Mind Control Story: Don't Underestimate The Boss

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Sequel to #44 "Hide and Seek", this story follows Levi through the lab as he makes his way up to the boss...and encounters some pretty big problems.

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Don't Underestimate The Boss for Leviathan by Draconicon

The elevator was not a short ride, and through it all, Levi couldn't stop reaching down and fondling himself. The feeling of his new latex cock, the sensation of having such a bigger, better body, was too much to ignore, and he groaned as he leaned back against the side of the elevator.

"Mmmph. Are you...you making me feel this good?"

No. This is all you, Levi.

"Heh...not helping me much."

The white dragon couldn't stop jerking at his cock, his hand stroking it constantly as if it were possessed. The few times that he had managed to pull his hand back, his cock ached and throbbed, and almost itched for more stimulation again. He groaned, fighting it for a few seconds each time before giving in and letting himself indulge a bit more. It wasn't ideal, but at least he still had one hand free for the director of this agency. As long as he had one hand free, he'd be able to deal with him.

He swore that he hadn't been this horny before, though. Ever since he had done that first transformation in the lab, changing Doctor Herst in order to make a point, he'd felt this...need...building up in him. It hadn't been too bad, more a curiosity than anything, but as time had passed, and as he'd changed another of the scientists in self defense, it had gotten worse and worse. He'd barely managed to get into the elevator before it became overwhelming and he needed to start stroking himself.

Levi knew that this couldn't be natural. Nothing like this could be. There had to be an answer, and the director of this fucking place better be ready to give it to him.

He looked at the buttons, watching the lights go out as he got higher and higher in the facility. No windows in the elevator gave him a clue of what was going on, and he wondered if they were even in an above-ground building. They might have been underground, for all that he knew; if that was the case, then he might be getting closer to the exit. If it wasn't, and they were above-ground, then he was getting further from it.

We do have wings, Levi.

"Heh, I'd forgotten that."

Flaring them out as much as he could in the small elevator, he took a second to imagine bursting through some windows and flying out of the building. The thought was so cool that he rather hoped that he could.

Then the elevator dinged, and he opened his eyes.

As the doors opened, a human in a suit turned to look at him. Levi saw the look of shock on his face, and grinned. It might have been from the fact that he'd gotten free, or it might just be surprise at seeing a masturbating dragon in his elevator. Either way, he was surprised, and that meant that he had a chance. He stepped out of the elevator, smirking as his hand continued to go up and down his cock, making him ooze latex onto the ground.

"We're here -"

The executive ducked down before Levi could finish talking. Both he and Subject #332 felt a flash of annoyance, and Levi stomped his foot.

"Hey, I'm talking here!"

"And I'm not listening."

The human stood up, and in his hand was...well, it wasn't a gun, but it was definitely some sort of firearm. It was shaped like a pistol, but had almost a squirt-gun water chamber for its ammo chamber. Levi arched an eyebrow as the human backed up a bit from the desk, taking another step forward himself.

"You better put that down. We're here for answers, and we're not leaving until we get some."

"We? Who - Subject #332 is part of you...Oh, that's just brilliant."

"So you understand."

"I didn't expect it, but I definitely understand. Unfortunately, it makes it all the more imperative that you not leave."

"And you think YOU can stop us?"

"Me? Not really. But this?"

He waved the 'gun' in his hand a few times.

"I think this will do the trick, if you don't stand down."

"We're made of latex. You can't hurt us with bullets."

"Who said I was shooting bullets?"

The human pulled the trigger, and something shiny and steaming shot out of the gun. It slammed into Levi's face, and he immediately started screaming, holding his hands over his eyes as he went blind.

"What the fuck?! What the fuck..."

It's boiling solvent. Calm down, Levi; we can regenerate it.

He stumbled about, trying to find the human with flailing hands and stumbling steps. There was no way that he could make his way across the room, though. Even as his eyes began to recover, giving him a bleary picture, he stumbled over the desk and landed hard on his stomach.

