Sophomore Year: The Popular

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Sophomore Year

These chapters aren't as interesting, but there is a purpose for them. Thanks for reading! Sophomore Year is only just beginning!!!

I would like to apologize for being lazy. I could get more chapters out, but honestly, I am afraid of failure. Keep your eyes open for more. I'd like to show you what happen with these characters.

Sophomore Year: The Popular

Chapter 4




August 22nd was an exciting day for the people of Madison. The entire town was in an uproar due to the fact Madison High's year begun. Since the education program was the biggest attraction here, everyone was excited to see 2016 school year finally arrive; even myself.

You probably remember me from last year. The cute, spunky Cheetah that basically ran the school. Yeah, that's me. Back and ready to bless the school with my presence once again.

Last year was all about finding myself, being freshmen in a new school with new people was overwhelming. I had to discover the place I fit in the most, and lucky enough I found a place I could call home for the next three years of my life

The cheerleading squad

I loved cheerleading and I had done some form of it throughout my life. From gymnastics to ballet, performing using my body always found an interest in me. I could do it for the rest of my life, and I planned to.

Freshmen year had served it's purpose, if you ask me. I did find cheerleading, didn't I? But, I'd be lying if I said the cheer squad was the only good thing I got out of the previous year. The other source of goodness coming from my past year was the knowledge I obtained. Let me explain.

Coming into high school, I did not have the greatest luck with guys. They would usually use me for their horny needs then leave once they were finish. I made it a personal goal of mine to avoid those types of guys going into my freshmen year. To my dismay, history repeated itself and I fell right back into my old ways, dating two of the biggest jerks ever: Jakob and Caleb.

Jakob, a wolf, was the school's star football player, and at the time, I thought he was the best thing for my life. It didn't get any better than dating the school's football star. Every girl wanted to be me. They looked at this cheetah like she was a queen, and Jakob was my king. At least that's what I was lead to believe.

The wolf was so obsessed with himself. At times, I felt like the only person who was being admired in the relationship was Jakob. I spent three months of my life trying to be noticed; to be loved by someone who could only love himself.

Caleb, the grey hybrid, was another story. He didn't focus on himself as much as the first jerk I dated. As a matter of fact, the hybrid didn't really care about anything, let alone himself. He did a lot of drugs, and that made him an emotionless shell. He closed the world off, and me along with it. By the end of that relationship, there were no emotions left in me either. It took everything I had to keep him happy, or whatever dull emotion he felt that was not bad.

How could these two mistakes be a blessing in disguise? Well, I now knew what not to look for in a guy. It seemed that I always attracted broken men, and I was not the girl to do any repair work. I had a hard enough time keeping my own life in order, less alone putting together someone else's. That is why I decided to dedicate this year to being single and living for myself for once.

I walked into my second period class, American History, fashionably late, of course. Once I stepped in, every eye was placed on me. This was nothing new. I always received stares everywhere I went, so this did not bother me in the slightest. I just found a seat and plopped down.

"I'm glad you decided to join us today." The teacher, an elderly female Doberman, said, "I will assume you are Amber Strohmer, seeing that everyone else on my roster has been marked as present."

I nodded.

"Yes, that is me." I said with a forced smile. "I had to stop by the office before class to change my schedule."

I lied.

"Sorry for being late, but it was one of those matters that could not wait."

I continued to lie. The truth behind my lateness was simple: I took my sweet time.

The teacher just looked at me with a dissatisfied look slapped on her face before shaking her head.

"Next time I will need a note from the office. Try to be on time in the future, or else there will be consequences. I will let you off today with a warning, only because it is the start of a new school year." The Doberman finished and turned around to begin writing on the board.

I sat back in my desk and let out a sigh. Great, now the teacher was going to think I am a slacker. I don't think this is the best way to start a school year; but then again, it was only the first day. I had an entire semester to get back on her good side. Once I turned on my charm, she would have no choice but to love this kitty.

