Breeding Program: Freedom

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Chronis decides he's had enough about life in captivity and seeks his freedom.. but he does not do so alone. Commissioned by anonymous. ;)

This is an open story that you can sequel continuations of if you like! Just PM for details.

Chronis curled himself up tightly in the overhang that made up his 'lair' inside of the compound, listening to the sounds of the zoo and laughter as the end of the day came with the typical voice snapping on the loud speaker. He was angry and humiliated, infuriated at how they had treated him, he had no intention of padding out for them to look him over, but that hardly meant anything at all for his privacy. The side of his lair boasted a large twenty inch thick pane of acrylic that visitors could come and gawk at him. Typically he found such a thing amusing to play with, oftentimes shoving one large hind foot against it just to hear the exclamations and laughter from the other side, today he curled himself away from it. He rested his head against his forelegs and closed his eyes, trying to feign sleep as the noises filtered past him.

It had been two days since they had lured him into the damned device that was designed to milk him dry, and he had not forgiven and would not forget. When Kelsie came to check on him he had hissed at her, something he rarely did, but the sight of his keeper only made him bristle with anger at how they had treated him and what she had done to betray him. He had no interest in interacting with any of them, for the first time in his life he was angry at his confinement and keepers, outraged that they assumed he was a dumb beast simply because he could not speak their language. He had been content before, oh perhaps there were parts he didn't enjoy, but it had been bearable when weighed against the pleasure of being pampered and kept in luxury without having to worry about hunters or poachers. His tail curled around himself and he wrapped it over his muzzle, covering his face entirely from the people taking pictures.

He was done here. He had spent his entire life here only because he wished to be here, no other reason. He could have escaped at any time, but the comfort made him entirely happy to stay where he was safe. Out in the wide world there was always a chance of being taken down by any number of problems, most of which were humans. Humans... The thought made the drake growl low in his throat, bitterly flexing his claws against the ground as he shifted and felt the linked plug tugging around the edges of his vent. What had been an amusing bit of punishment for his randiness now became another annoyance as the humans filtered out of the zoo. He was done here, he would not remain behind to become their play thing, spending his days leaping for food and posing for their cameras. There was the whole wide world that he could flee into, dragons that grew and flourished in the wild. True, the areas were sparse and he would no longer be able to enjoy his enormous size, but he would be away from them.

"He hasn't moved all day except to get some water." A voice made him barely open one eye lid, slitting it open enough to see movement beyond the back doors of his enclosure. "We should have the vet out to look him over."

"The vet assured us he'd be fine with being stimulated electrically, he even looked him over after, physically he was fine." Kelsie's voice made him close his eyes again, sealing them entirely shut against the chatter. "I think he's traumatized by it."

"He's an animal, Kelsie, he might not be so keen to come out again, but he's not going to stew about it." The first voice dismissed the worry. "We'll have the vet come out tomorrow and knock him out for an exam. It could be something so little as he's exhausted, but he's too valuable to lose."

"Chronis!" Kelsie chirped at him, sweet sounding as always and he refused to turn his head in her direction as he heard the door shift. "Maybe we can feed him a day early, see if that perks him up?"

"It'd be useless, you know he's not going to want anything to do with food for another day or two at least." The other keeper didn't sound amused at all, but at least they seemed to let him alone instead of continuing to chatter outside of his enclosure.

The zoo was closing, it would take time for everything to be shut down and for the keepers to shut down the exhibits, which gave him time that he needed as well. With a sigh he extended a wing and spread it wide over his head, tucking his head under so that he was meeting his tail with the tip of his nose. He couldn't leave this place at this size, nor could he hope that he would be able to survive in the wild at his current heft and length. It was something that had always confused humans, why dragons in the wild were roughly the size of large horses while the ones in captivity grew to such sizes. It had once amused him to listen to the lectures about how dragons were given such care in captivity that they were allowed to grow to enormous sizes and live to great ages. As if the wild were so filled with dangers that a full sized dragon was killed off before achieving full size.

The simple fact was that dragons had the ability to stunt their growth or even revert to smaller sizes in times of famine. Food was not so plentiful to feed a beast the size that he had obtained, in the wild it would mean nearly starving himself just to feed enough and wipe out great herds. Once upon a time they had been able to be as large as they wished and used their ability to revert in size when times were harsh, but that was no longer the case. It was a necessity as far he understood it and it was one that he would make for himself. Let the humans find themselves another drake to hold here, he would not be bound in those chains and restraints again, he would rather hunt like his wild brethren.

He closed his eyes and started to ripple his scales, feeling them tightening down along the line of his back and spine as he hissed out and relaxed. It would take time, time and a lack of food, but he would trigger the instinct soon enough. Slow to start, but would become rapid once he lost muscle and density. With a low breath he felt the muscles quivering and twitching against his sides, small jerks and leaps while he hunkered down and willed himself towards a sleep-like state. It would not be pleasant, it would make his bones ache and burn, but in the end he would slip from here and put this place behind him. How dare they treat him this way, how dare they think that he would accept it!

