SWAT Kats Civic Duty

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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#1 of Swat Kats

Callie takes advantage of an opportunity to thank the Swat Kats for their services.

Disclaimer: SWAT Kats and their characters belong to their respective parties.

This fanfic is adult only, as it contains graphic depictions of sex. The art is done by Antiroo and you can find a larger version of the image on her account here http://www.furaffinity.net/user/antiroo/ a

Callie sat at her desk, clacking away on the keyboard. She had spent the last six hours writing, then rewriting several speeches for the mayor. She leaned back in her chair, and stretched out her arms releasing a strained groan as she exerted her stiff muscles. I can't believe I still have to write Manx's damn speeches for him, she thought to herself. It's bad enough that I have to do it, but for the spring it on me at the last moment... She looked at the monitor, rereading the last paragraph she had just written when a knock came.

The door open to reveal the buildings janitor and his cart. "Oh, Miss Briggs, I didn't realize you were still here. Are you going to be leaving soon?"

"No, not for at least another couple hours." She said with obvious regret in her voice.

"Well, do you mind if I go then, cus your room is the only one I haven't cleaned yet, and I need to be getting to the next building?" The janitor hesitantly asked.

Callie nodded her head, "yeah you can go." The janitor quickly thanked her, then pulled the door shut behind him as he left. She slumped back down to her chair and let out a sigh. She sat there for a moment until she heard the elevator door open and close, letting her know that she was truly alone. After that she got up and went over to the door, locking it just in case anybody else came by. She returned to her desk, grabbing the keys from her purse and unlocked one of the lower drawers. After opening the drawer she quickly tossed them back into her purse with a muffled plonk. Her heart began to pump faster as she reached in and pulled out an oversize law book. It was the one book she was sure that Mayor Manx would never open if she accidentally left the drawer unlocked. She stuck her fingers between the pages about a third of the way through the thick tome, and opened it to reveal what it's hollowed out interior contained. She gently, almost religiously, removed the long red sex toy. It had four bulbous sections that made up the majority of its length, and a smooth skin like texture. On its base there was a switch to turn it on, a small dial to control it's intensity, and its model name "B.O.B Kat."

Callie set the dial to it's lowest intensity and flicked the switch, feeling the toy vibrate to life. She reached under her skirt and pressed the round tip up against her panty clad nethers. She took a sharp inhale as she felt the familiar pleasure. _"_I deserve this," she said out loud as she pressed the dildo firmer against her dampening panties.

Meanwhile Jake was diving though down town Megakat city, test driving the junker he had just fixed up. It had been a relaxing drive, as there wasn't much traffic this late at night. He was in the middle of singing along with the radio when an alarm suddenly went off in his glove box. He quickly pulled over to the side of the road and pulled out the wailing device, discovering an emergency call from Callie Briggs. He quickly turned and looked out the driver side window, gazing up at the mayor's office just a couple blocks away. It didn't seem to be in danger, but then again that didn't mean much in this town. He quickly hit a number of buttons and the image of his partner Chance popped up on the screen. "Did you get Callie's call buddy?" Jake asked as he turned his car around and headed towards the mayor's office.

"Yeah, I got the signal, but she hasn't sent any other information. I'm getting the Turbokat ready for take off, but it'll be at least 10 minutes before I can launch." Chance said as he was pulling on his flight suit so that he could assume his alternate identity.

Jake pulled into an empty parking garage as he responded. "Copy that. I'm already nearby, so I'll go in and scope out the place. Razor out" He hit a button on the car to darken the tint on the windows and retract the license plane. Then he emerged a minute later wearing his SWAT Kat jump suit. After he made it to the roof of the parking garage, he used his Glovatrix to shoot a grappling line across to the Callie's building. He took a deep breath as he steadied himself, then jumped into gulf, swinging across as he angled himself to slam though one of the lower level's windows. The glass broke with a crash as he smashed though it, rolling as he hit the floor. In an instant he had recovered, kneeling on the ground with his Glovatrix ready to blast any bad kat that might have heard his entrance. He sat there for a moment, holding his breath as he listened for movement. After a moment, when all he could hear was his own heart he finally he let out his breath and stood up.

Callie was unaware of Razor's entry into the building. She was several floors up after all, and far to occupied with her own noises. Specifically the soft moans she was releasing as she slowly moved the first few inches of her toy in and out of her pussy. She wanted to take this slow, to savor the feeling. She let out a small squeal as she pushed it further into her, and turned up the intensity to level two.

