Boys and Their Toys

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A little dragon with few friends is excited about sleeping over after receiving an invitation from a precocious classmate, but finds out what the 'coon actually has in store for him as he's "broken in"

Boys and their Toys

Commission for Chibimon

by Mog Moogle

It was a different bus. The neighborhoods weren't familiar past the first few blocks away from the school. The little dragon tapped his foot nervously on the raised wheel well underneath his seat as he looked out the window. Tugging his shirt tail down, he sighed as he tried to get the butterflies out of his stomach.

Andrew didn't have many friends in school. He was short for his age and for being a dragon. He was also on the husky side. That combined with his quiet nature made the others in his class a bit stand-offish. So, the previous day when the precocious raccoon that was a bit of a class trouble-maker asked him to sleep over at his house, it was a bit of a surprise.

Andrew's mother was happy to let him do it, thinking that it was a nice break from his normally unsocial attitude. It didn't mean that he was without his doubts though. Aaron, the raccoon beside him, hadn't shown much interest in him before that. In fact, he was leaning out into the aisle talking with other classmates and treating the dragon with a mild neglect.

Even though Andrew was a full year older, the raccoon shared two classes in their middle school block system. The fact that the raccoon who always joked around, pulled pranks on others and was in trouble more often than not made the dragon worry that he had been the brunt of one of those jokes.

Aaron did come up to him when they were getting out of class and insist that he sit by him on the bus home, though. Andrew sighed again just before the aged brakes on the bus squeaked and the bus came to a stop. The audible hiss of the air brakes echoed over the students talking and the raccoon jumped out off the bench.

"This is us," the raccoon said as he looked back at the dragon.

Andrew nodded in response as he scootched to the end of the bench and eased off. He lifted his backpack and slid the straps over his shoulders and followed the raccoon to the front. Andrew squinted a bit as he stepped down the stairs and out onto the grass by the curb. The doors shut behind him and the bus pulled away.

He watched Aaron walk up the neatly groomed lawn to the door of a two story house that wasn't much different than the other houses around it, save for the different color of window shutters and the more recent vinyl siding. He cinched his shoulder straps a little tighter and walked up behind the raccoon.

Aaron opened the screen and tried the doorknob, but it was locked. He balled his fist and wrapped his knuckles on the door while simultaneously pressing the doorbell button repeatedly. Andrew watched as the impetuous 'coon mashed the button over and over, and imagined that anyone inside would have to be greatly annoyed by the act.

The deadbolt clicked and then the door opened with a slightly taller raccoon looking down at the one on the doorstep. "Jeeze," he said. "I heard you the first time."

"I'm just a little excited, Alan," the smaller raccoon said, causing the bigger one to look up over him at the baby blue colored dragon.

"So, this is the one you were telling me about, eh?"

"Mm-hmm," Aaron confirmed before looking back at Andrew. "Ain't he cute?"

"Some potential there, sure."

Andrew blushed as he saw the smaller 'coon slip under the bigger raccoon's arm that was propped on the door frame and ran inside.

"I'm Alan," the raccoon said before looking the dragon up and down. "I'm Aaron's older brother. He's been talking about having you over for the last week. Glad you could make it."

"He ... he has?" Andrew said shyly.

"Oh yeah." Alan looked back into the house then toward Andrew again. "Come inside, please."

Andrew swallowed nervously and then stepped up and into the doorway as Alan stepped to the side and let him in. Andrew jumped a bit as he heard the door close behind him and the deadbolt snap. He was distracted from looking around the front room when he felt the older raccoon's paw on his shoulder ushering him farther into the house.

He lead the dragon through the front, then through a dining room to a family room in the back. The décor was fairly modern, and he saw Aaron plopping down on the floor a few feet from one of the biggest TV's he'd ever seen. The large flat-panel was coming to life as the home theater system rumbled.

Andrew stood wide eyed for a moment, just taking in the massive display as the game console logo flashed into being then faded into the intro of the game disk in the machine. Alan chuckled at him and diverted his attention.

"Why don't you go over and play some games with Aaron? There's soda, juice and milk in the fridge, kitchen is right over there," he paused as he pointed out an arch off the dining room toward it. "Though if I had to guess, the milk and juice won't get much attention while you're here, eh?" Alan playfully poked the dragon's belly, causing him to blush. "Go get acquainted with Aaron, but stay downstairs. I have some things to take care of upstairs."

Andrew nodded at the raccoon and watched him turn back toward the front where the base of the staircase was. He walked over to the younger raccoon and slipped his bag off his shoulders and sat down beside him. Plopping down on the floor, the raccoon gave him a quick glance before handing him a controller. Andrew took it in his paws as Aaron flipped through game menus from memory, only stopping when he was a a multiplayer screen that was waiting for the dragon to sign in.

"You have a profile you want to download before we get started?" the raccoon asked.

"Uh, no. I don't have this game."

"Okay. What to you like to play then?"

"RPG's, mostly."

"Roleplaying? Good to hear." The raccoon chuckled.

Andrew wasn't sure why that was funny, but shrugged it off as he signed in on the guest account. The match started and Andrew was looking at a split screen down the sights of the default weapon. He didn't play many shooters, but he was familiar enough with them that he didn't need to figure out the controls. Aaron, however, was much better.

The unskilled and disappointing bots on his team did little to help him as he would die, respawn and then die over and over. It took less than five minutes for Aaron to rack up forty-six of the required fifty kills to win the deathmatch. Andrew was a little flustered, but looked over at the 'coon to see him smiling.

"We don't have many RPG's, but I can think of some roleplaying you might like," Aaron said as a smirk crept onto his muzzle.

"I ... uh, I'm not sure what you mean."

"Oh, it's simple," Aaron said as he eased over until his shoulder pressed against the dragon's. "I'll be ... the babysitter, shall we say? And you ... you get to be the baby."

"I, haven't really played pretend in a long time. I thought we could play some more games or something." Andrew looked at the raccoon's mischievous expression and swallowed nervously.

