Primal Passion: Issue #5- Therapy

Story by Bear Cub Comics on SoFurry

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"Erica? Erica?" a voice called.

Erica opened her eyes groggily and looked up into the faces of her teammates whom were circled around her. She gasped in relief. She was awake. The nightmare was over. Tears of joy came to her eyes, stinging. She must have already cried a lot. With a sudden shock, Erica realized that she still felt the oozing warmth on her chest. In a panic, she sat bolt upright and looked down. The Heartbreaker pulsed weakly, impaled by several of the large thorns that now protruded from her body. Thick black sludge drained from it at as it slowly withered and died. A few moments later it gave one final shudder, before falling into Erica's lap with a disgusting plop.


Half an hour later, Monique and Erica were sitting beside each other on a cot in the main control room. Jason had them wrapped in blankets and eating canned pineapple that he had scrounged from the hideout's barren supply room. He was not taking any chances and wanted them to regain their strength as quickly as possible. Monique was weak and a little distant, but she insisted that she was fine. Erica sat quietly, staring at the floor and wanting nothing more than to take a hot shower, crawl into bed and disappear from the world.

Primal was in agony. Unlike the others, he was well aware of the magnitude of Erica's sacrifice. He wanted nothing more than to go to her and console her but he instead hung back like everyone else. In truth, he was afraid to go to her. She had just been through hell and back. Did she need comfort, or did she need time? Regardless of what the answer was, he also feared what the others might think. Although he and Erica had been closer to each other than any of their other teammates long before that first night, the new direction of their relationship was having obvious affects on them. Erica was the happiest she had been since the GDF had put the team together. She smiled and laughed more often now. He himself now spent much less time cooped up in his room or "lair" as Tyler called it, and tried to interact more with the others, although they still seemed a little unsure how to act around him.

Nowhere, however, was the change more evident than in their training sessions. Because close physical contact was no longer an issue between them, they were now able to perform a number of previously difficult maneuvers without hesitation. Everyone noticed. Erica, however, was afraid that Jason had begun to suspect something. Primal could not do anything which might lend credence to those suspicions.

Jason used the primary computer terminal to contact their sponsor GDF senior member, Watchdog. He gave a detailed account of everything that had happened. Watchdog somehow managed to seem concerned and condescending at the same time. Naturally, the whole event would never have happened if Jason had not been so stubborn and had allowed more experienced GDF members to handle the decommissioning of Guardian's base. He also wanted to both Monique and Erica to be examined by Dr. Love's medical team immediately.

Jason argued that since the danger seemed to be passed them, it would be better to wait until the ladies had regained their strength before making the long trip to the Citadel, be it by teleportation or otherwise. Watchdog reluctantly conceded. Although he took a moment to commend Erica on her act of sacrifice and bravery, he paused as if searching for the correct words. He was obviously not used to making speeches, no matter how brief. It was just as well. Erica could only bring herself to nod her head once in recognition of his words, her thoughts still in a daze.

He then instructed Jason to preserve the Heartbreaker specimen so that it might be inspected later. Jason quickly signed off before unceremoniously dropping the parasite into a large jar of preservative from the lab, and placing it with the weapons and files which he would deliver to the GDF at a later date.

Fearing that Monique was too weak to teleport, they took the elevator up to the ground floor of the building above and snuck through several passageways until they reached the loading bay. It did not take Jason long to dismiss the workers there and commandeer a company van. Primal climbed into the back of the delivery van on all fours and lay upon his stomach to remain out of sight. Tyler, Erica and Monique quickly followed him, while Jason and Natasha sat up front. Erica felt a fleeting wave of annoyance, knowing that Natasha was only riding in the front so that she would not have to sit close to Primal. Monique seemed to have no qualms about this, having discovered much like Erica, that Primal's furry body made an excellent pillow. Erica soon joined her as the two began to doze fitfully.

They rode in relative silence until they reached the parking structure which camouflaged their base below. Upon reaching the lobby, Monique and Erica made a bee-line for the showers. No one stopped them.


The two young women scrubbed vigorously beneath the near-scalding water as they attempted to purge any and all traces of the creeping horror from their pores. Finally, almost as if by silent agreement, they reduced the steaming jets to a cold trickle as they rinsed themselves and cooled their flushed skin. They dressed slowly, Erica praising the heavens that she had remembered to stock her locker with fresh clothes for once.

"My nanna used to live with me and my mom in our apartment," Monique said as she stepped into her panties. Erica turned to face her.

