Commission: Sperm War

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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Two scientists have spent years perfecting the genetic manipulations and modification of sperm sells in their own body in order to make them faster, stronger, tougher, among many other things. After so many experiements that have left many woman pregnant the only question that remains is which between have the strongest sperm. The two put their cocks together in order to unite and find out. One will walk away the office stud and the other will step away as a neutered shadow of his former self. Find out.

I'm going to be honest, this commission was an absolute nightmare. I hated every single seconds of it. I hate castration fetishes, I hate the way this ended up being written, and I just know that after cleaning it up there's probably still more than a dozen errors in there somewhere. I simply couldn't stand this commission in the least, but my commissioner forced the funds into my account and I ended up doing it anyway. So why post it at all? Because despite my absolute hatred for this entire project I still did it and got it done and while this story is likely going to go into my black folder for all time I might come back around to it sometime after I have a LOT more experience and rewrite it in order to make it better.

Scientist Story

The prick of the needle, the push of the plunger, and the fluid that existed within that cylinder was slowly pumped into the hole made in the skin, parting the fur out of the way and leaving the metal tip to be removed just as the skin and flesh closed around it, keeping that new agent locked in place while it sought out it's target to further change what had already been modified so many times before. Even while the pants were pulled up over those balls once again and the needle was dropped into the used syringe container he could already feel his balls swelling, growing in the amount that it carried while further adjustments were made. The many adjustments to the sperm that he'd made had given his sperm more than just a higher production rating, it had adjusted the chemical make up of the sperm making them smarter, faster, able to kill not only other sperm but to perfectly impregnate any female regardless of species or position. If eggs were able to be presented by any female then this super sperm was able to write it's code to be compatible and make a child. So far dozens of females had already proven this testing ground to be true, their bodies left plump and ready while the scientists filled them entirely. Dragons, Lizards, Cats, Dogs, Fish, it didn't matter what the species was, the sperm was able to write itself anyway possible to force that lady to carry a child, create eggs, what ever happened to be unique to that species. It left these two scientists with only one true question between their very successful and independent experiments, a question that drove them to finally approach one another in order to find out who's modifications were superior.

It was a question that had hit them about midway through their experiments mostly due to the fact that they were both handling their own unique modifications. Neither knew what the other had really done to themselves, but both were willing to believe that their own modification was better, stronger, more potent than the other one. Pride set them together, each one more than happy to think that they were the better geneticist, more capable with a test tube and more able to provide a better compound to alter what was already there. Both believed that they were the better scientist, but there was only one real way to find out about this, one way to resolve such an argument, and that was going to be to put themselves together, to cum down one anothers tips and see which of them would continue to remain standing and which of them would be neutered by the others semen killing cum. It would be fast to them, but a lifetime of battle for their cells, and at the end of this day one of these two scientists would be able to continue experimenting with the beautiful ladies that offered themselves for science and the other would have to settle in as a the winner's personal servant, helping to better the champion's own cum to provide him with more and more beautiful women. The perfect torture, the ultimate humiliation, and the final conflict between the two fully modified scientists.

While they looked on at one another, their eyes shifted over the others balls, having to wonder what any of the last minute alterations might have been and if they had managed to properly prepare for such an assault that was going to be happening between them. They had the confidence in their own crafts but until the final sperm was destroyed by one side there was no clear answer to the final result. It created doubt, but this doubt didn't curb their confidence, it didn't stop them from being willing to put their skills to the test and find out which of them was better, was superior. These two weren't fighters, they weren't combatants, but their balls had been altered and changed to handle that issue for them. With the two modified scientists talking towards one another it was clear that it was finally time for them to put aside any questions, to lay their syringes down and to finally let their bodies answer that final question on their behalf. These two bedroom soldiers were at the top of their game, and their balls would be the final battleground between them, forcing the two to force that shared sperm space until one was lost and other reigned supreme between them.

