meeting a lover (part 1)

Story by angelo_raccoon on SoFurry

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#1 of meeting a lover

Everything was dark, and warm too...very warm. Angelo raccoon opened his eyes slowly; the bright light the shone through the curtain quickly forced his eyes shut again. He had always hated morning, perhaps it was his nocturnal nature, or maybe he was just lazy. He suddenly remembered where he was, mainly due to the fact he felt something large and rough pressing against his back. As he looked behind him he was greeted by the sight of the jet black scales and rugged good looks of his mate Draconicon, a very large black dragon with a heart of gold. He began to wonder how he had gotten so lucky, and thought about when they had first met.


It was raining, that was clear due to the large number of furs running around with umbrellas and finding places to hide form the downpour. It had been raining for about 3 hours now, but Angelo did not care. He was warm and dry inside "Krypton Comics," the local geek store. They stocked a vast array of items, so much that the actually had a second floor. It was quite a prosperous business and Angelo had gotten lucky to work there as the salesperson. He looked out through the large window that was on the front wall and chuckled to himself. It was so fun to watch people get stressed at such a tiny amount of water.

As he smiled, he heard the tiny bell that let him know the door was open. He glanced over and saw a soaking wet dragon, grumbling to himself as he shook a few drops of water form his extremities. He smiled at the raccoon, his face almost lighting up the room as his fairly deep voice said, "It's times like this I thank God for waterproof scales."

The raccoon felt his cheeks get hot, but his fur would cover that well. Silence filled the store, the raccoon quickly came to his senses and forced out, "Uh...y...yeah...I guess it's better than wet fur smell, " as he smiled nervously. The dragon gave a chuckle in his deep bass voice, and started browsing through some of the comics. The raccoon watched as the large creature wandered around the store, picking up this and that and placing it on the counter, standing patiently as he said, "Hmm...this should just about do much?"

The raccoon ran the scanner over the bar codes, pressed a few buttons, and looked at the display. "Uh...$67.50.....Quite a lot to spend on stuff...isn't it?" Angelo asked.

The dragon gave another deep chuckle, shaking his head. "No...not for me..." he said as he passed $70 over to the raccoon. "...Keep the change." The stuff was put in a bag, the dragon smiled, and started leaving. "Oh...the name's Draconicon by the way..."

Angelo blushed further nodding in response. "...Uh...A...Angelo....nice to meet ya." The dragon nodded then opened the door. "Nice to meet you too....Angelo..." He winked, then left, leaving the raccoon blushing and smiling.


The clock had started bleeping, almost relentlessly. The raccoon groaned loudly. He was still so warm, so tired; he stretched his arm out and hit the snooze button. The large beast behind him did not even stir from his sleep. "Typical..." he muttered, snuggling back into his former position. Of course after last night, he could not blame the dragon for wanting to slumber. He was exhausted still. He could smell the sweat on his fur still, and parts of him were still sticky and gross. He needed to hop in the shower soon, but doing so would wake up Draconicon, something which could result in another bout of what they did last night. Angelo sighed gently. "Meh.....five more minutes...."


It had been almost two days, two days since that dragon had walked into the store, so why could Angelo not stop thinking about him? That deep voice, that wonderful attitude...that body...Angelo shook his head to clear his thought and continued with his shower, the water was more cold than hot, just as he liked. He enjoyed pretending that he was under some waterfall somewhere, the clear, fresh water hitting him and cleaning him.

Suddenly, he could have been sure he heard a rustle in the bushes, but then again, over the waterfall it must have been his imagination. But wait...there it was again, maybe it was a bird or something after all, he was always alone in this place. Then he felt it, a pair of massive hands rest on his hips, squeezing them gently, the claws on its fingers digging into his butt flesh gently. He gasped, but before he could turn round he felt one of the hands hold his head in place, the other digging its claws into the chunky rear of the raccoon.

He gasped one more time, then felt that hand start moving, stroking his thighs and rear, then his stomach and chest. Angelo panted; his feeble attempts to squirm only caused this thing to hold him tighter. He could feel it pressing its big, muscular body against his back; it had a very rough texture and felt quite pleasant on his back. He felt a large, hot lump press between his wet cheeks. He began to panic; surely this thing that held him so tight was not thinking of violating him, he would not be able to bear such a thing. His protests were muffled by a large scaly paw over him mouth, the large paw that was free was stroking his sheath and playing with his plump balls.

Angelo whimpered, he could not deny the pleasure that the touch of the creature was bringing him, his member growing out to its full size, his sheath swelling to its fullest. The large paw gripped his cock, causing a long moan to escape the raccoon's lips. It began slowly moving up and down to the beat of Angelo's heart. He groaned and moaned, that free paw was still groping him, playing with all his most sensitive areas, almost as if this creature could read his mind.