"I didn't say anything about pretending." Aaron looked up behind him and smiled.

The dragon reluctantly followed his gaze until he saw the older raccoon looming over him. He looked down at the dragon with a smile. Andrew's heart was pounding. For some reason, he was terrified of the expressions on the boys' faces. He knew something wasn't normal, and his brain rolled over all the worst-case scenarios that it could.

"Playroom's ready, Aaron," Alan said before leaning down and putting his arms under Andrew's armpits and lifting him to his feet while the dragon yipped. "Care to see where you'll be spending most of your time as Master babysits you?"

"Master?" Andrew said weakly as the younger coon sprung up and stood in front of him.

"Mm-hmm," Aaron confirmed. "I don't get to be 'Master' nearly as often as Alan, so I'm looking forward to this."

Andrew yipped again as Alan tugged on the back of his shirt collar. The dragon was forced to turn around as the older brother pulled him through the front room and up the stairs. He was terrified at what was about to unfold, his brain still turning over the thought that he was destined for something terrible.

He thought about crying out for help, but while raccoon's firm grip on him wasn't painful, the last thing he wanted was the older boy with his trim figure and seemingly athletic strength to turn that on him. Andrew was led into an open door off the upstairs hallway into a room that made his eyes go wide.

The overhead light was shaded red, the only window in the room covered by a thick drapery that blocked all the natural light. There was a bed on one wall with prominent posts at the head and the foot. The red comforter on it looked like it was satin, and chains with padlocks hung from each of the posts.

There was an unusually large changing table on one of the other walls, also with padlock clad chains on the four corners. A leather harness hung from the ceiling, and a few racks on the walls sported floggers, ticklers and riding crops. On a shelf was several anatomically correct insertable toys of various species, as well as some more generic looking phalluses and plugs. On pegs below it were harnesses and gags of various designs.

"What is this?" the dragon boldly asked.

The response was a firm swat on his rear. He yipped loudly as the stinging radiated out from the cheek. Alan led him over to the bed and pushed him down on his back.

"Did you see the way his ass jiggled, Alan?" Aaron said as he looked down at the dragon. "This is going to be fun."

"Not really my thing, but you know that," Alan said with a chuckle. "I think twinks squirm more."

"Guess we'll find out, huh?"

"Mmm. Now, listen up, tubby," Alan said as he looked at the dragon, "You're the first pet that my lil' bro here is going to break in. So be a good boy for him." Alan put his paw on Aaron's back and coached him onto the bed, straddling Andrew. "Go ahead and show him that if he's good, he's going to have a lot more fun."

Aaron looked up at Alan and nodded then pressed his muzzle against the dragon's. Andrew looked at the smaller raccoon with a shocked expression as he felt his tongue push into his mouth. It stroked over his own tongue and the young raccoon even drew the dragon's tongue into his muzzle and suckled on it.

Andrew's shock was being replaced by a giddy warmth at the strange sensations as the 'coon laid atop his tummy and kissed him. He felt the raccoon working his tongue in ways he didn't even think were possible. His paws wandered all over his tummy, sides and his chest. Occasionally, the raccoon would take his finger and thumb and pinch Andrew's nipple through the fabric of his shirt, causing the dragon to yip and squirm underneath the younger boy.

Andrew closed his eyes under the ministrations of the raccoon, letting himself become lost in the strange feelings welling up in his chest, (and in his shorts.) He vaguely felt one arm being lifted and then sat back down. Then the other, and his ankles. Finally, as the younger raccoon pulled away from his muzzle and Andrew opened his eyes panting, he saw the older raccoon's forearms on the sides of his head.

He swallowed hard and noticed that it was slightly restricted as a collar cinched down and was buckled. The young raccoon got up off Andrew and stood at the foot of the bed as his older brother coached the dragon into a sitting position with his feet hanging over the edge. He watched Alan kneel down and snap closed two small locks on each of the cuffs around his ankles, causing the fixtures to become permanently attached until the key holder saw fit to remove them.

"Wait, w-what are you doing?" the dragon managed to ask meekly.

Alan stood up and looked at the dragon with a scowl as he pulled a small black box out of his back pocket. With a flick of his thumb, a surge went through the dragon's neck and he yipped aloud then gasped as it ceased. He collapsed back on the bed, surprised by the shock. Though it wasn't overly painful, it was definitely enough to get his attention.

"This collar you're wearing," Alan began as he reached down and snapped a lock in place on it so it couldn't be hastily removed if the dragon suddenly got the urge to defy the two boys, "is a little something I came up with myself. That was the lowest setting. You misbehave, speak out of turn or try to disobey, the intensity of the shock can go much higher." Alan smirked and handed the remote to his little brother.

Andrew got his breathing under control as he felt the cuffs on his wrists lock. He looked up at the two boys and whimpered softly, but got no sympathetic responses. The older 'coon lifted him up into a sitting position again as the younger one stepped over and started unfastening his shorts.

Alan took the tail of his shirt that wasn't quite long enough to cover the pudge of the dragon's belly while he was sitting and pulled it up. Andrew lifted his arms as it peeled off over his head and small wings. In the meantime, he felt Aaron unfastening his shorts and with a jerk, they were down to his ankles then off over his feet.

Andrew's clothes were discarded on the floor then he was lifted by his paws to his feet. Aaron took the waistband of his underwear and pulled them down past his thick thighs and they crumpled on the floor below him.

"Almost properly attired, now," Aaron said as he stood up and then moved over to the shelf with the assortment of toys. He stood on his tippy-toes and picked something up. He walked back over with a cylindrical tube opened on both ends, with a small taper at the top and a ring at the base. It had a small lock on it that matched the ones on Andrew's cuffs. "Hmm," Aaron remarked as he stopped in front of the dragon. "Looks like this won't fit, just yet."

Andrew followed the raccoon's gaze down and then peered over his tummy at the pink erection standing at attention. He looked at the little device, back down at his arousal and then back at the device. He swallowed hard.

"We'll just have to work some of that out of him," Alan said as he walked over to the small nightstand by the bed.