Class was boring. Sadly, I did not have any friends in this particular period, so the time was spent texting on my phone. Mrs. Bean, our teacher, was probably one of the most boring teachers I had the chance of taking. Her attitude toward the subject seemed lazy, as if she held no more drive for the course. She just went through the motions and gave a dull lecture as the class all gave blank stares, some with their heads on the desk in front of them, napping.

I looked at my phone every five minutes to find only a minute had passed. Class literally slowed down time. It felt like I would never leave this room and I was starting to get a little frustrated until Mrs. Bean clapped loudly, sending an echo throughout the room.

The fur next to me almost jumped out of his skin. A German Shepherd shot up, wide eyed. A small string of saliva was in the corner of his muzzle but was wiped off with the swipe of his wrist.

"Ok, class." Mrs. Bean started. "There is ten minutes left, so you all can have this time to meet new friends. Get to know your classmates, but NO phones!"

The students fumbled around, finding their friends and searching for potential friends. It was the most energy put out in the classroom all day, if you ask me.

I glanced around the room. A few familiar faces were spotted, but none I have associated with in the past. To my dismay, none of the girls from cheerleading took this class first period. I felt abandoned. It wouldn't be as bad if the teacher did not forbid the use of cell phones.

I sighed and laid my head on the desk.

A yawn could be heard from my left and I turned to find the German Shepherd stretching. Once his arms fell back down, he turned his head in my direction and gave a lazy smile.

"Hello," He said softly.

"Good morning," I smiled.

The Shepherd returned the show of affection.

I glanced over this canine. He was attractive, to say the least. A nice mixture of black and caramel fur ran over his body. The pattern was a little different from what is normal in German Shepherd gene pool. The creamy caramel color ran over his muscles, making them more defined. The way his fur covered his body, each muscle popped out.

"I didn't miss anything important, did I?" He asked, looking at the board. "I wanted to stay up, but she was so fuckin' boring!"

Picking my head off the desk, I nodded. "I agree. If my phone had died, I'd probably be drooling on my desk too."

The German Shepherd blushed and looked at me with a nervous smile.

"Well, uhh.. I had a late night and all." He scratched the back of his head. "Oh, by the way, I'm Brennan."

Cute name.

"Nice to meet you, Brennan. I'm..."

"Amber" He interrupted. "You were introduced to the class earlier, remember?"

I blushed. The incident that happened earlier slipped my mind. It should not come as a surprise to know people paid attention to me. Just another day in the life of Amber Stromher.

"Someone seems to be interested," I said while brushing my blond hair out of my eyes.

The Shepard blushed and put his eyes on an empty spot in the room, then returned to gaze at me. I then noticed his eyes. The set of pupils were absolutely beautiful, yet odd for his specie. The set of orbs were a sky blue and soothing to the soul. I felt like I was floating in the clouds just from looking in the Shepard's eyes.

Brennan stared at me for a second before he spoke, "I would be a fool to not be interested in you."

I could feel my cheeks burn underneath my short fur. This guy was a smooth talker. You don't see many of his type running around a high school. Guys are usually immature and lack the knowledge of a normal conversation; not to mention flattery was never their strong suit.

This guy might seem mature for his age, but I had to keep the promises I made to myself. For the first time in my life, I wanted to stay single. Guys brought trouble into my life -they always did. It was time for this cheetah to live for herself.

So I didn't respond to him. The only thing I could do is return my gaze to the front of the classroom. Luckily, the bell rang signaling it was time to switch classes. I grabbed my things, threw my purse over shoulder, and jetted out of the room, but not before getting a glimpse of my new Shepard friend's face. He looked disappointed, with a hint of confusion mixed in his expression. I didn't want to view his mood for more than the split second, so I threw my eyes back to the front of me.

***** Brandon *****


Two bodies hit the lockers with a loud thud, sending an echo throughout the huge changing room. My arms were wrapped tightly around a waist as I pushed the body against the locker with extreme force. A set of arms, which did not belong to me, attempted to wrap around my neck, but I quickly cast them away and above my attackers body, holding them there.