Careful steps brought these two together, facing one another and while they moved to take up the a sterile bag with a catheter inside of it the very thin tube wasn't a mystery to either of them. Sure they could try and masturbate down each others urethra, but that wasn't likely to have any kind of solid or possible results, the only way to really neuter the other was to have no break between that flow of cum, to have their balls connected entirely through a plastic line that would carry those troops on a full on uninterrupted assault between the two. Already had they agreed to carry this out to the end, even if one were to beg these two had decided to carry this entire fight out so that at the end of this day one of them would be a panting defeat mess of a person belonging to the winner, having his balls owned by that man in order to carry on as his property through the labs while the winner enjoyed the spoils of their war, to not only continue to carry that sperm, but to be permitted to continue his work and enjoy the many ladies that continued to offer themselves to science and pregnancy. This day would end this fight between them, it would draw their conflict to it's absolute end, and as they stared down into the others eyes these two beings, these two breeding gods among men, would finally start their war.


The synthetic lubricant that was applied to the catheter was clean, safe, but it didn't stop the stretching of those needle sized holes at the tip of their dicks as the tube was slid in slowly. The visible bulge that had been caused by this ran up the length of their cocks the closer that these two grew together. Their steps bringing them easily towards one another and fed that plastic tube down the lengths of their shafts until they found themselves with their tips touching, kissing, rubbing against one another and the tube being the only passageway for the release of either ball to flow. When the tube was finally set in place it was up to these two scientists to get this party flowing, that meant that they needed to find a way to arouse one another in the most physically acceptable way possible. While arms lifted slowly from one to wrap around the others neck the soft and gentle kiss that they'd share over one anothers lips helped to guide those already exposed sets of thickness to extend, to rise, to expand from their hanging point, the pressure that they allowed between them smashed those heads together even more while the soft goo of pre-cum managed to leak out around the heads themselves, not entirely derived from just the cum line that was filled with the catheter connecting the faces of those heads together with connecting lines of white while the soft drool shared between their lips matched similar with their tongues starting to finally pull from the others lips.

Even as the cock's worked to stiffen that white fluid would begin making it's way up the length of those quickly hardening dicks. Normally the cum would be filling the cock, working to press it's way up against the head and wait for that beautiful surging reflex that forced the gates to open and the river to run free, but here the gates were already there, locked in an open position with the river coming up quick on both sides. The movement was slow at first, but the more aroused the two scientists got the faster it drew and in time the harder it pushed through that plastic tube, following that bridge quickly until finally the two forces of billions crashed together, the swarm of heavy fluid combined and united the two warring nations of cum to finally have their first, and only, battle for complete and total dominance, The first wave to hit met the opposing forces head on, moving up, down, around, and working to trap their opponent's against the sides of the tube for the sake of crushing them down and killing that sperm without mercy, the added fins of the one side helped with mobility while the faster movement of the other drew in closer in an astounding rate, the speedier sperm quickly moved to pin down a few of the winged ones, drawing it's tail quickly up in front of it and thrusting that tail in over and over, the weakened sperm struggled to get away, but the feeling of that entry and continued to grind of a tail into it's figure over and over quickly made the cells quiver in both delight and amazement before the dominant sperm moved on to another victim leaving the defeated organism resting there, exhausted, used, and beaten, it tried to swim, but only found itself yearning for the return of that one to come at it again, having corrupted the cell into surrendering itself.

These were only the starts of the modifications made, mobility, speed, infection, they were all just the beginning for what was still to come thanks to their mutative ways. This fight was a long time coming and while they continued to flow the numbers that would make up how many had already died alone would be staggering and the number to indicate how many more were left would be like counting a bee hive made the size of a planet itself. The uncountable number of those still in wait were being driven to their death and conquest by sheer numbers alone, driving the two scientists to grunt out while their legacy on both sides were only just now starting to dwindle. The motions of the sperm were trained, chemically learned, as they moved in a unified pattern like soldiers marching on one another, as the air support failed around them these charging waves came to open fire with the only weapons they had available to them, themselves. The fast and soaring motion of these white cells swam through their fluids, bashing and crashing towards one another, beating back the lines down the length of the tube as more piled up behind both sides These reinforcements had no where to advance to, no where to get around this pushing line and as one side filled the plastic container at the expense of another, but even as one set of balls were spreading while the cum was being pushed back it was only until those troops were forced from the tube entirely that their ambush tactic would kick in and the sudden swarm would surround and crash against the hard winners of the tube line and with a sudden enormous effort of their own these pushed back fighters would again drive themselves back into that plastic tunnel, forcing their way in deep and hard with a sudden and harsh push.