Then he started feeling it, the churning and twitching of his balls that meant he was close already. He groaned, his head was still held in place by the large paw, it was starting too feel good now. He was starting to enjoy the strong, masculine touch of this thing. His cock was drooling slightly now, he was so close to the edge it was driving him insane. His hips were thrusting up to assist in the pleasure now, he was getting closer, closer, oh lord it was good.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIING! Angelo jumped slightly, hitting his head on the shower fixture as he snapped back to reality. "...BWA! ...w...what?" He looked around, quickly turning off the shower and stepping out. RIIIIIIIING! He rushed over, dripping wet and still very horny and picked up his phone. "WHAT!?....oh...h...hi Riku...yeah....sorry, I the shower and I thought you were selling something" He sighed to himself, cursing his luck as he let his fur dry out.


The bleeping had started up again, and the dragon behind him was still oblivious. Angelo cursed gently, as all the remembering he did and the dragon behind him had caused his morning wood to surface, sitting there staring him in the face and twitching. He had had enough of this now, and bumped back his rear into the dragons crotch. "Wake up!...I wanna go shower, ya big lug ^_^"

The dragon groaned deeply, opening his eyes slowly and yawning deep. For a moment Angelo thought we would be sucked into the massive maw of the dragon, who tutted gently and rubbed Angelo's chest. "Mmmwhuh?.....huh...oh...sure." The raccoon was released form his pleasure torture and ran to the bathroom. He quickly used the toilet, then hopped in the shower, turning the little levers until the water was cool, but not freezing, and groaned as he finally started to feel clean.

The dragon meanwhile was starting to stir, grunting slightly as he heaved his massive body into a sitting position and flexed his wings a bit. "HEY ANGE! What are we gonna be doing today?"

The raccoon was scrubbing his legs gently, sighing as he shouted back. "We are gonna go for a picnic, then catch a movie!" Draconicon chuckled slightly. It was gonna be a fun day.


The phone call had been from Angelo's younger brother Riku, who was in town for a visit and wanted to meet up to hang out. Angelo had told him to meet with him in a local coffee place. When he entered his little brother was already seated. Riku was only a little smaller than him, and he was much more slender. The younger raccoon was wearing blue jeans and a black shirt, his leather jacket draped over the chair behind him. Angelo himself had shorts on, due to the war weather, and a white t-shirt with "Naruto" characters on it. His hips and butt were much chunkier than Riku's, and he had plenty of puppy fat on his belly, but he carried it well. Angelo sat down opposite riku and smiled. "Hi, lil' bro ^^."

The other raccoon smiled brightly and it almost seemed to light up the room. He leaned over the table and gave Angelo a big hug before sitting down. "It's good to see you, Ange. I got you a chocolate milkshake like you always like". This was met with a huge grin from Angelo, who patted his belly and giggled. "That's good news, I love the ones they make here." His little brother chuckled gently, drinking his own milkshake down and licking his lips. "So's the comic store doing?"

Angelo sighed gently. For a second his thoughts drifted off to that scaly hunk he saw just the other day. "Uhh...Pretty busy...I pretty much run the place now, the boss leaves me to look after it while he visits his ‘friend.'"

Riku tilted his head cutely. "I am guessing there is more to this...." Angelo nodded, smiling "Yup, he is cheating on his wife with this poodle twink. My boss is about 40, this poodle is about 19. Its kinda creepy."

The younger raccoon almost spat out his drink, stopping the suction on his straw. "Eeeew.....that's gross! When I get a boyfriend, he is only gonna be a little older." He gave a mischievous grin and giggled a bit, Angelo leaning back and relaxing.

"Oh? And just what kind of man are you gonna be looking for?" Angelo asked.

Riku thought hard for a moment, leaning forward and winking. "Lets see....he would need to be a little bit chunky, have glasses, big paws....well hung...friendly in public, but feral in bed."

Angelo coughed a little "You're such a perv, riku. You have this guy all planned out?" Riku nodded, copying his brothers actions and leaning back. "How about you? Surely someone as awesome as you won't find it hard to find love." Angelo pondered, that dark, majestic dragon entered his thoughts once more, and he shook it off. "Hmmm....tall, dark, handsome, smart....he would have to be bigger than me, not mind my figure...and all the usual stuff too."

Riku giggled again, finishing his drink. "Good to know....want another?"

Angelo shook his head. "I better not...I don't want a sugar rush when I don't need it."

Riku smiled brightly again, his fingers playing with the straw he had been using, before he turned to look at the now open door of the coffee store. "Hellooooo....hottie at 3 o'clock." Angelo raised a eyebrow, turning to look.

"I...I don't believe it...." The large dragon from the other day had entered, and was standing at the counter giving his order to the blushing cashier, who seemed to be only half listening, but Angelo could not blame her. The tall, intimidating looking dragon was enough to make anyone melt with just a glance. He sat himself down on one of the larger seats by the window and waited.

Angelo quickly turned away, sliding down in his chair to avoid being seen, Riku looking confused. "What...someone you know?"

Angelo blushed from his lower position. "Uh, yeah...I saw him at Krypton yesterday... Drac....something...."