A pair of calm, brown eyes gazed into my own, as I pinned the body of a small otter into a set of red lockers. I held his paws above his head with one of my own paws, and snaked the other around his waist, attempting to keep him in place.

The otter, Johnny, legs squeezed around me. I could feel an apple shaped ass and a set of golf ball sized balls press against my crotch. He just stared at me in anticipation.

Lust filled our eyes and desires, and before I knew it our lips were locked in a lust driven kiss. Tongues fought for dominance. Our bodies pressed against each other, almost merging. I could feel the Otter's pants tighten as his crotch began to swell. Sure enough, my own cock was soon to follow.

We broke the kiss and our body parts separated for only a split second. I spun the little Otter around and forced his small, toned body into the lockers before yanking at his pants. A cute, brown furred, round shaped ass was exposed. I could feel myself start to salivate at the mere sight. This was definitely going to be fun!

I unbuttoned my pants. Since I never wore underwear, a thick piece of bear meat flopped out and landed on the Otter's back, gaining an audible gasp. The only thing I could do was smirk at his reaction. I was definitely proud of my eight in a half inch member.

The tip of my cock gently slid over his pink pucker, causing the otter's muscle to tighten up from the smooth touch. Judging by the way his body reacted toward the situation, I would guess he is a virgin. I knew exactly how to take care of a virgin.

I arched my back and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "You ready to feel this big bear dick in you?"

The otter shivered and nodded. He obviously wanted me inside him, but once he got all of my meat inside, it would definitely change his life.

I grinned and leaned up, thinking to myself how much fun I would have with a virgin hole. It had been so long since a virgin came my way.

Sex was the only thing that filled my mind at that point, but something made my entire existence come to a halt. Suddenly, a voice from my right spoke.

"W-What the hell is going on???"

I turned my attention in the direction of a mysterious voice. To my surprise, Drake was standing near a set of lockers, wide-eyed, holding a duffle back over his shoulder.

Johnny quickly jumped up, pulled up his pants, and scurried off, without even looking back.

I would had did the same, but Drake was my buddy. So I pulled up my pants and gave him a nervous grin.

"I guess the cats out of the bag now, huh?" I said as I scratched the back of my head.

The hybrid continued to stare at me with a look of confusion. He didn't move, not even an inch.

"Umm.. Drake... Umm.. I'm gay?" I spoke again, trying to rid the room of silence. I hated silence.

Drake still did not say anything. The hybrid turned to face a locker and opened it before throwing his duffle bag inside the personalized cubby. He closed the locker and returned to look at me with a blank expression.

I did not know what to say. All of this time I have kept my sexual orientation from Drake and Caleb. To be honest, I wasn't hiding anything from them. I always felt who I fucked is my business. Although, lately something has told me to come out to Drake, especially after I figured out about him and his ex-boyfriend Tyran. To my dismay, Tyran was sent away over the summer, therefore sending Drake into life of solitude. Drake and I were friends since grade school. Last summer was the first time we spent it apart, and it definitely felt weird.

A silence washed over the room. Drake stared at me; I stared at Drake. I honestly did not know what to say to my old friend. As soon as I felt a sense of defeat, Drake spoke.

"W-why didn't you ever tell me, dude?" Drake looked at me with something in his eyes I could not distinguish. "We've known each other for years. Did you ever think that as your friend, I should know something like that?"

I gave my attention to the floor. In a way, I felt bad now. He was right. I was living a lie around my friends. My eyes snapped back up when something hit me -a very important detail.

I looked the Hybrid in the eye. "I'm sorry for not telling you, but you of all people should know how difficult it is to tell people you can't afford to lose."

Drake sighed.

"You're right... I'm guessing Caleb told you about Tyran?" Drake asked.

I shook my head.

