New Ride at The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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A boy living in San Diego who awakens one night to an experience that changes his life forever. And, unfortunately for him, also ends it. But as they say, what a ride!

(This story is based on a drawing made by Odinboy666.)

Benjamin slowly swam out of sleep. The entire house seemed to quake with audible, steady, thudding booms. He was a slender boy with short hair, wearing a pajama shirt and smallish pajama shorts that accentuated his boyish attributes nicely. The shirt had a soccer ball on it, reflecting its wearer's love of the sport, which he played all the time with his friends after school, He was currently bundled underneath his covers, as it was an unusually foggy and chilly night.

As he lie there on his side, light from the moon falling across his awakened but sleepy form, he watched as the aquarium that served as his night light tremble, the fish darting to and fro, agitated by the shaking. He was confused but not alarmed. Earthquakes were common in California, and although they were relatively rare in San Diego where he lived, Benjamin had actually experienced them while visiting his grandparents in another part of the state before. So his first thought as he was awakened was that there was a quake.

And yet something wasn't right. The tremors were too brief, too regular, for it to be a quake. And they were getting closer. Rising a little, the covers falling from his thin form, he rolled over so he was on his hands and knees, butt facing the aquarium, head towards the two large windows that overlooked the backyard. The blinds were open because he'd forgotten to close them earlier that evening before drifting off to sleep, giving him an unobstructed view of the family's large suburban backyard. In addition to the moonlight, the cold glow radiating from the underwater lights in the pool out back also served to provide plenty of light, into which an enormous form stepped from off to the left.

Benjamin froze, eyes wide, lips pressed tightly together. He felt a fearful chill creep through him. It was a dinosaur, he realized. At first, he was unsure what kind. Although he was a very bright boy, Benjamin had always been interested in sports and other outdoor activities more than science, but it was impossible to be a kid and not have some knowledge of dinosaurs. It just sometimes took Benjamin a little longer than some of his more obsessed friends to identify dinosaurs. But not too long in this case, for as the animal's body came further into view and he saw the tiny arms, Benjamin realized he was looking at a Tyrannosaurus rex. The king of the dinosaurs.

His young mind struggled with this as the head turned and looked in at him. Dinosaurs were all dead. Extinct. Why was one here, now, in modern day San Diego, in his backyard? Benjamin wondered idly if he was dreaming, and although he decided he must be, that cold creep still pulsed through him.

The Tyrannosaur growled. Moving as if in a trance, Benjamin slid out of bed and walked across the room to the window. He was unsure what he was doing, but he was halfway across the room when he decided he was going to shut the blinds so the nosy dinosaur couldn't peek in at him. That, and could he be blamed if he wanted a closer look at the thing, despite his fear?

The dinosaur turned from him, and bent to drink from the pool, which was heart-shaped, and Benjamin grimaced. Ick! It was going to get sick drinking all that chlorine! He watched the head repeatedly dip down, the broad, grayish pink tongue scooping up water to shovel greedily into the huge maw, saliva mixing with the pool water. He suddenly heard barking and remembered his dog. The dog emerged from his doghouse opposite the pool, with a chain keeping his collar linked to it. Benjamin had never liked that. He had always wished the dog had been able to sleep indoors with him, but his father had put his foot down. The dog, his tail wagging, barked ferociously at the T-rex that had invaded his backyard, and in response the dinosaur bellowed menacingly at him, prompting a hasty retreat inside of the doghouse.

Benjamin swallowed. Something about the dinosaur, its enormous size and raw power, was having an effect on the boy. He felt his shorts stiffen a little, and realize his cock was hard, the way it sometimes got when he played with himself down there when he was having a bath. He licked his lips, turned from the window, and frowned, pulling his shorts down and kicking them away, so he could examine the effect the dinosaur was having on his body. His little cock stood erect, his balls taut and firm. His small, thin fingers groped and carressed over his genitals, making him shiver. Something else began to creep into his young body, replacing the cold fear he'd felt when he had awoken a moment ago, a steady, pleasurable warmth filled him now. Despite this, he still felt nervous, butterflies flapping madly inside his stomach.

What was this? Why was his cock hard? And from seeing a dinosaur? He decided it had something to do with the animal being so big and strong-looking. He was reminded of the bully who picked on him at school. Sometimes, when the bigger boy pushed him around, Benjamin felt a little funny, but he'd never gotten an erection like this from it.

He slid his finger experimentally up and down the thin shaft of his cock, shivering in response, and then decided he'd better put his shorts back on. Bizarrely, despite the fact there was a freakin' dinosaur in the backyard, Benjamin was concerned that he'd be caught doing this. His mother had seen him do it once in the bathroom and had gotten angry. And although his parents were asleep, even he, in his dim, still only vaguely aware state, knew that there was a possibility they could be woken by the noise happening outside and come in to see what the matter was. And Benjamin didn't want to get caught like this! Besides, he was still at least partially certain he was dreaming, and so by this juncture felt no real fear from the Tyrannosaur anymore.