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Come on, Chornus, just a little bit..." Kelsie crouched by the gate while her stomach felt positively sick, watching the dragon's side lift and fall with his breathing, the only hint he was alive. "I brought your favorite!"

The dragon had been going down hill rapidly over the last two weeks, she had been forced to watch helplessly as he removed to do more than sleep and occasionally drink, he had no interest in food and even less interest in interacting with her. The normal vibrant and interested dragon remained in the back portion of his enclosure away from the public, not that it would have mattered if he had been in the outside portion, they had closed it off when he had begun to go downhill. He was shrinking in on himself, his bones showing far more than they should have, his vitality making him seem frail and near death, at least from what she could see. His wings were always spread, covering his body so that it took high dose tranqs to get a good look at him from beneath the broad sails. The last time the vet had checked him over he had found..nothing. Nothing at all.

There was no physical reason the dragon should be sick and avoiding food, there was no earthly reason at all save behavioral. They had tried to introduce toys, they had taken him off display, they had given him more attention, they'd even gone so far as to talk to other zoos in the hopes that they could make him stir for a companion. They hadn't found one willing to risk their dragons with one that was showing unknown illness, they were left with little choice. If he couldn't be coaxed to eat soon he was going to have to be sedated and bound, tube fed so that some food was at least getting down him. She didn't know how well that would go over, chances were the attempt would end up with losing him. There was no way to do it without a heavy dose of tranquilizers and in his state...

"Please? Come on.." She tried to stifle her feel of fear that came with the thought of him being lost, she had been his keeper since her second year her. They'd been working together for ten years. "You've got to eat something."

Chronis didn't do anything, he remained in a pose as if he were catatonic. She was sure he wasn't, he had to have heard her, certainly he reacted to other who had come to poke and prod at him, but not her. She felt a pang of guilt. She had felt bad for how they had milked him the last time, but now she was devastated. That had been the trigger, despite their assurances that Chronis couldn't be reacting physically to what had been done to him, he was sensitive. She had always known how sensitive he was, his moods and habits, his small quirks and amusements that had delighted her in caring for him. He was as sensitive as a person, maybe more, certainly he had always enjoyed the milking when he had gotten a chance for it before, but being locked down and forced had obviously set him off. She pressed her palms against the cage door and sighed, leaning forward with her head pressed against it.

Tomorrow or the next day or the next and she might lose him forever, she couldn't imagine her day without the great overgrown beast ambling beside the enclosure and crooning for her. Nor could she imagine whatever creature would replace him, another dragon that she would be forced to care for knowing that she had let the zoo break the one she had come to love. With a sigh she leaned backward and tried not to feel the tightness in her chest. She had left more meat in a bowl than he would eat in a week, all of it heated beneath a lamp that should make it tempting to him. He looked so small curled up, so vulnerable, she wanted to open the door and step into the enclosure to sooth him, sleep beside him all night in the hopes that he would recover.

"Feel better, big guy.." She murmured and patted the door again. "I'll be back in the morning, I promise, we'll get you better."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Chronis ached, his body was heavy feeling and throbbing, his bones even hurt as they grew thinner and smaller, his muscles contracting around him. He had always known he had the ability, but he hadn't been prepared for the amount of pain that came with the change. There was little wonder why his cousins in the wild didn't grow past a certain point voluntarily, shrinking back was terrible. He knew in the midst of it that he was examined, picked over and looked at, vets trying to understand his sickness. There wasn't anything to do about that, he didn't even fight them as day after day passed and he became smaller and lighter. Outwardly he remained large, his side mostly deteriorating in weight instead of all over, once his weight was adjusted for a smaller size and his bones became lighter he would become the size he needed to be, but oh how it ached!

"Feel better, big guy." He heard Kelsie's voice and wanted to snarl back at her in disgust, how dare she wish him anything when she treated him like a walking sperm factory.

That was the last real thought he had in the evening as his body began to shrink and the bones contracted. His muscles helped shape them, clenching it down and making them lighter, narrower, shrinking his skin around him. His scales could not change size, not really, but they became tightly packed and more a sheet of armor that he would require. His wings still felt too heavy and large, but he was able to fold them in on themselves to either side of his chest while he attempted to roll onto his stomach. It was hours, hours spent with small twitches and gasps as his body became smaller and more compact. The muscles that had become too weak to support his larger frame tightened themselves and became slighter, but he was able to bear the brunt of it as he spent the evening half asleep, sliding into a near trance like state that allowed him to bear the worst of it. All the way until the aches passed away into hunger, all consuming hunter that cramped his belly and made him stir from the spot he had remained in for so long.