"No. I figured it out on my own, and decided to let you tell me when ready."

Drake looked up at me and smiled, but he forced it. If I did not know any better, I would say that was the first time he smiled in a long time, because doing so looked painful. I hated seeing my friend in so much pain.

I walked over and stood in front of him.

"Drake," I whispered. "Are you ok, man? I know in the past I couldn't help you, but now it's different. All of our secrets are out. I hate seeing you like this, man. You deserve better. Please... Please talk to me... I won't abandon you..."

Drake looked up at me with tears in his eyes. This was the first time I saw the hybrid in this state. Never, not once, have I witnessed him cry -even when we were kids. He was always the tough guy.

The next thing that happened shocked me. Drake threw his arms around my neck and started sobbing. Tears soaked my shirt as my friend let out bottled up emotions. All I could do was pat him on the back.

We stood there for what seemed like an hour. We missed a class, but that was ok. I had to be here for my friend. It was the least I could do, especially knowing that I let him hurt throughout his entire Freshmen Year.

When Drake's tears subsided, he told me of everything that happened. He told stories of him and Tyran being happy together; about him confessing his love for tyran; about Shaun devious plan to separate the two; but most devastating was the story of Caleb disowning Drake.

I couldn't believe the two Hybrid cousins split, and when I heard the story I just wrapped my arms around my friend in a tight embrace. He returned the hug and pushed away.

"Thanks, Brandon," Drake said and looked away. "I needed that. After Tyran left, and Caleb abandoned me, I've been lost."

I nodded. "Is there anything I can do to help make this better?"

Drake turned his attention back towards me. Something new was in his eyes. The lost puppy gaze had disappeared, and now he stared at me with a piercing glare.

"Yes," Drake started. "There is something you can help me with to make this right."

I looked at Drake with hope in my eyes.


Drake stood up and stuck out a paw. The uncomfortable gaze never ceased.

"Brandon," Drake voice now had a sinister edge to it now. "You can help me make Shaun's life a living hell."

Drake and I locked eyes. I could see he was determined. Shaun was not on my top one million favorite person list, so my answer did not need much thought.

My eyes went from Drake's pupils, down to the paw sticking out. Before I knew it, my own paw was resting in the Hybrid's grey touch.

******* Max *******

"You did what?" I said into a cellular device held against my cheek.

"But... how did that happen... What were you doing there with John-... Oh really?"

I couldn't believe the conversation. Brandon was on the other end of the phone call trying to explain why he would be late tonight. We were both going to Ace's house to chill, but something really big came up.

"So you told him, huh? Did you tell him about me?" I nodded. "Good, good. Well, I'll meet you at Ace's."

I retracted my cell phone and hit the end button. I stood in shock and disbelief. Drake, a friend of mine, had come out of the closet to Brandon, another friend. I was not upset with Drake's sexuality, only because I, myself, was a homosexual. The thought of another close friend of mine being gay made my insides tingle. Maybe I could get the hybrid naked one of these days.

Lost in thought, I started walking in the direction of Ace's home. It did not take long, or at least that is how my mind made it feel. I stopped by a Burger Queen on the way and ordered a snack to hold me over until dinner. I also picked up few more burgers, just in case Ace or Brandon were hungry.

I arrived at Ace's and knocked on the door. He was quick to answer. When he opened the door, a tall black wolf, with white tipped ears and tail, stood abroad in nothing but a grey towel.

I examined the wolf's body in awe. Ace had one of the most defined bodies I had ever seen. Each muscle was visible under his short, black fur. The set of pectoral muscles popped out perfectly. His 3D abs bulged out, as each bumpy muscle slid down his muscled midsection.

"H-hey Ace." Was the only think I could think to say.

Ace just looked at me with a grin and moved to the right.

"Hey there Maximus. Come in."

I walked passed the beautiful wolf and caught a whiff of an exotic smell. It must have been a fancy body wash. It smelled delightful... It smelled... Arousing. I could feel a tingle shoot through my sheath.

