Tali's Arrival

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DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depicted in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

Rape Orphanage Chapter 1

Tali's Arrival

An Ageplay/BDSM Story by Starring: Tali, Devin & Nadine

The Orphanages. Children with parents that abandoned them. Others with parents that died. The state had changed from having co-ed orphanages to single sex orphanages. This particular orphanage was strictly for girls, the "parents" of the orphanage sending the girls to a private all girls' school that they also owned. Of course, the school and orphanage were both fronts for an underage rape-prostitution ring, and the two in charge would make the girls work for every bit of food they ate. The orphanage was how most of the girls were brought into the ring, the "parents" having friends who would arrange accidents for families of certain girls as well as buying off druggie parents so the girls could be taken into custody of the orphanage. The state was just separating the co-ed orphanages, so it would take some time for the girls to arrive at the all girls' orphanage, giving the "parents" time to acclimate one girl to her new life before starting on the next one.

Tali Alder was the first girl to arrive at the new orphanage. She wore a short, red school skirt with white blouse as she exited the car and got her single bag of belongings from it. Long brown hair hung to her mid-back as her back was to the door of the house she was about to head into. Most likely, she would be living here until she was eighteen. She was already 10, and had been through foster home after foster home, until no one would take her in anymore and the orphanage was the last chance she had. Swinging her bag over her shoulder, she turned to face the front door and took a deep breath. She was nervous and... she had to admit, she was also slightly scared of what the others would think of her. Her socks were white and her shoes were saddle shoes, the ones often found in private schools. A red 'necktie' around her blouse completed her outfit. The only thing that looked out of place was the army green duffel bag with her clothes and stuff in it. She walked up the steps to the front porch as the car drove away, leaving her to her fate at the new orphanage, not that the driver, nor she herself, knew what that fate truly was.

As the first young girl to arrive, she would bear the full attentions of the 'parents' at the orphanage until more children should arrive. The girl was walking unknown into a den of perversion, carefully cloaked as an innocent orphanage on the outside. Once she had climbed the stairs to the porch, the door was opened by a tall female, but she was not human, but a wolf, every inch of her covered in soft black fur, which rippled as she smiled, seeing the young girl. "Well hello!" she said with apparent joy in her voice, "Come right in dear, we'll get you comfortable."

The orphanage itself was quite large, and had been recently updated to keep up with modern standards required by the government, as they transitioned into fully single-sex orphanages. The owners of this particular orphanage were a couple, or at least were together, and both had very specific ideas of what it was they wanted from this place. This was something they had long planned. She closed the door behind the girl as she entered, and a soft click was heard as it locked, "You are Tali, right?"

The young girl gave a nod, slightly taken aback at the wolf's exuberant welcome. Tali had always been a quiet, shy girl, and it had only been exacerbated by the changes she had gone through in the last few years, leaving her unwilling to talk at all. Her parents had been killed in a raid at their office while she'd been at daycare. She'd never known her grandparents, as they'd died before she'd been born, and her parents had been only children of both families. The state had shuffled her into the foster care system at the age of three, and since then, she'd never lived anywhere more than about 6 months before the foster parents gave up on her. Some gave up sooner than others. Her file that had already been delivered to the new orphanage was four inches thick, detailing her previous placements and the therapies they had tried that hadn't worked.

Of course, just because she didn't want to talk didn't mean she couldn't. But she was tired of being moved hither and yon by the state. And of only having one bag of belongings that were hers. She wanted a permanent home, a room of her own, and enough clothes so that she could wear something different every day for two weeks. A computer or a video game system. A television, and movies that she picked out that she enjoyed. A puppy or a kitty. A horse to ride. All the normal things that girls her age wanted. She gave a soft sigh, knowing that she wouldn't get what she wanted. Not living at an orphanage, in a large dorm style room with the other girls that would be coming.

