave him... he's broke..." The Fox mumbled still partly in dream it seemed. Sage knew that some times the Rat would crash in his room for the night on hard nights, but he knew that he kept that a secret from Jon. They brought the small ones to their rooms cradling them in their arms, Alex couldn't help but to pass an ear to Alex and Jon who were talking. It wasn't about anything in particular but Sage was actually kind of happy to hear Alex's voice. The wolf couldn't understand his feelings toward the Cheetah, at one moment he was defensive, but at the same time, he was glad to know that he was alright. It was funny because he could have sworn he had heard him leave the night before. After all the kids were to bed, Jake flopped himself onto his bed not even disturbing Zack from his needed rest, and Sage waited a moment before awakening Julian. He just stood there admiring him. He looked like a soldier that had kept watch all night at the window and seemed to have lost all of his barrings, given every bit that he had in him trying to stay awake. But alas sleep took him. Sage put his paws on either side of the window sill and pressed his lips to Julian's lip ring. He playfully nibbled at it until he felt a strong and safe arm cross around his waist. Sage saw his beautiful eyes open and seemingly glow in the morning light.

"Good morning Hun..." Sage said so gently into Julian's ear that it didn't even cause his sensitive radar like ears to twitch. He saw the Wolf smile and he was pulled close. Julian held him from behind in his blanket and put a leg on either side of him as he was placed with his knees bent in the window sill with him. Sage knew if he didn't speak up that they would both fall asleep there again. But he felt safe, It was Julian... The one that made his heart throb, his ears fall flat and his cheeks burn pink. There was the gentle patter of morning rain outside and Sage just pushed the top of his muzzle into Julian's chin and held on tight to his head fur pulling him closer. Under the blankets he felt Julian's paw scratching at his stomach, slowly moving up toward his throat, The larger wolfs arm caused the drape of blanket to raise exposing Sage's bare legs. Sage gasped submissively as he felt his hand reach this chest. He saw Julian's eyes slowly half open again and his paw had started it's decent down again. Sage blushed hard as he felt his sheath beginning to tighten as Julian's paw made it to his lower stomach. "P-Please..." Sage pleaded feeling his erection building. His other paw clung to Julian's bent knee as he closed his eyes drawing in his scent.

"I know... Xacktlys breath..." Julian mumbled. The meaning of this around the house was to morning breath. (When Your mouth Tasted Exactly like your ass...)

"N-no..." Sage said as he pulled at one of Julian's arms. "Its a raining church day... We get to sleep in..." Sage smiled. It meant that he didn't have to cook breakfast because there was always people that brought food to the sunday morning church. And the kids got to help them selves to the left overs. Of corse he would be up to make lunch and do laundry but he really just wanted to be with Julian for the morning. There was something different in his eyes that morning, and the Smaller Wolf was excited by it. He knew... Regardless of the dangers that it caused... That he loved him so deeply that it hurt. One thing he didn't expect from the morning was for Julian to lift his sylphlike body and carry him into their bedroom. Their window was open echoing the sound of the falling rain through their room. Julian bumped the door closed with his hip and gently put Sage down on the bed. The smaller Wolf again blushed turning pink at the cheeks as Julian lifted his shirt over his head and dropped his pants to the floor. Again, Sage could see his scars and old wounds from the past few months. They would all heal in time... But only Sage knew where each and every one of them came from, and it was always him who patched him back together. Julian put a knee on the bed, then took Sage's paws in hand, their fingers tangled together and Sage was reminded of the bandage he had put on his hand the day before. His wrists couldn't move, but he didn't feel the need to fight back. Julian was being firm, not harsh... normally they would laugh and Julian would let him go, but there was a look in his eyes that Sage had only caught once or twice early in the morning. It was a deep stare that made his heart melt...

"I..." Sage said quietly as he turned his head away. "Julian!" he gasped as the Wolf positioned himself over Sage. The smaller Wolf knew this position very well though he doubted Julian even had any idea what he was doing, or the fact that he was doing it at all. It was courting... It was instinctive and unmistakable to Sage... And Julian though was raised out of the element from his kind... Moved just as though he had found a mate that he desired...

"What?" Julian asked as he eased up with a smile. "Did I hurt you?"

"No... But..." Sage said still with his head turned and pinned to the bed. "Julian..." he spoke so softly that if Julian had not been right there, he would have missed it. "I... I love you..." Sage yipped painfully as though tearing the secret right from his own skin.

"Sage... I will always protect you... heart... Body... And Soul..." He smiled at peace with his words. He pressed his weight down on Julian and kissed him tenderly on the lips. As the rain played it's peaceful melody... Their bodies brushed together in a language that only fulfilled hearts could understand. Some where between a blink and a tear... Sage had lifted his chin and allowed Julian's teeth to find his soft vulnerable nape of his neck. His naked body was sprawled out below Julian, and the Wolf would not part, desperately trying to find a way to bring him closer in their passionate throws...

Alex Smiled at Jon as he helped clean the kitchen just like he use to when he still lived there. They had spent the morning together talking and at one point he could have sworn he heard a few bumps, but Jon had assured him it was just Sage and Jake putting the little ones to their own beds. The Paster had given him permission to sleep there for the day as they went about Jon's chores that he normally did alone early in the morning.

"So where did you go so late at night anyway?" Jon asked as he handed him some place mats.

"I had some business to attend to..." Alex smiled as he cleaned the old wooden table off and slid the chairs into place.

"Fine.. Fine..." Jon smiled knowing that he didn't want to talk about it. He just simply understood this some how...

"Its all finished old man..." Alex said with a tired yawn.

"Good... Could you go awaken Jake for me? He needs to take the trash out and head over to the church to set up for me." he responded

"Sure..." Alex laughed. He left with a wave to Jon and padded his way up the stairs. Again he went to the door that was to his old room by accident. He opened the door and shook his head with a sigh as he saw no one was in there. He went across the hall and opened the door with out knocking and saw the Fox passed out, half on his bed. He saw Zack, a rat he knew from school sleeping on half of the bed. His gaze moved to the window sill and he saw Julian half awake clutching Sage in his arms. Alex, though normally jealous of such a site, felt a warm and easy smile on his jaw. It was heart warming the way the Fox kicked ever so slightly in his sleep. And Julian was as dashing as ever holding him in place peeking out the rain dripped window. It made Alex happy that Julian still had not changed the way he held some one dear to him. The Cheetah moved to Jake and ran his paw through his spiky hair to wake him up.

"I'm a mercenary..." The Fox mumbled in his sleep, Bringing Julian's attention to the site. The Wolf smiled as he watched Alex mess with him.

"And I'm your well paying captain, dirtbag..." Alex said in a slightly gruff voice. "And your mission if you choose to accept is to take the trash out and set up the church for Sunday mind control..." He added with a slight giggle to the way his friend was reacting to his voice.

"But Mr. Commander... why are you playing with my hair?" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"Job hazard dear Fox..." The Cheetah said with a wicked smile.

