Trinity - Re-Enlistment

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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#8 of META

Trinity: Re-enlistment

Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Lexorius

When a wounded veteran travels to the city of Trinity in seek of a cure for his ailments, he finds a host of opportunities he never expected... and the super villain mask comes across a lost soul.

Trinity: Re-enlistment Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Lexorius

Light and lines, passing back and forth. It had been almost twenty five minutes in the confined space of the tube. There were thumps and humming noises coming from all over, though most of the attention was focused around the occupant's legs. Jason East had gotten used to such lengthy procedures, they had become part of his ordinary life. He had volunteered for his country, he had served in the army with pride, he had been discharged with honors... but he had already paid a price and he had given up more for the army than just his time.

"Procedure complete." The sweet automated voice of the Cellucore terminal announced before the support slid out of the machine and released Jason. The man was in his mid thirties, his head shaved though there was a little bit of blond scruff on his chin. He was fit for the most part, especially his arms, but a small paunch of extra padding was forming around his stomach. What was most distinctive, though, was the general lackluster condition of his legs.

Jason slowly slid his legs to the side of the table and reached out, grabbing the brace like supports he had been wearing on his way in. Picking them up, feeling their weight and heft, felt almost like he was willing himself back into manacles. He put one onto his right leg, covering everything between the ankle and the knee. The brace clicked into place and stiffened up. Jason repeated the process with his other leg.

"Results prepared. Do you wish to hear them, or have them emailed to your account?" The automated voice requested.

"Verbal summary and email." Jason muttered, putting on his left brace.

"Bone density still compromised. Tendonitis has improved eight percent. Nerve damage still at critical levels. Circulation quality-" The computer was interrupted as a ringed hand touched the mute button on the interface of the pod.

Jason closed his eyes and bowed his head. He had done everything requested of him, he had performed admirably, but the physical training alone had been too much. He'd developed back, hip, pelvis and leg problems before any deployment and things had only gotten worse. In the end he'd been discharged because he wasn't physically suitable to continue the army lifestyle. It had been his dream career, his hope for a long and productive life. It had all disappeared.

Jason slowly stood up, wincing as he did before he moved over ot the glass brick curved wall at the corner of the Cellucore building. The city beyond was obscured due to the nature of the glass, but evening had settled in. There was a rainbow of colors spread across the horizon and the constant movement of lights on the bridges. Trinity was the most amazing place he had ever been, a representation of what humanity could achieve... but like him, the military had abandoned it. After working on it in secret, they had sold off their crown jewel. Somehow it seemed fitting that he'd come there, though it wasn't quite the right fit.

Jason made his way to the elevator and stepped in, descending down toward the lobby. Medical sciences on the mainland were a joke. The doctors back in Odessa wanted to sign Jason up for disability, try to get enough of an income out of it for him to eek out the rest of his life... but the real magic was happening with the pharmaceutical companies. Genetech was the most famous, but Cellucore was making advances in ways he never thought possible. He'd used the last of his savings to come to Trinity, to get a humble place on the outskirts, and to pursue his medical relief. He had made progress, but it was slow... too slow. His money was dwindling and time was running out.

The elevator doors opened on to a quiet lobby. Many of Cellucore's procedures were automated, resulting in the limited need for a human staff. Only a few people were waiting to be processed; a tall, gangly teen with acne, braces and an emo haircut... A little girl no more than six with her parents flanking her either side, and another man in his fifties with graying kinky hair and mottled dark skin. The green olive drab uniform was a grim reminder of what might come in Jason's future.

The veteran stepped through the doors and onto the street, the cool evening sea breeze washing over him. No matter where one was in Trinity, that smell never left. Seagulls called high in the sky even as they settled down for the night and the traffic hummed along constantly. Still, having a car in Trinity was a bit of a luxury. Being an island city, the inventory was limited and expensive.

Jason turned and started his slow hobbling walk toward the bus stop, his pale blue eyes scanning the streets. He had come to Trinity to take advantage of the leading edge of medical science, but something else had happened along the way. He had learned the darker secrets of the city. He'd seen outbursts of things he only thought belonged in fairy tales. At night werewolves roamed the streets, clashing with vampires. Computers had been hacked by a synthetic liquid villain, a strange hypnotic plant man was beguiling more and more individuals, and every form of sexual perversion had been capitalized on by a dirty man in the industrial block named Sado... but these strange freaks, these underworld thugs... they had shown the true miracles.

The werewolves had incredible healing, the vampires true to form had their own version of immortality. Sado's men were incredibly resilient, and Trance had used his plants and herbs to heal an outbreak of the K-2 Influenza. Jason looked down at his legs, feeling the constant pressure of the braces, knowing that somewhere down there he had feet even if he couldn't feel them.

A quick glance to the street proved to Jason that the bus wasn't near by yet. He pulled out his smart phone and swiped the screen, letting the device test his biometrics to prove it was him. Jason navigated to his bank account. After his last treatment he had enough money for either two months of food and shelter, or one more major treatment and he'd be homeless in two weeks. He had to do something, anything to survive. It took a lot of nerve to stele himself for the idea, but Jason left the bus stop behind and started walking downtown. He wasn't going to find the help he needed in any nice neighborhood. He was going to have to go into dangerous territory. Step by step, Jason walked into the night with only the glow from his smart phone and the LED's on his leg braces to guide him.

The feel of knuckles against teeth was never good, but Jason didn't show his pain. He spit blood from his lips, his pale eyes flashing back dangerously. The cocky twenty five year old in the door frame seemed to be practically begging for Jason to try something else. His mohawk was tall and his brown hair incredibly thick, but not nearly as luxurious as the almost mane like sideburns jutting out from his cheeks. His eyes glimmered a bright amber color and his fangs were dripping with saliva.

"Like I said, pops, bar's closed. Private function." The werewolf murmured.

"And like I said, I can make parties a lot more fun." Jason replied. The werewolf shook his head.

