Staying the Dagger

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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#1 of From Killer to Lover

"Valda Windseer." the dark, quiet voice said, its bearer masked in the obscuring darkness that flooded the chamber. The inconspicuous den of the assassins' guild was never lighted, save for individual torches carried by all but the highest members of the "family". The Silent Hand, three men and two women who never showed their faces, even to the most trusted of guild members, delivered contracts to the top ranking assassins in their order. Today was no different than any other, and the guild's most experienced killer, Tacitus Bren, stood before the council of death dealers to receive his next mark.

"The dragoness?" the black-furred fox asked in disbelief, but keeping his voice quiet. Not even other guild members were allowed to hear the names and details of another assassin's mark. They were closely knit, like a family. A family of killers. However, being killers like they were, there was plenty of room for backstabbing. The very backbone that held the guild together, perhaps even more so than the family mentality, was money. Gold could easily outweigh honor with even the most stalwart member, and since most of the marks received were people of, or in close relation to noble blood... the risk was too high to make them public. The very first rule of the assassins' guild stated that any guild member caught sharing their mark's information with anyone-- family or otherwise-- was to be terminated immediately, and their mark passed onto whomever it was revealed. Tacitus found it to be in his best interest to keep to those rules. He rather liked his head being attached to the rest of his body.

The woman on the left spoke now, relieving the man in the center, "Yes. You know of the city of Mardux, about three days north of the den."

"Yes... Mardux. I was sent there once." the fox said almost amusedly. That had been a particularly satisfying kill. The noble who bore the contractor's mark had holed himself up in his castle with the town's food supply. This happened in the middle of winter, so the peasants were surely to starve to death, and the greedy tyrant of a noble would be taken back to his father's kingdom when the snow melted. With the help of a certain potion provided by the contractor, an old wizard who'd watched as their already disagreeable duke turned into the selfish buffoon that the town had become plagued with, the kill went quite smoothly. What a show it had been. The potion, slipped into the man's drink, produced powerful hallucinations and illusions, fooling him into thinking he was starving. The tyrant shoveled more and more food into his big greedy mouth, swallowing more and more without pause, until his stomach could take no more. The selfish noble literally ate himself to death. The peasants retrieved what was left of the food, and the town survived. Oh, how satisfying it was. As a result of this noble's death, a new family soon overthrew the area, and set up a nice little home for themselves. That was what brought Tacitus to the Silent Hand's chamber that day.

"Well you are going back." the woman continued, her voice calm and stoic as the rest of the Hand. She began to recite his orders slowly, clearly. Nothing pertaining to a contract was ever written by the hands of any assassin. Even the contracts themselves were usually verbal, signed by little more than a handshake, sealed by trust, and carried out by shadows. Tacitus was to return to Mardux and infiltrate the castle through any means he saw fit. From there, he would make his way to the royal chamber and await the Duchess Valda Windseer's entry. When the dragoness retired for the night, Tacitus would emerge from hiding and slay her with an enchanted dagger, fashioned in a flawless oriental shape.

The design of the dagger was threefold. The enchantment would not only pierce through the dragoness' toughened scales and easily make her heart its new sheath, but it also prevented any form of identification of the wielder. This meant that no manner of clairvoyance, psychic readings or magical cantrip could lead any nosey nobles back to the guild. The reason for the shape of the dagger was to trick the Windseer family into believing that the assassin had come from overseas, from the coastal nation of Dogan. This nation's oriental inhabitants had long been at odds with the Windseer family, and this apparent execution on their part would push the two families into open war. Meanwhile, the less popular and less powerful Drakesire family, another clan of dragons that had served under the Windseers for generations, could finally pull the rug out from under their oppressors and reign as the dominant family in the land. In doing so, they would earn the respect and friendship of the people of Dogan, solidifying their position as a world superpower. It was almost too perfect.

"We are to start a war, and then abruptly end it..." Tacitus said, now certainly amused, and actually a little excited to be the catalyst for an event that could very well change the face of the known world. He wanted to start right away. "Are there any other details I should know of?"

"According to our contractors' spies, the castle guards are extremely alert, at any given time of the day. They seem to need very little sleep, and their senses are heightened above that of normal beings, human or otherwise. We believe the Duchess has cast some sort of magic on them to improve their effectiveness in combat. Whatever you do, do not allow yourself to be spotted. Be twice as silent, move twice as slowly, and linger in the shadows longer than usual. This is not a normal contract." The rest of the Hand nodded in agreement as she finished, the center figure motioning for him to leave.

"Tacitus." he said, calling the fox's attention once more, "Complete this contract, and you will be hailed as the greatest assassin to ever walk the shadows of Farlan. Perhaps the greatest in the world. Do this, and you will be granted the guild's highest honor: a place among the Silent Hand."