"Don't..." Julian smiled gently. "I'll do it... Let him rest..." He added with a genuine look of tender care to the sleeping Wolf in his arms.

"Whats his deal?" Alex smiled in question as he saw the Wolf kick again.

"He's dreaming pretty hard..." Julian blushed as he lifted the blanket. Alex gave a soft impressed whistle from his dark lips as he saw Sage was half hard and at a full six inches hanging from his sheath.

"Not bad for the little guy..." Alex giggled. Julian covered him up again not meaning to expose his sleeping friend like that.

"Get off it..." Julian grinned from ear to ear.

"Just saying... Impressed..." Alex said honestly.

"Can I trust you to put him to bed?" Julian asked as he lifted Sage up in his arms.

"Julian..." Alex gave him a look meaning "Duh!" And Julian chuckled slightly as he handed him off to the only slightly smaller Cheetah. Alex handled him well though, Julian nodded to himself and padded to the door.

"I'll be back soon, And Alex... It's nothing really... But I'd like to spend the morning alone with him..." Julian said with a slight blush.

"Yeah, I was going to take a cat nap in one of the spare rooms actually." The Cheetah admitted.

"Sounds good, I'll wake you up for lunch then..." Julian said as he held the door open for Alex who carried Sage with honest care. The smaller Wolf could sleep through quiet a bit, but in his dreams he seemed to cling to Alex protectively.

Alex closed the door to the room that Julian and Sage slept behind him with his hip. He brought the wolf over to the bed and gently put him down. But Julian's paws refused to let go of him. He gently took the Wolf's wrists in his paw and placed them down on either side of his head, resting him there. Before Alex could slyly take his paws away Sage whispered.

"I... I love you..." his words were so sincere and so gentle that if Alex had not been so close, the words would have been drown out by the sound of the rain that echoed in the room. Alex stayed paused there for a moment surprised. He knew those words were meant for Julian and he felt his heart sink again to the feelings shared between the Wolves. But suddenly The Cheetah's eyes became soft. He leaned forward and tenderly kissed the Wolf on his forehead and whispered into his sensitive ear.

"I know... I Love him too..." he smiled to the truth in his own words feeling any animosity toward him drain away for the morning. Alex was just too worn out to heed any hatred toward him at the moment. He covered Sage in the blankets and raised from the bed padding out of the room with only one look back. He fingered at the ring that hung around his neck and gently closed the door behind himself. He moved to a room that was empty, one of the only two empty ones out of eight there were on that floor, and sat on the bed in the corner. He slid himself against the wall and locked his fingers into his braids, pulling slightly as he let out a gentle laugh... crying himself to sleep...

Jake had gotten up groggily from his bed to take the trash out as his mercenary captain had told him to do when he shook his head.

"Wait a tic... I don't have any credentials to be a Highlander..." He said awkwardly to himself. He looked to his face in the mirror at how random that was and how he wasn't making any sense again. He hated it when his mind went wondering like that. He moved to his door with a new shirt that was from the same package of shirts as the one before. He took the size sticker off his chest and went back to place it on Zack's back with a whimsical smile. He then exited his room after a wink to himself in the mirror. He bounced down the steps as always and nearly crashed right into Julian who was leaving with the trash bags.

"Dude... You should be asleep..." Jake grinned from ear to ear with his tail swaying side to side.

"Yeah... But you look just like how I feel..." Julian chuckled. "Here... Take one of these..." he mumbled handing him a bag. They exited the house and took the trash out. Right after they propped the doors and windows open to the Church and started the coffee machines. They swept up and set up the tables for the breakfast that would occur after Jon had done his early morning service. They vacuumed and said their thanks for a life worth giving... Paster Stevens relieved them of their tasks. He shooed them out with a broom telling them to go play after Jake had stuck his tongue out at him when he asked if they would be attending the service. Jon watched them dash off back toward the house leaning on the broom with an easy smile. The rain had not let up but that never seemed to get their spirits down...

Jake entered the house with Julian who didn't go right up the stairs as Jake thought he would, instead he tapped himself on the nose and ran back out side. Jake knew it meant that he forgot to remind Paster Steven about the Bell... In the other room he could see Zack sitting with the new tiger cub, the same one that had watched the movie with him and the others the night before. Jake had to say, for a little tyke the kid was pretty cool. Quiet as a pin dropping, but none the less a strong will cat indeed. Jake could remember even Alex had said something about being determined in the eyes. And it seemed that even now Zack was amused with the newcomer.

"So your not going to tell me your name?" Zack asked the cub as he sat on the chair.

"Careful Short Stack... He's scanning you for weaknesses..." Jake said as he came into the room.

"Would that be my site or my hight?" The Rat asked whipping his tail at the Fox as he passed.

"Dahh! Watch that thing... Could put an eye out..." Jake chuckled. As Zack's head was turned he felt a gentle swat at the back of his head. He looked back to the smiling cub who's claws were pinching into the side of his head harmlessly. "Told yeh..." Jake grinned wide exaggerating how happy he was to the cub who giggled waving his tail back and forth because Jake had a slice of orange between his teeth then.

"Your a lot better with kids then I am..." Zack smiled as he parted the cub's paw from his head.

"You get use to it..." The fox said with a gentle smile and handed a slice of orange to the Tiger cub, then bounced the rest of it to Zack off the inside of his elbow. "Come on... I gotta take you home..." Jake smirked. "Less you don't want to go back just yet, then we can just go hang out or something..." He added as he picked the cub up. "Need a bath kiddo..."

"I'll go home... Its just going to be weird... No one has ever stood up for me like that before." He said with a tilt of his head.

"Use it, tell em if he touches you again that Julian will be over there like a bolt of lightning... Tell him he loves nothing more then to let the hot air out of a blow hard... So he'll gladly chin him again for you." Jake smiled. Zack rotated the orange in his claws and thought about that. Then just laughed.

"Thanks..." He mumbled with a blush.

"Awww.. Think nothing of it. Sides, I know your pops too so I'll come in and make sure everything is fine." The Fox said with a wave.

"Are you bringing him with you?" Zack pointed to the cub that was in his arms.

"Yeah, we're family..." Jake said as he hefted the kid up some more to his chest level. The cub held on tight as they made their way to the front door. Zack watched as Jake opened the door and saw the rain. He grabbed a hoodie from the hangers and threw it over both himself and the Cub.

"So whats his name?" Zack asked as they dashed through the rain.

"Who?" Jake asked as he unlocked Paster Stevens Jeep, nodding to Julian who dashed back to the house past them. He then looked down at the lump under his hoodie. "Oh... Chatter Box..." he smiled.

"Did you name him?" Zack asked as he started the engine.

"Guilty... As always..." He chuckled. He lifted the fabric so the Cub could climb out but instead he poked his head out of the collar with his little ears pinned back. "Wanna drive this time huh..." Jake smiled. Zack was so amused by the way Jake was around the kids. He was like the perfect father! And due to his own apparent lack of such an experience it hit him that much harder. He found himself wishing that Jake could have been his father. "Told you... Yeh needed a bath..." The Fox chuckled as the little Chatter Box Shook his head and was left with a fuzzy sphere as a head, and a little pink button nose.