"No veterans discounts tonight, I don't know if you're a nark or some other sad sack case, but why don't you find another place to fill you a bottle." The wolf replied before he stepped back inside. The door shut and was locked and before long the sounds of howling and carousing inside resumed. Jason breathed deeply before he wiped the blood from his mouth again. It had been foolish to try and press beyond the threshold, then again his entire plan was foolish.

Jason turned away from the bar and started moving across the quiet street after making sure no cars were coming. The werewolves had seemed a natural fit in a way. They had the best healing factor around the city, were fairly easy to find, and they didn't have a lot of drawbacks... but it seemed their social packs were harder to break into, and while Jason had some pretty wild parties from time to time in the military he wasn't sure he could keep up with how the wolves lived each day. Maybe he needed something with a bit more sophistication, a bit more class.

The veteran reached the other side of the street and stepped up onto the grassy lawn beyond. Jason wasn't sure if he'd ever been quite so far East in Trinity. It looked a lot different to the city he was used to... Everywhere else, houses and apartments were tightly packed and usually in layers to make sure that not only was the current population well housed but that there would be room to grow over time as well. The land before Jason was completely different.

The park itself was the first real sign of a different neighborhood attitude. It was wide and sprawling with hills and valleys, tiny bridges, swirling paths and giant trees. There were lamp posts every so often, but largely the park was bathed in darkness. It was that contrast that made the properties on the far side stand out even more. They were truly estates, taking up an almost terrible amount of space, glittering with white lights. It reminded Jason of the only time he was near a country club outside of Fort Worth... It was an island of green in an otherwise parched landscape and somehow it just felt wrong...

"I'm not sure if this actually qualifies as hunting, Deacon." An unfamiliar voice sounded behind Jason. He spun around out of instinct, though he immediately regretted it as his army reflexes were contingent on having two legs that were capable of supporting his own body weight. The brace chirped, nearly giving out before Jason fell to his knee. He panted hard, wincing and hissing through his teeth.

Standing before him were two men that appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties, but their pale skin and pointed ears betrayed that they were from another subspecies entirely. It seemed Deacon was the older of the two with his long black hair pulled into a tight ponytail while his compatriot had blond spiky hair. Both, however, had intense red eyes.

"Catching the scent of blood on the air is supposed to be enthralling, but this is rather weak stock. In case of an emergency it would work, and there wouldn't have to be as much cover up, but... maybe not worth our time tonight Damon." The older vampire said. Jason shook his head.

"You really are elite filth, talking about me like I'm not even here, like I haven't lived a life of my own. You belong to those houses over there? Sons of some rich aristocrat or politician or something? Letting you while away your nights?" Jason hissed, looking up at the young punks. Deacon chuckled gently, reaching down with long clawed hands, scratching the scruff on Jason's chin.

"I do believe that I may in fact be older than you are my good sir, but yes... Those houses over there belong to us." Deacon replied, "You must be new to the city to be so foolish as to wander into our territory at night."

"Maybe I was on a fact finding mission. It's no secret that this city is full of nightmares, freaks, and maybe the next coming all together. I wanted to see if any of these sides were good enough." Jason said. He wasn't even sure what he was saying. He'd never been the best diplomat or tactician when it came to talking. Maybe his pain was making him even more stupid, but it was at least half true.

"Good enough... Good enough for what, this city?" Deacon asked. Damon chortled.

"We already own a controlling share of the city's interests... We are on the city council, we roll around in style while those dogs pee in the gutter." Damon snipped.

"A real hero helps the population they are a part of. They don't feed off of them like parasites." Jason replied, forcing himself back up. Deacon looked down at the electronic braces and then back at Jason, peering into the human's eyes.

"You didn't come all this way just to preach heroism, and that blood isn't just yours... You're sniffing around for a cure, for a way to be all better and put this pain behind you." Deacon murmured, circling around the human, "But you know that a brush with us can end only one of two ways. If you weren't strong enough stock for us to feed on, what makes you think we'd want to add you to our ranks?" Deacon asked.

"The body may be weak, but it's the spirit that endures, right? If you'd been worthy of my service, I would have served you until the end... But you're nothing but a pair of spoiled brats no matter how old you are." Jason replied. Damon hissed and bore his fangs, but Deacon had a different fate in mind.

"If these legs are giving you such trouble, maybe I should just tear them off for you." The vampire grinned. Jason took a breath. Vampires had enhanced strength and movement. He had to anticipate. His blue eyes dropped down, watching the slightest change in Deacon's body weight. As it shifted legs, the veteran brought up his right elbow. The jutting hand was deflected. Jason shot out his left hand and hit the vampire in the chest. Deacon growled at that before charging again. This time Jason rolled, putting a hand on the vampire to use his momentum and send him away.

Jason's movements had to change suddenly, ducking under the slashing sweep of Damon's claws. Jason used his own movements to bring his leg up into a roundhouse, hitting the younger vampire in the jaw. The blond punk spun and rolled onto the ground, but Jason was done. The impact had a most devastating effect. He heard the snap, not only of bone, but perhaps tendon too. He called out in pain and collapsed to the ground. His face smashed into the grass, the smell of dirt in his nostrils.

The pain was almost blinding, but as his eyes opened and his vision partially cleared, he saw something unexpected. The vampires were back on their feet, but they weren't facing him. Something had rolled up onto the grass... It was an all terrain transport of some sort. The sides were silver and olive green and they were heavily armored. The door had the tree circles connected by a triangle, the symbol for the original Department of Defense project that had established Trinity - but it had been out of use for decades.

The vampires started to scatter, but the transport stated unloading troops. The air filled with flashes of electric blue light, narrowly missing the vampires. Damon broke into a full sprint for the trees, but Deacon had something else in mind. He used his speed to go after the shooters, but there were so many of them garbed in dark green digital camouflage, disappearing into the night, with heavy duty gas masks covering their faces.