The castle walls stood just as tall as he remembered seeing them. The only difference from five years ago was the replacement of the old noble's family crest with that of the Windseer clan's. Nothing really stood out about it, at least from the outside. Tacitus knew better, though. He knew that if the Hand told him to watch out, he had to watch out. The fox steeled himself for the mission, and set off to get to work. First thing was first: How to get within the castle grounds. Obviously only noblemen and women, scholars and merchants selling high quality goods were allowed anywhere near royal ground, so he had two options. Hop the rear wall, or disguise himself. The prospect of not having to risk falling and breaking his bones was much more appealing, so he elected to take the second option.

"Now to find a scholar." he thought to himself as he padded slowly down the dirt road. The townspeople all seemed normal at a glance, going about their lives like normal humans, furres and whatnot, though things seemed a bit too... cheery, in a way. Tacitus shrugged it off, thinking he was imagining things, and focused on the mission at hand. He happened to find a scholar sitting alone in a corner. The man seemed to be in a sort of daze, mumbling incoherently as his head rolled from one shoulder to the other. He didn't even notice the assassin's approach. Upon further investigation, Tacitus could see that the scholar had consumed quite a few toadstools, and they were obviously the ‘fun' type. He shook his head and, with a sigh, proceeded to remove the scholar's robe. The man barely even moved the whole time.

Gaining access was easy after that. Scholars always kept their heads down, their hoods covering their faces, and pretty much any distinct features hidden beneath their robes. This still did not eliminate the problem of gaining access to the castle itself, and getting past its guards. He could easily just sneak inside if he could find an open window, or distract the guards in the front. The lack of a grappling hook or any sort of immediate and stealthy access to the upper floors of the castle put his first option out of the question, so he'd have to get in through the front. Somehow.

He went through his pockets to see just what he'd brought with him. He'd left all of his travel provisions back in the woods, in the same place that he'd done so last time, and brought only what he thought he'd need for the job. He had three poison-tipped darts, each coated with a drug that could render a target unconscious. Along with this, he had a blow gun for said darts, a lock pick, his normal dagger, and the special one for the contract. All that, plus his fists, his legs, and his wits. All he really needed.

There were two guards standing by the main door, which would not be easy to open by any standard. It was one of those tall, overly-huge doors that an elephant could easily clear. The fox never understood why such a thing was necessary. Even if he knocked them both out, the opening of the door would attract more attention than he would have liked. The barracks were off to the left, with a normal door to them, but plenty of guards inside. It would be tough, but he knew that the barracks were his best bet. He made his way over to the door, casually at first, taking a few stealthy glances around the area. The door to the barracks was off to the side, away from the larger crowds of people, so it was looking a little more ideal than the front door already. Tacitus readied his blow gun slowly, keeping it and the dart concealed in the sleeve of his robe. Even in a guild of killers, innocent lives were only taken in the most severe circumstances. He waited until the guard had looked the other way, prepped the gun, took aim and fired. It hit the guard square in the neck. A perfect shot... or so he thought. The guard was indeed reacting to the drug, his eye twitching a little as it began to course through his blood stream. Tacitus was not prepared for his retaliation, though. The guard turned toward the fox and charged, sword raised high, letting out a loud cry of anger.

Tacitus, being the trained assassin that he was, dodged the sword as it sliced through the air, and grabbed the guard in an arm-lock. From there, the fox's elbow came crashing into the man's nose once, then twice, then three times, his free paw prying the sword from his opponent's hand and tossing it aside. To finish the already dazed guard, Tacitus used the remaining momentum from the initial charge and his own strikes to take the guard down, flipping him over his shoulder and planting him firmly on his back. His armor made a loud thud as it hit the cobblestone sidewalk, and the last thing the guard saw before falling unconscious was a large footpaw.

Tacitus knew that the guard's angered yell would only bring more, so he quickly lifted the body up and dragged it to the side, into some conveniently-placed bushes. Three other guards swept over the area, checked around for their missing comrade, and went inside the barracks. So far so good. One quick disguise change later, and Tacitus was set to infiltrate the barracks. Once he could get onto the castle walls, he'd be able to reach the royal chamber much easier. The barracks was bound to have a grappling hook somewhere.

His trip through the barracks was easy, but it revealed something quite disturbing. It was not like a normal barracks. There was no roughhousing, no shouting, not even idle chatter... Every single guard was completely silent, and if they were not sleeping, they were moving, almost like golems. Their eyes were empty, glassy, as if they didn't actually see what was in front of them, but knew it all the same. For the first time in many years, Tacitus felt uncomfortable. He was glad when he found the ladder up to the top of the wall, and the grapple rope a few minutes before that.