"So," Ace closed the door. "Where is Brandon? I thought you two were suppose to come over and study together?"

We both walked to the living, which was decent in size, holding a leather couch, leather love seat, a crystal table, and an entertainment system with a 90'' Plasma TV above it. In the entertainment system were different gaming systems and hundreds of games and movies.

I flopped down on the couch, throwing my backpack in an empty spot next to me.

"He is taking care of something at the moment," I said. "It should not take him long"

As I finished talking, Ace came over and sat on the couch, just inches away from me. The towel, which draped over the wolf's midsection, had now risen above his knees to expose a black furred muscled thigh. The strong fragranced tracked it's way over to my nostrils once more. God did he smell good!

"What exactly is he doing?" Ace queried. "Football should not be serious at the moment, right?"

I shook my head and answered, "No, Brandon is just... well, he is helping out our friend, Drake."

"The cute hybrid?" Ace cocked his head to the side.

I nodded.

Drake chuckled and began to speak again, "What is that horny bear doing with Drake? Is he trying to get in his pants now that Tyran is gone?"

My head shoot up as a shocked expression washed over my face. Ace knew about Drake and Tyran? How? I did not even know, and they were my best friends!

"How do you know about Drake and Tyran?" I asked, still in a shocked demeanor.

"I know a lot of things," Ace paused. "Some would say I know everything about everyone. Even you."

I guffawed. "Yeah right, I'm not that easy to figure out."

I had spent my entire life leading people to believe I was a perfect guy. I fooled my parents; I fooled the school; I even fooled a few of my friends. There was no way this guy who barely knows me could understand my life.

Ace chuckled once more.

"Maximus," The wolf started. "I know you better than you know yourself. I know how you're in love with Brandon, and that he was the first guy to make love to you."

"How do y-" I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off.

"I also know Brandon loves you too, but he is just so caught up in getting his dick sucked these days that he overlooks you." Ace leaned over in my direction and looked me straight in the eye. "You are the same way... A kid who just wants to be the best in school, and get his dick sucked."

I blushed hard -harder than I ever blushed in my life. At that exact moment, a stir in my sheath could not be ignored. My pants tightened slightly.

Ace looked down at the growing bulge in my pants, then returned to gaze in my eyes. He smirked lustfully and stood up. As he did, the towel resting around his waist dropped to the floor. What I saw left my muzzle agape.

In all of his glory, Ace stood tall, completely naked. He sheath was huge. The wolf's cock was not even presenting itself and I could already tell that his manhood would be a lot to take in.

Ace spoke with lust drizzled over each word, "Do you like what you see?"

I nodded.

"Go ahead, touch it."

A voice in the back of my head told me this was wrong. Very wrong. Ace was in his twenties, and I was only 15. Even though I seemed mature for my age, the idea of doing anything with this guy felt off. At the same time, the pressure inside of my jeans were telling me that everything was going to be alright.

In the end, curiosity got the best of me. I moved closer, reaching out a paw to grab the extra large sheath. The wolf's sheath was hard to the touch, but it's surrounding fur felt soft. I gently massaged the furry cage and before I knew it, Ace's pink member rose from it's resting place. The large piece of wolf meat did not disappoint as it hung over and relaxed onto my shoulder.

I looked up at Ace and he gave me a coy smile.

"Go ahead," He demanded. "I like to get my dick sucked too."

I blushed once more and looked at monstrous cock. This was the biggest cock I've seen. Mine stood a good 8.5 inches, which was pretty good for my age, but this sex organ in my paws had to be at least 12 inches.

Ace's cock flexed in my grasp, causing my own member to twitch. The wolf was ready for a warm mouth to wrap around his thick meat, so I gave him exactly what he desired. Slowly, I brought the tip to my muzzle, giving it a quick lick. I then slid my tongue down the shaft, and back up to take the cock inside my mouth. I felt Ace shudder a bit at the feeling of being engulfed in warmth.