The mad rush that pushed back down the tube was backed with many others that pushed on as well, preventing opposing force to slow, or even stop, them while the tube was now once again filled by from the other side, flooding it with that mass amount of semen even while the tube ran down the other scientist's cock with a well placed charge. Before the now defending force could have a chance to set up a counter attack of their own the cork was popped and those that were able to block the assault were forced out of the way leaving the rush of foreign cum to flood those balls at once in waves, a full invasion force seeking to locate and destroy everything in their path. Sperm impacted, cracked, crushed, and drove the very force of the weakened defenses to collapse quickly, a mad rush, a harsh surge going out everywhere at once while some worked to flee, others worked to regroup, and all were hunted down and destroyed by their ruthless attackers. Those that did fight back were quickly overrun, and those that tried to get away were sought out and crushed like dogs hiding in caves. There was no defense that they could make after that first wave broke through. The further that these soldiers, these sperm would rush into the depths of the quickly thinning tunnels the fewer they could find to fight and when every single enemy sperm was destroyed, when every single white capped cell was killed, when not a single was left alive to create another new life, these sperm would turn and leave, moving back through that tube, heading home after their long fight.

Many had lost brothers, friends, partners in this struggle, billions had died, perished, at the wrath that this war had taken, but where so many had become lost to the devastation of this battle the ones that lived knew that they'd carry on the memory of what happened here today, pass on this to their neck shot across the stomach of the man that housed them, across the knuckles and even the floor itself to the sound of panting and moaning that always left the sperm dispersed and used, but where billions would be lost in an instant billions upon billions more would take their place, arising to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters, and to shine on brightly in the face of any adversary. Even the grand eggs of the matriarch controlled territories could not stop them, for they were battle torn, weather worn, improved and advanced beyond all means to answer to any calling, and serve their purpose beyond any contraceptive. These few, these brave few, these billions of bands of brothers, across hells fire and devils maw, they rise, they march, they fight, and they win. Even as their bridge was draw, their plastic tube removed while the last of them returned to their home in absolute triumph they could already hear the calls of silence come from what used to be the homeland of their adversaries now made vacant by the existence of military strength overpowering these now dead creatures, even their own had been left on the hills and curves of that land, but where they could not retrieve the bodies they knew that the resting place of the dead was where the dead belongs. It was their right to rest among those others that had fallen, to seek peace amongst the quiet and the calm, the vacant and the empty.

When that catheter was lifted out the one scientist dropped to his knees, he didn't need to run a test, his flat and sadly balls, voice of life, voice of substance, proved his own fear. Where he had done his best to improve his sperm it wasn't enough for the military cunning of the other. Those eyes met in the middle, their gaze locked upon one another as the winner of their little game smiled proudly, confident, bold, delighted that among them one would still be able to continue their research and modifications while the other would be the servant to the first, the other would change his research to only benefit this winner and his needs. No longer a man, but a slave to his own hubris, defeated at the feet of a man who knew no mercy and would never show any to the person that he didn't expect any from. This defeated and broken man was no longer what he claimed, nearly a unic in his own rights, his legacy killed at the fatal will of the other man who now walked away from him, being expected to follow. When this scientist climbed back to his feet again he did as he was expected, he did as he was told, beaten and humiliated in his own craft this man served a new master, and would do so diligently in order to insure that above all else he served him well.


The scientist moved from the one who was rising to his feet, turning back to look at him as he beckoned the loser over to him. The swift motion of his fingers clawing at the air as a designated simple of the one telling the other to come to him would be followed by the obedient motion of the loser taking careful and easy steps forward. In a way, he didn't know what else to do with himself, his entire research was based on himself and now most of that was useless. The only thing that he could do would be to try and adjust it towards his rival's anatomy, but that would take months all by itself. Instead he was at a loss, having no clue how he could adjust this and not sure that he even wanted to. Those now empty balls didn't hurt, but the dd feel as though someone had numbed him, no longer having anything living down below and clearly no longer needing any feeling there either. It gave him an odd sense of vacancy, like a graveyard etching silence across the night while the only motion of it still being there at all was when the deflated feelings would bounce against his thighs, reminding him of what he'd lost and sacrificed in this horrifying struggle that had robbed him of nothing, and yet everything. If there was a positive side to this at all, if any light came around that silver lined cloud, then it had to be the simple note that as of this moment he felt like he could jump probably a full foot higher than he could have ten minutes ago. Was that worth it though? The people out back in the courtyard would sure believe so.