Jason could barely move, but during a fire fight he knew his best bet was to remain on the ground. A yelp sounded as Damon was hit. Jason turned, watching the young vampire collapsed to the ground. The troops moved over and snapped restraints around his wrist, but they did something else unexpected. They pulled a spare gas mask off of their hip and brought it down over Damon's face. The young vampire strained and resisted as much as he could in his stunned state, but he was no match. The gas mask was pressed tight and almost seemed to adhere for a moment merely out of vacuum pressure. Damon winced and clawed at his restraints, but straps shot out of the mask and wrapped around his head before melting together. The young man trembled, struggling in his breathing but soon his body seemed to relax. What confused Jason, though, was that Damon's body continued to move even after his muscles relaxed. The reason why became apparent soon.

It started with his arms. His diminutive, youthful body started to shift. His biceps and triceps began to grow larger and rounder, then his legs gained more meat to them. His clothing tightened more and more, straining under the growing mass. Jason's jaw slowly dropped, the awe and fascination for the spectacle over-riding the pain he was experiencing at least for a few moments. He continued to watch in shock as the young vampire grew in every way; taller, broader, stronger. His pale skin was darkening too, taking on a grayish tinge. The blond hair he had was losing all color, becoming snow white and stiffer.

A ripping sound came from Damon's clothes as his arms simply got too big for them, but more than that Jason saw the odd web of flesh connecting his arm to his body. The restraints that had been placed on snapped apart, letting the two powerful bodybuilder arms pull away and reveal the bat like wings. Damon slowly got up onto all fours, flexing his longer claws, inhaling the gas from the mask deeply before he turned and obediently started following the soldiers that had detained him.

"Vampire, I'll make you an offer. You only have two choices, enlistment or being drafted. Which do you choose?" A deep voice asked. Jason forced himself around a few degrees, spotting what had to be the ring leader of the mission. He was almost seven feet tall and a few hundred pounds of muscle in a perfectly crafted green bodysuit. His scalp was as smooth as ice and his gas mask was crisp. Emblazoned on each shoulder, though, were the double stars of a Major General.

"You're street filth, I can still smell it on you beneath that latex and stolen authority... I know who you were once, Mask." Deacon hissed.

"Enter it on the record that the Warrant officer failed to enlist." Mask said. Deacon roared and tried to fight his captors as the mask was brought to his face, but as soon as it made contact it started its work. It drew the air out of his lunge, forcing him to gasp and struggle for anything to breathe - and then it gave him the mutagenic compounds. Just as with his brother, Deacon's arms started to bulk up and his legs followed suit, but unlike his brother it seemed he wasn't going to keep his head of hair. The long ponytail started to shed off, thick strands falling to the ground, revealing the smooth scalp and fiercely pointed ears of the older vampire. His designer jacket began to rip and tear as the flesh inside bulked out in every direction.

Jason laid on the ground, watching, feeling an odd stirring in his loins. Despite the pain and suffering he had endured, despite the terror of his night, he was feeling rather... aroused. It was an odd thought to be sure, but standing before him was something so familiar and so alien at the same time. He knew their movements, their tactics, their actions. It was what he had trained in, but they were so much better equipped, and what they were doing clearly wasn't part of the Geneva convention.

Deacon's body continued to swell and grow, tearing out of his previous clothing as he bulked. The soldiers let go of his huge arms as his new leathery wings filled in and he dropped onto all fours. His long, uncut cock seemed to descend with even more length and heft, looking more alien by the second. Both vampires had been reduced to bat beasts by those masks and they were no longer resisting any instruction. It was most interesting. "Secure the area, check for any other targets." Mask ordered. His soldiers started to fan out, though one stopped almost immediately.

"Sir, contact at eight o'clock." He called out, raising his riffle.

"Hold your fire, I am a non-combatant! Unarmed, and disabled!" Jason called out.

"Identify yourself!" The soldier commanded, though Mask already started to approach. Jason held up his hands above his head.

"O-1 second lieutenant Jason East, retired, sir!" Jason called out. Mask paused there, looking at the human curiously. The soldier moved forward, pulling a spare mask off his belt.

"Soldier, halt..." Mask commanded. The dark green clad officer did as he was commanded and stood at combat ready. Mask moved up to Jason and crouched down, looking him over, "Where did you obtain your injuries, soldier?" Mask questioned.

"The current break occurred in combat with your targets, but the pre-existing condition was a... cumulative effect during training." Jason replied, feeling a deep pang of guilt, wondering if he was about to be rejected yet again.

"It seems your detachment had insufficient resources and training to keep you in operating condition..." Mask murmured, "We'll take you to our base and render medical aid." Mask replied. Jason looked up at the masked figure almost as if he had descended from the heavens themselves.

"Thank you, General... Maybe, once I'm recovered, I could look into enlistment opportunities with your garrison." Jason said hopefully. It was hard to tell, but Jason could have sworn that the general was smiling behind his mask.

"I'll be sure to provide you with anything you need." Mask replied, signaling the troops forward. A back board was constructed and Jason was transferred onto it. There was a quick jab just above his knee, sending numb waves of nothingness through his leg. It was both a relief and his fear, but for the moment he was glad to get any help he could get.

The ATT rumbled through the underground tunnels of Trinity, bathed in orange light. Jason East had endured a lot of medical treatment, but nothing was quite as invigorating as seeing this hidden side to the city. Jason felt both so welcome and at home and yet so entirely deficient surrounded by Mask's men. The new recruits had been secured with the equipment but they seemed to be providing no trouble. Every time Jason thought about how the cocky arrogant vampires had been turned into Mask's version of an air force, he felt a twinge in his groin that was quite a bit more positive than the pain in his leg. Still, he hoped that this had all happened for a reason and that he wasn't getting his hopes up too high.

