Camping Fantasy

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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So I'm trying not to write new stories and this was something I read well over two years ago on some small site. It was horribly worded and misspelled in places and extremely SHORT. Something like six pages just half of what this is.

I only mention it because the original idea isn't mine. I don't know who gets the credit but the story has been rolling to the front of my mind every so often especially how dark and depressed I was feeling at the beginning of the year. I went ahead and typed out the two pages I had started and put together a story far better and readable than what I had seen.

Honestly it makes me most often think of advice my father gave me... Locks Keep Honest People Honest.

You'll never stop a thief with just a lock and you'll never stop a rapist with serious intent. However opening opportunities to the average person does give a great deal of moral dilemma. Which is why Locks do keep honest people honest.

Addon BONUS!! If you enjoyed this story find another version told by Dracasis: Camp Carnal

I slammed the tail gate closed having just finished loading up Jake's truck sending him and more than half the camping gear we had back to his garage. Allan, Greg, and Mikey had already left leaving me with just my tent, a small cooler of food, and the few items I would need to say one more night, plus of course the gear already packed into the back of my jeep.

We had spent three nights camping and it was my turn to 'clean up' afterwards, thankfully though this mid-week trip had a little less alcohol and garbage than our more normal weekend blasts. Also I think it was the first time a ranger hadn't stopped by or some camper hadn't complained about how loud we were. Simply put we had sort of agreed this might be a better option for us if we wanted to do it again. It had been simple coincidence and last minute idea on Monday that had us all here on Tuesday since two of us had extra days off.

I was actually happy to do the pickup this time since we had pulled over one of the large garbage cans and I had all the recyclable bagged up and within two hours had the camp space looking at least as good as when we arrived.

On my last trip back from the dump area I watched a minivan pull into a campsite just a few beyond mine. A middle aged feline and a teenage girl climbed out and began unpacking two spots away. Maybe I could have gone over and offered assistance. They looked like a nice mother daughter team working together and fur patterns close enough to know they were related.

The problem was... me. You see I'm a cabbit and I know everyone thinks of those awesome hot females when the word pops up but there are few of us males. And what makes the females so desirable sometimes makes the males less so. I mean, ya I have a serious I wanna fuck drive, AND often times only want a short break before I do it again, and I can admit I often use my paw until its sore. Why? Well I also got the short end on looks. I mean 6" pointed ears that often flop and a bit of front teeth that just want to stick out a bit from my slightly narrow muzzle. It's not like I call myself a freak or anything but I know I'm lacking in the attraction department.

Actually its one of the problems my friends enjoy trying to _help_me with. Set me up here, blind date there, and it's not like I haven't screwed the crap out of a few females but sex, even when I work my ass off, doesn't seem to be enough to keep a woman around.

I don't know why but I guess you could say I was curious when I walked past them towards the bathrooms on the other side of the camp to get a better look at them. It looked like the pair were very close talking quietly as they quickly unloaded their van. I imagined that they were probably on a girls bonding trip or something like that.

The mother looked like she was around thirty five or so and good shape especially with that rear sticking out the side door. She had brown and white fur that seemed to run in waves down her clothed body. Although it was her daughter that caught more of my attention, she was still young couldn't yet be an adult and had a bit of lankiness that hadn't quite filled in yet. But with that fur fitting top with just a handful of breast and that white creamy patch covering her belly I was getting turned on more than was appropriate.

I wasn't too ashamed when I got the small pair of binoculars trying to catch covert looks, especially of the younger one. For some reason I was having more fantasies that I thought was normal, even for me. The problem was I couldn't just go and zip up my tent and paw off. It was still rather warm and I probably would make enough noise to be heard especially if for some reason they went towards the dump area. Besides I was having some really.... really wrong thoughts at that point.

You see Mikey was known for getting all that ass he wanted, whether they seemed to want to give it up or not. He was the GUY who could charm a lightly buzzed girl into being totally wasted and have them wake up in unknown places.

Two nights back on a half trail to nowhere he finally slipped me one of his biggest secrets. A small zip-lock bag with eight pills inside. He had given me a short explanation on how they were used and when best to use them. Now though I was fingering the packet in my pocket as much as I was rubbing my shaft through my shorts.