"She used to watch me while my mom worked the night shift at the diner," She continued as she slid her arms into her bra.

"I woke up one night, and there was smoke everywhere. I could hardly see anything. I tried to call for Nanna but the smoke burned my lungs and started chocking and crying. I just remember curling up and wishing I was somewhere else. Then the air was cold and I felt sand. I was under the swings in the park. I didn't know what had happened, but I got up and ran home. The fire department was there. My mom was screaming from across the street with a fireman holding her back. When she saw me, she just ran over, hugged me and started crying."

Erica continued to put her clothes on as the now fully dressed Monique sat down on the small wooden locker room bench.

"The firemen said that it was an electrical fire. There wasn't a lot of damage, just smoke. They found Nanna in the hallway outside my bedroom. She had been trying to find me and suffocated. My mother never asked me what happened. I think she was afraid to. She just kept saying how glad she was that I was alive, that it was a miracle."

Monique stared at her locker musingly.

"Don't get me wrong. It's not like I blame myself for what happened to her. It was the first time that I used my powers. I was just a kid, you know. It's not like I had any control over it. I don't think that I could have gone back or taken her with me even if I'd thought to try. It's just that....."

Erica remained silent as Monique paused.

"If Nanna would have lived, my mom wouldn't have had to stay with me all the time and she wouldn't have married Barry. You know what he called me? ‘Money,' because I made sure that he never had to do an honest day's work. And just when I think that I'm finally free, I get drafted into the G.D. Freaks!"

Monique's anger disappeared as suddenly as it had risen.

"Why did this happen to us? We didn't ask for this. I mean, Tyler and I were born like this, you and Primal got magic mojo that you don't want, and Natasha's only the way she is because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. It's not fair."

Monique looked away from Erica, her feisty eyes now very tired.

"My worst memory is the night that my life ended," she confessed with a humorless laugh.

"You know it's not like any of the rest of us were tripping over ourselves to take your place. We've all had it pretty rough," Erica remarked blankly without anger or pity.

Monique looked at her suddenly as if shocked. Her lower lip slowly began to quiver as water welled up in her eyes. She quickly brought up her towel to cover her face. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I didn't mean it like that. I mean you....after you....," she babbled.

"It's okay," soothed Erica as she slipped her arms around Monique. She found it strange to be in the position of the comforter once again. She had always thought of Monique as being a very strong willed person, but she sensed now that Monique needed her to be strong. Erica's tattered spirit struggled to rise to the challenge.

"No it's not," Monique sniffed. "You helped me, but you don't know anything about me, not the real me. I'm not nice. I've got secrets."

"We've all got secrets," Erica said as she turned her head and laid it against Monique's. "They're about the only thing we've got left."

They stayed like that for what seemed like a long time.

"E'?" Monique finally broke the silence.

"Hmm?" Erica asked without lifting her head.

"You know you're my girl, right?"

"Yeah, Monique. I'm your girl," Erica said pulling her arms just a little bit tighter around her friend.

"Good, cause I can't stand the ballerina," Monique stated.

"Me either," Erica admitted as they both burst into laughter and pulled apart.

Monique wiped away the last of her tears as she chuckled.

As their laughter died down, Monique once again took on a slightly sad look. "E', what was it like? For you I mean?"

Erica paused for a long moment before she spoke. "It was my dad," she lied. "And the cancer."

"I'm sorry," Monique said wholeheartedly. "That must have been hell for you."

"Yeah," Erica agreed. "But I think I needed it somehow."

"What do you mean?" Monique asked.

"My dad was a soldier. He never quit fighting. I did. I just closed my eyes and wished for it to be over," Erica said with a hint of shame.

"There was nothing you could have done," Monique assured her.

"Maybe," Erica admitted. "But I'll never know, because I gave up."

"But I didn't give up this time. I fought right up until the end." She lifted the wrist bearing her bracelet to her face and stared at the cursed trinket. "And I won."

On the ride back to base, Erica had overheard Jason discussing what had happened with Natasha. According to Temptresses message, killing the Heartbreaker should have sent Erica's body into a state of shock and likely killed her as well. The only explanation that he could think of was that the rose bracelet had somehow nullified the organism's deadly defense mechanism. Like one parasite defending its host from another parasite. Erica had always hated the bracelet and what it had turned her into, but now as she imagined herself comatose, trapped in a never ending nightmare she was glad to have it for once. She had called out in her time of need and it had saved her.