"Shadow System, facility access. Voice print and biometric authorization." Mask said, barely audible through his mask. Several lights along the sides of the tunnel illuminated, as well as some in the vehicle. The blue light lasted only a second before the system snapped off. Up ahead what seemed to be a solid wall began to open, sliding out of the way, revealing a fairly sizable garage housing six transports and two tanks. The ATT pulled into its slot along the wall, the bumper connecting to a hitch to recharge the engine batteries.

"Secure new recruits, transfer lieutenant East to medical." Mask commanded. The doors were opened and the officers got to work. The back board Jason was on was hoisted up and moved out smoothly. Jason couldn't help but look around at everything. Sure, it was a little dank being underground but it was still rather reasonable. There were military notices and insignias everywhere, but there were also quite a few pieces of technology unlike anything Jason had seen before. The first aid kits, fire extinguishers, weapons and tools all looked like some next level stuff... not to mention the rooms of spare uniforms and equipment as they moved. Jason caught a brief glimpse of some strange latex spreading frames in one of the rooms as he was carried past, but it was so much to take in at once. Jason just wanted to experience it all as soon as he could. With luck, the medical treatment would be just as advanced as the rest of everything.

A heavy single door rumbled open as the soldiers carried Jason along, though Jason was still wide eyed in wonder. The feeling of alien familiarity had continued with every fixture in the subterranean base. The Triangle emblem was everywhere, augmented with various details. The door that had opened for him had been emblazoned with the triangle trinity symbol with the universal emblem for medicine, the plus, resting in the center.

The infirmary itself was perhaps the most fascinating spot that Jason had yet seen. There were some archaic fixtures, phones and lights and intercom panels that had been designed decades prior, but the medical equipment around the room was more advanced than anything he had seen at Cellucore. As the soldiers transferred Jason onto the bed, he winced sharply. The surroundings had been doing a good job distracting him from his pain, but from the way his hands were shaking and he was sweating, it was clear that he was starting to go into shock.

From another door a new individual entered the room. He was garbed in pristine white latex, contrasting with the somewhat more aged metal of his full head mask. He looked almost like some sort of metallic sea creature with red lenses and slits around the subdued mouth piece of his mask. He moved up and grabbed a scanner, passing it back and forth over Jason's leg. It seemed the scanner tied directly into his mask.

"The damage is fairly extensive, but it can be repaired. Would you like a local or a general anesthetic?" The doctor questioned. His voice was deep and sounded almost as if it was rendered mechanically.

"Uh... Is a local going to be strong enough while you work?" Jason asked with hesitation.

"Our techniques are quite refined. It is the patient's preference." The doctor said, lining up what he'd need.

"How much... can be repaired? I've been waiting a long time for this, I've gone to so many places and spent so much money." Jason whispered, feeling his heart fluttering in his chest. The doctor moved the scanner over Jason's leg.

"Your bone shows evidence of nutrient re-infusion, a Cellucore technique... But they did not administer neoproxin carbonate. Your tissue shows signs of generation three Genetech grafts, but they have deteriorated and shown signs of minor rejection. Both companies have refined their techniques, though they have not made all of their findings public. We have access to their research and can render the appropriate aid." The doctor stated.

"So you can fix all of it? The bones? The nerves? Everything? Are you... in league with the companies?" Jason asked, not sure what to feel at this point.

"We try to ensure as few people know we are here as possible." Mask's voice came from the doorway. Jason looked up in wonder at the general.

"Sir." He said, saluting. Mask returned the salute.

"This facility exists because of a military miracle, the Shadow System... It's Trinity's subconscious. Anything that uses city resources is plugged into the city, and becomes a resource we can access. Data is easy, but we can access chemicals and compounds too. Corporate espionage at its finest, in service of our servicemen." Mask replied. Jason looked at Mask in ongoing wonder.

"Once I'm better, I want to pledge myself to you, I want to enlist fully." Jason said. Mask nodded and pulled over a chair.

"Doctor, please begin your procedures while we talk." Mask said. The doctor nodded, getting a new band to wrap around each of Jason's legs. Once they were powered on, all nerve activity stopped at the point of the straps. The doctor proceeded to remove Jason's power braces and set them aside before rolling up Jason's pants. The flesh was cleaned and a secondary anesthetic injected into his broken leg to follow up with the previous injections.

"If I may sir, what is the nature of our discussion?" Jason asked, wanting to be as up front and well spoken as possible.

"Terms of service, if you will..." Mask replied slowly, looking Jason over, "You served your country until your body couldn't take it any more... Is that correct?" Mask asked. Jason nodded slowly.

"It was my only wish to serve my country, go give my life in service. I wanted to work my way up the ranks, see the world with different assignments... I thought at first when the medical reports started coming back that it was just me, that I was weak and inferior... But it turned out a lot of my squad was suffering similar problems. Some got discharged before me, some were going to try and stick it out." Jason replied.

"If your body wasn't an issue, is that where you would be?" Mask asked. Jason hesitated.

"Knowing what I know now? If I didn't have these advanced techniques, wouldn't the same thing happen to me over again? I don't know if it's in the regulations or if it's in the performance, but something isn't right there. You can't build an entire system on breaking your own people. Changes are too slow to take effect." Jason replied.

"So your loyalty is defined in terms of the nature of the organization you serve?" Mask asked. Jason winced a bit at that, though he hoped he could pass it off as a reaction to the surgery. He glanced down at his leg which apparently was a mistake. Despite setting up some blue cloth fencing, it was easy to see that the doctor was cutting into his leg. Jason looked away again.

"I don't want it to sound petty of me, but I want the organization I serve to be honorable. If they are honorable to their own troops, then what they do can be honorable. Don't know if that makes any sense." Jason said softly. Again Mask nodded.

"That is a good sensibility." Mask replied, "I grew up on the streets of this city. I was a drifter, a loner. I served no one but myself. I saw the military as heroic because an army of one could accomplish anything, from surviving to effecting change. When I found this facility I learned the wisdom of having a team, a command, of those numbers working together to accomplish a common goal." Mask replied, "We've grown a lot in the last few months. Troops are easy to come by, but not that military wisdom or that patriotic spirit. That's precisely what I need. I need a commander that knows what is right." Mask replied.