Andrew watched nervously as the raccoon opened the top drawer. Alan pulled out a glass bottle with a mason lid on the top, a tube of something and what looked like a turkey baster. The little dragon gulped nervously as he watched the raccoon pop the bulb off the end and squeeze some thick clear goo in the tube. He then replaced it, uncapped the bottle and drew up a large amount of the liquid.

The older 'coon walked back over to the dragon and pushed him down on the bed on his back as he capped the end of the baster with his finger and shook it up. With a little coaxing, he rolled the dragon onto his back and helped him up onto his hands and knees.

Andrew was greeted by the sight of Aaron's underwear in front of his muzzle. He felt the older raccoon push his head forward and his muzzle butted against the damp bulge in his fly. His musk filled his nostrils. It was juvenile, but still very present. It filled the dragon's cheek with blush.

"Get your Master ready for your plump rear," Alan said.

Andrew felt his own arousal twitch as he took another deep breath of the young raccoon's scent. He nuzzled against the raccoon's covered sheath and felt the outline of his erection throb against his snout.

"He needs more than that," Alan said before planting a firm swat on the dragon's rear, causing him to yip and jump. "This is your Master. His pleasure is your only goal from here on out. Love whatever he gives you. Whatever he allows you to have."

Andrew whimpered a bit before he felt the younger raccoon's paws on his head. Aaron ground his hips forward as he held Andrew's head down against him. His trapped member twitched against his lips. The little dragon opened his muzzle and gave the damp cloth a tentative lick.

The raccoon murmured softly and pushed his hips against the dragon more. Andrew closed his eyes as he continued to nuzzle and lick the boy's pent-up penis. The taste of the damp spot was sharp and stood out over the cotton fabric, and Andrew was beginning to really enjoy it.

His attention was diverted from his task however when he suddenly felt a damp slickness on his tailhole. He looked up over his shoulder and saw Alan behind him with his left paw between his cheeks smearing the wet, cool and sticky on him and his other paw holding the turkey baster up.

He was quickly reminded that his focus should be on other things when he felt a light shock in his collar. He yipped and then glanced up at Aaron still in front of him with the remote in his paw. Andrew whimpered and but put his muzzle to work on his underwear again.

He continued as he felt the older 'coons finger rub and prod him. He did his best to stay focused on Aaron so as not to receive another shock, but he felt the older brother pull his finger away and push the tapered tip of the tube that held the strange concoction against him. It eased inside of his body, the increasing size stretching his virgin tailring as it intruded.

Andrew bowed his back and whimpered against Aaron's underwear. He could feel the tube sliding deeper and deeper in his body until it stopped. Then, suddenly, his eyes went wide as Alan squeezed the plunger and the mixture of fluid shot up into him. The little dragon's body quivered from horn to toe claws, and he reached up and gripped his new Master's thighs tightly.

"I think he likes it," Aaron said, causing the dragon's cheeks to burn red.

"Just wait until this really starts to kick in," Alan commented before roughly spanking the dragon's already stinging cheek. "He'll be a lot cuter when he's blushing, squirming _and_begging."

Andrew felt his embarrassment intensify. He didn't know what had just been put inside him, but by the sounds of it, he would find out soon. He moaned a little as the tube that injected him was pulled free, and then yipped as it was replaced with two fingers.

He felt the older 'coon push inside of him and press down against a spot that made the little dragon's balls draw up and sent waves of pleasure all through his body. Andrew tried his best to keep nuzzling and licking Aaron's underwear, but the older raccoon's skilled work on his backside made it hard to even think.

Andrew moaned and panted blushing the whole time, nuzzling and licking when his mind wasn't overly fogged by the pleasure. Whatever it was that was injected into his backside made the raccoon's fingers move effortlessly, even in his unpracticed hole. After a few minutes of Alan's work, the dragon's whole body ached for release.

He felt his barely pubescent orgasm approaching him. His sack tightened and releaxed between his chubby thighs over and over. It felt like he was about to spray his boyish seed all over the satin cover of the bed, but suddenly he felt his whole body heat.

It was as if his orgasm was diverted from the climax and redistributed through his veins. The lustful desire pulsed through every inch of his circulatory system with every beat of his heart. Alan's fingers pushed roughly on his prostate and he felt the desire to cum nearly overwhelm him to the point of passing out, but it never happened.

Andrew panted roughly, weakly pawing at Aaron's thighs as his nose inhaled the musk of the boy, his member twitched painfully in denied orgasm and his body quivered. "P-please. I need ..."

"Say it," Alan instructed.

"I need ... something. My penis ... it needs- Ack!" he squealed as he felt the collar shock him.

"Wrong!" Aaron said and then giggled. "Your penis doesn't need anything. Mine does."

"Aaron is right, you know?" Alan said as he withdrew his fingers. "Tell your Master what you can offer his cock."

Andrew whimpered again and panted. His mind felt foggy from whatever it was that pumped through his bloodstream and his denied climax. He wanted to cum. He didn't exactly know that's what he wanted, but his body was demanding it. As he gathered his thoughts, he knew he had to respond correctly to avoid another shock from his collar.

"I need ... Master's penis," he said weakly.

"What was that?" Aaron asked as he held the controller down in front of his eyes with his thumb on the slide toggle.

"I need your cock, Master," Andrew said a little louder.

Andrew heard Alan chuckle behind him. The dragon blushed as he felt the older coon shift his weight off the bed.

"I think he might be ready," Alan told his little brother. "Okay tubby, get your Master's shorts off."

Andrew moved his paws up to the waistband of the young 'coon's underwear, but felt another sharp smack on his rear. He yipped and clenched his teeth as his rosy red cheeks jiggled from another impact.

"You need to show him how desperate you are for his cock. Use your mouth ... carefully," Alan instructed.

The dragon gulped a bit as the younger 'coon waggled the remote again to emphasize the older brother's words. He took his muzzle and pressed it against the top of the waistband. Opening his mouth and then closing it softly on the elastic before pulling it back. The musk of the younger 'coon intensified as he moved the fabric barrier out of the way. It flooded into his nostrils and made him blush and squirm back against the older brother's fingers in his backside.