The younger raccoon looked at the dragon, then at his brother, he had never seen Angelo like this before. "What's wrong with you? You seem all...flustered."

Angelo groaned, peeking over the side of the chair to see the waitress deliver a glass of water and some snacks to the dragon, who smiled and said something that caused the waitress to laugh. "It's...complicated...I go to pieces when I think about him..."

Riku was only further confused. "You...have a crush on someone you met yesterday?"

Angelo went bright red, and yelled, "IT'S NOT A CRUSH!" Everyone in the coffee shop looked over at the pair of raccoons, the black dragon looking across the room curiously. "....Angelo?" He started walking over, Angelo groaning, "Crap crap crap..."

The dragon stood next to the table, smiling. "Angelo...from the comic store, right?" The raccoon nodded slightly, trying his best to hide his blushing features from the dragon. "Y...yeah....Hi, Draconicon...Good to see you again..." The dragon smiled sweetly, looking down from his height. "So, you live near this place too it seems."

Angelo nodded in agreement. He did only live a few blocks away from this coffee shop, so the dragon would have to live close by too. "'s kinda my local place." The dragon nodded knowingly, pulling his seat over and bringing his drink with him. "By the look of it, this fellow must be a relative." Angelo blushed further, nodding as Riku leaned forward and extended a hand. "My name is riku, the little brother ^^." The dragon shook his hand and sat down after pulling a chair close to the table.

He casually took a sip of his drink and leaned back. Angelo could barely believe his luck, but gulped as riku looked at his watch and said, "Oh that the time...I better go." Angelo cursed him silently, glaring as he walked off, waving on his way out of the door, leaving just him and the dragon, who moved to sit opposite him.

"So, are you doing?" The raccoon was surprised at how friendly the dragon was being after only meeting him once before, and shrugged. "Well....not too bad I"

Draconicon gave a deep chuckle, lifting his drink and taking a big gulp. "Not too bad...either working hard or hardly working." Angelo giggled, perhaps a little too much for such a lame joke, which only furthered his blush. "Well...since I never did this last's nice to meet you, Draconicon." He extended his paw, and the dragon shook. "Nice to meet you...Angelo".


As the dragon sat on the couch, resting his large bare feet on the table and watching some stupid morning show where furs in smart suits were discussing subjects they had no real idea about, Angelo came out the shower. Having dried and changed into fresh clothes, he grabbed a bottle of water out the fridge and sat on the couch, taking a long needed drink from it. "Draconicon, get those feet off the table. I swear, you got no manners."

The dragon grinned, swivelling on the couch and turning sideward's, laying his feet on top of the crotch of Angelo's pants, which caused a gasp and widened eyes from the raccoon. "AH...w.....what are you.....ohhhhhh....mmmmmmm..." he panted, his pants tenting a little as he squirmed on his seat, the dragon wiggling his large toes slightly. Chuckling in his deep voice, he said, "Oh? Whats wrong, Hun? Is this getting a bit...'hard' for you?"

He winked, grinding his foot down on Angelo's crotch, causing more and more swelling, and gasped protests. "S....s....stop that...." The dragon refused, using that foot to pull the raccoons pants down, revealing his white briefs, bulging to the point of tearing. The dragon leaned in a bit, smiling. "My, my...look what we have here...a nice big raccoon dick."

Angelo blushed brightly, panting from his arousal. " know your me nuts..." The dragon simply nodded, pulling down the underwear too, revealing the red shaft, sticking up from its grey sheath and big, full balls. "Hehe...I just emptied these last night...You fill up so fast." Angelo groaned, his balls jiggled as the dragon lifted them with his foot, causing a big moan form the raccoon.

"Ahnnnnn...oh...ohhhh...gawd..." He was already leaking pre from his tip, thrusting his hips up gently. The dragon grinned, pressing his big, warm foot over the raccoon's member. Angelo gasped deeply, arching his back in response, the thrusting increased to a point where his cock slid between the toes of his wonderful lover, the smaller, less rough scales on his feet stimulated the raccoon to the point of ecstasy. "Ohhhh....p...please....move it..."

Draconicon responded instantly, sliding his foot up and down. It was getting slick from the raccoon-pre, and the ease of the sliding was causing great pleasure to the raccoon, who writhed on the couch and groaned, still bright red and panting. His cock was throbbing and the dragon grinned. " easy to please...after I made you get into my fetish...." He chuckled loud, wriggling his toes around, and sliding his foot much faster and firmer, the raccoon scrunched his eyes tight. "Ah...AHHH....nnnnnngh!"

With one last thrust from his wide hips, his cock began to erupt, covering the dragons foot in his cum. The dragon moaned at the warmth, and smiled. "Mmm...very nice Angelo...nice" he moved away his foot, then pulling the raccoon close and hugging him.

"I am...such a...mess now...I might need another shower." The dragon grinned, stroking him " wont have to be alone." The dragon grinned, as Angelo felt the large bulge rubbing between his cheeks...

To be continued