A Noise Complaint
Someone's been a really naughty boy.
A Noise Complaint
Whoot! This is a commission for Aaron Blackpaw and
Gritou with an additional appearance by Mr. Gritou's wolfylicious boyfriend
Perrin Wolfbrother whom is also celebrating his birthday today - so consider this a surprise birthday gift both from
Gritou and
Gruffy for this one lupo italiano - and of course this story is meant to be enjoyed by everyone who happens to read it!
Happy birthday for all involved, and for everyone else, do have a fun read, and tell me what you think! :)
"...Unit three oh six, responding to dispatch on the target now."
"Roger, three oh six."
Officer Blackpaw tapped the tangent on the mic attached to his uniform collar and winced viciously as he glanced through the windshield of the police cruiser and at the subject of this call. Even from this distance his acute ears could make out the incessant thump of the baseline coming from a stereo system being played at an impolite volume at this hour.
"Fuck," the black wolf hissed roughly to himself.
He knew that if it wasn't for the stupidity of people, he would have scant work for himself as a law enforcement officer, but that hardly made him feel better about responding to calls like this at 11:30 pm. They just never learned, he thought, with a bad-tempered scowl.
The sturdy wolf climbed out of the police cruiser he'd parked in front of the block of flats, eyed it with a critical glance, and headed for the stairs. His dark uniform and cap were only complimented by the piercing green eyes, the stiff tail and the numerous accessories hanging from the utility belt about his hips - nightstick, pistol, mace, pawcuffs, taser, everything clattering ever so softly while he climbed the stairs, sought out the correct apartment number, and then scaled further steps into the third floor.
This close, he could've made out words, should there been any on the music that was being played. It was the kind of stuff that made Officer Blackpaw's entire skull hurt. He was pretty sure that the low bass could make the fillings in his teeth resonate or something. The wolf was even more displeased by the entire call by the time he reached the door marked with a brass "32". A plate below that held the names of two occupants.
A moment's contemplation was followed by a series of thumping knocks on the door, before the wolf cop assumed his most intimidating pose as he waited for a reply.
There was none.
"Fucktards," the wolf hissed.
He knocked on the door again, harder this time, almost enough to make the hinges of the door creak.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Open up you stupid fucks, Officer Blackpaw growled to himself while his vitriolic thoughts swirled about. His annoyance was only added by the loud sound of boyish giggling coming from inside the troublesome apartment.
For fuck's sake, thought the wolf, as he repeated another series of booming knocking bangs on the door.
"Open up!" Officer Blackpaw yelled. "This is the police! Open up!"
He knocked once again for emphasis and waited, his tail tense behind him and one paw resting on the hilt of the rubber nightstick as he waited for any kind of a response from the inside of the apartment. Seconds ticked by, while the wolf cop's annoyance only seemed to grow along with the volume of his own growl. He was pretty sure that whoever was inside surely would have heard the knocking, let alone the angry yell that had accompanied it.
Officer Blackpaw was just about to add another round of practically door-bashing knock with a leather-gloved paw when there was a little rattle, and the door opened a crack to show the glimpse of an eye looking out into the hallway. Officer Blackpaw's ears flicked backwards as the noise of the music solidified, now that the structural obstruction of the door was gone. He could still not make out anything but what sounded like noise to him. It did not please the wolf.
The eye looking out became visibly larger when whoever was spying on the wolf cop saw the presence of a tall, scowling black lupine in uniform and brandishing a baton and a terrifying expression on his muzzle.
"We have received a complaint about excessive noise in these premises," said Officer Blackpaw. "How about you open this door?"
The eye blinked, and the door opened further, to reveal a stocky wolf wearing a disreputable T-shirt with a Game of Thrones theme on its printed front, and some shorts, nothing more, the cop noted when he gave the occupant of the apartment a quick once-over to use his professional eye to detect any concealed weapons. He did not detect any, though the smell he picked from the guy was somewhat offensive to his nose. Alcohol, definitely, potato chips, vinegar, spices, and something else. Musty. Musky, perhaps, even. The guy was younger than him, mid-20's, thought Blackpaw, a grey wolf who looked very worried at being under the scrutiny of a big wolf cop being suddenly bestowed on him. He looked like the average drunken reveler on any night the wolf cop was patrolling, though his outer appearance stood out to a degree by the presence of a black leather collar around his neck. It seemed like something of an odd fashion accessory to wear, when everything else was rather conventional.