This was, the fox thought, the hardest and probably the most dangerous part of the job. He had to toss the hook, catch it on the metal grating by the window, swing himself across to the other wall and climb inside... all without being seen or losing his grip. He shed his guard disguise, knowing full well that it'd weigh him down, and prepared the grapple. He built up some momentum by swinging the hook around, calculating the distance and the force needed to carry it there, and finally took a shot. The hook flew through the air and just barely caught on one of the metal poles. Gravity kicked in and locked the hook between two poles, securing it nicely in place.

"Now for the dangerous part." he said with a sigh. Danger was part of the job, of course, but he'd never be able to face the Hand again if he came back saying the mission had failed because he'd broken his back. He gave the rope a few tugs to ensure that it would hold, and when satisfied, he stepped up onto the edge of the wall. It was a long way down, and he took back the part about back breaking. He'd likely die if he fell from this height. He took a few moments to concentrate, to plan his swing and his climb, and stepped off the wall. The wind rushed past him as he swung across the gap between the barracks and the castle, and the fox heaved a sigh of relief as he planted his footpaws gracefully against the castle wall. The climb was easy. He'd done it so many times before, it was practically recreational. The only thing he was worried about now, was the presence of guards in the room he was entering. Thankfully, there were none, but that could have changed at any moment. He quickly gathered the grapple rope and hung it at his belt for later use, and made his way down the hall to the left.

Now the assassin was on familiar turf. He remembered there being a secret passage in one of the walls that led directly to the royal chamber, and could also bring him to a path that led straight out of the castle. Ideally, he would have used that same exit as an entrance to save himself some time, but it was a one way trip. There was no way to open it from the outside. That did not matter now anyway, of course, as he was already inside, and close to his target. The secret passage was not quite as typical as they got, but enough to be easily accessed if necessary. Instead of a simple "push in this brick" or "pull this torch", there was a specific pattern in which to push the block, pull the torch and tilt a painting. All of these were attached to a clockwork locking mechanism behind the wall, which doubled as the mechanical means of opening the door. Simplistic in function, but complex in design. Even after all those years, Tacitus remembered the combination, and the wall soon made way for the foxy assassin. He silently padded his way through the corridor, passing by what would be his exit later, and arrived at the sliding wooden panel that led into the royal chamber. The room was empty. All he had to do was wait.

He'd arrived a few hours earlier than when most people went to bed, but this provided him ample time to rest from the trip to the castle, his little brawl with the guard, and the climb up into the window. He began to realize just why the mission had to be carried out in such a way. Dogani assassins were fond of what they liked to call "meaningful kills". Shooting your target with a crossbow was one thing, but getting them in the one place where they felt secure sent a message. "We can get you, no matter where you are". It spoke very loudly, and that was why Dogan was as untouched as it was. The hours passed, and Tacitus prepared himself for the kill.

Duchess Valda retired at around ten o'clock (at least that was what he figured, from the time he'd been inside and the position of the sun before he got in), and the assassin waited patiently for her to fall asleep, to hear that steady inhale and exhale of the breath that would soon be silenced. When he was certain that she was asleep, he opened the wooden panel and slowly, ever so slowly padded over to her bed. It was a fancy thing, large and curtained, lined with fine silks and built with high-quality wood. Of course it was. Why would it not be? She was rich, after all. He crept over to the right side of the bed, stopping for a moment as he heard her turn in her sleep. For a whole ten minutes he stood there, waiting, listening, watching... His heart pounded in his chest and he worked hard to keep his breathing calm. This was the exhilarating feeling that he loved so much. The moment before the kill. The empowering sensation of ending someone's life before they ever realized he was there. It was almost too much for him to handle all at once, the adrenaline running through his veins and making his leg muscles sore from lack of movement, paws shaking as one gripped the enchanted dagger. He finally convinced himself that she was asleep, and moved toward the bed again. The assassin reached out for the silk that obscured his target, dagger raised to his eye level now. He drew back the curtain slowly, and was greeted by a most peculiar light.

It wasn't blinding in its brightness. In fact, it barely seemed like a light at all. More like a glow. Yes, an otherworldly glow was the best way to describe it. There were two of them, actually. Two glowing blue lights, each of them no bigger than a gold coin, shining up at him enigmatically. This went on for half a minute. Then two minutes. Then five. He could not move at all as he stared at those pretty blue lights, not once realizing that he was gazing into the eyes of his very awake target. His mind was hazy, fogged, and his reactions were slow. His thoughts were equally slow and disorganized, and the arm holding the dagger slowly started to lower. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt someone at that moment. Yes, he would be a good foxy and drop that silly thing... and quickly did. The last thing he remembered from that moment was the seductive hissing of the Duchess Valda's voice, "Sssleeeeeeeep..."