Together they rose and made their way towards their sleeping quarters.


Two days later........

In her room, Erica laid restlessly on her bed facing the wall. The muted light of the hooded lamp on her nightstand cast her shadow upon its plane like some ghostly mountain range. Despite a slight chill in the air, she wore only a small night shirt and a pair of panties as she lay above the covers. Tired as she was, sleep would not come. Nearly two days had passed since she had awoken on the cold laboratory floor but she could not stop the endless stream of thoughts that poured through her head.

Dr. Love and his medical team had examined them first thing that morning. Aside from severe fatigue, there did not appear to be any lasting effects from the parasite. Dr. Love had prescribed plenty of fluids and bed rest, especially in Monique's case. Initially the others had fretted and fussed over them, Jason checking on her and Monique every hour, but eventually things had settled down. The compound was now relatively quiet, everyone having elected to turn in for an early night after such an emotionally charged day. It did Erica little good. She could only sleep for a few minutes at a time before she started awake again. She was exhausted.

She had almost decided to give up on sleep entirely when she heard the gentle hiss of her electronic doorway as it slid open and shut. There had been no knock or call. She detected the gentlest padding of leathery palms and soles intermixed with the occasional click of talons. Erica felt the plane of her mattress slope as a great weight climbed into bed with her. She sighed deeply as she felt the back of a large hand brush gently down her spine.

"I'm okay," she said flatly.

She did not resist as Primal hooked one long, furred limb around her body and pulled her against his massive frame. Only now, with Primal's arm draped across her front and his reassuring warmth against her back did Erica finally begin to shake uncontrollably. Pressed tightly against him, she inhaled the warm earthy scent of his skin and fur.

Erica knew that she should feel something right now; victorious or maybe empowered. In reality, she only felt tired. Tired and overwhelmed. She just wanted to forget; forget about that night, about villains and their traps, about friends in need, about cursed bracelets, about everything.

"Please, Noah. Make me forget," she pleaded. "Just for awhile."

Several moments passed before Primal raised his arm and hesitantly placed his hand on Erica's waist. Reaching to take his hand, she slid his palm down her hip and into the nook between her legs. Although she did not yet feel the passion, she hoped that by going through the motions, she might be able to rouse it from its sleep.

Careful not to rip the thin fabric with his claws, Primal began to knead her through her panties. His movements, while adequate, seemed somewhat lackluster. With his heightened animal senses, Erica realized that he could probably sense her lack of enthusiasm. It was only when his finger pressed against the tiny nodule of her clit that she felt a tiny jolt of pleasure, bitter-sweet like the painful stretching of a stiff muscle. The smallest of moans escaped her throat. Encouraged, Primal gently nuzzled the crook of her neck, the sweet, humid warmth of his breath raising goose bumps on Erica's skin.

Rising up from her side, Erica tried to turn and face him. Quickly rising himself, Primal restrained her gently about the shoulders and kept her facing away from him. Reaching down, he grasped the bottom of her night shirt and slowly began to lift it. Reluctantly, she raised her arms to accommodate him. As a rule, she tried to show as little of her back as possible. Because she knew they would see the scars in the shower and locker room, she had convinced Monique and Natasha that they were the result of falling backwards onto a glass top table. In her encounters with Primal, she had always made sure that she faced him, with her back out of sight.

Her shirt gone, Erica wrapped her arms around herself to fend off the chilled air. She welcomed the warmth of Primal's furred cheek as he slid it across her back. She savored the sensation, before inhaling suddenly as she felt Primal press the end of his muzzle to one of her scars and give the faintest of licks. For a moment her mind returned to the back of the darkened van. This image faded as Primal stroked his hands reassuringly up and down her arms, while continuing to gently kiss her marred skin.

After showing his indifference to her scars, Primal turned Erica around to face him. Leaning down he nibbled Erica's right ear. Her misery cracked momentarily as she giggled. Primal was playing dirty; taking advantage of her ticklish areas. She did what she normally did when he got out of line and gave one of his ears a gentle twist. He withdrew quickly, giving her an apologetic yet hopeful look. She found a faint smile sticking to her face despite herself. He was good at that.

Lifting her chin with one hand he leaned down again. Her lips parted passively, her mouth yielding to his. As her tongue slid against his, she combed her fingers upward through the coarse fur in the center of his chest. Her pulse quickened as she now felt heat growing in earnest within her. Her hands continued their journey upward, over his shoulders and behind his long, muscled neck. Her fingers entwined in the silver-tipped mane that ran the length of his spine as she crushed her body against his. The soft texture of his fur ground pleasantly against her nipples.

