Drakkor and Lilly:: Lilly's Big Announcement

Story by MatheauStratford on SoFurry

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Just a quick note for all of you out there that are fans of my work. NO, Matheau and Beijore are NOT dead. They will be back very soon, and in all their glory, i promise you. Now, this is a new series that ive started working on, and I hope you'll enjoy it all the same. Drakkor is copywritten to me, and Lilly is copywritten to a dear friend of mine, so dont use them without our concent please. This story is not intended for those under the age of 18-21, depending on your states laws due to sexual acts and scenes. You have been warned. Enjoy!

Drakkor awoke the next morning in the same position he had fallen asleep in. His wings were still draped around his mate, and though he was no longer buried inside of her, he could still feel the heat of her pussy against his sheath, and he mrrrd softly in pleasure. His wings ached from being in their position for so long, but he cared very little for that, for it was a sweet ache, and one that he would proudly carry. Lilly then began to stir, moving enough so that her sex ground against his sheath, and he moaned softly, trying not to get aroused. "Good morning, my beloved mate." He whispered softly into her ear. "I trust you had a good nights sleep?" She mumbled something unintelligible and he chuckled softly as he lowered his wings so that she could slide from his chest and to the floor, where she wobbled awkwardly for a few moments, before moving to her wardrobe to fetch a heavy wool robe.

"Drakkor last night was........" Lilly fought to find a word. "Absolutely amazing to say the least. I mean, the entrance you made with the light, and the rainbow.....I have never before beheld a sight that was so absolutely beautiful." Drakkor listened intently, and he was very proud that she had enjoyed his little show. "Now you know what I meant when I said that you would see the spectacle that true love could bring." Drakkor rumbled as he rolled from the bed and to his feet, stretching out his body. "Yes, now I understand, my beloved dragon." She smiled at him tenderly. "We need to get bathed and go have breakfast, if anyone is still awake........" "You mean if they slept at all, my beloved." Drakkor chuckled. "We did make quite a racket last night, and I forgot to soundproof the walls."

Lilly laughed, and it was as if music to Drakkor's ears. He loved everything about her, from the way she talked and laughed, right down to the most minute movements and actions. "Today is a very special day, Drakkor." Lilly said, moving to him and laying a hand on his scaled side. Drakkor cocked his head in askance, and she said; "I have a big announcement today. After breakfast is done, and we pull the watch away for a few moments, I will give the announcement." "Is it that we are going to be officially mated, my beloved?" Drakkor asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Because I think that announcement would be quite un-necessary after last night." She fixed a stern gaze on him which softened so fast, Drakkor wasn't even sure if she had done it at all. "You will just have to wait and see like everyone else, Drakkor. Now come, let us go bathe........" Drakkor heard the implications in her voice and was all to eager to follow her.

This time Drakkor made no mistakes. As soon as the door to the private washroom was closed and locked, he made the spell to soundproof the room. Lilly smiled coyly over her shoulder as let the robe slip from her body and stepped into the shoulder high bathing pool. Steam rose from the water and veiled her slightly as Drakkor changed from his dragon form to his human form and stepped into the heated water. He hissed in pleasure as it surrounded his flesh. Lilly moved to him and let him take her into his arms. He kissed her neck gently and she slid her hand down his muscled chest and torso to grip his cock which was already hardening. To her surprise, he pushed her away from him and led her to the side of the bathing tub where he turned her around and put her hands on the edge of the pool and held them there, pushing his hips against hers so she could feel his hard cock against her ass. A slight whimper escaped her, but not one of pain or fear, but of anticipation. She knew that Drakkor knew well she liked it rough, and his catching her off guard made it all the better. Without warning, she called out as she felt his thick cock stabbing into her pussy, and gripped the side of the pool so hard her knuckles turned white. He panted as he thrusted hard and deep into her wanting body, he cunt gripping and massaging his length with each and every thrust. He nibbled and bit at the nape of her neck, and she yelled out in pleasure as he did so. His hands finally let go of hers and began to caress and knead her bouncing breasts as his hips bucked into hers, seeming to drive himself further and further into her with each and every thrust. When he pinched and pulled at her nipples, she screamed out, "OOOHHHH GAWWWDS DRAKKOR! Harder baby.......yessssss....." And he did just that, fucking into her sweet tight pussy almost mercilessly. She could feel his cock pulsing inside of her, and knew that he was close to filling her. Then as he slid a hand over the lips of her pussy and gripped her clit in his fingers and squeezed and pulled, she could take no more and screamed out his name as the orgasm washed over her. Drakkor growled inhumanly and bit her shoulder hard as he held his cock buried in her and released his load of hot seed. They stayed that way for a while, panting and catching their breath, until Drakkor finally slipped out of her with a groan.