He heard... whispers. But he didn't hear them, per se. It was more like he was thinking them. They weren't physical, at least not that he could tell. These whispers came from within, but at the same time they did not belong to him. It was the strangest sensation he'd ever felt. As he began to awaken from that ever so relaxing sleep, the whispers began to sound more physical. More tangible. He was being held, his head laying in the lap of the dragoness he'd been sent to kill. She hadn't killed him? Surely she could have easily done so when she... well, whatever it was that she'd done to him.

"Sleep well, little foxy?" the Duchess' silky voice dripped like molten honey into Tacitus' ears. This was the first time that he'd gotten a good look at her. Shimmering blue scales that matched her eyes, dark ebony horns sticking out from her lovely silver hair, scaly draconic wings folded up against her back, and a long, black forked tongue that flickered outward every so often, tasting the air. Tasting his scent, perhaps. She was completely nude, apparently not shy or fearful about revealing her lithe, vulnerable form to the assassin. His eyes drifted upward to her ample bosom, where that dagger should have been planted by now, ending the dragoness' life and staining the silken sheets with her blood.

Tacitus was cautious with his wording, not quite awake enough to lift himself from the woman's lap just yet, "What time is it?"

"Midnight. I only had you sleep for two hours. You looked so tense, so uptight from those last few moments. I had to relax you somehow." her voice never changed from that smooth, seductive sound, making it difficult for the fox to stay serious about this. Still, he reminded himself that he was in enemy territory, and laying in the lap of their Duchess. He was all but safe right now.

"Why didn't you kill me?" he had to ask, more out of curiosity than anything. He figured he was probably doomed anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to know.

"Kill you?" she asked almost incredulously, running a soft paw through his hair, her nails just lightly running across his scalp, "Why would I want to kill you?"

Tacitus could not help but let out a little murr of approval, his eyes beginning to drift shut as the dragoness petted him. It was indeed difficult to think straight at this point, and he began to feel almost... happy, laying with her like this, like a good little--

"No..." he thought to himself, shaking his head quickly and practically launching himself off of the bed. He grabbed at his robe pocket for his dagger, but found that he'd been disarmed. He growled lowly and began to look around the room for something-- anything-- to finish the mission.

The dragoness giggled a bit as he regained his resistance and assassin-like demeanor, shifting about and pulling the covers into her lap. She reached behind her, picking the enchanted dagger from the little table by her bed and waving it teasingly with three fingers, "Looking for this?"

"As a matter of fact, I am." Tacitus said, irritation laced in his voice. He took a few steps toward the bed, calculating his next move for a brief moment before leaping at her. His intention was to, of course, retrieve the dagger, then use the momentum from his tackle to drive the weapon into the teasing dragoness' heart.

Of course, that all looked good in his mind, until he was cut off in mid-leap. Something strange, unearthly, was holding him in place. The very same force spread his arms and legs apart, holding him there, completely and utterly vulnerable. He looked back and forth, from one arm to the other, to see that he was being held by blue rings of magical energy. The dragoness' laughter diverted his attention back to her. Valda was sitting idly on the bed, one paw glowing with the same blue light as the rings that bound him in place.

"You're quick, little foxy, I'll give you that. You managed to sneak onto the castle grounds, pass my enhanced guards with little trouble, and even find your way here without being spotted. The mark of a good assassin." she toyed with the magical bindings a little, moving his arms and legs into different positions. Her amused smile turned into a grin, her second paw moving up and starting to take on a violet glow, "But this is one mission that you won't be returning from, my sweet little foxy guest."

Tacitus struggled in vain to escape from the twisting magical energies, groaning as he exerted as much force as his body could muster. Even if he'd had something to ground himself on, though, he would not be able to pull himself free from the bindings. He let his body relax, panting a little, deciding to wait it out. She wouldn't hold him there forever. He still managed to show a little defiance, though, even in his helpless situation, "I will return home, sorceress... I will return successful, and the Windseer family will be minus one member."

The violet swirls of energy in the dragoness' paw started to snake out like tendrils, slithering in the air toward her catch. One brushed against his cheek, creating a tingling sensation as it began to entwine around his neck. Two others slipped up through the sleeves of his robe, and three moved down and under the robe's lower half. They began to slither and wrap around his body, replacing the magical ring bindings and holding him easily in place. The one around his neck never squeezed, but continuously provided that warm tingling feeling that they all gave, making his fur stand on end. It was a strange, but pleasant feeling, and it began to awaken a long-unfelt reaction within his body: arousal.

With her other paw now free, Valda started to conjure up another spell, blue flames dancing around her palm and claws. She held her palm out flat, blowing the flame outward and toward the fox. Tacitus winced as the flames came upon him, but he quickly found that they were only slightly warm. However, to his clothing, the flames proved to be quite deadly, and he was quickly left hanging there in her tentacles' grasp, naked and increasingly aroused.

"Oh my..." Valda said with admiration, lust showing through her voice, "Such a beautiful man you are. Your body is wasted on those silly assassins."

