foresight and luck part 3: The next morning ^^

Story by shyybunny on SoFurry

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#3 of Foresight and Luck series

*He was being led up the dark stairs and was more nervous than he could ever recall. But still he couldn't help but feel comforted by the special smile he could barely make out. He was led around the corner through a door that wasn't bothered to be closed since they were the only ones there. His heart racing at full speed he felt the beautifully soft lips of his mate on his lips as they slowly made their way over to the bed. They broke the kiss and began stripping each other down staring at each other as...*

Ayden awoke as he saw a ray of sunlight passing through the curtain being blown by the fall breeze. As he opened his eyes he remembered he wasn't at his house, or Jordan's.

*That's right* he thought as he remembered the night before. The party that wasn't worth going to, the bad punch, his dream that came true...

He looked around. Zeke wasn't in bed or in the room. Ayden then got a sniff at the air.

He seperated the scents in the room, of himself and the wonderful cougar he could now call his, and smelt something familiar coming from outside the room.

Ayden got up and opened the door and smelt the air again. It was coming from downstairs along with a familiar sound. As he walked down the stairs the sound and the scent got clearer.

He turned the corner into the kitchen to see Zeke, only in his boxer briefs slightly loosened from wearing them to bed yet still outlining his wonderful rump perfectly, cooking jalepeno grilled cheese while listening to one of Ayden's favorite bands.

Ayden stood in the doorway just watching as Zeke sang along cooking one of Ayden's favorite foods. "..Do you see, the life I lead.." Ayden smiled, "So, follow, me.." Ayden joined in making Zeke jump, luckily right after he put the skillet back on the stove.

Zeke turned around and smiled seeing Ayden in the doorway, "You know not many people around here apprecaite the work of Senses Fail." Ayden said as he walked to Zeke to hug him.

"Yeah they just don't see pass the screaming into the meaningful lyrics," Zeke then backed away slightly to look into Ayden's eyes, "I'm sorry if I woke you up, I wanted to suprise you."

"You didn't," Ayden smelt the air again, "You made Jalepeno grilled cheese?"

Zeke grinned, "Yeah, you said it was one of your favorites. And I didn't think chicken paresean would taste good for breakfast."

Ayden hugged him blushing slightly, "Thank you. Are they almost done?"

Zeke nodded and grabbed a plate with two sandwhiches, "Yeah just got done so they're going to be a little hot," the cougar grinned and looked into Ayden's eyes, "But not even close to as hot as you."

Ayden looked down at the table as he sat, trying to hide his bright red cheeks. His effort was foiled by Zeke's velvet soft paw lifting his chin so Ayden could see him smiling. Zeke then kissed both of Ayden's cheek before kissing his lips. This caused Ayden's cheeks to blush even more. "Try not to judge too harsh. This is the first time I've made these," Zeke smiled sliding the sandwhiches in front of the two.

Ayden nodded and picked up a pre cut half to one of the sandwhiches. He blew some of the steam away before taking a small bite. Ayden smiled at Zeke as he swallowed the bite then gently kissed the cougar's lips, "You did great."

This time it was Zeke who blushed, "Thanks," The two ate their breakfast slowly smiling at each other while they chewed.

After they finished it was Ayden who broke the blissful silence, "Could I use your shower?"

"Yeah up in my room. The door in the back right corner. Towels will be on a rack in the right hand corner when you walk in. I'm going to wash dishes then I'll be up."

"Okay," Ayden nodded and went upstairs to shower.

As Zeke finished up the dishes he heard a buzzing noise. It was Ayden's phone vibrating on the table, *He must've forgotten he brought it down*, Zeke thought. He walked over and slid the phone open. Ayden got a text message from Jordan.

Now this was not something Zeke would normally do, but he was curious. He opened the message *"Hey did ya have another dream last night. Hurry back I'm dying to hear about you two!"*

*Dream? That's a silly thing to ask. I wonder why he asked?*. Zeke kept trying to think of the answers to his own questions as he walked up to his room. He couldn't think of any. He walked into his bathroom, making sure to be quiet, then sat on the sink counter beside the shower. Ayden was just shutting the water off and reached for his towel to dry of a bit before stepping out with the towel wrapped around his waist.

Zeke and Ayden smiled at each other as Ayden turned to see the cougar sitting on the counter, "When'd you get in here?"

"Just a minute ago. You got a text from Jordan."

"Did you see what it said" Ayden was trying to think of why the wolf would be texting him this early as he wiped some of the excess water off of his legs.

"Yeah, he wanted to know if you had another dream last night and he wants to here about us." Zeke watched Aydens expressionless face before asking the question he really wanted to know, "Why did he ask if you had a dream?"

Ayden blushed slightly, "Because every now and then I get these really realistic dreams where I can feel, smell, and such everything that was in my dream. Anyways, whenever I get these dreams they always happen. Usually not too long after I have them."

"How long until they come true," the cougar was trying his best to hide his curiousity.