"That's better," Officer Blackpaw said curtly.
"Uhhh..." the wolf mumbled.
"WHUT IS IT?" a voice yelled from the inside of the apartment, something that made the wolf tenant's ears flicker, and drew the cop's eyes and ears too, towards the now open door where the grey wolf stood, bare-pawed and apparently confused.
"How many others in the apartment besides you?" Blackpaw barked.
"Uh...just one..." the wolf said.
"TELL THEM WE'RE NOT BUYING ANYTHING!" the voice from within continued, followed by a chorus of the same giggling the wolf cop had heard before. The chortled edge made Blackpaw's tempers even more frayed.
"I think I'm going to check these premises for illegal activities," Officer Blackpaw declared. "If only to get this goddamn noise down."
"Step inside, sir," Blackpaw squeezed the hilt of his nightstick.
The wolf turned around meekly and walked into the hallway leading to the interior of the apartment proper. Officer Blackpaw pulled the door shut, his current danger assessment telling to himself that he wasn't likely stepping into the middle of a murderous ambush, and at least closing that door would reduce the level of stupid noise emanating into the rest of the building to bully the other tenants. It was not a very large apartment, and a few steps separated the front door, through the hallway, into the living room.
Here the cop discovered the ultimate source of the noise. There was a stereo set, not particularly large, but it had been cranked up to eleven and was still blasting away. An orca sat on a leather couch with the controller of some sort of a game console on his hands, with his eyes mostly concerned with the sight of a flat screen TV in front of him showing colorful game graphics. Empty beer bottles and other alcoholic beverages were to be seen near the orca by the wolf cop's careful scanning gaze, and the smell in the air confirmed that. Beer, vodka, cranberry juice, Pringles, musk and sweat.
The shirtless orca's eyes widened in equal measures to how the grey wolf's eyes had performed earlier at the sight of the dark, uniformed visitor into the apartment. The grey wolf still stood near the cop, ears flat, his paw clenching uncomfortably on his sides while he mostly stared at his own bare toes in a sign of embarrassment.
"What's this?" the orca honked in surprise.
"A noise complaint," Officer Blackpaw barked out. "Could you please turn down that goddamn thing?"
He gestured at the blasting stereo, which both the grey wolf and the orca looked at upon such an urging. The wolf looked more embarrassed now than anything else, while the orca's expression lingered between curiosity, annoyance, and surprise.
"S-sure..." the wolf suddenly snapped into action. He quickly walked past the couch and over to the dresser that held the stereo. A couple of taps on the buttons was all that was eventually needed to turn off the infernal noise, at least in the cop's mind, and all three of them remained in awkward semi-silence only punctuated by the occasional bleep from the TV where a paused video game remained in waiting.
"Perrin, what's going on?" the orca looked at the wolf.
"I guess the music was too loud..." the grey wolf replied.
"Do you both live here?" asked Officer Blackpaw, fingers tapping on the hilt of his baton impatiently.
"Y-yes," the grey wolf said.
"Sure," said the orca in a slightly slurred voice. "Me and my mate here!"
The black wolf glanced at the grey wolf, whom shied from the look quickly. Blackpaw looked back over at the still seated orca.
"Mate, eh?" suggested the black wolf.
"Not like it's illegal," the orca huffed indignantly. "Nothing a big bad wolf like you can do about it!"
Blackpaw chortled. The orca obviously had some attitude, and he wasn't afraid of speaking up cocky remarks to the cop as well. The copious liquid courage probably had its part to do with it as well.
"Don't care what you two do together, but causing a disturbance is a misdemeanor," Blackpaw continued. "Your neighbors are trying to get some sleep."