Razor was out side her office, and instantly recognized Callie's voice as he heard her outburst. With her distress call on his mind, he immediately jumped to the worst possible conclusion. Anger and fear flooded his mind as he clinched his jaw and prepared himself for a fight. He took a couple steps back from the door, then charged taking a running leap at it. The door's weak lock was no match for the barreling kat and flew open and smashed hard into the wall as Razor came tumbling in the room, stopping mere feet in front of Callie with his Glovatrix leveled almost straight on her. The two stared at each other for a moment, not quite processing what was going on. Then a huge blush took hold on the Swat Kat's face a he heard the vibration from the dildo and noticed her hiked up skirt. He spun around as fast as he could. "Oh God! I um, I didn't mean to uh, I mean I didn't see any thing. We got a distress call from you and I thought..." He trailed off, deciding it would probably be better if he just shut up.

Callie likewise was blushing as she pulled out the vibrator and fumbled with it as she tried to simultaneously hide it and turn it off. The she pulled her hiked up skirt back down to it's proper position. She couldn't believe that she'd been caught masturbating, and by Razor no less. What would he think of her now? She stared at his back trying to think of something to say. Then she noticed something a bit off. Oh my god, he's got an erection! She thought to herself as she tried to reach down and reach her panties without it looking like she was doing so, just in case he turned around. Does that mean he's thinking about me. No! It doesn't matter, it would risk putting our whole working relationship in jeopardy. She looked him over, taking in the details she could make out though his surprisingly tight flight suit. Still, he looks so good, and I've imagined his touch so many times. Could this the opportunity I've been waiting for? Callie shook her head to try to clear her primal thoughts, but they wouldn't go away. Finally she knew what she had to do, and she pushed herself to her feet. Hesitantly she walked around the desk and approached Razor from behind. She stretched her arms out around him just as he was about to try and walk away, pressing herself up against him.

"You know, it wouldn't be that bad if you did see something. I mean, as long as it was something you liked." Callie whispered into Razor's ear, making them twitch and the hair on his tail stand up straight. "So, did you like it?"

Razor swallowed hard. He didn't know what to say, he wasn't even sure if this was real. It certainly felt real, her hot breath on his ears, the soft touch of her hands, and her firm breasts pressing up against his back. Still, it was hard to believe that Callie would ever act like this. She was usually so proper. He felt her hand slide down his chest and stomach, slowly going lower. He let out a gasp as she gently glided her hand over his bulge until she found the pull tab on his flight suit's zipper.Damn it! I can't believe I'm doing this. He cursed at himself as he turned around, making her stop. "Callie I think that I..." He was interrupted by her jutting forward and pressing her lips to his. He didn't stop her as she kissed him, but he didn't return the kiss either. He was to shocked to do anything really. She didn't let his reaction stop her though, in fact she doubled down as she began to prod his lips with her tongue. Screw it, he decided. He kissed her back, letting her tongue enter his mouth as he did the same with hers. It didn't matter if this was real or some illusion. He couldn't hold back any longer. This is what he'd dreamed of ever since he first laid eyes on Callie, way back when he was just an enforcer grunt. After a minute, the two finally broke their kiss. "Alright Callie, you win. So how do you want to do this? I'll need to call off T-Bone, we don't want him dropping in on us."

"Are you sure about that? I thought you two did everything as a team. Wouldn't it be better if he was here too. I mean, you both deserve a reward for constantly saving Megakat city." Callie said as she traced her finger over his chest, feeling his muscles even through the cloth.

A smile crept onto Razor's face as he reached over and clicked a button on his Glovatrix. "Hey T-Bone, you there?"

"Yeah, Turbokat's almost ready. I can be there in a little under 10 minutes What's the current situation?" T-Bone said though the speaker.

"Situations fine, Callie just needs to see us about a... delicate issue. Could you grab the video camera before you come here?" Razor asked getting a inquisitive look from the blond kat.

"What the heck will we need that for?"

Razor gave Callie a wink as he responded. "Oh, it'll make sense once you get here. Take your time, we're, uh, still prepping for your arrival."

"Well, okay then. I'll be there shortly. T-Bone out."