Breaking the kiss, Primal began to nuzzle the side of Erica's neck. Slowly working his way down to her shoulder with light flicks of his tongue, his hand traced its way down the small of her back. She leaned back slightly to allow him to continue his trek down her body as she felt the tips of his clawed fingers slide beneath the waistband of her panties and firmly squeeze her buttocks.

Erica tightened her grip on Primal's mane as she felt him gently pull at her nipple with his teeth. As she drew air through her clenched teeth, her gaze was drawn by a brief flick of Primal's ear. Deciding that one fair turn deserved another, she gingerly closed her mouth around the fuzzy triangle and sucked on it as she withdrew her lips. Upon reaching the tufted tip, she bit down and gave it a playful tug. He responded by quickly flipping her onto her back. Erica strained to keep her lips together as she suppressed a surprised laugh. They could not afford to be too loud, for fear that the others might hear.

Leaning forward, Primal reached past Erica's head with his long arm. She lifted her head at his coaxing and smiled as she felt him slide a pillow beneath it. He then proceeded to slip her panties down past her ankles before casting them aside. Holding up one finger, he begged a moment's pause as he backed off the bed and stood up. Erica watched amusedly as he stripped off the only clothing he ever wore, pulling his tail through first before allowing the trademark black shorts to fall around his taloned feet. He quickly climbed back onto the bed and straddled her body, placing one tiger-striped thigh on either side of her hips.

Reaching up, Erica placed both hands on his broad chest. She trailed her fingers downward through the treasure trail of thicker, dark brown fur to his groin where it mixed with the white of his inner thigh to give rise to the golden-brown of his sheath and ball-sac. Already she could see the dark pink head of his cock as it poked from his sheath, begging for attention. She stroked the underside of the tip slowly with her finger, causing the sheath to bob up and down excitedly. He growled softly at her teasing before placing his hands on either side of her head and stretching his body out above hers. After tenderly licking her on the lips, Primal began to back up on the bed, intent on repeating the action elsewhere.

Up until now, Erica had been reluctant to take her physical relationship with Primal to the next level. In truth, the thought of it was a little scary to her. On the one hand, she was not sure that she was capable. Having only used a small sex toy once out of curiosity, she had no clue what her body could handle. In Primal's case she would need to handle a lot. This of course did not help to relieve her fear of pain. Even though she kept telling herself that it would be different, the memory of the pain had always been a deterrent for her. Looking back, however, having relived that night, with Primal now kissing and caressing her, she almost found her previous reservations ridiculous. The difference was as vast as night and day. Primal would never willingly do anything that might hurt her, and if there was some pain or discomfort, so what? She could handle it. Didn't she owe it to him to at least try?

Reaching down, Erica placed both hands on either side of Primal's head, stopping his decent.

"Noah," she said warmly as she pulled him back to gaze into his eyes. "I'm ready."

Caught off guard, Primal stared back at her with mixed surprise and hesitation. Unsure of what to do next, he swallowed dryly as his body suddenly became tense.

Erica kept her eyes locked with Primal's as she drew her knees up against the sides of his body and gave the slightest of nods. Following her lead, Primal gathered his body against hers. She did not have to look to know that he was now fully erect. She could practically feel the heat radiating from his engorged phallus.

Erica took a deep breath as Primal began to move against her. To her surprise, however, he did not enter her immediately. Taking his time, Primal first placed his throbbing cock against the base of her slit before beginning to stroke its length against her sensitive lips. It was not long before she began to respond to the mild friction, her breath quickening and her slit becoming increasingly wet. She moaned faintly as his strokes caressed her clit.

As the heat grew within her, Erica began to feel something akin to impatience. The suspense was killing her and although she was still nervous she could not deny that deep down some part of her now ached to feel Primal inside her. Only when he sensed her eagerness did Primal finally stop and position himself to enter her. Dropping her hands from the sides of his face, she wrapped each arm around his own as he propped himself up above her. She firmly grasped his biceps as she prepared herself.

Already wet with her, the head of his cock slid in easily. Erica bit her bottom lip as she felt the first few inches of his shaft spread and stretch her opening. Primal slightly withdrew several times before pushing forward again, working more of his length into her with each advance. She gasped as she felt him fill her. To her amazement, her body embraced him completely. As she suspected, there was some discomfort but also a deep inexplicable feeling of satisfaction and completeness. They moved together slowly as her passage gradually loosened to accommodate him.