Every time I got a peek a the crack between the young feline's jeans I was trying to imagine what exactly was there. They weren't tight jeans like the shirt but she did bend over enough times to really give me a good view between the slow sway of her tail. Watching them pitch the tent nearly had me blow a load in my underwear as I rubbed a little too often.

Finally as the afternoon wore on I began realizing why she was so attractive. It wasn't the body so much a the energy behind it. Here the pair were working and getting their camp set up and she was openly laughing and smiling, even when she was helping to drag the heavy cooler out of the back of the van. Her mother often reflected the smiles but not the bouncy joy that seemed to parade around the other.

The more I watched the more I wanted her, but my realization came with the strokes to that damn packet in my pocket. I didn't just want her I wanted to TAKE that away, I wanted to ruin that bounce and leave those smiles weak and feeble. I was getting so turned on by the fantasy playing in my head it was honestly beginning to scare me.

Understand I am NOT the kind of person who is hurtful or harmful, I really was thinking of offering a hand when the pair first showed up but with that little bit of darkness in my pocket I was cooking up all kinds of scenarios in the dark part of my mind that seem to grow just as fast as the lengthening shadows that came out with the early evening.

It wasn't easy but I did my best to ignore them after that. I had my campfire started first heating up some water to add to a cup of noodles as I made myself a sandwich as the darkness crept in. I did take a few more peeks of the pair but with there own fire finally started and them concentrating on making food of their own, the odd light did not give me the same obsession as before. However that didn't stop my mind from still playing out things as I put out my fire and got ready for bed with the plan of leaving bright an early since I was supposed to be to work by the afternoon.

I had several last desperate attempts like walking over and introducing myself or something but quickly realized that they would have someone to report in the morning if I actually went through trying to drug them. Of course I knew it was just one of those fantasies that never come true as I folded up my chair and set it against the Jeep.

The commotion over at the other campsite had my attention immediately though. The younger girl had shouted and even cursed once causing her mothers disapproval. She had burned her tongue on what I now understood to be hot chocolate they had made. I stood there in the dark next to my vehicle as the two talked, I couldn't quite make out all they were saying, something about waiting and tomorrow and more things. Then suddenly they both turned together and walked away straight out of their camp area and onto the driving path.

It only took a moment to realize they were heading to the bathrooms and my mind was shuddering with confusion. I could do it!! But I couldn't!! I moved quickly across the open sites as their bodies blended into the darkness trying to stay as silent as possible. I fumbled for the packet barely catching it after it slipped from my paw. Time, I had time I tried to tell myself as my heart thumped hard in my chest and my body shivered with a chill. I knew it was a good two minute walk to the restroom likely giving me plenty of time but I couldn't stop myself from swiftly dropping one pill in each mug and then desperately looking around for a spoon or something. What had they used? A simple pop from the fire made my mind think I was busted racing back the way I came stopping only when I was concealed on the other side of my jeep. Still with heart pounding I waited, then waited, after what must have been maybe six minutes and what felt like a long agonizing lifetime the pair returned.

I could barely make them out around their fire as they moved around, me still hiding behind my own vehicle hoping to remain hidden or was it my actions I was hoping remained concealed. I watched as a moment later they took their mugs and sat down still talking with the younger feline letting out a loud laugh a moment later that had her mother shushing.

It would only be about twenty minutes, or so Mikey had informed me, although he had urged to have them more than a little tipsy first, and then they would be out cold and unable to wake until morning. Of course I hadn't been able to swirl the drink either and I hoped that part didn't really matter.

I can't lie and say that some part of me was still thinking of hiding in my tent or that it wasn't praying for the pills to be ineffective. I mean this went way beyond anything I had done before... a REAL crime... Jail time, but only if I was caught, another voice spoke, they don't know you, and there is no one else to witness what was going to happen. Heck it was even possible they wouldn't even know what had happened in the morning.

It was a long time, way longer than twenty minutes and part of me was actually getting tired but I was unwilling to leave my place behind my jeep. I had told myself that would mean I gave up, that I was going to bed but finally I noticed a change I couldn't hear them talking. There was part of me that wondered what would happen if they just kept sitting there. My mind had planned for them to head to bed where I might find them unable to stop my advances. Thankfully though the older female finally stretched getting up before nudging and then shaking her daughter into action.

They both stumbled like zombies into the tent not even taking the time to extinguish the campfire they had started. I wasn't even sure they had zipped up the tent.