Razor smiles at Callie as he begins to undo her jacket's button's. "Now where were we? Ah yes, now I remember." With her jacket opened he pulled her back into another kiss, and proceeded to fondle her breast though her blouse. It didn't take long for him to get annoyed by the cotton barrier, but rather than take the time to carefully remove it like her jacket, he simply grabbed hold of her blouse's placket and pulled hard on it. The thin threads holding the clear buttons on easily gave way, sending the plastic disks flying as he exposed her chest. Then he moved his hand back to her breast, pulling down the bra so that he could fell her naked breast against his hand. She was surprised by his sudden aggressive turn, and even more surprised by the thrill it gave her. She let out a lust filled moan as he massaged her chest, enjoying the attention she was being given.

After a couple minutes, he decided that he needed to move things along if he wanted to actually have some quality time alone with Callie before Chance showed up. He stopped playing with her breasts and snaked his hand down under her skirt and panties, inserting his middle digit into her moist pussy making her practically jump as he broke the kiss "You know what I think Callie? I think subconsciously you called us here on purpose. You wanted me to find you masturbating. You wanted an excuse to give yourself to me, to us. Isn't that right?" Razor asked while he increased the number of fingers inside her.

"Oh god! Yes please! I want you to take me, do it however you want." Callie said as she leaned into kiss him again only for him to stop her.

Razor gave her a smile and silently led her over to her desk. Then with one sweep of his arms, pushed everything off the side with a crash. "Why did you..." She was suddenly interrupted when he pushed her down onto the desk, barely giving her enough time to get her hands out in front of her to slow her decent. Then he gave her a little smack on the rear, before kneeling down behind her and pulling down her panties just enough to expose her now soaking pussy.

The thin brown kat licked his lips. "Mmm, you're positively dripping down here. I didn't know you were such a dirty girl, but I guess it's no surprise given what I caught you doing. Don't worry, I can make you feel good. All you have to do is tell me that you want it."

The blonde kat didn't need a moment to consider what he was asking for. "Please Razor, make me cum. I need it, I need it so bad!"

"That's my girl." Razor said now fully in his role. He never knew it before, but he liked being in control. He liked it a lot. He leaned in and gave her a long lick from her clitoris all the way down, stopping just short of her anus. Then he dug his snout into her as he stuck his tongue out to explore her love tunnel.

Callie let out a moan of pleasure "Your tongue! How can you be doing this with just your tongue?" She gasped as he ate her out. Eagerly he lapped away at her, enjoying the way he was making her twitch. It didn't take any time for lustful noises to fill the room. She was rapidly approaching her limit, he could tell by her increased volume as well as how how she was squirming under his touch. He could just keep this up, but that was too boring. He wanted something to really drive her crazy with pleasure. He thought about it for a moment, then pulled back just a little so he could concentrate on her clitoris. He gave it several short, fast licks then a very gentle nibble. She let out a scream as she came, arching her back as far as it would go. Before she even had time to recover, he rolled her over on her back and straddled her body and pressed his lips to hers. She tasted herself on him as she returned the kiss, surprised to find that it was a surprisingly pleasant flavor as she came down from her high.

Razor broke the kiss and got off the desk. He looked around on the floor until he found her dildo. He picked it up and turned it on , feeling it vibrate. "I'm so glad we're finally doing this. You have no idea how many times I've imagined making you scream." He said as he forced the majority of the dildo into her body without warning. She let out a gasp of surprise, then a stifled scream as he turned it up to it's highest intensity. After wards he pulled up her panties to insure that the toy wouldn't slip free when she moved.

"You know what else I imagined, you on your knees licking and sucking on my cock like it was a lollipop. What about you, is that one of your fantasies too?" He asked as he pulled her off the desk and pushed her down to her knees. Callie looked up at him and smiled,then reached out and unzipped his flight suit enough to let his large cock flop free. He was already glistening with precum. She could smell his strong musk as she hovered only inches from his throbbing length. It was intoxicating and it beckoned her onward. She reached out with one hand and wrapped her fingers around his shaft, finding it too wide for her fingers to touch her thumb. She lifted him upward and leaned in, licking at his large full balls, feeling the heat radiating off them before lapping at his sloppy cock. The salty taste and smooth texture of his dick, the realization of one of her fantasy coming to fruition, and the pulsating rod inside her nearly brought her to orgasm. Something that Razor noticed and gave he a wonderful idea. He pulled back from her, resting his hands on her shoulders so she couldn't try and move with him. "Callie, would you like to know who we are, I mean under the mask?"

"Of course, I'd love to know who saved me and the city time and time again." She said a bit surprised at the question.