"That was the best bath I've ever had......" Lilly panted and giggled as she got the soap and loofa and began to clean herself. Drakkor nodded in agreement and wordlessly began to wash himself as well. When they were both clean, they stepped out of the tub and Lilly dressed in her robe while Drakkor reverted to his dragon form. She wanted to fuck him like that again too, to be as full as she was that first time in the forest......but she held back her urges and opened the door. To both of their surprises, Nabaku tumbled into the bathroom. "Well now, this is awkward......." She said as she got to her feet. "I was ummm.......worried, because I saw you two go in and I uhhhh......didn't hear anything so I uhhhhh.......was gonna break the door in and see if you needed help?" The tale was so absurdly false that Drakkor laughed. Lilly, however, was not amused. "Spying on my mate and I is a big offense, Nabaku." She crossed her arms over her chest. "Be gone, and we will discuss this later." Nabaku was gone so fast, he could have sworn he saw a smoke trail.

"Come, my love. You may not need to get dressed, but I do, and we still need to get breakfast." Lilly said. Drakkor stifled a giggle and followed her. "What are you going to do to her?" He asked, amused beyond reason. "I'm not sure yet." Lilly said. "Perhaps cut her rations or give her extra duties as a warning." "That sounds like a good idea to me." Is all Drakkor said.

After they went down to the dining hall and had breakfast, and the table was cleared, Lilly called all those present to the audience chambers. In the forefront were Maximus, Lace, and Nabaku, who tried to hide back in the shadows amidst the crowd. "I call you all here....." Lilly started. "Because I have two announcements to make." She took her seat in her throne and bade Drakkor to sit next to her with a wave of her hand, and he did so without hesitation. "The first is this.......I no longer rule alone. Drakkor is now my mate, and as such, he is the king of our land. You will obey him as you would obey me." Drakkor could have sworn he heard a groan of protest from Nabaku back in the shadows and had to hide a smirk. Lilly's eyes narrowed dangerously towards Nabaku, then her eyes lit up as she stood up. "And the second announcement is......" She placed a hand on her belly. "I am pregnant." All those assembled gasped loudly, and Drakkor started and nearly fainted. Lilly turned to Drakkor and smiled with a smile so warm it nearly melted his heart. "I am pregnant with your child, Drakkor. That is why I was afraid......that is why I sent you away........" Drakkor moved to her and took her in his arms and hugged her close. "I can understand why you were afraid, but my love, I would leave you for nothing, and now we are to have a child......" He rubbed her belly softly and then kissed her deeply, causing the crowd to roar in approval. Lilly blushed softly and disengaged from Drakkor. "Those are my announcements, and now the lot of you can leave........" Her eyes narrowed. "Except for you, Nabaku. You get your furry butt up here right now!" "Hey, my ass ain't furry, just my tail!" Argued Nabaku, but she came to the dais none the less. "You spied on my mate and I, and you groan to know that he is king.........I should have you bow and kiss his feet, but I wont. Your rations will be cut, and you will stand two additional watches each night." Nabaku started to protest, but the ice in Lilly's glare stopped her. "Yes ma'am." She said with a sigh. "Good......you are dismissed, Nabaku."