The blue drake rolled over and braced his paws on the ground, startled to see how much smaller they were compared to the claw marks that had raked over the ground from his larger body. With a groan he moved, his body feeling stiff and aching, but it worked, it was still his and the joins moved smoothly and arched. His wings folded slowly, trying not to feel the weight of them hanging down against either side of his body as he turned and looked about. He was still proportional to himself, still the same look to his legs and powerful muscles, he was just smaller. The size of a large horse, well, perhaps even larger when it came to the length of his nose and the sweep of his tail. His stomach cramped down painfully tight against his lower body, twisting to the point that he hissed out and turned towards the food that his keepers had left for him near the gate. There was always food now, he had gone so long without it that they were concerned.

He walked stiffly towards the door, his head dipping down on his long neck to see the difference in size briefly, his own face reflected back in the acrylic window. It was more gaunt than it had been before, but it was still him, though his skin felt too tight around his slimmed down skull and his horns were thicker and longer. When he moved there was a clatter to the ground as something popped free between his haunches with the increased pressure. In the midst of his pain of the change he had missed the fact that the mesh block that normally kept his vent closed off had been slipping free as the change in his size and muscles had jostled it free. He let out a groan of relief and flexed his tail base a little bit, shaking his head back and forth to rattle his horns. That was one worry off his mind, but it was time for him to address another worry. Food. He would need a good heavy meal to carry him up north to where there were enough open spaces that he could claim a territory of his own.

The meat was warm and good as he snapped it up, gulping it down without tasting it for more than half a second before it was a bulge travelling down the length of his long neck. It was mostly dense organ meat that could be easily swallowed before moving onto the next and the next. He only paused for brief moments to breathe before going for more, his paws resting on the edges of the bowl with just enough weight to tip it back towards him. It would take time to get used to his new size, but at the same time, once he was out of this place everything would be new. He was really only a bit less than half his original size, and his bones would be denser now and harder to break. He swallowed down another thick bulge of meat and his stomach began to spread open wider, his tail snapping back and forth behind him. He shifted his wings against his back, they were still just as large, it would take a few weeks for them to adjust size as well, but that simply meant he would be able to fly fast enough to evade the eventual attempts to capture him.

He ate nearly the entire bowl of food, scooping it up with his rasping tongue, coiling it about with a low groan of pleasure as he felt weighed down with the meat. It was as he was finishing his food that he heard movement beyond his enclosure, the sound of footsteps and the familiar rattle of keys. He jerked his head up and ran a long dark tongue over his muzzle with a soft hiss as his attention sharpened to the lights that were flicking on along the pathways where security tended to walk at various hours. Except, security never walked around here in the middle of the night with the lights on, they had flashlights and tried to be quiet to come up on surprise on anyone breaking into the zoo. This person was flipping on lights with a familiar light step that had him rattling his wings to either side of his body and a low hiss burst from his jaws.

Kelsie..._He curled his lips back angrily as he heard his keeper opening up the door that led to the back of his enclosure. _She'll ruin it all!

_ _

He stepped back away from the food with his claws raking against the ground as he retreated to the shadows. If she saw him up and about, changed, she would certainly raise the alarm and he would be caught here for another day. For all he knew they would notice that he was smaller and thinner and they would make changes to his enclosure to make sure that he couldn't flee. Or they'd lock him in the interior building for fear he was growing worse. Could she not leave him alone?! The ball of outrage and humiliation that had formed the night he had been betrayed nearly choked him as he heard her opening and shutting the interior door of the enclosure. He had cared about her, even loved her in his own way, but she hadn't helped him, hadn't spoken up for him. With a low hiss he set his claws into the rocky walls and started to drag himself up from the ground. He would hide against the rockwork, she would assume he had gone to the far side of the enclosure perhaps or she would raise alarms and he could use the moment of panic to escape.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"You take care, Kelsie, I heard him rattling about earlier so he might be up and in a foul mood." Greg, the security guard, waved at her as she unlocked the back portion of the enclosure.

"Let's hope he is in a foul mood." She muttered to herself and pushed the door open. It was five in the morning, hours before she had to be at work, but she hadn't been able to sleep all night.

The lights that flipped on the inside portion of the enclosure revealed the empty back portion, which wasn't a surprise, she wasn't interested in that. She was going to get him to eat one way or another, she had to get him eating or she would lose him, which was why she had given up and come in so early. There were certain protocols at the zoo that they were all supposed to respect for safety reasons, and she was about to blow past some of the most important ones. They weren't supposed to be allowed in the compounds of most animals without someone nearby and certainly not when one was ill, they were too unpredictable. The smaller animals like penguins or tortoises or nonviolent creatures were typically allowed without much problem, but the dragon was not a small helpless animal, he was large and likely hungry, dangerous enough that no one was supposed to be near him without him being restrained and on a collar or tranqed.