"Thats adorable..." Zack said distantly deep in thought.

"Yeah... Their like that when their young..." The Fox said with a nod as he pulled out of the driveway and on their way to Zack's house.

Julian was soaked to the bone from the down pour outside. He had to go back out to remind Jon that the Bell was stiff and hard to ring during the colder rains. He had passed the Fox on his way back and saw that he had Zack with him too. He knew he was likely taking him home, but the strange lump in his hoodie made Julian a tad confused as there was a small Tiger tail hanging out from the bottom of his gray outerwear. The Wolf moved about the house finishing smaller tasks and got the small shirt with a hole in it. He then padded his way up stairs and checked the rooms as always before he would go to his own and spend some time relaxing with Sage. He found the room Alex was sleeping in and saw the Cheetah laying on the bed spent from what ever endeavors he had taken on the night before. If the Wolf had not known him so well, he would have overlooked the darker parts under his eyes that were wet. It wasn't like Alex to be emotional, but sleeping in the house must have really gotten to him. Julian shook his head and moved to the Cat, where he pulled the covers over him. He put his paw over his Alex and slowly ran his paw tips down the length of his face. Intently he saw the Cheetah let out a long sigh and become a bit more at ease. Julian did this anytime Alex had been worked up about something. And the Wolf knew that it only happened around him, no one else. Alex would never show really how he felt around most and he knew as a fact that Alex would rather die then burden some one. He knew deep down in side that this was why he tried as hard as he did to not rely on his adopted parents.

Julian saw the necklace around Alex's throat and smiled. It looked like it held some serious sentimental value to him. Alex never wore a necklace, nor did he ever care to. The inside read "To My Love... Mrs. Hue"

Julian tilted his head, the only "Hue" he knew was Chris Hue, A Coyote that went to school with him. Julian laughed seemingly to himself as he started to leave. He thought that the last name Hue was pretty unique, and that the kid was the only one with it. "Small World..." He thought to him self. Julian closed his door behind himself and put the shirt on his dresser. The then removed his own and turned to the sight of the Sleeping Wolf in their bed. He had the idea to pounce the smaller Wolf with an assault of tickles and pokes. But he didn't want Alex to be awakened in the quiet room down the hall by it. Julian suddenly was hit with a very hard gut wrenching feeling. He didn't like it and he just wished that he could be in two places at once. After the night before he knew very well how the two felt about him. And in a sense it was unfair. It wouldn't have been as hard if he had not been such a dolt about seeing their feelings in the first place. Their feelings would have still been there though so he was fucked either way. He was trying his hardest just to be himself around them, not because he felt strange about a boy loving him, but because he really just wanted to be there for the both of them. And the more he seemed to help one, the other he felt as though he was ignoring or being insensitive to their feelings toward him. On one paw, There was Alex, some one that had bled through the worst with. The one that could understand him best at his worst. The Cheetah that had watched over him while he was sick and the same boy who was fearless of his touch. Before him, the other kids wouldn't play with him because Julian had to admit... He did play a bit rough. But Alex taught him to be gentle, Jon had tired to teach him but coming from a kid his age it seemed to have more of an impact on his attention span. Julian rolled the ring in his lip as he though about what was on the other paw.

Sage... Not only did Sage bring a smile to his face every morning, but he was the only other Wolf for miles around. Before Sage, Julian had felt like an outcast due to breed. Even Alex had gotten adopted and Julian was as always over looked. No one knew what it was like to be tarnished by breed. Sadly Julian could remember trying to style his hair at one point and trim his fur to look more like a husky. But to no avail, it was a sad few months too. Even Alex had told him it was a stupid idea, but more so supported the fact that he was happy that Julian was a Wolf. But the Keek couldn't give up the opportunity to take an electric razor to his dear friend and help him out. Funny that was the month that Alex himself had been adopted... Sage though, there was nothing to Hide! He could be himself around him regardless and for the first time back then he was proud of being a Wolf. Sage had shown him so many things and it was their shared afflictions that brought them together. So many times Sage had patched him up after Julian ended something that he started, or something that he had not started but refused the destined outcome, putting his body between the two fate's colliding. Julian never once regretted anything that he had done, and he had done them his way for so long. It was because of Sage that he was able to do this, no one else would understand it the way he would. Alex would put thought into it and understand, but Sage just seemed to so naturally accept his actions. It was like he was living up to being something with out trying. There was also... Some sort of bond between Sage and himself... He couldn't understand it. When he was away from Sage for too long his heart would race, he would feel as though his lungs were filling with water and his head would start to play day dreams like a television that the remote was broken, changing channels uncontrollably. When he had looked it up on the computers at school he saw that it was a condition that both Sage and himself had. They had just naturally bound themselves to each other to compensate the chemical imbalances in their brain for not having a Pack. Being with Alex... Would destroy Sage, had it only been nipped at the bud they could have just relied on each other. Julian blinked at Sage for a moment and he realized... He loved him... very much... The marks on his body were a testament to that. He gripped his paws into fists and closed his eyes. "There is not a thing I wouldn't do for either of you... Just please... Give me a sign, an opening to help you both..." He mumbled with his ears pinned back. For the first time in a long while his tail was not moving. His heart was unknowingly being split in two. His tears had run dry a long time ago, but his heart hurt no less now. He gently sat down next to Sage and just watched the way his long hair shimmered even in the dark light from the storm outside. He knew that he needed some ones touch. His head was jumbled, and he knew that Sage would cling to him once he laid down. He slipped his pants off and got under the covers naked with Sage who moved to him and tangled his body to him. Sage let out a sigh and Julian could see the comfort that he gained from him being there. It eased his mind for the moment as he brought this to some one that he admired and loved. He was hit with a heart felt fact that though no parent ever wanted him, his existence mattered to the ones around him. And in this... He was willing to give everything that he was, to a world that initially never wanted him. Sage... Alex... Paster Stevens... Jake... The Kids... Detective Harneky... He was who he was, because of the love they showed him...

Julian felt his fingers tangled together by Sages, and his tail was taken in the same matching way.

"Are you alright?" Sage asked sleepily

"Yeah, its just cold out..." Julian smiled.

"Wait... It was a dream..." Sage said quietly with a furrowed brow.

"Sure was..." Julian said as he placed his lips on the smaller wolf's neck. He saw Sage blush hard and tighten his grip with his fingers.

"J-Julian..." Sage shivered to the sensation.

Julian grinned as he rolled on top of the Smaller Wolf. "Smile for me Sunshine..." He said. He decided to enjoy his reactions before one day soon, his actions would cause everything he loved to leave him due to his inability to make a choice. Right now... It was only them... in the quiet house... in the paradise of Sunnyvale. He saw Sage give a shy smile as Julian parted his legs with his own, their tails remained twined together as Julian hovered over him.