The orca suddenly stood up from the couch, and his tail-fin flipped from side to side as he gained his drunken balance on his feet. This sudden move alarmed the cop somewhat, but he relaxed once the orca did not make any further moves towards the police officer or anywhere else. The orca only wore some boxers, much like the wolf whom had been revealed as a boyfriend by the orca's remarks, and seemed to have trouble standing up properly. That roused the wolf cop's suspicions to a degree, since despite the number of alcohol bottles in sight, the two seemed relatively very confused.
"Are you sure that you've only been drinking?" the wolf nodded towards the empty liquor bottle on the floor.
"Y-yeah, sure," said the grey wolf. "Just some drinks and snacks."
A toppled Pringles can seemed to give positive evidence on that claim. Their bleary eyes and demeanor weren't those of high-strunk meth junkies or the dullness of someone who had taken anything that relaxed the central nervous system, and the wolf cop was pretty good at telling them apart after having met too many examples. It more looked like this was a case of youthful swagger combined with alcohol and consequential lack of better judgment.
"Is that so?" stated Officer Blackpaw.
"We're just gaming here!" the orca honked again, seemingly more annoyed than the grey wolf lingering by the stereo. "None of your business!"
The cop growled threateningly.
"Your leisure isn't my business, but causing disturbance to others is," the wolf said. "So you better keep the noise down from now on, and maybe already go to bed since it's getting late and we don't want someone else to call the police here for another go at you? That time you might not get away with just a warning."
"We...we won't do anything, officer," the grey wolf mumbled. "Right, Gritou?"
The orca looked at the grey wolf and then at the black wolf, whom still stood with his back towards the doorway into the hall, effectively keeping an eyes on and dominating the entire apartment with his presence.
"We were just having a bit of fun here and someone had to come and spoil it," the orca grunted, "It's not like we were doing anything wrong here, just gaming and drinking and having a bit of fun - "
"Gritou!" the grey wolf yelped, his ears flat.
Officer Blackpaw looked at the embarrassed wolf and then at the orca again. Gritou saw this look and seemed to dislike it, because he narrowed his eyes.
"Whut?" he grunted. "Don't like the idea of two guys doing it? What? Think it's wrong? Huh?"
The orca's tail flipped about, and he stared at the cop in front of him, seemingly intent on challenging the wolf's opinions, even if Officer Blackpaw had not made any statements to offer any kind of a judgement on anything except the sensibility of blasting stereos when the time was near to midnight.
The wolf did not enjoy such a challenge. His neck furs bristled and he bared his teeth, flashing their bright white tips while he assumed a more broad, dangerous posture. He did not intend to resort to any of weapons, because he knew that he could most likely either talk the guy down or simply use his safely gloved paws, and there was no need to escalate things with the likes of drawing a taser or a nightstick, let alone his sidearm.
"Well we do it often and we do it hard and he was just sucking my cock when you barged in," the orca slurred, "my big haaard gay cock..."
"Grit!" the grey wolf yelped again.
The black wolf snuffled. Officer Blackpaw was starting to feel more amused than annoyed, now that the terrible music was gone and he was rather having this strange chat with the indignant orca who had suddenly started to boast about the state of his manly equipment. He could practically see a bit of bulging on those boxers, too, which meant that the mostly internal gear of the orca was still swollen, under the fabric of the underwear.
"Is that so?" Blackpaw stated.
"Yup," the orca grinned naughtily. "He loves sucking on my cock...and riding it..."
A dark flash of arousal sparked somewhere in the pit of the black wolf's belly, one that spread a warm glow up his spine, to tickle on his stomach, to his balls, to his sweaty sheath, even to tickle on his own asshole under his tense tail, where the puckered muscles were prone to react to any arousal in such a manner. The orca's boastful claims combined with the lingering musk in the room were starting to have an effect. The grey wolf's extremely embarrassed look, bordering on shocking, was only an icing on the cake. He'd rarely seen such a guilty face on someone of that age, the kind that on a kid might've indicated that they were about to piss themselves. And Blackpaw wasn't beyond scaring an unruly kid to the point of spontaneous self-micturition, if that was what it took to drive the message home.
