A Master Found (Chapter 1)

Story by Akikawa Haru on SoFurry

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Warning: This roleplay contains branding.

Reader discretion is advised.

Thank you to Melody Daniels for providing her posts for the roleplay and providing an entertaining story. ;3

Just another roleplay featuring one of my bitches.

Modified from F-Chat Log September 09, 2014

Melody Daniels approached an otter from off the street, greeting him simply. "Evening"

"Good evening, bitch." Haru Akikawa replied before sipping some whiskey from a low ball glass, looking the Wolf/Fox/Husky Hybrid (Folfsky) over.

The canid lowered her head and bowed slightly. "Good Evening, Sir. I was wondering if you weren't perhaps free tonight?" she asked, clearly needing to be dominated.

The alpha otter put his paw in the pocket of his jeans. His well-fitted red dress shirt appeared to accent his broad shoulders and toned muscles. "Why aren't you on your knees when you are obviously requesting me to fuck you?" he replied, extending his paw with the drink clasped in it as if silently telling her to do so.

Melody whimpered softly and dropped her gaze to the floor as she slid to her knees with her thighs spread and both arms behind her. "My apologies Sir. I forgot myself for a moment in my haste. I seek to be modified, and used for another's pleasure repeatedly, Sir."

Haru took a sip and looked down at the bitch. He felt around in his pocket and took out a leash and collar. He tossed the collar at the canine hybrid. The collar had diamond shaped pyramids pointing inward as if dull spikes. On the outside of the collar it read 'Haru's Bitch,' in exquisite stitching. "Put that on, cunt," he commanded as he held the handle end of the leash with the clip already attached to the collar laying in front of her. The alpha otter obviously didn't need to soil his paws with grunt work of collaring a bitch when it is clear it was for her to do.

The submissive canine looked at the leather band with its spikes along with the inscription etched into it. "Yes...Sir." she murmured softly while her hands slipped to the floor and grasped the leather band, allowing the loose fitting while v-neck t-shirt she'd pulled on that morning to fall away from her torso. The jingle of the leash's hook shaking rung in her ears like tolls of a church bell as she wrapped the leather band around her neck and began to tighten it down. The cyan-furred hybrid pulled until she felt the bite of the pyramids pressing into her tender and supple flesh beneath the plush softness of her scruff and with it tight as she can manage without choking she closed the buckle.

The strong otter nodded in approval before turning and pulling sharply on the leash. "Come, cunt," he commanded as he began to walk down the street. He had been leaning against a building across the street from the park where his beach house was located. He was planning on making some modifications there. The crowds stared and took photos of videos as he looked over his shoulder every once in a while to make sure the canine was following on all fours like the bitch she was meant to be. The two soon found themselves at the base of a tall two story building on the base of a 12' high rock foundation. Inside the foundation was the otter's dungeon but first they'd have to go through the living room. A flight of stairs was the only way up. He didn't slow down while climbing the stairs, expecting her to follow as quickly as he.

The bitch struggled at first to keep up the Dominant mustelid's seemingly breakneck pace as she scrambled along on all fours behind him, scuffing her knees and making sure that her already tight shorts squeezed her lower body tighter to give a clear unfettered view of her mound and pert rear. The hybrid woman did her best to not notice the fact there were camera's recording the humiliating journey to where ever it was the otter was leading her. The stairs themselves weren't difficult for a normal upright fur to ascend but for her on all fours they represented a challenge as she tried to fall into a pace that kept the pyramids form digging in too painfully while still preventing her from outpacing him and by the time the pair reached the top her face and ears were burning crimson while a wet spot had appeared between her thighs from a mixture of sweat and humiliation induced arousal.

The dominant otter was soon at the threshold and he took out his keys, looking through the ring of dozens of keys for the one to the front door. He put it into the deadbolt lock and turned it before opening the door and walking inside. He was ignoring the canine hybrid because she was merely a toy for his pleasure as she'd soon find out, if she didn't know already. He walked through the living room to the opposite end and started down an equally long flight of stairs heading downward. "Don't hold Master up, cunt," he reminded her with a pulling of the leash when they were half way down the stairs. He kept his drink steady in his paw as he finally approached a metal door. He waved the red stone hanging around his neck in front of a panel and the door slid open with a heavy clang. He walked into the dimly lit chamber that was themed after some sort of medieval dungeon with sconces on the wall and passages leading to other areas. The large room was full of numerous BDSM apparatuses and a forge was near a wall with shackles hanging from it. The door slid closed behind the two of them after he took a few steps inside.