"I love you..." Sage gasped as Julian's teeth found the soft vulnerable nape of his neck. Julian could feel the way his body would tense and relax as their proximity came closer. He then pressed his warm Sheath to Sage's and felt that the smaller Wolfs erection was almost fully formed.

"I know..." Julian said as he brushed his cheek against Sage's.

"D-Do you..." Sage started to speak, but Julian knew he was going to ask if he felt the same way, So he interrupted his words with a kiss. It wasn't likely the best response, but he was able to say yes with out saying it. How could he say yes and not feel guilty enough to tell him about the love he also had for Alex? It was beyond him. He dropped his weight down on sage and pressed his nose under his chin. And as always... Sage just started playing with his hair and pushing his hands down Julian's back. It felt so good that Julian didn't want to go anywhere. Even as sage sat up and bent one knee, he still just seemed to enjoy tending to Julian's sore body.

Alex had just pulled into the driveway to Zack's house and the rain had not let up. At one point or another Chatter Box had climbed into the back with Jake's hoodie and nearly fallen asleep.

"He really isn't afraid of the storm is he?" Zack chuckled.

"Not a chance... Yo Chatter Box! I'm going in for a moment, hold down the fort for me. Alright buddy?" The Fox said with a smile extending his fist to the cub. The little tiger smiled back and gently swatted at Jake's paw before yawning and closing his eyes again. Jake and Zack dashed to the front door and Zack unlocked it. They padded in with smiles on their face, but those innocent grins instantly disappeared when they saw Zack's father with a worried look on his face. There were several larger men standing behind him.

"Well Well... We have company..." came a cold and chilling voice.

"Son... Go play..." Glen, Zack's father mumbled with a bandage around his jaw. Zack tilted his head, his father never told him to do that before.

"Hey old man, hows the busted jaw doing?" Jake snickered.

"Shut up kiddo... Really leave..." He responded in a voice that was actually worried.

"So Glen... Is this the one that busted you up?" A larger Rhino asked as he cracked his knuckles.

"Not if he's asking..." Jake chuckled. "What the hell is going on?" He asked with his ears flattened but with his grin unfazed by how strong they looked.

"You see dear Fox..." Came the chilling voice again. "Tonight there is a fight that Zack's father here was to participate in..." The two other larger bodies parted reveling a sharp looking Panther sitting in Glen's favorite chair. He folded his paws in front of his face as he spoke like some one at a point of extreme authority. Jake had always gotten this funny tingle in his nose when there was something wrong with a situation, and his nose was on fire at the moment.

"Jake... Lets go..." Zack peeped.

"Stay right there runt..." the Rhino growled.

"Don't tell him what to do..." Jake said putting himself between the large creature and Zack.

"Now..." The Panther mumbled agitated by being interrupted. "How am I going to replace the fighter that I lost..." He said this with a Purr to Jake.

"Ceh... Fuck if I know..." Jake said with a scratch to his nose, not backing down from the impressive build in front of him.

"You know... I may just have to make an example out of poor little Glen here..." The Panther said devilishly.

"And Just who the fuck are you?!" Jake growled looking right at the Panther, now annoyed that he didn't get the hint that the Fox really didn't care about what he was saying, save for that last part.

"Oh! I've gotten your attention... Excellent..." He Purred while crossing his legs. "Lynx... Alabaster Lynx..." He grinned from ear to ear behind his folded paws.

"Ala-Fuck what ever you are... Why are you here? And why doesn't this goon here shower..." The Fox said with a frown motioning to the Rhino at his front with his thumb. What neither Zack or Jake expected was for a massive fist to smash into Jake's chest causing him to be tossed into the wall behind him. Zack gasped as the sheet rock crumbled around the Fox and he collapsed to the floor.

"Jake!" Zack screeched trying to reach for his friend, but a large arm stopped him around his waist.

"P-Please... Let my son go Lynx... I'll fight! I Promise..." The older rat mumbled.

"Yeah... And throw the fight once the wind hits your face? I don't think so..." The Rhino laughed deeply.

"No no... Your in no condition to fight my dear friend..." Lynx smiled watching the Fox stand right up and dust himself off.

"Dude Really... You stink... I'm an Orphan and I still find time to shower..." Jake chuckled weakly, then grabbed his side as the pain registered to his body, but it didn't stop his laughter. Which made it hurt more but thats why it made him laugh. Because it hurt to laugh.

"Interesting..." Lynx said seemingly to himself as he was looking at the Fox. "Tell me... Jake was it?"

"Yeah..." The Fox said with a glare out of the corner of his eye and a whimsical smile on his face. He saw how worried Glen looked and he realized that these guy's really meant business. They were really out of his league, especially this Alabaster Lynx guy... He had the look of a cold blooded sadistic ass hole, right from the movies...

"It's not often that some one gets up right after Brian here pikes them... Ever think about fighting?" He said with a wicked smile, lowering his paws to his lap.

"Every damn day... But just because I have a dick doesn't mean I gotta prove it..." Jake said with a shrug.

"And if your life depended on it?" He asked with a raised brow, seemingly getting more comfortable in Glen's chair.

"I don't know what your getting at, but Zack and me are out of here..." Jake growled as he reached for Zack's paw. The Rhino lifted his fist to hit him again and the Fox jumped back before he struck.

"What if the life of another counted on you..." Lynx said more intrastate my the moment.

"Alright... Fuck you..." He pointed at Lynx. "Fuck you..." He pointed at Glen. "And defiantly Fuck you..." he pointed at Brian, the Rhino. "You two are cool... We're out of here..." Jake said to the others as he reached for Zack again, but this time when Brian lifted his fist Jake dove forward and grabbed the Rhino by the legs who dropped the smaller rat, every mussel in Jake's body tightened as he actuality lifted the brute off the rug and ran the both of them right through the glass front door with a lunge and a grunt as they hit the pavement past the stairs. Lynx didn't move as yet he could just look through the window and watch, he was actually impressed by the Fox. Brian was not only his head body guard and organizer at the club, but he was also his top heavy weight fighter. It wasn't likely that the Fox could take him, but maybe... Just maybe... This could make him smile...

Jake rolled away from the Rhino's grasp and flipped to his foot paws. He saw Zack watching from the porch and tossed him the keys to the Jeep.

"Zack, you can drive stick right?" He asked while keeping his eyes on the Rhino that now stood to his full hight cracking his knuckles again.

"Y-Yes?" he yipped as he caught the keys in mid air.

"Then do it..." he growled, his spiky hair now wet from the rain. He waited, his arms crossed watching Brian for any movement. He was too strong to fight head on, and lord knows Jake knew that he didn't weigh enough to hurt him, but at least Zack could get away with the Cub that was still slumbering in the back seat of the Paster's Jeep. He saw the large brute put his fists up. "Here we go..." Jake mumbled to himself. Zack jumped into the jeep and started it as the other two large escorts of Lynx followed, then stopped when Zack put the peddle down and gassed it away. Jake put his hands up and started bouncing on the balls of his feet as this Brian started moving in slowly to punch his lights out.