Tacitus struggled to keep the mission in mind, though it was hard to keep his thoughts straight as he gazed upon the beautiful creature before him. Her lap was still covered, but he could smell her arousal, and the way she sat with her chest pressed out proudly, almost teasingly, made it difficult for him to keep back the erection that was begging to show itself from beneath its sheath. The situation went from difficult to impossible as two more tentacles emerged from her palm and started to rub circles around his nipples. Tacitus could not help himself this time, and he let out a helpless little moan, his cock finally emerging from its sheath.

Valda giggled once again, her eyes beginning to take on the familiar glow that they had earlier in the night. One of the tentacles tilted his chin up to make him face her, and he was immediately drawn to the hypnotic glow of her eyes. She cooed to him softly as the tentacles began to pull him closer to her, the dragoness' free paw moving between her legs and rubbing herself through the sheets, "Good boy... Look deep into my eyes. There's no need to fight anymore."

"N-No need to... No... I need to... mission... finish..." Tacitus slurred as he fought for control of his thoughts, his entire body starting to tingle pleasantly as the Duchess worked her hypnosis and pleasure magic on him. Soon he was face to face with her, with nothing to come between them and block her mesmerizing gaze. He was, of course, stronger-willed than the average human, so there was a considerable amount of resistance. However, Valda was not ready to give up just yet.

"You know you want to submit, foxy... You want to become my pliant little pleasure slave." she slowly pulled the sheets off of her lap, revealing to him for the very first time, her thick, throbbing ebony cock. Valda was a fully-formed hermaphrodite. She continued to mesmerize him with her eyes, slowly pulling him into her lap and dispersing her tentacles. She had no need to bind him now that he was lost in her gaze. She positioned him so that his legs were on either side of her hips, holding him up with her strong arms and letting her cock rub against his, bringing a moan from both of them, "Ooh, you like what you see? What you feel?"

"Y-Ye-Nooo..." Tacitus managed to resist once again, nearly falling under her spell a second time. He squirmed a little in her grasp, trying to gather enough strength to at least fall backwards and break his gaze. Nothing worked, though. He was too relaxed, too dazed by the beautiful glow in the dragoness' eyes to pull himself away.

Valda smirked a little, letting out a sultry laugh as she rubbed against him again, their cocks rubbing teasingly against one another, their precum meeting and making them nice and slick. She intensified her gaze, the glowing light starting to swirl and ripple in mesmerizing patterns, sending more and more waves of hypnotic energy into her victim's eyes, "Yes... You do. I can see that you do. You like it. You want to become my eager cock slut."

There was a sudden shift in the assassin's thoughts. Something about those two words... "cock slut"... made the mere thought of resisting her impossible. His eyes glazed over, his thoughts went all but silent, and the fox fell under the seductive dragoness' control. Now he was really horny. His cock was throbbing in anticipation for what the lovely creature would be doing to him, and he actually found himself panting.

"Good boy." Valda stroked her fox's hair softly, her eyes slowly losing their glow. She slid back on the bed, taking him with her and laying back against a big plush pillow. She gently coaxed him lower with her paws on his shoulders, whispering seductively, "Now be a good cock slut and pleasure your Duchess..."

He could do little more than obey her words, sliding down her sexy, scaly body until he reached that thick, ebony member. His fingers slowly wrapped around its length, feeling its smooth texture for the first time. With all other thoughts drowned out, this moment was ecstatic for Tacitus, bordering on the line of orgasmic. His paw started to move up and down her cock, being rewarded by a sultry moan from the dragoness, who was quick to tell him to go further. He increased the speed of his stroking, rubbing his thumb over the tip of her cock every time his paw would slide up her length. The normal Tacitus would be appalled at such behavior. He had nothing against fornication and relations between men and women, but a woman with a cock? Another thing that would have disgusted him was how easily he'd succumbed to her seduction and become her eager cock slut. The normal Tacitus would gag at the mere thought of touching her erect member in such a way. It was too bad that he wasn't quite paying attention. He busily and happily stroked and rubbed his Duchess' length, no longer caring about pride or inhibition.

Valda was obviously enjoying her new toy's devoted touching, but wanted more than just his paw. She pushed him down a little lower, until he was face to face with that beautiful cock, "Use your tongue while you stroke me..."

Tacitus complied quickly, his long canine tongue slipping out of his mouth and slurping hungrily up the side of her cock. The taste of her sweet precum drove him to keep licking and stroking, pumping her harder and faster to milk more of the lovely fluid out of her. Every little lick was accompanied by a lust-filled moan from the dragoness, and every moan sent shocks of pleasure through Tacitus' body. Valda's intention was to associate her pleasure with his, to aid in her conditioning him into her perfect pleasure slave. An obedient little foxy who'd happily suck her off on command.