After Nabaku had slunk off, Lilly took Drakkor's claw and all but dragged him back to the bedroom. Once it was shut, she went and sat on the bed, and put her head in her hands. "Drakkor, I.....I'm so sorry. When I found out I was pregnant I....I....i got scared and I didn't know what to do.......I panicked." Drakkor hooked her chin gently in his claw and raised her glazed eyes to meet his sparkling purple eyes. "Don't you see, my beloved mate?" Drakkor asked. "This was another trial that the gods pitted against us, and we passed it, together. It is proof, undeniable proof that we are meant to be." He brought her hands to his lips and kissed them gently. "And now we will have a child together, the ultimate bond of trust and love between mates."

Tears streaked down her cheeks as she heard the truth and sincerity in his words. "Yes......mates forever." She smiled. "Drakkor......please soundproof the room......I want to be full of you again, like in the forest. As I become more heavy with child, we will not be able to do that much more." With a wave of his claw, it was done, and he carefully removed her clothing and set it aside, pushing her back upon the bed. "What my mate desires, my mate shall have." He growled softly as he crawled upon the bed and over her, working his way carefully between her thighs so that his scales did not cut her. He inhaled deeply and could smell that she was already highly aroused. "You have had this planned, haven't you, my beloved?" A small nod and a lusty pant was the only answer she gave as she felt the big, thick head of his dick press into her cunt ever so slowly. She whined and tried to buck her hips to force him into her, but he leaned forward and wrapped his jaws about her throat to hold her still. The hold was firm, yet gentle, his teeth not even puncturing her flesh. After what seemed to her and agonizingly blissful century, she felt his heavy balls against her outer lips and sighed in pleasure. She then felt his tail creep slowly up to her behind and thrust into her tight little hole quickly, and she yelped a little in pain at the rough entry, but it was soon replaced by pleasure as he began to buck his hips into her, driving his cock and tail in and out of her at a slow and steady pace. Her muscles squeezed and massaged the appendages as they slid in and out of her hot body, and she whimpered as came, stuffed full of dragon cock and tail. His thrustings soon became harder and faster, and still she wanted more. Her legs locked around his waist in an attempt to pull him deeper into her body. He released her throat and took her lips in a passionate kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth so that their tongues danced in an intricate and passionate dance as he fucked her hard, and yet with such tenderness as she had never known. She was his, mind body and soul, and she knew that he was also hers in the same fashion. The two lovers began to fuck each other hard, Lilly's muffled moans and pants issuing from her throat as that dragon dick pierced her so deeply, and his tail fucked her hot ass fervently. She came several times around him within the span of five minutes, and another was quickly building. When she felt his tongue slide past hers, she knew that now he would truly fill her completely, and within seconds, his tongue was literally down her throat, and she moaned as she suckled it as she would his cock. Now his thrusts came quickly, and she felt him expanding inside of her, and knew that he was going to burst, awaiting his mighty roar. But this time, it did not come. He kept his tongue in her throat and growled loudly as he came inside of her, filling her with warmth. The vibrations traveled down her throat and triggered a powerful orgasm that almost made her bite his tongue as her pussy squeezed his cock like a vice to milk every drop of his seed from him. At last his thrusts stopped, and his tail and cock withdrew from her body, and his tongue slipped from her throat. He laid next to her and draped a wing over her body, panting softly. He was worn out, as was she, and she curled into his side as a hatchling would.

"You complete me and fill me in so many ways, my beloved mate........" Lilly said, running her hand over his heaving side. "As you complete me, my beloved. There isn't a thing in this world that I wouldn't do or give for you." She smiled and nodded dreamily. "We just woke up some time ago, and yet I am already drained......." "Then let us sleep, my beloved." Drakkor said softly. "None will disturb us, if they have any sense." Again she nodded, already drifting off into the land of dreams, to dream of the family they would soon have.