"This is going to suck..." Jake admitted to himself as the other two started to move in as well...

"Oi, chin up ol chap... Yeh kiss yer mum wit dat face?" Jake chuckled just before he dodged the first hulking swing from the Rhino.

Julian was cuddling with Sage and about to get up and start their day when they heard the bells ring from the church. It meant that Jon would be home in an hour or so while talking with all the families. Julian was going to go and fetch the left overs and Sage was going to fix the shirt. It seemed like just another wonderful, if not rainy day in Sunnyvale. Nothing ever went too wrong in the wonderful town. Sage got out of bed naked and grabbed his sewing kit as Julian started to get dressed. Sage thought it was a good idea to get his pants on being that some one might barge in. And in fact some one did right after he had pulled them on. It was Zack... he was soaked to the bone, out of breath and as pale as the sheets on Julian's bed.

"Zack! Whats wrong man?" Julian chuckled with his paw on his back. The rat tried to jitter something out from his chattering teeth.

"Calm down, take a breath Zack..." Sage said much more worried then the larger Wolf. He dropped his kit and had a paw on either side of him feeling Zack's heart race.

"Jake... Fight... House..." Was all he could choke out. Sage saw Julian's jaw tighten, right before he grabbed the keys in the rats hand and took off down the hall with just his boots and pants on.

"Julian!" Sage called after him. Zack took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

"No, Jake's in trouble! I got Chatter Box home... But theres something bad happening..." He gasped for more air.

"Don't worry, like it or not Julian is going to deal with it..." Sage said with a confident but discontented smile.

"No! Lynx... He has these really big guys there!" Zack said panicked.

"Who?" Sage asked confused.

"What about Lynx!?" Came Alex's voice from the other room. They heard a ruckus of the cheetah getting tangled in his sheets and toppling out of the bed, scratching his hind claws on the wood floor to dash to the room.

"Julian is going to help Jake, he's fighting with some Rhino named Brian!" Zack said then coughed.

"Take care of him Sage, Julian can't take Brian..." Alex said with a frown and he dashed off after Julian, his braids trailing in his wake.

"How do you know him?!" Sage asked after him, but his question was met with silence.

"That happens to you a lot huh?" Zack said still catching his breath with his paws on his knees.

"No one ever tells me anything, I just clean up after it..." Sage mumbled not so amused.

Julian started the Jeep and was about to back out of the crappy parking job that Zack must have done when Alex came springing out of the house. He called his name and Julian stopped as Alex waved him over to his car.

"Come on, you suck at life when it comes to driving a stick, and my car's a hell of a lot faster." Julian jumped out and left the door open as he had turned it off. He dashed toward the car that was now spinning its passenger side to Julian with the back tiers peeling through the mud, the door was kicked open and Julian jumped in and closed it as they roared off. It all seemed choreographed the way they worked together, but indeed they had done this before. Alex shifted hard and drifted side ways around a corner.

"Julian... Don't fight this time..." He said sharply. Julian took a second taken back that he had never heard that from Alex before.

"Like hell... if Glen is causing trouble for Zack again I'll brake his hands..." The Wolf growled as he calmly put his paw through his headfur.

"No hun, its Lynx..." Alex said sternly as he cut another turn like it was butter.

"Who the hell is that?" Julian asked as he grabbed the bar near his head.

"M... My..." Alex trailed off now stuck in the very thought of the awful predicament.

"Your what?" Julian asked, this time his words were much softer.

"My Boss Julian... He's my Boss..." Alex admitted.

"Is he dangerous?" Julian asked listening intently. He never took the things Alex had to say about some one with a grain of salt. Most of the time he was dead on.

"Very..." Alex sighed. "Unless he likes you..." Alex said with a blush. Julian saw his reaction to his own words and smiled.

"I don't think he's going to like me..." He chuckled, hoping to make his best friend smile.

"I'm serious hun... Jake is in some serious shit right now..." Alex said nearly appalled as he blew his car completely sideways onto Zack's street.

"Don't worry, we've been in tight situations before and we made it out just fine..." Julian assured Alex.

"This isn't some bully at school Julian!" Alex shouted. He hit the brakes and stopped the car. "Or some drunk that hits their kids... If your too brash he'll... He'll kill you..." Alex said with such sorrow that Julian could almost feel it.

"Are you going to park this thing in Zack's driveway or am I going to have to hop that fence..." Julian said while rolling his lip ring with his tongue and looking straight a head of them. Alex just nodded and and accelerated toward the house.

Jake wasn't exactly sure where he was, he knew that his face had gone numb and that his skull hurt. He knew that there was a big ugly guy in his face talking or something, and every time he extended his big old arm it made spots play in front of his eyes. He knew that his left leg wasn't working and that his chest was having trouble doing that thing he love so much, he thought it was breathing but he really wasn't sure. He felt the tight grasp of strong hands on either of his biceps and he was sure that his tail was crooked. He felt his mouth was wet, but not rain wet, kind of coppery and sweet. He felt like there was something hot pasting to his head like mud with the same smell, but he didn't remember putting his head in the mud... he was a tad confused... It was then he saw a different light, it shimmered like the wings of an angel, and the angry brute in front of him turned his head just in time to catch a flying person's knee in the face. The ugly guy fell back and out of his view... Jake was glad... he didn't like that guy... He felt himself dropped by the hands and his face landed in the cool puddle of water below him. He smiled, it felt really good on the hot part of his skull. The person that had thrown his knee into the other guys face looked a lot like Julian... But there was something strange about him. His eyes were a yellowish green reflection. He could see that he was upset too... Jake closed his eyes, he was bored of creatures that were upset... Instead he thought about cowboys... he liked cowboys... And jelly beans...

Julian had taken his lip ring out knowing full well the repercussions that would happen after he attacked a full grown Rhino. But he was kind of proud of himself for knocking him clear off his footing. The other two dropped Jake who slumped to the puddle below, and Alex dashed to his side, pulling him away from the fight and dragging him through the mud and rain.

"Jeez... He's hurt bad Julian..." Alex gasped. He was bleeding from his head, and his lip had been spit in several places. His clothing was torn and his eye was in bad shape, nearly swollen shut.

"What is this? Some sort of circus?" The Rhino growled. Then looked to Alex with a grin, despite the blood running from his nose. "And if it isn't Lynx's favorite little Cum Dumpster..." He chuckled.

"I think all three of you should pay attention to me instead..." Julian said as his hackles raised, spiking the fur on the back of his neck.

"Come now..." Brian said as he got back up from the mud. "These were expensive pants... Tell you what, Give me all the money you have and I'll think about not sending you to your mom in tears..." He chuckled.

"Sorry, I left my wallet at home..." Julian spat the rain from his lips and tightened his fists.

"Tal... Make short work of him, we have to go in side and deal with Glen..." Brian said to the large Lion next to him.

