Brother's Keeper Chapter 3: Here For You

Story by Moon Star on SoFurry

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Molly had gotten up early and walked into the kitchen. She set out her usual spread for herself and Ryan for whenever he woke up. She was quite content with herself that day; knowing she had grown just a bit closer to Ryan the previous night. She heard a low grumble and groggy movement as she looked to see Ryan tiredly moving down the stairs.

"Morning Ryan," she beamed before spooning more sereal into her mouth. Ryan offered a mumble as he took juice from the fridge and chugged a large gulp. "Did you sleep well?" she asked him with a coy grin on her face.

"I had the wierdest dream," he replied finally. "I dreamt Shelley was sucking me off so good it felt like it was actually happening." He explained sitting down in front of his bowl which he filled slowly.

"Please, she's a whore," she snapped and took a firm gulp of her juice. "She probably would give you a disease or something. She sleeps with every jock she can get her hands on."

Ryan shrugged and started eating. He knew Molly was defensive of him around other girls and saw that as a loving sibling gesture, since their parents never defended them. He did, however, give her a stern look.

"Now Molly, you don't know that for sure...," he said stiffly.

Molly stared right back at him. "I know damn well for sure! I overhere her everyday how she parties with guys and gets plowed by a new one each time. She is in it for the thrill brother and I won't let you get sucked in!"

Ryan looked at her a bit more easily now. He knew she had good intentions but she did have a tendency to jump the gun on issues that she had no trust in. He finished his cereal and headed upstairs.

"Look, I will be cautious for you sis, but for now lets just worry about getting through school today, alright?" he told her as he headed to his bathroom. Molly huffed and dumped her cereal down the drain and went upstairs.

Ryan knocked on Molly's door and peeked to see if she was ready. He looked gently and saw her completely naked in front of him as she was drying herself off. He turned fast and caught his breath in his throat. He sat outside the door and waited a few minutes before looking again and seeing her dressed. He walked in and she saw him in her mirror.

"Like my outfit?" she asked fanning out her mini skirt and pulling her bra up with her top. "Jake got it for me, before I caught him cheating on me that same day." She sighed and put her favorite hair clips in.

Ryan sighed at her statement. He felt bad for her: every relationship she had been in hit rock bottom because the guys would cheat on her. He never could figure out why.

"It looks good on you. Jake doesnt know what he is missing right now. He could have had the best girl in the world right now but he gave that up," he said softly hugging her from behind. Molly blushed but nuzzled him gently and kissed him with a "thank you". She grabbed her back pack and headed down stairs into Ryans car. Ryan could not figure out what had just happened between him and Molly; how their sibling bond somehow got stronger. He shook it of and went into his room, grabbing his car keys.

Molly had headed upstairs for her first class. Ryan had only a few morning classes then left around noon. Molly sat in her history class wishing time would move faster. She started to teeter off, tired from her business the other night when she felt a tap at her hand. She looked and found a note touching her hand. She opened it and it was signed Troy, the hyena that sat next to her. He looked at her with a smile and motioned for her to open it.

She opened the note and it was aking for a date at a given time and place. She looked at him and nodded slightly, knowing that is was worth a shot. Troy smiled and went back to lounging in his seat.

Molly had headed downstairs later that day hurrying to her next classes. She ran for her locker but stopped dead when she rounded the corner. There was Troy, making out with another girl in front of her. Troy opened his eyes a bit and jerked back when he saw Molly. He went to say something but Molly cut him off.

"You know what Troy? I see you it is. You just wanted me for my body on a one night stand. Well too bad, you can just forget about tonight." She slapped him and walked away, feeling so empty and betrayed.

Molly went on feeling depressed and eventually bumped into her older brother. She looked at him and nuzzled up close to him.

"Molly? Are you feeling alright?" he asked hugging her gently. She shook her head and told him what had happened. He comforted her and told her not to worry. "Now try and forget about him. I have to go now, I'm done with classes for the day. Be good." he told her and kissed her head gently.

Molly had waited for the accursed day to end as it ticked on slowly. She left the school waiting for her bus to show up when there was the one face she did not wish to see: Shelley and her little group of friends. They were sitting and watching every jock that went by, pointing and giggling at the "assets" they had. Shelley looked over and yelled for Molly; she ignored her until they walked over to her.

"Chica, dont you know its rude to not respond when someone calls you?" the vixen asked with a slight firm tone. Her latin american accent was a bit exaggerated considering she grew up in the south. Molly had no intention of communicating with Shelley so she turned away. Shelley was persistent and got nose to nose with Molly.

"You know, you are starting to annoy me with your ignoring thing. You had better answer me when I talk to you", she said her tone a bit deeper.

"What do you want Shelley? I have nothing to say to you that is important," she replied looking her in the eyes angrily. Shelley laughed lightly and eased up a bit.

"you know, your brother is really hot. I wouldnt mind having a good time with him. Here, give him my number so I can start spending time with him," she purred and handed Molly a small piece of pink paper. Molly glared and tore the paper into shreds, the wind took it away.