"Don't be down, it was a good match. I felt like you almost had me once there." The winner tried to help brighten the outlook on the loser, but what positive smile could be brought from chemical castration? It didn't feel like this man was really trying to cheer him up, it felt like he was mocking him, like he was rubbing this in his face that he'd lost and was now in the service of the other man. Such a fate to be in his hands, how could he have been so careless?

Before he could open his mouth to respond the winner was already speaking up again, moving his lips easily in form words about instructions, even taking hold of the loser's notes to see what kind of progress this man had made so that he could try and figure the differences to improve his own semen once again. Always modifying was their method, always improving. This was what drove them to start their little game, but now that it was completed the loser knew that he wouldn't have any use for such notes anymore. Every advancement that he'd make from this point on would be for the benefit of the winner, would be to cause this man to be able to please and impregnate women more effectively. Such an idea made him sick, made him want to quit there on the spot, but as he narrowed that gaze and stepped forward to do just that one of the ladies managed her way into the lab itself, blinking at the two and given an easy smile as she swayed her hips over slowly.

"Hello, you two." She said softly in a deep and alluring tone, "I'd heard this was where people were going for.. Um... sexual science engineering?" The term rolled off of her tongue like she was speaking another language all together, the very idea of science was something different to this girl but while the one scientist smirked brightly the other did not, this busty and beautiful lady wasn't going to be his so there was no reason for him to try and push himself towards her.

The winner moved in closer to this girl, easily smirking at the lady while he looked over her clothed figure and even moved to wrap an arm around the small of her back before smirking confidently at the other scientist. "Cedric, why don't you take this lady into the other room and show her a good time?" He asked the loser easily with a soft smile. This sperm-less man was in shock over the request, quickly looking at the winner quickly and finding a complete loss of words while the information that had been provided to him was completely lost to his mind.

"R.. Really?" Cedric managed to stutter out from his shaking voice looking between the lady and this scientist.

"Of course," The winner moved closer slowly, placing a hand on his colleagues shoulder with an easy squeeze, "We do need some control samples, and just because you don't have sperm down there right now doesn't mean that those parts stopped functioning." The soft chuckle came out of his lips, just trying to imagine the idea of body parts no longer working on the sole reasoning of other parts no longer having what they did before. Actually, it wasn't difficult to imagine given that was out a good portion of the body worked, but not sperm. The cock could still ejaculate without sperm to shoot out, that would never change.

The girl was already excited, happy to get a chance with the guys that she'd heard so much about from her friends and now finally getting her turn to put them to her own kind of test. It would be fun, it would be entertaining, and as that lost scientist moved off with her, his hand slowly slipping down the small of her back to grip at that lovely pert rump his head turned back over his shoulder to give his partner a fast smirk, an easy way of silently thanking him for that. It was easy for them to forget in their line of work that not everything was bullets and cut-throat tactics, sometimes there were people that were actually friends and not simply attempting to tear one another down. His friend was someone like that, and even with the loss of his sperm he could still have a great time in this office being the control and using his genius skills to help improve his colleagues balls. Already Cedric was thinking of the next set of improvements, but first he'd have to code his formulas for his partner, something that might take some work, but it should function just well regardless. That mind worked, clocked, thought, and here he was with a beautiful lady willing to throw herself at him at this very moment's notice. It was hard to really pinpoint her looks when it came down to it, she was just a sample for them to test themselves on, and here he was as the control to make sure that despite how naughty and how nasty the two tended to get with one another that nothing would happen in the end. The perfect control for the studies these two were putting out, he may have lost his ability to give the girl a baby or two, but he was absolutely going to make her wish that he was. That mind flashing to the ideas, the things he wanted to do with this beautiful woman and now he was going to pleasure himself with her. As he'd guide her into that room the door clicked behind them, closing, and sealing, giving the two all the privacy that they needed for her to scream, and him to scheme.

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