She shifted a heavy bucket of ground up organ meat in one hand and unlocked the gate that would let her into the open outside area of the exhibit. She'd get in there and do what they must have done when he was younger and hand feed him, the comfort of it would make him remember other times, quieter times. Without the sound of the zoo loud and yelling or the people running around, he would have to be comfortable with her. She'd get him fed and have a word with every member of the board that had decided that harvesting him was the most efficient thing to do. Obviously it had left him rattled, if they were lucky he would recover.

"Chronis, here big fella..." She murmured softly as she pushed open the door and stepped into the cool night air, closing it behind her nearly all the way to allow her eyes to adjust to the moonlight. "It's alright, it's just me."


There was nothing in the area that he had been lying in, no lump to show his body, not even a scale on the ground. She turned about, automatically looking at his favorite rock but the shows showed it empty and quiet, not even a hint of movement. There was nothing, not a breath of life in the area as she spun around and took a few more steps away from the door, setting the bucket down. Her heart leapt in her throat as she looked towards the tower where they normally did presentations, the gorge which was supposed to allow him a spot to sleep in the shade, but there was no bulk of the beast reclining or sleeping there.

"Chronis!" She called out louder and tapped a foot against the ground, trying to make the clicking sound that normally signaled a treat.

"Rrrrrrrr...." The low growl vibrated in her ears, echoing around her as she heard the familiar slip of wings from a point high above her.

Kelsie didn't get a chance to do more than look up before a set of wings obscured the stars and moon, the sharp harsh musk of dragon hitting her as something leapt away from the rocks and dropped down to her. Her scream burst free as claws set into her sides and hips, powerful paws clinging to her before the wings beat down and she was yanked from the ground. The wings, as large as they ever were, pumped and struggled upwards, slipping and sliding as she was clutched up against a scaled chest. The guard didn't even have a chance to call the alarm as the dragon leapt skyward with his keeper, digging his paws around her possessively. He had a score to settle...

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Oh god... Oh god..." Kelsie's constant chatter made Chronis lash his tail against the ground as he kept his bulk directly in front of her and the easiest route past the old barn.

Can she do nothing else? _ He thought in annoyance, peering out at the sunlight with interest. _At least she isn't crying any longer.

_ _

He hadn't been able to say why he had snatched her up from the ground, it had been a split second choice when he had noticed her looking for him and he had snagged her up. He was unsure if it was his own bitterness at what had been done or some lingering feel of affection, but he had taken off like a shot out of a gun into the skies and had not stopped flying for a full day and half the night. It had been all he could do on his bellyful of food, but it had gotten him far away from the zoo, thankfully with only a few air vehicles spotting him in passing before he was able to evade them for a decent amount of countryside. The barn was old and rotting, but it was sturdy enough to make for shelter while he got his bearings. He would need to go north, far north, he had never lived outside in the modern world but he had had rare conversations with females in his time as a stud and they had hinted at a good amount of territory beyond the--

"Easy.. easy Chronis." His attention was diverted as Kelsie stood up and began to move towards him, her voice trembling with a hint of fear.

The drake narrowed his eyes towards her, his lovely little keeper, settling back on his haunches as she walked step by step to one side of the barn as if she could get away from him. Always before she had been quite small and delicate, to where a twitch of his talons might have killed her, but now.. now his eyes rested on her with some amount of interest as he stood up entirely and watched as she bolted backwards. He was still far larger than she was, but her head would have only come up to his upper leg instead of to his elbow. It was a curious vision of her, one that made it seem as if she had grown instead of the fact he had lost height and weight. Her soft features were fixed in a look of fear, her freckles showing along the edges as she tried to make her way towards the back door and towards freedom. He should have let her go, it would have been easier if she had bolted out and left him to make his way on his own, certainly it would have made his life easier.

He started to let her go towards the door, certainly her clothes were torn up and her face was frightened enough to show that she had been terrified by the experience, a bit of revenge for what had been done. He even started to look away, but his eyes slid back towards her with some amount of interest as she shifted in just the right movement to draw his eyes towards the sweep of her body. So unlike a dragoness she was, entirely different with her soft white skin showing through the tears in her shirt and pants. He was always curious about that skin, when she pet him it was always lovely to feel the soft touch rubbing over his scales, was all of her so soft? His eyes narrowed a little as she kept moving and he shifted one of his wings open to draw her attention back to him instead of the opening. He shifted and stirred, taking a step forward with a low rumble in his throat as his keeper stared at him with wide eyes.

She had been small and fragile before, but now... now she was no longer so tiny and frail, now she was large enough that his interest sharpened and fixated. Nostrils flared briefly as her eyes widened and he felt a pleasant ripple pass along his belly, warmth that had his tail tip flicking despite his tiredness. Was a brief scare and flight truly even for what she had done to him? No... It should be something far more fitting.