He eased the waistband down over the bulge in his cotton briefs and the raccoon's member sprung up from its confines and brushed against the end of his snout. He swallowed hard again as he took the fabric lower. Andrew got it down as low as he could on the raccoon's thighs, then released the waistband from his teeth and eased his head back up.

Andrew felt his whole body heat as he looked at the red cock in frond of his face. He couldn't believe how much he actually wanted to taste it. He wasn't sure if it was whatever was making his whole body hot that the older 'coon injected in him, or if that just awoke something inside of him that had always been there, but just dormant.

The little dragon opened his mouth and let the tip slip inside. The young raccoon's pre hit his tongue like a lightning bolt. It was sharp like a knife but soft and sweet at the same time. It was bitter and a little salty, but better than any dessert he'd ever had. His lips curled into a smile around the warm flesh as he lowered himself farther along its length.

He started suckling on it. He didn't have to be told, he didn't have to be threatened with punishment, he _wanted_it. His efforts were rewarded with the younger raccoon's paw on the top of his head rubbing his nubby horn while he moaned.

Andrew's pride swelled a bit. The idea of bringing pleasure to his Master made his own member twitch. He felt Aaron draw his hips back and the length started to slip from his mouth. He tried to follow it but the raccoon's paw held his head back. He whimpered a bit but it was cut short when Aaron bucked back against him.

The young raccoon's sheath butted against his lips and then he withdrew again. Andrew suckled and slurped every time Aaron pumped in and withdrew. Every now and then, the older raccoon behind him would worm his fingers down against his prostate and stimulate him nearly to orgasm. With the combination of the younger 'coon in his mouth and the older 'coon in his backside, it didn't take long.

It was still torture though. Andrew would feel his orgasm well up then just before he was over the edge, all of the pent up lust and heat would just radiate out from his loins and course through his bloodstream. He would whimper and moan, but did his best to keep his focus enough on the younger 'coon to prevent another shock from his collar.

Suddenly and without any warning, the younger 'coon pulled out of his muzzle and the older 'coon pulled his fingers out of his backside. Andrew collapsed on the bed, panting and moaning. His desire spiked as soon as he wasn't getting any sexual attention so much that he felt he was going to pass out.

Andrew looked up meekly as he felt the raccoons shifting around on the bed. He felt the back of collar tug upward. He moved as he was coached to keep it from choking him. He was moved lengthwise to the middle of the bed and his collar was released. He started to look up but he felt the smaller paw of the young 'coon push his muzzle back down.

Unable to see what the two had in store for him next was simultaneously scary and exhilarating. He heard the chains at the foot of the bed rattle and the older raccoon's paw spread his legs apart. With a click, he felt the spring hook on the end of it clamp around the loop on his ankle cuff. Then the other side.

He managed to see the older brother in his peripheral as he moved to the front, pulled his arms out and chained them to the headboard. The younger brother released his head and he was able to look around, but couldn't see the two behind him. The bed shifted again as he felt someone climbing on top of it.

"Really, Alan?" he heard Aaron say. "You always go first."

"Maybe if you didn't like sloppy tailhole so much," the older 'coon replied as Andrew felt him ease down on top of him. "He's got more uses than just a cocksleeve. Figure something out. His squirming got me too horny not to nut in his chubby ass."

"Hmm," Andrew heard before the bed creaked at the side.

Andrew looked over and saw Aaron climbing up onto the bed. He watched as the raccoon climbed over him and pushed his backside down against his muzzle. He saw the furry sack between his legs, and the erection jutting from his sheath in front of that. He wanted it so bad, but it was taken from his view as the raccoon's two furred cheeks pressed down against his muzzle.

"Lick it," he heard Aaron instruct.

Despite the surging desire inside of him, he wasn't entirely sure what the raccoon meant. And if he was thinking what he thought he was thinking, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to do it. Aaron pushed his rear against his nose and repeated the command.

Andrew tried to pull his muzzle away, but as soon as he did he felt the collar shock him again. It was longer than any of the previous shocks and more intense. He squealed and then panted as it subsided.

"I don't think my little brother is going to tell you again," he heard Alan say as his erection rubbed the cleft of his chubby backside.

Andrew whimpered again and pushed his muzzle into the young raccoon's rear. He closed his eyes and extended his tongue against the pink pucker. The young raccoon's backside and it was unlike anything he had ever tasted before. He could taste the flesh and the boy's musk but there was an aftertaste of something else.

It wasn't unpleasant, but he still wasn't sure if it was to his liking. The young 'coon was well groomed, so Andrew was relatively sure it was as clean as licking an asshole could be. Aaron's reaction though was something that he did thoroughly enjoy.

Aaron gasped as his tongue brushed over him. He moved his rear back tightly against Andrew's muzzle and forced more of the tongue against him. Andrew smiled a little as the small 'coon quivered and then gasped.

Before long, the rocking of Aaron's backside against him matched his own thrusting of his muzzle against the tailhole with his muzzle as he lapped the opening over and over. Meanwhile, he felt the older 'coon still hot-dogging his rear, stimulating his own tailhole with his rod.

Without any warning, Alan suddenly grabbed his hips and slammed the tip of his 'coon cock as deep in the slick dragon's backside as it would go. Andrew's eyes shot wide open at the penetration, but there was no pain. The several minutes of fingering and the concoction of mixed lubricant and tingly fluid made Andrew well suited for the older boy's dick.

The older 'coon went to work right away, pulling his length out to the tip and plunging back inside. Alan's hips slapped Andrew's chubby rear and bounced off with the sounds of lewd squelches and slapping flesh. The curve of Alan's penis pushed up and deep inside the dragon, and Andrew locked his muzzle against the younger raccoon's backside and moaned.

When he did, Aaron ground back against him with even more force. Andrew's tongue had no where to go but inside the raccoon's rear, and he felt the younger boy's muscle ring part as it slipped inside of him. He could feel the silky insides against his taste buds and the dragon slurped Aaron's backside.