The lids of Primal's eyes drooped heavily as he stroked leisurely in and out of Erica's wet, hot depth. His mind sloshed and swirled as he tried to process this new sensation. The animal side of his nature wanted nothing more than to hammer into her over and over, to reach climax immediately so that he might begin again. His human aspect resisted this however, knowing that this was something special that required time and patience. That being said, he was simply grateful that he had not cum yet. It took every ounce of willpower he had to hold himself back as he concentrated on making himself last.

"Noah," Erica whispered as she tightened her grip on Primal's arms and felt his muscles flex just beneath the skin. She stared straight up into his neck and chest as he swayed above her. As her body adjusted, the dull ache which she had first felt was eclipsed by a pleasant throb that matched the ebb and flow of his body. The feeling was only amplified by the pleasant sensation of velvety fur against her skin as he thrust between her thighs. Blissfully, she wrapped her slender legs around his waist. For awhile she simply laid still as Primal rocked her body, riding the ever growing wave of ecstasy.

As their passion increased so too did their pace. Craving more speed, Erica reflexively began rising to meet Primal as he plunged into her. Sensing this, he increased the rhythm and force of his thrusts, taking care not to lose control. Erica raked her fingers slowly down Primal's arms as the wave swelled and finally broke upon the shore. She threw her head back in a silent scream, as she struggled to hold in her cry. No longer able to hold back, Primal slammed into her with three fierce thrusts. The lips of his muzzle pulled back in a low snarl as he felt Erica convulse around his member, its tip straining against her cervix deep within her.

In the midst of her orgasm, Erica felt warmth blossom inside her as Primal flooded the unreached depths of her body with his seed. The sensation was strange, alien, and somehow fulfilling. They continued to grind together for several moments, bodies taught with the weakening aftershocks of their union. Only when they had rung the last rapturous shudders from their bodies did they finally collapse onto the bed, drained and sated.

Erica felt the steamy heat of Primal's breath as he panted heavily against her neck. She clung to him in protest when she felt him try to separate from her, not wanting him go yet, despite the risks. Although she could barely move, she found his heaviness comforting. His furry bulk warmed her against the chill of night air and the perspiration on her skin. She was fondly reminded of the Siberian blizzard and the small cave in which Primal had sheltered her that fateful day. She felt safe with him. She felt protected. Nothing could hurt her in this moment.

"Please," she groaned as she turned her head groggily to the side. "Stay just a little longer. Just until...I...."

And with that Erica drifted into a deep, untroubled sleep.


Erica awoke in the wee hours of the morning. Her first thought was that Primal had left, but she quickly realized that this was not the case. He had apparently rolled off of her sometime during the night, after which he had folded the part of the covers that she had not been laying on over her body. He now lay beside her on his stomach, one arm draped over her chest and one leg slung over her own.

Being careful not to wake him she gently slipped from beneath his limbs and out of bed. She winced slightly at the tenderness between her legs as her feet danced on the cold floor. Picking them of the floor, she slipped back into her panties and nightshirt. Once covered, she paused by her bedside to lean over and kiss Primal on the forehead. His ear flicked lazily in response as he absently scratched the shin of one leg with the taloned foot of another before drifting back into a deeper sleep. She resisted the urge to laugh as she slunk quietly into the hall. Although it was risky to leave him sleeping in her bed, she could not bring herself to wake him. He simply looked too cute and peaceful.

Her panties were soaked by the time she reached the locker room. She had not noticed Primal's cum leaking out of her until it was too late. She stripped them off and folded them in her night shirt. Tossing them into her locker, she made a mental note to wash them later along with her bed sheets. Unabashed, she strode into the showers as Primal's seed continued to seep down her leg. The hot water was refreshing and helped her to work out some of her soreness. After bathing, she put on a fresh set of clothes, even slipping on a pair of worn tennis shoes, before making her way to the kitchen.

The pantry was well stocked. It had to be. One of the typical side effects of having superpowers was an elevated metabolism. Primal and Tyler alone ate enough to feed a small army. They were almost perpetually out of one thing or another despite the fact that they bought their groceries in bulk. She stood in the pantry for several minutes, debating, before she finally made up her mind and began to collect the necessary ingredients. Peanut-butter waffles. That's what she wanted. Just like mom used to make.