"Figured that when two guys go at it, one has to be pussy boy," the black wolf said. "Tailraiser..."
"Hey!" the orca yelled. "That's pretty fucking offensive!"
The dark tension grew, rapidly, uncontrolled inside the police officer in the uniform, spreading into his body, taking over without resistance. His paw fell to his belt and pulled open a stretch of Velcro to tug out a pair of pawcuffs from their storage pocket on the belt.
"Turn around, you're resisting a police officer and that's an offense," Officer Blackpaw said in his deep drawl.
"Hey what's this!" the orca hollered.
"Don't make me need to call backup, kid," Blackpaw hissed.
The shocked orca didn't seem to even have the mind to resist properly when his wrist was grabbed, had a stainless steel cuff snapped on it, and both of his arms were pulled behind his back before the police finished the quick fire bondage by securing the other hand into the other with the length of chain connecting the cuffs together. The orca's tail flailed and he yelled, with surprise and anger, trying to struggle away from the police officer's grip.
"Hey, fuck, hey, no, no!"
"GRITOU!" the grey wolf yelled in shock and surprised, wide-eyed in staring while he saw his boyfriend suddenly become cuffed as he was.
"You stand right there or you're going to be charged with aiding and abetting and resisting a police officer," Blackpaw growled another threat at the wolf. "You stay right there."
"I...I'm a lawyer..." Perrin said feebly.
Officer Blackpaw snapped open the holder of his spare cuffs and dangled them from one paw.
"You should then know fucking better, shouldn't you?" he told the wolf. "Now, stand right there."
The wolf did not resist when the police officer approached and he too was cuffed with his paws behind his back, all the while the orca yelled profanities at the sight of his boyfriend getting bound in a similar fashion to how he had been incapacitated before.
"YOU FUCKING NAZI!" the orca hollered.
"Oh shut up," Blackpaw sounded almost bored when he made his remark. "On your knees, wolf."
The grey wolf looked scared, but could not do anything but obey the command coming from the authoritative black-furred male in the apartment. Once he was down on the floor, Officer Blackpaw turned his attention to the fuming orca.
"Now you go down too, boy," the cop told the orca. "Don't make me tell you twice."
"I'm not gonna - "
Blackpaw grabbed the orca's shoulders and slammed him down to his knees on the floor in front of the couch and kept them there as well, to make sure the young man would not struggle while he glared down at the orca.
"Bitch," the black wolf hissed.
"I think that's gonna happen very much the other way around..." said Blackpaw. He released one paw while he continued holding the orca down, and began to undo his belt and pants while the orca stared in disbelief.
"You - "
The cop pulled out a huge, musky, dark cock and balls that plopped out heavily from his pant, sending a veritable wave of musk over to the orca's nostrils. The killer whale couldn't help but stare at the big masculine package which was definitely the last thing he had intended to see at this moment.
"Now you better behave, kid..."
"That...that..." the grey wolf muttered from the side. That barely warranted a glance from Blackpaw, whom smirked, and grabbed the orca's chin to pull his head up.
"Let's see if this keeps ye quiet..."
The black wolf crouched down just enough to make sure the level was right, and buried the orca's snout with a tug of his paw into the musky furry pouch of his balls. He felt as much as heard the sudden hitch in breath when the orca got a noseful of ball musk, and a surprised honk escaped from the water boy as well, being subjected to such a manly, arousing scent.
"There ye go, kid," Blackpaw clenced his fingers against the smooth surface of the orca's head. "Take it..."
"Oh my God..." Perrin rumbled nearby, watching his boyfriend be defiled in such a manner and unable to resist, either.
"Looks like he likes it, wuff," Blackpaw flashed a dirty look over to the staring black wolf, "think he deserves some more, too..."
A twist of a paw dropped the wolf's utility belt down to the floor, and a few tugs meant that his pants followed along, as well as underwear, to reveal more of the wolf. The orca seemed to be nuzzling at the wolf's package without too much urging by that moment, however, an act that did not go amiss from Blackpaw.