Almost instantly, the human was at his side. The latex dragon lashed out, but the human was too fast. Ducking under the blow, the executive had the 'gun' pressed up against Levi's ear. Subject #332 whimpered in his head, and Levi looked up out of the corner of his eye as the human shook his head.

"You were supposed to be an obedient soldier, #332. It's a pity that you were corrupted by your host."

"We aren't corrupted! We're ourselves."

"Heh, that's the last thing you are. Neither of you are what you once were. Fortunately, we have ways of fixing that."

The human pulled the trigger. If the boiling solvent had hurt his face, it did horrors to the insides of his head. Subject #332 started screaming, her voice high and squeaky in his head for a moment before she faded away. A second blast of the painful solvent burned away his own thoughts, leaving him completely blank. He flopped onto his back, unable to do anything but stare straight ahead.

Panting, the executive stepped onto his chest, and looked down at him, putting down the gun.

"You...you are going to learn your place. Your mind is reforming, I know that; it's nearly impossible to kill you creatures once you've been assimilated. But while you're reforming, you'll listen to me.

"Rule one. You will not disobey my orders. You will be obedient to the company, and you will do what you are told at all times.

"Rule two. You will remember your place as a soldier, rather than as a free agent. You have no free will but what we give you."

Levi could feel thoughts coming back, but as much as he struggled, he could feel these 'rules' settling in around his head. It was like metal bands being tightened around his brain, constricting what it could do. It left his head feeling under a great deal of pressure, particularly as his mind continued to recover -

"Pay attention, soldier."

The human pressed his shoe against Levi's face, slightly flattening the end of his muzzle and forcing him to stare up.

"Rule three. You will only touch yourself when you are given permission. In fact, unless you are given permission, you have no cock. Understand?"

Levi nodded, groaning as he felt his cock slithering up inside of his body, swallowed up by the rest of the latex mass. He didn't even have to look down to know that the inches were sliding away, pulled inside of him with a sickening slurp. In less than a minute, he was left with nothing but a nub down there, and then, even that was taken away. He was as flat as a doll.

And the human, it seemed, wasn't done.

"Rule four. As punishment for everything that you've done, you will be our stress relief. No employee that demands your services can be refused, nor may any of them be converted by you. You will still not be allowed your cock unless they desire it, and service only with tongue, mouth, and hole. Do you understand?"

Levi nodded, groaning as it felt like his mind was surrounded by a cage as it finally grew back completely. However, the voice of Subject #332 hadn't come back with his mind, and he wondered if it was gone. He hoped not; Subject #332 was his only guide to this new body, and without it...well, he wasn't sure if he could figure anything out.

The human stepped off of him, and kicked him in the side. It didn't hurt, but it did dent the latex for a second.

"Roll onto all fours. I will be the first to use you."

Levi did as he was told. He didn't even get up, merely rolled onto his stomach and lifted himself onto his hands and knees. It was undignified, but despite himself, he could feel his cock trying to get out of his body again as the human walked behind him. The feeling of smooth hands running along his latex ass and parting the cheeks left him blushing, particularly as he knew what was coming next.

There wasn't even a glob of spit to smooth things along, either. The human pushed his cock down against Levi's hole, and the dragon didn't even grunt as he was penetrated. A soft, almost rubbery squeaking filled the air as he was fucked, and though he wanted to grunt and moan, his body was completely still as he was rammed and fucked from behind. It was obedient and followed orders, and he hadn't been told that he could enjoy it, or get into it. He could only serve the needs of the director.

He didn't even slide around, his body too strong and too big to be moved around like that by a mere human. Instead, he remained rock solid as his ass was taken, at first hard, and then frantically by the human behind him. Levi stared straight ahead, trying to figure out some way out of this, but every time he fought his orders, those bands around his mind tightened all the harder, constricting him until he gave in.

Soon, the human finished and came in his ass, and the director pulled out. He walked around the dragon, and Levi's head was turned to look at his cum-covered cock.

"Clean me."

And he had no choice but to do it. He didn't know what he would do, now that they had this control over him, but he knew he had to find a way out. Somehow.

The End