He bent to pick the shorts up, his bare behind bumping the telescope a little, but right as his fingers touched the waistband, he heard a loud crunching sound an a terrified yelp. Standing back up, he turned in place, and watched wide-eyed as the Tyrannosaurus turned and rose up before him. One end of his dog's chain was in its mouth. At the opposite end, the empty doghouse swung wildly in the air a few feet off the patio. The enormous jaws slowly chewed, and a reddish liquid that must've been blood dribbled in rather copious amounts to drip down onto the concrete. His dog! The dinosaur was eating his dog!

Dream or no dream, this bothered him, and he felt compelled to inform his parents of this disturbing new development. He turned in place again, intending to go and wake them, but then remembered his original concern about being seen pantless and erect, and once more bent for his discarded shorts. Once again, his rear end hit the telescope, which banged against the glass with a loud "tack," and Benjamin suddenly froze as a shadow fell over him. Still bent over, he turned and looked up along his side, and, rising above his upturned butt to fill the entire window was the Tyrannosaurus' head. The eyes stared down at him. The chain still dangled visibly from its mouth, and with it, the doghouse. Benjamin swallowed again.

He jerked up, turned, feeling his cheeks flush hotly with embarrassment, feeling as though the Tyrannosaur were staring at his hard cock. The tongue darted out to lick over what passed for the animal's lips, swiping away some of the remaining blood. Benjamin's eyes followed its progress as it exited the mouth on one side, slid 'round the front of the snout, leaving a trail of shining saliva, and disappeared back inside on the opposite side out of his view. He shuddered. The confusing feelings of cold fear and warm comfort were raging inside of him.

Moving slowly, he stepped forwards a little, the head of his cock touching the cool glass, and shut the blinds. The Tyrannosaurus' head was now visible as merely a huge dinosaur-shaped shadow, but its body was still filling the other window whose blinds remained open. Benjamin was moving to get them when suddenly the window in front of him exploded inward.

The boy flew back, giving a startled yelp, and landed on his bed, where he'd originally been. The blinds came loose and covered him, protecting him from the shards of glass that rained all around. Struggling, Benjamin clawed at the blinds and flung them off of himself, and sat up, lying spread-legged in a sitting position on the bed. The huge head of the T-rex was mere inches away. The chain, still in its mouth, led outside to where the doghouse was caught on the sill. Benjamin whimpered a little, feeling the hot breath flowing over him, his little cock in particular.

He rolled over onto his hands and knees and made to crawl away, but then the head darted forward as much as the snagged doghouse would allow, and parted. Benjamin was aware of a weight on the mattress, the dinosaur's chin pressing it down, making the bed frame creak in protest and the entire thing tilt back towards the mouth, as the lower jaw slid underneath the boy's rapidly scrambling form, the upper one moving above him, until Benjamin realized he was entirely framed in the cave-like mouth.

He scrambled forward, mindful of broken glass, intent on getting out of the mouth and hopping off of the bed. His open door was only a few feet away, the perceived safety of the second floor hallway gaping beyond, as if taunting him with what he couldn't obtain. Something hot and wet touched his butt. He yelped and jerked himself up in response, his back arching as his head collided with the roof of the mouth, knocking him silly for a second. He glanced down and watched as the tongue slid between his bare thighs, which parted in response, the groove cupping his little balls neatly. He was in its mouth, sitting on its tongue!

Benjamin struggled to keep his balance. He realized that if he tipped backward too much, he'd fall fully into the mouth and be doomed, but if he could tip forward, he might tumble out to freedom. He whined and whimpered as the head jostled, the tongue scooping beneath his young rear end, bucking him up against the roof of the Tyrannosaur's maw again. He didn't know why the teeth hadn't clamped down yet. He wondered if the dinosaur's hunger had been sated by the dog, and if it were merely playing with him. Maybe it would let him go. He tried to call out for his parents, but nothing came up from his throat except a hoarse whisper. Yep, he thought, it was definitely a nightmare. Whenever he tried to scream in dreams, no sound ever came out.

The bed creaked as the tongue kept undulating beneath his butt, and he realized he rather liked how it felt against the bare cheeks and exposed, vulnerable asshole. It was a very strange new sensation to him, and the fact he was enjoying it despite his pounding fear made him all the more afraid. The great head continued to lay across the bed, making the frame groan and shake, showing no signs of either releasing the boy or pulling out of the room. Suddenly there was a jerking motion, and Benjamin managed to lurch forwards, using his hands to brace himself against the upper pallette, and fall forwards to lie on his stomach across the tongue with his head sticking out, hair damp from sweat and saliva. He whipped it around to look down the powerful neck to see where the doghouse was caught against the sill, and realized the chain had grown taut, momentarily making the Tyrannosaur incapable of wedging its head in further.