"No Shelley, I would never let my brother fall into the hands of a harlot like you. You just want him for his body; you're no better than Troy, and he tried to use me today. You wont be seeing my brother and you wont be doing anything with him." Molly said firmly glaring into Shelleys eyes. Shelley meerly smiled wickedly and snapped her fingers.

"Maybe you need some more...thourough persuading," she said as her friends backed Molly into a wall and surrounded her.

Ryan was sitting in his room watching TV when the door slammed downstairs. The slam was followed by a thump and a light wimpering noise. Ryan got up and rushed downstairs to where Molly was against the door, scratched and hurt; clothing torn and fur stained lightly with blood.

"Molly! Sweet Jesus what happened?!" he said nervously holding her close calming her down. Molly burried her head into his chest and cried lightly.

"Shelley, she...she and her friends..." she choked on the words in agony. "They cornered me and...beat me up because I refused to give you her phone number."

Ryan looked stunned and rubber his sisters head gently. She really didnt need this today, she had been through enough. He looked at his trying not to look stern.

"Tell me Molly: why did you not jsut comply with what she said? why not let me go out with her and you put your discretion behind?" he asked. Molly looked at him and firmly grasped his forearms in her hands, her face close to his.

"Because I love you Ryan," she told him, "and not just as siblings. I have loved you for so long but I knew you wouldnt like it because we are blood. You are the only guy I know who actually is willing to look after me in the long run; you would never do anything to hurt me. Im sorry Ryan but I just want you, I want to be with you so bad!" She buried her face into his chest and cried gently as she felt his arms hold her close.

Finally the truth was out: all the joking flirtatious moves and touches were serious. Molly got up with a sniffle and walked up to the bathroom to take a shower. Ryan went up into his room and sat thinking: his sister opened up her love to him and he knew it was wrong in every manner. He sat for a long time which seemed like hours and he finally heard Molly walk into her room. He knew he had to do something and he knew what he was doing was wrong in his mind, but his sister needed him.

Ryan knocked lightly before entering and looked at Molly. She was lying on her bed tired and upset; cleaned up but still noticable marks remained. Ryan walked in and rubbed her shoulder.

"You okay Molly?" he asked in a gently tone. She scooted to the edge a bit and curled up into a ball.

"I feel so alone Ryan, so unwanted by everyone. I dont want to be this way anymore," she said with an empty tone. Ryan crawled up beside her and buried his muzzle into her neck and kissed her gently.

"Its alright Molly, you arent alone anymore. Big brother Ryan is here for you," he said lightly and brought his arms over her and hugged her close to his chest.

Molly rolled over and looked at him, her eyes filling with tears which Ryan wiped away. She moved up to him and he gave her a long passionate kiss as she flung her arms around him. Ryan rolled her on her back and nipped at her neck playfully as she sighed lightly, her claws running into his hair gently. Ryan lowered his body against hers and she sighed harder as she felt him press against her through his pants.

"Ryan, I have to tell you something," she whispered stopping him for a moment. "That night you had the dream? It happened; that was me 'sucking you off', it was my way of congratulating you for the championship I did not get to see."

Ryan nuzzled into her neck once more, this time his hand ran down to his sisters chest as he groped her large breast roughly. She moaned gently as she felt his hand caress her curvatious body, his erection pushing against her. She dug her claws deep as his finger traced the inside of her womanhood and she rocked her hips against his hand, yearning for more.

"Ryan, I want you in me," she said with a moan as she tugged at his pants. Ryan stripped his clothing off and rubbed his hard member against her slit, making her purr and sigh with each deep stroke. Ryan felt both of them ready as he worked himself into Molly. Molly moaned sharply as she felt her virginity vanish from exsistance at the hands of her own brother; she arched her back sharply as the sensation caused her to sprawl gently.

Ryan worked himself slowly at first, feeling Molly's claws digging into his back; her pants warming his neck and her hips rocking against him in perfect harmony. He felt himself grow harder than before as he picked up th pace, Molly groaned as he went deeper into her and moaned sensuously against his chest. She felt herself grow wet with their juices as she felt her narrow womanhood tighten around him.

"Ryan, come in me," she beckoned into his ear softly, her moans growing louder with each push. She arched hard as she felt herself climax, her body taking in Ryan's seed as much as possible. Ryan groaned as he came violently inside her; his prosperous orgasm filling her as he panted with each gush. Molly panted looking at her brother with a smile as she moved her hips and pulled off of him. Ryan rolled into his back and sighed as Molly curled up into his chest.

"I love you brother, more than you could ever imagine. You have done so much for me, more than anyone has ever done," she said stroking his abs gently. Ryan brought her close and kissed her , putting her head into his neck.

"I love you too Molly. I dont think I could have a better girl to love than my own sister. Only family can understand you and love you the right way." Molly smiled and pulled herself close before falling asleep; Ryan pulled the sheet over them and followed her into slumber.