"A... commander? Sir?" Jason asked, his eyes wide in shock. Mask crossed his thick, hairy arms before his chest.

"If you become one of us, your life is going to change forever. I think you will be a brilliant addition, and your training could go quite far... But there's one last thing I need from you Lieutenant. Our eyes and ears are currently limited to Trinity. With your command codes, even expired, we could start to see beyond our waters. I understand this may not be an easy directive." Mask replied. J on the bed at that.

'So you aren't... a shadow project? A hidden detachment of the government?" Jason asked. Mask straightened a bit.

"We are the soldiers of Trinity. We serve this city's long term interests, and we want to bring security and safety to those that live here. This city was abandoned by the military, and we have taken up the mantle left behind. We operate under our own authority but we share common goals with our predecessors. Knowing this, have your thoughts changed?" Mask asked. Jason was silent for a long moment before he shook his head.

"Maybe this is for the better. The army broke me, and they'll take a hundred years to change. If your goals are in line with theirs but you've been able to accomplish this much, then I'll still be proud to join." Jason replied. Mask grinned at that, though it wasn't visible beyond his re-breather.

"Then once the doctor has completed the treatment, you will come to section B-8 for your first task, and then after that report to G-4 for uniform fitting. In the mean time, you can use this tablet for any information you feel like sharing from your previous service." Mask said, setting the tablet on the side table before he stood. Mask gave Jason one last salute which was returned before departing. Jason watching his general go and then looked back at the tablet. He slowly picked it up and held it in his hands. Giving away any of that information was treason, but Mask's people were from Trinity... They were serving a better life now. The only thing that waited for Jason outside of the Shadow Project was pain, misery and death. Soldiers survived, soldiers did what they could to help people. This was the only way he'd be able to do either. Jason started entering every pass code, base schematic, and tidbit of information he could recall.

Once more the heavy door to the infirmary rumbled open, revealing the rest of the facility. Jason stood in the doorway, almost amazed beyond words. For the first time in months, he was standing under his own power. His pants looked like hell, sliced open and tinged with faint pink antiseptic... but his legs were beautiful. Not only had the bone been reset and the tendon reattached, but the damage had been undone. His bones had been strengthened, his muscle tone improved dramatically, and most of all, his nerves had been repaired. He could feel his toes, his heel, the arch of his foot. He wiggled them in boots he had been given, feeling every contour and ounce of pressure.

With one step, Jason was out of the infirmary, and with another he was on his way to section B-8. It took a little getting used to, moving about the facility. The D.O.D. had packed so much into such a confined space that not an inch was wasted. Clusters of offices and work spaces were set up almost like honeycombs, accessible from the outside of each cell but allowing a lot more to be packed in, while the larger spaces were set up around the outer edge of the facility. Eventually Jason found a base schematic that sent him in the right direction, but as he looked around at the other troops he got another flutter of anxiousness.

Every soldier was so strong, so big, so manly... And they each were equipped with a variety of different gas masks. Given what he had seen in the park, that seemed to be the secret. The vampire boys had been turned into docile bat troops with the application of the masks. There wasn't a single person there without one except him. In fact, thinking back to his encounter, the troops had been about to strap one onto him in the park... but Mask had stopped it. He was special, he was unique. There was little doubt in his mind that he was going to get one, but it would be special. The general wanted a commander, he wanted him.

Once more Jason started to feel an arousal in his pants, looking around at all the strong, huge soldiers. They would be his, under his command and authority. He would be their superior. The power flooded his veins and his cock, causing it to stiffen and tighten in his underwear. He tried not to get too overwhelmed, but there was a fire in his pale eyes. He almost walked a bit faster, eager to meet his destiny.

Section B was a little more uniform in its design than the core had been, but the reason became immediately apparent. It was the facility's barracks. There were officer quarters, rooms with enlisted bunks, and at the end there was a fairly large double door emblazoned with B-8 in white stencil letters. Jason reached up and tapped on the door control, hesitating for a moment. The door rumbled to the side, revealing the expansive space beyond.

B-8 had not been designed as a barracks room, but as a small storage warehouse originally. Since its newer occupation, though, it had been re-purposed. The supplies and shelves were moved out, creating a lot of room for the new occupants. Hanging from the support beam along the rafters were countless bat troops. Some were garbed in black latex, others blue and green. They had a few different models of gas masks on and some were far more animal than others. The one thing they all had in common though were the huge leathery wings.

Jason stood in shock, gazing up at them all, seeing how obedient they were now. He'd read up quite a bit on the vampires of Trinity on the boat to the city and in his down time since arriving. They had been thought a genetic quirk at first, a disorder, but DNA analysis revealed the genetic signature of Doctor Julian Genoa, Genetech's biggest darkest secret over the last few decades. They had integrated into Trinity's high society for the most part, though a few street gangs still roamed the town at night... but Mask had managed to re-purpose them quite nicely.

"How does it feel to see them here?" Mask's deep voice asked as he approached. Jason went to salute but Mask waved the hand away. Jason swallowed a bit.

"Exciting, like... things are more as they should be here." Jason said. Mask nodded at that before gesturing to the bat with the white hair.

"I think you're right. We can give them lives of purpose, the structure of authority. One of the most important aspects of this transition is ensuring that the command structure is maintained. That is why I've brought you here." Mask said.

"Yes sir?" Jason asked curiously. Mask slowly reached down, resting a hand on the rather prodigious bulge on his uniform. Slowly the latex seemed to split, releasing a soft green gel before a huge, hard, long uncut cock emerged from the slit.

"This is what awaits you." Mask said, "But to show your loyalty, I want you to show your authority over the soldier that tried to take advantage of you." He said, gesturing to the bat that had once been Damon. Jason's eyes went wide.