He began to stalk her, eyes flashing brightly as he felt the familiar tightness along his loins as she froze, he could make it quite even.. and fulfill a rather fond fantasy he had idly engaged in once upon a time.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Kelsie couldn't move as Chronis began to stalk after her. This was not the dragon that she had known and cared for, she hardly dared think it was even the same dragon, he certainly wasn't the size he used to be. He was smaller, more compact, though his coloring was the same the horns on his head were in the same pattern just thicker and heavier. The sign of waste that had distressed her seemed to be gone as his body was perfectly proportional to itself, just smaller, more the size of a draft horse than the larger than life size of an elephant. It didn't make her feel an ounce less fear as the drake began to stalk towards her in the barn, his head held at a level with his shoulders while his nostrils flared open wide and sampled the air. The tongue flicked out, dark black and strange as the twin tips twisted about this way and that.

"It's okay, big fella, I know you're scared, it's okay.." She murmured softly, trying to calm him as she saw his tail lashing with growing excitement. "We just gotta get out of here and find someone , right? We'll get home then.."

Chronis trilled out with interest and his bright eyes fixated on her as he stalked to get between her and the small side door. He didn't look like he was hungry or scared, and she was doing her best to hide her own fear. She had no idea what he was capable of, none of her research had prepared her for something like this. The flight had been one moment of terror after another, waiting for the dragon to drop her to her death, but he hadn't. He had gone longer than she had imagined he could given his lack of practice flying. If she could just get out of the barn and find a good hiding spot she could find a phone to call the authorities, as long as the dragon was loose there was a risk he could hurt or kill someone. She moved again and the dragon followed, stepping forward with a low trill and sent out a blast of air towards her as she was forced to scrabble backwards.

The great blue head came in closer, the nose nearly brushed against her as she pushed back against the wall and heard to low growl. She had always faced him when he was bound or behind a cage or drugged, there was nothing keeping her safe now as the muzzle dropped down and sent a blast of hot air against her chest. She kept her hands down and out of the way, holding still in the hopes that it wouldn't trigger him into doing something violent. The tongue flicked out, a hot rolling push that ran along her shirt and swept higher and dragged the fabric along her stomach. The twin tips twisted and writhed, smearing along the soft smooth skin as she let out a shrill noise of disgust as the beast's lips curled back and showed dangerous serrated teeth as the jaws parted open. The tongue tips twisted independently of one another, spreading to either side to push the fabric out of the way. The hot blast pushed higher up before the muzzle jerked up high and tore at her loose shirt. It had already suffered from the flight and the talons, and now it tore from the horns right at the bridge of his muzzle ripping through, yanking her forward so she had to reach out to catch himself against the hard scaled shoulder.

He had always been so sweet to her in the past, she clung to those moments of affection, hoping he wouldn't hurt her as the shirt was tugged harder and ripped free. She was close enough to feel the heat of his body radiating against her as she tried to grasp at the fabric to draw it back against her bared chest. The tongue flicked out again, pushing out and smearing the line of the wetness slipping over the edges and scooping upwards right between her breasts with a messy slip of saliva that was dragged out right along one of the mounds. Kelsie shoved out roughly, pushing with both hands against the muzzle only to have a paw slam into her hard enough to knock the wind from her. She was thrown to the ground as the tongue pushed up again, the lapping sweep pushing higher up towards her breasts again, the twin tips running to either side. It was disgusting and hot feeling as the drake stepped forward and pinned her firmly against the wall as the dragon's large paw reached up as it had last night.

The sharp edges of his claws raked against her side before the muzzle tilted down. She waited for the teeth to sink into her soft flesh, rending the life from her in a vicious shake of the head she had seen snap up meat so many times before. It didn't come, something worse came as the twin tipped tongue pushed down and stuffed itself right along the sweep of her lower belly, starting to dig along the edge of her pants. She felt the tips pushing downwards as the hot breath blasted against her and the drake's coloration rippled along his backs and sides. She saw the scaling tightening and relaxing while the tongue pushed down deeper and teeth raked against the fabric, tearing along the edges. Thick slimy saliva coated her skin as the fabric loosened and the tongue pushed its way down lewdly between her thighs making her choke out a rough sound.

"Chronis.." She panted out, the keeper's cheeks going hot while her stomach was cold, feeling the tips pushing downwards and suddenly the edge of her seams began to tear and rip. "STOP! Down!!"

Kelsie tried to squirm to one side, but the claw yanked her roughly backwards as the tongues slathered over the apex of her thighs in the most intimate way possible. The jaws and tongue strained her pants open, tearing strips away when the drake let out a hot huffing noise and craned his neck downwards and the upper portion of his jaws began to hook against the pants, ripping them, tearing at the fabric roughly. It pulled free and loosened as the tongue lavished powerful strokes and she heard a horrifyingly familiar croon bursting from the long throat. It was the same sound the beast made when he was strutting towards the mounting block, eager and heated as she felt her bare legs being exposed to the air. The tongue tips twisted around, catching against the edge of her panties before Chronis jerked his head back and ripped away some of her pants and spat the fabric out to the ground. His eyes fixated on her before snuffling towards her loins with more interest.