When all she got was a nod, the tall wolfess tilted her head and clucked her tongue, then she reached down to put a paw on the girl's small shoulder, "Come on Dear, let's get your things put away and get you introduced to Devin, he's my Mate..." She smiled and guided the girl down the hall, "I'm sure you'll be very happy here, despite what you have heard about orphanages..." The wolf turned to smile at her again, while leading her down a short hall from the front door. They emerged into a large living area, quite modern, complete with widescreen LCD TV, sound system, comfortable couches and chairs, and a large painting on the back wall depicting a beautiful naked woman kneeling in front of a dark figure, looking up at him with adoring eyes. As they passed the double-wide doorway and on down the hall, she said, "My name is Nadine, by the way. Devin is in the room we have set up for you."

Tali took in the sight of the living room, her mouth watering at the large TV and entertainment center and her face flushing as she caught sight of the painting. The last orphanage, the one she had just left to come here, didn't have anything as nice as that television and entertainment area in the 'common' area of the house. Her footsteps slowed as she took everything in. This place might actually be different, she thought to herself. Seeing that Nadine was a few feet in front of her, she picked up her pace, trotting after the wolfess. Being caught dawdling over something that would still be here, hopefully, after she got settled in would not be good for her.

Most of the homes she'd been in believed she was slow or somehow mentally handicapped, but that opinion never lasted past her first few scores in school, showing that while she didn't talk much or make friends easily, she was a very bright child. It wasn't her fault that no one tried to really get past her silence. Would that change here? Would she feel like she was a part of a family and start talking again? She gave a slight shake of her head, her long brown hair flowing around her shoulders as she followed Nadine to the room that had been set up for her, expecting it to be like the last one, a dormitory style room with bunkbeds and either a chest or a locker for her things.

But what she would find when Nadine led her to the room was entirely different. Of course, it wasn't in the family wing of the house, this had been an old estate at one time, and as such the structure was divided into two sections. There was a 'family' wing, where the 'parents' of the school lived, and there was the 'Residence' Wing, where the girls would live. The two wings were separated by a hallway that joined them and ran in such a way both wings felt like one building. The hall they were walking down now ran perpendicular to the other, and joined it a short way further on. She turned back to glance at Tali, checking out the girl's reaction to her surroundings, which were sure to be quite a bit nicer than anywhere else the girl had been.

At the corner of the two halls, they turned to the left and walked through a small divider area, that held a large bay window and a bench on each side. Through that area was the residence hall, two lines of doors, one on either side, that led to the rooms the girls would have. At the far end of the hall was another room, set up as a personal recreation room for the girls. To the right of the corner was the personal section. That section held the master bedroom, Living room, Kitchen, Dining Room, and den. The girls would eat with their parents in the Kitchen or Dining room, and would probably often be invited into the living areas, if they had been good. There were other structures on the property, but it might be a bit of time before Tali would see the insides of some of them.

They immediately went to the first door on the right after entering the wing. It was open, and she stepped into it right away. The central piece of furniture in the room was the bed. At a full queen size, it was larger than any bed the young girl had ever had. A large, elaborate dresser stood against one wall, a desk on the same wall, but closer to the door with a laptop on it for her homework. A French door overlooked the garden between the wings and opened onto a balcony. There was also a closet on the final wall in her room, large enough for the young girl to get lost in it. Her eyes glanced over the male in the room, her eyes busy wandering around the room, taking in everything she could ever want. Tears formed in her eyes and she dropped her bag, swiping at the salty drops before they could start falling. It was everything she could ever want or ask for, and she had a feeling that it was going to be snatched from her before she could truly enjoy being here.

Nadine stepped to the side and let Tali come fully into the room. Both her and the tall male, who was a silver-grey with white tipped ears and tail, and with black chest-fur, watched her intently. The poor thing looked like she was going to cry from sheer joy at the room which was now hers, but she also looked almost afraid that they would take it away from her. Nadine lifted the bag and slipped it onto the edge of the bed, and then the male smiled, "Hello Tali, this will be your room...it's all yours...everything in it." He reached over and patted her shoulder, then crouched to her side, "You like it?"