"With... With like... my own?" Jason asked.

"I can make it easier. Our aerial troopers are vulnerable to an array of sonic pitches. They can be used to keep them in line, but also to affect their condition." Mask said, taking a small device from his belt. He pressed his thumb to it and barely audible pitches started to pump out from the embedded speaker. There was an immediate effect across the room.

Bats started to flutter their wings, several climbing down from the rafters. They stumbled around and bumped into each other, clearly distracted. Just as Mask's had, several bat cocks emerged from their uniforms. Each was dripping and huge. A few started to mount one another, but it seemed that the pitch was mostly intended to put them into a receptive state. The bats started pushing their posteriors against each other, walls, shelves, anything.

Jason said nothing, his jaw hanging slightly agape, not sure how to feel. Mask had a command not just over their loyalty, but their very physicality. He now stood at the door to a room full of horny military bat creatures. Jason slowly turned, looking back at the general uncertainly. Mask's solid black eye lenses turned to face the veteran, as if sizing him up. Jason looked at Mask and then back at the bats.

"So my mission is to..." Jason trailed off.

"You will show your authority over the troops you will lead." Mask replied. Jason swallowed a bit and moved forward, still feeling very out of his league, but seeing them move and thrash, he reminded himself of where they had come from. They had been brats, spoiled rich vampire trash that had been remolded and turned into something better. Jason thought about how the two vampires had changed before his eyes, getting turned into these monsters. It was the ultimate draft... and once more his cock started to harden, growing aroused.

Without looking back, Jason reached down and unbuttoned his pants, unhooking his belt and opening his fly. With a deft adjustment of his underwear, he slowly fished out his semi-hard member. Compared to Mask and the Bats it was nothing, but for a human the cut cock was still fairly robust. Jason continued forward, just as unused to his working legs as he was the situation at hand. He thought of himself in new terms. He was healthy again thanks to Mask, he was comparatively young, and he had his whole life ahead of him. He had to make his path, his mark, and forge a future - not to mention it was very likely he had seen too much to be released ever again. He was a security liability if he didn't toe the line. It was time to really give it his all.

The veteran felt the bat wings scraping against his hips as he waded into them, focused on his goal of the white haired bat. He felt an odd sort of reverse leg humping as one bat's ass cheeks nuzzled his knee and he all but spiraled away from it, dodging another before he reached out and grabbed the white hair of Damon's head. The bat let out a soft shriek and a shiver, flapping his broad wings. The movement forced other bats to pull back, but the long muzzled gas mask turned, looking at its captor.

Seeing Jason, the white haired bat turned around to face him fully before he leaned in. Jason gasped, feeling a hot, wet, huge cock slide against his own member, soaking the lower part of his shirt as well. Damon flapped his wings and began to hump, nearly knocking Jason over. The human put one arm behind him to brace against a wall, humping back. Damon flapped a bit more before he suddenly turned, dropped to all fours and presented his ass. The uniform had parted just like Mask's crotch slit, revealing the quivering pucker buried in the meaty cheeks.

Eager to be fucked, Damon began backing up. At first it seemed to be going well as the furry, leathery ass cheeks rubbed against Jason's hard cock, but the mass of the beast was too much. Jason tumbled back onto his ass and Damon continued in reverse. Jason got a face full of bat ass, the furry cheeks coming down around his nose and mouth and cheeks. He reached up, struggling a bit, smelling the potent, musky aroma of the uniform and the ass all mixed together like peat moss and gym socks.

Jason gagged a bit at the exposure, but it was so raw and animal and masculine it only made his cock harder. Damon had been so eager to get his ass used that he hadn't been focusing on any specific target, but as the human's erection started to bump the chin of his mask, the vampire realized he had missed entirely. He pulled his ass off of Jason's face, allowing the human to gasp for breath before he surged over, carefully positioned, and impaled himself on the human's cock.

"FUCK!" Jason gasped out as the hot, wet cheeks enveloped his cock. Damon squirmed and shifted until he slid down more and more, taking all of the human's length in - but even that didn't seem like enough. His muscles tightened and began to undulate, pulling and tugging on the cock inside, trying to draw it deeper and deeper. Jason moaned, his back arching as it felt like his cock was going to get pulled off. It almost felt like it was getting stretched inside.

Soon the depth wasn't enough and the vampire needed more. It lifted up off the cock half way before slamming down, then repeating the process. Jason was digging against the cement floor with his fingernails, letting the bat ride him, but this wasn't exactly showing dominance. He slowly lifted his hands, grabbed onto the bat's waist, and began to lift his hips as the bat dropped his. Their thrusts became more powerful, deeper and more direct.

A slowly growing grin crossed Jason's face as he fucked up into that ass, wondering if he was the first in Damon's life or just in his new form. He looked around at all the horny bat creatures, wondering if what Mask said was true. Would these be his troops? Would he be able to make them horny on a whim? It seemed so different from where he had been a few months prior. He had been helpless, powerless and lost. Now he had the chance to be in charge, holding the fates of others in his own hands... and around his cock.

Jason bore his teeth and arched his back, fucking into Damon more and more. Several of the other bats came sniffing around, wanting attention, craving stimulation. Jason didn't give up fucking Damon, but one hand left to cup meaty military grade bat pec, teasing the nipple under the rubber. Another hand found an ass to grope and squeeze and fondle. Even his boots were getting humped by stray bats but he didn't resist in the slightest.

Jason moaned louder and louder as he fucked that tight, deep ass. The milking of his shaft never seemed to stop, constantly pulling it bright to the brink of the human's ability to withstand. Jason knew he could have stayed there forever if he ha the physical stamina, but he was losing ground. His cock was quivering, his balls were pulsing, his brain was being washed in the golden light of the perfect, all encompassing orgasm. The thrusting became random and erratic before Jason took one last thrust and tried to hold himself as deeply ash he could.