"Gladly..." he mumbled as he removed his dress shirt.

Brian walked inside touching his fingers to his nose. He had to admit it stung some... But it didn't do too much damage.

"Brian my dear... Whats going on out there..." Lynx said as he sat in Glen's chair. The older rat was on his knees pleading for him to let the kids go.

"Some punk kid got the drop on me..." he chuckled. "Not a bad shot either for a light weight..." He added.

"Really..." Lynx said as he pulled the blinds back again so he could look out side. He saw a Wolf flailing his punches into Tal, his close body guard. He saw that where ever the Wolf attacked it was never where the Lion was blocking. What was more he saw the look in the Wolf's eyes. The Shade of savage yellow and green that made his fur stand on end. It made his skin crawl when he saw his dear Tal slip in the mud and on beat the Wolf relentlessly started to pound the poor kitties face in... But the fighting style... So brutal... So savage... He knew it from some where... He had seen it... And he had to have it...

"Oh Brian?" Lynx said whimsically with an amuse look out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes Mr. Lynx?" the Rhino nodded.

"Please do save your friends life out there... He's having some trouble with Glen's new guests..." he said as he looked to Glen still waiting to be spoken to. The Rhino looked confused as he went to the door, then a look of shock as he charged out side. "Glen hun... Put on a kettle of tea will you?" He said with a sly grin.

Julian had taken a good shot to his face, and he was sure that the Lion had slashed up his back pretty good. But he knew that the half-wit was at his mercy now as he had pinned him and pummeled most of the teeth out of his mouth. Or at least it looked like it, there was a lot of blood. It was such a one sided fight, the Wolf knew exactly how he would fight due to an old school bully of his that use to torment Alex and himself. Julian suddenly felt a rock hard horn smash into his side summersaulting him through the grass. He hadn't felt a hit like that since he had been hit by a car at the early age of sixteen. In fact thats what he thought it was when it first happened. He saw the Rhino pull the lion to his feet and grab Alex by the back of his neck. The Cheetah let out a hiss that matched the rain and took a swipe at Brian, who just let it hit him. Alex's claws couldn't get through his thick skin.

"Are you done?" He chuckled to Alex.

"Are you?" Julian said as he picked himself up off the grass. The attack had jared him, but he still felt like he was in fighting condition. It was a cheep shot and he hated sucker punches. How ever if it had not been for the mud he would have been destroyed, if it was dry dirt he would have had a lot more footing behind his charge.

"Man... I must be losing my touch!" Brian roared in laughter.

"Bad time to pick a fight with me then huh..." Julian snickered.

"Get inside, Boss wants to talk with you..." He said as he looked Alex in the eyes.

"You go the hell in side, And I'll be right in after you... and put my Alex down before I hide a bare trap under your pillow..." Julian said as he approached. Alex for the moment stopped glaring when he heard him say "My Alex" He felt his heart sink as he saw his Wolf approaching with out fear, his fists clenched and a solid look in his eyes.

"A bare trap?" Brian chuckled.

"Yeah..." Julian chuckled with his ears pinned back. His tail was wagging as he scratched behind his ear as though he was suddenly losing interest. "Seriously though, put him down and let them off, and I'll talk with your prestigious Lynx..." he mumbled when he got close enough. Brian watched the wolf closely, he was still worked up, his hackles were raised and the fur on the back of his neck was spiked, even the strange glow in his eyes seemed to train in the blurred view of the rain, there was something unnatural about him. Brian had to admit there was something unsettling about the way he was standing. He was acting more like all this was an inconvenience rather then a situation where he could be hospitalized or left for dead in the next town over.

Julian saw the Rhino look to the house and then grunt as he dropped Alex next to Jake who was out cold.

"You owe me Alex... Half your next cut... now get out of here before Lynx sees you..." he growled and walked past Julian. Alex sat in awe as he saw that Julian had convinced him to do that, maybe Brian just wanted to get out of the rain or something. But what ever Julian had said seemed to have helped that along.

"Get him out of here..." Julian said rather deeply as he turned and followed the Rhino to the house with out looking back. Alex just watched the way he moved, there was something wrong, not only was he friend bleeding in his arms but Julian had gotten the taste of blood. It was going to get very ugly if he didn't control himself. Alex knew that the worst case scenario was that either some one had already called the police, or when he came back, there would be no sign of Julian or Glen, only an empty house and their names in an obituary maybe a week later when they were found... He dragged Jake to the car and seated him as best as he could.

"I'm going to get you to Sage, he should be able to fix you up Jake. But then I have to get back here and hopefully pick up Julian..." Alex said through his teeth as he started the car.

"John Wayne... green mint... Mmmmm... Mint Wayne..." Jake mumbled.

"Good to see your still with me Jake..." Alex smiled to the comical relief as he started the car and raced off to the house hoping that he could sneak his poor friend in before paster Stevens had walked through the door...

Julian took a step onto the porch before looking over his shoulder to make sure they had left. He then gently closed his eyes with a sigh. He knew that this was going to be a tough one. The look in the Rhino's eyes, it actually frightened him. But for some reason it stirred something with in him, there was a challenge that he wasn't sure he could beat if it came to physical confrontations. It made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end and it for some sick reason it felt good. There was no mistaking it, he was some one that deserved a thrashing to his pride. He could only imagine what this Lynx guy was like. The others were dressed nicely, which meant that he was argent to have such a dirty business. And what was more the things this Brian guy had said to Alex just made him want to lunge at the guy and put all of them in their place. But he knew that was just the wolf in him talking, for now he had to try as hard as he could just to lower his hackles. There was something strange going on with his body that had never happened before, it was like he was still in the fight. His scenes were so keen that he could smell the panther before he could even see him, as well as telling apart the others in the room. He could even smell the sweet scent of crumbled plaster as he entered were a Fox sized hole was in the wall.

"Magnificent... truly astounding..." Came the voice that Julian knew he was going to learn to hate. "The damage is artistic if not barbaric..." The Panther said as he was inspecting the lion kneeling in front of him. Julian was expecting some one sly and hard to read with marks and scars all over his face. But... Alabaster Lynx had no such looks of hardship. Instead he was the image of perfection, sophisticated... Hansom... and above all else... seemingly dedicated to his own interests.

"And here I thought you would be taller..." Julian mumbled, causing the Rhino's brow to raise.

"Yes yes... your kind do have the habit of forgetting their manners..." Lynx mumbled as he swatted the lion away. He eyes did not move from where they were looking though.

"My kind?" Julian asked as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

"Yes, you know... The parentally impaired..." He smiled as he turned an eye to look at the wolf, who scratched his jaw line with a claw and slowly looked off aimlessly. There was a moment of silence were only the rain played in their ears from the open door behind the wolf.

"So?" Julian asked under his breath when his gaze moved to the panther again.