He heard his Master moan and his pride swelled, as did his erection that was pinned between his body and the satin comforter. Andrew realized that he could stimulate his own erection a bit when he pushed down against the fabric. He started lightly humping against the bed when Alan thrust down into him, doing his best to disguise that he was covertly seeking his own pleasure.

Andrew pushed his tongue as deep in Aaron's rear as it would go as he bounced against Alan in his backside, all the while his pleasure building up in his loins once again. He pushed as hard as he could to bring the defiant climax up. His whole body tingled like pinpricks on every nerve inside of him. He felt that heat building up and trying to force away from his blued ballsack once more, but he was determined to get his release.

He grunted as he focused entirely on making himself orgasm. He drew sharp inhales through his nostrils around the fur on Aaron's rear, and pushed against the satin underneath him as hard as he could. His legs drew up and tugged the chains with a rattle when his muscles tightened. It was close ... so very close.

Andrew felt it well up in his little dragon prick. It was right there, and then he felt the waves of orgasmic bliss tease his mind. His vision blurred as he started to cum, but then it was ripped away. The it was more sudden and intense than any of the other denied orgasms. The heat coursed through his body like fire. His eyes snapped closed and tears streamed his cheeks.

Whatever the anally absorbed drug was that was keeping him from climaxing he realized that he wouldn't overcome with willpower alone. The tingling pinpricks faded first from his little dragon cock, then his balls and loins out, until just as before, it was a memory. The raccoon pounding him, however, had no such restrictions.

Alan slapped against his backside sloppily. His thrusts were becoming frantic as he panted and grunted. Andrew could feel the member inside of his tailhole pulse, throb and swell before the 'coon grabbed his hips roughly and the warm liquid of the raccoon's orgasm pumped into him.

Andrew panted as the cool streams on his cheeks dried. He now licked up inside his Master for solace, trying to forget his inability to share a climax with the boys that were wearing down his will bit-by-bit. The worst thing about the feeling of his utter helplessness was also the best; he was growing comfortable with it.

He felt Aaron pull out of his tailhole, dribbling cum on his bare rear as it slipped free. As he did, his Master lifted off him and his tongue slipped free from his backside. He whimpered softly and heard both boys chuckle at him. His cheeks heated as they laughed.

"Making him into quite a little slut, eh lil bro?"

"I told you so," Aaron replied. "How was that chubby ass?"

"A little sloppy now," Alan said before giving it a sharp smack. "Just the way you like it."

Andrew heard Aaron laugh and then felt the bed shift around again. He felt weight on his back as the younger 'coon worked his way into the same position his older brother was in. Aaron's paws caressed the chubby dragon's rear and he felt his thumbs pull his cheeks apart.

"Jeeze, Alan," Aaron said aloud. "Looks like you haven't cum in days."

"Silly," Andrew heard the older 'coon reply, "you know exactly the last time I came. Sent you to school this morning with a load in your ass."

"Shush," Aaron said as he pushed his tip down against the slightly agape opening.

Andrew closed his eyes as the younger raccoon's tip plunged inside him fully. He could feel Alan's cum oozing around the new invader in his backside. The little dragon moaned softly as his Master ground his hips against his rear, relishing the feel of his insides mixed with his brother's cum.

"He's so warm," Aaron said aloud. "Better than that little fox boy you had over a few nights ago."

"Not as tight," Alan commented.

"Much more soft, warm and slick. Feels like he was made to fuck."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your new toy."

Andrew blushed hard. He was being objectified and it made his erection twitch. He didn't get a chance to focus on the embarrassment long as the young 'coon in his rear started pumping him. Andrew moaned softly as the smaller raccoon penis moved much faster than the larger one.

The added slickness and smaller size allowed his enthusiastic Master to fuck his rear with much more abandon than his older brother. He felt the distinctive curve just like Alan's, but Aaron's shorter length didn't allow him to go as deep. It was still enough for the glans to rub against dragon's prostate and Andrew cooed and moaned.

Aaron pumped him fast. Sloppy squelches and slapping of the young raccoon's hips echoed through the room as it had with his brother. He was more vigorous than Alan and felt slightly less experienced in the way he worked Andrew's rear. Alan had felt like calculated determination while Aaron felt like a horny boy doing his best to cum as fast as he could.

The dragon's paws gripped at the comforter. He wanted to hump against the bed as he did with Alan, but decided that another near orgasm would probably drive him mad. Instead, he rocked back against Aaron as best he could. However, the frantic rhythm made it difficult to keep in pace with the younger raccoon.

It wasn't long before the echoing slaps of Aaron's hips on his rear and the wet squelches seemed to lessen as he felt the young boy tense. The raccoon grabbed his hips tightly and thrust deep inside of him as his boyhood swelled. Andrew could feel the more warmth radiating in his already slick backside as jets of the raccoon's orgasm shot inside of him with surprisingly more force than his older brother.

Aaron collapsed atop the dragon and panted, still lightly grinding his hips against Andrew's rear while he rode out the waves of his orgasm. The little dragon murmured softly as he nestled his cheek down against the comforter. The exhaustion of the events was catching up to him and his eyes were fluttering closed when he suddenly heard the 'coon on top of him giggle.

He felt Aaron move off him, pulling his member out of his tailhole before a final grinding of his hips against his backside for emphasis. The bed shifted again and he tried to look back at what was going on, but he couldn't see either of the two other boys clearly.

Suddenly, he felt something cool and hard press against his opening. His eyes went wide as it pushed in until the rapidly flaring taper caught against his muscle ring. Andrew groaned a bit at the slight pain of the muscle stretching as more and more of the object pushed inside of him. Then, as suddenly as it started, he felt his muscle ring clamp down against a narrow base.

"There," he heard Alan say aloud, "now he's plugged up and won't leak on the bed."

Andrew whimpered a bit as he felt the hard rubber inside of him. He didn't know exactly what was put in him, and as much as he hated to admit it, it wasn't entirely unpleasant, but it did feel very strange. His thoughts were pulled from that when he felt his left arm pull up and the chain unfastening.