This was his chance. Moving slowly, cock bobbing, Benjamin crawled forward. He was actually reluctant to leave the mouth, but decided he didn't want this dream to end with him being eaten. As the head continued to jerk and strain, Benjamin heard creaking wood. Whether it was the doghouse or the window sill, he was uncertain. He got out of the mouth and hopped down off of the bed, remembering the broken glass too late. He winced as he cut both feet and fell backwards, back into the mouth, the tongue slipping out to catch him, cradling him, his legs flinging out, flailing desperately, little droplets of blood hitting the aquarium and the wall. As if to add some finality to this, one foot hit the open door, leaving a bloody footprint, causing it to swing shut with an audible slam, and Benjamin sagged in defeat, panting, as finally the dinosaur's head lifted him up and pulled free of the window.

Benjamin lay across the tongue. He propped himself up on his elbows, looking down at his room past his dangling legs, and sighed. Then the tongue curled up, slurping along his youthful genitals, and erased Benjamin's terror. Maybe it wasn't such a bad dream after all, he decided. He felt bizarrely warm and safe in the mouth now. It helped that the temperature outside was chilly, while in here, it was nice and hot, like a sauna, if a smelly one. Deciding to go with the flow and worry about the consequences of such an unusual dream later, Benjamin grabbed ahold of the dinosaur's upper jaw and began to instinctively thrust against the curling, teasing tongue. A contented rumble bellowed up from the cavernous throat yawning his head. Apparently the T-rex enjoyed it. Benjamin shut his eyes, his brows knitting in concentrated. Sweat beaded on his brow as his cock slid in and out of the groove in the tongue that cradled him and loved him, until he felt something blossom deep inside of himself and let loose a high-pitched gasp as his thin form spasmed, the tongue slapping wetly against the pulsing little cock as it shot forth its hot, sticky load to coat the powerful muscle in jizz.

Gasping, Benjamin kissed the roof of the mouth and lay back, his head seeming to become engulfed in the pillow-like tongue. He panted, his flat chest rising and falling underneath the soccer ball adorning his shirt, and then he felt the jaws closing, sealing him in total darkness. He tried to ignore the pain as the serrated teeth crunched down onto his legs, wincing, gritting his teeth, certain they'd been bitten off, envisioning them falling through the air to smack down against the patio, but when the jaws opened again, Benjamin was dimly aware as he sweated and whimpered that his legs were still there, just utterly destroyed, the bones mashed and pulped, the useless limbs hanging on by strands of muscle and sinew. He glurked and squirmed, but, despite the agonizing pain, he felt no fear. He still considered the mouth safe. After all it was only a dream.

The jaws shut again and the great head threw back. Benjamin was crushed against the upper pallette and gasped, and felt himself sliding back. There was a dip, and then it was smooth sailing all the way down as the boy slid effortlessly into the black abyss of the throat, his ruined legs trailing after him. He felt tired, starting to become bothered by much his legs hurt, wanting to go back to sleep. One of his friends had told him if you go to sleep in a dream you wake back up in the real world, and so Benjamin decided to do just that. He was held and squeezed by the throat muscles as the Tyrannosaurus' thudding heartbeat and the pulsing, squishing, slimy sounds filling his ears sung him a lullaby as he was slowly rocked to sleep. By the time his young body was deposited into the churning stomach to join the pulped and gnashed remains of his dog, the boy was completely blacked out from loss of blood, shock and fatigue, to say nothing of such a mind-blowing orgasm.

Outside, the Tyrannosaurus belch, and with a toss of its head finally dislodged the chain, causing the doghouse to sail away across the fence and land on the neighbor's car. The vehicle came alive, lights flashing, alarm blaring. The owner emerged in his bathrobe a moment later, sleepy and angry, only to see the huge beast standing next door. Deciding he could live with the alarm going off right now, he retreated back inside as the dinosaur roared at him. Then, turning, the Tyrannosaur stomped off.

Inside Benjamin's house, his parents, already stirring from the sound of the door slamming, were roused completely by the car alarm, and came outside. Neither of them thought to check their son's room. As his wife went next door to make their neighbor turn the damn alarm off, Benjamin's father stood angrily surveying the mess in the backyard, groggily thinking the dog was responsible. Then he noticed the doghouse was gone. Only when he turned and looked up, noticing the glass in his son's window was smashed, did Benjamin's father begin to truly worry.

In the stomach as the Tyrannosaurus rex began its rampage through San Diego in earnest, Benjamin digested nicely, but like his dog, he was far from a fitting meal for the huge male. And so the animal surged forward in search of further victims. Terror had come to San Diego that night and had claimed only its very first human victim, an innocent young boy who'd made the fatal mistake of assuming it was all just a dream...

The End.

New Ride at Jurassic Park

(This story is based on a drawing made by Odinboy666.) The fence wasn't electrified! This was Tim's first thought. He was dimly aware of the goat's leg that had landed on the sunroof, and his sister and Mr. Gennaro's horrified gasps to his left,...

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