"Right..." Lynx offered as he stood from the chair as he checked his sharp claws. "Glen in the other room can not participate in a fight tonight, and thus my guests will be very disappointed. Their from over seas you see and hate to be let down on such a mundane promise of entertainment. It also looks unprofessional, so as of yesterday it seems that I've lost a great sum of money..." He said as he paced back and forth. "Thanks to you... I've only just heard..." He added under his breath before continuing. "You can not simply change the fighter you see as that puts the bets made prior to the fight... well... Off!" He said as though just coming to that realization, but it was very sarcastic.

"So what do you want me to do about that, it has nothing to do with Zack or Jake... I don't see why this should be brought to my attention at all really. In fact you should be paying for any hospital bills that might come up for being over emotional to my fox buddy..." Julian said calmly as he tilted his head.

"That Jake... Should be the least of your worries..." Lynx smiled. "I have heard that you reside at the foster house next to the church at the end of town correct?"

"Don't..." Julian said a bit deeper.

"It would be a shame if something bad happened there don't you agree?" Lynx said as if he had not heard the wolf.

"It would be a shame if something bad happened anywhere in this town, so leave it alone..." Julian grimaced. He could feel his eyes burning again, but it was odd... it was like the Panther could see it. His face lit up before speaking.

"Thats it! That look! I must have it... Tell me are you up for higher?" He said with a shiver of joy and cupping his paws together.

"Go fuck your self..." Julian mumbled as he turned to leave.

"Ten thousand..." The Panther mumbled.

"Ten thousand what?" Julian asked as he reached the door.

"The amount that is a bit less then I lost... I'll give you two thousand a fight, if you think your built for it..." He said with a whimsical smile.

"So your asking for me to pay off a debt thats not mine... with underground boxing..." Julian scoffed.

"O-oh... I thought you were friends with Zack... Seems he's been mistaken..." Lynx retorted as though he as suddenly losing interest.

"Leave Zack out of this..." Julian growled quietly, still looking out the open door in front of him "Don't you touch him..." He whispered.

"Thats a silly thought..." Lynx giggled as he sat back down. "His family owes me money, and no one will help them... Why would I hurt something that I am going to end up selling to make up some of my losses with this recent trouble... Such a silly thought..." The panther said under his breath.

"Fuck! I'll do it..." Julian mumbled with a dirty look to the Panther. "But leave every one else out of it..." He added as he gently closed his eyes.

"Your a filthy stray Julian, and one that might just love the job opportunity given to him..." He answered back with a lift of the tea glass given to him by Glen. He then took a pleasant sip and placed it in front of himself on the table. "By the way dear wolf... If you disappoint me you will not be the only one that suffers, just remember that in a weeks time when the fight will be rescheduled to..." He added as he lifted the paper that had likely been there since that morning. Julian saw Alex pulling into the driveway. He didn't turn away as he answered.

"Your a strange one Lynx... I don't like you, but I won't let you down. After this is all over I want you out of my life..." The wolf paused, then nodded to himself. "And the next time I find a bruise on Alex, It won't be a pleasant visit..."

"It that a threat?" Brian growled as he stepped forward.

"Its a promise..." Julian glared at the Rhino so coldly that it actually made him reconsider taking another step. There was something uncanny about his eyes, or the way that the Wolfs fur stood on edge. With that Julian padded out of the house and to the Car waiting for him. Julian had to admit, Alex made good time...

Sage was sitting with Zack in the kitchen. As Zack sat with Chatter Box in his lap purring, Sage was making the finishing touches on the shirt. Sage lifted the small shirt and examined it with a smile. Zack eyed the medical kit on the table and looked to Sage questioningly.

"Generally I need it here when they come back after rushing off like that..." Sage explained with out looking from the shirt.

"It must be hard..." Zack said distantly turning his attention back to the tiger cub in his lap.

"What's hard?" Sage asked as he folded the shirt and placed it on the table in front of him.

"Just worrying about them so much. Both Jake and Julian never really think before they act. And Alex never explains anything to you..." Zack said.

"Jake never thinks period, but things always turn out for the better in his case... And Alex doesn't have to say anything. I understand his feelings in a sense, not exactly how he feels but at least I know where he's coming from." Sage explained.

"And Julian?" Zack asked noticing that he had avoided that part.

"Julian..." Sage smiled to the ceiling. "Julian is just Julian... The only other wolf in my life and by all means my balance. I can't question him because I understand."

"I don't understand though. He's always putting himself in harms way for even strangers that he's never seen before..." Zack chuckled to himself.

"Julian has a very strong sense of whats fair and whats wrong. I see that he's taken his natural affliction to a pack and simply replaced it with the one's here. You see Zack, to us... The one's here are our pack... It took me forever to get use to this..." Sage said this in a very odd way. His voice was almost sad and his ears were pinned back. "But in this... I've found my feelings much the same as his own." He added as he gently closed his eyes.

"Yeah, you guys really do act like family." Zack laughed again. It was strange, Zack knew what he was talking about but had no idea how he actually felt.

Suddenly the front door flung open and Sage with out looking grabbed the medical kit and bounced from his chair to his foot paws. He sighed as he saw Alex holding Jake upright and the two of them drenched from the rain outside.

"Sage, take care of this for me? I have to go pick up Julian!" Alex said through his gasping.

"Jake! Your a mess!" Sage yipped as he ran to his side.

"Home sweet home..." Jake smiled showing the blood between his teeth.

"Alex, go get him, and so help me if he's hurt too..." Sage growled as he took Jake from him.

"Its a fucked up situation! What do you want me to do about it!" Alex shouted and dashed off to his car again. Sage actually felt bad, he should have been nicer to the Cheetah, poor kid was running on almost no sleep and racing all over the place to make sure every one was alright.

"Be careful Alex! You come back in one piece too!" Sage shouted after him. He actually saw Alex smile at that as he got into his car. It had been a while since he made him smile due to the strange protectiveness they both had over Julian, but it wasn't until then that Sage realized that they both had the same goal, so there was no reason to really fight. Jake burped and Sage's attention went right back to him. "Alright Jake... I'll clean you up in our room, lets go..." Sage mumbled as he started helping the poor fox up each step. By the third step Zack had joined him to help with a worried look.

"Pfff... Dun worry... They didn't even lay a paw on me..." Jake smiled still not able to keep his balance.

"I think your leg is in bad shape..." Sage mumbled.

"Fucked my hair up too... jerks..." He laughed. Zack really wondered how some one could laugh in that kind of state, it was a mixture of pure insanity and true strength...

"Zack... I'm going to need my sewing kit..." Sage mumbled as he looked at Jake's eyebrow...