He wasn't as large as he had been, but he was still terrifyingly bigger than she was with the muzzle jabbed in close right between her legs again with his tongue slithering out against her. The massive beast wasn't interested in eating her, for a moment Kelsie could only think back to that terror with some measure of comfort when compared to the slimy appendages lapping against her soft folds. Saliva dampened her panties as she pushed roughly against the head, reaching down to grab the horns on the drake before the tongue slithered past the edge of the elastic band. She sucked in a breath, feeling the abrasive tongue dragging up along her folds, pushing them apart as the beast panted out a low growl. The thick appendage slipped and curled against her, sending spasms running down her back as she felt it swirling and caressing, dragging in a stroke that pushed apart her outer lips and smeared right between them.

She kicked out, striking hard to shove the head away, but the drake was beyond persistent, his interest growing as the paw on her side yanked her forward with a rough twist. She caught sight of the violet-purple spire hanging down along the underside of the belly, a familiar shaft that had her swallowing in panic. She had seen him out any number of times, she had touched him and stroked him to ready to harvest his seed, curious to be sure, but now she was looking at it with an all new terror. The tongue shoved forward and began to push between her folds, the heavy muzzle pushing her up on the wall so that she was standing on her tip toes as he explored her. Her hands yanked harder on the horns, attempting to control him with little success as the hot slimy tongue tip pushed forward and nudged right into her taut body.

"CHRONIS!" Kelsie's voice cracked in shock as the thick appendage stuffed itself forward, nudging and spreading wider and wider.

She felt him growl against her, saw the purple ridges flexing beneath his belly as hot precum spilled down in a thick gob to the ground and spread outwards. The jaws cupped just beneath the line of her ass as the teeth raked against her, raising welts before she felt him closing them down. The tongue pushed forward, nudging in deeper, parting the soft folds wide and roiling through her, stroking back and forth. The interior muscles clutched around him, a shocking contraction that squeezed around the abrasive tips before he pulled backwards with a yank. The teeth caught her panties, tearing them away as his paw yanked and sent her sprawling towards the ground. She fell against the side of the scaled body, her fingers scrabbling to catch ahold of him before her knees hit the ground right at his forepaws. Her eyes seeing an up close view of the arrow shaped tip hanging heavy and full beneath the line of the sleek body.

Chornis' eyes were only for his keeper, the pupils flared open wide at her soft nude body on the ground at his paws, the skin vulnerable and soft against his tongue while his paw hooked against her hip. How many times had he idly thought about her in this way, knowing that if he ever tried he would kill her, he couldn't kill her now. Now, she might hurt, but he would be able to stuff that small body full of his shaft, feeling her writhing and fighting against him. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of her as she cried out and tried to get away, scrabbling forward as he dragged her beneath him and used both of his paws to drag her ass up higher in the air. It was fitting that he would be given relief by her soft sweet body after he had been violated, to remember what pleasure could be after he had felt only pain and humiliation at her hands.

"NO! DAMN IT! I'M NOT A DRAGON!!" She yelled wildly, twisting and arching as something hot and heavy splattered out against her messily, dribbling down along the crease of her ass.

Kelsie kicked back at him while talons pricked her stomach with a silent threat as the ridges of the cock grazed against her ass and she was pulled downwards. The arrow shaped cock tip dragged downwards, hard and slippery feeling, slimy trails running between the cheeks as the haunches splayed open wider to either side, wrapping around her. He was hunched above her, hundreds of pounds of hard scales and muscles while his head twisted down to look at her. She swore she saw intelligence in his eyes as the tongue tips twisted out beneath her chin and left a smear of saliva while the cock tip pushed down right against her soft cunny lips, spurting out a splatter of precum that ran between them. She tried to tuck her ass down, her mind filled with visions of what he had done to the AV and his violent thrusts, but the dragon had other plans.

With a snarl the cock tip suddenly shoved right up against her cunt and splayed the lips open with a wild stroke, the powerful shift of the hips began to pry her folds open with a rock forward making her stretch open wider and wider. She shrieked out in pain as the first few inches lodged themselves into her snug passage, straining and feeling them slide right down along the line of inner walls. The hips jerked forward harder, stuffing himself forward with a lewd wet sound as she writhed and twisted, her eyes squeezing shut, scrabbling to get away from him. The claws raked lines along her belly as inch after heavy inch slipped into her body, she was pulled backwards to be impaled on the stiff length, ridges popping into her as she felt the tip pushing forward with a splatter of precum. It was erupting out in thick streams, coating her body in bestial ooze as the tongues twisted right around the neck, sliding and rubbing messily.

"God!" She gasped out as the drake hunched his hips and gave another rough thrust before dragging back, popping thick ridges from her body, pulling through her.