The young girl nodded her head, almost at the point of talking again, but still hesitant, especially since she was still slightly worried that it would all be taken away from her. Slowly, a smile formed on her lips, making her face shine with the joy of the room she was looking at. She was used to adults patting her on the shoulder, so having both Nadine's paw and then Devin's paw resting on her shoulder didn't phase her, and she looked at him as he crouched by her and flung her arms around his neck, hugging him. She tried to bury her head against his neck, hiding the tears falling from her eyes.

Devin and Nadine looked at each other as the little thing threw her arms around his neck and sobbed against his furry skin. Both of them had read her file, they had read and looked at it and had asked for her to be sent first. They had known she didn't talk, but that it wasn't a medical defect but rather simply that she didn't want to. They had talked and talked on what they would do to and with her, but now seeing her their hearts softened. Devin smiled and slipped one of his muscular arms around her side and rubbed at her back gently, "Shhh...shhh..." he murmured to her, and his fingers slipped below her shirt to rub at the bare skin beneath.

She relaxed against Devin as he rubbed her back, not even flinching as his paw slid under her shirt. It felt so good to be able to let out her emotions, to cry, to be a part of something more... permanent. After a few minutes, she calmed down enough to finally utter a couple words. "Thank you." Of course, to her, the words were muffled by Devin's furry neck, but both wolves would be able to catch those words easier. She truly felt like she was home now, not about to go anywhere else.

Both of the wolves smiled widely as they heard those words. As far as they knew, those words were the first she had spoken in some time. Their eyes found each other and a smile split both of their muzzles, then Devin slipped his hand a bit further up under her shirt. His other hand went to the back of her legs, down near her calves, and rubbed the skin there too, "You're welcome, Tali, we want you to be comfortable here." he said with a warm smile on his wolfish face, "You've never had anything like this, have you?"

Tali nuzzled her face into his neck as he kept rubbing her back, then added his free paw to her legs. She stepped closer to him, her legs parted as she practically stood over his thigh. She shook her head, causing her nose to brush through his fur before murmuring a low, "No." She didn't want to let go of his neck. She felt... loved... here.

Nadine slipped over to the bed and slipped down to the soft cushions. The beds in all the girls rooms were this large, though no one would guess the underlying reasons. She reclined and watched her mate with the young girl. Devin licked his long tongue over his teeth and as Tali slipped closer to him, he welcomed her into his embrace. He found her more than cute and he was quickly forming an attachment to her. His paws began to gently rub, the one on her back slipping up further under her shirt to rub at her skin a bit more. The other, that one rubbed at her calf, then began to dance upward, the pads on his fingers touching around up closer to the back of her thighs.

Tali shivered slightly as his paws kept stroking her back and up her legs. While most girls would have been screaming rape already, she felt safe. Protected even. Like nothing would ever hurt her again. Nuzzling into his neck, her lips brushed against him softly, even shyly. Her eyes lifted, the sheen of the tears still glazing them lightly as she looked towards Nadine. She wanted the wolfess with her as well. She wanted to really feel like the three of them were a family.

It seemed that the child was receptive already to the attentions of the male wolf she was holding onto. Her life had been full of rejection and being pushed away, hatred almost. She had never felt loved since her parents had died, and now, just by what they were doing, they were showing that they cared more for her than any of the foster parents she had been with. Her unique situation was playing right toward the kind of girl they wanted. When Nadine looked into those eyes she could not help but slip from her seat on the sheets and walk over to them, then crouch down next to her mate and the girl and slip an arm around her shoulders, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on Tali's neck.

Tali shivered as she felt the gentle brush of Nadine's muzzle against her neck as the wolfess kissed her, and with both of their arms around her, she felt even safer and more comfortable. She felt like she could take on the world with them by her side, and she turned slightly to hug Nadine and nuzzle into her neck. The movement of her body caused her clothes to rise up a bit, showing off her bare belly, but only hinting at her slightly budding breasts. Other than the fabric of her shirt, nothing covered her breasts, since she didn't have any bras, training or otherwise. And his wandering paw would soon discover that she wasn't one to wear panties often, and if she was, they were rather... sexy panties, g-strings and thongs and hi-cut bikinis. But today, she hadn't felt like wearing any, almost as if she was testing the parents of the orphanage, like she did at every other place she'd been in the past years.