I waited for as long as I could before creeping forward. Halfway there I kicked a small twig which I quickly picked up and snapped ready to dart for cover from any reaction. Finally in their campsite I found one cup near a chair and banged the ceramic against the aluminum frame of the foldable chair as hard as I dared making sure there was enough noise but not breaking something. Still there was no reaction from the tent.

With my heart once again banging against my ribs I crept forward and held back the tent flap and peaked inside. It was hard to see but there were two distinct bumps on each side of the small tent with barely a bodies space between them.

Going for broke I finally clicked my small flashlight illuminating one female then the other. They were each on their own small mattress but were sharing an extra large comforter which covered both of them. I did several things praying for no reaction as I grabbed the mothers foot and shook it before I started to slowly draw the comforter down.

I had to say that the mother had a better body than I had first thought, or maybe it was that I had just paid more attention to the daughter, but she now had on a very loose, over large shirt which barely covered the panties she was wearing laying flat out on her back. Her daughter was on her side, was still in the same tight top and pants but they were unbuttoned and the fly was zipped down letting me see some coffee covered material underneath.

I took one last glance outside into the darkness knowing this was the last turning point where I could probably just simply go away without doing something really wrong. But GOD I was so hard!! In a flash I was stripped down to my boxers leaving my shoes at the tents entrance and my clothes in a pile just inside.

Giving a little kick to get the comforter out of the way my foot connected with something a little harder and my flashlight found a small backpack. Well I wanted to fuck something now but... part of me was just to curious not to pull back the tie strings finding a long wallet on top. You know, I thought I was going for the cash or something but when the flap opened the first thing I saw was her drivers license.

Nancy Shent, she was 39, I had to have another look at her to compare with the picture. I figured she was mid thirties just because her daughter, not a few months away from turning 40. I reappraised those not quite flabby legs and still somewhat trim figure. She had to be taking very good care of herself indeed. I quickly dove back into the pack tossing out a few things, including a small digital camera before finding a much smaller little card holder but inside was everything I wanted.

Meita Shent age... 17 just a simple I.D. card. I shivered, she was still nearly a year from being an adult and I was going to fuck the hell out of her. I quickly stuffed what I could back into the pack pack and knelt down between the two, there was no way of turning back now and Now I was going to get what I wanted.

My hand started with Meita's pants pulling them down enough to caress her private area feeling the mound beneath my fingers as I gently ground the fabric against her hidden treasure. I was throbbing so hard I had to back off or blow a load way before I planned, and already I could feel spots of pre that had dripped down my shaft and not been stopped by my own underwear leaving several wet spots on the fur of my leg.

Calmly I tried to wiggle Meita out of her pants and underwear, I had the urge to dive in but I had two helpless females under my care so I turned towards Nancy and quickly rid her of her panties and pulling her shirt up to her neck popping the bra and freeing those breasts. They sagged a little to each side but that didn't detract me from feeling she could be one of the hottest scores I'd had.

I think it might have been pure luck, or maybe it really was karma but I had no idea what these two had done so wrong to deserve my next action. See when I moved my toe hit something hard smarting just a bit and my flashlight quickly revealed the digital camera that had never made it back into the bag. *Click.. Click... Click * I was snapping out pictures of the pair capturing them as they lay there, getting extra close shots of both of their pussies.

I slid back between the two letting my paw grope over Meita small shirt covered breast as I began kissing her. Moments later I was all over her mother making my kisses deeper and harder. They both still had a slight taste of chocolate at first that I devoured as I forced my way as deep as possible pushing myself inside their muzzles, all the while groping their bodies including pulling up Meita's tight shirt.

I got up kneeling next to her head grinning as I pulled my boxers down and told her to open wide. Her mouth parted as my shaft slid past her teeth rubbing my cock against her bumpy tongue. God it felt so good grinding myself against her muzzle holding her mouth closed enough that her teeth just applied pressure. I fumbled for the camera and got off two shots before I yanked back trembling as I tried to keep from cuming. I knelt there for what must have been a full minute with my eyes squeezed shut trying to think of anything but plowing that tight pussy.