She hummed to herself over the next several minutes as she mixed the ingredients and beat them into a creamy batter. She ladled some of it into the kitchens deluxe waffle iron, which could make them four at a time. While she waited, she even threw some eggs and sausages on the griddle.

She already had several breakfast platters stacked high and was about to start on the second batch of waffles when she heard the others approaching from the sleeping quarters.

" cold?" came the end of Tyler's question.

"Because some idiot with a Hummer backed into one of the camouflaged air vents," Jason said with a small yawn. "All the warm air is getting out. I'll call a maintenance crew and...."

Jason paused as he opened the swinging door to the kitchen and spotted Erica.

"Good morning," Erica smiled.

"Good morning to you too," Jason said hesitantly.

Tyler stuck his head in with a confused look. "Jason was gonna stand in for Monique, you know. It's our turn to make breakfast. You don't have to do that."

"He's right Erica," Jason concurred.

"It's alright," she assured them. "I just woke up early and felt like cooking. That's all."

The pair simply stood in confusion, staring at her.

"Well, is there anything that we can do to help?" Jason asked.

"Sure. You can take those trays to the mess and someone needs to flip the eggs and sausage."

Tyler swiftly moved to flip the sizzling meat, leaving Jason to carry the trays . The two did what they could over the next several minutes to help but Erica ran the show. They had just carried the last of the food to the mess when Natasha and Monique came in.

"Something smells good," Natasha remarked as she strolled towards the the metal, cafeteria style table which occupied one corner of the immense lobby.

"My mom and I used to make these all the time but it's been a few years. I hope they taste alright", Erica said as everyone began to sit down in their usual spots. Monique sat beside Tyler and across from Erica. Jason then sat beside Erica, across from Tyler. Natasha of course sat at the end of the table, between Jason and Tyler, and far away from Primals usual spot at the opposite end between Moniqu and Erica.

"Tastes good to me," Tyler announced around a mouth full of waffle.

"Would it kill you to swallow before you talk?" asked Jason from across the table as he poured a glass of orange juice.

Distracted by their banter, no one noticed as Primal slunk cat-like from the women's sleeping quarters. Rising onto two legs as he drew close, he casually took his seat at the end of the table. With an equal level of nonchalance, Erica passed him a plate. She could not stop her smile from widening by the tiniest fraction as their eyes locked. Although he was unable to smile in return, Erica felt the end of his semi-prehensile tail as it curled around her ankle beneath the table. Although it was difficult to do, she broke the connection first, shifting her gaze to the breakfast in front of her.

"You shouldn't have done this E'," Monique commented as she stared at Erica from across the table. "I know that you've been having trouble sleeping too. Jason said yesterday that he'd take my place."

"I didn't do it for you, Monique," Erica said as she drizzled syrup on her waffles. "I did it for me. Besides, I don't think that I'm gonna have any more trouble sleeping anymore. I'm over it."

Monique looked at her doubtfully.

"Really," Erica assured her. "I can't change the past, but I'm not going to let it control me. I'm going to make the best of my life now." She offered Monique the bottle of syrup. "We both can."

Monique was still for a moment, as if trying to decide something. She finally conceded, the corner of her stoic mouth pulling into a cocky smirk as she took the bottle from Erica. It took a moment before they both noticed that the others were watching them quizzically, well aware of the fact that they had apparently missed something. Jason, naturally, was doing his Sherlock Holmes impression again, brow slightly furrowed, jaw set, pondering the mystery.

Erica and Monique both bubbled over with laughter at the looks on their teammates faces.

"Are you sure that your alright?" Tyler asked warily as Erica took a bite of her waffle. She glanced across the table at Monique, birthing a new wave of giggles. She savored the taste of her mother's recipe as she laughed with her friend and felt the reassuring touch of her lover on her ankle.

"You know," she said after swallowing her waffle. "I think I'm gonna be just fine"


In the new headquarters of the Church of Human Purity......

"Why, brothers and sisters?!" screamed the man behind the podium.

"Why is it that everywhere I look I see a new book, talk show, or God damn bumper sticker about these super-powered freaks?!" Without turning, the aging speaker raised a hand which bore a remote and pressed a button. The wall of monitors behind him slowly began to flicker on. Each screen displayed a different channel, showing a multitude of different shows, both American and foreign. They were all similar however in the fact that they each depicted at least one person whom either by appearance or display of ability revealed themselves to be more than ordinary humans.