"I'm glad to hear that, and I want to share it with you, but you'll need to pass a test first though. See, if you know who we are, someone might try to coerce the information out of you. I need to know that you have the strength to resist long enough for us to rescue you. So, if you want to find out, I need you to to keep from cumming until T-Bone arrives. If you can do that, I'll show you my face. Deal?" Razor asked as he pulled her forward, shoving himself into her mouth before she could respond. "Good, now get sucking."

Ten minutes later the Turbokat arrived at the Mayor's office. It's lights were all blacked out, and it's jets were operating in a stealth mode that drastically reduced it's noise as it came in for a vertical landing. As soon as it touched down, T-Bone jumped out and casually made his way down to Callie and Razor's location. As he walked down the empty hallways he tried to think of all the reason's that they would need the camera. He was leaning towards some kind of corruption scandal that required evidence, rather than a jet fighter intervention. All those thoughts came to a screaming halt as he entered Callie's office and saw her, chest exposed and bobbing her head on Razor's cock. "What the hell?" He half yelled while throwing his arms up.

Before T-Bone could get a response, Callie pulled off Razor and let out an ear shattering scream as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her whole body shook as she came around the intensely vibrating toy, then she started to collapse only to be caught by the quick reflexes of the newly arrived SWAT Kat. He gave Razor a scowl and was about to lay into the shorter kat when Callie opened her eyes. He looked down and saw her smiling up at him.

"I won." She said, perplexing T-Bone. "Now pay up you two." Razor chuckled, then pulled up his mask revealing himself to her. "Jake? Then that would mean you're..." Chance pulled up his mask revealing what she had already surmised, though he didn't appear to be nearly as happy about doing it as Jake had. "Don't worry Chance, I'll keep your secret."

"I'm sure you will, that's not why I'm mad." Chance said softly to her before glaring at Jake.

Callie looked between the two kats, then quickly got what was going on. "Don't be jealous, it isn't what you think. Let me show you." She said as she pulled him down into a passionate kiss. "See." Chance was no longer nearly as angry, but he was even more confused.

Jake reached down and pulled down the blonde's panties and reduced the vibrator's strength back down to it's minimum level, all while T-Bone watched with a growing blush. "What's the easiest way to put this? Callie here needs some relief. The kind of relief only the SWAT Kats can give. Isn't that right?" He asked petting her on the head.

The female kat nodded. "Yeah, I need you, both of you. Both of you cumming inside me till it over flows." She paused for a moment as she pulled Chance down so that he was looking straight into her eyes. "Please, let me be the SWAT Kat's personal pet!"

The larger SWAT Kat looked at the blond, then up to razor, then back at her. He grinned and picked her up. "Well, it would be cruel to turn our backs on some one in need." He took her over to the desk, and sat her down on in. Then he ran his hand against her cheek, moving it back till her hair was running between his fingers. Then he unzipped his flight suit to reveal his hardening cock. "I just hope you don't break." He said as he pulled her onto him, forcing her to take all of him in her first go.

She gagged around his impressive girth, then coughed as he pulled her off him. "I've never taken someone that deep before. Just give me a little bit to get use to it." She said between coughs, while looking up at him.

"No," came his curt reply. Without another word, he forced her back down his full length, setting a fast rhythm for the inexperienced kat. "You said you wanted to be ours, well that means you need to be a quick learner. Don't worry, I have faith in you." He as she forced the gagging feline up and down his shaft. She couldn't believe he was doing this to her. She always imagined he would be so gentle, yet she wasn't angry or disturbed by this. No she was aroused? Could that really be right, could she enjoy being forced to do something so degrading. No, she couldn't be, yet she had no desire to resist or even ask him to stop.

Jake was recording the whole thing. Zooming in on her face to capture the look of bliss as she was forced to service the thick rod violating mouth. Then slow panning down to show the bulge moving up and down the small, tight throat. It didn't take too long for him to get riled up watching the sexy kat get throat fucked. He quickly handed the camera over to Chance, then walked to the opposite side of the table. Chance saw what he wanted to do, and temporarily pulled Callie's head back. Jake grabbed her by the waist and turned her on her side, then raised her left leg up so that he could have better access. She licked her lips in anticipation, waiting for the bliss she was sure to come.