A howl escape the veteran's lips as he came, sending torrent after torrent of his seed deep into the bat's ass. Damon shuddered, flapping his wings triumphantly before his gigantic member let loose a potent spray of soldier spooge. The salty liquid rained down over the other troops, unable to lick it up or catch it with their mouths because of the masks. Instead, it merely gave them the thinnest, shiniest coatings of forbidden fluid.

Jason writhed and moaned on the floor, letting out his seed, riding the orgasm. It seemed he hadn't been a let down to Damon who soon crawled off the leaking cock and found a corner to collapse in. A few other bats tried to take up the hard leaking rod for themselves, but a hand caught Jason by the wrist and pulled him back from the crowd. Jason tried to assist how he could, managing to use the momentum to stumble back to his feet. Soon he was standing back near the door, panting and sweating.

"How did it feel?" Mask asked.

"It felt... righteous." Jason whispered. Mask let out a soft, half hum at the response.

"Then it must be time to get your uniform." Mask replied.

Arriving at G-4, Jason's cheeks were still rosy and his walk tried to hide the half erection he'd maintained. He'd taken a few moments to clean up before continuing, although coming to the assigned section it seemed his earlier guesses were true. The rooms he'd caught a glimpse of with racks of material and lines of masks was indeed the uniform fitting room. One of the soldiers saw the unmasked veteran coming and opened the door for him. Jason gave a quick salute as he stepped into the room and looked around in wonder. The room was large, painted in colors and lined with accoutrements that reminded him of 1940's historical films, but it was counterbalanced by a row of eighteen different types of gas masks on one side and rows of vacuum beds on the other.

"Welcome Lieutenant." General Mask's voice sounded. He stood off to one side in a somewhat comfortable position, looking rather pleased with himself even without the ability to read his expression. Jason snapped to attention, saluting. Mask once more returned the gesture, "At ease, soldier. I'd like to commend you on your participation earlier, not just in the barracks but with the information you provided as well. We've got live feeds up now to Fort Worth and Fort Sumpter. We'll be bringing more connections on as we decrypt. Your participation has made us safer. Now, it is time to complete your enlistment." Mask said, moving over to the wall of face pieces. He ran his gloved hand over them tenderly. They had become such a vital part of his life. The GP project had been intended to make super soldiers, but he had created an entire society out of them. He moved along the line, coming up toward where he had found his own mask, the GP-60... Military commander.

Somewhere deep inside, the boy that had become Mask was fearful. Mark Nikolay did not want to put his authority at risk. He loved his position as general, having his troops. It was the same reason that he fought so hard against the self proclaimed super hero Meta despite them sharing common goals. Mask had not given out another of the commander masks since he had been formed. There were barely any soldiers granted anything over GP-30, though the Doctor was a 40. Still, Mask knew he couldn't do it all on his own. He had to trust someone else. He could feel a connection with Jason, though he was intimidated by his experience. Jason had actually been trained, he had actually served.

It was a moment of decision for the general, but he would just have to risk it. There were other ways to ensure that his position would be retained and the potential benefits outweighed the unlikely risks. Mask withdrew another of the elite masks, the GP-60 and brought it over, holding it before Jason. Jason reached out and took it in his hand. The mask was both heavy and yet lighter than he expected. It seemed that most of the weight came from the fluid tanks in the side just above the cheeks, as well as the seal that ran around the edge.

"Once you place this to your face, the process is automatic. As you've gathered, we don't take these off once applied." Mask explained. Jason blushed a bit.

"What do we do about food?" Jason asked.

"The GP formula has all the nutrition we need, though we can use contact caffeine patches and other dermal supplements as needed." Mask replied. Jason looked down at the gas mask in his hand. It was true army rations were pretty awful, but to give up eating entirely? Still, that meant one less thing to worry about. Not being hungry, not being in pain... This was going to be his life. Without any word from the general, Jason brought the mask up. The liner fit around his eyebrows, his cheeks, his chin. It slid over the scruffy patch of blond hair on the tip of his chin and rested just behind before it became even more snug.

With the lining secured, the vacuum pump started drawing the air out. Jason had expected this from seeing the bats. H exhaled slowly, letting all the air out from his lungs. He felt the pressure of the outside atmosphere on his chest, the pang of nothingness inside. It wasn't until he felt the moist, sickly sweet, pungent and acrid gas that he took a breath in... and started to truly feel his body again. Excited, Jason exhaled again and drew the gas even deeper. His brain started to tingle, then his spine, then his fingertips and toes. He wiggled them, feeling exhilarated. He flexed his arms, moved his legs, shifted his head. There was sudden movement as straps shot out of the mask, wrapping around his bald head before they melted together, holding the mask tight.

The potency of the gas increased and so did Jason's erection. He grunted hard and growled, breathing so fast he was practically panting. His tired, old legs had been healed, but once more they began to feel truly alive. The bone throbbed and ached as it started to grow, pulling from the new nutrients to expand. His flesh tightened, becoming tougher and more weathered. His feet were growing too inside of the boots. His toes stretched out longer and wider, his arch increased and his heel flattened. His ankles bloated and his calves were expanding quickly. The incisions the doctor had made in his pants made it easy for them to start tearing apart, the fabric unable to hold all the muscle.

Jason's biceps and triceps weren't far behind. He posed with his arms, flexing, watching the flesh balloon out. The veins running up Jason's neck bulged as he moved, grinning ear to ear behind the mask. Even his shirt was getting tighter as his biceps pushed out, his abs hardening. The former veteran not only regained his peak physical condition, he blasted past it. Jason started moving around the room in confined circles, flexing and bouncing, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He let out an excited whoop, then another. Thicker hair sprouted from his arms and chest, then his legs. His belt grew so tight that the buckle snapped and the pants split even more.

"This is fucking amazing... Thank you general, I mean, sir..." Jason panted.