Melody shivered as she crawled in from the sweltering heat outdoors to the cooler inside temperature of the mortared and fitted stone room. She risked looking up as the scents changed, from the more outdoorsy scents of trees and sea breeze to a mustier smell that reeked of moss and cold stone with hints of musk and other scents she was unable to nail down. The sight that greeted her eyes of numerous BDSM devices along with Spartan looking cabinets bolted to the roughhewn stone beside the smoldering forge. Part of her mind sought for any landmark she could remember but it took mere seconds for her head to drop once more and her focus to return on keeping up with the quick moving mustelid. She'd kept quiet on purpose, assuming that if her voice was required she'd be told as much and thus far it seemed as though she'd made the correct assumption.

The towering mustelid walked the bitch over toward the wall with the shackles where a table with shackles around the legs was standing. The otter pulled on the leash to guide her around the table, letting her feel the heat from the forge nearby. "Up," he commanded suddenly pulling the leash up and choking her with the rough collar. The pyramids dug in slightly at the upward motion.

The submissive canid coughed and scrabbled upwards with the sound of her claws rasping over the stone flooring and the wooden table, leaving slight gouges in the latter. When she reached the desired position the choking feeling ceased to be a physical problem but the collar itself remained tight around her neck and digging into her throat.

Haru reached down and unclipped the leash from the collar. He walked over to a cabinet and took out a set of heavy leather cuffs and a ball gag before returning to the table. "Paw," he commanded as he held out his paw, expecting the canine to offer her paw to him.

Melody shifted and extended her left arm, presenting her paw to the otter without question or hesitation. Part of her mind said this was what was right, what was for the best and it was those feelings she embraced as she followed the dominant male's command without thought.

The dominant mustelid swiftly put the cuff on and locked it with a small lock through the buckle. It was clear that it wouldn't be coming off without the key to that lock...whether the otter even had a key for it was something to consider. He held out his paw with a silent command to offer the other one to him.

The submissive canine splayed her ears and extended her other arm, offering up her other limb while looking at the leather cuff binding her other wrist. From the feel and heft, the otter had spent good money on the finely crafted leather garment, especially considering that it was extremely secure without being unduly painful or causing discomfort.

He secured the other cuff to the remaining canine wrist with a similar lock. The alpha otter walked around to the other side and roughly grabbed her ankle and quickly secured a cuff to it, similar in design to the wrist cuffs. A click indicated a lock was secured on that one with the feeling of him placing the final cuff on her remaining limb and a click, indicating that the last one was in place. The cuffs had a heavy ring on each one that seemed unlikely to break off from the cuff, being held in place with thick stitching and leather. The otter walked around the table and looked at the hybrid. "On your belly with your limbs spread to the corners of the table, cunt!" he commanded harshly.

She ducked her head in silent reply before giving a slight hop to allow her to shift her rear up onto the table's smooth but gritty and pitted surface, bringing a soft creak from the wood as her weight settled onto its legs. Thankfully as she shifted once more and lay flat on her belly, it gave no other distressed sounds and supported her easily, almost as if she weighed nothing at all. Her arms spread and reached for the tables edges, as did her feet and legs and without reaching the edge she found that it's surface was scarred more beneath where her palms and fingers sat than anywhere else, which made her begin to wonder what exactly was done upon this table to create such damage.

The alpha otter picked up the chains off the ground. The clanking of metal links resounded throughout the chamber as the otter pulled them taut and secured them to the rings on the cuffs. He locked them with a large padlock and checked them to make sure they were tight before walking around to the front and picking up more chains at the end of the table that the canine's head was at. He roughly secured the chains to the wrist cuffs and pulled them taut and locked them in place at the base of the table. "Cunt looks like a sacrificial offering," he said with a murr before swatting her ass. He picked his drink back up from the table where he'd left it and took a swig of the drink. "Ah..." he said with a satisfied exhale.

The submissive hybrid grunted and huffed through her nose as one by one her limbs were chained down, each one drawn as tight as possible before the padlock closed with a click that seemed to echo in the sconce lit chamber, overtaken only by the sharp smack of his hand crashing into her exposed rear with a hearty cheek jiggling impact. The hybrid jerked against the chains binding her down to the table with a sharp yip and a low groan as her muscles and joints creaked from attempting to pull against the unyielding steel of the forged chain, and upon reflection while the sharp sting and heat upon her cheeks from not only his strike but the forge itself, she realized he was correct in his assessment. In essence she was a sacrificial offering but not in the manner one would initially think.