"Got something else for you to eat, shithead," Blackpaw told rudely to the orca.
He tugged Gritou away from his junk and performed a kind of a ballet turn, on his feet, painting a 180-degree fan with his raising tail before it swung over the top of the orca's head before snapping down over his back, to add to the leverage of a paw Blackpaw reached behind him to push the surprised orca's gawking muzzle under his tail and into the musky crack of the dirty police officer's sweaty ass.
Blackpaw winked to the bound grey wolf who could do nothing but stare at the sight of his boyfriend being made to breathe ass musk, and the big, evil cop's huge cock dangling out of his pants, standing almost directly upright and arched dangerously, complete with that big, red, veined knot bulging with the blood engorging the cop's tool. He was obviously enjoying the orca's prompt submission, though wanted more, as indicated by his hurried growl.
"Lick, boy."
The orca did as he was told, his big, broad tongue swiping over and tasting even musk as he dwelled into the furry crevice of the cop's rear. Hot air huffed up and down over the black wolf's ass crack, and his paw kept the orca's snout buried under his raised tail, to make sure that the young man got a proper whiff of what a real man, in the police officer's opinion, should smell like.
"Yeah...eating ass like a pro now, wuff...guess he likes doing that to you before he sticks it in ye..."
The grey wolf tried to look away, but the sight of his boyfriend servicing the cop was too hypnotic to ignore. The front of his own underwear swell suspiciously as the seconds ticked by, with their ears being tickled by the extremely lewd noise of tongue trying to dig into a wrinkled asshole.
"Should've known you like it you bastard," Blackpaw grinned to his fellow lupine while giving his own cock a brief, singular stroke, simply because he could, knowing that the two other males in the room had been deprived of such privileges by the nasty cop's cuffs. "Love seeing your orca eat wuff ass..."
The wolf did not say anything, but he also did not avert his eyes from the shameful sight of the orca being made to rim the wolf's ass. Blackpaw's cock throbbed aggressively from the pleasurable sensations pulsing through his body, and he already leaked heavy drops of pre-cum from the blunt tip. His raunchy scowl of dominance and pleasure barely left his muzzle anymore, now that he was enjoying showing the orca who was the boss by forcing his rump on the helpless orca's face. That hot, big, slippery tongue plunging onto his crack felt as sexy as it ever did, Blackpaw thought, and it gave him inspiration...quite naturally so.
"Hmmmrr," Blackpaw rumbled, "time to check if you can suck cock..."
He didn't let go of the orca's head, instead, simply made sure it would stay in place while he performed another turn. His cock swayed in the motion. The ensuing orca face slap was certainly not an accident, and made a resounding noise with the contact of hefty flesh on the orca's lushed cheek.
"Good slut," Blackpaw growled.
He thrust his cock between the orca's lips. He didn't need to be told what to do, either, the wolf thought, when he felt the killer whale start to suck on the big cock that'd suddenly been lodged into his maw. Gritou's eyes fell closed, and he gobbled on the cock the wolf kept pumping between the lips stretched around his thick shaft. Blackpaw assumed a victorious smirk and looked from the orca's sweaty, reverent face over to the gawking wolf on the other side of the small living room.
"See that, wuff?" he sneered. "That's how your boy sucks real man cock...real, big hard wolf dick..."
He thrust deep, practically to the knot, and the orca on his dick gagged with the sudden mass trying to force itself into his throat. Blackpaw held him in place despite the gargling protests, until copious saliva bubbled out of the orca's maw and all over his chin, slicking it up. There were tears in the corners of his eyes by the time Officer Blackpaw pulled himself back and let the orca breathe again.
It was a sight sexy enough for him to repeat twice more, which reduced the orca to a breathless, gasping state, and fueled Blackpaw's dirty lust even further.
"Time to uncork a bitch," said Blackpaw.