He pulled the dildo out of her slowly, then slipped himself in at an equally deliberate pace. Callie bit her lower lip as she imagined what it would look like, since all she could see was the smile on Chance's face and the camera that was undoubtedly pointed down at her and Jake's nethers. "Mmm, it's a good thing your so wet." He said as he pulled out of her pussy. She thought it was a strange statement to make, when she suddenly let out a grunt of pain as he slammed most of himself into her rear.

"That's the wrong hole!" She said through clenched teeth.

Chance laughed and shook his head. "Sorry, but sure shot always hits what he's aiming at."

"No, you don't understand, I've never had anythuck," she was silenced mid-word by Chance's thick dick gagging her.

Jake started to roughly thrust into her ass, not caring if she was enjoying it or not. "Oh my god, she's even tighter back here. She's squeezing my dick like a vice." He said making her blush as she was forced to get use to the meat piston plowing her forbidden hole.

"No kidding, I can see how wide you're stretching her from back here. Gotta tell you though, her throat's not half bad either. Still, you might want to slow down just a little, don't you think?" Chance asked even as he was increasing his own pace, slapping his balls against her chin.

"Screw that, she just needs something to distract her." Jake said as he began to force the vibrator in and out of her dripping cunt. She shuttered at the sudden pleasure added by the dildo, which Jake felt and took as a sign of acceptance. He continued his fast pace, until he finally got himself balls deep in her ass. Only then did he finally pause, but not to give her time to get use to his size. He couldn't take much more of this, and needed a break. Unfortunately, he didn't expect what came next. The pain that Jake's cock had initially caused quickly began to dissipate once she was distracted by the vibrator's pleasure. Soon it just a slight annoyance, and before to long it had transformed into a kind of satisfying pressure. Once that happened, she was barely able to keep from cumming. When he finally rammed himself all the way in, that satisfaction had made way for bliss. She let out a gargled moan as she came, milking both the cock in her rear, and the dick in her throat for all they were worth.

Jake came almost immediately after her. He gave a couple savage thrusts, pulling almost completely out then slamming himself back in with abandon before finally releasing a burst of cum into her intestines. She groaned as she felt him flood her with his hot seed. She wasn't sure how much he was releasing, but it had to be a lot as she could swear she could feel his cock pulse with each wad shot into her. He was panting by the time he finally finished cumming, but he didn't pull out or wait to recover his strength. Jake immediately resumed humping her rear, enjoying the, wet moist sensation of his own cum being forced out around his cock.

A minute or two later Chance came. He pulled himself out so that only an inch or two was still in her mouth. He wanted her to taste his cum, to watch her gulp it down. She wanted that too, and she quickly grabbed his cock and began to pump it. He grunted out her name as he sprayed her mouth with his thick jizz. She eagerly swallowed it down as fast as she could, enjoying his salty man milk. Still, despite her best efforts it was too much for her to handle, and she ended up coughing and taking the last splurt straight in the face. The two guys just laughed as she tried to stretch her tongue up to collect the last of his cum.

Eventually the two kats pulled out of her, letting her slump down on the desk and pant for air. Jake opens her desk and finds a sanitary wipe, using it to clean off his still rock hard cock, while Chance records him doing it. "Now it's time to move onto the main event." Razor says as he gestures to be given the camera. Chance tosses it to him. Then T-Bone pulls down his mask and goes over and picks up the exhausted Callie. She giggles as he holds her up by her waist, teasing her aching pussy with the bulbous tip of his cock. She then let out a gasp as Razor, once again wearing his mask, presses his cock up against T-Bone's.

"Alright bud, lets give Miss Callie the SWAT Kat Special." Razor said as T-Bone slowly began to lower the she kat down on to the pair of dicks. Just as the two tips were beginning to spread her tight pussy, both of the SWAT Kat's Glovatrix lit up with an alarm. "Damn it, of all the times... The Metallikats are attacking Pumadyme labs" T-Bone pulled her off the two of them and gently sat her down on the desk.

The two kats begrudgingly forced their erections back into their now cum splatted jumpsuits. "Sorry Callie but duty calls. We will pick this up some other time, you can be sure of that." T-Bone said just before they sprinted towards the door.

"You know," Callie yelled as a huge blush took hold of her face, making them pause just before reaching the door. "I have a lot of vacation time, and my car needs a lot of work. I could bring it by tomorrow, but I don't have another means of transportation back to the city, so I guess I'll just have to stay at your garage until it's done." The two gave her a grin, then disappeared out the door.

That's the end of the chapter. Please leave a comment if you'd like to see a sequel.