"It is amazing, isn't it? But we should get you dressed in the last uniform you'll need to wear." Mask said, gesturing to one of the devices, "Disrobe Commander." Mask commanded. Jason did as he was instructed, though he was even more excited at being called a commander. With a firm grip he took a hold of his shirt and tore it open, revealing his erect nipples and mounds of muscles. His hands swept down his ripped stomach to his pants before discarding the remains of his pitiful belt. The scraps of his pants fell to the floor and his underwear fell next. It took a little effort to step out of them with the boots, but soon those were the only bit of cover the commander had.

Mask had to admit, Jason made quite the ideal specimen with his gas mask, his heavy boots and his hard cock. Jason backed up against the nearest bed, feeling the rubbery latex against his firm skin. It was slick and had a faintly firm texture to it, but military grade equipment was hardly designed for comfort. Sensing an occupant, the bed began to whir and move, tilting back as part of the floor opened up. The panel lifted up, lining up with the first even as Jason was reclined horizontally. The panel came down, clicking and locking with the first.

For a moment it was like laying inside a double sided hammock, but just as the mask had done, the bed started to draw all air out from the inner layers. The material pressed in across his body, coating his arms and legs, his torso and his waist. Jason tried to watch, but his head was held in place as well. Everywhere the material touched itself it started to heat up and get tacky, but where it touched his skin it stiffened.

Jason was trapped inside his own head, unable to see or move. He was paralyzed for the moment as the process continued. He could hear his breathing in the mask, taking the chemicals in deep, refining his body. He closed his eyes, wanting to be general Mask's perfect soldier. His skin tingled more as the electric charge jolted through the bed. All at once the spare latex flashed to liquid, leaving only the material on his actual body. The bright olive green darkened as it hardened into an almost leathery latex.

The uniform sizzled, melting to his boots and the straps on his mask, unable to stick to the mask itself. Reunited with his sense of sight, Jason watched in wonder as robotic arms lifted up from the sides of the bed, emitting industrial strength lasers. They started etching a digital camouflage pattern into the uniform as well as rank insignia in the shoulders. It was hard to see, but Jason didn't need to see much. The presence of wings told him all he needed to know. It was the emblem of an O-6 Colonel. A grin spread across his lips once again.

The lenses of the gas mask filled with light, imprinting information into Jason's mind. The memories of his life, his priorities, his debts and his joys were being defragmented, sorted, adjusted. What little shreds of fear and doubt might have existed before were expunged. His bravery, loyalty and patriotism were enhanced. He looked out into the room and saw General Mask, knowing this was the man to whom he owed his life and his loyalty. Together there would be nothing they couldn't accomplish.

From another portion of the room there was a soft whirring as yet another arm extended, this one holding an older military grade inoculation injector. It moved up to his neck. At first the needle seemed unable to penetrate the uniform, though eventually the needle pierced through both rubber and flesh beneath. As it found its mark, the contents inside the injector began to gurgle, delivering the deem crimson, almost black fluid from within.

Jason felt oddly thrilled to have something inject him, though he knew how strange that was... but once more his veins started to tingle and throb, another wave of changes entering his system. Jason's mouth became hot, his saliva became thick, his sense of smell enhanced even more, opening up his deepest sinuses to the potent gas. In that thicker saliva, though, something else was changing. Jason's canine teeth and those next to it were sharpening - and soon all of his teeth were, expanding into wild fangs in his mouth. His ears pressed up into points underneath the mask as the color drained from the skin under his uniform.

A pressure was building fast under his arms. He felt momentarily sluggish and heavy, but that growing mass spread out. It was anchored deeply inside of his arms and ribs, but the flesh moved outward. Circuitry lines in the uniform gleamed as the wings stretched out more and more. Jason could still barely move, but the native default position of the frame left plenty of room for his wings to grow. His boots felt tighter and tighter as his feet grew and the fabric over his hands seemed to strain as the nails beneath sunk into his fingers and pushed out from the tips, extending into claws.

Jason had been remade into more than just a normal military commander. He had been made into the commander of the vampire troops, of the air support. He was beautiful and powerful and alien. The needle pulled out of his neck and soon the rubber uniform re-sealed itself. The remaining parts of the bed frame slowly tilted back up, depositing Jason back on his feet. He stepped off the platform nimbly and stood there for a moment.

"Colonel East, how do you feel?" Mask asked slowly.

"Excellent general... Mission Ready and primed." East replied, slowly extending his arms and examining his wings. Mask reached out and clapped him on the shoulder.

"I want you to familiarize yourselves with your troops. We're planning an op against an anarchist that is causing chaos to the minds of Trinity's youth under the guise of freedom." Mask replied. East felt his lips curl in disgust.

"And what is the name of our target?" East questioned.

"He's calling himself Trance now, but his civilian name was Emile Forest. We're going to take down his hippie empire and try to bring some sensibility back to his victims." Mask replied.

"I look forward to proving myself in battle, sir." East replied. Mask reached out and rested an arm on the soldier's firm, muscled shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll be most successful." Mask said before turning, though he stopped after a few feet and glanced back over his shoulder, "And if you encounter someone calling themselves Meta, and he tries to interfere? Apprehend with extreme prejudice. I'd like to remove that particular obstacle from our plans as soon as possible."

"Of course sir, I'll brief myself on every facet I can." East replied eagerly.

"I'll prepare the mission room for you. Level two, central core." Mask said before disappearing down the hall. East watched Mask go with envy and admiration, though he soon got a bit distracted looking at just how amazing his body was in the new uniform. Once more he flexed, showing off his muscles in the pristine green material. No matter how he moved, the material suited him.

With his reorganized mind, Colonel East didn't feel as prone to re-analyzing every choice and action. Moving forward made sense, the past was behind him, but one last fleeting memory of Jason made him once again glad he'd made the right choice. His life of pain and misery were behind him. Re-enlistment had brought with it a profound freedom, and now he could make the dream he had for his life a reality. He was going to reshape the society around him - first Trinity, and then anywhere else his people wanted to spread safety to.