I couldn't really hold back much longer and I honestly didn't want to as I let one paw explore each of their cunts slowly working one finger inside Meita's tight hole while I plunged two insider her mother working them around. That was when I had to stop... I felt Meita's intact hymen against my fingertip and it sent a shiver through my entire body. I slipped over to her mother taking one quick pic as I lined myself up against her hole. One quick firm thrust and I nearly hilted, taking another quick click before I dropped the camera and gave several thrusts.

I had no ability to hold back as I pressed as deep as I could and fully unloaded. I don't think I've ever blasted so much at one time feeling at least six full squirts as I quaked on top of the unconscious female. It was a deep shuddering sigh I gave before I leaned back looking for the discarded camera. I took several shots as I slowly pulled out getting one as my tip slipped out pulling upwards and drooling one last glob which fell down onto the soft fur surrounding her outer lips. She was slightly open and just a bit of white seed leaked as I took the last picture.

It was at that moment that I finally fully thought about the repercussions. Hybrids weren't easy to make but if both tried hard enough usually something would come of it, but me being part feline and totally soaking her insides. I gave another little shiver this time in anticipation, my sperm could right now be diving into the seedbed of her womb. The next thought was for Meita... was she fertile? or would she be soon so that if I pumped her full she might carry my child.

I took my time, not that I wasn't already hard and ready to blow but I wanted this to last. I wanted to fully enjoy the fantasy I was setting out as I got several pictures of her young body even spreading her lips far enough to almost get a shot of her maidenhood. It would be good enough, I knew it was there and so would she... if she ever saw the pictures. I took a few more of me hot dogging that hole before I finally pushed the tip against her entrance and dipped inside.

I had been oozing pre the entire time messing up both our crotch fur but totally lubing myself in the process. I took one more pic as I leaned over her and kissed her sensually. I imagine every young girl wants to be passionately kissed as she's taken the first time and thrust hard, backing up and pushing again forcing every single inch of myself into that tight snug hole. I kissed her harder trying to matching my forceful thrusts as I raped both her holes. I wondered what she would think, feel in the morning would she just be sore or would she instantly know she had been taken. If she knew would she imagine me... would she think of the male who had taken her purity... would she fantasize or would she break. That was the thought I liked best, knowing she would never again feel joy at life, that quick smile and playful laugh muted or even crushed.

Again I was coming close and if I was lucky she wasn't going to escape this night without truly lasting consequences. I buried my cock as far as I could and held there waiting out the last two seconds before I shot off inside of her. I think I was every bit as productive with the daughter as I was with the mother. My fantasy had me pouring pre then full blown seed deep into her body. No condom, no diaphragm, no chemical, nothing stopping my seed from entering her.

I finished with a long groan trying to force just that little bit extra inside before I collapsed on top of her body panting. I wasn't spent but after taking them both I was definitely a bit drained. I had done it, rapped both women and left my seed deep inside their belly. I pulled back still hard seeing nearly no blood and when my tip left her lips pulled together and closed. She was a little red on the edges but that almost seemed to fade as I took a few more pictures but unlike her mother nothing was sliding back out.

I grabbed part of the comforter pulling her legs up and shoving it under her ass before I looked back at her mother. I had barely even had time to enjoy my first time with her and felt a stir inside that told me I had more to give.

I took my time at first, slowly pumping my cock in and out of her pussy enjoying the feeling of fucking her even as I kissed and played with her body. But the more I kissed, the more I groped and the more groping I did, the more intense my kisses became. My body finally dropped the act a moment later gripping her body tight and fucking her... no raping her as hard and as fast as I could. I was going so hard it felt like my nuts were coming close to being bruised as I hilted her hard again and again.

I did it again, holding deep inside as my seed began to boil and I pumped another warm batch of sperm inside this time enjoying the fantasy of impregnating mother and daughter. Maybe they would both have daughters that I could introduce myself to later. More wild fantasies raced through my mind as I settled down on top of Nancy and relaxed. I needed several moments before I even bothered pulling away feeling my shrinking member easily slip out.

I was still hard enough though to work myself back into Meita resting on her body as I gave short shallow thrusts. I didn't have a lot left but that didn't mean I was totally done. I pulled our bodies closer together sinking further inside with her ass still off the mattress taking it slow and a good thirty minutes later I was finally able to shoot off inside her again feeling like a powerful dominating male instead of a rapist.