He looked over and saw Alan unchaining his arm, and then to his right where Aaron was unchaining his other arm. He moved his unrestrained arms around a bit as he felt the boys unchaining his legs. When he was free of the bindings, he propped himself up and looked back at the two.

They were standing side-by-side at the foot of the bed, and Alan curled his finger and motioned for the dragon to come closer. Andrew eased up on his paws and knees and turned around to face them, crawling to the end of the bed and looking up at the two.

Alan put his paw on the back of his head and started to pull it down to his still erect member. The dragon saw the sheen of the lube and cum mix and tried to pull away, but as soon as he did, he felt his muscles tighten in his neck. The shock was so intense that he felt like he was going to rip the consciousness out of him. Every nerve in his body felt like an arc welder. It was clear to him that each time he was going to be shocked, it was going to be stronger than the previous time.

When it subsided, he collapsed on his stomach and panted. When he cracked his eyes open, the older raccoon's cock was right in front of his muzzle. Andrew opened his mouth and closed his eyes. As it slid against his tongue, he could taste the boyish musk mixed with the cum and lube, and it was accented by his own tailhole. He closed his lips and suckled, trying not to think of where it was mere moments ago.

"There," Alan said to the dragon. "You can't expect to not clean up after yourself when it's your fault that we're all sticky."

"Yeah," Aaron said and giggled. "Good little pets do what they're told, and they don't make messes."

Andrew whimpered again with the older raccoon's member firmly between his lips. He ran his tongue all along it from the base to the tip until sharp taste of the cum was absent, then he felt Alan pull out. Before he could open his eyes, the slightly smaller tip of the younger brother's cock was against his lips.

Andrew opened his muzzle for his Master and Aaron gripped the back of his head with both paws and thrust in. The taste was much stronger on the smaller 'coon. The product of two orgasms and vigorous fucking. Aaron also didn't just stand there and let him do the work, he was actively humping against the dragon's face.

"Jeeze, Aaron," Alan said then chuckled. "I've never seen you this eager before."

"I can't help it," the younger 'coon replied and panted. "He's just so cute. That big ass, that chubby tummy, those perky fat-boy nipples."

"Still not my thing," Alan said.

Andrew blushed deeply at the fact that his new Master seemed to like his body. Because of the compliments, he made sure to pay some extra attention to his Master's cock. He suckled hard, brushed it with his tongue and bumped the end of his muzzle against the raccoon's sheath.

While he was still working, he felt the loop on his collar tug slightly then heard a click. He opened his eyes long enough to see the older brother's paws pulling away, one of them holding a leather leash. He dropped it and let it dangle off the bed as he turned and walked back to the wall. Andrew's eyes widened as he pulled leather-clad paddle from one of the pegs.

The raccoon held it up and inspected it, giving the dragon a good view of it as well. There were studs all along the edges to hold the leather in place. In the middle, there were segmented perforations that spelled two mirrored words: 'BAD BOY.' Andrew whined audibly around the cock in his mouth.

Alan walked back over to them and stood beside Aaron again. The younger raccoon reluctantly pulled his member free of Andrew's muzzle then grabbed the dangling leash. With a rough tug, he pulled the dragon forward and Andrew scrambled to come off the bed without toppling.

As soon as he was on his feet, he felt paws on his shoulders pushing him down, forcing him to lean over the foot of the bed. Looking back behind him, he saw the older raccoon give the paddle to his younger brother, and the smaller 'coon grinned. He held the handle firmly and drew it back.

Andrew looked down into the satin cover and closed his eyes right before he heard the whistle of the air through the perforations and then a loud pop on his backside. It was a much sharper pain than Alan's paws on his rear and it spread out over a much larger area. The stinging was accented by the mirrored lettering on the paddle where it lacked as it imprinted his chubby rear.

Andrew felt the paddle lift off again and then hear the whistle and the sharp crack. Andrew yipped at the second impact, feeling the reverberations through his entire body. It made the plug in his backside bounce and move, which rubbed his inner walls and combined the already oddly pleasurable tingling pain with even more pleasure.

He clutched the comforter in his paws as he was spanked again. Over and over, until ten solid thwacks on his fortunately cushioned backside made his blue scales pink. There was a pause and he opened his eyes and sniffled. Welled tears in his eyes ran down his cheeks and he lifted up and looked back at the two raccoons.

"Maybe he'll start sucking right away next time," Aaron said as he looked up at Alan.

"I don't know," the older 'coon said and leaned down and ran his finger over Andrew's twitching erection. "Look at all that pre. I think he liked it. He might misbehave just to get more."

Andrews cheeks burned hotter than his stinging rear. He leaned back down and buried his face in the comforter. It was as if the last of his willpower had been drained. He realized that what these two boys were doing to him was something that could never be undone. He was broken, and he loved it.

Andrew felt the two boys get on either side of him and lift him to his feet by his arms. Every single movement stung his backside. He could only imagine the redish hues accented with the lighter shades of 'BAD BOY' on his cheeks. When he was standing erect, the younger 'coon grabbed the end of his leash on tugged him over to the changing table.

"You're ready to get started, Aaron?" Alan asked.

"Mm-hmm," Aaron replied.

The two raccoons helped the the dragon up onto the slab of the table and worked him back until he was facing up. The two boys took the chains and snapped them on to his cuffs, adjusting them until his arms and legs were spread. Andrew could feel the pressure on his spanked rear as he looked up at the two.

"Go get his cage," Alan instructed. "I'll go get something to help it fit."

Andrew heard Aaron chuckle as the older 'coon walked back out of the room. He looked up at the ceiling as he heard the younger 'coon moving around. He heard him stop at the foot of the table and peeked up over his tummy as Aaron looked back at him.

"You going to be a good boy the rest of the night?" Aaron asked, and the dragon nodded softly. "Good. I've never got to babysit one of our toys before. Oh," Aaron said as he looked down at the dragon's erection. "Looks like Alan was right about that spanking. That's a lot of pre for a chubby baby dragon."