The dominant mustelid gripped her headfur at the base of her skull with his paw and pulled up. The pyramids in her collar that said she was his bitch dug into the front of her neck while the tightness was choking her a little. "Who is your Master, cunt?" he whispered into her ear while setting down his drink. "Who decides your fate?" he adds. His hot breath was exhaled against the inner lining of her canine ear.

The canid hybrid wheezed softly, her breath slipping through her compressed air passage with a slight hiss. "Y...you are my Master. You are the one who decides the fate of this slave." she replied softly, shivering and twitching as her bound form lay helpless before him and her throat was squeezed painfully by the pyramid-studded collar.

The male otter released his bitch's head with forward momentum, roughly pushing her muzzle into the table. "Correct answer, cunt," he replied as he walked over to the forge nearby. He pulled a rod out of the hot coals. The end, glowing hot, had the Japanese characters for 'Akikawa' on the end of the brand. "Do you know what this is?" he asked the hybrid, bringing the branding iron into her field of view as he stood in front of her with a dominant aura.

The female hybrid shook her head slightly as her muzzle burned from being ground against the table top. "No Master, I do not." she replied softly, keeping her eyes cast downwards away from his own as she stared at the white hot iron held within her vision. She suspected it was some sort of words written in Kanji but beyond that she had no idea. The heat pouring off the heated metal was enough to make her eyes and nose water slightly and there was no doubt about his intentions with that viciously hot poker; it was merely a matter of where he chose to press it to her tender flesh.

He spoke as he walked over to the forge and placed it back in the hot coals. "It says Akikawa...I didn't introduce myself before but my name is Haru Akikawa...and you are my property after I mark you as such," he explains. He soon returned to the table from the cabinets nearby with an electric shaver. "Prefer not to smell burnt fur," he said as he turned it on the buzzing filling the silent chamber as he pressed the cutting end against her ass and clearing a spot on her left cheek the size of the poker. He slapped her ass with his paw and swiped it to get the fur off. He used a razor to get the rest of the fur off until her skin was completely smooth in that section.

She flinched as the buzzing clippers set about their foul task of shearing away the pelt she worked hard to maintain, but it was what her new Master required to ensure she never forgot to whom she belonged. Her mind was awash in a myriad of emotions and sensations as she felt his paw strike the cleared spot, a roughly 6-inch rectangle. A moment later the scrape of the straight razor teasing across her flesh cleared away the last remaining stubble, leaving her flesh as naked and a fresh canvas for the otter to color and sketch upon via the heated iron waiting to be pushed into her flesh.

The otter finished his drink, downing it quickly and picking up the ball gag. He put it against the hybrid's nose and pushed it inside her muzzle. He secured it behind her head with the sturdy straps. "Don't want bitch biting her tongue if she ends up convulsing," he said with a grin. He walked back over to the forge, letting her mind comprehend what was going to happen as he slowly walked back with the white hot end of the branding iron emitting heat she could feel from yards away.

The canid shuddered and bit down on the large rubber ball holding her jaw open. She didn't fight or struggle as the heat and hissing crackle of the heated steel grew ever closer with each thumping heartbeat. She could hear the rush of her blood rushing her ears as her anxiety and nervousness grew to a crescendo, in the moments leading up to the initial impact of the iron. "Mmphm....." she grunted, giving voice to the cry that was doing its best to escape from her sealed maw.

Haru Akikawa, without warning simply held the brand steady in his paws and pressed hard the white hot end against her skin. The hybrid's left ass cheek sizzled as it became burned into the shape of the alpha otter's family. He knew she wouldn't be able to move due to the tension of the taut chains so he could get a clean brand. He didn't mention that by branding her she belonged to his family...meaning his brothers could use her as well but he would explain to her he was her primary master...after she was more comprehending...they always tended to lose their mind for a while after being branded. He held it there for a good 30 seconds for a nice branding mark to form. "You are now mine, cunt," he commanded as he released the brand from her ass cheek. A clear burn mark was in her flesh. Even if the fur could grow back over the scar, she'd always be reminded of this moment.

Melody Daniels twitched and howled into the large rubber ball, twitching less than an inch in every direction as the hiss and sizzle of her charring flesh filled her ears. By the time the iron brand was removed the hybrid was beside herself and incoherent with pain stronger than anything she'd experienced to date. To her it felt like her ass was aflame once the brand had been pulled away and dropped back into the forge. At some point, the pain became too much and her mind shut down to the point of unconsciousness, leaving the hybrid canid still and drooling around the gag upon the table top.

Her new otter master sat on the table and poured himself another drink. He looked over his shoulder at his bitch and then back at the brand mark on her ass. "That will do for tonight," he said to himself, noticing that his new slave had passed out.

End of Chapter 1

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