Sadly I knew the night would not last forever and if I wanted to pretend I could get away with this I need to get some work done. I grabbed my clothes just putting on my shoes as I trotted to the bathroom quickly cleaning myself up feeling my slightly red and sore privates before I finally pulled back on my clothes. I went back with wads of paper towels and one grimy rag that I had found and tried to wash out leaving it soaking wet as I made my way back to their tent.

I cleaned both as best as the situation allowed. Meita was fairly neat still keeping most of my seed inside while her mother seemed to keep drooling every time I thought I was done. I took pictures of both again setting them in a few poses even moving them close together with there legs intertwined. I got no arousal down below but even I would have been a little surprised if I did. I got them redressed, mostly, I had to leave the daughters pants off and wadded them up at the base of her mattress in the hopes she simply thought she took them off herself.

I wasn't sure if they would know what happened, or if they could even guess. Perhaps with a massive headache and off feeling they would assume they both got some case of food poisoning or something. Either way I had decided it was best to leave now.

I had everything packed up, although it took me longer working in the dark than I wanted to, but I knew I still had several hours before light when one last thought struck me. Finding some used paper with some space and a pen in the gloved box I made my way back into their tent. I look over both sleeping women one last time before rummaging through their small pack pulling out both I.D.s again and writing down their home address. Honestly I wanted a picture but the camera was now stashed in the jeep, besides I had what I now needed to visit them in the future. This time I packed the their bag with more care getting everything back inside and leaving it in the corner. With nothing left to do I simply left and drove home knowing they had no clue who I was and hoping that they wouldn't catch on to what I did... One can always hope right?

It was three day before I had gotten out my old laptop and charged it up hooking in first the camera then the printer. I had taken nearly two hundred pictures but the first thing I did was go through those they had taken before. It seems the pair were on a little driving spree stopping here and there as it suited them and they were evidentially on the way back home. After making three copies of each picture that was the best out of a group I wiped the camera memory then completely formatted the laptop.

Many times I had been tempted to drive the three hours to their home town and look them up but was far to worried that some strange male outside their home would elicit some sort of response so instead I continued with my normal life, not that anything was normal anymore.

Oh nothing changed on the outside per say, I went out with my friends, got set up on another blind date that ended at her front door.. yes with a kiss, and I worked and acted like normal. Yet every night my dreams were filled with conquest of female bodies both willing and unwilling. Twice I had thought to try and use those pills again but for some reason couldn't quite get past pulling them out of my pocket for fear someone would see.

Finally nearly five months later I took the weekend for myself booking a hotel room less than four miles from their address and drove out to see them. The first pass I saw nothing but a normal blue suburban home complete with a small three foot cyclone fence and modest grass yard, but no one was home. I had a small dilemma standing on their porch with a thick brown envelope containing one full set of pictures wondering if I could leave it. I thought I had struck out again the second time coming back in the early afternoon once again ringing the bell and waiting several minutes.

The catch was the van that was moving up the street as I hopped back into my jeep which I had parked across the street. I was full of tingles when it stopped outside and Nancy slowly got out belly fully rounded as she straightened up. I could do nothing but stare as she went around back to the raised back tailgate seeming happy, excitement pulsing off of her as she picked up several bags and moving to the house. It was then I realized Meita was still sitting in the front passenger seat, and at first I didn't understand what she was waiting for.

When Nancy came back out and called for her daughter to help, she finally got out. I couldn't see her well on the other side of the van but something was very different. Her whole body spoke of... defeat, yes that was the best way to put it. She was slouched and didn't even move around to the back of the van where I hoped to see her better, taking two bags from her mother and moving through the gate. That was when I caught my first look at her full body heavy and swollen just like her mother.

My hand dropped to my crotch feeling near painful swollen pressure as I rubbed against the strained pants I was wearing. It was everything I could have hoped for an more as I watched her slow progress back into the house. Nancy came back one more time grabbing the last bag and closing the van still looking every bit the vibrant happy mother to be. Part of me wondered how much more I might get out of resuming our relationships as I drove back to the hotel stroking myself so hard I actually came.

There was only one other thing I was thinking of when I locked the hotel door, what were they going to do? You see I notice the driver's side window was more than halfway down and as I started my jeep I pulled close enough to flip the envelope with all our picture onto the drivers seat knowing that likely Nancy would be the first to find it. And now I knew why I had three copies... One for me, One for them, and One for my children, when it's time.