Andrew laid his head back and blushed softly. He closed his eyes, but they shot open again when they felt the young raccoon's muzzle wrap around his erection. He gasped sharply when Aaron suckled him hard, teasing his small length with his tongue and cleaning it of all the pre that he'd leaked. He murmured as his eyes fluttered closed. It was obvious the little 'coon knew what he was doing.

"Jeeze, Aaron," he heard from the door and the younger 'coon lifted off his cock. "You just can't keep a dick out of your mouth, can you?"

"I told you he was cute," Aaron replied and then giggled. "He tastes like a virgin."

"You can't tell that from the taste, silly," Alan said as Andrew looked up at them now both standing at the foot of the changing table.

"Yes-huh!" Aaron argued.

Alan chuckled then brought his paw up to the to the dragon's little cock. Andrew yipped as a sharp cold stung him. He grit his teeth as the end of an ice cube moved up and down his length from base to tip, stroking like a paintbrush. He felt the twitching of his arousal cease, and the ice-cooled flesh started to wane and flag.

The little dragon grunted and panted, relieved when his cold member finally softened. He wanted to pull against his bound wrists and ankles, but he he knew better. He felt the younger 'coon slip something over his flaccid cock and then felt a band wrap around the base of his testicles.

Andrew looked up just as Aaron was clamping a small lock shut on the chastity device. He watched as Aaron knelt down and picked up a bottle of powder, baby wipes and a bottle of oil and sat them on the table at his feet. He then saw him lift up a diaper and unfold it. It was much bigger than any diaper he'd ever seen before. Andrew blushed brightly as the young 'coon eased it up under him, lifting his rear a little to get the back of it settled between him and the slab.

When his cheeks came back down on the soft padding, he felt a little relieved as the padding cushioned his stinging rear. He saw Aaron pull several baby wipes out of the package and then start cleaning the sensitive areas that the diaper would be concealing. After the wipe down, the raccoon uncapped the bottle of baby oil and dabbed it on his paw pad.

Aaron sat the bottle down then rubbed the oil into both of his palms before putting his paws on Andrew's crotch. He rubbed the oil over his scales, down between his legs and over his small testicles. The little dragon moaned softly and blushed.

Andrew felt his arousal building again, but his erection was contained by the cylinder around his cock. It pulsed and swelled, almost to the point of being painful. He moaned out loud and bucked his hips up against Aaron's paws.

"Easy there," Aaron told him. "You start getting naughty, and you'll have to be punished again." Aaron chuckled and then looked into the dragon's eyes. "With the padding on your butt, it'll have to be the shock collar."

Andrew whimpered softly and then drew a shaky breath as he tried to calm himself. He saw Aaron smile then go back to work on on him. He felt the raccoon work his paws over his thighs, between he legs and then under his rear.

He bit his lip as he tried not to focus on the soft oiled paws rubbing his tender, paddled rump. His arousal bulged against the metal that encased it. His member twitched in its cage and pre oozed from the opening at the end.

By the time Aaron moved his paws out from under his tender rump, he was biting his bottom lip trying keep his pent up member from swelling more. He was panting and balling his fists when he felt a cool splash of the talcum powder on his crotch. He heard the diaper crinkle then felt the 'coon move the flaps up and they tightened as the tape fastened it closed.

The two boys unhooked his chains. He looked over at Aaron weakly as the young 'coon released his wrist cuffs. Then his collar was tugged as Aaron took his leash. Andrew followed the lead and eased off the table.

When he was standing, he looked down past his tummy and saw the white puffy padding around him. It had pictures of golden stars on it and blue lines on the front. He blushed brightly before Aaron tugged on his leash again and he followed the two raccoons over to the bed.

Each step, the plastic crinkled against his thighs. The plug in his rear tugged his tailring as he walked. He felt the cage rubbing the soft absorb ant fluff on the inside. It was wonderfully embarrassing at the thought of his member still defiantly trying to grow erect in its pen while he was clad in the puffy diaper.

They helped him up onto the bed and told Alan told him to stay put before they walked out of the playroom. Andrew looked around nervously, wondering what was in store next, and looking forward to it.

After a few moments, the two raccoon boys came back. Their state of undress was replaced with footed pajamas on Aaron that zipped up the front like Andrew used to have when he was much younger, and Alan in a more adult pair of pajama pants. He saw a larger than normal bottle in Aaron's paws with thick white liquid in it.

Andrew blushed furiously as they climbed up on the bed with him, one on either side. Aaron took his head and eased him down until he was laying across him with the back of his head propped up on his arm like he was actually holding a baby to bottle-feed.

The rubber nipple on the end moved in front of Andrew's muzzle and he opened his mouth. Aaron held it at an angle as the dragon took an experimental suck. A warm creamy mix of milk and something sweet splashed against his tongue. He was surprised at just how good it tasted. He suckled again and again, closing his eyes and smiling with the rubber nipple between his lips.

"Too bad we don't have a onesie that will fit you," Aaron said to the dragon before looking back up at Alan. "We'll have to get one for the chubby dragon baby. I plan on babysitting him as often as I can."

Andrew blushed deeply but kept sucking on the bottle, drinking the mixed formula down. When about half of the bottle contents was gone, he felt his cheeks heating and his member twitching against his cage. It was the same feeling as the mixture that was injected into his backside. It had obviously been mixed with the same orgasm denying aphrodisiac that he had been given rectally.

Suddenly, he heard a click then the plug in his backside started to vibrate rapidly. He yipped around the bottle nipple but kept sucking as he started to squirm in Aaron's lap. He felt Alan lay down on his stomach and nuzzle his tummy. He moved his paw up and rubbed the dragon's belly softly.

"Don't tell me you're starting to like the chubby boys," Aaron said teasingly.

"For a fat kid, he is fun," Alan admitted. "Hope you like your new toy, lil' bro."

"I love it," Aaron said, causing Andrew to squirm even more at being objectified again.