She wasn't made for this! She wasn't designed for the animal that force fed her inch after inch between her splayed legs, wetness squelching out to run along her lower belly while she writhed and twisted. His tongue lapped at her, stroking and rubbing, scraping and rasping before he drove forward again with a powerful thrust that drew a scream from her throat as he nearly ripped her in two pushing his way home. The arrow shaped tip stroked through her, pulling backwards with a stroke that rippled through her passage and the ridges popped free one after another with wet sounds. Her aching folds contracted down and squeezed, holding as tight as she possibly could around them as they pulled backwards nearly all the way before he drove forward again, stuffing bestial inch by bestial inch into her aching body. She was molding around him, feeling the sharp ridges that were raking through his passage, running backwards with a spill of wetness clinging along her outer lips.

Chronis savored the feel of his keeper beneath him, his claws biting into her hips as he held her still and drove his cock all the way in to bottom out inside of her. It had been too long since he'd had a living female wrapped around his cock, the little twitches and flexes of the muscles made him snarl with pleasure as his claws dug down against the wood. She was kicking and fighting him, trying to get away as he forced his cock tip forward and shoved right up against the barrier of the cervix and began to push it inwards. The next drag back he felt her walls clenching down tightly so that each ridge had to be yanked out with force before he drove himself forward and ran his paw along her stomach. He felt her kicking back against him, her hands grabbing at his forelegs, clutching him before her shrill cries fell like music on his ears. He licked out hotly, trailing his tongue over her shoulder with a low purr of pleasure.

Kelsie could barely handle it, the length of the shaft was working its way in deeper, bottoming out inside of her so that she could feel her stomach straining down and bulging with the force of the thrust. She hissed out, twisting her head to one side, writhing back and forth before he pulled backwards again. Her body was aching to hold the length of him inside of her, it was too much, the arrow shaped head nuzzled right against the opening to send out a stream of precum out against her body. It was hot, almost too hot, spraying against her while she closed her eyes and felt the next thrust rock her forward into the beast's paws. The scrapes of the claws were offset with the strokes of the wet tongue, the soft strokes teasing over her, twisting and fluttering, working as he began to speed up. She clutched around him, her own flexing cunny began to squeeze greedily along him, her outer lips stretched into a tight O. And it was only growing worse by the moment.

The hard he drove himself in, the more her stomach cramped down in pain as her stomach tensed when he ground the arrow shaped tip right up against her cervix before raking backwards. The precum dribbled out and smeared inwards, the globs of it spilling out in a push of wetness that spread deeper before the drag back lifted her hips higher in the air. They popped out one after another, thick and wet sounding as she gasped in a breath and the drake snarled out before driving himself forward. She was force fed nearly half of the bestial flesh, it seated deep inside of her as the dragon groaned out and his tongue twisted downwards to lash against her breasts. She felt the tongue tips snapping out in a way that made her body leap forward and she shrilled out when the cock tip drove itself home.

He was swelling open wider and wider, the ridges were thickening and growing heavier, bulging and latching into her passage in a way that made her hips twist and jerk. She felt the thick tip blossoming open wide, swelling and straining her inner passage open. She clenched around him, biting back a cry when he yanked backwards and popped several fat ridges from her body before seating himself forward again. Her legs were splayed open wide, bracing herself as best that she could as she was fucked by her charge, sweat beading along the line of her forehead as her stomach began to feel swollen and heavy with the thickening girth. The scaled haunches began to work faster, rapid strokes that barely gave her enough time to adjust to him, her mind numbing as she choked out a ragged cry, swallowing down a moan as the drake's snapping tail hit something in the barn.

The ridges stood out their full length within her silken passage, her cunny lips aching as one ridge lodged just inside of the tender ring of her passage. Her gasping breaths came in rushes, gulping them down as the blue scaled stomach hunched up along the line of her back and shuddered. She felt the first throb rippling along the cock, the thickness of it bulging through her body as the arrow shaped cock tip bowed in her cervix with a powerful blow. The beast's snarling maw opened just in front of her as Kelsie cried out raggedly, the shrill sound bursting free as she felt the first steamy rush of dragon cum erupting inside of her tender belly. Thick and creamy, she felt the wave hitting hard against her tender cervix, splattering in deep with a gooey wash that came in a pressured wave. She lurched forward, shrieking out as rope after rope of it erupted into her body, flowing in a torrent that over ran her small body, rapidly overfilling her in a stream. Her inner body contracted around him, squeezing and pulling, stroking down tightly as a wet sound squelched behind her as a thick rivulet of dragon semen drooled along her inner thighs.