Speaking of sucking, that was what was next on the list. She reached down with her paw and gripped her fox's hair gently, pushing him down onto her throbbing member and biting her lip as she felt his mouth engulfing it. When she'd hypnotized him the first time, she'd suppressed his gag reflex, making him forget he had one when she made him give her oral. So there was no choking, no gagging, no discomfort. Tacitus was all too happy to take her entire length down his throat and worship her with his tongue. The more he sucked and licked that wonderful cock, the less and less resistant he became to her will. This way, Tacitus would be inadvertently aiding her in his submission. Over and over again he went down on her, shoving that thick member down his throat each time, coming up for a breath every few moments before sucking down on her again.

"Ooh yes... Mmm good foxy... You're making your Duchess so hot..." she cooed and moaned to him as he sucked, her fingers busily tweaking and pinching her nipples, her tail sneaking down between her legs and behind her balls. The scaly tail slipped its way into her now soaking wet pussy, helping her to almost literally fuck herself with it. She felt the pressure building inside of her, and knew that it would only take a few more minutes of constant stimulation to send her over the edge. Her foxy's mouth felt so amazing wrapped around her cock. He was much better than the human pleasure slaves she'd taken in the past, and she was beginning to wonder if she'd rather keep him as a sort of male concubine instead of her own personal assassin.

Tacitus' mind was quickly filling with bliss as he pleasured her. The mission had become nothing more than a distant thought, the guild a triviality compared to what he was doing now. He was glad to have been stripped of his weapons. He didn't need them to give his Duchess happiness. All he needed was his body. He didn't even need his mind, and this had become plainly obvious when she'd hypnotized him. He could taste more and more of her precum as the moments passed, his mouth never feeling tired despite the constant ministrations. Finally he heard her cry out, a sound that filled his being with ecstasy, and felt a hot gush of fluid fill his mouth as the dragoness came. He hungrily swallowed every tiny bit of her cum, unable to get enough of it as she blew three loads into him. There were a few moments of pleasured moaning, some exhausted panting, and then silence. Tacitus licked his lips to clean himself off, swallowing that last bit of herm cum and sighing mindlessly. Happily.

"Such a good slut you are..." Valda said, finally breaking the silence. She pulled the assassin up to eye level with her once again, her deep blue gaze easily penetrating his weakened will. He allowed himself to become lost in those eyes that had entranced him, answering only in a deep, satisfied murr. Valda smirked and flicked her black tongue across his lips before continuing, "Now... I know how easily I can break you with hypnosis. It's not quite as satisfying as, say... breaking you with pleasure."

Somewhere in the back of Tacitus' mind, he knew that there was going to be trouble... knew that whatever she was planning to do next would test him somehow. There was little he could do but nod, though, answering with a slurred, "Mmh yes Duchess..."

"However... that will require a little bit of tweaking on my part. Soooo..." her eyes once again began to swirl with hypnotic blue light, opening the assassin fox's mind for further programming. She hissed seductively, her words easily rooting themselves deep within his pliable mind and becoming undeniable truths, "I am now in control of your pleasure, Tacitus. I will tell you when you can, and when you cannot feel it. You will no longer cum without earning my permission first."

The swirling pools of magical energy were more than enough to bring him into a deep trance, letting the commands and triggers sink in nicely. He knew now, without a doubt, that he was his Duchess' plaything. He would do nothing, feel nothing unless she willed it. His response was almost automatic, a droning and monotone, "Yes Duchess..."

"Good boy." the dragoness praised, scritching his ears gently and letting the glow in her eyes fade once again, "Now... Feel your thoughts returning to you. You're not a cock slut anymore. You're Tacitus, the assassin that came here to kill me. You can remember everything we did, and how much you loved it. It's all slowly coming back to you..."

Tacitus' eyes gradually regained the luster of intelligence that they'd had before his succumbing to Valda's power. Every word she whispered slowly brought him out of his trance, and he was soon completely back to normal (save for the triggers and suggestions implanted in his mind, of course). His confused gaze quickly turned to one of disgust, and he suddenly found that there was a strange taste in his mouth. It only took him a moment to remember just what it was, and his gag reflex returned to him, "G-Gods, you... vile... Oh, I can't believe you made me do that..!"

Valda let out a lusty chuckle and forced her quarry onto his belly, sliding out from under him and pressing him down on the bed. It was all too easy for her to manipulate his movements with her magically enhanced strength. She whispered into his ear, running her tongue along the furry sensory organ seductively, "You liked it, though... I could tell you liked it, and you know full well that you did. Just admit it, Tacitus. You have a thing for herms."

"I most certainly do... not..." he bit back a moan and struggled against her grip, not wanting to admit that he had actually enjoyed such a thing. He wasn't sure what she was up to, putting him in such a position, but the one guess that came to mind was very unsettling, and he did not want to think about it being correct. "Get off of me..!"