The bottle was almost empty when the dragon felt a sharp pressure on his bladder. It was almost like someone was squeezing it at the top while opening it at the bottom. He managed to get all the liquid out of the bottle and Aaron took it away from his mouth.

"Master?" Andrew said weakly. "I ... I have to potty."

"What do you think the diaper is for, silly," Aaron said then bumped his nose against the dragon's. "Oh, and we can't have you speaking out of turn. Good boys only speak when spoken to."

Andrew splayed his ears back expecting to be punished, but was surprised when the young 'coon reached over to the nightstand by the bed and picked something up off it. He saw him move an oversized pacifier over his head and against his lips. Andrew opened his mouth and the large bulb slipped inside.

Andrew started suckling on it as soon as it was past his lips. Aaron took the small straps on the sides of the flange and moved them around to the back of the dragon's head and clipped them together. Andrew felt the straps tighten down and lock the pacifier-gag in place.

"Now," Aaron said looking down at the dragon, "are you going to be a good boy and use your diaper?"

Andrew nodded softly then closed his eyes as he strained. With whatever was in the formula to cause his near bladder incontinence, it didn't take much effort at all before the warm liquid started soaking into his padding. He felt both Aaron and Alan put their paws on the front of his diaper as the warmth flooded it.

"Mmm," Aaron moaned. "Good boy."

Andrew blushed at the compliment as wetness soaked all around his cage. Not long before he finished, the intensity of vibration on his plug kicked up. Andrew stopped sucking his pacifier for a moment while he moaned.

His member was trying its best to grow erect but was still prevented from doing it. The stimulation from the situation, the butt-plug and his Master's paw brought him to the point of orgasm, but the familiar feeling if it building up and then redistributing through his body rocked him once more. He whimpered as the last of his bladder emptied into his padding and the tingles from the near-orgasm faded away.

The two raccoons pulled their paws off his diaper and he looked down at his crotch. He could see the swollen soggy padding Most of the little stars and the blue lines had faded away as the white was replaced with the damp looking yellowish tinge.

"Looks like it's time for a change," Alan said, and Aaron giggled in agreement.

They got off the bed, Aaron tugging Andrew's leash back to the changing table. When he was back on it, he laid down and lifted his legs up without the need for the boys to bind him in place. Aaron peeled the tape off his diaper. He took the wipes and cleaned off the soaked scales around Andrew's nethers.

The dragon yipped softly as the end of the wipe got inside the opening of his cage. He again tried to resist becoming aroused at the stimulation of the cool wipe teasing his cock tip, but as before it wasn't working. He panted softly as he lifted his rear up, which shifted the vibrating plug against him a little tighter on his insides.

He was barely able to stay aware of the 'coon cleaning him up and then slipping his wet diaper out from under him. Andrew looked up at his Master as the young raccoon wadded up the wet diaper and then put it in a diaper pail by changing table. Then he saw him get another diaper from underneath and unfold it.

The dragon lifted his rear for him, then cooed as the raccoon rubbed him with the oil again. After the process was complete, the talcum powder was reapplied and the diaper fastened, he was coached off the changing table again. All the while, he was still sucking on the pacifier.

"All right," Alan said, "You think you can take care of him from here?"

"Mm-hmm," Aaron said eagerly.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything," he said then handed Aaron the remote for the vibrator.

Andrew watched him walk away and then felt a tug on his collar. He looked up at his Master, who was smirking at him.

"I think I should cum again before we go to bed, don't you think so?" Aaron asked.

Andrew blushed and squirmed, then nodded softly. He followed his Master back to the bed and climbed up on it with him. Andrew watched as he unzipped his the front of his pajamas and slipped out of the arms. He took his paw and eased the dragon's head closer to him and then Andrew leaned down as Aaron unfastened his gag.

The raccoon pulled the pacifier from his mouth and sat it and the remote on the nightstand and then put his paw on the back of Andrew's head. He pushed the dragon's muzzle to his erect member and Andrew parted his lips to take it in his mouth.

The little dragon started suckling on it like he had the bottle and the pacifier. Just a few seconds into it, Aaron pushed his head down and bucked his hips up. Andrew rubbed his tongue along his Master's length as the boy fucked up into his muzzle.

He bobbed up and down while the opening of the raccoon's sheath bumped his lips. The dragon and his Master both moaned loudly as Andrew did all he could to make sure his Master enjoyed fucking his mouth.

It wasn't long before the twitching member began to swell, and Andrew suckled and licked as he tried to work the orgasm from the 'coon. Aaron pushed his head down roughly as a spray of the boyish 'coon seed squirted into his throat. Several more jets with a little less intensity coated the inside of Andrew's mouth. He felt Aaron lifting his head up and he locked his lips tight around his length to make sure every last drop stayed in his muzzle, where his Master's cum belonged. No sooner was he sat back up than he saw the pacifier-gag moving back to his muzzle. He hadn't yet swallowed all of the raccoon's cum before the flange rested against his lips.

Andrew cocked his head a bit to give his Master easier access as he snapped the straps back closed. The cum that he couldn't swallow coated the bulb of the pacifier and Andrew sucked on it eagerly and loudly to get the cum on his tongue and the gag down his throat.

His Master pat his head affectionately and the little dragon smiled. Before the day had started, he was nearly friendless, socially awkward and generally ignored. The fact that he hadn't had any release during the whole time Aaron and Alan had turned him into their plaything didn't matter to him. The only thing that mattered now was making his Master happy.

Aaron slipped his arms back in his pajamas and zipped them up before back in the bed and tugging the dragon closer to him. He picked up the remote for the plug from the nightstand and moved the adjustment to a lower setting, but it still vibrated inside the dragon's backside. "You better try and get some sleep, baby dragon," Aaron told him. "You've got a big day tomorrow."

Andrew blushed and then nestled against the raccoon's side. His member still twitched in its cage and the plug still buzzed in his backside. All reminders of what he was now. He thought about what his master had just said and his heart beat a little faster.

He could hardly wait.

The End

Andrew is © IB: chibimon

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