Playing Dressup: Jewelry
Sitting yourself so she can't take the stool you sort through various drawers holding costume jewelry until you locate the bag your wife suggested, this you toss onto the tabletop as you root around for more sets of jewelry pulling out little bags
Azzy's New Jewelry
A piece of jewelry. nothing more. you won't be anybody ever again." brian scrambled around as the car tilted and swung about from the piece of wire that held it to the anklet.
021 The Dragons Horde
However, the reason for the dust is suggested, in part, by the varied assortment of small tools and clamps and gadgets that he has lying around the place, as well as various items of partially or fully completed jewellery and components of jewellery that are
GBL High: Chapter Seven
GBL High Chapter Seven The Apology and the Promise Timmy purred softly as the warm fire burned before him. The flames softly dancing and swaying in the breeze that was carried in for the very ocean they sat before. The laughter of all his friends...
Kijani: Finding the one
Her voice changed knowing that it was him, his voice could be heard again but only jasmine could need him on the room "i'm at blaze's jewelry store..." she interrupted him "why are you at a jewelry store?
Love in the Darkness
Inside the box was a necklace with 6-8 diamonds and a golden ring with a sapphire on it, she loved jewelry and then to add onto it, two bottles of red wine.
Belial rising
Theodous watched from the other side of a thick glass wall as the bar he was currently being kept, and apparently sold at, continued to work throughout the day and night... he was occasionally dropped scraps, and watered, occasionally moved to another...
The Serpant King
He asked, picking it up sal felt a warmth unlike any other piece of jewelry in the cold piles.
The Gyseios
They know age by the amount of jewelry they wear. the jewelry ranges from tail rings, bracelets, earrings, rings and piercings.
Temptation 06 - Profit
The little jewelry box was like a treasure chest to me now, eyes practically glowing with greed as i pushed it open. i had gone through a bit of a jewelry phase back when i, you know, had a job and everything.
Corruption Stream Story 6: Cursed Treasure of the Silver Mountain
His hoard was a great deal lighter, of course, but the new pieces of jewelry and other accessories were well worth the making. he smiled as he walked along the line of his new treasures.
Emerald Knight vs. Night Glare
"neither am i," returned night glare, setting down the bag of jewelry.