Chronis closed his jaws and shuddered above his prize, panting shallowly while he savored the way that she was milking along his cock, pulling along the ridges one after another. He felt the rippling walls that suckled in the most delightful way as he emptied himself inside of her, flooding her in a glorious rush. He deliberately rolled his hips back and forth, caressing and tugging, squelching his cum out of the human's small cunny lips, strands of it clinging to him as he licked his jaws in pleasure. He had waited so long for this, wanted to feel her body in this way, no matter how twisted it was to take a human in this way, it made him croon low in his throat before jerking his hips back. The ridges of his cock pulled free with a lewd slurping noise, cum spilling from her over filled belly as he let her drop beneath him into a trembling heap.

As lovely as I thought it would be.. He rumbled softly to himself before stepping back away from her, his slimy spent cock bobbing beneath him. I could leave her here for the other humans to find.. but has she really learned her lesson yet?

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

"RRRRR!!!!!" Chronis snarled out and pushed down over the writhing dragoness, feeling her tail gripping against his own as he seated his cock in deep and began to erupt inside of her.

Bantha cried out under him, her wings flailing as he pinned her hips down with one heavy paw and kept her in place as his sperm rich seed flooded deep within her sleek body, savoring the way that she locked around his ridges and the thickness of his joined knot. Her muscles worked and suckled around him, stroking and pulling greedily as rope after rope was slushed into her empty fertile womb. His breathing came in short heavy pants, his sides heaving rapidly while his wings flexed and stroked along either side of her body, eyes lidding slightly in delight while he breathed in the rich aroused taste of her boy beneath him. Oh she was delightful, fertile and eager as she dropped down onto her belly and rubbed her head back against him with an adoring croon.

"Ohh... I needed that." She trilled sweetly and he licked along the back of her neck with a gentle stroke.

"Mmm it was my pleasure." He murmured, eyes sliding open with a squeeze of his tail while he stroked his paws along either side of her body, running delicately along the sides of the sleek red scaled body.

With a shift he resettled his hips with rock just to make her whimper out and his paws slipped along her shoulders as he simply relaxed into the afterglow of claiming her. She wasn't the first female he had taken, though he had hopes that this one might return later on for a repeat mating. Her body was sweet and delightful, hips squirming back against him at just the right angle as she trilled and crooned. He kept one eye on her, but his other slipped towards the familiar shape in the back of the cave, hunkered down with her eyes fixed on him a she was pressed against the back of the wall as far away from both of them as she could get. Oh Kelsie would stay there for a while, she normally did when he brought a female back, but afterwards he had begun to train her for her new position in life. She would attend them both with those clever soft little hands, grooming and pampering them in the after glow, perhaps even heating up their meat so that they could eat it roasted.

He shifted his weight out and ran a paw along Bantha's side lightly, feeling another hot spurt of cum erupt out into her body, hoping to spark a fat clutch of eggs deep inside of her. The human could only watch the pair as she had watched him with others, trying not to stare at the throbbing flash of the black cock where it was just peeking outside of the estrus swollen folds. She was lucky that he was enjoying a dragoness for once, she was happy every time a female came to the distant cave and stayed for more than a few days. It was a break for her, a time for her to recover from his ardent attentions and demands on her body, when there were no females around he enjoyed her thoroughly, often pinning her several times a day if he were feeling particularly randy. And if he weren't randy...

_He treats me as a slave. _ She thought, feeling a burn of anger in her gut. The dragon was more intelligent than she had thought, beyond the intelligence of an animal as he used gestures and mimicry to impart his commands to her.

She did her job as she always had, grooming and pampering the beast, heating up his food and cleaning his kills, keeping his layer clean and brushed clean. She behaved as she had as a keeper, but she had no illusions she was the one in charge any longer. She had no control, she was little more than a kept pet to him, one that he could use for sexual pleasure as well as his own comforts. When he pulled out of the dragoness she would oil and polish them both, clean him and caress him until they were both near sleep and then retreat to her own small corner of the cave. The days were running one into another, blurring as her days were patterned by the animal that kept her captive in an ironic twist of her fate. Her lips twisted up in a bitter smile, she wondered... had he spent his nights crouched in bitter anger at the zoo? At least he had had a way to escape, she had only the hope that one day someone would find her and rescue her and it was a fragile dream. After all... the modern world had no knights in shining armor and no dragon from the stories was as depraved as her Chronis.

Needing Daddy's Love

Elia's tail lashed back and forth in annoyance as she perched on the rock that was setting right outside of the lair that she shared with her father, the dragonette lashing her tail with a snap that had it cracking against the hard edges as she stared...

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Trapping the Beauty

The club was a hidden niche in the heart of Paris, tucked in a building that had been standing in the same place since before the first crusades. It had been patched a thousand times, plaster been used to cover up the worst of the decay and aging brick...

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Breeding A Champion

"Are you absolutely certain Gitt A Little Sunshine was sold off? She was one of our most promising mares!" Elana looked down at the sheet of paper that Misty had brought to her mother, her eye brows up and furrowed in disbelief as she looked over the...

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