"I'll tell you why! It's because we have grown lax! We have drug our feet and twiddled our thumbs for too long! When was the last time you tried to recruit more members for our cause?! When was the last time you volunteered for a raid?! While we have sat idle, they have only increased in strength and number!"

The fiery eyes of the orator glared out from his now red face as he swept his gaze across the seats of the old opera theater which had become the new haven for The Church of Human Purity. Some of the congregation hung their heads in shame while others shouted and nodded fervently in agreement.

"But.....but....Brother Stone, I saw Mr. Universe save those kids from a burning building," the speaker whined in a mocking voice. "And how many fires have they started?! How many children have been crushed or crippled because they got caught in the middle of some neo-freak street brawl?! There are no heroes and villains! There are only humans and freaks! Accepting one of them is just as bad as accepting them all! I will not allow a world in which we live in dependence on these abominations any more than I will accept a world in which we live in fear of them!"

The congregation yelled in agreement as they pumped their fists in the air.

"If we don't make a stand for humanity, here and now, there may not be a humanity in the future!"

The TV monitors switched off as the wrinkled fingers of the zealot squeezed the remote in anger.

"The war is now, brothers and sisters, and it is what we do now that will determine whether or not our families, our country, and our race will be left standing. There can be only one victor. Mark my words, brothers and sisters! The end is soon coming. "

"Nay, preacher," a voice echoed throughout the theater, despite its gentle tone. "The end is come."

Brother Stone turned to stare as the speaker as he walked onto the stage.

The man appeared to be in his thirties. The gentlest of smiles graced his angelic face. His ethnicity was ambiguous, his olive complexion and charcoal colored hair contradicting the crystal blue irises of his eyes. He wore a high-collared, lily-white robe. The only deviation was the crimson emblem above his heart. The emblem itself was a hollow square with three short lines radiating from the two top and bottom left corners, and a long line ending in a barb jutting from the bottom right. The emblem gave the impression of a tilted key or perhaps a sword. Despite his outlandish appearance and friendly countenance, it was obvious from the way that the stranger carried himself that he was a man of authority.

Brother Stone bristled as the intruder continued to walk steadily towards the podium, his gaze sweeping appraisingly over the audience. Everything about the stranger was unnerving, his foreign appearance, the slightly off make and fit of his clothes, his smile, everything. The man's presence seemed to unsettle the rest of the congregation as well, disrupting the dogmatic frenzy which Brother Stone had whipped them into. Whether he was a neo-human protestor or just another lunatic did not matter. He had invaded the inner sanctum of the Purists and he would pay.

"Who are you?! How dare you interrupt our fellowship! Brother Samuel, Brother Carter, seize...."

The stranger silenced the older man with a gentle touch to his wrist, before quickly leaning forward and whispering into his ear. For several moments preacher's face seemed strained somewhere between ecstasy and anguish. There were cries of outrage and dismay from the crowd below as its members surged forth to protect their beloved leader. However, before the first zealot had even scaled the lip of the stage, Brother Stone crashed to his knees in tears.

"So.....beautiful," Stone sobbed. "So beautiful." He turned his leaking eyes upward in awe and admiration as he lifted the remote control on his flattened palms.

"I know," said the stranger, smiling softly as he took the meager offering and helped Stone to his feet.

Brother Stone then turned and joyously addressed his dumbfounded followers.

"Come brothers and sisters! Come forward! This man has come to deliver us! You must all hear his message! Praise him! Praise him."

Some obeyed, if somewhat reluctantly, while others held back nervously.

"I sense much fear among you," began the stranger as he took Stone's place behind the podium. "Yes. Fear, anger, jealousy, and hatred." His smile broadened. "That is good."

"For these are the tools of your salvation. From these seeds shall you reap a new world of serenity, unity, and purity. You need only to be shown the way."

As he spoke, the man lifted the remote in his hand and pressed the button. As before, the monitors hummed to life, each one depicting neo-human activity around the world. Suddenly, the monitors began to flicker as one by one each image was replaced by a white screen bearing the same crimson emblem which the stranger wore upon his vestments.

Slowly, the members of the congregation began to come forward, as if drawn by the hypnotic glow of the screens. Their ears rang with what might have been static but some swore was the whispering of a hundred voices.

"Rejoice my children, for I have come...."

It was only now that the gentle smile of the stranger gave way to a sadistic smirk.

" spread The Word."