Devin's paw indeed slipped up a bit higher when she turned to hug his mate. He didn't release her from his grip, since he felt she needed to know he was there as well. The hand on her back slid around her skin, touching over to her belly, the other hand indeed rubbed up around her upper thighs, and then under her skirt, right up onto those pert little asscheeks. The skin there felt so damn soft, it was like a baby's bottom, so delicate it was. He felt for panties, and discovered there were none, and a slightly wicked light came to his eyes. He glanced at Nadine and winked, and she winked back, but kept cuddling the girl, even as her mate began to gently feel the little ass in front of him, squeezing it softly. Not wearing clothing was not a punishable offence in this house.

Tali's eyes widened slightly as she felt Devin's paws moving up to her ass, but the one thing she wanted more than anything was a family. Never having had a real family since her parents died, she didn't know if this was something that families did normally, or if this was something that just the wolves did or what. She knew that none of the other places she'd been did it, but then, she never felt like they wanted her there, and here, she felt at home. She nuzzled Nadine a little more, then pulled back a little, looking into the wolfess' eyes. A low groan slipped from her, but other than that little movement she didn't try to pull away from them, letting them do what they wanted to her.

As she pulled back, the tall wolfess just smiled at her. The female's paws went to the little girl's hips and held her still, and she softly nuzzled the tip of her own nose to Tali's, "Don't worry, Tali." She whispered, "And don't fight it." She winked, "I guarantee you that everything Devin's doing you're going to end up loving." She nuzzled her again and gave her a soft squeeze, the tips of her claws extending just a tiny bit and rubbing at the skin under them. Devin's own hands were not idle, the one on her bottom had begun to gently squeeze and rub, feeling up those naked cheeks until he dug his thumb between them and began to rub down her crack. The one on her belly drug over her skin and up to rub around just below her non-existent breasts.

Tali looked into Nadine's eyes, her nose twitching slightly as the wolfess teased her larger nose against the young girl's smaller one, her lips curving up into a smile at the playful gesture. "I wasn't going to fight, Nadine. Do... do all families do this?" The feel of his paw rubbing her ass made her shiver again and she writhed slightly then pushed her rear into his paw while her chest sank towards his other paw just slightly. Even if they told her it wasn't normal in other families, she wasn't about to break the connection she felt with them.

Nadine laughed merrily at Tali's question, the cute innocence that the girl gave off was just too adorable. She shook her head, then smiled, "No, Tali...not all families do this...Most people would think it strange. But some very special families do this, and Devin and I want to make this a special family." She smiled again, and extended her tongue to lick across Tali's lips, noting how the girl was responding to Devin's touches.

The silver male shifted slightly and his fur rippled, as he leaned in to press his nose to the other side of her neck and sniff lightly, taking in her scent as he felt her pushing onto him. He ground his fingers into her ass a bit more, that thumb running all the way through her crack, brushing along, probably tickling her a bit with his fur as he felt his way through that tight crack. His other hand went up as she came down, and he concentrated on her nipples now, rubbing and feeling them.

A quiver raced through the young girl as she felt Nadine's tongue caressing her lips and Devin's nose against the side of her neck. What they were doing made her feel strange inside, but she just gave a low moan, cause it was a tingly strange, not a scary strange. "I..I want us to be special too," she whispered, letting her body relax against the paws that were rubbing her ass and nipples. The young girl giggled, then stood up. "Maybe I should take some things off to make it easier for you?"

Both of the adults smiled and nodded, and Nadine gave her another lick, "Yes Tali, why don't you strip some of those clothes off...let's see what our daughter looks like under them." She winked at the girl, and scooted back. Devin slid his hands off of her to give her room, and soon she would have plenty of space to get those clothes off if she wished.

The Hunts

DISCLAIMER: The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might...

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