Paster Stevens tightened his jaw as he sat and listened to what the two in front of him had to say. They were new to the town by all means. They had heard about adoptions that would happen at the church and foster home. But the problem was... that they were Wolves... Some how they had heard of Julian and Sage from some on at the church and came running. It was out of sheer obligation that Jon even spoke to them about the option. This Dine guy seem to have it in his head that the two should take up their lives at their home. He said it would be more natural for them to be around their own kind. The already had two pups of their own, one very small and the other around Julian's age. Paster Steven's felt a cold pit in his stomach. If Julian and Sage would agree to this then he would only have Jake and some times Alex to rely on when help was needed around the house. He looked over the new wolves with a stern eye. Dine wore a black bikers vest with jeans. There was a chip in his ear much like Julian, and he had Fur tattoos covering his large biceps. It was so strange that although they wore different clothing, Julian and this Dine were much the same in physical markings. It was like the both of them had been tormented at an early age and the scars still showed. But Dine's hair was unkept leaving it spiking out of the back of his skull like knives, and he never seemed to trim his nails leaving them talon like. His Wife Knall was much more like Sage. As it seemed funny enough to compare Sage with a women, Knall was physically fit. She kept her slender and sylphlike frame, but still held her self nothing less then what could be considered a Women. Paster Stevens noticed that she was watching him just as much as he was scanning them.

"It will be up to them..." Jon said as he leaned back in his chair with a sigh.

"As it should be, how ever I think it would be best for them." Knall said evenly.

"They are a big help around the foster house, their well kept and have manners... Well Sage has manners, Julian... Well he's a fire cracker but he won't go out of his way to cause too much trouble unless some one lights his wick." Jon chuckled to himself.

"Julian, he's the older one right?" Dine asked with a grin.

"Yes, and likely the most mature in the house too. But he has a history of violence due to the fact that he's prone to being over protective of the other residents."

"I already like him..." Dine chuckled slapping his knee.

"And of Sage?" Knall asked.

"Well, If you want something fixed Sage can generally figure it out. He's bright, but lacks in the area of self esteem. Heh... But if you ever get sick he's likely to nurse you back to health, watch it though because he'll forfeit his own health in the possess." Jon explained.

"So he has more heart, I understand..." Knall smiled with a slight blush. Paster Stevens nodded and rose from his chair to lead them to the house. He found his legs almost shaking. Of anything he didn't want to lose those two. He really felt as though they were his children. He had done the one thing he shouldn't have long ago. He had grown attached. But, he had to let the two make their own choice on the matter and at the very least he had to seem unbiased about it.

"You really have to watch them though..." Jon said as they got out side.

"Why's that?" Dine laughed in the rain. Jon frowned and closed the open door to his jeep. He pondered a moment as to why it was open then shook his head and continued toward the house.

"They really are close, like attached at the hip, best of friends kind of thing..." Jon said, he was thinking about warning them that Sage was obviously gay, but he was sure that they would figure it out once they saw him.

"Its only natural that they grow so close Paster, after all they only have you and each other." Knall smiled as they got in the door. Dine seemed to nod to the place as though he approved of it. Jon smiled back knowing that he had no idea how loud it would get in an hours time. They moved up stairs and both Jon and Dine stopped before Knall did. Their noses working at the air as something that came across. The scent seemed more familiar to the wolves at it took Jon a moment to put his finger on it... The scent was blood...

They hurried to Julian and Sage's room and Jon opened the door slowly. A shocked look painted his face as he saw Sage putting a needle through Jake's eyebrow and lacing some thread through it. Jake was a mess, bloodied and bruised like he had gone through a war. Sage finished the loop and turned his head. Panic hit his eyes as he fumbled with his words.

"Jon! Its not what you think!" He shuttered.

"Its exactly what it looks like..." Jake winced.

"W-What happened!?" Jon cried as he moved to Jake who was smiling line an idiot through his half closed eye.

"Bah, engineering dispute nothing big." Jake chuckled.

"He's hurt Jon, but I can fix him..." Sage said still a bit shaky in his voice.

"Its not your job to "FIX" Him Sage. What happened?" Jon said sternly.

"I was my self, and something didn't agree with it." Jake mumbled.

"I don't really know what happened Jon, he won't tell me anything, but if you would excuse me I have three more stitch's to complete." Sage said as he turned back to what he was doing.

"Not bad... Your doing a good job there kid..." Knall said gently as she leaned over Sage's shoulder inspecting his work.

"This is nothing, you should have seen it when I had to stitch Julian's arm closed when he was put through a sheet of glass..." He giggled. It took a moment, but after the next stitch Sage realized that he was talking to another Wolf just as the needle was half way through his eyebrow. He took a double take and his eyes went wide again as he saw that there was two! "C-Can I help you?" Sage asked as he sat and watched them.

"Needle... Face... Fix..." Jake reminded.

"This is your fault dumbass..." Sage retorted as he finished the stitch.

"Well, its a bad time, but we were interested in talking with you. But it can wait." Knall smiled calmly as she helped Sage with the thread, Her paws cupped over Sage's and guided his shaky hands along the path needed for the finish to Jake's damaged eyebrow. Sage for a moment felt comforted by this. Her paws were warm, and strong despite her being a slender female. She was firm, but not forceful. Dine only stood in the door way and watched with his arms crossed as Sage and his wife made small talk. Jon didn't understand the look on Dine's face but more over he wanted to know how Sage had leaned to make stitches like that. Of course he was going to bring Jake to the hospital just to make sure that he was to heal properly, and more over to get his head x- rayed. but he had to admit they were well sewn. As soon as that was done he was going to force answers out of him. This was not right by any means...

It was then that Julian walked in. He seemed to ignore the wolves in the room and move right to Jake. He sat down right next to Jake and they exchanged a tap to one another's fists with a grin.

"Bit off more then you could chew huh..." Julian said with a scratch to his jaw line. Jake just shook his head with a grin of shame as his face was released by the two sets of paws. Instantly sage was removing Julian's shirt and inspecting the scrapes on his back. Jon was taken back, it had been a very long time since Julian had padded around with out his shirt on. He could see old slashes and scars that he would have thought that Julian would come to him to fix. Julian's body had lost weight and literally become mature. It was obvious that he was pulling himself too thin again. He did this a lot when times got hard on the younger kids. Knall lifted Julian's chin with a gentle knuckle. There was a look of discomfort on her face as she saw blood running from his lip.

"Thats a split lip hun... and right near the piercing too..." Knall mumbled.

"Your back looks ok, but we should get something on it..." Sage added from behind Julian.

"I'm not use to two mothers... Who are you?" Julian said as he rolled his ring with his upper lip inspecting her up and down.

"My name is Knall, over there is my husband Dine. We'll talk when your all cleaned up. You two take a shower and then we'll get Jake here to the hospital... Then we'll make a better introduction." She smiled so warmly that Julian actually blushed...

Well this has been Part three of "Why We're So Different" I hope you enjoy it! And as always much love to every one thats helped me and read this far. Special thanks to every one for the encouragement to continue this. And a very warm thank you to Fluffy the fox for taking so much time out of his day to have given it a one over before I posted it. <^.^> and as always please excuse the errors, I have a dedicated staff of editors helping me, But the finished product will be posted once the story is complete and all corrections are made. I hope every one enjoy the this! If anything just to help them pass some time. <3 As always, one love... Love_Ink out...