He grasped the orca under the arms and pulled him up in a somewhat awkward move, but with enough leverage to shove the orca shoulders and face down on the couch, knees still resting on the floor in front of it. Blackpaw had his own pants around his ankles and shuffled with equal clumsiness into place behind the kneeling, immobilized orca. He grabbed Gritou's boxers and tore them apart, clean off, not even trying to pull them away without causing such damage. The orca honked, with his maw buried against the leather couch, and could not offer resistance when he got a spanking smack over his butt before the wolf grabbed his tail and with his other paw began to slap the killer whale rear with his cock. The muffled yelps drew the attention of his boyfriend, too, staring at the spectacle with a huge boner in his shorts while watching his orca submit to the bad cop.
Blackpaw's cock spewed pre-cum over the orca's smooth crack. It offered only meager lubrication, but he wasn't about to start looking for a bottle of proper lube. Instead he sought the orca's pucker and the delightful heat and tightness he was sure to discover soon. The growling wolf's smile had not waned, and somehow he even managed to retain his officer's cap over his head while he mounted the orca.
"Bet your lil' wuff hopes he'd be the one fucking your ass, fish boy," Blackpaw drawled, his huge cocktip poking threateningly at the orca's hole, "stick his lil' dick into your asshole...but naw...it's daddy wolf..."
He gripped the orca's hips hard and pushed, causing the killer whale to yelp.
"Grit..." the wolf gasped.
"Hsshhhh..." the wolf cop warned, "nice 'n easy wuff..."
It wasn't, not exactly. The initial thrust that found its spot was hard and pushed the tip onto the orca's pucker, and the following pushing really let the bad cop gain some ground as he bore into the orca's ass. Gritou let out surprised, deep moans against the seating of the couch, but nothing he could do would stop the wolf from claiming his asshole. The thick shaft slid in, one sore inch after another, and filled up the orca who'd done the mistake of opening his maw at the wrong moment and spoken against the cop. Blackpaw's nerves had been frayed enough after a long shift of dealing with idiots, and this was really the last straw.
At least this time it seemed like he might be able to engage himself in some true...police-citizen cooperation of the kind that he preferred. Drilling into a tight, possibly not very experienced orca asshole was much preferable to other kinds of dealings with assholes.
"Yeah...that's what happens to good lil' slut boys..." Blackpaw said when he started to thrust in earnest, balls slapping against the moaning orca's crack.
"Uuhhhhh..." Perrin moaned. He couldn't do anything but stare, seeing how the uniformed wolf ploughed into his boyfriend's vulnerable rump with abandon, with heavy ass-slapping, ball-bumping thrusts into the hole under the orca's flailing tail. The cop's cap was slowly becoming more and more lopsided with his body's swaying motions, but that did not stop the huffing menace who was eager to breed away some of the unhappy tension that'd been growing in him throughout his workful patrol. The orca's lupine better half watched, on his knees and with a massive boner tenting his underwear,collared and useless for the moment.
"There's gonna be enough for you too, wuff," Officer Blackpaw noticed the wolf's interest, and shot him a lewd smirk, tongue lolling between his lips, "gonna drop a load in this ass first..."
His orca bottom moaned, hearing such a promise. He seemed to have given up any semblance of resistance, and now instead just laid there taking the ass railing from the huge canine cock pumping into his ass. He was stretched and dragged. with the heavy knot bumping against the orca's hole again and again, pre-cum spurting inside his passage with every heavy thrust.
The wolf held nothing back, either, and was soon hunched over the orca, in the throes of an orgasm that spilled plentiful amounts of cop-cum into the orca's convulsing butt. The thrusting noises became especially sloppy and raunchy with the cum churned out of the orca's hole and dribbled down onto his taint.
"Shit..." said Officer Blackpaw," got it on my pants..."
He was in the process of pulling out of the orca's man-snatch, and found that he had dripped all over his mussled clothing, and now the dark fabric was stained with his seed.
"...but I know just how to get it cleaned..."
Officer Blackpaw left the orca's hole to drool cum obscenely and got up, careful not to topple over with his pants around his legs. His cock was still throbbing pleasantly, and ready to go for it, too, and his eyes sought out the wolf, who watched the entire process with what looked like glassy eyes.