"You're so adorable when your face is stuffed full of dragon cock. When you first came here, I thought your use would be more of a military nature, but now that I've experienced you sexually... well, I think that may change." the dragoness' hot breath fell onto his ear as she whispered to him, making the foxy assassin shiver. He couldn't tell if it was the good or bad kind of shiver, either, and wasn't given the time to make any assessment. Her cock was soon pressed up against his tight tail hole, already hard and ready again, Valda's voice sounding much lustier than a mere moment ago, "But enough about that for now... Let's get down to business. You're going to tell me everything I want to know, assassin. Every question I ask, you will answer."

Tacitus was stuck between being terrified and utterly aroused as he felt her setting herself up for a doggy-style session. He'd never even been touched there before, and now she wanted to stick her huge cock inside of it. He knew it was going to hurt, but the overall sexual nature of their encounter left him feeling almost... curious. He knew, however, that this was where the interrogation would begin, and he had to keep true to his oath. He would not abandon his family. Any other situation would have him saying "do your worst", but for this the fox kept quiet. There was no room for arrogance now.

Valda apparently took his silence as a go-ahead, and in one swift motion, her cock was pushed into his virgin ass. It wasn't painful at all, Tacitus was shocked to discover. She must have conditioned him earlier to mute out any pain he could have felt during their playtime. A kind gesture, but undoubtedly with a sinister intention. The sensation was unbearably pleasurable, as if there were tiny little feathers tickling his prostate gland while the dragoness began to thrust into him. He couldn't help it. He had to moan like a whore as she fucked him, as she asserted herself as the dominant in the room. This went on for maybe fifteen seconds before she suddenly stopped, growling lustily into his ear, "Who sent you? No pleasure until you answer truthfully."

With those words, Tacitus' nerves shut off, and the pleasure was muted. He whimpered weakly as the lovely sensations stopped, and at first he tried to lie about it, "Th-The Dogani..! I was hired by them..!"

She gave another good thrust and waited for a response. Nothing. She smirked and asked the question again, "Who sent you, slut?"

He really did have to answer truthfully. Normally this lack of pleasure wouldn't bother him, but she'd done something to him. Something implanted within his mind made him need that pleasure, made him crave it so badly that he would do anything to have it again. He shook his head roughly, trying his best to hold onto his honor, "I'll never tell you..!"

"Be a good boy." the dragoness said, and with the uttering of those two words his nerves jumped to life again. She cast another spell, this time conjuring up a bright pink energy in her paw. She focused its effect on Tacitus' throbbing cock, and soon the fox felt a set of phantom lips on his member, sucking and licking him hard and driving him up the wall with pleasure. Another fifteen seconds of shameless moans, and the dragoness spoke again, "Who sent you? No pleasure until you answer truthfully."

This time he had to answer. He couldn't stand being teased like that again, and he knew his mind would surely break. He hung his head in shame as he whispered, "The Silent Hand..."

His nerves once again came alive, and the pleasuring continued. By associating obedience with pleasure, she was sure to have him trained like a good little fox slut in no time. But the questions had to come first. She continued on for a whole minute before stopping her thrusts, once again whispering in his ear, "Where are they from? No pleasure until you answer truthfully."

"V-V-Veramir..!" the assassin whimpered, his mind too riddled with pleasure to feel any sorrow from his betrayal. That would certainly come later, until she erased it from his mind, of course. The moment he spoke the truth to her, he was moaning again, lost in the heavenly sensations that this dragoness gave him. The pleasuring went on for three minutes this time. Increasing rewards for quicker response times.

"Who was the contractor? No pleasure until you answer truthfully." once again the thrusting stopped, and the dragoness' programming kicked in.


"Which one?"

"I don't know..!" the moans started again, so Valda assumed that he was truthful. Assassins were rarely told the names of those who paid for marks. The interrogation was going well, though, and she was quite thankful for that. This time she went on for five minutes, nearly driving herself to orgasm in the process. She stopped just before she reached the point of no return, and continued to ask questions. Where exactly in Veramir the Silent Hand resided, why Drakesire had betrayed the Windseers, what their plan was, why Dogan was set as the target... She got all of this from her fox slave, rewarding him each time with increasing lengths of pleasure for his obedience.

"Such a good boy you are." she once again praised him, letting his nerves stay on now, her questions all fully answered. She continued to pound her cock into his tight little ass, the spell still milking his cock and bringing him closer and closer to the release he so desperately needed. The dragoness whispered one more thing into his ear before really letting him have it, "The moment you feel my cum fill that sweet ass of yours, you may have your release..."