"Well the last one I had came true the same night," Ayden couldn't help but smile a bit as he sensed Zeke's curiousity.

"What was the last one about?"

"The last one was about the party last night."

Zeke tilted his head to the side, "which part of it?"

"When i was sitting down and you said my name."

"But if you saw that coming why were you so supprised at the dam?" Zeke kept getting more and more curious as he found out more about Ayden's dreams

"Well my dream ended when I opened my eyes to see you." the two were now walking out of the bathroom to Zekes bed, arms wrapped around each other. Zeke's arm wrapped around Ayden's shoulders, since Zeke is an inch or two taller, and Ayden's arm wrapped around Zeke's waist.

"Okay. So did you have a dream last night? And if so what was it about?"

"Yeah I did. Someone was leading me up a set of stairs into a room where we started kissing and undressing." Ayden couldn't help but blushing.

Zeke smiled and gently turned Ayden to pull him into a tight hug, then pulled away, "Sorry about that I'll take a shower first. I probably don't smell the best," Zeke then got up and started walking back to the bathroom. Only a second later Ayden had his arms wrapped around his love's waist holding himself close to Zeke gently resting his cheek on Zeke's shoulder.

"Your scent is always a good one," Zeke blushed and placed his arms over top of Ayden's. Holding them in their place for a moment. He then grabbed a half filled glass of juice on the near by table and spilt it on Ayden's shoulder.

"Hey! What wa..," Ayden was cut off by Zeke's lips meeting his.

Zeke smiled as he pulled away from the kiss gently pulling Ayden to the bathroom giggling softly, "Oops, it looks like your going to have to take another shower."

Ayden giggled, now realizing Zekes plan though he was nervous about being naked in front of him. This was after all his first boyfriend so he hadn't done something like this, sure he took showers after sports practice. But there he wasn't as close and had to stare at the wall to avoid getting aroused. Here he was free to look and fantasize, but Zeke was allowed to do the same.

As they got into the bathroom Zeke was not hesistant to step out of his boxer briefs, exposing his perfectly rounded rump and semi plumped sheath as he put one leg in the shower turning the water on warm. Ayden couldn't help but stare at the marvel in front of him. Zeke looked back and smiled as he saw Ayden starring he began to shake his rump from side to side, "Like what you see?"

Ayden could only look up and nod. He was speechless and breathless. Zeke stepped in the shower but hung his head out, "Well come on silly, it's time to get clean"

Ayden smiled weakly and hesitantly drew the towel down and walked over and into the shower. This time it was Zeke who starred and was speechles as well as breathless.

Ayden blushed at Zeke's starring but even more as he felt his sheath stiffening, *No, no, no don't do that,* his thoughts were all in vain, Zeke noticed. He kissed Ayden's lips as he ground his crotch against Ayden's, both becoming more aroused. Zeke wrapped his arms around Ayden's waist pulling him tight to the cougar's body keeping their lips locked.

Ayden was scared. This would be his first time and he didn't know if he was ready for this. What if he didn't meet Zeke's expectations? What if this was all Zeke was looking for, a sexual release?

Ayden could no longer think about holding himself back as he felt Zeke's fully erected member against him, his own member now becoming fully erect. Their strong musky scent filled the shower despite all the scented shampoos and conditioners.

Zeke, now exploring Ayden's mouth with his tounge, was causing senations so good the red panda thought he'd never feel so good again. Zeke slowly moved his right paw from the Ayden's waist down over his rump down to where it met his thigh then around his thigh to the red panda's inner thigh then up to his member.

Ayden couldn't help but let out a moan of pleasure. This caused Zeke to pull away from the kiss, much to Ayden's dismay, and smile his comforting smile that somehow made Ayden forget about his previous worries. He then began to stroke up Ayden's member, gently cupping his hand around the red panda's member only lightly touching as he rubs up Ayden's member causing another moan.

Zeke kissed under Ayden's muzzle, then down the red panda's neck, traced his lips along his collar bone then down his chest, then kissing each one of his defined six pac abs knelt down in front of Ayden's member still stroking the length.

This made Ayden let out a loud moan and made his legs quiver.

Zeke smiled and stroked down Ayden's member once more before cupping his lips over the tip of his red member, sucking lightly. This caused Ayden to gasp with pure pleasure.

Zeke bobbed his head slowly along Ayden's member going down an inch then back to the tip to suck more for a few moments, then going down an inch further each time then back to suck more at the tip swallowing the pre-come spilling from the tip. Ayden's moans of pleasure only encouraged Zeke more as he began pawing himself off as well.

Zeke, back at the tip after consuming the sixth inch of Ayden's member, began clicking his tounge against Ayden's member which was now bobbing in his mouth at the fullest length it had ever been. Swallowing more and more pre Zeke broke is pattern and took Ayden's full 8 and a half inches in his maw sucking harder than before. Ayden legs were quivering from the pleasure of the cougar's sucking.