Ace placed a paw on the back of my head, I guess attempting to tell me to start pleasuring his sex tool. I did as instructed and began to bob my head back and forth, only able to take in a little over half of the twelve-inch poll. With each motion, the tip of his cock beat against the back of my throat.

My own cock was twitching uncontrollably from being ignored. With my free paw, I reach down and unzipped my pants to free the isolated member. I wrapped my paw around my cock and started a slow jerk.

Ace was started to get into it a little more after seeing how I played with my cock. Ace began to hump into my muzzle now. He brought both paws to the back of my head and pushed his cock deeper into my maw. With each thrust it drove my nose into the wolf's pubic fur. The exotic scent penetrated my senses, causing me to jerk myself off faster and fondle the tennis ball sized orbs that dangled beneath Ace's cock.

Not much time went by before the feeling of something large beat against my muzzles opening. I opened my eyes wide to see the wolf's knot had formed, and boy was it a big. Luckily, the only thing we would be doing today is oral, because that 'thing' would not fit in my tailhole.

Suddenly, Ace stopped his humping and pulled the throbbing member out of my muzzle. He pushed me against the couch, my back touching the base of the sofa, with my head laid on a cushion.

"Open your mouth, kid" Ace instructed and I did as he said.

I opened my maw as wide as I could before Ace replaced his dick inside, pushing it deep. He started to hump again, this time faster and a little rougher. The feeling of his knot banging into my chin caused me to grab my cock again and paw off.

This was so hot, and with each thrust, my cock pushed out pre cum until my own knot formed. At times it felt like I would chock on his meat, but I knew he was close. His orgasm would come soon enough...

And it did...

Ace pace picked up. Small growls and grunts could be heard coming from the wolf above. The sound he made only made me paw faster, and with every second I felt like my own orgasm was going to rip through me.

Just when I felt like I was going to explode, Ace gave one final thrust, sending is cock deep into my throat, and released his seed -cock pulsing with each rope of cum that shot down my throat and into my stomach.

"FUCK YEAH!!!" The wolf howled in ecstasy as he released his load into me.

The hot fluids draining down my insides was enough to coax out my own orgasm. With one paw sliding up and down my shaft, and the other fondling and massaging my knot, I pulled myself closer. My body clenched up and jerked as I shot my load over the shirt I wore. The cum kept flowing. Ropes and ropes flew across my body. Some actually shot up and hit Ace's ass.

The wolf pulled his cock out of my muzzle, leaving a strand of seed to drip from my lips. He looked down at me with the same grin as earlier. He appeared to have a glow to him now, but that was probably the way he looked after sex to the guys he fucked. He was definitely a beautiful specimen.

I just looked up at Ace -a lost for words.


A voice said coming from behind Ace. We both looked in the direction this voice came from to see Brandon standing with his arms crossed. He looked at both of us with a hint of disappointment.

Ace just grinned at him and turned around fully to expose his naked body to the bear.

"What? You didn't have fun with your hybrid friend?" Ace placed both paws at his hips.

"Nope," Brandon now grinned at Ace. "So somebody better start sucking my dick."

Brandon took his shirt off and winked at me.

Sophomore Year: The New Kids

(Darius) What an interesting first day. In just a few hours I've managed to make a friend, back him up in a fight, and hit on him in the process. All of the people at this school was so uptight, and withdrawn in their cliques. The way the brochure...

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Sophomore Year: The Loners

Chapter 2 \*\*\*\*\* Drake \*\*\*\*\* Who the hell did he think he was? That bastard looked me straight in the eye, so much hate, and so much pain behind those yellow pupils. The emotions behind them were so strong they literally implemented...

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Sophomore Year: The Outcast

Chapter 1 \*\*\* Shaun \*\*\* A fresh start. New year, new friends, and new experiences; all things desperately needed in my case. Sophomore year began today, and as devastating as it maybe to end Summer, I felt ready for...

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