With those words, Valda slammed her hips against him, fucking him hard and fast, her growls and murrs of pleasure drowned out by the fox's own helpless cries. It was the single most amazing thing Tacitus had ever felt, and one orgasm wasn't going to be enough to expel all of the cum that had been building up in his cock. His pleasure-filled mind barely even registered the fact that he'd sold out his guild, and that they would soon cease to exist. It didn't matter, though. The only thing that mattered right now was the thick dragoness cock making his ass its temporary sheath.

Valda's orgasm came quickly, and her growls turned into pleasured screams as she reached that wonderful orgasm. Her cock pumped load after load of cum into her fox's ass, which triggered his orgasm as well. He came just as hard as she did, making a real mess of the sheets beneath him, splattering the bed and his fur with his hot seed. His orgasm came three times during the mind-numbing experience, the fox cumming all over himself again and again until finally, as his Duchess fell on top of him, he relaxed. They laid there panting and gasping for breath, basking in the afterglow of an amazing orgasm. For a brief moment, Tacitus thought that he'd never be able to cum again, as nothing would be able to match that pleasure. However, rational thought slowly began to creep back into his mind, and soon the orgasm was the last thing that concerned him.

"You made me... betray them..." the fox said weakly, too exhausted to express his anger at the moment.

"I did." Valda admitted smugly, brushing her paw over the fox's head, like one would do with a pet, "But it's alright, foxy... You weren't meant to kill. You were meant to pleasure, to love, to worship beautiful people like yourself... like me."

She didn't give him a chance to respond. The dragoness brought her other paw in front of his eyes and cast yet another spell. The glow that emitted from the sphere of energy that had formed there matched the one he'd seen in her eyes, and his anger slowly started to fade away, "N-No... more... killing..?"

"That's right... No more. Not by you. You don't ever have to pick up a weapon again, unless someone threatens you or me, of course." she whispered tenderly into his ear, petting him gently as she once again worked her magic on him. She thought for a moment, about how he'd gotten into her room, and had to satisfy her curiosity, "Were you the assassin that killed the last Duke here?"

"Yes..." Tacitus answered quietly, a little smile forming on his face as he relaxed and submitted to the pretty light shining before his eyes. Somehow, the guild seemed less important now. All of the pain, the blood, the killing he'd done and witnessed... it all seemed so little now, compared to his Duchess and the pleasure she gave him.

The dragoness smiled and gave his ear a little lick, playing with the patterns in the hypnotic orb, letting them swirl and spin, bringing little shivers of pleasure to the fox every time the pattern would change. She just had to admit it to him now, before his care for the Silent Hand disappeared completely, "I was the one who commissioned the wizard to brew that potion and hire you. So in that sense, it's you who helped me rise to power. That is why I didn't kill you when you came here, Tacitus. To show you my gratitude... and take you away from that horrible place."

Tacitus didn't seem to mind that. It was somewhat of a startling revelation to him, but at this point he was happy with where he was... and where he was going to be. He was curious, though, and couldn't help but ask, "What will happen now..?"

"You'll see. For now, relax... Relax and submit. Pledge yourself to me, Tacitus. Become Duchess Valda's love slave. Do this, and I promise you that your days will be ones of happiness... forever." Valda finished up with a kiss to his ear, genuinely glad to have saved him from a life of misery. She was not quite as evil as she'd seemed, after all.

Tacitus needed no further invitation. He gazed deeper into the spinning orb, and his mind began to blank out once again. The last words he uttered before falling into a trance were, "I submit... and pledge myself to Duchess Valda."

The deal was sealed. No longer would the fox be known as "Tacitus Bren, the greatest assassin under the employ of the Silent Hand". Now he would be simply known as "Tacitus, the loving servant of Duchess Valda Windseer, and the sweetest fox ever to live in Mardux". And the more he thought about it (with what little energy he could summon to think with)... Tacitus liked that idea. He liked it a lot.

Duchess Valda's plan was set in motion. A Drakesire spy was captured, thoroughly hypnotized, and told to return with false information. The Drakesire army, thinking that Mardux and the rest of the Windseer cities were focused on a war with Dogan, struck the very next day without warning. The war lasted only one month, before Revan Drakesire surrendered to Arimactus Windseer, and the fate of the smaller family was finally sealed. Their plan had failed, and now the combined forces of the Windseer and former Drakesire dragons sat poised to eliminate the Silent Hand's assassin guild. Tacitus Bren never even saw a sword drawn in anger during these battles. He knelt beside his Duchess' throne, day after day, without a care in the world. His days of killing were over.

Second Class Rabbit

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Resistance Really Is Futile

"A little distracted, are we?" Nuri had asked him, and he could not help but answer positively. Everything around him was suddenly very distracting... Every dangling object, every twinkle of light, the soft music playing in the other room. Of course,...

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Into the Den of the Serpent

The swirling energies of the portal that led to her realm stood before him for the very first time. Ildac took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he approached the magical doorway to Shade's domain. The angel fox did not want to admit that he was...

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