Zeke bobbed his head along Ayden's member faster, sensing both of their climaxes coming. Zeke purred as he continued sucking Ayden and pawing himself. Ayden felt Zeke's purring on his member was enough to hasten his climax. Arching his back and thrusting slightly into Zeke's maw, Ayden released his warm, thick seed into his lover's maw.

Still purring Zeke released his own warm, thick seed on himself and Ayden's leg. His climax being hastened by Ayden's release. Zeke kept sucking,sending Ayden into the orgasm of his life, swallowing every drop of his lover's seed.

After sucking Ayden of all his come Zeke slowly stood up to smile at the heavily panting Ayden. Zeke smiled his comforting smile as he wrapped his arms tightly around Ayden holding him close. Sensing Ayden's exhuastion Zeke sat the two down. Ayden was now sitting and leaning back into Zeke, as Zeke was kneeling with Ayden leaning into his chest and abs between Zeke's legs.

Zeke wrapped his arms around Ayden resting his paws on Ayden's chest. Ayden, still panting, turned his head to kiss Zeke's chest.

Zeke smiled, "I'm sorry about that. I, I just couldn't help myself. You're too hot for your own good," Ayden couldn't help but smile at that comment trying to calm his breathing, "I hope this you still want to be my boyfriend after this."

Ayden's heart sped up. *So he didn't just want me for a one whatever, he still wants to be boyfriends is all that matters* Still out of breath enough to not be able to answer with words so he simply nuzzled Zeke's chest. Zeke knew that was a yes, he smiled and held Ayden close for a few more minutes.

"Come on," Zeke slowly helping Ayden, now caught up with his breathing, stand up, "We should clean up before we waste the all the hot water," Ayden nodded.

The two giggled as they helped each other rub shampoo and conditioner into their fur. Zeke was partial to Ayden's built torso, "You'd think I would've noticed your hottness considering we shared a locker room during basketball."

"I snuck out of practices to shower early, coach never noticed because he never put me in. And that gave me time to take peaks at your hottness as I was dressing." the shower was turned off right as the hot water was gone.

The couple used the same towel Ayden used earlier to dry off. "Don't forget, Jordan texted you."

"That's right," Ayden checked his phone. *5 new texts! Dang!*. Jordan texted him twice more, the first a repeat of the earlier text. The second: *COME ON! I want to know if you two are going out yet!* Ayden had one text to answer all three of Jordan's texts: *I'll talk to you about it on monday. I'm kinda busy right now ^^*.

The next message was from another one of his gay friends, one that Jordan must've talked to, the lion Kobe, *Hey Ayden did you score with your hunk yet? (Jordan wants to know more than I do).* Ayden rolled his eyes and answered: *You don't need to send anymore messages on Jordan's behalf*

The last two were from Ayden's dad, *Oh crap!*, Ayden thought hoping his dad wasn't too pissed: *Ayden when are you going to be home, or are you staying the night again? If you do you need to pick up some clothes and text me back, I had to work today. I left a key under the window sill*. Ayden thought about what to tell his dad, *I'll pick clothes up around one, and I ended up stay with a different friend last night, Zeke, I'll be staying with him for the rest of the week and maybe sunday night. He lives right outside of town. I'll be at school monday and any questions I can answer when I get home.*

Ayden thought it better to tell his dad the truth so he did, but the message was too long and had to be sent in halves. He noticed he was still undressed and Zeke wasn't in the room.

After dressing quickly Ayden headed downstairs and found Zeke on the couch watching tv. Zeke smiled over at Ayden, "Hey there beautiful."

Ayden blushed making Zeke giggle, "Hey I got the okay to stay here this weekend, if you want me to?"

Zeke didn't hesitate an instant to answer, he almost cut Adyen off jumping up to hug him, "I would love to have you over this weekend."

Ayden happily hugged back, murring softly, "Mm, could you take me to get some of my things real quick?"

"Sure," Zeke said with smile. This was a different smile. It was still comforting but it had something else, Ayden could feel the joy expelling from Zeke through this smile. This smile made Ayden smile back, not only because he wanted to but because the joy coming from his mate made him feel joyous.

Zeke lead Ayden to his car, holding his paw the whole way opening and closing Ayden's door before he got in. On the way to Ayden's house, Ayden couldn't help but feel like tonight would be something he would never forget....


foresight and luck part 4: Something new

As they rode to Ayden's house Zeke and Ayden began listening to a band that hapened to be another common favorite, Shinedown. This got them discussing their interests in music. They both liked the rock genre, leaning more towards the newer side, though...

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foresight and luck part 2: the bad party

\*7 o'clock. Good I got out of the shower just in time\* Ayden thought to himself as he walked into his room and got the time from the alarm clock. Ayden turned the volume of his music up to try and get in the mood for the party. For some reason Ayden...

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foresight and luck

\*So there he sat at the party. Not knowing what to do. Away from the dancing and conversing. As he set his head back against the wall, eyes starting to shut, I he felt a paw on his shoulder and a wonderful smooth voice one could only dream of...

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