"Get ready, wuff, got something creamy 'n tasty for ya," Blackpaw growled.
Perrin barely had a time to blink before the bad cop was on him, sticking his cock and ass-flavored dick into the grey wolf's muzzle. The pawuffed man obeyed without questioning, really, as he took the cock that had just been in his boyfriend's tailhole into his muzzle instead.
"Good boy," Blackpaw ruffled the wolf's head furs," there's a good pup..."
The wolf's tongue felt almost too good on his over-sensitive cock, still glowing with pleasure and tension from his previous orgasm. He didn't last the tongue polishing for very long before he yanked himself out of the wolf's pleasantly wet muzzle and decided on a better place to put it.
"Let's see how long it'll take me to get another load out..." Blackpaw drawled. "You like that, wuff?"
"Y-yes sir..." Perrin moaned.
He was thrown face down and ass up over the back rest of the couch, muzzle almost touching that of the orca who looked up in surprise when he felt his boyfriend's breath fall on his muzzle. Blackpaw grabbed the wolf's tail and pulled it up so that he could get a good look on the pink hole he was about to steal for himself before he took aim and thrust.
"Yup, fish slut, watch your boy get it in the ass from a real man..." Blackpaw growled to the orca while he ground his slimy cock against the wolf's taint, "he's gonna like it..."
"UuuhhhH...." the wolf moaned deeply.
"Gonna make another kind of noise complaint..." Officer Blackpaw mused as he already imagined himself plugging the young wolf's ass. He was a sexy sight, head down and with his arms cuffed behind his back while his ass was played with by thickly muscled paws teasing those lupine buns for a moment more.
The red hot cock pressed close, and the wrinkled hole barely had a time to wonder about getting poked in reverse, before it got used to it and yielded, like a good boy, and allowed the blunt, excessively slick dick to start gaining ground.
"Ohhhhffffuuuuuck!" yelped the grey wolf, and as a reward for that got two inches of thick, gut-stretching dick into his rear.
"It's...fucking huge..." Gritou mumbled, now that he was coherent enough to watch what was actually going on.
"Ehhuuhhh..." the panting wolf replied.
Blackpaw didn't much care about the banter between lovers. He just wanted to fuck and he did as much once he decided he wasn't going to slip out embarrassingly mid-fuck. He began to thrusts, big paws gripping onto the fuzzy hips at will. The tight, slippery ring clenched down on him hard, and only added to the sensations flowing through his cock, pumping into the wolf's hot guts.It must've been an excessively dirty sight, the wolf getting fucked while his boyfriend watched literally lying down like a beached whale. The heavy bulk of the cop made the couch all three of them rested on to creak and shake a little. The video game still beeped out occasionally, as if trying to get some attention to itself after being so sorely forgotten.
Right now the most sore thing was going to be Perrin's ass, though, with a big bad wolf-knot about to slam inside his pucker-ring. Blackpaw's ardour had been growing for quite some time then through the minutes of humping into the tight but obviously well-trained hole, and he knew that he was going to finish this one sunk to the sheath inside the young man's heat, and there was no changing his mind on that, no matter the amount of teeth-clenching it was going to cause.
"There's a good lil' wuff..." Blackpaw encouraged, in his own, rude way, as he slammed in...in....in..
"OGHHHHH!" the wolf's eyes went remarkably wide when the knot pierced him and lodged itself into his ass, audibly popping into place into his poor anus.
The wolf got plugged, and almost immediately, after only a few thrusts, hot, soaring cum poured into Perrin's asshole. His eyes were closed and he let out a vague, crooning noise when he felt his sore, tired ass washed white with the seed coming in thick spurts into his rear.
"There's....your...community service..." huffed Blackpaw, who finally seemed happy now that his balls were double drained and the two guys' misdemeanors had been wiped away from Blackpaw's personal register of bad-doers.
At least until he'd have a reason for another visit, for another complaint...mebbe.
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a good time reading, and I look forward to your feedback. Do remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to fnd these stories to enjoy as well!